Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to water tomatoes from plastic bottles. How to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. You can also feed the plant, saving fertilizers.

A vegetable garden is not a place to relax; you have to work here. All plants need moisture for proper and healthy growth. To prevent everything in the garden from drying out, you need to water it well. This procedure is best carried out in the evening, since the sun is not too aggressive during this period of the day, and the water will not evaporate as much. To come and water in the evening, you need to go to the garden immediately after a hard day of work. On the hottest summer days, plants need watering at least once every two, maximum three days. Not everyone can afford to go to their garden several times a week after work. There is a way out - drip irrigation. A do-it-yourself system will help you take care of your household.

Why is drip irrigation needed?

Drip irrigation is one of the ways to modernize your farm. Such a system will significantly reduce costs and increase profits. Everyone has long known about drip irrigation and its effective operation. Why then is it not used? Factory systems cost incredible amounts of money that are simply unaffordable ordinary people with a small dacha. There is only one way out: do drip irrigation with your own hands.

What is drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is a special principle of delivering moisture to plant roots. It became famous for its efficiency and particular economy. The main advantage of drip irrigation is autonomy. You don’t need to go to your dacha almost every day to water your precious plants; drip irrigation, made by yourself, will take care of this.

Positive aspects of drip irrigation

The most important advantage of a homemade drip irrigation system is that almost nothing is needed to create it (both material and moral costs). Anyone can make the simplest “watering cans” without any experience.

Since there are bottles in every home, and getting a couple is not difficult, another advantage of bottle watering is its low cost. Such a system will cost any summer resident very little, which is an important factor for the development of the economy.

The second positive feature of drip irrigation is cost-effectiveness. This word has several meanings. Firstly, just walking around the garden and filling the containers is much easier than standing with a hose for several hours. Or even worse - walking around the entire garden with a heavy watering can. Drip irrigation helps save a lot of time, which you can spend on yourself and not on the garden.

Why is drip irrigation useful?

Also, with drip irrigation, the land, and along with it the plants, receive exactly as much water as they need. It’s a familiar situation when, after regular watering, a swamp forms in the garden. This approach is of very poor quality, because water spreads over the entire area of ​​the land. The required amount of moisture spreads throughout the garden. Because of this, it’s not good for the plants and it’s bad for your pocket. Watering with a hose wastes a large amount of water, for which you also have to pay, so you need to be prepared to receive a receipt with a rather large amount to pay.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles. It is very economical in nature. So it is beneficial from a financial point of view. This is why “drip” watering is used to water the plants little by little. Water consumption is reduced significantly.

Drip irrigation has been proven to strengthen and strengthen the root system, making the plant healthier and more productive. Also a favorite topic for summer residents is weed control. With regular watering from a hose, the entire area is moistened, which leads to rapid growth of unwanted weeds. With the help of such watering, the necessary moisture comes directly to the root. So, the weeds do not receive the necessary water, and the sun does its job. They die.

One of the valuable and important factors that summer residents will appreciate is autonomy. Bottled drip irrigation is not so autonomous that it can operate without human intervention all the time, but it can still provide water to a plant for about a week. When you first arrive at the dacha, you can add water to the bottles, and the system will work again.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

Everywhere has its pros and cons. Bottle watering also has its drawbacks. Sometimes the holes in plastic containers can become clogged, and then water does not flow well into the ground. If you miscalculate and accidentally insert a bottle of water too close to the plant, you can accidentally damage the root, which will undoubtedly affect its productivity. Also, many pests can gather around such a moist place: slugs, snails, worms and many others. Such pests will eat the leaves. Therefore, you need to watch and scatter the poison at the first appearance.

How to make drip irrigation yourself

First you need to decide on the irrigation system itself, imagine what it will be like. Making drip irrigation with your own hands is not difficult. There are several options for different types of vegetable gardens. You need to understand what is best for your site.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles is perfect for single bushes or a small group of plants (planting cucumbers, tomatoes and much more). You cannot water the entire garden with the help of such an irrigation system, but you need to water less. Drip irrigation will help with this. You can also make an irrigation system from drippers with your own hands. It can cover the entire area of ​​the garden, but this requires high costs. All expenses for materials and work will pay off later, but you still need to have at least some funds to start with.

