Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Children's gymnastics university. Sports tourism and orienteering

The active formation of the gymnastics department took place in the 60s. At this time, on the basis of the Central School of Trainers (TSHT RSFSR), the sports department of the Smolensk State Institute was opened physical culture(SGIFK), which is headed by S.S. Lukyanov. The first recruitment to the department took place in September - October 1963/64 school year. The department of gymnastics was headed by Associate Professor Lukyanov from September 20, 1964 and he was entrusted with the duties of the dean of the sports faculty of the Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture. B.A. worked with him at the department. Kuznetsov, P.S. Mordovtsev, B.V. Mikheev, R.Yu. Eglit, L.A. Novikov and I.I. Ivanov.

Subsequently, the following were invited as teachers: Yu.V. Tyurenkov, and then V.A. Suloev, N.V. Konkov and N.D. Epishin (graduates of 1972), S.N. Rybakov (graduated in 1975), A.L. Anurov (graduated in 1979). Specialists from related universities were invited: V.A. Shachnev (graduate of the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute), E.G. Sokolov (Associate Professor of the State Center for Physics and Physical Education), I.V. Korolev and I.Yu. Kazachan (GTsOLIFK graduates of 1971).

The department was headed at that time by the famous specialist B.A. Kuznetsov. He headed the department since 1966. different time Worked at the department: P.Ya. Stepanyan (1966-76), E.P. Averkovich (1966 - 68), N.T. Belyakova (1970 - 77), M.V. Paukova (1976 - 84), A.L. Anurov (1979 - 84), Yu.A. Chernov (1981 - 84), O.A. Maykova (1989-1993), Yu.V. Menkhin (1985 - 1996), V.B. Korenberg (1980 - 1984), Z.A. Bukova (1998 - 2000), V.I. Makarova from 1974 to 1984, who became the third head of the gymnastics department and replaced B.A. Kuznetsova, Ph.D. Yu.A. Sabirov, S.V. Filippovich (graduate of the Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture, 1977), L.E. Ushakova (graduate of MOGIFK 1980).

For a long time, “Honored Worker of Physical Culture”, senior researcher, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor V.N. worked at the department. Tikhonov. Andrei Fedorovich Radionenko worked at the department in the 70s. Later in 1975, he led the USSR national youth team among young men. He also created a scientifically based system for training reserves for the main team of the USSR national artistic gymnastics team.

One of the most famous experts in acrobatics, Boris Vladimirovich Mikheev, also stood at the origins of the formation of the educational and pedagogical potential of the gymnastics department from 1965 to 1977. At first he worked as a teacher, then as a senior teacher and actively participated in the formation of the department. Here he began his scientific work. In 1977 B.V. Mikheev was invited to work at the USSR Sports Committee, the Gymnastics Federation, where he headed from 1977 to 1982. national youth team of the Olympic reserve in artistic gymnastics. And from 1972 to 1987 B.V. Mikheev heads the national team in sports acrobatics.

Since 1984, the department has been headed by a graduate of the Volgograd GIFKA E.E. Bindusov. He went from teacher to head of department. In addition, E.E. Bindusov is the scientific secretary of the dissertation council for the defense of candidate dissertations. In 2000 he was awarded the title of "professor".

At different times, the quantitative composition of the department varied from seven to fifteen people. It is impossible not to note the great contribution of N.D. Bogdanova and M.V. Nikishova; accompanists: V.V. Coralli, B.S. Treadler, V.Yu. Lavrentieva, M.M. Gavrilitsy, O.N. Klochkova.

With the advent of complex org. equipment - computers, audio and video equipment, a specialist in this field, our graduate (1997) E.Yu., was invited to work. Melnikov.

It can be argued that the course taken by the gymnastics department in the 60s to train highly qualified specialists continues to this day. All equipment of the gymnasium, all exercise machines were made independently by Associate Professor N.D. Epishin, winner and prize-winner of many scientific and practical conferences and competitions.

Of course, time has left its mark on the system of training specialists and on the number of specialties in the department. Since 1994, we have been training specialists in recreational gymnastics, and since 1998 in rhythmic gymnastics. Scientific work at the department is carried out in several directions, namely: research and development work with students in the form of lectures, methodological classes, “business games”, participation in competitions and conferences. At different times, the department had students who were awarded a grant from the Governor of the Moscow Region. These are Naukhatsky A., Smirnova S., Kotova E., Fakhrieva I.

