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What does low hematocrit in the blood mean? Decreased hematocrit in the blood in adults, children and pregnant women. Reduced hematocrit in children

Let's start with what is hematocrit? This is a conditional indicator that is derived by determining the ratio of the number of formed particles - platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes to the total amount of blood in the venous and arterial vessels.

The overwhelming number of particles are erythrocytes, therefore it is generally accepted that hematocrit (Hst) is an indicator of the number of erythrocytes to the volume of blood (it is calculated in liters).

Now about red blood cells: the duties of these blood particles include delivering oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide from it. A certain (normal) number of them copes with this task. Accordingly, if there are fewer red blood cells, then the hematocrit will be reduced, which means that various pathologies may develop.

For this reason, this topic requires special attention and careful study, since there can be many reasons for the decline. To determine its level, special laboratory tests are prescribed, diagnostics are carried out, using the results of which a diagnosis is made.

How is a blood test performed?

What are normal hematocrit indicators for men and women, as well as children?

To discuss the topic of reduced indicators, you must first understand the normal indicators.

The average Hst level is 0.45 l/liter (450 ml) - this accounts for 40-45 percent of the total blood volume.

But the average percentage differs from the norm for men, women and children, and also depends on their age.

  • In children:
  • Newborns - 44-62%,
  • Grudnichkov - 36-44%,
  • From 2 to 5 years – 32-41%,
  • From 6 to 11 years – 33-44%.
  • In an adult man:
  • From 18 to 45 years old – 39-49%,
  • After 45 years – 40-50%.
  • Among women:
  • From 18 to 45 years old - 35-45%,
  • After 45 years – 35-47%,
  • Separately, for a woman during pregnancy, the hematocrit is usually lower than normal due to an increase in the total amount of blood.

Since low Hst warns of the development of anemia, this means that the factors influencing the occurrence of anemia will influence the decrease in hematocrit.

What does a decrease in hematocrit indicate?

Red blood cells are to some extent responsible for the condition of the entire body, since they provide oxygen to each of its cells, and these ellipsoid bodies are also required to take carbon dioxide from the cells.

But if the supply of cells is disrupted (with a decrease in the number of red blood cells and their inability to cope with the task), hypoxia develops, which in turn will lead to a disruption of the acid-base balance and dysfunction of each individual organ.

Its reduced level in the blood causes:

  • Fatigue and general malaise,
  • Palpitations and tachypnea,
  • Headaches and hair loss,
  • Marbling of the skin.

These indicators are often reduced if a woman is pregnant, but to confirm the diagnosis of anemia, you need to go for an additional examination and take the appropriate test.

Causes of low hematocrit

Anemia can develop as a result of a lack of blood cells according to the ml/liter scheme in the following cases:

There are a huge number of factors that influence hematocrit levels - even people living at different altitudes relative to sea level will have different HCT values. A large percentage of red blood cells means a person has polycythemia (increased Hst), and if it is very low, then anemia.

What disease can develop with a decrease in indicators:

  • Vascular and hepatic pathologies,
  • Nephropathy (with polycystic kidney disease, renal artery stenosis, renal failure),
  • Anemia (low blood cell levels),
  • Chronic inflammatory pathological processes,
  • Cancer diseases in the zone bone marrow, dangerous tumors (cancer).

All these ailments are very dangerous to human life and health, but they can be avoided if you conduct a timely examination: take a test and determine what exactly affected your body and lowered the level of blood cells.

False results

This can happen when blood was taken from a place where the hand was pinched for a long time (for example, with a tourniquet), or the person previously took a drug that thinned the blood. Also, an underestimated level during the analysis will show if infusions were given into a vein or the person was lying down when the fluid was taken from him for analysis.

How does the analysis work? laboratory conditions and the blood goes into the test tube? Directly on the day of collection, such a test tube is usually already prepared and treated with a substance that prevents the blood from clotting, because otherwise it will not be possible to take an analysis from it.

The sample is sent to the laboratory, where there is a special apparatus in which test tubes are placed and rotated with centrifugal force (centrifugation occurs). After this, the blood is divided: less dense (plasma, the main part of which, 90%, is water, 8% is protein and 2% are hormones) rises to the top, and more dense (white cells or platelets, less than 1% of them, and red blood cells - 45%) - sinks down (settles to the bottom).

