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Yana Koshkina published new photos before and after plastic surgery. Yana Koshkina told why she hides her luxurious breasts in everyday life. Are Yana Koshkina's breasts real?

Yana Koshkina became known to the general public after participating in the show “Kings of Plywood” and in the TV series “CHOP”. On Channel One she is called a new sex symbol, which is not surprising, because the girl has excellent appearance.

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Koshkina regularly adds new pictures to her Instagram page. Subscribers leave enthusiastic comments about her appearance, but many believe that the actress has changed significantly since she graduated from the State Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg.

Yana Koshkina at the beginning of her career

This is what Yana Koshkina looked like before plastic surgery

Then she was blonde, had narrow eyebrows, and wore dull makeup. Now the girl is a spectacular busty brunette with noticeably enlarged lips.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Fans and journalists believe that such metamorphoses are associated with a visit to a plastic surgeon. The girl inserted implants into her breasts, tattooed her eyebrows, and enlarged her lips. Some are sure that rhinoplasty could not have happened.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

The actress herself vaguely answers questions about beauty injections and plastic surgery. Yana often wears dresses to parties and receptions that highlight her curves.

Beauty secrets of Yana Koshkina

The actress often gives interviews to various publications about how she monitors and cares for her appearance. She is actively involved in sports, paying special attention to gymnastics (in the past she was a master of sports).

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

However, Yana says that she sorely lacks time for long-term exercise. She prefers to lead an active lifestyle, ignoring elevators, cars, and doing morning exercises. The girl tries to eat right, but due to her busy schedule, she doesn’t always manage to eat on time.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

In addition, she loves chocolate and can never pass it up. However, if she ate a large portion of dessert, she will not eat anything else for the whole day. The actress advises eating more greens, grains and dairy products, which will give you energy and satisfy your hunger.

Photo: Instagram @yana_koshkina_official

The young actress, model and presenter believes that the path to beauty and perfection is regular physical exercise and moderate food intake. She doesn't talk about going to a plastic surgeon, but she can really be proud of her figure and face.

“I very often meet girls who are embarrassed that they have large breasts. I think it’s the same thing if they were shy about being tall, having a long nose, or having a waist that was too thin. Absurd! On the contrary, this must be used, this is what individuality is made of. Why be shy? You should be proud, because it is your shortcomings that set you apart from all people. If nature has rewarded you with some zest, show it in a light that is favorable to you! Make it your dignity!”

Photo archive of the TNT4 press service

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“As an actress, I managed to work in different groups - both male and female, and mixed. Communication in each of them, believe me, can bring joy and pleasure. Of course, I prefer to work with men, as, for example, it was on the set of the series “CHOP”. In this sense, working on the project was a real gift for me. I easily find a common language with the opposite sex, because in some ways they are more open. Girls, in my opinion, may have reasons for envy. And big breasts, believe me, are not in the first place. The advantage of a female team is that you can, firstly, have exclusively girly conversations, and secondly, go together to those places that you cannot go with a man. However, my advice is that, no matter what environment you work in, no matter what team you are in, the main thing is to feel confident, and then any company will be a joy.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“Unfortunately, it happens that people around me do not take me seriously because of the expressive advantages of my figure. Especially after the release of the series, I am more often perceived as Snezhana. At first it upset me very much, but now I understand that this is my highlight. Of course, in a team where the fame of a frivolous beauty follows you, different situations arise. Recently, a completely new acquaintance simply wouldn’t look me in the eye when talking to me. The behavior looked too much like rudeness. In such cases, you need to be strict. Tip number two: “When it is important for you that your interlocutor listens to you carefully, speak strictly, seriously and clearly to the point.”