First, it’s worth imagining the best way to make drip irrigation with your own hands. The photo of each irrigation system is unique. You just need to work a little - and the result will appear.

Each system is suitable for a specific garden. If the area is small, then it is unlikely that the land will need centralized and all-covering drip irrigation.

How to make drip irrigation from bottles: scheme No. 1

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles is very simple. Anyone can make an irrigation system for their dacha from plastic containers. To do this you do not need to have any special skills or important skills. The most important thing for this is to have imagination and plastic containers, which are the basis of everything in this system.

To make drip irrigation with your own hands from bottles, you need to take a large container and make several holes in its lower part. After this simple procedure, it is buried next to the plant. The irrigation control system is very simple: the more holes, the more plants are watered, the fewer holes, the less watering, which will last for a long time.

This method also works very simply. Once the bottle is in the ground, the water begins to come into contact with it. When the soil gets wet, it clogs the very holes from which moisture comes out. If the ground dries out, water begins to flow again. This cycle is repeated until the water in the plastic container runs out. A huge advantage of this method is that the soil itself regulates how much water it needs. If the ground is too dry, then water will quickly flow into the ground. If the humidity is high and the plants do not need excessive moisture, moisture will not flow.

This method is good because you don’t need to constantly pull out the bottles just to get water inside. I opened the lid and added water through the neck. Everything is very simple. “Bottle” watering is good because it is very cheap, you don’t need to tinker with it much, and replenishing the water is very simple.

Anything growing around the bottles will be watered. This very economical and simple method will save any summer resident from almost every day walking to the garden.

How to make drip irrigation from a bottle with your own hands: scheme No. 2

Plants need water. There are several ways you can make your own drip irrigation. The scheme is almost the same. The way the plants are watered remains the same.

Most easy way creating a drip irrigation system from a plastic bottle involves an ordinary two- or one-and-a-half-liter plastic container stuck in the ground. You don’t need to do anything, just unscrew the cap, fill the bottle with water and stick it with the neck down so that it can stay upright. This method is very simple. It works on the same principle as the previous one. One bottle will irrigate everything in its vicinity.

Irrigation in a greenhouse

Greenhouse plants also need to be looked after. They also need good moisture, like their garden counterparts. In order for crops to flourish, you can do drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands. This approach will increase the productivity of the greenhouse itself and provide water to all plants.

How to make irrigation in a greenhouse

How to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands? Here you will need a more complex system. To make drip irrigation in a greenhouse, you need to have pumping unit which will pump water. Typically, drip irrigation in a greenhouse is done like this: lay a long plastic pipe along the entire length of the greenhouse next to the plants. Holes are made in this pipe, and then water is supplied to each hole through a small hose. Water under pressure will constantly be supplied into the pipe. Water will constantly flow to the plants through small holes. Constant soil moisture is beneficial for plants.

You can take hoses from droppers. They even have a regulator at the end. With its help you can change the amount of moisture entering the ground. Such a system will cost much more, but it is more effective than bottles.

Drip irrigation has long established itself as The best way irrigation of plants. It allows you to give roots required amount moisture and nutrients, while being the most economical in terms of water consumption. In addition, drip irrigation systems offer the opportunity to organize “delayed watering,” which is important for summer cottages that the owners visit only two to three days a week. It is not difficult to build a drip irrigation system with your own hands. As the main " construction material» It’s easiest and cheapest to use regular plastic bottles. So, we make a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles ourselves.


Before we begin to describe the technologies for making an irrigation system from plastic bottles, let's figure out why drip irrigation is considered the best. Compared to other irrigation methods, it has a number of advantages:

  • Water is supplied directly to the root system. Thus, a “swamp” is not created around the plant, the constant presence of which is harmful to some crops;
  • Water consumption during drip irrigation is minimal, since it is used exclusively “for its intended purpose”;
  • The absence of excessive moisture in the area allows you to avoid the appearance of rot and the development of planting diseases;
  • Drip irrigation is the only way to deliver water to plants in a timely manner when there is no one to look after them;
  • And finally, you can make a drip irrigation system yourself, using only “available materials”. Thus, it will cost you practically free.

