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Machinery and equipment includes a cash register. Cash register: modern equipment for your business. Main types of online cash registers - how to make the right choice

If you decide to go into business in 2019, a cash register will be one of the essential items you should consider purchasing. And this is not an exaggeration - after all, it is impossible to organize an established cash accounting system today without the presence of this technical device.

Which cash register should you choose, and what criteria should you follow? The answers to these questions depend on many factors, including:

  • features of the scale and nature of your company’s activities;
  • the pace and dynamics of trade turnover or implementation of the services you offer;
  • cash flow intensity;
  • preferred functional and price range of this equipment.

Cash management: some regulatory and technical aspects

According to the regulations of the Central Bank Russian Federation, for 2019, maintaining cash accounting is mandatory for every business entity - regardless of its status and the scale of its activities.

At the same time, one of the current innovations is the introduction of a unified system for collecting and processing financial data, the technical support of which is carried out through the use of specialized technical equipment and software.

The central element of the considered chain of information interaction in a technical sense is the cash register - an innovative digital device that allows you to significantly optimize the cash flow process.
The presence of a cash register is mandatory for the full functioning of a modern cash accounting system, relevant for 2019, since it allows you to quickly and highly effectively control the circulation of cash both within the structure of the enterprise and at the stage of external interaction.

Design features and functional purpose

What is a cash register (CCM) and can it be used in a small private enterprise? How to choose a cash register device that is optimally suited to ensure the financial functioning of a particular organization or individual enterprise in 2019? In order to correctly answer these questions, it is worth familiarizing yourself in a little more detail with the design features of the equipment in question and its functional application.

There are two main types of CMMs: portable and stationary.

A portable cash register is a miniature high-tech device designed to read basic information from magnetic cards built into modern price tags or labels.

A cash register of this type often consists of the following basic components:

  • control tape in electronic format;
  • built-in GSM or GPRS modem;
  • electronic card reader;
  • built-in keyboard.

The use of a portable cash register is perfect for individual entrepreneurs who are on the way to establishing their own business, as well as small shops, organizations and institutions that do not have a significant commercial space at their disposal.

The efficiency and reliability of such devices is quite high, and the range of available options depends on the specific model you choose. New interesting modifications are expected to appear in 2019.

A standard type cash register is, in fact, a real computer, the operating part of which consists of:

  • monitor;
  • keyboard used for data entry;
  • magnetic card and information data reader;
  • a printing device that transfers data onto a special paper tape.

It is worth noting that almost any modern cash register that you want to choose has the ability to connect wired to the Internet. This provides access to unified financial registers of cash registers, without entry into which the use of cash registers is considered illegal and may entail economic sanctions (a fine of 4 to 6 thousand rubles, depending on the form and severity of the violation).

In addition, the main types of cash registers are determined depending on the nature of their functioning: whether it is autonomous or not.

An autonomous cash register can operate without connecting to the main computer, and is characterized by the presence of built-in fiscal memory units and electronic control tape memory (ECT). Such a device often has a portable format and is suitable for mobile use. However, new models, expected to be released in 2019, may have the option of connecting to a computer to enter initial settings and their further correction, as well as connecting to a unified database.

At the same time, a non-autonomous cash register (fiscal register) is more voluminous and requires a mandatory connection to an external operating system. Such devices are more readily used by large shopping centers, enterprises, and joint-stock companies with a significant turnover of cash flows.

In addition, there are passive and active types of cash register systems. Passive CCS cannot independently process the information received and control the system, unlike active type equipment, which.

In addition to devices primarily for commercial purposes, there are also technical modifications that are used exclusively for recording internal cash flow in a company.

In fact, this is not even a cash register, but a kind of receipt printer, which also has an internal memory unit. But their use is not widespread due to the narrow specification and slightly outdated functional range.

Maintenance and registration

The cost of equipment of this type is quite high, so it is recommended to regularly submit it for preventive inspections to a specialized service center. The cash register is quite easy to use and maintain, but requires careful handling and compliance with technical hygiene standards.

Each cash register device undergoes mandatory registration with the tax department, as evidenced by special seals indicating its legal use.

The basis for registering a cash register is the application of the applicant and a package of basic documentation indicating the proper technical condition of the device.

Application in practice: advantages of modern equipment

The algorithm for using a cash register allows you not only to control the actions of the cashier and record the stages of commodity and cash turnover, but also to organize and capitalize cash profits, followed by entering the relevant details into the cash book.

A cash register (CMC) is a high-tech device, the maintenance of which requires minimal technical skills. The use of cash register machines has proven its high profitability both in the operating conditions of large shopping centers and supermarkets, and in small specialized shops, the owners of which are often the only employees.

The use of a modern cash register device in business is not only an opportunity to streamline the financial and economic relations of an entrepreneur and a client/consumer, but also to simplify the interaction pattern of a specific legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the state fiscal system.

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According to the laws of the Russian Federation, now all cash registers are online cash registers that connect to the Internet and transmit data to the tax office through the OFD. To learn more about the new cash registers, read articles about them on our blog:

There are many online cash registers on the market. Among them there are also autonomous cash registers - they are also called total cash registers or autonomous cash registers - which are cheaper than others. And although they still comply with the requirements of the law, autonomous vehicles have limited functionality and very few opportunities for the entrepreneur.

