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In what cases is colostrum discharge from the breast normal, and when is it a pathology? Discharge from the breast before menstruation Colostrum before menstruation for pregnancy

Pathological discharge includes secretion of various colors and consistency, which can be transparent, dark, sticky, with particles of blood. The discharge may be accompanied by pain, the formation of lumps, swelling of the nipples, enlargement or changes in the structure of the mammary glands.

Causes of discharge from the mammary glands

The production of colostrum during 9 months of pregnancy and after cessation of lactation is not a pathology. Minor clear discharge before menstruation and at the time of excitement is also considered normal, which may be associated with taking hormonal medications.

Pathological causes of breast discharge:

galactorrhea caused by hormonal imbalance;
ectasia of the milk ducts;
intraductal papilloma;
malignant neoplasms;
chest injury;
inflammation of the mammary glands;
taking antidepressants, in particular amitriptyline and similar medications.

Let's consider each cause of discharge from the mammary glands separately.

Galactorrhea– pathological secretion of milk and colostrum by the mammary glands when pressed, not associated with the process of feeding the child. The disease can be caused by hormonal disorders, benign tumors of the pituitary gland, dysfunction of the hypothalamus and thyroid gland.

Ectasia of the milk ducts represents pathological changes in the milk ducts of the breast. The disease can be recognized by lumps in the breast area, the nipple becoming retracted with thick, sticky, dark discharge. Typically older women are affected by ectasia.

Intraductal papilloma- a benign neoplasm developing in the milk ducts, accompanied by copious transparent, pink or greenish discharge. This disease is also observed in older women.

Mastopathy– a benign disease of the mammary glands, characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue. Mastopathy is accompanied by pain in the chest and discharge from the nipples, which can be either transparent or bloody, brown and greenish purulent.

Chest injury accompanied by pain and bloody, copious or spotting discharge, which becomes yellowish in color as it heals.

Malignant neoplasms (breast cancer) - usually cancer proceeds for years without any signs, and at some point it can manifest itself with lumps in the mammary glands, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, skin erosion, disruption of the symmetry of the mammary glands and discharge from clear to bloody and even purulent ones.

Detection of disease by color of discharge

As a rule, transparent, white and yellow discharge does not always indicate the development of a pathological process. At the same time, green, brown, with blood admixtures are a sign of a serious illness, which will be the reason for an urgent medical examination.

Transparent selections– if the discharge occurs without any changes in the mammary glands, then the phenomenon can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, or taking hormonal contraceptives.

White discharge– during pregnancy and in the first months after cessation of lactation are considered normal. In other cases, the appearance of white secretion when pressed indicates galactorrhea caused by increased production of estrogen and an increase in the hormone prolactin. Sometimes discharge can be associated with pathological changes in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Yellow discharge– are not a sign of a dangerous disease, but it is definitely worth getting examined. Also, light milky-yellow secretion can be one of the signs of pregnancy.

Green discharge- This is a clear sign of mastopathy. The consistency of the discharge is thick and slimy. They are necessarily accompanied by lumps in the mammary glands and pain in the chest area.

Brown discharge- can be caused by bleeding in the milk ducts, as well as the development of mastopathy and malignant tumors. Typically dark and in some cases black, the color is caused by the presence of blood.

Bloody issues- one of the most serious, which may indicate the development of a malignant tumor or intraductal papilloma. Also, strong or spotting bloody-red discharge may appear due to a chest injury.

Purulent discharge– caused by inflammatory and infectious processes in the chest. There is fever, pain, redness of the skin in the nipple area, swelling and swelling of the breast.

Which doctor should I contact if I have discharge?

If you detect discharge, regardless of color and consistency, you must undergo a medical examination by a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor will send you for further examination, which may include the following diagnostics:

examination by a mammologist;
analysis of blood and fluid released from the chest;
Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
ductogram or MRI of the breast.

Regardless of the color of the discharge from the mammary glands and the absence of pain, you should not put off visiting a doctor. Any changes in the mammary glands may be a sign of a serious illness.