And then, during the diagnosis of blood cells, the amount (or percentage) of hematocrit is determined (it is equal to the volume of red cells divided by the total volume of blood).

What level does the hematocrit test show in pregnant women?

As already mentioned, this indicator is lower in pregnant women. This decrease occurs due to a sharp increase in the amount of plasma (up to 33 percent), and this is considered normal for this situation and does not require additional treatment. Because at the end of pregnancy, the HCT indicator will recover and return to normal. But you need to monitor its indicator especially carefully in pregnant women, as it can manifest itself in the form iron deficiency anemia, which is associated with overhydration.

Particularly low HCT levels during pregnancy can be observed in the following cases:

  • Severe toxicosis,
  • Pregnancy of a woman at a very young age,
  • Pregnancy with multiple fetuses,
  • Repeated pregnancy after a very short period of time,
  • Lack of iron in food,
  • If a woman was diagnosed with anemia before pregnancy.

Anemia adversely affects a woman, causing bleeding, premature birth and postpartum depression, but even more harms the fetus, since its development can occur with pathologies:

  • Born underweight
  • Defective (slow) physical development,
  • Congenital anemia,
  • Pathologies nervous system and brain.

It is worth noting that if the mother’s body also has a low level of vitamin B12, then the child may be born with pathologies of the central nervous system.

What is HCT responsible for in children?

A decrease in hematocrit is possible:

  • Due to a decrease in the rate of formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow,
  • Due to the increased amount of circulating blood in the arteries and veins,
  • For internal and external bleeding,
  • Due to an increase in total protein levels,
  • As a result of accelerated hemolysis of red blood cells.

Hypoxia - low oxygen content in the body or individual organs and tissues

HCT in children most often indicates the development of anemia, therefore it is necessary to diversify the child’s diet, make it nutritious, since the child will be lethargic, get tired quickly, and he will lose interest in everything.

Who is at risk for developing hematocrit?

The following categories of people are most at risk:

  • Pregnant women in the second and third trimester, as well as women in labor,
  • People who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys,
  • Children who are hungry or lack iron in their diet
  • Children who have grown sharply and lack nutrition
  • People who are bedridden and are in a horizontal position for a long time,
  • People are tobacco addicts.

Treatment of hematocrit abnormalities

To independently return the indicator to normal, you need to reconsider your diet and start consuming those foods that “know” how to increase hematocrit:

  • Iron-fortified foods (eggs, beans, dried fruits, beef liver, greens, red and chicken meat and seafood),
  • Foods rich in vitamin C (currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, cauliflower and red cabbage, broccoli, viburnum, strawberries, tomatoes) - improves the absorption of iron by the body,
  • Iron supplements – if the person is also allergic to the above foods or to vitamin C itself.

The hematocrit value is the number of red blood cells (RBCs) circulating in your blood. In adult men, this figure should be about 45% of the blood, and in women - about 40%. Hematocrit level is an important determining factor in diagnosis various diseases. Typically, the hematocrit content increases with lung and heart diseases, as well as due to dehydration. An elevated hematocrit level may indicate that you are experiencing shock or hypoxia, a condition in which the body does not have enough oxygen. On the other hand, a low hematocrit may be a sign of anemia, that is, insufficient oxygen concentration in the blood. blood. If your hematocrit level is high, use the tips below to get back to normal.


Part 1

Changing your diet
  1. Do not take iron supplements. The body needs enough hemoglobin to make red blood cells. The easiest way to obtain hemoglobin is to consume iron. Because red blood cells significantly increase hematocrit levels, try not to take iron supplements to avoid getting excess amounts of this trace mineral.

    • If you are taking iron supplements and want to stop taking them, talk to your doctor about the best course of action.
  2. Keep your body hydrated. Dehydration increases hematocrit levels because it reduces blood and plasma volume, meaning the body has less fluid to dilute the blood. This means that with severe dehydration, the hematocrit content increases significantly. On the other hand, if there is enough water in the body, the hematocrit level will remain within normal limits.

    • Coconut water, non-concentrated juice drinks (such as apple or pineapple), and sports drinks help prevent dehydration.
    • Remember to drink 8-12 glasses (2-3 liters) of water per day to maintain good health. Get into the habit of drinking plenty of fluids, especially during intense physical activity.
  3. Avoid certain drinks. It is not recommended to consume caffeine and alcohol as they are diuretics. They stimulate urination and can cause dehydration even if you drink enough fluids. To keep your hematocrit level low, avoid drinking soda, wine, spirits, and beer. Give preference to water and unsweetened juices.