What kind of cash registers are there, what are autonomous cash registers and which online cash register to choose for your business so as not to buy a new one in a few months - we’ll talk about this in our article.

More details:

Types of online cash registers

What business do you have?

The choice is really huge - it’s difficult for an entrepreneur to figure out which cash register is needed. We ourselves divide such cash registers into several categories. Let's go in order: from less functionality to more functionality.

Fiscal registrars

What kind of cash registers are these?

Fiscal registrars are online cash registers that are controlled by an external cash register program. They are chosen when the business owner has already purchased the necessary cash register software for his business area. And in order to sell legally, he only needs a printer for printing checks - which not only prints, but also sends these checks to the tax office through the OFD. This is the fiscal registrar.

What can they do?

Fiscal officers have limited functionality. These are cash registers that do not have buttons or a screen - they work with a device that has a cash register program. They know how to print and send checks under 54-FZ using a fiscal drive. But a signal about any actions is sent to the fiscal registrar by the cash register program, which is installed on a computer, laptop or other device.

So it turns out that the cashier works with this program to make sales. And already in the registrar itself a fiscal drive is installed, which gives it the ability to store sales data, print receipts and send them to the tax office through the OFD.

Fiscal recorders have different printing speeds and are designed for different loads. The advantage is that there is plenty to choose from - you can find the right registrar for your business. They can be divided into two areas of application: for chain retail or restaurants and for small retail or service industries.

In fiscal offices for large networks, the printing speed is many times faster - for example, it prints 300 mm and 10 positions per second. Also, such fiscal registrars have a check cutter. All this is needed to quickly serve customers and reduce queues. As a rule, these fiscal officers print receipts on a wide 80 mm ribbon - it displays a large number of goods sold. But it’s not just supermarkets who need this. This is also useful where the receipt contains advertising information: for example, restaurants or brand stores.

Fiscal books for small retail and service industries are the same, but without a receipt cutter and with a lower printing speed - and their receipts are slightly narrower. For example, it prints 100 mm and 5 positions per second. But all this is enough to sell goods and services in places where there is not a large flow of customers.

How much are

The average cost of fiscal files with a fiscal accumulator for 15 months is from 15,000 rubles to 40,000 rubles. It depends on the registrar’s printing speed and the availability of a receipt cutter.

Where not to use

Fiscal registrars are not suitable for courier deliveries, trading in markets, as well as for points where there is little space - for example, stalls. They are not suitable for mobile trading, because they work from a power outlet and Wi-Fi or Internet cable, and for small retail outlets, because a laptop, computer or device with a cash register program takes up a lot of space.

Autonomous cash registers

What kind of cash registers are these?

In the understanding of many market participants, an autonomous system is a convenient push-button cash register that does not require connection to a computer, runs on a battery and has a built-in modem. She doesn't need a power outlet or Wi-Fi.

Alas, this is practically its only advantage. Because, first of all, an autonomous system is a totaling cash register, which is not designed to work with a database of goods and does not help a business grow.

What can they do?

Autonomous devices are better than fiscal registrars only in a few points.

Built-in user interface. Unlike fiscal recorders, autonomous machines have a screen and buttons. All cash transactions can be performed using automated machines.

Autonomy. If a store or other point is located in a place where there are interruptions in electricity or the Internet, you can still work with such a cash register and sell legally - the autonomous units have an Internet modem and a battery, and they do not need Wi-Fi or wired Internet.

Price. Autonomous cash registers are one of the most budget-friendly solutions on the market. If you just need to meet the requirements of the new reform and send checks to the tax office through the OFD, you can save money and buy such a device.

Simplicity for micro-businesses. If the outlet sells up to 10 products or one service, no new products are launched, no items are added, and the business does not require automation and development, sales analytics - an autonomous system will do.

What can't they do?

In general, autonomous machines have one big disadvantage - this cash register is pre-programmed in such a way that you cannot make any changes to it yourself. This requires the help of an engineer or a trip to a service center: this costs money. It is difficult to modernize such a cash register - and there are constantly changes in the law, and businesses need to adapt to them. And the business itself usually does not stand still and develops. To understand, we can consider this whole story with autonomous vehicles using the example of game consoles.

There are modern consoles - those that are great to play alone or with a group. They are updated, have many opportunities for players, are convenient and simple, and are synchronized with the Internet.

And there are old consoles - those into which game cartridges are inserted, which have very limited functionality and nothing can be done with the hardware. These are autonomous vehicles. They exist somewhere very far from progress - and this despite the fact that they have been produced for the last few years.

To protect the reader from an ineffective purchase, we will tell you in more detail about the disadvantages of autonomous machines for business owners, accountants and cashiers.

Little memory. The autonomous unit can be loaded with from 30 to 30,000 products, depending on the specific cash register. It may seem that this is enough, but for popular stores with traffic from 100 customers per day, the base grows and changes very quickly. Some products go out of stock, others appear. All these steps fill and wear out the battery's limited memory.

And when working with marked goods, you will need to store and transmit additional information about each unit of goods sold and all its names. For example, 300 titles may be reduced to 100 due to lack of memory.