Discharge from the breasts before menstruation approaches does not always indicate pregnancy or the presence of some kind of disorder. Often this phenomenon is physiological in nature and is associated with the individual characteristics of the functioning of the hormonal system of the female body. However, in some cases, the release of colostrum from the mammary glands before menstruation may indicate the development of pathological changes.

What is considered normal

The so-called colostrum can appear in the early stages of pregnancy, when the woman does not yet know about her situation, but is awaiting the arrival of her next menstruation. In this case, the discharge is associated with sudden hormonal changes that occur immediately after conception. They do not always appear; in most women, colostrum begins to be released only in the later stages or after childbirth. Along with the formation of secretions in the early stages of pregnancy, other characteristic manifestations are usually observed: breast enlargement, darkening of the nipples and areolas.

Also, prolonged discharge from the mammary glands is considered normal in the period after breastfeeding ends.

Pathological discharge

Breast discharge shortly before your period may be caused by increased activity of the hormonal system. They appear as clear, yellowish or whitish droplets and come out in small quantities. Their appearance can be triggered by taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives.

Sometimes excessive hormonal activity– a temporary phenomenon that stops on its own, but such violations do not go unnoticed for women’s health. In addition, hormonal imbalance may be the result of a serious disease affecting the organs of the endocrine or reproductive system.

Other reasons for the appearance of secretions from the mammary glands are dyshormonal and inflammatory diseases, benign and malignant tumor pathologies. Common disorders include mastitis, galactorrhea, fibroadenoma, mammary duct ectasia, and intraductal papilloma. Also, unnatural discharge is caused by chest trauma.

Inflammatory diseases and injuries can provoke an infectious process in the tissues of the mammary glands. As a result, pathological fluid accumulates in the ducts, which is released from the nipples.

Breast fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that develops due to increased activity of sex hormones. In this pathology, fluid is released before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle.

At galactorrhea a woman experiences excessive synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production breast milk. The causes of this disorder may be diseases of the thyroid gland, pathologies of the pituitary gland, or taking hormonal medications.

The release of fluid also occurs during the development of dangerous oncological diseases. In such cases, the fluid often contains blood, and the woman experiences additional symptoms - nipple deformation, itching and peeling of the skin in the areola area.

What to do

Having noticed discharge from the breast, you need to pay attention to its nature - color, consistency, amount of liquid, how exactly it comes out (spontaneously or only when you press on the chest), whether drops are often released, from one mammary gland or both. It is also important to note whether there are any additional symptoms - chest pain or tightness, fever, headaches or general weakness. All this information will need to be disclosed at your doctor’s appointment.

If you find discharge from the mammary glands that is in no way related to pregnancy, be sure to get examined by a mammologist. It is especially important to do this as soon as possible if the secretion has an unusual color, smell or consistency. Perhaps the reason for this incomprehensible manifestation is related to natural processes occurring in the body or to its reaction to medications taken. In any case, only a doctor will give an exact answer, so you should not ignore an incomprehensible symptom.

Colostrum before menstruation is a fairly common occurrence, occurring in 25-30% of women throughout their lives. There may be several reasons for the appearance of this pathology, and only an experienced mammologist, after a thorough diagnosis, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

This phenomenon is also called galactorrhea, or inappropriate lactation. Normally, discharge in the form of colostrum from the mammary glands before menstruation is yellow-white, but if the color is slightly different, then this circumstance requires a more thorough examination. The appearance of colostrum before menstruation is a widespread phenomenon, but often it can mean the presence of some serious disease at an early stage, therefore, if discharge from the mammary glands appears before menstruation, you should immediately consult a doctor, serious pathologies are possible, delay with which will lead to to disastrous results.