    • Drinking more fluids will dilute your blood as the body stores fluid in the circulatory system and thereby lowers your hematocrit level. Try to drink at least two liters of fluid daily to maintain a normal hematocrit level.
  4. Eat grapefruit every day. Recent studies have shown that eating half a grapefruit daily can lower hematocrit levels. The higher the hematocrit content, the more effective the grapefruit will be. Eat half a grapefruit with breakfast and another half in the middle of the day.

    • This is because grapefruit contains high levels of the flavonoid naringin, which can lead to phagocytosis, a process that naturally removes red blood cells from the blood and recycles them for other purposes.
  5. Eat more antioxidants. This will help you protect your body from free radicals, which are believed to cause cancer and other blood diseases. Antioxidant-rich foods and dietary supplements facilitate the transport of oxygen in the body. A large amount of antioxidants are found in prunes, beans and berries.

    • Antioxidants are beneficial for many reasons. As for the hematocrit level, reducing it can improve the supply of oxygen to the blood and normalize its circulation in the body. This helps improve health and prevent various diseases.

    Part 2

    Lifestyle change
    1. Exercise in moderation. Regular exercise helps improve your health. However, don't overdo it. Too intense physical exercise may lead to an increase in hematocrit levels. Try the following gentle exercises:

      • fast walk;
      • leisurely cycling;
      • cleaning the house;
      • work in the garden or vegetable garden.
    2. Donate blood. Experts recommend donating blood no more than four times a year, or 12 weeks between each blood donation. Use this method as a last resort and only after consulting a doctor. A doctor may approve this method for the following reasons:

      • This will help cleanse the blood, since all the body’s forces will be aimed at replenishing lost blood with fresh blood.
      • This way you will remove excess iron from the body. Excessive amounts of iron are thought to cause atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of artery walls. When donating blood, about 250 milligrams of iron are removed from the body, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
    3. Take acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in small doses. Follow this advice only when as a last resort, since aspirin can cause unpleasant side effects. Be sure to consult your doctor about using acetylsalicylic acid as a hematocrit-lowering agent, as it may cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

      • Aspirin prevents the formation of blood clots. Platelets are of great benefit when it comes to stopping bleeding after an injury. If you are taking acetylsalicylic acid to lower your hematocrit level, keep in mind that it is a strong blood thinner. Taking aspirin can greatly impair blood clotting and also cause dizziness and other neurological problems.
    4. Try to stay high above sea level as little as possible. The higher you are above sea level, the lower the oxygen concentration. It is believed that above 2500 meters above sea level the air is “depleted of oxygen”. Those living above this level typically have an elevated hematocrit. If possible, move to a flat area to normalize your hematocrit level.

      • To adapt to the environment, the red blood cell producing bone marrow produces more red blood cells in an attempt to compensate for the body's low oxygen levels, resulting in an increased hematocrit level.
    5. Quit smoking . Nicotine contained in tobacco impairs blood circulation, as it negatively affects the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen. The body tries to compensate for the decreased oxygen levels by causing the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells, resulting in a higher hematocrit concentration. Quit smoking and other forms of tobacco to lower your hematocrit level.

      • Quitting smoking will benefit your heart, lungs, skin, hair and overall health. In addition, it will be better for the people around you. Consider this if just trying to lower your hematocrit isn't a good enough reason for you to quit smoking.
    6. Treat the cause. An elevated hematocrit level may be due to some disease, namely cancer and a possible tumor. Tumors and cancer, especially bone marrow cancer, cause uncontrolled production of blood cells.

      • Don't jump to conclusions if you have a high hematocrit level. Consult your doctor - this is not only The best way learn how to effectively lower your hematocrit level, but also the only one a way to determine why it is elevated.

    Part 3

    Detection of high hematocrit levels
    1. Pay attention to headaches and dizziness. These two symptoms occur because there are too many red blood cells in the blood, causing it to become too concentrated. A high hematocrit level can cause headache and dizziness, which act as a signaling and compensatory mechanism.