Small screen. Why it's bad: It's just inconvenient. The long product name does not fit on the screen. For example, the store sells “Vkusnokroshkino Strawberry with jelly” and “Vkusnokroshkino Strawberry with chocolate” cookies. Only the word “Vkusnokroshkino” will be displayed on the screen, and it is not clear what kind of cookie is being made. The cashier constantly has to strain and read carefully to understand what is written on the screen and not make a mistake. When there is a line in the store, this delays customers even more.

You can load goods directly at the checkout, but only through a special table of codes - which is not at all easy. Plus, to load goods through a computer, you need to close the shift at the checkout, connect it to the computer and use a special program into which goods are entered manually through a table. All names must be adjusted to the format of this program.

But everything loads slowly - from half an hour to several hours. The entire time the cash register is connected to the computer, it does not work. The shift is closed, business is at a standstill. And in any case, to work with goods, the cash register must be connected to a computer or laptop - it is often impossible to load goods remotely.

Also, there are very few fields needed for goods in the autonomy. When you need to add brands, expiration dates, sizes or type of goods and services - all this cannot be done offline.

Work according to the amount. Due to the almost impossible loading of goods, such checkouts often operate in total mode - just like a calculator. When cash registers work by amount, they do not identify the goods and do not write them off from the database. In total mode, the cash register doesn’t care what to sell: a can of corn or sausage. All that is included in the receipt is the cost of the goods.

Due to the fact that in the sum mode it is not possible to track the movement of goods, the business suffers losses and risks. So, if the goods are not at the checkout, the store owner will not be able to guarantee that the cashier sold it and did not take it home or sell it at exorbitant prices himself. Inventory with total accounting is simply impossible: unless from the cashier’s notebook. Plus, when the cash register works by amount, it cannot work with product labeling - which is what becomes mandatory in 2019. And from 2021, it is mandatory to enter the names of all goods - not just labeled ones.

Inconvenient equipment connection. Some autonomous vehicles do not work with additional equipment at all. Others have USB ports, but you can’t plug in any model you like there either. Still others have one or two ports, and you cannot, for example, use a bank terminal and a barcode scanner at the same time. Some manufacturers produce additional devices for their autonomous units—they are also called “hubs.” They cost two to three times more than the cash register - and you can already connect equipment to them. In any case, it turns out to be expensive and inconvenient.

Inability to deal with stocks. A complex operation is a task that is done at the checkout during a sale - for example, calculating discounts, creating promotions, searching for goods. Such operations are not available on autonomous mode. But manual discounts are available. But this means that all promotions at the checkout depend on whether the seller remembers about them and whether he makes discounts when necessary.

No business automation. Autonomy is suitable only for those who have few product items and the database for which is not updated, and who have few settlements with customers. In a stand-alone mode, you cannot set up accounting for goods, work with accounting programs, online stores, collect sales statistics, reports and analyze your business.

Cash desk F automates business and covers all legal issues with one purchase

A modern, fully functional push-button cash register, a service for sales analytics, a fiscal storage device and 15 months of CRF included.

How much are

The average cost of an autonomous vehicle with a fiscal storage for 15 months is from 15,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles.

Where not to use

Business with more than 30 types of goods or services. To summarize everything that has been said above: on a stand-alone system it is difficult to punch through goods and enter them into the database, connect services and additional equipment - for example, a barcode scanner. It is also difficult to update the autonomy.

EGAIS. Only a few manufacturers make vending machines that can sell strong alcohol. But even here there are difficulties.

Their autonomous vehicles do not support connecting a 2D scanner, identifying goods and installing UTM - and all this is mandatory for EGAIS. When users realize that the cash register cannot work with EGAIS, manufacturers offer to buy an additional computer for the autonomous system. Already with it, it is possible to connect a scanner, send, compare and record data for Unified State Automated Information System, and drink alcohol. This purchase costs time and money.

Labeling of goods. To combat counterfeiting, the government is introducing global product labeling. .

The most important thing that labeling requires is the presence of the names of all labeled goods that are in the store, at the checkout. If you are selling a labeled product, you cannot sell an abstract product for 100 rubles - you must sell a specific name and read the unique labeling code.

It is not yet known whether autonomous vehicles with product labeling will work. Perhaps through additional paid services or devices - like with EGAIS. Even if autonomous vehicles can sell labeled goods, doing so will be difficult and inconvenient - and here’s why:

As mentioned above, loading goods onto autonomous vehicles is difficult. But you will have to if the store sells labeled goods. You will need to enter each item manually, close your shift to load goods at the checkout, and double-check everything.
Barcode Scanner. Not all autonomous vehicles work with a scanner, but it is required to sell labeled goods.
System for receiving invoices. It is not clear where a business owner can work with invoices: autonomous machines do not have such services implemented.

Product identification

And there is also a mandatory point for EGAIS and labeling - this is the identification of the product. Let's look at examples.

How are goods identified at online checkouts? For example, an entrepreneur has a store, a cash register from Dreamkas and. While the cashier is working in the store, a product arrives at the office - let it be 15 types of cookies. The goods arrive with a paper invoice.