Well, now, having convinced ourselves of the undeniable advantages of drip irrigation, let’s proceed directly to the manufacture of an irrigation system.

Method using a sponge

What you will need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Foam sponge (washcloth).

How to do:

The manufacture of this drip irrigation system is the simplest of all those proposed. It is enough to pour water into the bottle, and instead of a cork, stick a piece of foam sponge of the appropriate size into the neck.

If water seeps through the sponge very much, try taking a larger piece of foam rubber. By experimenting, you can achieve the desired intensity of watering.

After this, we place the bottle near the plant, so that the neck with the sponge is located near the root of the plant. As the sponge gets wet, excess moisture will drip to the root, providing water to the plant.

The advantage of this “system” is its ease of manufacture. The disadvantages include the impossibility of accurately adjusting the intensity of watering, rapid water consumption and the need to disassemble the structure for filling.

Bottle with rod

What you will need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • An empty ballpoint pen or a cocktail tube;
  • Knife or scissors;
  • Match or wooden toothpick;
  • Awl;
  • Wooden or metal peg;
  • Wire or tape.

How to do:

This watering system can be made in two ways: by attaching the rod to the bottom of the bottle or to its neck. In the first case, the bottle can be installed on the ground without additional equipment; in the second, the process of adding water to the bottle is greatly simplified.

In any case, the first thing you need to do is prepare the rod. To do this, wash out the remaining ink from it (in the case of using ballpoint pen refills) and close one of its ends with a plug. To do this, you can use a piece of a match or a wooden toothpick. Using an awl, make a small hole 3-4 millimeters from the closed end.

Initially, the hole should not exceed 0.3 millimeters in diameter. In the future, if necessary, it can be expanded, but it will not be possible to reduce it.

Now, 1-2 centimeters from the bottom of our container, we make a hole into which we insert the rod. It is no coincidence that the word “container” is used instead of the word “bottle”, since depending on the manufacturing method you choose, the bottom of the container can be either at the bottom of the bottle or at its neck.

Please note that the rod must fit into the container as tightly as possible.

If you have placed the rod at the neck of the bottle, then you need to screw it (the neck) with a cork. We cut off the upper part of the resulting container, and essentially the bottom of the bottle, using a knife or scissors.

It makes sense to “capture” 2-3 centimeters of its wall along with the cut off bottom of the bottle. By making a vertical cut on it, this part of the bottle can be used as a lid to protect the container from debris.

Now fill the bottle with water and see how quickly the liquid flows out through the hole made at the closed edge of the rod. The optimal speed is 10 drops in 5 minutes. If the water flows out more slowly, it is enough to slightly widen the hole in the rod.

The finished system is installed near the plant, and the end of the rod is placed in close proximity to the root system. To do this, the container with the rod is attached to a peg of sufficient length using wire or tape. The free end of the peg is stuck into the ground next to the plant.

Despite the fact that a bottle with a rod at the base can be placed without additional equipment, we recommend strengthening it with a peg, as this will prevent the bottle from tipping over due to gusts of wind.

Now all you have to do is pour water into the bottle and the drip irrigation system is ready for use.

If the bottle is positioned upside down, to water it you need to unscrew the cap a little to allow air to enter the bottle.

This drip irrigation system is one of the most effective. The advantages are the ability to irrigate several plants from one container (for this, an appropriate number of rods are installed in the bottle), ease of adding water and the ability to accurately adjust the speed of its supply. The only disadvantages include the relatively complex manufacturing technology.

What you will need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Awl;
  • Knife or scissors.

How to do:

Making this drip irrigation system is very simple. The bottom of the bottle is cut off with a small piece of the wall, on which a vertical cut is made. As in the previous case, this part of the bottle will serve as a cap.

Near the neck, several holes are made with an awl through which liquid will flow.

