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Via Skype with a carrier will provide. English with a native speaker via Skype. A natural environment for learning English

The future is distance learning. An increasing number of people who want to master the wisdom of foreign speech are moving from regular meetings with teachers to classes via the Internet. Over the past three years, the number of those learning English via Skype with native speakers or Russian-speaking teachers has increased 13 times.

Do you want to know why online classes are better than regular ones and how to choose the right teacher? Read on.

Where to find a native speaker for training via Skype

Search for a teacher

The first way is to find an individual tutor who is a native English speaker. But it's not that simple. In addition to the fact that a teacher must know the language and be able to teach it, he must also be fluent in Russian. Finding a person who will meet these requirements is not easy.

In addition, the cost of learning a foreign language with a native speaker is much higher than with local teachers, and learning from an Englishman who cannot teach and knows Russian poorly is a terrible option, especially for beginners.

The second method is Skype lessons with a domestic tutor, which have many advantages:

  • training is cheaper than at home;
  • saving time;
  • convenient schedule;
  • access from anywhere in the world;
  • complete mutual understanding.

Plus, this approach includes all the benefits of individual homeschooling.

But, despite the convenience, this option has a drawback: a qualified teacher in English It's not easy to find on Skype. Read below about how to choose a tutor with whom you can study effectively.

Courses via Skype

Another way is group lessons via Skype with a native speaker. The disadvantage of this option is the lack of personal communication, since each student is given less time than with individual training. The language may leave gaps in knowledge that you will have to fill on your own. But, on the other hand, you are talking not with one person, but with two to four and learning to understand their “broken” speech. In the future, this will help you communicate with foreigners for whom English, like you, is not their native language.

The use of modern methods and the latest techniques is a plus of online learning courses. You can also choose different areas of study:

  • for business;
  • for newbies;
  • for traveling;
  • for work;
  • spoken English.

You can also take individual lessons via Skype, the price of which will be higher than group lessons, but it is fully justified, because English classes are conducted one-on-one, with all the teacher’s attention directed only to you.

How to choose the right tutor

In this matter, pay attention to the following criteria:

To avoid wasting time, use special websites to select a specialist:

Features of training courses

The course form of learning English via Skype is suitable for classes with a native speaker and a Russian-speaking teacher.

Almost all courses offer a bonus first lesson. This makes it possible to understand whether the service is suitable before paying for training. Another undoubted advantage is that you don’t need to waste time looking for a tutor: managers will select a teacher in accordance with your level of knowledge and current goals.

Learning English is carried out using interactive materials, which makes the process enjoyable and effective.

All classes on the courses are dynamic and interesting.

Popular online courses

School/courses Teachers Features of training
Skyeng Lessons are taught by a native speaker or Russian-speaking teacher. Classes are conducted on the interactive Vimbox platform; the program is aimed at maximizing knowledge improvement, eliminating accents and in-depth study of the intricacies of the language. Information about educational material, account status, schedule and progress are stored in personal account. The school has a transparent payment system and bonuses are provided.
EnglishDom Classes with native English and Russian-speaking teachers. English language instruction is taught via Skype with a teacher, and students also have access to a language club to connect with people who are also learning English. The service also offers an online trainer with which you can improve grammar, pronunciation, listening comprehension and expand your vocabulary. The school uses a communicative methodology based on materials from Oxford and Cambridge.
Melene Russian-speaking teacher or native English speaker. The student communicates with the teacher via Skype, completes assignments, receives tips and corrections. Training is conducted in different educational programs, which helps to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.
Ninnel The lessons are taught by a Russian-speaking teacher, most of the communication with the student takes place in English. You will notice the results of your schooling within a week of regular classes. A flexible and structured system for learning English will quickly improve your communication, speech understanding, spelling and reading skills.
"White Rabbit" A native speaker or Russian-speaking teacher, more than 50% of all communication takes place in English. Programs are developed individually; during training, video, audio and text materials in English are provided, and knowledge tests are conducted.
Go International The school is taught by native speakers and Russian-speaking teachers, and the emphasis is on communicating with students in English. A differentiated system of training modules helps to choose the most suitable course for each student; all teachers of the school have the international CELTA qualification, developed by the Examination Council of the University of Cambridge.
PROLeed Lingua Training is predominantly in English with Russian-speaking or English-speaking teachers. Interactive learning allows students to completely immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment; audio and video materials are used to consolidate knowledge.
Puzzle English The site allows you to study independently and be present in a virtual classroom with an English-speaking teacher. The platform combines many interactive courses for learning English, everyone will find something interesting and useful for themselves. This is one of the most inexpensive, but effective methods training.
LinguaLeo An interactive platform where the user independently studies or chooses to communicate with a tutor via Skype. An interesting service that offers a comprehensive approach to learning English. The user can independently adjust his course, but the program always gives him tips on individual education.