To add these products, you need to connect a barcode scanner to your computer or laptop, click “Add Product” in the Dreamkas Account and start scanning the codes on the invoice. The account immediately finds the product - all that remains is to select its type, set the price and VAT percentage. And so with every product.

This is done very quickly, and within a minute the goods are already at the checkout. The cashier does not need to add anything himself.

If the goods come not to the office, but to a store where there is no computer and there is only a cash register. In this case, the cashier takes a barcode scanner, scans the codes at the checkout - and the device itself finds the name of the product in the product cloud. When the cashier sells the product, it will immediately appear in the Dreamcas Office.

How is a product identified on autonomous vehicles? The product arrives at the store with a paper invoice. The cashier needs to take this invoice, sit down at the computer, connect the cash register to it and enter the goods manually. This is usually done in the evening after the store closes because the shift is closed while goods are being loaded. This way you can sell goods not by amount, but by name.

If a store wants to sell goods by amount, there is no problem. But then it is not clear what exactly is being sold, and it is not possible to conduct a proper inventory. The seller talks about the goods sold in a notebook - and only on the basis of this an order is made, which is very unreliable.


If you purchase a stand-alone cash register, you will need to purchase an additional computer to record goods and connect a scanner. This is more difficult and more expensive than buying an online cash register that is ready for all changes in the law.

If the store sells counterfeit goods and does not take into account goods with mandatory labeling, there will be sanctions and fines.


What kind of cash registers are these?

These are online cash registers for small and medium-sized businesses. These cash registers have a built-in receipt printer, cash register program, cashier screen, keys or touch screen. All operations can be performed from them - a computer is not required. Therefore, such devices are complete workplace cashier.

What can they do?

Monoblocks work with additional equipment and services, are easily updated, allow you to carry out complex operations at the checkout and analyze sales. They also adapt to changes in the law.

But all monoblocks are different. Some work with EGAIS and sell strong alcohol, others integrate with online stores. The easiest way is to use these cash desks by business area.

Cash registers for restaurants

Large screen touch cash registers are suitable for cafes and restaurants. This screen allows you to quickly enter items into a receipt from product tiles and issue bills - these are what waiters bring to customers in the form of an invoice. As a rule, with the help of such cash registers you can indicate table and order numbers on the receipt. And the laundry itself can be transferred to the kitchen to the cooks.

Wiki cash registers for restaurants and cafes

Allows you to work with gloves, quickly add dishes and drinks to your receipt, sort orders and analyze sales.

Cash registers for online trading

Cash registers for online trading operate without the participation of a cashier. And while many of them have a screen and user interface, they automatically close and open shifts, integrate with a CMS to manage your online store, and help you comply with all legal requirements.

Cash desk F for online stores

Suitable for online stores with and without a pick-up point. The price already includes a CRF for 15 months. Works with popular CMS systems.

Cash desks for couriers and trade in markets

Everything is simple here: these are mobile cash registers that operate on battery power and do not require wired Internet - there is a slot for a SIM card inside. Sellers in markets and villages, couriers and stall owners can work with such devices.

These cash registers should not be confused with automated total cash registers: mobile cash registers, like other online cash registers, work with product names and are synchronized with their database. They allow the cashier to sell quickly, and the business owner to analyze sales. Autonomous devices also operate on battery power and do not require wired Internet.

Cash registers for small retail

Cash desks that are suitable for trading in stores and selling services are the most in the register. These cash registers are push-button and touch-sensitive. With touch checkouts, you can simply add items to your receipt and conveniently sell items without barcodes. But push-button ones are more common for cashiers and salespeople.

Some of these cash registers work with EGAIS - they can sell strong alcohol. Others know how to work with labeled products - for example, tobacco, which is required by law to be labeled as of March 1, 2019. Our solutions also have many integrations and a free service for sales analytics and business automation - Dreamkas Office.

How much are

The average cost of monoblocks with a fiscal drive for 15 months is from 25,000 rubles to 35,000 rubles.

Where not to use

Monoblocks cannot cope with a large flow of customers - such as in a large retail chain.

POS systems

What kind of cash registers are these?

This is a kit for any large chains - for example, hypermarkets. They last a long time, work smoothly and quickly serve customers. Despite the configuration and name, the POS system is an ordinary cash register, only for large retail and a large flow of customers.

What can they do?

Typically, such a system has a system unit and keyboard, a cashier monitor and a buyer display, a cash drawer and a fiscal recorder. They know how to print and send checks to the tax office. They work using a cash register program and a cash server.

The cash register program is installed at the checkout itself, it takes into account the goods, helps the cashier accept payments and calculate the cost.

The cash server automates the work of the store. It helps to load goods and prices onto the checkout, monitors the printing of price tags, closing and opening of shifts, adding promotions, sales and discounts. The server collects analytics and statistics on all sales from all cash registers and helps manage them remotely.

The POS system is designed for high load: up to 600 checks per day. Manufacturers of such systems sell spare parts for them even after they have been discontinued. They are expensive, but have the lowest cost of ownership over a period of 5 years.

Buying a POS system is a good investment for large retailers. In addition, it is very flexible: if there are changes in the law, it is easy to update it and make it work according to the new rules.