      • Concentrated blood has increased viscosity - it is thick and sticky, so it flows worse through the vessels. In turn, the oxygen supply to the brain is slightly reduced. A lack of oxygen in the brain can very quickly lead to serious consequences.
    2. Consult your doctor if you feel weak and tired. This is a general reaction of the body to blood that is too viscous, which is less able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to various organs and parts of the body. If you feel constant weakness, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

      • In addition to a high hematocrit level, fatigue can be a sign of a variety of health problems. To find out the causes of fatigue, visit your doctor. Only a qualified doctor can identify the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.
    3. Watch your breathing. A high hematocrit level is often accompanied by so-called “tachypnea”. This medical term refers to rapid breathing (more than 20 breaths per minute). This is the body's short-term compensatory mechanism in response to poor oxygen supply.

      • This symptom in itself is not a cause for concern. You should only be concerned if you notice that your breathing is constantly increasing for no apparent reason.
    4. Pay attention to the bruises. A high hematocrit level can cause bruising in polycythemia vera. Concentrated, viscous blood can form clots throughout the body. In this case, purple or black bruises may appear on the body. They may be painless or painful.

      • It is normal for bruises to occur as a result of an injury. However, you should pay attention to bruises and bruises (especially if you are concerned about an increased hematocrit level) if they form for no apparent reason. If bruises appear without any trauma, it may be caused by high level hematocrit.

Many people wonder what diseases are possible if the hematocrit is below normal, what does this mean, which doctor should they contact to restore normal values? All this must be taken into account, because correct diagnosis and an appropriate treatment regimen help a person quickly return to a full life.

Main signs of low hematocrit

Hematocrit(the total number of red blood cells contained in the blood) is determined as a percentage and allows the doctor to assess the quality of oxygen supply to tissues. To determine the hematocrit level, you need to know the standard indicators, while the norm will be different for a child and an adult:

  • in newborns - 34-64% ;
  • up to one year - 34-43% ;
  • 1-5 years - 33-40% ;
  • 6-12 years - 34-43% ;
  • 12-17 years old - 34-45% ;
  • among women - 30-46% (indicators decrease during pregnancy due to an increase in total blood volume);
  • for men - 40-52% .

Let's list what symptoms indicate decreased performance:

  • general malaise and fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • deterioration of hair condition;
  • frequent migraines;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • causeless shortness of breath.

All these symptoms may indicate a decrease in hematocrit in the blood: the body stops receiving required amount oxygen. To confirm low levels, you should undergo a complete blood test (indicated in the results by the symbols HCT). Hematocrit is determined using a graduated glass tube, which is filled with blood and centrifuged (as a result, it becomes clear which part of the tube is occupied by blood cells). In addition, special automatic analyzers are increasingly used.

Factors contributing to a decrease in hematocrit

Doctors today identify several reasons why the hematocrit is low:

A sharp drop in hematocrit levels may indicate anemia, a disease that affects life expectancy.

A low hematocrit indicates serious disorders in the body, therefore, after a blood test, a full examination is required to help find the cause and choose the best treatment.

Danger during pregnancy

During pregnancy, NCT levels should be constantly monitored: to avoid the development of anemia, doctors prescribe systematic testing. In this case, there are several reasons for low HCT levels:

If left untreated, the following consequences are possible:

  • premature birth;
  • postpartum depression;
  • underweight baby;
  • anemia of the newborn;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • the birth of a baby with behavioral problems;
  • delay physical development child.

Methods for treating low hematocrit

If the hematocrit is below normal, this means that the patient needs to reconsider his diet and replenish the lack of iron in the body. In addition, you need to increase your intake of vitamin C, which helps to better absorb iron.

Useful products are listed in the table.

If consumption of such food is impossible due to allergic reactions, then the patient is given special supplements containing iron. An iron course can be recommended in the form of injections or in tablet form. If main reason indicators are below normal - medications, then they are canceled, and the doctor selects others that do not affect the hematocrit. Iron deficiency can also be replenished with vitamin complexes that are specially designed to increase iron levels and contain all the necessary components for better absorption.

One of the most serious causes of a hematocrit below normal is sickle cell disease. Red blood cells are disc-shaped flexible cells. In the case of sickle cell anemia, they become more rigid and sickle-shaped (contain defective hemoglobin). Such red blood cells cannot move freely and can block blood vessels, leading to damage to organs and tissues. In this case, a special treatment regimen is required, as well as consultation with several specialists: a hematologist, cardiologist, therapist and neurologist.