What to choose - courses or a tutor?

It's up to you to learn English via Skype with a native speaker, with a Russian-speaking tutor, or in courses. It all depends on preferences, goals and financial capabilities.

Studying with a tutor will allow you to get maximum attention, and during the courses you will study using the most modern methods. Whatever you choose, the main thing is to work hard and complete all the teacher’s tasks. After all, if a student does not want to learn, the teacher will not help him in any way.

Previously, it was necessary to study a foreign language exclusively in classrooms, at seminars and exclusively through personal contact. But now the teacher can be hundreds of kilometers away from you, and still give the material no worse. All this is possible thanks to Skype, which has become an integral part of every person’s life. And most importantly, English lessons with a native speaker via Skype have become available, who, better than anyone, will demonstrate correct pronunciation, teach slang words and an acceptable rate of speech in a conversation.

What are the benefits of learning English via Skype with a native speaker?

As you know, there is no better way to overcome the language barrier than to start actively communicating in a foreign environment, but not everyone can constantly travel to other countries. For such cases, there is a training program via Skype with a person living abroad and using the language being studied in a natural environment. Also an undoubted advantage is:

  • availability;
  • opportunity to get a free trial lesson;
  • comfortable location;
  • the ability to find a teacher from anywhere in the world;
  • no need to leave your home.

In addition, learning English via Skype with a native speaker is the key to quickly absorbing information. This will make it easier to understand the peculiarities of pronunciation, the relevance of certain words and sayings, because the tutor will be able to immerse you in a real communication environment.

Finding it is quite simple - the site contains a list of leading experts in their field, whose main goal is to provide you with information in an interesting, new and effective form. Plus, everyone can learn the features of a new speech this way, regardless of age and location.

English lessons via Skype with a native speaker

One of the types of teaching methods is direct communication with a native speaker; English lessons on Skype with a native speaker can be conducted in. The effectiveness and efficiency of this method has been proven by many years of practice. Lessons via Skype with a native speaker allows you to solve the following problems:

  • The language barrier is eliminated. Often beginners are afraid of making a mistake and looking stupid. This phenomenon is called the language barrier. English lessons with a native speaker help solve this problem quickly and painlessly. The tutor has the necessary psychological skills to help the student in a difficult situation;
  • teaching spoken English. The teacher is aware of all current trends in the US and Britain in the language field. You will be able to understand music, dialogues from TV series or films. You can easily communicate via Skype;
  • get rid of the Russian accent.

When studying a language individually with a native speaker, you will unwittingly copy his intonation and manner of pronouncing sounds and words. This allows you to speak as clearly and clearly as possible. The SkyEdge school employs exclusively certified teachers. In particular, they have TESOL, TEFL, CELTA certificates, which confirm their competence and qualifications. The most effective and efficient methods are used in the learning process. Training via Skype with a native speaker is mastered in the shortest possible time.

The SkyEdge company has been providing educational services for many years. English courses from our company are highly effective. The tutor finds an individual approach to each student, which allows him to achieve outstanding results as soon as possible. On the website, everyone has the opportunity to read the reviews of our clients who have seen from their own experience highest quality our services.

Video communication has long ceased to be a curiosity, and now it has become commonplace to study English not only in courses, but also via Skype. I have extensive experience in learning English using Skype. Moreover, it was when I started practicing English on Skype that I managed to move from the dead point where I was stuck at that moment. The reason was, of course, not some magic of the Skype program, but the conversational practice that I lacked. In this post, I will talk about online learning English, speaking practice on Skype, and how an English teacher conducted a Skype experiment on me.

