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Very fat people: photos. Fat people in history (12 photos) The fattest man in world history

Every day we consume a lot of carbohydrates, as well as fatty foods, which make our body fat and ugly. But that's not the worst thing! By increasing one's volume, a person faces various health problems, and critical obesity can even lead to death. While the fattest people in the world are trying to deal with their problems, the rest of the fat people, who have not yet reached critical mass, continue to absorb food, causing harm to their health. This article provides examples and stories of some of the fattest people, looking at whom you will think about your diet and weight.

Huge Carol Yeager

Carol Yeager became famous as the fattest woman in history. It is said that her weight reached 727 kg, but this weight has not been officially confirmed. In the documentation you can find a note that her weight was 544 kg when the woman’s height was 170 cm.

Since childhood, Carol had an excessive appetite, which increased her weight more and more every day.

The reason for her strong appetite, according to her, was sexual harassment from a relative. The girl’s depression grew, and with it her weight increased. At the age of 20, Carol became so fat that her legs simply could not support her enormous weight. And the woman began to lead a bed lifestyle.

Carol Yeager died at 34

Over time, the American contacted the famous nutritionist Richard Simmons. In exchange for advertising the program, the girl was supposed to receive free treatment from this famous doctor, but, as it turned out, she never received help. Desperate, the girl began to visit various clinics, where, due to her high weight, doctors found more and more new diseases and complications. Carol was hospitalized about 8-10 times a year, which was not an easy process. After all, special equipment was involved in her transportation, transporting her heavy body from home to the clinic and back.

In 1993, the woman began to suffer from swelling, and her weight reached 540 kg. Thanks to the doctors who developed the diet and freed her body of excess fluid, the woman lost 235 kg of her total weight. But, unfortunately, losing weight did not relieve Carol of her problems and illnesses. When she returned from the clinic, she began to gain weight even more actively, eventually breaking all world records. Her weight at that time reached 727 kg, but this weight was not documented.

In 1994, the woman died of kidney failure. At the time of death, Carol's body weight was 544 kg. She was buried in a private cemetery, where about 90 people came to say goodbye.

Record holder Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records twice. First as the fattest person on the planet, and then as the person who lost the maximum weight.

The woman was born in Pansylvania in 1943, and at the age of six months she was rejected by her mother. Rosalie's childhood cannot be called happy and carefree; she grew up in a foster family. Rosalie felt fear for her stepfather. When the girl was 8 years old, her mother unexpectedly returned and wanted to take Rosalie away from her foster family. But the foster family defended the right to raise the child.

The stress suffered in childhood influenced Rosalie's future life

How did Rosalie gain weight? From early childhood she was a chubby child. And closer to adolescence, the weight began to actively increase. First, at the age of 14, he approached the 100 kg mark. And just a year later the girl already weighed 140 kg. Despite being overweight, Rosalie met her destiny in the face of a man named Robert and got married successfully. After the birth of her son, Rosalie weighed 227 kg. At the beginning of 1980, a woman fell ill with sepsis, which confined her to bed. This is what caused further weight gain. During her illness, her weight reached 544 kg, when her height was only 167 cm. But, despite her enormous weight, Robert did not leave her. Moreover, he took full care of their son Robbie upon himself.

Due to her sedentary lifestyle, Rosalie developed terrible bedsores. And once, having fallen out of bed, she had to be lifted up with the help of a rescue squad. To lift it, they used a special device that is used to overturn cars.

The woman could no longer live like this and in 1988 she even tried to commit suicide, but, fortunately, she did not succeed. Then nutritionist Richard Simmons became interested in her weight. He developed a special diet and physical therapy exercises for Rosalie. So, starting with simple exercises and a developed diet, Rosalie lost 190 kg in a year. Then, continuing to follow the doctor’s instructions, the woman achieved a weight reduction of up to 300 kg.

She lost 416 kg and her weight was 128 kg. With such a huge weight loss, Rosalie was left with a large amount of excess skin. And then she decided to remove this skin using plastic surgery. It was this idea that became fatal for the woman. And in 2006, when she was 63 years old, Rosalie passed away. This heroic woman still remains one of the fattest women in the world, having lost such a record weight.