The more clay soil you have on your site, the more holes you need for normal watering.

All that remains is to bury the bottle near the plant so that all the holes are underground. After filling the bottle with water, moisture seeping through the holes will provide the root system with a sufficient flow of water.

Holes can also be made at the base of the bottle, and water can be poured through the neck.

Ease of manufacture and the ability to irrigate several plants at the same time (in this case, the bottle is dug between them, and holes are made around the entire circumference) are the undoubted advantages of this system. The disadvantage is the fact that it is difficult to determine the intensity of watering, since the “working area” of the bottle is underground.

What you will need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Awl;
  • Wire or rope.

How to do:

This drip irrigation system is suitable for those who have supports next to their plants. Although if they are not there, it is not a problem to install stakes between the plants.

As in the two previous cases, we cut off the bottom of the bottle, making a lid out of it.

At a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the cut bottom, we make two holes on opposite sides of the bottle. We pass a wire or rope through them, with the help of which the bottle can be hung on guy wires stretched between the supports. Make a small hole in the bottle cap. If the flow rate seems too slow, the hole can be widened.

You don’t have to make a hole in the lid, but simply unscrew it a little, allowing the water to flow out at the desired speed.

Now you need to hang the bottles over the plants, after which the work on making the “irrigation system” can be considered complete.

To prevent plants from getting sick due to high air humidity, experienced gardeners practice watering tomatoes with bottles. In this case, water, and at the same time fertilizers diluted in it, do not fall on the stems and leaves, but directly to the root. It seeps into the soil quite slowly, literally drop by drop, which makes it possible not to visit country cottage area too often.

It is best to install a homemade irrigation system simultaneously with planting tomato seedlings. If you bury drink containers near overgrown plants, you can damage their roots.

For preparation you will need a minimum set of materials and tools:

  • bottles plastic capacity 2-2.5 l;
  • hand drill;
  • drill with a diameter of 2 mm;
  • sharp knife or scissors.

A drill is needed to drill two holes in the lid. However, if the soil is heavy and clayey, you will need 3 or even 4 holes. Otherwise, the water will flow out too little. If you don’t have a drill on your property, you can melt the holes with a regular, not too large nail.

To avoid burning your hands, hold the nail in pliers and hold it over a lit burner. gas stove until the metal begins to turn red. Then bring the nail to the cap from the inside and immerse it in the plastic.

The bottle is prepared as follows:

  • First you need to wash it and remove the sticker.
  • Then use a knife or scissors to carefully cut off the bottom. The cut is made 1-1.5 cm above the dividing strip between the thickened lower and main parts of the bottle.
  • It is better to cut off the bottom not all the way. In this case, it will be used as a hinged lid that protects the water in the bottle from drying out.

Drip irrigation at the root (video)

How to install containers correctly

To prevent the bottle from being blown away by the wind, it must be buried in the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm. For good irrigation, plastic containers should be installed near the root. But this is only possible during planting, when the bottle is dropped into the same hole with the seedlings. If the tomatoes have already grown, you will have to make a hole under the container at a distance of at least 15 cm from the trunk of the plant, while acting very carefully so as not to touch the roots.

Moistened clay soil is easily driven into the drilled holes. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to tighten the plug from the outside with a nylon stocking or place a little hay or a piece of burlap on the bottom of the hole. Screw the lid tightly, place the bottle at an angle, neck down, and then fill the hole with earth. If the container is buried vertically, the water will soon stop flowing out. The optimal tilt angle is selected experimentally and ranges from 30 to 45°, depending on the type of soil.

The water should not immediately go into the ground. The essence of drip irrigation is the gradual consumption of liquid over several days.

If it pours out too quickly, the holes in the lid need to be made smaller in diameter. To prevent moisture from evaporating, bottoms that are not completely cut off are placed on top of the bottles. When feeding tomatoes, fertilizer can only be used in liquid form, as solid particles will clog the irrigation holes. In dry summers, about 1 glass of water per day is consumed per plant, so you can visit the tomatoes to add water no more than once a week.