Treatment of crises and complications

The main goal of treatment is to prevent crises and reduce the risk of complications, such as kidney pathology, liver pathology, stroke, heart attack, visual impairment and prolonged depression. Doctors, as a rule, recommend the drug Hydroxycarbamide for any type of disease: it reduces the risk of developing anemia and speeds up recovery.

The patient’s well-being is also positively affected by:

Quite often, cases of false hematocrit are observed, for example, due to incorrect general analysis, long clamping of the vein with a tourniquet, taking the analysis in an inappropriate position, etc.

Critical hematocrit values ​​require immediate blood transfusion to save the patient’s life.

Reduced hematocrit in a child

Low blood levels in children often indicate the development of pathology, so parents should pay maximum attention to the child: visit a doctor and conduct diagnostics to determine the causes of oxygen starvation of cells. A child’s hematocrit may indicate various diseases:

In these cases, drugs that increase plasma volume, as well as special diuretic herbal teas, are recommended. For hyperproteinemia, treatment includes selecting an appropriate formula for feeding containing a reduced concentration of protein.

Children should be screened for low hematocrit more often than adults.

You should contact a professional hematologist, because only a qualified specialist can correctly decipher test results.

We can talk about serious pathologies with diagnosed anemia, the causes of which are:

For proper functioning of the body, normal hematocrit values ​​should be monitored. It is especially important to monitor these data in a child, since his body is still developing, and the composition of the blood determines how correctly all the systems of a growing person develop.

After all, it is known that lack of oxygen, especially in childhood, can cause irreversible consequences. Timely treatment and regular medical examinations will help avoid health problems in both children and adults.


A blood test for hematocrit shows the percentage of individual blood elements (red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets) to its liquid part (plasma). Using this indicator, the degree of anemia is often determined, since with this disease the hematocrit level can decrease to 15-20%.

The average hematocrit value for men is believed to be between 0.4 and 0.48. And for women, the norm is in the range of 0.36-0.46. However, the hematocrit value directly depends on the age of the person. The younger the patient, the lower the level. A young child's hematocrit is typically 20 percent higher than an adult's. This indicator is considered to be the norm.

Sometimes an increase or decrease in hematocrit levels indicates the presence of a disease. In particular, during prolonged lack of air (hypoxia), the body tries to increase the efficiency of oxygen transfer by the blood from the lungs to all organs. This is accomplished by increasing hemoglobin and increasing the number of red blood cells. Accordingly, the hematocrit level increases. This effect is present in people with problems with the respiratory system, in tourists who often visit the mountains, in those who live in these areas, as well as in smokers.

Hematocrit can also be elevated when the body is dehydrated (dehydration). What happens with infectious diseases digestive system, with severe burns and with prolonged exposure to a dry, hot climate. Another reason for increased hematocrit levels is kidney cancer. In this case, an increase in blood density is observed. However, a more accurate diagnosis can only be made after additional examinations.

Those who spend a long time in hot climates tend to spend a lot of time in the sun. For information on whether sunbathing is beneficial or harmful, see the story from:

A decreased hematocrit may also indicate the presence of various diseases. A low number of the result of this test is considered a basic sign of hypoplastic anemia. Also, the hematocrit level is low when there is excess fluid in the blood, otherwise called overhydration. The cause may be: infectious or viral disease, renal failure.

Also, a reduced hematocrit may be a sign of hyperproteinemia. This is a decrease in blood density. This can happen in the case of serious liver diseases.

If, according to the results of the analysis, the hematocrit level is increased or decreased, this only means that additional tests and examinations are necessary. There is no point in panicking, since often the hematocrit is successfully leveled off, which includes all the vitamins the body needs, as well as when giving up alcohol and cigarettes.

Hematocrit, or hematocrit number, is an indicator of the level of blood cells in relation to the total amount of blood. This value is denoted by Ht and is measured in percentages or liters. Hematocrit is measured using a special glass flask with divisions.


On average, in an adult, the norm of hematocrit in the blood is from 40 to 45% or 450 ml per 1 liter of blood. These indicators may vary depending on the person's age.

The normal hematocritic number for men is:

  • - aged 18 to 45 years - from 39 to 49%;
  • - after 45 years - from 40 to 50%.

Norm for women:

  • — aged 18 to 45 – from 35 to 45%;
  • - after 45 years - from 35 to 47%.