The cause of Rosalie's death was a complication after surgery to remove excess skin.

Jonn has always been a man of immense size. He is officially considered the fattest person on the planet, his weight is documented. He was born in 1941. The young guy, working as a taxi driver, already weighed 120 kg. His weight grew rapidly until it reached 635 kg.

Jonn couldn't even move in bed by this point. To turn it over, I had to call about 14 people for help. The man began to have health problems due to his weight. He was hospitalized and prescribed a special diet, thanks to which he lost 215 kg. But after treatment, John began to quickly gain weight again.

Donn Minnoch died in 1983, leaving a wife and two children

This heavyset guy was born in 1991 and is a resident of Saudi Arabia. It was listed in the Guinness Book of Records due to its enormous mass of 610 kg. Having such weight, he could not walk or move.

By order of the King of Saudi Arabia himself, in 2013, the young man was taken on a special plane to the hospital. Abdullah also paid for Khalid's treatment. The guy was transported by several people at once. And in order to get it from where it lived, we had to dismantle part of the house.

At the hospital, Khalid was helped to lose about 320 kg. And now he can move around using a special wheelchair. Doctors have found that the guy’s excess weight is not due to his diet.

In fact, Khalid’s huge mass is the result of the guy’s health problems. Without the operation, the young man would simply have died.

In 2016, Khalid began walking again

At the age of 22, Manuel's body weight was 130 kg. Then his weight actively grew until he reached 587 kg. The man could no longer get out of bed. The Mexican realized that something needed to change in life. He began to contact specialists who offered him surgery to reduce his stomach. The man refused this procedure and began to lose weight using a special diet. He gave up foods rich in carbohydrates and ate large amounts of protein. Thus, he lost weight to 381 kg.

The Mexican’s beloved woman was also the reason for the sudden weight loss. She helped him do special exercises and conducted dance classes. The human attitude did its job, and Manuel began to actively lose extra pounds. His weight after special exercises and diet was 187 kg. Unfortunately, in 2014, the man died in the hospital from health problems caused by excess weight.

Love works wonders and helps overcome any difficulties

Another victim of fast food is a man named Patrick Dewell. His fate is not so tragic, because the man got married and is still alive. He grew up as a completely healthy child and was almost not overweight. But then it started to pick up sharply. The maximum weight of a man was 511 kg. Doctors refused to treat him, but he eventually found help. The man's treatment required more than $1 million, which was paid for by the hospital administration.

Patrick was hospitalized in a special car, and in order to arrange a bed for him, two beds had to be moved together. During treatment, Patrick lost 144 kg, but he decided not to stop there and lose another 203 kg. And he almost succeeded.

Patrick goes to his goal

Inspiring Mayra Lisbeth Rosales

Why inspiring? Because she inspired the whole world with her results in weight loss. For all fat people, Myra is the ideal they want to look up to. How much did Myra weigh and what results did she achieve?

This woman weighed almost 500 kg and was a hostage to her own body. Because of his excess weight she couldn't even get out of bed. And her huge folds of fat were so huge that other people mistook them for pillows.

In 2008, when she was 32 years old, Myra became famous throughout the world as the fattest criminal. She took the blame for the murder of her nephew. The woman claimed that she accidentally crushed him with her weight. But later the situation became clearer, and Myra was acquitted. In fact, in this way she wanted to cover up her sister, who brought the child to death with brutal beatings.

Myra continues to eat healthy and maintains her weight at normal levels.

After all the shocks, Myra decided that she could no longer live such a terrible life and wanted to change her life for the better. She underwent about 11 operations, constantly performed exercises, sat on a special diet, and achieved very great results. She lost 400 kg. And returned to normal life.

Heavyweight Egyptian Iman Ahmad Abdulati

Egyptian Iman is one of the fattest people on the planet. At 36 years old, she weighs half a ton and has suffered from elephantiasis for more than 25 years. In February 2017, it became known that Iman could no longer live in the body of a giant. She decides to undergo surgery to suture her stomach. This was made possible thanks to donations from kind people. Iman underwent surgery in Mumbai.