Etiology of the phenomenon

There are several factors that can trigger inappropriate lactation in women. Often, a condition such as colostrum before menstruation disappears on its own, but the problem is that after a while everything can repeat itself, and it should be noted that discharge in the form of colostrum can be observed both from one breast and from both at once . To get rid of this kind of pathology forever, you need to know the exact cause of its occurrence and make every effort to eliminate this cause:

  1. Medications. Taking medications is the most common reason the appearance of colostrum in a woman before her period. Usually these can be drugs for unwanted pregnancy, medicines, lowering, lowering blood pressure. Excessive use of sleeping pills and tranquilizers can also trigger inappropriate lactation.
  2. Disruption of the endocrine system. Very often, problems with the thyroid gland can lead to a woman experiencing a hormone deficiency, which leads to an increase in prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is a hormone responsible for the production of milk in a woman.
  3. Pituitary tumor. Basically, all hormones are synthesized in the pituitary gland, so a disruption in its work leads to serious problems with health. Prolactinoma is the most common type of pathology; it is in this tumor that prolactin is produced in increased quantities.
  4. Injuries. Injuries that damage the nerves of the mammary glands can be of a different nature - surgical interventions, lichen, burns, etc. All this can provoke galactorrhea.
  5. Often, if there are any minor injuries to the mammary glands, women are in no hurry to consult a specialist, but it is precisely such injuries that can serve as the basis for the development of a malignant tumor.
  6. Kidney diseases. We are talking in particular about chronic renal failure. It is known that a hormone such as prolactin has the ability to be utilized in the kidneys. If a woman has kidney problems, then the reverse process usually occurs - accumulation instead of disposal. In most women with chronic renal failure, an excess of prolactin in the body can be observed, which in turn leads to lactation without pregnancy.
  7. Spinal cord injuries. Often, when the spinal cord is damaged, the endocrine glands begin to be stimulated, as a result of which colostrum begins to be released.
  8. Herbs. Women often take herbal teas during breastfeeding to stimulate the production of milk, but some herbs also begin to work during periods when a woman is not breastfeeding. Such herbs include dill, cumin, and anise seeds.
  9. Abortion. In some women, after an abortion, the body cannot readjust itself and restore hormonal balance for a long time, as a result of which lactation begins without pregnancy.
  10. Pregnancy. Sometimes colostrum can appear in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the test does not yet show its presence.
  11. Some women may continue to produce colostrum for several years after their last lactation.
  12. Intraductal papilloma. With this type of benign tumor, colostrum may also appear, but in this case it is worth noting that the color and consistency of the discharge may change. A tumor of this kind is very easy to injure, as a result of which colostrum is usually excreted with blood.
  13. Malignant tumor. At the initial stage of breast cancer, colostrum with blood may appear. Usually, if the cause of the pathology is a malignant tumor, in addition to colostrum with blood, other symptoms may be observed. Usually this is itching and burning, a change in the shape of the nipple.

It should be noted that in last years quantity malignant tumors mammary glands in women have increased significantly, and therefore, in the slightest doubtful situation, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

In order to prescribe the correct treatment for the release of colostrum without pregnancy, it is necessary to first conduct a thorough diagnosis, which will help determine the cause of this pathology. Diagnosis begins with a questioning of the patient and a physical examination of the mammary gland, during which inflammatory processes or the presence of a tumor can be determined. Next, the patient is sent for tests: MRI and CT scan of the mammary glands, ultrasound, general blood test, mammography, pregnancy test.

Principles of treatment

There is no universal therapy for inappropriate lactation, since all treatment should mainly be aimed at eliminating the root cause of this pathology. If colostrum before menstruation is the result of a pituitary tumor, then it may be necessary to eliminate the problem. drug treatment, in particularly advanced cases, surgery or radiation therapy is prescribed. Prolactinoma in most cases is not malignant, so the prognosis is usually favorable and a complete cure for the disease is guaranteed.


If discharge from the mammary glands occurs as a result of long-term use of medications, the doctor may advise you to stop taking them or replace them with other medications.

Treatment of intraductal papilloma is usually carried out through minimally invasive surgery and hormonal medications. For a benign tumor, only surgery is used as therapy.


It is known that the mammary glands in women are a hormone-dependent organ. Breasts reflect reproductive and general health. Since the leading female cancer is breast cancer, any discharge should be alarming. The so-called colostrum before menstruation may differ in different shades. Typically, colostrum or discharge becomes heavier over time.