My first English lesson on Skype

Note: I write “Skype” with a small letter, meaning any program similar to Skype: with the ability to make free audio and video calls over the Internet.

Classes with an emphasis on speaking practice

The second class format is suitable for students who generally do not need to learn under the guidance of a teacher, but do need help with developing speaking skills, pronunciation and general fluency. They already know at least the basics of grammar, the vocabulary is sufficient for the lesson to be taught entirely in English, but they speak with long pauses, frequent mistakes, have difficulty constructing phrases.

The teacher refers less to the textbook, classes take place with the student actively involved in the conversation. My first lesson on Skype, described above, took place in exactly this format. We never looked at the textbook, but the benefit from just one lesson was enormous.

In this case, it is better to study with a native speaker. The active, conversational format of lessons is the “strong point” of a popular language site all over the world, designed to find teachers of foreign languages ​​(not only English) and partners for practice. On Italki, teachers are divided into two categories:

  • Professional teachers- This certified specialists with extensive experience in offline and online language teaching. You can study with them both in a conversational format and in a strict academic format. The latter is familiar to them well: many of them are university teachers.
  • Tutors– amateur teachers without a linguistic diploma (usually) who will help you talk, point out mistakes, and help improve your speaking skills.

As a rule, “tutors” have lower prices. Despite the lack of a specialized diploma, they are sometimes more experienced and simply more interesting than their certified colleagues. Unlike many online English schools, italki allows you to pay for lessons one at a time rather than in packages. The calculation is carried out in a special currency of the ITC website (italki credits), 100 ITC are equal to 10 dollars.

Pros and cons of learning English on Skype with a teacher


  • There is no need to go anywhere or travel. Classes right at home at a convenient time. In a big city, this sometimes means saving money. several hours in a day.
  • As a rule, reasonable prices with good qualifications and experience of the teacher.
  • In small towns it is often difficult to find any tutor at all, but via Skype you can take lessons from an experienced and qualified teacher.
  • The opportunity to learn from native speakers is problematic offline, even in big cities.
  • Opportunity to find a teacher of a “rare” language. While English teachers can be found almost everywhere, there are problems with slightly less popular languages, such as French, Spanish, and Japanese, in many cities. Many online schools specialize in English, but teachers (and just communication partners) in many languages ​​can be found on.


  • An inexperienced teacher may have a lot of problems with how to show something in a textbook or give an exercise to a student. When I tried to teach lessons via Skype, I had exactly these difficulties. More experienced teachers can easily cope with this difficulty with the help of pre-prepared materials. At SkyEng school this problem is solved with the help of a convenient virtual classroom.
  • If you have a very unstable slow connection, a bad microphone, or a glitchy computer, part of the lesson will be spent on “can you hear/see me?”
  • If you are not comfortable with a computer, have never used Skype and do not know, for example, how to send a file, how to move a file from one folder to another, how to answer an incoming call, what a “login” and “password” are, then you will have to learn this on the go, again wasting lesson time. Instead of English lessons, there will be computer literacy lessons. Skype lessons require that you have at least basic computer skills.

Method 2: Conversation practice

If in “Method 1” the teacher teaches the student, then practice is no longer study. This is the living use of language, in fact, what we teach it for.

It's simple. We go to some language social network, find people who want to communicate in English, exchange contacts and chat! For example, partners for practice can be found in the already mentioned. The mechanism is simple: the more we speak English, the better it gets. Eaning and mooing during pauses will gradually be replaced by speed and ease of speech, especially if learning is not limited only to speaking practice, but is supported by reading, listening and, very preferably, writing in English.

Pros and cons of free conversation practice.


  • Opportunity to practice English with native speakers for free.
  • Conversation skills develop very well because you speak a lot and with enthusiasm.
  • And all this without leaving home, at any convenient time.


  • This is not a lesson, but a conversation. A simple guy from Texas or Delhi is unlikely to want to explain to you the difference between and, and if he wants to, he won’t always be able to. Likewise, you are unlikely to immediately be able to explain in detail how “drive” differs from “drive” or why a firm sign is needed.
  • It’s not easy to find native English speakers on language social networks. They are in great demand. They are sorted out very quickly, and they simply physically cannot communicate with everyone.
  • There are some inappropriate people, be careful when communicating with strangers via the Internet.