There is another one original way watering bottles. To do this, using an awl, a large number of holes are made in them: in 5-6 rows at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The plastic container is buried vertically, neck up, in the same hole with the seedlings. The only inconvenience is that you have to fill it through a narrow neck, but the water practically does not evaporate. Due to the fact that the bottle is almost completely underground, it will not be knocked over even by a strong wind. And thanks to this, the site looks much more attractive.

Watering through cocktail straws

For the next irrigation system, you will need a used ballpoint pen refill, from which the writing unit is removed and then thoroughly washed to remove any remaining paste. Instead, you can use narrow cocktail tubes or parts from used IV drips.

  • One of the holes in the rod must be tightly plugged with a piece of wood (a match, a planed piece of a branch, a toothpick), and then the tube must be pierced with a needle at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the plug. The second end of the rod is inserted into a bottle buried at a shallow depth near the soil.
  • The junction is covered with plasticine.
  • The tube is connected to the trunk of the plant so that water from the hole drips onto the root area. If the pressure is too weak, the hole in the tube must be slightly expanded.

Sometimes bottles with the bottom cut off are hung upside down on poles stretched along the tomato plantings. The lid without holes is not screwed on too tightly so that water can seep through and drip down. The rate at which the liquid is consumed depends on how tightly the cap is screwed on. But this method is only good for greenhouses, since in the open air the bottles sway a lot due to the wind. In this case, water or a nutrient solution does not fall on the ground, but on the leaves and trunk of the plant, which is extremely undesirable.

Drip irrigation for a dacha at no cost (video)

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Today you will learn how you can make an automatic sprinkler with your own hands from discarded garbage and a plastic bottle. Now you can safely go on a long trip, as your favorite plants will be automatically watered with a homemade automatic waterer.

Advantages of drip irrigation:

Saves water by 2-3 times compared to other irrigation methods.

Targeted irrigation supplies moisture only to the bushes of vegetable, fruit or ornamental crops - the weeds are left without recharge.

Autonomy. You can leave tender, freshly planted pepper or tomato seedlings unattended for a week without them drying out.

The soil does not harden or crust over, as with heavy watering.

Drops do not fall on the leaves. The problem of plant burns in hot weather and fungal diseases or rot with regular evening watering is eliminated.

Water does not flow into puddles and does not fall on the paths between the beds.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles is an alternative to expensive drip irrigation systems. It is very simple and quick to do, especially if you have a sufficient amount of empty plastic containers and an hour of free time.

DIY drip irrigation

Method number 1: bottle neck down

The bottom of the bottle (about 5 cm from the bottom) is cut off with scissors or a knife. At this time, it is better to screw the lid on, punch a hole, and only then cut off the bottom - it’s safer.

2-4 punctures with a diameter of no more than 0.3-0.5 mm are made in the neck or lid. The throughput capacity depends on the number of holes and their diameter.

The bottle is buried 3-4 cm near the stem. A piece of fabric or a piece of nylon tights is placed inside so that the hole does not become clogged with debris. They can be fixed at the very bottom - the water will remain clean all the time.

If desired, the container can be hung near the bushes by the neck or upside down. With this option, soil will not fall into the holes. Plus, it's easier to fill with water.

It’s very convenient when everything is attached to a wooden rail: you just need to thread strong wire into the bottles and hang them on the crossbar using these “handles.”

Everything is done very simply. I tie a one and a half bottle with the bottom cut off from under the water to the trellis above each bush. I stick the system into the neck of the bottle and, using a wheel, regulate the force of the droplets flowing to the roots of my plants. Fertilizers are supplied very easily through the same system: I make a solution in a bucket, then pour it into bottles and through the dropper the nutrients go directly to the roots.
As you can see from the photo, there is nothing complicated in my design.

Method number 2: holes in the bottom

The simplest option: one or several holes of the required diameter are made approximately 25 mm from the bottom, and filled plastic eggplants are placed next to each plant.

You can make more holes and bury the bottle itself near the bush, which it should supply with moisture.

In this case, the container can be placed between several plants.

The lid is removable, and you can save yourself from debris using a nylon “bandage”.