The results of UIRS are introduced into the practice of gymnastics and specialization classes in the form of posters, videos, and other visual aids.

With the opening of graduate school at MOGIFK, graduate students appeared in the gymnastics department. Their total number exceeded 20 people. Successfully defended their candidate dissertations: Stebletsov E.A., Maykova O.A., Popadyina L.V., Gorinov A.V., Kozlova S.Yu., Patrikeev A.Yu., Korolev P.Yu., who is currently time as the senior coach of the national gymnastics team for people with mental disabilities. His students are multiple winners and champions of special Olympic Games and world championships. Our teachers Shachnev V.A. and Patrikeeva I.Yu. also became candidates of science, defending themselves at the academy.
The teaching staff of the department has been doing a lot of work over the years to train specialists, at first only in the specialization “artistic gymnastics”, and currently training is also carried out in the specialties “rhythmic types of gymnastics and aerobics”, “rhythmic gymnastics”. In order to improve the quality of educational and methodological work, the department carries out regular activities to improve and intensify the educational process. Lecture material is reviewed and revised annually (on average 10 lectures).

Over the past 5 years, the department has developed more than 35 different methodological manuals. All of them are actively used by students to prepare themselves for classes.
For example:

  • Technology of gymnastics lessons at school (Tikhonov V.N., Lepeshkina S.V., Orlova L.M.).
  • Fitball: 250 exercises and games for preschoolers (Kuzmenko M.V., Kasap L.V.).
  • Hit-hop dances in the choreographic training of athletes engaged in aesthetic gymnastics (Fakhrieva I.A., Kuzmenko M.V.).
  • Methods of teaching general developmental exercises (Kudlin V.Ya., Zakharova N.V.).
  • Basic means of gymnastics (Kaidash S.I.).
  • Parameters of athletic fitness among gymnasts at the university (Bindusov E.E.).
  • Methodology for developing gymnasts’ movement control skills (Epishin N.D.).
  • Training gymnasts to trampoline (Epishin N.D.).

The most outstanding successes of gymnasts began in the late 60s, when some students competed in the championship of youth teams for the prizes of the newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Moscow News", "Amber Log" (Riga), "All Stars of the World" and others. These are A. Morozov MSMK, T. Godenko MSMK, S. Gusev MSMK, S. Bezruchko MSMK, S. Kibanova MSMK, O. Averkova MSMK, E. Zakharova MSMK, E. Sapsaeva MSMK - they became winners of competitions for prizes newspapers "Moscow News"; M. Khryashcheva was the world champion in freestyle (acrobatics). In 1999, the Academy was graduated from the Honored Master of Sports in acrobatic rock and roll Andrei Bardanov, who is Russia's first world champion.

In 1993, 2-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Sergei Kharkov (1992 - 1996) graduated from the academy, a year later Valentin Mogilny. Our student was also the World Champion, ZMS A. Pogorelov.

Full-time student V.S. Selifanov was the USSR Champion in vault. He currently works as a girls' gymnastics coach. Has students included in the Russian national team. He holds the title of “Honored Trainer of Russia”.

The department is proud that Leonid Yakovlevich Arkaev, senior coach of the Russian national team, honored coach of the USSR, president of the Russian Gymnastics Federation (until 2000), who was repeatedly recognized as “Best Coach of the Year,” studied with us.

Kuznetsov Boris Alexandrovich born in February 1908 in Vladivostok. I studied at GCOLIFK for 3 years, but after being injured, I left the institute. Graduated from the Moscow Polytechnic Institute named after. Krupskaya. He was an Honored Trainer of the RSFSR, an “Honorary Judge in Gymnastics”, as well as an “Honored Worker / Figure / of Physical Education of the National Republic of Belarus. He worked in the Malakhovsky branch of the SGIFC from the moment of its organization - 1964. During his work, he proved himself to be a highly qualified specialist teacher in gymnastics. He was engaged in social activities He devoted more than 50 years of his life to the development of national gymnastics. From 1937 to 1952 (except for the war years) he was the coach of the USSR national gymnastics team. From 1937 to 1963 he was a member of the Presidium of the All-Union Gymnastics Section. For 10 years (from 1953 to 1963) was Chairman of the Gymnastics Federation of the RSFSR. For 17 years, Boris Aleksandrovich was a member of the Presidium and deputy chairman of the panel of judges of the Moscow Gymnastics Federation.