How much are

The average cost of POS systems is from 100,000 rubles to 150,000 rubles.

Where not to use

The POS system works great, but is expensive. For retail and services, there are other, more budget-friendly solutions on the market. Therefore, we recommend using the system only for large retail.

Cash programs

What kind of cash registers are these?

The cash register program is the brain of the online cash register, its integral essence. She guides the cashier: she tells him what he must do to sell the goods and get a check. This saves the cashier from mistakes and helps him do everything quickly and correctly. It also generates checks, sends signals about what needs to be printed and what data to write down.

What can they do?

The cash register program is installed on a laptop or built into the software of the cash register itself. It has a lot of possibilities - every user and business owner chooses what he needs. All programs are different, but the main thing is that they can:

  • generate checks,
  • send data to the fiscal drive,
  • send checks to OFD,
  • update,
  • work with goods.

Help the cashier work. They manage the opening and closing of shifts, generate fiscal documents, and set prices. Most of them know how to store a product database, search for articles, work with third-party services for business automation, and integrate with inventory accounting systems.

They help to punch through goods without a barcode, calculate change, conduct manual and automatic promotions and discounts, work with advances, prepayments, and returns. They work with cash and non-cash payments.

How much are

The cost of a cash register program varies greatly. It depends on the policy of the company supplying the equipment and software, as well as on the functionality. As a rule, if a company produces cash registers, the cost of the cash register program is already included in the cost of the cash register.


Owners of their own business know firsthand how many difficulties are associated with opening or developing their own business. Just look at all the legal subtleties concerning the use of means of recording the receipt and expenditure of funds. For most individual entrepreneurs, the question of whether a cash register is required and whether it is possible to conduct business without using it is particularly acute.

Do I need a cash register for individual entrepreneurs in 2019?

To begin with, it is important to clarify what is meant by this concept. Cash register machines (hereinafter referred to as KKM, KKT) are equipment that helps tax and other government authorities carry out supervision and control. With the help of cash registers, the movement of funds received by an entrepreneur when providing services or selling goods is monitored. The devices help keep records and collect information for reporting.

The legislation provides for the abolition of cash registers for individual entrepreneurs. It is allowed to refuse to use cash registers, but in this case, at the buyer’s request, the seller is immediately obliged to provide an equivalent payment document, which is the building reporting forms. BSO - and these, for example, receipts, tickets, subscriptions, etc., must contain the full details of the entrepreneur.

Until recently, individual entrepreneurs could carry out commercial activities without using cash registers. With the adoption of a new law in 2016, the situation changed. According to it, all entrepreneurs who use cash or bank cards for non-cash payments when making payments with customers were required to use cash registers. Control over the implementation of the program is entrusted to the tax authorities.

Since February 2017, registration of cash registers for individual entrepreneurs of the old format ceased; such devices could not transmit information online. Not all individual entrepreneurs were happy with this decision. The authorities took this point into account, so they allowed a gradual transition to the new type of equipment. The dates were determined based on the taxation regime used by the individual entrepreneur and the type of services provided to him.

Purpose of cash register

There are two main types of cash registers. The first is portable devices. They are small devices with limited functionality. The basic kit includes components such as an electronic format control tape, a built-in GSM or GPRS modem, an electronic card reader and a built-in keyboard. The devices are ideal for beginner entrepreneurs. The second type is stationary devices used in large retail outlets. They consist of many modules (keyboard, monitor, card readers, printing devices).

The process of working with cash registers for individual entrepreneurs is simple and does not cause difficulties. With their help you can perform a number of operations:

  • Transfer of purchase information in real time to your fiscal data operator (hereinafter referred to as the operator, OFD). Representatives of tax and other inspection authorities, as well as the business owner, can receive information about all payments made online.
  • Generating checks electronically. The usual paper check can be supplemented with an electronic version. It can be sent by email or SMS.
  • Ensuring printing of fiscal documents. Cash registers are equipped with a special fiscal drive, thanks to which you can print any necessary document upon request.

As for the direct operation of cash registers, it is worth mentioning the standard capabilities of the devices, which increases the speed of customer service and eliminates seller errors:

  • entering product data;
  • synthesis of information about the parameters of each unit;
  • entering the amount of money received from the buyer;
  • instant counting of change;
  • printing a receipt;
  • display and printing of reporting information on financial transactions with the client.

What does an online cash register look like for individual entrepreneurs?

The legislation does not define the concept of “online cash registers”. This is the name of all cash registers that record information on a fiscal drive. This is a special device that encrypts and protects fiscal data that is transmitted in real time to the operator. The device gives tax authorities the opportunity not to check cash registers, since all information is received automatically. In addition, the buyer can always request a copy of the receipt, and the business owner is freed from the need to fill out numerous reports on accepted payments.

Cash registers come in several varieties. Each of them has its own characteristics, but all of them have a fiscal drive installed:

  • POS terminals. No connection to a personal computer is required to operate. They have a powerful processor, a color touchscreen display and are equipped with a printer for printing receipts.
  • Autonomous cash registers. Small devices that work independently without connecting to a computer. They are a device with a small screen and a button panel. They print receipts on a narrow ribbon thanks to a small built-in printer.
  • Fiscal registrars. Stationary devices that do not have a storage device or display in their design. They connect to computers and tablets with special software and act as a printer for printing receipts.