To pour water, you will have to use a watering can.

Another variation of drip irrigation: only one hole is punched in the bottle, and a ballpoint pen is inserted into it. The writing tip is first removed, and the remaining ink is washed out with alcohol. The rod is directed to the area to be watered and fixed with garden varnish or simply plasticine.

Or like this:

Tip: water not over mulch, but into cut-off plastic bottles to reduce moisture (from late blight).

Method number 3: for the lazy

There are special tips with holes on sale. They are screwed on instead of a cap, after which the bottles are turned upside down and placed near each plant. Changing the water is convenient and quick, no debris gets inside, and in general this irrigation system looks aesthetically pleasing.

Advice: During drip irrigation, you can add liquid fertilizers to the soil - they will also be used purposefully.

And one more method for caring for seedlings in vases or indoor flowers:

1. The bottom of one bottle is cut off, and a hole is made in it, equal in diameter to the lid of the second bottle.

2. Two cuts (or cuts) are made in the neck of the second vessel, the lid is screwed on, and the prepared bottom of the first bottle is threaded up.

3. The resulting structure is filled with water and quickly turned over onto a deep tray or oven tray. All pots with flowers or seedlings are placed there.

Water will flow out gradually as it is absorbed. For such watering, it is better to take small bottles so that they cannot accidentally tip over under their own weight.

The system can be improved at your discretion: equipped with hoses and a reservoir with a supply of water so that the container is filled independently, or additionally use droppers.

Drip irrigation: pros and cons

Unfortunately, this experiment did not reveal any advantages. Unless without financial investments.
(Added after vacation) After this experiment, I still had to save at least something from the plants. I simply placed the hose on the garden bed and left the faucet open so that the water flowed out a drop at a time or so per second. After 13 days, the soil in the garden bed was wet over an area of ​​about 60 cm in diameter. I think at shallow depths the water spread even wider. The plants are alive. But my area under plants is very small and this was enough for me and here is a VIDEO:

When spring comes and the earth warms up, gardening time begins. Summer residents and villagers are starting to plant various fruit crops. But for a good harvest, it is not enough just to plant and weed the plants; they need constant watering, especially when the weather is sunny and dry. One of best options watering, when there is not a lot of water or time every day, there will be drip irrigation. This method has many advantages over traditional methods, and only a few disadvantages. So what is the essence of drip irrigation from a plastic bottle?

What is drip irrigation?

Drip irrigation is when water flows in uniform small portions directly to the roots of the plant if the irrigation device is in the ground, or next to the plant in the hole when it is on the surface. Only gets water cultivated plant, and not nearby growing weeds. There is no need to buy a device for drip irrigation; you can make it yourself without special expenses. It is best to use a plastic bottle for this; such a device will last for several years if treated with care.

Pros and cons of drip irrigation

  1. With this type of plant watering, significant water savings occur when compared with conventional watering from a hose or watering can. In addition, you will not have to loosen the soil, as after heavy watering, since drip watering does not create a dried crust that interferes with the growth of the plant. There is no spreading of water in different directions.
  2. Possibility of autonomous irrigation of plants with water. This is very convenient for summer residents who are not on the site every day. The structure will work independently, without creating a danger to the site and the country house.
  3. The ability to easily apply fertilizer in the required proportions, and only the plant itself will receive it.
  4. Also a significant advantage will be the fact that drip irrigation can be used both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. If this is a place open to the sun, then the water in the bottle will heat up during the day and irrigation with sufficiently warm water continues at night.

Although this method is very convenient, it cannot be called perfect. Its disadvantages are that:

  1. Irrigation of large areas is almost impossible. To do this, you will need many devices for drip irrigation, and this will be inconvenient and no longer rational.
  2. If the soil is heavy and contains a lot of clay, then when the irrigation device is in the soil, it may become clogged and will have to be cleaned out.
  3. Such watering cannot completely replace the full traditional moistening of the soil, especially in hot summers. With the help of irrigation, you can only maintain humidity, but you will still have to water the beds generously from time to time.

What is needed to make a drip irrigation device?