In addition to having her stomach reduced, some of her fatty tissue was removed. She successfully underwent surgery and lost about 100 kg. Following a special diet, she should reduce her weight by about 100 kg. Doctors also prescribed her bariatric procedures to achieve better results.

Iman was transported to Mumbai on a specially equipped cargo plane.

In fact, there are a huge number of such examples. This article describes only a part of them, and basically all the fates are tragic. Therefore, think about your diet and health. And if you have problems with excess weight, then you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to end up on the list of the fattest people on earth.

There are many inexplicable things in life. Some people spend their entire lives searching for a suitable weight loss program, while others, on the contrary, definitely want to gain extra pounds and, losing control of their appetite, reach record heights. Is it good for people to be overweight and is it easy to live with?

Top 10 Most Surprisingly Fat People

1.Manuel Uribe

The fattest Mexican. At the age of 20, he got a sedentary job and began to gain weight. His weight gradually crept up to 599 kg. His weight made him feel worse, and he could not get out of bed. A diet program developed by doctors helped him lose 180 kg.

2. Francis John Lang

He is a native of Clinton. He weighed 540 kilograms with a height of 1 m 88 cm. He began to gain weight already in adulthood, although in his youth he was not overweight.

3. Walter Hudson

This fat man has the biggest waist. Weighing 543 kg, his waist circumference was 3 meters. The daily need for water was equal to 17 liters. The daily diet included 12 eggs, 3 steaks, 4 baked potatoes, 4 cheeseburgers (double), 4 hamburgers, a loaf of bread. In addition, to satisfy his hunger he needed to eat 2 boxes of sausages, a large pie, 2 chickens or ham.

4. Rosalia Bradford

Her weight reached 477 kg with a height of 1m 66 cm. The woman did not stop there and gained almost 70 kg more and began to weigh 544 kg. Then she suddenly began to lose weight and lost weight to 134 kg. To achieve this, Rosalia Bradford had to put in a lot of effort.

Born in 1958. Since childhood, he was given a terrible diagnosis: severe obesity. When he got to New York's St. Luke's Hospital, his weight was melting before our eyes. At the very beginning, his weight was 411 kg, and after losing weight - 90 kg. Before losing weight, his waist was voluminous - 290 cm, and after following the diet - 91 cm. He entered the Guinness Book of Records as a person who managed to lose a lot of fat. But then the record holder returned to his usual lifestyle and gained 500 kg.

6. Patrick Dewell

When Patrick's weight became 488 kg, he was admitted to the hospital and lay completely immobile for six months. The desire to get back on his feet forced him to lose weight, which is what he does to this day.

7. Paul Mason

The fattest man in the world, who required 20,000 kcal per day, and an ordinary person, only 2,000. According to his story, his gluttony began after a breakup with his girlfriend. He gained 445 kg. Poor health forced Paul to undergo surgery. He underwent gastric bypass surgery. After successful surgery, Paul began to weigh 245 kg.

8. Donna Simpson

Already as a child, she decided for herself to become the fattest woman. And so it happened. She gave birth to her first daughter weighing 241 kg. She couldn’t give birth herself, so she had a caesarean section. Gradually her weight increased and reached 445 kg. In six months she gained more than 200 kilograms. The media attributed another 45 kg to her. The appetite was enormous. She swept away everything in her path. But, having achieved a certain goal, she decided to lose weight.

9. Jessica Deonard

When the girl turned 8 years old, the public intervened in her life. People didn’t like the fact that at such a young age the girl weighed more than 200 kg. The young lady is still following various weight loss programs.

10. Terry Smith

Born in America. She was a large baby from birth and gradually gained weight. At the age of 7 her weight was 51 kg, and at 20 it was already 100 kg, then gradually it equaled 320 kg. It was difficult for the woman to move and take care of herself. And then she completely fell ill, and was bedridden for many years. A caring husband, daughter and grandchildren support Terry as best they can. Doctors recommend that she adhere to a certain diet, otherwise this could all end in tears.