From 1965 to 1972 Kuznetsov headed the gymnastics department, and from 1972 to 1974 he worked as deputy dean of the Sports Faculty. Before retiring B.A. Kuznetsov worked as an assistant professor at the gymnastics department. Over many years of teaching, he trained dozens of masters of sports, Champions of the USSR, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and Moscow in artistic gymnastics, and he trained several hundred discharge athletes. B.A. Kuznetsov also led a large scientific - methodological work and was the author of more than 65 published works on the methodology, theory and history of gymnastics. For merits in scientific - methodological activities, as an exception, he was awarded the title of “Assistant Professor” in gymnastics. Had government awards Soviet Union and a number of foreign countries: Bulgaria (1961), Sweden, Poland (1955), Germany (1963). As part of sports delegations of the Soviet Union, he repeatedly traveled outside the country and worked as an adviser on “Physical Culture and Sports” to the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. From 1938 to 1951 was the coach of the Moscow national gymnast team, and from 1944 to 1951 - coach of the Soviet Union national team. At the All-Union parades, FK worked as the artistic director of the columns of Moscow, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and individual DSOs. From 1932 to 1967, he regularly led mass gymnastic performances on Red Square, at the Dynamo and Luzhniki stadiums, as well as columns of Moscow schoolchildren at All-Union physical education parades and demonstrations.

Lukyanov Serafim Semenovich born on April 10, 1912 in the city of Ryazhsk, Ryazan region. In September 1933 he entered the State Center for Physical Education and Physical Culture, from which he graduated with honors. In February 1938 S.S. Lukyanov goes to work as a st. teacher of gymnastics at the Moscow Pedagogical School physical education"and works there until October 1941. In October 1941, Serafim Semyonovich becomes an instructor at the VSEVOBUCH of the Red Guard District Military Commissariat and works until April 1942. In April 1942, he is called up for service in Soviet Army as a senior teacher at the Department of Combat and Physical Training at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. Serves until November 1946. Then Lukyanov S.S. enters the service as a senior teacher of gymnastics at the Moscow Pedagogical School of Physical Education and works there until September 1947. In September 1947, he becomes head. Department of Gymnastics, Faculty of "Physical Education" MOPI named after. Krupskaya, where he worked until May 1962. It is interesting that from February 1951 to January 1952 Lukyanov S.S. Acting dean of the Faculty of Physical Education MOPI named after. Krupskaya.
Seraphim Semyonovich traveled abroad a lot. So in July 1951, he, as a judge, traveled to the GDR for the II World Festival of Youth and Students. In July 1953 to Romania, as Ch. judge of the gymnastics competition at the III World Youth Festival. In December 1958, he was a gymnastics judge at a match meeting with the Czechoslovakian national team. In February 1958 S.S. Lukyanov traveled to Mongolia as the head of the sports delegation of the RSFSR. From 1956 to 1959 - Lukyanov S.S. was appointed Chairman of the All-Russian section /now Federation/ of gymnastics under the Committee on Physical Education and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and since 1959 he was elected Chairman of the All-Russian Federation of Artistic Gymnastics. He had government awards: Medal "For the Defense of Moscow; for participation in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945"; "800 years of Moscow", "For labor distinction", "For longevity and impeccable work in universities."

Makarova Valentina Ivanovna born on January 9, 1931 in a family of workers. In 1954 she graduated from the sports department of the State Center for Physical Education and Physical Culture. After graduating from the Institute of Physical Education in Moscow, in the same year, 1954, a promising athlete, Valentina Makarova, was enrolled in the national gymnast team of the Central Sports Club of the Army (CSKA). She trained herself and helped the national team coaches in working with young gymnasts, and 5 of her students became “Masters of Sports”. Girls team younger age under the leadership of Valentina Ivanovna they win the title of Champions of the City of Moscow. In addition to sports and teaching activities, Valentina Ivanovna begins to master scientific and research work. She explores the problem of cultivating courage and determination, and also looks for ways to solve this difficult problem. After defending his dissertation, V.I. Makarova is invited to work at VNIIFK. However, the craving for living professional work she overcomes people and she begins to conduct active social work, first in the Gymnastics Federation of the USSR and Moscow, and then in other trade union organizations. Valentina Ivanovna becomes a judge and judges both All-Union and international competitions. At V.I. Makarova has a good sports family, her husband is an Honored Master of Sports in equestrianism - Rostislav Pavlovich. They live together and have raised two daughters. The eldest daughter, Marina Rostislavovna, is a candidate of sciences, and the youngest, Tatyana Rostislavovna, has repeatedly become a prize-winner of major All-Russian and international equestrian competitions, a member of the Russian equestrian team. Since October 1972, V.I. Makarova works at the Malakhovsky branch of SGIPC as a “senior teacher” of the gymnastics department, and since December 1972 she has already been the head of the gymnastics department for 10 years until 1982. V.I. Makarova successfully led the gymnastics department, creatively solving current and future problems. After 2 terms of leadership of the department, she handed it over to the candidate of pedagogical sciences - Evgeniy Evgenievich Bindusov. Currently, Valentina Ivanovna continues to carry out active and creative work related to the promotion of patriotic education of youth through sports, knowledge of its history of formation and development (including artistic gymnastics), working as secretary of the Veterans Council at the Central Sports Club of the Army.