Currently being developed the new kind online cash register, which would allow it to be used in online stores. With its help, when paying for goods online, data on the transaction performed would be sent, on the one hand, to the tax authorities, and on the other, to the buyer (by analogy with a stationary store). Smart terminals are also becoming widespread - mobile devices that are easy to use and can be used everywhere for payments in accordance with tax legislation.

Legal regulation

Issues related to the use of cash registers are clearly stated in Federal Law No. 54-FZ (05/22/2003). Changes are periodically made to it, the most recent of which date back to the end of 2017. Mostly they relate to the start time of the mandatory use of cash registers. Each time for certain groups of individual entrepreneurs it is shifted to a later date. Thanks to the adopted document, the main points regarding the cash registers themselves are clearly defined:

  • there must be a serial number on the case;
  • there should be a real time clock inside;
  • it is possible to install a fiscal drive inside the device (when upgrading an old device);
  • there must be a printing device (built-in or plug-in);
  • it is possible to generate fiscal documents in electronic format and transmit them instantly;
  • accept confirmation that the operator has (has not) received fiscal data;
  • Possibility of printing barcodes on fiscal documents.

Who is required to use cash registers?

When making payments for goods and services in Russia, an individual entrepreneur must have a cash register, with the exception of some cases provided for by law. The implementation of cash register systems is carried out in stages and depends on the chosen taxation system by the individual entrepreneur:

Date of introduction

  • Sellers of alcoholic beverages (including beer), regardless of taxation regime.
  • BASIC.
  • Unified Agricultural Sciences.
  • Taxpayers using PSN and UTII, but on the condition that they have hired workers engaged in trade or catering.
  • When paying by card or using special services (for example, Yandex Cashier) online in online stores.
  • Individual entrepreneurs providing services to the population (the tax system used is not taken into account).
  • Entrepreneurs without employees using PSN or UTII.

According to the law, there is a list of individual entrepreneurs who are exempt from using cash register equipment. They will be discussed below, but they also have their limitations. The relaxations will not apply if excisable goods are traded, for example, alcohol or tobacco. The preferential treatment does not apply to individual entrepreneurs who use automatic devices for making payments (vending machines).

Types of activities of individual entrepreneurs without a cash register

It is not forbidden to accept cash and use old-style cash register systems in hard-to-reach areas and settlements with a population of less than 10 thousand people (with the exception of district and regional cities and urban-type settlements). Here we need to add entrepreneurs working under the patent or imputed system, because the income received is not considered the basis for calculating tax payments. When customers request, they simply issue a check.

The exact list of areas of activity that are not subject to the mandatory use of cash registers is given in Law No. 54-FZ. It would not be a bad idea to contact the local tax authority, since separate acts may be adopted locally regarding the possibility of not using a cash register, taking into account OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities).

The following types of activities will not entail a fine for working without a cash register:

  • Sale of magazines, newspapers and related products at kiosks. The volume of their sales should be at least half of the total turnover. A prerequisite is that revenue accounting is kept separately for this group.
  • Sale of securities.
  • Sale of coupons (tickets) for urban public transport, provided that their sale takes place in the vehicle interior.
  • Catering services provided in general education organizations during the educational process, and are used only by the students themselves and employees of this institution.
  • Trade carried out at fairs and exhibitions.
  • When selling soft drinks and ice cream for bottling at kiosks.
  • Trade from tank trucks with milk, kvass, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene.
  • Seasonal trade in vegetables, fruits, melons.
  • Acceptance of recyclable materials from the population. The exception is scrap metal, precious metals and stones.
  • Repair work and coloring of shoes.
  • Distribution of goods if they do not require special storage conditions.
  • Sawing wood.
  • Making keys and repairing metal haberdashery.
  • Plowing gardens.
  • Sale of self-made folk art products.
  • The work of pharmacies if they are located in rural areas.
  • Porter services at airports and train stations.
  • Renting out personally owned housing.
  • Supervision and care for the sick, disabled, elderly people and children.
  • Activities of religious institutions when providing services to the population or selling literature and paraphernalia.

Purchase and maintenance costs

An additional expense item is the purchase of new equipment and its maintenance. There are several options to save money. Firstly, it is not always necessary to replace an old device with a new one. Before purchasing a device, you should find out whether it is possible to upgrade an existing device (installing a fiscal drive instead of an electronic control tape - EKLZ). If this is not possible, you must purchase a cash register only from the list of models approved by the Federal Tax Service (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Tax Service).

Secondly, before using the service for setting up and servicing online cash registers, check with your bank whether an additional discount is offered as a client of the institution. Don’t forget about choosing a fiscal data operator. The list of OFDs that have the right to do so is approved by a special commission, after which it is posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. In the table below you can see the approximate costs that you will incur when using a cash register:

Where and how to buy a cash register for individual entrepreneurs

According to Russian legislation, individual entrepreneurs have the right to use only those devices that have been certified and state registered. Since each device has an expiration date, it needs periodic firmware updating, and if this is impossible, replacement. It is preferable to purchase cash register machines in special stores, and a detailed list of devices approved for use can be found on the Federal Tax Service website. When choosing a suitable model, you can independently study the CCP configurations or seek help from a specialist.