Is it necessary to talk to native speakers?

But if you need to improve, rock it speaking skills, that is, learn to speak fluently, without pausing or choosing words, without thinking about it, without turning it over in your mind, then it makes no difference who you talk to, as long as the interlocutor has good enough English. It’s very cool, by the way, to practice with your compatriots - it’s easier to find mutual language, topics for conversation. True, there is a risk of adopting the mistakes of the interlocutor, for example in the construction of phrases.

Personally, I spoke with everyone on Skype: with a student from Puerto Rico who suddenly fell in love with the Russian language, with a polyglot from Hungary who spoke five languages, with pensioners from the USA, students from Brazil and Bangladesh, but most of all I spoke in English with Russian student Svetlana, who studied in Germany and needed to practice English. Her German was fine, but her English was forgotten due to lack of use. An important factor played a role: it was interesting for me to talk with her. When you speak English with interest, forgetting that you have switched to another language, your skill grows by leaps and bounds (the same goes for reading, listening, writing).

With native speakers, you will develop not only speaking skills, but also listening comprehension of English. Of course, the native is different from the native, some cannot connect two words, but if the interlocutor speaks his native language correctly, you will better understand the living, real English speech, with all its linguistic and cultural subtleties. In most cases, the difference between the speech of a native speaker (literate) and a foreigner is very strong.


  1. Study remotely with a teacher without leaving your home. There is no need to follow the convoy to the capital in search of knowledge.
  2. Practice speaking with other language learners - no matter how far apart you live.
  3. Communicate in English with British, Americans, Canadians and other native English speakers.

All these three possibilities just 20 years ago were simply didn't exist. We live in the golden era of language learning, when literature, audio and video materials and even communication in foreign languages. Take advantage of this and good luck in learning the language!

Friends! Now I’m not doing tutoring, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site - there are native (and non-native) language teachers there👅 for all occasions and for every pocket :) I myself took more than 50 lessons with teachers I found there !

Surely every person learning English has heard this advice: The best way mastering a language means communicating with its native speakers. What to do if you don’t know English people and a trip to America is not in your immediate plans? Thanks to the Internet, you can immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment without leaving home. Language exchange sites can help you with this.

These sites for communicating with native speakers are designed so that native speakers different languages could help each other in their study. As a rule, to get started you need to register and describe yourself and your interests a little in your profile. Then you can find English-speaking users interested in learning Russian and write messages to them inviting them to meet and chat in real time.

A community of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply English lovers

This community consists of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply lovers of English as a native or foreign language. You can communicate with other users who will check the exercises you have completed and explain all the intricacies of use various designs. You can also record an audio file so that a native English speaker can comment on your pronunciation and advise you on how to improve it. Active users of the site receive points and medals for completing tasks, which is an additional motivation for those who like to compete.

A site for personal communication between people from all over the world

This site connects people from all over the world, providing them with the opportunity to communicate personally, participate in group discussions and use various multimedia materials. In addition, users can upload their own materials to the site and give access to them.

3. Voice chat is the main tool for developing speaking skills

Like many similar sites, here you need to register and, using the search, choose a partner to communicate in Skype or Windows Messenger. But there is one more unusual advantage. Thanks to this resource, you will have the opportunity not only to chat with other users, but also to learn about native speakers who live in your city and are ready to communicate “face to face”. Once you meet online, you can meet in a public place and continue your mutual learning.

Practice oral speech with native speakers will certainly benefit any English learner. If you have already reached the Pre-intermediate level, you should definitely give it a try. You will not only improve your listening and speaking skills, but also gain confidence in your abilities, and at the same time make new friends.

Bonus for our new readers!

We offer a free private lesson!

  • exercise at home or at work anytime
  • A dream teacher who is fun to learn and chat with
  • guarantee of results: more than 10,000 students achieved their goal

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Search for people to talk to on italki

One of the most important opportunities that the Internet provides for learning foreign languages ​​is the opportunity to communicate with foreigners. Conversation practice is especially important. To learn to speak a foreign language, it is not enough just to know the words; you need to practice communicating. In this review, I will talk about sites and applications where you can find partners for practicing a foreign language (not just English).