Personnel composition of the department:

BINDUSOV Evgeniy Evgenievich- head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Born in Volgograd. He graduated from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture in 1971. In 1973, he entered the graduate school of the State Center for Physical Culture and Physical Culture - scientific advisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Shlemin A.M., which he successfully completed in 1976. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1978. He was hired at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture in 1979 as a teacher Department of Gymnastics. In 1983, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. He has been working as the head of the department since 1984. In 2000, he was awarded the title of professor.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in a chosen sport (artistic and rhythmic gymnastics).

Conducts classes at the faculty of full-time and part-time education. Author of more than 110 scientific and scientific-methodological works, chapters in textbooks, programs. For success in scientific and pedagogical activities, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”, “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports”. Since 1981, he has served as the scientific secretary of the dissertation council.
Under his leadership, 16 candidate's dissertations were defended.
Completed advanced training courses under the program “Use of the Anti-Plagiarism - University System in the Educational Process” in 2015, “Psychological pedagogical characteristics persons with disabilities health" in 2017.

Currently, the leading teacher of the profile “Sports training in artistic gymnastics”. Teacher of the profile “sports training in rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics.”

KAYDASH Svetlana Ivanovna(born 1958) - associate professor of the department.

She graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture in 1980. She has been working at the department since 1982. For more than 25 years she has been serving as deputy head of the department for academic work.

Disciplines taught:

  • Technologies of health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics.

He is a methodologist of professionally oriented practice.
He has awards: the medal “80 years of the State Sports Committee of Russia”, the badge “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports”. Is the author scientific articles, teaching aids, work programs. She completed advanced training courses under the program “Use of the Anti-Plagiarism - University System in the Educational Process” in 2015, “Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities” in 2017 and “First Aid” in 2018.

KUZMENKO Marianna Viktorovna- Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department.

She graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Tambov “Order of the Badge of Honor” State Pedagogical Institute. She studied at the full-time graduate school of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and defended her thesis in 2002. She has been working at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Gymnastics since 1997. Acts as deputy head of the department for scientific work.

Disciplines taught:

  • Technologies for health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics
  • Applied physical education

He is a methodologist of professionally oriented practice and teaching practice At school. Conducts advanced training at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Training. Organizes seminars and trains specialists in certain areas of fitness at the Fitness Center of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. Author of scientific and methodological publications, teaching aids. She completed advanced training courses under the program “Use of the Anti-Plagiarism - University System in the Educational Process” in 2015, “Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities” in 2017 and “First Aid” in 2018.

EPISHIN Nikolay Dmitrievich- Associate Professor of the Department.

Graduated from the Malakhovsky branch of Smolensk state institute physical culture (MSGIFK) in 1972. Postgraduate studies at MOGIFK in 1984. He has been working at MGAPC since 1973, first as a teacher, senior teacher and associate professor (1995). From 1978 to 1988 combined the work of a teacher with the activities of a coach of the USSR youth women's national artistic gymnastics team. Honored teacher of Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Disciplines taught:

  • Applied physical culture.

He is the author of more than 60 published works. Subjects of scientific research Epishina N.D. associated with issues of theory, technology and methods of teaching gymnast movements on apparatus, as well as with issues of the activity of an artistic gymnastics coach. At the same time, he is engaged in the design and manufacture of technical means for teaching and training gymnasts. A number of devices and simulators made by him are used at the department. He completed advanced training courses in 2015, as well as additional education courses: “Information and bibliographic culture” in 2017 and “First aid” in 2018.