Many problems accompany a person from childhood. Parents need to pay attention to the child’s weight and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

The problem of obesity in the world has become most acute in recent decades.

Nervous work, stress, the environment, fast food - everything contributes to rapid weight gain. Read in our article all about the fattest people on planet Earth.

The fattest man in the world

The fattest person in the world in history is an American named Carol Yeager, with a maximum weight of 727 kilograms. She is also the fattest woman on earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint, Michigan, USA. And already as a little girl she began to differ from her peers in weight and impressive dimensions. main reason her fullness is an insatiable appetite. Carol admitted that the desire to eat haunts her after she experienced severe stress - one of her relatives molested her.

At 20, Carol Yeager weighed so much that her own legs could not support her. The girl was chained to the bed; she could not even make basic movements. She was cared for by her daughter Heather and paramedics. Gradually, everyone began to understand that the weight would play a rather bad joke on Carol's health. Every day the situation went downhill - the girl gained weight. As a result, the American was able to contact nutritionist Richard Simmons and showman Jerry Springer. At the latter, Carol began to participate in the program, promoting it. And as payment I received free treatment. However, it later turned out that she did not receive any help from the nutritionist.

Hoping to somehow improve her well-being, Carol Yeager began visiting local clinics. But here, too, failure awaited her - the doctors could not help her. Due to excess weight and bed rest, the girl began to develop new diseases and their complications. Hospitalizations became regular - the American woman was taken away 8-10 times a year. Moreover, firefighters and their special equipment were involved in each transportation, otherwise it would simply not have been possible to transport such a fat man to the hospital.

In 1993, during another hospitalization, Carol's weight reached 540 kilograms. She suffered from swelling. The liquid did not have time to leave the body, as a result it put pressure on the internal organs and even leaked through the skin. At the Hurley Medical Center, Carol Yeager managed to get rid of 235 kilograms by sitting on a special diet. They helped her remove excess water from her body. In addition, nutritionists allowed her to eat only 1200 kilocalories per day. But losing weight did not relieve the woman of heart failure, impaired breathing and excess blood sugar.

Carol returned from the clinic three months later and began to gain weight again. The lost kilograms returned in full, the woman gained unprecedented weight - 727 kilograms. And, as a result, she became known as the fattest man in the world and as the fattest woman. The width of her body reached 1.5 meters, and her mass index was 251, at a time when the norm was only 18-25. However, the weight of 727 kilograms was not officially registered. It was only confirmed by the public. Previously, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records measured Carol, then, with a height of 170 centimeters, she weighed 544 kilograms. This mark was not enough for a new record.

After another hospitalization in 1994, Carol Yeager died. She died at the age of 34. Doctors recorded his weight at the time of death as 545 kilograms. The fattest woman is buried in a private cemetery in Flint. Only her family and friends saw her off on her last journey.

The fattest man in the world

John Minnoch is not only the fattest man in the world, but also officially the fattest man. He was born in 1941 on Bainbridge Island, Washington State. He was fat all his life. Despite this, he worked, communicated with people, in a word, lived a full life. When he was young, he worked as a taxi driver. Then he was about 20 and already weighed 180 kilograms. At the age of 24-25, the first problems came with extra pounds. In 1966, his weight reached 317.5 kilograms, and John Minnoch was getting fatter every day. After 10 years, he was already enormous - 400 kilograms. The man stopped moving independently and was very limited in funds. A recumbent life and constant eating led him to weigh 635 kilograms with a height of 185 centimeters. There was a huge amount of fluid in his body - about 400 liters. It took 14 helpers to turn him over on the bed.

Nutritionists came to the aid of John Minnoch. And they prescribed him a strict diet - only 500 kilocalories a day. The man claimed that such a restriction in food was only killing him. Only muscle mass decreases, not weight.