The set of tools and materials is small and any home owner can find it. The design will differ from an expensive purchased one in materials, but not in efficiency. So, we will need:

  1. Plastic bottle. Its size depends on what kind of plant and how long it needs to irrigate it; small ones, with a volume of 0.5 liters, are not recommended; it is better to take a container ranging from 1 to 5 liters. Such containers are usually left over from purchases made at the grocery store, and you don’t have to purchase them separately.

Approximate ratio of bottle size and consumption time with light watering:

The accuracy of the data depends on the number of holes in the bottle and the type of irrigation method.

  1. Tool for making holes. A thin nail or a thick needle is suitable for this, depending on the size of the future holes in the bottle.
  2. Textile. This should be either a piece of thin cotton or nylon tights, and in the second option longer use is possible, since nylon is stronger.

Option No. 1. Bottle buried bottom in the ground

We take the prepared bottle, its size should be such that it fits well in the garden bed between several plants. If you need to water only one bush, then the bottle can be small, and the holes in it can only be on one side, close to the plant.

Next, take a nail, step back a few centimeters from the bottom and make small holes. If the diameter of the holes is too large, water will flow out quickly. You need to make about 10 holes, they should be located in the middle of the bottle, do not touch the neck part.

Then we dig a hole the diameter of the bottle and dig it in there, leaving the top part outside. It is better to put a nylon cap on the neck to prevent debris from getting in. Fill the bottle with water using a watering can and leave. Water will gradually flow evenly to the roots of the bushes and irrigate them.

Option No. 2. Bottle hung upside down

For this method of irrigation, you first need to make a structure above the crops on which a bottle of water will rest. These can be two buried sticks and a crossbar between them, on which you can hang a bottle on a hook; if there is a metal mount that looks like a small horizontal bar, you can hang it on that too. The maximum height is 45 - 50 cm, and the minimum is 35 cm (taking into account the size of the bottle).

We make holes in the lid; a nail is again suitable for this. The more holes in the lid, the more droplets of water will fall on the plant. We cut off the bottom of the bottle with a knife or scissors; water will be poured into it. We hang it, fill it with water and stretch the fabric to remove the debris.

Option number 3. A bottle buried with its neck in the ground

We take a bottle and select the dimensions in the same way as in the previous case. This method is inferior to the first only in that more water will flow to the very bottom of the roots of the bushes, and with the first option, it will spread along their entire length. We remove the lid and make several holes in it; it is not recommended to make more than 4 holes, the water will quickly leave and you will have to add it often. If it is a 5-liter bottle, then the lid is large and the holes need to be made larger; if it is a liter or one and a half liter bottle, then smaller ones. We cut off the bottom completely and pour water into it.

We make a not very deep hole next to the bush; such a depth is necessary that the bottle cap is not located significantly below the roots; it is advisable to place it a little higher - then all the moisture will be used for its intended purpose.

Option number 4. Simple method with a purchased nozzle

Such a device can no longer be called completely hand-made. In specialized stores for gardeners you can find a special oblong nozzle with holes, which is screwed onto the bottle instead of a cap. Next, you just need to stick it into the ground along with the bottle on. The bottom can be cut off, or you don’t have to work, because when the water runs out, you can twist it, without much effort, take in water and screw it back, and then return it to the ground. This method is practically no different from burying a bottle upside down, just a little simpler.

The disadvantage is that such nozzles are most often standard and the maximum volume of the bottle can be 2.5 liters; for 5 liters such a nozzle in width is already more difficult to find. The advantage of such a nozzle is that it can be used to irrigate not only plants in a greenhouse or open ground in the garden, but also flowers in pots at home; a small 0.5 liter bottle is also suitable here.

Video - Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for a dacha at no cost

How to apply fertilizer using an irrigation device from a plastic bottle?

Those fertilizers that are subject to dissolution in water or dilution of the finished liquid must be poured already diluted into a bottle.

How to properly make a solution in the ratio of water and fertilizing - read the instructions and strictly follow them. They will spread evenly around the root, allowing the plant to consume them. This does not apply to those after which abundant watering is required.