KUDLIN Vladimir Yakovlevich- Associate Professor of the Department.

Graduated from Lisichansky Mining College. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture in 1969. Master of Sports of the USSR. Since 1976 he has been working at the department. In the 70-80s he led a specialization group and worked on a general course. Since the late 80s, the main teacher of the discipline “Gymnastics”.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in a chosen sport (gymnastics).
  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics (correspondence course).
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics (correspondence course).

Author of more than 20 published works in scientific and methodological collections, teaching aids, participant in scientific conferences and symposiums at various levels. He completed advanced training courses under the program “Application of the Anti-Plagiarism - University System in the Educational Process” in 2015, in 2017 “Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities” and “First Aid” in 2018.

YANKINA Ekaterina Alexandrovna- Ph.D., teacher.

In 2010, she graduated with honors from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and entered graduate school. In 2013 she defended her Ph.D. thesis. MS in rhythmic gymnastics.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in a chosen sport (rhythmic gymnastics).

ZHELANDINOVA Dina Yurievna- Senior Lecturer.

In 1999 she graduated with honors from the Moscow Regional College of Arts with the qualification “Teacher - organizer of a choreographic group”. In 2004 she graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities. She has been working at the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture since 2010.

Disciplines taught:

Full-time and part-time courses:

  • Organization of sports and entertainment performances and celebrations.
  • Organization and management of cheerleading in the field of professional sports.

Full-time education:

  • Applied physical culture.

Organizer of cultural and leisure events of the Academy, director of festivals of sports universities in Russia and Meetings of students of universities of physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation, coach of the dance team “Foxy girls”. Judge of the All-Russian stages of competitions in the dance simulator “Just Dance”.
Currently studying at the Master's program at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in the direction of “Natural scientific problems of physical culture.” She completed advanced training courses under the program “Use of the Anti-Plagiarism - University System in the Educational Process” in 2015, “Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities” in 2017 and “First Aid” in 2018.
Participant of the All-Russian round table “E-sports dance simulator Just Dance - a tool of innovative pedagogy.”

KUKSINOVA Victoria Vyacheslavovna- Senior Lecturer.

She graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in 2001, specializing in “Health-improving types of gymnastics.” He has been working at the department since 2006.

Disciplines taught:

  • Technologies of health-improving physical culture.
  • Applied physical education
  • Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports: gymnastics

He is a methodologist of professionally oriented practice of the training profile “Health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics.” She completed advanced training courses and courses in the additional education program “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities” in 2017.

KLOCHKOVA Olga Nikolaevna- teacher.

In 2003, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, a specialist in physical education and sports. He has been working at the department since 1979.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics.
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics.
  • Applied physical education (APiG)

Pedagogical work is carried out at the faculties of full-time and part-time education. She completed advanced training courses in 2013, as well as courses in the additional education program “Information and bibliographic culture”, 2018 - “First Aid”.

STOLYAROVA Elena Vadimovna- Senior Lecturer.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy in 2005. In 2012, she graduated from the Master's program at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in the field of training "Physical Culture". She has been working at the department since 2012.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics.
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics.

PERETOKINA Valeria Sergeevna- teacher.

In 2013 she graduated from Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Graduated from postgraduate study via correspondence. He has been working at the department since 2013.

Disciplines taught:

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in a chosen sport (rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics).
  • Applied physical culture.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a set of exercises performed to musical accompaniment. In this case, you can use such attributes as a jump rope, hoop, ball, mace or ribbon. In a group performance, several objects of different or the same type can be used. Sport sections rhythmic gymnastics are ready to accept anyone who is interested in this sport.

Rhythmic gymnastics near the University metro station: sports institutions (schools, clubs) near the University metro station

The list of gymnastic organizations, sections, sports schools, rhythmic gymnastics clubs is displayed in full in this catalog of sports organizations in the area of ​​the University metro station

Thanks to the Sports Map website, you can choose the necessary gymnastics school, section near the University metro station based on your needs and criteria. We provide you with detailed addresses of the best places for rhythmic gymnastics, their photographs and real reviews, as well as the prices of a monthly subscription and the possibility of online registration for rhythmic gymnastics training.