Normal hematocritic number for children:

  • — newborns – from 33 to 65%;
  • - up to 1 year - from 33 to 45%;
  • - from 1 year to 5 years - from 33 to 41%;
  • - from 6 years to 11 - from 33 to 45%.

During pregnancy, this indicator can decrease significantly, this is quite acceptable.

Causes of Low Hematocrit

The first sign of anemia is a sharp decrease in the hematocritic number. But the amount of hematocrit may decrease as a result of some diseases, even the most life-threatening ones.

Among the most common reasons for a decrease in the amount of hematocrit in the blood are the following:

  1. Heavy, prolonged bleeding associated with severe injuries or injuries, various fractures.
  2. Heavy and prolonged menstruation.
  3. Gynecological female diseases associated with severe bleeding.
  4. Chronic dieting, starvation or lack must-have products in your daily diet for a healthy life.
  5. If for a long period the bangs were in bed rest. This is most often observed during the recovery period after major operations or during injuries.
  6. In cases where the independent process of formation of blood cells is slow or blood synthesis is impaired.
  7. When cells are defective, blood cells may die on their own, or under the influence of high levels of toxins in the blood.
  8. Severe blood thinning.
  9. In connection with diseases such as hemoblostosis, myeloma and others, a high percentage of protein in the blood is observed, but the hematocrit level decreases sharply.
  10. With various infectious diseases and kidney diseases, there is a large accumulation of fluid in the body, which also lowers the hematocrit rate.
  11. During pregnancy, especially from the second trimester.

In addition, a decrease in hematocrit can occur with diseases such as:

  • - oncological diseases, malignant tumors;
  • - any inflammatory processes that are chronic;
  • - kidney and liver diseases;
  • - anemia.

False low hematocrit in the blood

Situations often arise when indicators of a low hematocrit content in the blood are false.

You should not take a test for the percentage of hematocrit in the blood:

  • - immediately after heavy menstruation;
  • — after severe blood loss, due to injuries of various kinds;
  • - after taking medications, this can also give incorrect results;
  • - in cases where a person’s veins have been compressed for some time;
  • - the person was in a horizontal position for a long time.

In any of these cases, the test should be repeated after a few hours or days.

Who might be most at risk?

The decrease in this content does not affect gender or age, but there is a certain group that is most susceptible to reduced hematocrit.

  1. Fast growing children.
  2. If there is a significant lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the diet of a child or adult.
  3. Women in the first two months after the birth of the baby.
  4. During pregnancy.
  5. People with different chronic diseases And cardiovascular.
  6. Persons who regularly drink alcoholic beverages and smoke a lot.
  7. People with a family history of cancer.


Treatment of low hematocrit should be carried out primarily because this indicator indicates the presence of any disorders in the body or ongoing diseases.

If the cause is anemia, you should pay special attention to your diet. A person should eat nuts, meat, liver and eggs every day. It is important to remember that with a low hematocrit, the diet must contain a large amount of iron. To increase the level to the required level, you can take medications with a high iron content, as well as vitamins.

For peptic ulcers, treatment is prescribed gastroenterologist after all necessary tests. To increase the indicator, medications are prescribed.

Treatment of low hematocrit is carried out in several stages

  • — Impact on the source, identification of the disease. Antitumor drugs are prescribed or the issue is resolved through surgery.
  • – Increase the percentage of hematocrit with the help of vitamins and medicines with high iron content.
  • - They compensate for the loss by a faster method - blood transfusion.

In order to prescribe treatment, you should first contact a specialist and undergo all the necessary tests. It is important to remember that possible false indicators; in such cases, take them again after some time. Preventive methods

To prevent a decrease in hematocrit and health problems, you should regularly monitor your life.

Preventive methods include:

  • - quitting active smoking;
  • - refusal to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • - daily walks in the fresh air - at least 30-40 minutes;
  • - balanced, nutritious nutrition;
  • - regular medical examination.

The following foods should prevail in the daily diet: nuts, eggs, meat, liver, fresh vegetables and fruits, honey. You should not consume large quantities of foods that reduce the absorption of iron, as well as dairy products, since they contain a lot of calcium.

Drinks such as strong tea, coffee and cocoa also make it difficult to absorb iron.

Avoid using medications and preservatives - they reduce acidity.