After the diet, John went to the clinic and underwent a special weight loss course. The treatment was effective and already in 1981 the fattest man began to weigh only 215 kilograms. During the course, the man lost 5 kilograms per week. It was possible to remove excess fluid from the body. But after discharge, the weight that had been lost with such great difficulty returned back. In just a week, John gained 90 kilograms. After such a dubious record, Minnoha was again hospitalized and allowed to eat 1,200 kilocalories per day. In 1983, the fattest man on the planet passed away. At the time of his death, he weighed 363 kilograms. The man left behind a wife and two children.

The fattest man in the world who was able to lose a record number of kilograms

Already at the age of 22, Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 130 kilograms. And he began to rapidly gain weight. It got to the point that since 2002, the man could not get out of bed and, accordingly, leave his house in Monterrey. In desperation, he asked specialists for help. The Italians offered to perform an operation on him - to perform an anastomosis on gastrointestinal tract. But the man refused and went on a diet.

He ate low-carb, high-protein meals. Doctors monitored the weight loss process. The situation changed dramatically when the woman he loved moved in with Manuel Uribe. Claudia was already married, and her husband died of a heart attack due to obesity, she began to help the man exercise and dance.

As a result, the 42-year-old Mexican lost 230 kilograms. Now he dreams of losing another 2 times the weight so that he can kick the ball with Claudia’s son.

The fattest child in the world.

Jessica Leonard was born in Chicago. The world learned about her in 2007, when the girl shocked everyone with her appearance on popular American television channels. At that time, the 7-year-old child weighed 222 kilograms. And there were very specific reasons for this. Food was her greatest passion. Mom says that her daughter constantly asked for food as soon as she got up after another meal. Moreover, her diet included only unhealthy dishes, mainly fast food. The girl happily devoured giant portions of French fries, fried chicken, chicken, pizza, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, and washed it all down with soda. There were 10 thousand kilocalories in the “baby’s” belly per day, while the child’s norm was only 1800. Caroline Shu Guzh’s mother reported that she simply could not refuse a hungry child. Jessica threw hysterics and tearfully asked for more food.

As a result of such concessions, at 3 years old the girl weighed 77 kilograms, and at 4 - already 100. The American could not move independently or even stand. But she could crawl, sit and roll, but with severe shortness of breath. And at the same time, Jessica had her first problems - first with movement, then with speech. Due to the heavy weight, Leonard's body has changed - the bones of his legs are curved, the joints are frozen in an irregular shape. All this is accompanied constant pain. Facial obesity has led to difficulties in conversation, so the baby rarely speaks.

After a series of reports about the fattest child, the public was horrified. The police were inundated with requests to help the child. People demanded that the abuse of the girl end and that the mother be brought to justice. Jessica was admitted to the clinic and put on a strict diet. She was forbidden to eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, and was forced to do physical exercise. A year and a half later, Jessica weighed 82 kilograms. However, there remains stretched skin that needs to be removed. After a series of operations, doctors plan to return Jessica Leonard to normal life.

The editors of "Find Out" advocate for the right way of life - healthy eating and sports activities. In our another article you can read about the most pumped up man in the world.
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People all over the world face excess weight. Sometimes excessive weight gain occurs as a result of a specific disease. However, this is often observed due to another reason - eating a large amount of food and a sedentary lifestyle. AND the fattest people in the world they prove it. There is a top group of representatives who could not overcome desires, deny themselves delicacies and simply gave up, and, as a result, their body became ugly, shapeless and ugly. And in order to protect yourself from such consequences, it is worth reviewing your diet and lifestyle.

Until recently, Khalid ibn Muhsen Shaari was the fattest man on earth. His weight was almost 610 kilograms.

Khalid was included in the Guinness Book of Records. But this “success” caused him serious health problems, which negatively affected his life. Due to his large body weight, he could not move independently for a long time; he was constantly lying down or sitting, which led to the development of severe bedsores.

For reference! In 2013, the king of Saudi Arabia ordered him to be urgently hospitalized. He took on all financial expenses himself. He also arranged for the young fat man to be transported on a military plane.

After all medical procedures and surgical interventions, the weight of the fat man was 290 kg. Thanks to the efforts of doctors and the manipulations performed, he was able to lose 320 kg. In 2016, a person was able to move and walk independently.