Depending on the requirements, the cost and versions of the devices may vary. So, for example, for beginning entrepreneurs with a small turnover, it is better to use inexpensive portable portable devices, for example, Mercury-180 or Orion-105. For those who trade in small pavilions, it is recommended to take a closer look at models equipped with cash drawers (AMC-100) or a barcode reader (Shtrikh-M).

Equipment maintenance is carried out by a service company, with which the individual entrepreneur must enter into an agreement. According to it, the company carries out repairs, maintenance and periodic inspection of the cash register. The service technician conducts a monthly preventive inspection and, if necessary, replaces spare parts. Upon completion, a work completion certificate is drawn up. If the device fails, the individual entrepreneur is given a similar device for the duration of the repair.

How to choose

Before purchasing cash register equipment, an individual entrepreneur must determine the criteria that will serve as the main ones when choosing optimal model for doing business:

  • Design. The modern market offers devices of various configurations - from small portable devices to massive devices. The most simple models, which weigh about 900 g, are perfect for representatives of courier services. They will also be indispensable for beginner entrepreneurs. Serious machines that are equipped with additional functions - profitable solution for owners of large retail spaces.
  • The location where the device will be installed. If the room area is small, compact or medium-sized CCPs are suitable.
  • Ability to work offline. The criterion is important when choosing mobile devices. For stationary cash registers, this indicator is not so important, since they constantly operate from an alternating current source.
  • Identification. This option is used if there are a large number of sellers working at the outlet. In this case, each user can log in to the system using their own login.
  • Availability of a memory base. Most modern models are equipped with this feature, which helps create a database of goods or services for detailed reporting.
  • Print speed. An important function for large customer flows, for example, in large retail facilities. Average – 8 lines per second – best option for small and medium-sized retailers. Fiscal registrars have the highest speed - about 40 lines per second.
  • Connecting peripheral devices. Various types of devices are connected to such cash registers, for example, scales or a barcode reader. The function helps to facilitate the cashier’s work and save service time.
  • Temperature operating conditions. It is important to pay attention to this indicator when you plan to use the device outdoors or in rooms with special temperature conditions.

How much does a cash register cost for an individual entrepreneur?

The official website of the tax service contains a register of cash register manufacturers and models that have passed state registration and are approved for use by individual entrepreneurs. For your reference, the table below provides information on average price popular models sold in Moscow:

Product Manufacturer

Model name

Cost of CCP, rubles

7.2 Standard FN13

7.2 Alko FN36



Elwes-MF Wi-Fi

MPAY-F stroke


Online store

Registering a cash register for individual entrepreneurs

According to Law No. 54-FZ, from February 1, 2017, a unified system for registering cash register equipment was established. You can register a cash register only with the tax office, following this algorithm:

  1. Selecting a suitable model taking into account the specifics of doing business.
  2. Purchasing a cash register from a specialized supplier or in a center where it will subsequently be serviced.
  3. Collection and preparation necessary documents:
    • registration application in 2 copies;
    • KM-4 magazine;
    • KM-8 magazine;
    • KKM technical passport plus reference sample;
    • lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises where the cash desk will be located;
    • a special holographic sticker confirming service.
  4. Submission of documents to the tax office at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur(!). If the entrepreneur has an electronic signature, you can register a new device remotely.
  5. Receive a registration card. It must be issued by the tax office no later than five working days after the documents are submitted.
  6. Fiscalization of the cash register by a tax inspector.

Penalties for the work of an individual entrepreneur without a cash register

Not all individual entrepreneurs are required to purchase cash register equipment, but those citizens for whom this point is mandatory must remember that for them, as for official, administrative liability is provided for violation of the law:

  • evasion of using cash register systems – from 10 to 30 thousand rubles;
  • repeated violation, if the amount of unaccounted turnover is above 1 million rubles - suspension of activity for up to 90 days;
  • use of unaccounted for or faulty equipment (including without Internet access and fiscal storage) – 1.5-10 thousand rubles;
  • evasion of issuing a check (paper and/or electronic) – 2-10 thousand rubles.


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Cash register for individual entrepreneurs - how to choose, registration procedure and rules of use

Cash registers are used in supermarkets to process cash received and record payment amounts. They are a complex electronic and mechanical system. The main elements of cash registers are: random access memory, printer, keyboard, indicator, fiscal memory unit, battery and built-in modem. All summing, controlling and accounting operations are performed by counters. Their main task is to count money by sections, by cash register and individual totals, as well as count the number of payments made.

Cash registers can be stationary or portable. By design, they are divided into autonomous cash registers, as well as devices based on a personal computer. In addition, there are iPad cash registers and fiscal registers. Get acquainted with different types cash registers can be found at

Operating procedure

First, the cash register needs to be installed on work surface. It should be strong and even. After this, connect the device to an outlet. If it does not have a battery, install batteries to provide backup memory in the event of a power failure. Next, insert a roll of paper into the compartment intended for check receipts. Click the "Submit" button and unlock the cash register. Turn on the machine and turn the key to the “Cash desk mode” position. Enter the amount of the product, click the button for the corresponding department, add a discount to the price. If the buyer pays in cash, then click the "Cash" button. When the buyer pays, close the cash register.