Note: this is a general overview of sites for language practice; I have already written about the sites mentioned before, so short reviews I'm adding links to more detailed reviews.


User profile on italki

If your level allows you to communicate at least a little in English, be sure to try to take at least one such lesson - the effect of speaking classes is very noticeable.


The fastest and easiest way to find someone to talk to is on Hellolingo

Attention: unfortunately, HelloLingo is scheduled to close on May 18, 2019. I'll leave this mini-review here in case the service is restored.

In 2015, much to the disappointment of users, the popular language site, where one could easily find someone to chat with in a foreign language, closed down. Fortunately, the project has recently been reborn, becoming even better, now it is called HelloLingo.

This site is convenient for quick communication: you came in for a while, chatted with a random interlocutor, and left. Here you can find foreigners for longer communication. You can communicate in text and voice chat, but if you want to switch to voice communication, you first need to write in text mode - you can’t call right away.

The site has an interesting feature - you cannot put a profile photo here. The developers did this to avoid turning a language practice site into a dating site. The problem with many language communities is that there are a lot of people who want to flirt with beautiful foreign women. This is not welcome on Hellolingo!

3. Speaky

Speaky has a more “social” design than HelloLingo

Language social network Speaky(formerly Gospeaky) is good if you find HelloLingo's design and social features too simplistic. Here you can put a photo on your profile, and there is a convenient filtering function for native and non-native speakers. In addition, Speaky has a mobile version (application), which, however, does not have particularly rich functionality.

When this site first appeared, in 2015, it was possible to communicate via text and voice chat, but now voice chat has been removed - apparently due to the fact that many still preferred to exchange contacts and talk on the more convenient Skype.

An interesting feature of text chat is the ability to correct messages. Ask your interlocutor to correct mistakes, and he will be able to edit your remarks in the chat: the correct version will be highlighted in green, and the incorrect one will be highlighted in red.

4. Interpals

Interpals has very detailed settings for people search and blacklisting

On Interpals They often complain because of the abundance of all kinds of spammers, fakes and “harassers”. Here, unlike HelloTalk, they are not trying to get rid of those who like to flirt; you can even search for users with the “Flirting” filter - hence the abundance of the corresponding audience. But still, this old language site, operating since 1998, is home to quite a lot of conscientious language lovers.

If you are plagued by annoying users, you have incredibly advanced blacklist settings at your disposal, where you can block people of a certain gender, age and place of residence.

5. Tandem

The review is called “6 sites for communicating with foreigners”, but Tandem– this is not a website, but an application for practicing languages, that is, there is no version for PC. Unlike HelloLingo, which tries to look as NOT as a social network, the Tandem app, on the contrary, looks like a dating site with photos, profiles, interests, etc. However, in this community, communication not for the purpose of language practice is not encouraged.

Tandem is positioned as an application for finding 1) tutors, 2) partners for communicating in foreign languages. It’s really convenient to find people to talk to, thanks to the fact that users post a lot of information about themselves (interests, level, goals, etc.) and even leave reviews about each other. As for tutors, I see no reason to look for them on Tandem - the choice is still small, the prices, on the contrary, are rather high, and learning languages ​​via video conference on a phone is less convenient than on a PC.


HelloTalk– this is also an application, not a website, it has a web version, but with a very disabilities. If you want to communicate with foreigners only using , then HelloTalk is a great option.

But as an application HelloTalk is much better than that same as Speaky: everything you might need is here: text correction (as in Speaky), sending photos, voice messages, convenient search for users.

You can learn more about HelloTalk in or from this video.

Is it possible to practice without an interlocutor?

It will not be possible to practice communication without an interlocutor, because what kind of communication can there be without the participation of a second person? However, it is still possible to develop speaking skills alone (although it is NOT the same as practicing with a live person), I talked about it in more detail in this video:

Friends! Now I’m not doing tutoring, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site - there are native (and non-native) language teachers there👅 for all occasions and for every pocket :) I myself took more than 50 lessons with teachers I found there !