Can colostrum be released before menstruation?

It is generally accepted that colostrum is a sign of the last months of pregnancy. However, liquid secretion sometimes appears before the expected delay of menstruation. Discharge from the nipples of varying consistency can be observed in women after completion of lactation for a long period of time.

Colostrum before period: is it normal or not?

A secretion when pressing on the nipple on the eve of menstruation does not always indicate pathology. However, mammologists call various diseases mammary glands, in which discharge from the breast can be detected.

Reasons for the appearance of colostrum before menstruation

Colostrum or breast discharge before menstruation appears for various reasons. Their occurrence is associated with physiological and pathological factors.

Physiological causes of discharge from the mammary glands before menstruation

Gynecologists note that the release of colostrum from the breast is normal only during pregnancy. Colostrum or discharge may be noticed starting from early date pregnancy.

In most cases, the appearance of colostrum cannot be attributed to the physiological norm. It is allowed to separate a small amount of light-colored liquid when pressing on the nipple area before menstruation. In some women, colostrum or discharge can be noticed during severe sexual arousal (orgasm), as well as directly at the moment of stimulation of the areola.

Colostrum sometimes appears in connection with conception before a missed period. Transparent discharge has a whitish tint. However, the pregnancy test result may be negative.

Colostrum or discharge is noticed after a pregnancy is terminated or fails. If the development of pregnancy stops during the third trimester, milk usually appears after 2-3 days. A woman should take medications to suppress lactation.

Colostrum is released before menstruation for 2 years after stopping breastfeeding. This period is necessary for a woman’s hormonal system to restore its functions.

Pathological causes of nipple discharge before menstruation

The appearance of liquid discharge on the eve of menstruation sometimes indicates a pathological process in the mammary glands or a malfunction in the brain structures responsible for the production of sex hormones. Often, colostrum or discharge before menstruation is detected during the development of malignant breast tumors. This phenomenon is observed in approximately 15% of cases.

Discharge from both nipples during menstruation can be seen with galactorrhea. This term implies an increase in prolactin production in the absence of pregnancy. Galactorrhea is characteristic of pituitary microadenoma. To confirm or exclude the diagnosis, MRI (CT) is recommended.

Attention! Typically, the size of pituitary microadenoma is several millimeters.

Often therapy is not required in the absence of infertility. Otherwise, the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs (Cabergoline or Bromocriptine).

Sometimes specialists diagnose functional hyperprolactinemia. Secretion during menstruation appears in connection with inflammatory processes of the genital organs, the use of COCs, miscarriages or abortion. Adequate treatment can eliminate discharge from the breast during menstruation.

Colostrum before menstruation is determined by thyroid dysfunction, affecting the production of sex steroids. Liquid discharge from the nipples can be detected due to a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).

The functioning of the pituitary gland is sometimes disrupted due to the use of certain medications (the antidepressant Amitriptyline). Hyperprolactinemia in such cases is functional in nature and is eliminated upon completion of drug use.

Discharge from the breast during menstruation is also a sign of mastopathy. The term refers to a benign disease that affects the mammary glands. Mastopathy affects the development of breast cancer only indirectly, creating an unfavorable background.

The causes of mastopathy include:

  • taking COCs;
  • absence of childbirth and lactation;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.

If mastopathy is diagnosed, the woman needs a systematic examination. Treatment includes the use of special vitamin complexes and herbal medicines (Mastodinon).

With ectasia of the milk ducts, they expand with subsequent accumulation of secretions. This pathology is typical for patients in menopause. The areola area of ​​the breast is usually painful, and when pressure is applied to the nipple, a sticky greenish-yellow discharge is observed. In order to eliminate the disease, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.

Papillary cystadenoma is a papilloma localized inside the duct. The pathology affects women of any age. Before menstruation, discharge from the mammary glands can be either light or dark in color. When papilloma is injured, bloody discharge is observed.

With mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland occurs. This disease is not always associated with lactation. Over time, colostrum acquires a purulent consistency. The pathology is accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin. Treatment includes medical and surgical tactics.