JuanPedro Franco - 585 kg

Juan Pedro Franco is a resident of Mexico, and in 2016 he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest person in the world. At that time, his weight fell slightly short of 585 kg. A short film was dedicated to him, which was shown on BBC television. In it, Franco said that at the age of 17 he was involved in a serious car accident, as a result of which half of his body was broken. He was unable to fully recover. But doctors could not understand why the man gained so much fat.

All this led to the emergence of such serious diseases as:

  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hypothyroidism

At the moment, he was able to lose almost 132 kg, his weight is 453 kg. In this matter, he is assisted by a team of 30 professionals. His main goal is to learn how to get up from the couch on his own, as a result of which he will be able to do exercises. He also plans to undergo gastric bypass surgery in the future.

Mayra Rosales - 470 kg

The fattest people on the planet include not only men, but also women. The top should include Mayra Rosales, who was able to achieve excellent results. If you look at her photos from 2008 and now, you may not believe that they are the same person. This woman is direct proof that no matter how much you weigh, motivation to lose weight makes a huge difference.

She was able to lose weight to 91 kg, she did this for the sake of her nephews, namely for the sake of caring for them. Information appeared in the press that Mayra Rosales allegedly ran over her two-year-old nephew due to excess body weight. However, a thorough investigation was able to establish that the murder was committed by his own mother and the woman’s sister, Jaime Lee. She is the one serving a sentence in prison for an unintentional crime.

Kenneth Brumley - 468 kg

A few years ago, Kenneth Brumley was the fattest man in the world. The television made a documentary called Half Ton Dad, which was based on facts from his life.

For four years the man was constantly in bed. To get the fat man out, firefighters had to break down a wall in his house. After this he was taken to the hospital. Doctors and numerous procedures helped him lose 76 kg in 40 days.

Andre Nasr - 468 kg

Andre Nasr is Australia's fattest man. In 2015, he had to turn to doctors for medical help. He was prompted to do this by the fact that for many years he had not been able to leave his house on his own. Every day he consumed 12 thousand calories, which is 6 times more than the recommended values ​​for Australian residents.

To get the fat Australian out, one wall of his house had to be dismantled. Through the resulting passage medical workers were able to move the fat man into the car in which they took him to the hospital. A special nutrition program was developed for him. He was able to lose almost 170 kilograms. Now he himself encourages all obese people to lose weight.

Katrina Rayford - 454 kg

As a child, Katrina Rayford had an unpleasant incident and was abused. As a result, she began to actively “eat up” stress. At the age of 14, she was forced to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital due to problems associated with eating large amounts of food.

The woman spent a long time at home, she practically did not go out, and after she became extremely obese, she lost the ability to walk independently. She had no real friends, and she only communicated with peers on the Internet. However, she was able to pull herself together and lose 261 kg. Proper nutrition and stomach reduction surgery helped her with this. And she doesn't want to stop there.

Paul Mason - 445 kg

The Briton was until recently considered the fattest man in England. He consumed about 20 thousand kcal per day.

His breakfast consisted of the following components:

  • of bread;
  • bacon;
  • different types of sausages;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cakes;
  • various sweets.

His snacks consisted of 40 packets of chips and 20 candy bars, all of which he ate throughout the day. In 2015, he underwent surgery to reduce his stomach. He was prompted to this procedure by his love for the girl. Thanks to this, he was able to lose 305 kg and get rid of 21 kg of excess skin.

Terry Smith - 320 kg

Previously, American resident Terry Smith was active, but she had been overweight since childhood. By the age of 20, her weight reached 100 kg. Afterwards she got married and gave birth to a child.

With age, the woman constantly gained weight and eventually stopped moving. She lies or sits, her legs simply cannot support her body. The woman currently has constant headaches. Doctors are inclined to believe that she has a brain tumor. However, MRI is not performed on people of this size.

Donna Simpson – 290 kg

This curvaceous representative gained weight deliberately; she made money from it. A woman created a website where her fans paid to see Donna Simpson eat to gain more weight.