Types of cash registers

The MINI-T61.01 EFM is a high-quality and easy-to-use cash register, which is equipped with an electronic control tape and a magnetic card reader. This is a stationary device equipped with a battery and a Japanese printer. It also features a graphic cashier display, a customer display and a backlit indicator. The keyboard is protected from moisture and dust. The number of programmable goods is more than twelve thousand, cashiers are eight, departments are sixty-four (photo 1).

Excellio cash register, model DMP-55L, was manufactured in Bulgaria by Datex. You can connect a personal computer, scales and barcode scanner to it. It is also equipped with a buyer indicator. The number of departments is 4, product groups are 10, programmed products are up to five thousand. The price of the product is eight digits, the name of the goods is twenty-two digits (photo 2).

Portable cash registers include MINI-T51.01. It is equipped with a built-in card reader and GPRS modem. Main characteristics: equipped with a Japanese thermal printing mechanism, modem, KLEF. It features easy paper loading and high printing speed. The number of cashiers is eight. Can be used as a POS terminal (photo 3).

DATECS DP-25 - portable cash register. Equipped with CLEF. There is an Epson thermal printer, a graphical client indicator, a battery, and three interfaces. Product names - up to thirty characters, number of products - one thousand (photo 4).

Excellio DP-45 is perfect for supermarkets. This cash register has a two-line buyer display and an eight-line seller display. Equipped with a high-speed printer and three interfaces. You can program up to thirty thousand products (photo 5).

MG-V545T - portable cash register. Equipped with an LCD cashier display and KLEF. Does not require storage of paper control tape. You can connect a buyer indicator, scales, a personal computer and a barcode scanner to the device (photo 6).

In December 2018, the register of online cash registers included 165 models: these include mobile cash registers, fiscal registers, and special vending machines. Types of cash registers differ in function. Is it possible to take the equipment with you, does it accept cards, is it suitable for online trading - we tell you what types there are

Stationary and mobile types of cash registers

All devices can be divided into two main groups: mobile and stationary. Mobile phones are battery powered and can be folded into a bag and taken with you. They are compact, take up little space and usually weigh little. Such cash registers are used in delivery services, street food, coffee shops, online stores and retail.

A stationary cash register stands on the counter or in the office and operates from a power outlet. You can connect a keyboard, displays and a cash drawer to it and create a full-fledged cash register system. We'll talk about this further.

Types of cash register systems for payment acceptance

The cash register can have built-in acquiring or work without it. If the equipment can accept cards, then the owner does not need to additionally purchase a bank terminal. The buyer applies the card, money is debited from it, and the cash register issues a receipt.

If the device does not have a card reader, you can buy and connect an acquiring terminal. It connects via Bluetooth or cable. The terminal reads the cards, the cash register issues a fiscal receipt.

Types of cash registers for vending machines

Owners of vending machines are also required to install an online cash register and transmit information to the fiscal data operator. There are special models for vending. They are placed directly into the machine body. In the cash register register, such models can be distinguished by the letters “FA” in the name.

What types of online cash registers are there for online stores?

For an online store, you can take any cash register, the main thing is that it transmits data to the operator and connects to the CMS on which the store operates. If the store has delivery, you need a mobile checkout. And if, in addition to the website, there is also a retail outlet, then you need either two machines or a cash register that can both send an electronic receipt and print a paper one.

Cash register equipment for large stores: varieties

Supermarkets, clothing stores and hypermarkets have not only online cash registers themselves, but also cash register peripherals - this is the name of the equipment that complements the machine and speeds up trading.

Most often, a fiscal registrar is installed and everything else is connected to it. A fiscal registrar is an online cash register without a screen or buttons; it issues receipts and is controlled from a monitor.

Displays for the seller and the buyer can be connected to the checkout. The buyer sees the price and quantity of the product, and it is more convenient for the seller to search for the product on the screen. For grocery stores, scales and barcode scanners are connected to cash registers in order to process purchases faster. The result is a full-fledged system for cashier work - a POS system.

Which cash register to choose for the store

The types of cash registers used in trade organizations differ in their range of functions. A small bakery store near your home does not need to buy a full-fledged cash register system like in Auchan. Here is a list of questions to help you decide:

  • are there many buyers? Stores with a constant flow of customers will need a fast cash register; in a kiosk or bookstore you can use a less powerful and cheaper one;
  • is alcohol sold? If yes, you need equipment with a UTM module that connects to EGAIS;
  • do you need additional equipment? Find out if you can connect a cash drawer and everything else to the terminal;
  • Is there internet in the store? If there is no Internet or the Wi-Fi in the shopping center is unstable, it is better to take a cash register with a SIM card.

To monitor the work of cashiers remotely and control sales, you can buy a smart cash register. They analyze sales and compile statistics through Personal Area You can monitor how the goods sell out. The checkout module shows the average bill, popular products and sales time. Reports are sent by email or personal account.

We are constantly improving checkouts to make them faster and more convenient. Therefore, prices, tariffs and number of models may vary. Current information is on the main page of the site.