Photo archive of the TNT4 press service

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“In the series, my heroine often uses her feminine charms to achieve one goal or another. And I agree with her. If you have chosen the image of a sexy beauty, you need to maintain it. Anyone faces a problem when, for some reason, the interlocutor does not want to take your side. And then it’s not just possible, but even necessary to use the “forbidden” technique - flirting. We are women, we all flirt and smile. In general, when a woman smiles, it is disarming! A man will always pay attention to a beautiful smile. We have to use our feminine charms... sometimes. So, “if you need to achieve something, don’t be shy to flirt.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“It’s better to wear a beautiful dress with a low neckline than a shirt that will unbutton on you. If you have beautiful large breasts, it is difficult to give advice on the ideal shirt style. When I try them on in the store, sometimes the buttons just don't line up. Sometimes it gets funny. One day a button just flew out of the fitting room. Everyone laughed for a long time. But I don’t see anything wrong with this: for some, the skirt does not fit over the “charms”, for others, the shirt does not. What to do, such features of the figure. 80% of my wardrobe is dresses. There are a couple of shirts, but they are hanging around. The dress is much more practical: it always fits, you don’t need to adjust the top or bottom, and your head doesn’t hurt whether the button is undone or not.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“Sometimes I look with envy at girls who can afford blouses or loose-fitting dresses. These don't suit me, they immediately make me look several sizes too big. Although I'm not sure that they can be suitable for anyone other than models. Just yesterday in a restaurant I met a girl who was wearing some kind of baggy dress. I see that her legs seem to be slender and her arms are thin, but she has put on such a bag that it looks unattractive and even ridiculous from the outside. I prefer clothes that highlight the advantages of the figure rather than hide them.”

Photo archive of the TNT4 press service

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“If you remember the most frequent and awkward questions that I get asked about my breasts, then the top 3 are: “Are they real?”, “Isn’t it hard for you?” and “Doesn’t your back hurt?” This can only be answered with the same absurdity: “Do you earn a lot?” or “Aren’t you afraid to stand next to me?” It’s not that it’s something that’s prepared (laughs), it’s just real. Usually, when I react so unexpectedly to tactless or annoying questions, people somehow quickly switch to another topic of conversation. Perhaps what helps me react quickly or surprise is the knowledge that I acquired at the St. Petersburg Theater Institute, where I studied. This is an invaluable experience! I advise everyone to enroll in some kind of theater or improvisation courses. Or just train your sense of humor. It helps a lot in life.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“One question still has a connection with real problems. Is it possible to run? The answer is: awkward, funny, but really possible and necessary. However, every morning I start with a run. And recently I discovered the new kind training – EMS. They put on a special suit with a bunch of wires and use electrical stimulation to tone your muscles. The trainer forces you to do exercises that ordinary life They seem simple, but in this “harness” they are simply unreal. In just 20 minutes you can get the effect of a 2-hour workout. Great for saving time. So forget about stereotypes and choose a sport that suits you.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“As an actress, I inevitably have to send out my resumes. As you know, the main rule in this matter is not to lie when you talk about your skills or physical characteristics. So, at the very top of the resume there is a standard column: height, weight, size, etc. This is necessary not only so that the director and casting director can understand whether you fit the type or not, but also for orientation to the costume designers. In this column, I honestly indicate size S. But sometimes you come to a fitting and it turns out that the outfit does not fasten... in the chest. All that remains is to laugh and urgently look for suitable clothes. This also happens in store fitting rooms. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course – it’s not a reason to be sad. If you have long dreamed of that very dress, but it is not enough in the most outstanding place - do not give up your desire! Take a size larger, take it to the studio and ask for a stitch.”

Yana Koshkina is a girl with a memorable appearance. The artist is active as an actress and model. Yana zealously promotes healthy image life, plays a lot of sports and does not eat meat. Koshkina won interest in her person not only thanks to her acting skills; a huge share of attention went to the beauty’s bright appearance. But, looking at the girl’s early photos, we can conclude that Yana did not always have such parameters. In order to achieve ideal forms, she had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery, before and after photos: surgery

New publications, photos and interviews continually stir up the viewer’s interest. The model's revealing outfits will shock even the most sophisticated audience. Many people wonder if the girl always looked so amazing and what she had to change about herself.

Paying attention to Koshkina’s early photos, we can conclude that years younger than Yana, she had size three breasts. But, the actress decided to increase her parameters to the fifth, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. The girl herself categorically refuses to acknowledge the help of doctors. If previously the model had a toned, teardrop-shaped bust, now Koshkina’s breasts are weighty, tightly covered with skin and somewhat disproportionate to her figure.

Yana has always had plump lips with a cute and interesting curve. To emphasize the image of the fatal beauty, Koshkina decided to work on this area. Lip lipofilling came to the rescue of her desire. The girl pumped her own fat into the lip area, this significantly increased their volume.