Colostrum during menstruation can appear against the background of injuries, which also contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms. Trauma leads to hematoma and subsequent inflammation. The secret can have a different shade. Its presence after injuries is a reason to consult a doctor.

Attention! With Paget's cancer, secretions are released from the breast. Associated symptoms include manifestations and changes of an eczema-like nature.

When to see a doctor

Many patients ask their doctor whether the colostrum observed during menstruation could be normal. According to statistics, every tenth woman who has colostrum from her nipples is diagnosed with cancer. The shade of the secretion is not a basis for making a diagnosis. If colostrum is detected on the eve of menstruation that is not associated with lactation and pregnancy, you must contact a specialist for further examination:

  • ultrasound examination (before menopause);
  • mammography using contrast (in menopause);
  • determination of the level of major sex steroids;
  • cytological examination of secretions.

Important! The appearance of secretion when pressing on the nipple before menstruation requires the exclusion of pregnancy.


Colostrum before menstruation normally accompanies pregnancy and the lactation period. This sign in most cases is a symptom of various benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands.

The mammary glands are a hormonally dependent organ. It reflects the general health of a woman. Breast cancer is one of the leading pathologies that can occur at absolutely different ages in the fair sex. Sometimes this ailment can begin with minor discharge from the mammary glands; for women, it resembles colostrum; before menstruation, most often the amount increases or the character changes to a bloody, yellow or brown secretion. What kind of liquid is this, what are the reasons for its appearance? When should you seek medical help?

Read in this article

Reasons for appearance

Discharge from the nipples can appear in women for completely different reasons and indicate both a normal course of the process and a pathological one. Ideally, the appearance of any fluid is allowed only during pregnancy, and its production can begin already at a very early stage and during breastfeeding. In all other cases, any discharge is a deviation from the norm.

Failure and pathological process can occur both at the level of the mammary glands and in the structures of the brain.

It should be noted that only in 10 - 15% of cases, when a secretion from the breast is detected, a diagnosis of a malignant tumor of this organ is made. Often pathology is not detected, and discharge is considered a physiological norm.

A secret is also allowed to appear in two cases:

  • on the eve of menstruation, 1 - 2 drops of light liquid while pressing on the nipple;
  • at the moment of strong sexual arousal, orgasm, during stimulation of the areola area.

If any discharge from the mammary glands occurs, you should undergo an examination and exclude its organic nature. Treatment is prescribed based on the cause.


Most often, discharge appears in connection with conception. They may be transparent or have a slight whitish tint. This fluid is rarely detected on its own, most often already in the third trimester, but when pressing on the nipple it can appear even before the delay. This is exactly the case when “colostrum” is released before menstruation, the test is negative in most cases, since it shows a reliable result closer to 20 - 25 days after the expected fertilization.

Also, such a secretion often occurs in women after termination of pregnancy at any stage, or in situations where the fetus stops developing. In the latter case, if freezing occurred in the third trimester, then after delivery the woman may begin to produce milk within a couple of days. In such situations, you should always prevent this by prescribing medications in advance to suppress the production of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production.

Normally, light, clear or whitish discharge after breastfeeding has ended can persist for another two years. It is believed that this period is necessary for the complete restoration of body functions.


Nipple discharge can also appear when prolactin levels in the blood increase in the absence of pregnancy. Similar conditions can be found in microadenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to perform a CT or MRI to rule out this situation.

Pituitary microadenoma measures several millimeters in size and, as a rule, does not require any treatment. The exception is when this kind of hyperprolactinemia is the cause of infertility. Then it is necessary to adjust the level with the help of medications, for example, bromocriptine or cabergoline.

Hyperprolactinemia can also be functional. This can be observed in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, with frequent use of methods emergency contraception, with multiple abortions and miscarriages, etc. As a rule, after rehabilitation of the body, all parameters return to normal; during menstruation, colostrum stops being released.

Thyroid dysfunction also affects the function of the mammary glands and pituitary gland. Therefore, often with hypothyroidism you can detect a secretion when pressing on the nipple.