According to information publications, the woman was able to earn 90 thousand dollars a year from this business. And in 2010, she was included in the Guinness Book of Records under the title “The fattest mother in the world.” But in 2011, Donna decided to lose weight, she was able to lose 120 kg. She did this in order to become independent, as well as for the sake of fully raising her children.

Dzhambulat Khatokhov - 240 kg

People can be very overweight from childhood, this is exactly the case with a boy from Russia who was born on September 24, 1999. By the age of one year his weight was 17 kg, and by the age of 7 – 115 kg. It is thanks to this that the name Dzhambulat appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. A documentary film “The Biggest Boy in the World” was made about Dzhambulat Khatokhov; it was this film that brought him worldwide popularity. Now his weight is 240 kg. He is actively involved in sports, specially building up his mass in order to take part in sumo competitions.

These are not all people who are extremely obese. There are other representatives who were able to gain excessive weight. On the Internet you can see not only photos of the fattest people on earth who live now, but also those who lived in the last century. Having looked at them, you will immediately want to take charge of your health, reconsider your lifestyle and lose extra pounds. Be sure to remember that excessive weight is often our fault, because we rarely watch what we eat.

Our site has already written about people who are overweight. In particular, we talked about the fattest woman and girl on our planet. Today we will find out who is the fattest man in the world.

In the entire history of medicine, he is considered to be Jon Brower Minnoch, born on September 29, 1941 in the USA. Its maximum weight was as much as 630 kilograms. The most interesting thing is that this figure is very arbitrary, since the complete lack of mobility, poor health and John’s weight did not allow doctors to ascertain the exact weight of this man. However, he was still listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

According to historians, John Brower suffered from obesity since childhood. So, at the age of 12 years, his weight reached 132 kg. However, it cannot be said that he was tall - his height was 185 centimeters. At 22 years old, he already weighed 178 kg. Throughout his life, his body weight constantly grew, as a result of which, at the age of 37, Minnock was hospitalized due to respiratory and heart failure. Already at that time he weighed more than 600 kg! In order to take him to the hospital, several dozen rescuers and firefighters were called, and the medical stretcher had to be significantly altered - the usual ones would have simply fallen apart! After John was removed from the house, he was sent on a specially prepared ferry to the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. They prepared in advance for the arrival of the patient - he was placed on two beds pushed together. The patient caused a lot of problems for the medical staff. So, just to change his bed linen, it took at least 14 people!

After 16 months, John was discharged from the hospital - at that time he weighed only 215 kg, having lost more than 400 kg during treatment. This was done thanks to a special diet - no more than 1200 calories per day.

Barely a year had passed when Minnock was hospitalized again - his weight at that time was 432 kg. Doctors declared his illness incurable. John died in 1983 at the age of 41. At the time of death, his weight was 362 kg.

If we talk about our days, the leader here in terms of body weight is Manuel Uribe, a native of Mexico, born on June 11, 1965. It cannot be said that Manuel began to gain weight since childhood, but at the age of 22 he reached 130 kg, after which his body weight began to grow rapidly. In 2001, it got to the point that he simply could not get out of his bed (his weight at that time was more than 580 kg and remained practically unchanged over the next six years).

In 2007, he decided to turn to television for help. They started sending him all kinds of diets, and someone even suggested having bariatric surgery, thanks to which he could get rid of some of the extra pounds. However, the Mexican did not resort to surgical methods, but decided to lose weight on his own - with the help of only one proper nutrition. In less than a year, he was able to lose weight to 381 kg, adhering to a protein diet, and for the first time in a very long time he went outside on his own.

In 2006, he met Claudia Solis - the woman periodically came to Manuel to cut his hair and nails. This is how their friendship began. True, the woman’s parents were against her communication with Uribe, but she did not listen to them. In 2008, Manuel proposed to her and she reciprocated. Then its weight was 330 kg. But at the beginning of 2011, Uribe weighed only 187 kg. He's probably lost a fair amount of weight these days. What can I say - well done!