Looking at the photos before and after the transformation, one cannot help but notice the change in the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty made the nose smaller and more neat. Yana denies the services of plastic surgeons, claiming that her beauty is the merit of Mother Nature, not doctors. But the facts say the opposite; photos from two years ago show changes in this zone.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery, before and after photos: experiments with appearance

Yana's expressive cheekbones add special sophistication. Presumably, the girl, in order to emphasize the relief of her face, called for the help of police officers. Koshkina denies correction of her cheekbones, attributing everything to the art of makeup. It is worth noting that even without makeup this area stands out clearly.

You can see that over time, the girl’s eyebrows have also undergone adjustments. Now Yana wears wide and thick ones, but years ago she preferred a thin form.

Nature awarded Koshkina with light brown hair, but the actress wants to match the image of a fatal brunette. To achieve this, the model constantly dyes her hair a deep dark shade.

To make her smile perfect, Yana inserted expensive veneers, which allowed her to change the shape of her teeth. Now the woman’s smile is simply gorgeous and flawless.

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Yana Koshkina is one of the most promising actresses on Russian television today. In addition to the series “CHOP” on TNT, we remembered her from the show “Kings of Plywood” on Channel One and as the host of the “HEAT” festival in Baku. We will note how her appearance has changed by looking at photographs of her from different times.

Yana began acting as a teenager in the series “OBZh” and since then she has not been able to part with the acting life.

After school, without hesitation, she chose the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts.

Since then, her appearance has changed significantly.

Comparing the before and after photos, we can say that Yana most likely resorted to the following procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty. The nose has noticeably thinned out and does not seem wide;

    Lip augmentation. Previously, the girl enlarged them visually with the help of cosmetics, slightly going beyond the natural contour, but now they have acquired a volume that cannot be drawn with a pencil;

  • Highlighting cheekbones with fillers. No more chubby cheeks.

Sculpted face of Yana

Volume lips

The nose has become thinner and sharper

Face close-up:

Did Yana Koshkina enlarge her breasts?

And just about the girl’s breasts, numerous disputes arise. To some it seems unnaturally large, but to others it’s just right. Even the opinions of leading plastic surgeons were divided.

The breasts look very natural, although they stand out somewhat on her toned and athletic figure.

The actress and TV presenter herself, after a photo shoot in Maxim magazine, decided to admit:

“Everything is yours! People always need to discuss something. There’s no way without this.”

Also, Yana claims that she does not do any injections and visits a cosmetologist extremely rarely, preferring to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For yours appearance tries to take care of himself, eats right and exercises.

This is not difficult for her, because as a child she did rhythmic gymnastics and even received the title of master of sports.

On her Instagram page, the actress admitted that she really loves cheese, quinoa, brown rice and does not really like meat, but can eat turkey or chicken.

In general, as a creative and constantly busy person, she has to skip meals and sometimes not eat at all for days. Thanks to this diet, Yana always remains in good shape.

A native of St. Petersburg, future television star Yana Koshkina was born on April 22, 1990. Since childhood, the girl was fond of sports, studied well, and showed interest in many areas, including theater.

This led to receiving a diploma from the prestigious Academy of Theater Arts and defending the title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Soon after graduation, Yana moved to Moscow, where her rapid career as a model, actress and TV presenter began. The young actress can be seen in the following series and projects: “Interns”, “Word to a Woman”, “Forester”, “Sfetofor”, “Poor Girl”, “Call DiCaprio”, “Kings of Plywood”, “Voice 6” and others. Real popularity came to the girl after a series of candid photo shoots for men's magazines. From that moment on, the public's attention was constantly focused on Yana's appearance. It's no surprise that fans of the star are wondering how natural her beauty is?

In favor of the series plastic surgery they say old photographs of Yana. Minor adjustments did take place. So Koshkina’s lips used to have a more natural swelling, but now she is the owner of noticeably swollen lips, more reminiscent of African ones.

Some plastic surgeons indicate the presence of rhinoplasty. Yana's nose has really become thinner and more regular.
In addition, the girl radically changed her image and made a fashionable eyebrow correction.

One of the most frequent questions from Yana's fans is the following: do the TV presenter have real breasts? There is no definite answer, since Yana has always been a busty girl. If an operation was performed, it was most likely not for enlargement, but for correction.

The girl’s bust really looks more toned and taller lately.