Taking certain medications, such as the antidepressant amitriptyline, can disrupt the pituitary gland, leading to functional hyperprolactinemia and nipple discharge. In most cases, the condition returns to normal some time after stopping the drug.

– a benign pathology of the mammary glands that never leads to cancer on its own. Almost every modern woman has indirect signs of such conditions, which are confirmed by a more in-depth examination, for example, ultrasound.

Mastopathy is a kind of “payback” for women for an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, regular use of oral contraceptives, a small number of births and ignoring breastfeeding. In most cases, this pathology requires only regular examination, since this is the background for the development of other, malignant pathologies. Vitamin complexes and herbal medicines are also prescribed, for example, “”, etc.

The most common type is fibrocystic mastopathy. At the same time, the woman notices pain in the chest on the eve of menstruation, a significant increase in its size before the critical days, and its shape can also be determined. Sometimes there is a secretion of a yellow, even greenish hue, like colostrum during or before menstruation.

Ectasia of the milk ducts

This pathology in most cases occurs in women during the premenopausal period and during menopause. Involutive changes in the mammary glands lead to expansion of the interlobular ducts, in which secretions accumulate. Most often, women notice greenish, yellowish or brown discharge when pressing on the nipple. They are thick and sticky. Often the areola area is painful, may swell a little, and sometimes itches. After examination and exclusion of other pathologies, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, if necessary antibacterial therapy, as well as locally warm compresses. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment.

Intraductal papilloma

This is a benign tumor of the mammary glands, its second name is papillary cystadenoma, cystadenopapilloma. It can occur at absolutely any age: both during puberty and premenopause. It comes in different sizes - from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters, and is localized in the ducts, more often in the terminal sinuses. As a rule, it manifests itself as regular discharge from light to dark brown. Sometimes it looks like colostrum after or on the eve of menstruation. Intraductal papilloma is very easy to injure, and then a secretion mixed with blood appears.


Inflammation of the ducts and breast tissue can occur not only during breastfeeding, but also outside of it. In this case, the discharge may initially be light, later acquiring a purulent character, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. The secretion appears from only one breast; local soreness is also noted in it, and redness of the skin over the source of inflammation is possible. Such conditions require surgical treatment, primarily conservative, and, if necessary, surgical.


Often women do not pay due attention to injuries to the mammary glands. Often they can become a background for the development of malignant diseases. Depending on the nature of the injury, a hematoma may form in the chest, and after some time it may even become inflamed. In this case, secretions of a different nature may appear from the nipple - from light transparent and yellow discharge during infection to profuse bloody discharge. In any case, you must seek medical help.

Malignant tumors

The first thing that concerns all women when any discharge from the mammary glands appears is whether it is cancer. Such wariness is understandable to everyone, but it is possible to definitively say about the cause of such conditions only after a complete examination.

Any malignant neoplasm of the breast, including Paget's cancer, can cause secretion from the nipples. And wondering whether colostrum can be released during menstruation, and this indicates oncology, this really can be the case.

If breast tumors cannot always be detected on time, Paget's disease is a visual localization of cancer in the areola area. In this case, the skin in this area has eczema-like changes, ulcerations, and various discharges from the nipples appear.

Should I see a doctor?

Some women are interested in whether colostrum can be released before menstruation normally, and whether it is always necessary to contact a specialist for examination. Only one in ten develops discharge from the mammary glands due to a malignant process. But sometimes frightening bloody ones can indicate a benign pathology, and a serous secretion can indicate cancer. That is why in all cases you should immediately contact a mammologist, oncologist or even a therapist, and also undergo an examination:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women up to;
  • during menopause it is most informative to perform;
  • if papilloma is suspected, mammography with contrasting ducts.

A cytological examination of nipple discharge and a blood test for sex hormones (prolactin) are also mandatory.

The number of malignant tumors of the mammary glands is steadily increasing among the female population. One of the signs of cancer is the detection of any secretion when pressing on the nipple. Of course, in the case when a woman has colostrum, then first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. In any doubtful situations, you should consult a mammologist.

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