About the section

Since 1948, after the approval of rhythmic gymnastics as a sport, Zinaida Podolskaya participated in the organization of the Moscow State University section. For more than 30 years (since 1962), Anna Tsesarevna Hadares, a WWII veteran, worked at the Department of Physical Education at Moscow State University; she volunteered to go to the front as a nurse and walked with our army to Berlin, where she signed on the Reichstag. At Moscow State University A.Ts. Khazares taught rhythmic gymnastics classes in academic groups, trained dischargers, GTO badge athletes, and took an active part in preparing mass performances at physical education parades. She was awarded WWII medals in 1941-1945. Elsa Petrovna Timakova also worked in rhythmic gymnastics groups. She trained a large number of gymnasts of the III and II categories, GTO badge athletes.

Since 1956, Galina Pavlovna Polovinkina, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, judge of the all-Union category, became the responsible teacher for rhythmic gymnastics. Under her leadership, the Moscow State University rhythmic gymnastics team repeatedly became the winner and prize-winner of the Moscow University Spartakiad. The team included the champions of Moscow, six-time champion of the University Spartakiad m.s. Zoya Belokon, absolute champion of the Moscow Cup Irina Glotova, champion of the University Spartakiad Galina Ivanova.

Since 1982, work in the central section of rhythmic gymnastics has been headed by Lyudmila Mikhailovna Shachneva. Under her leadership, the Moscow State University rhythmic gymnastics team has been a multiple winner of the USSR University Championships and a silver and bronze medalist at the Moscow Student Games for many years. For a number of years, three-time champion of the Moscow University Spartakiad, four-time winner of the National University Championship, Master of Sports Samsonova Elena, and winner of the Moscow Student Games, Master of Sports of international class Annetta Panarina, performed in the MSU national team. Currently, the Moscow State University rhythmic gymnastics team successfully performs in competitions of various ranks. Masters of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Daria Gorbunova, Kristina Anikina, Svetlana Prokhorchik, Ekaterina Bystritskaya, Polina Gruzdeva, Ekaterina Agadzhanyan - silver medalists of the Russian Championship among Universities 2011, 2012, 2013. In 2015, Polina Gruzdeva was awarded the title of international master of sports. Polina Gruzdeva is the winner of the Russian University Championship 2012 in the individual competition, winner and prize-winner of international tournaments in the USA, Czech Republic, Egypt, Serbia, Norway, Croatia, multiple winner of the Moscow Student Games. The Moscow State University team consisting of Svetlana Prokhorchik, Hariessa Kuznetsova, Anna Masterova, Elina Mustafina, Ksenia Oposhnyanskaya are multiple bronze medalists of the Moscow Student Games in rhythmic gymnastics in group exercises. In addition, the MSU rhythmic gymnastics team takes an active part in the life of the University, giving demonstration performances at various events held at MSU, such as the Sports Festival on September 1, Lawyer's Day, Biologist's Day and others.

Since 2002, Master of Sports Sephanova Irina has been actively participating in the work of the section, under whose leadership a preparatory group is being organized on the basis of the Central Training Center for students who have not previously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and do not have a sports category. Over several years of work in preparatory group Faculty teams are being created, in particular a team from the Faculty of Biology, which successfully performs at the Moscow State University Championships, Moscow Student Games, Moscow rhythmic gymnastics tournaments, and also takes part in University events, Moscow and All-Russian festivals. Currently, the group is led by Olga Grigorieva, a graduate of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University.

About the coach

Shachneva Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Honored Teacher of Moscow State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Moscow State University, Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics. She has been working at the department for 35 years. Under her leadership, the Moscow State University rhythmic gymnastics team has been a prize-winner at the Moscow student games for many years and a silver medalist at the national university championship in 2012 and 2013.

As stage director Shachneva L.M. For a decade, she was involved in the preparation of sports and concert programs in the Kremlin Palace, the Rossiya Central Concert Hall, on Red Square, and participated in the preparation of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Games in Moscow in 1998.

For services to the development of physical culture and sports Shachneva L.M. awarded with diplomas and commendations from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Moscow student society "Burevestnik", and the organizing committee of the World Youth Games. Awarded the sign "Moscow state university 250”, badge “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports”, “Veteran of Labor”, “Honored Teacher of Moscow State University”


Monday 17:00 - 22:00 Wednesday 15:00 - 22:00 Friday 16:00 - 22:00 Saturday 10:30 - 15:30