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Script for New Year's greetings to colleagues. The best New Year's tales and sketches - impromptu Merry congratulations sketch for the New Year

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 2960 Human

It sounds like a painfully familiar New Year's melody
Father Frost. Happy New Year's Eve, dear audience!

Snow Maiden. From the entire magical winter kingdom, bright New Year's greetings! (addresses grandfather). Grandfather Frost, something from you...

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year “New Year’s Anniversary of the Year of the Rat”

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4384 person

The first toast from the host.
Pleasant calm music sounds.
Presenter: Hello, good New Year's evening everyone! These magical days brought us smiles, joy, team unity and love for work!

I hope that all employees who...

Scenario for the Year of the Rat for a corporate party

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4206 Human

Presenter: The year 2020 is knocking on our doors with new opportunities, dreams, new happiness, and with all my heart I wish everyone that what you have planned, on the eve of the most magical holiday, comes true! Traditionally, the New Year in Russia is not complete without Christmas trees...

Scenario for the New Year's concert at the House of Culture "Waiting for a Miracle"

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 1637 Human

The music from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” is played, which is the leitmotif of the concert.
Entertainer. Good evening everyone, dear viewers! The artists of the House of Culture are happy to talk with you on the eve of the most magical holiday! This New Year's Eve...

The best cultural and interesting scenario for a theatrical New Year's corporate party with the participation of the Snow Queen

13.12.2019 | Looked at the script 5775 Human

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost:
-Many days and nights
We followed a difficult, long route.
Our path is like a stream
Winding between the crystal Christmas trees.
(Wiggled between the poplars,
Come on, pour some for grandpa!)
Snegurochka and I together
We hurried to...

Scenario for a good start to the New Year's show program for adults

15.11.2019 | Looked at the script 20674 person

There is noticeable excitement in the hall.
LEADING; On the road with bells
The threes are flying fast.
In a painted sleigh with carpets
The beautiful girls are sitting.
Come to us for New Year's holiday

An interesting and theatrical scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults with the participation of fairy-tale characters

14.11.2019 | Looked at the script 11290 Human

Hare Stepashka:

Oh, piggy, what's wrong with you? Do piglets drink?

What do you think, Stepashechka? Where does the saying come from
"I got drunk like a pig." And you drink, everyone is talking about you too, sideways,
oblique means drunk...

Piggy sings:

An interesting, fun and new New Year's scenario, theatrical: “The Hungry Guest” for adults

09.11.2019 | Looked at the script 13208 Human

Philosophy of the table -
May there be a snack here!
Not even half an hour will pass,
How will... (SAUSAGE) disappear!

People really like it
With red fish... (SANDWICHES)!

Main appetizer view
Standing in the middle of the table!
We finally remember
About salty...


Scenario of a magical and interesting New Year's fairy tale

21.10.2019 | Looked at the script 13296 Human

It would be great if Grandfather with a gray beard and a red nose suddenly rang our doorbell. He would hug me and quietly whisper in my ear:

Even though you consider yourself smart and wise, believe me, you cannot live without faith in miracles. Beautiful fairy tale, ...

Celebrating the New Year of the White Rat 2020 is always more fun and interesting in a large company, when many people get together to chat, cheer up and celebrate everyone’s favorite holiday. But sometimes there are people in the same company who don’t know each other well.

Some may be shy, others, on the contrary, are too noisy, and the result will be confusion. To avoid this trouble, it is advisable to plan interesting activities for all guests. Skits for the New Year 2020, funny and modern, will be good entertainment.

In a large company, the mood improves, so the skits will be a success. The main thing is to involve as many participants in the process as possible and not be afraid to improvise. In most cases, people quickly get involved in the proposed activity, begin to add something of their own, actively communicate, and the evening goes by very fun.

The best funny scenes for a fun company

These scenes are modern, and they were invented specifically for the New Year holiday. The coming 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat, so you can offer guests many scenes related to these animals. Funny skits, riddles and competitions that involve the audience are perfect. You can choose the most suitable options for your New Year's scenario.

Funny scene “Wet Spectators”

For the scene you need to prepare 2 opaque containers (for example, jugs), fill one with water and the other with confetti. Then the host rises to make a toast. He says that in some countries where it rains often, there is a belief that on New Year's Day, drops of water bring happiness, and every drop that falls on a person becomes a wish fulfilled. Therefore, rain on New Year's Eve is considered great luck. But since it’s cold and there’s no rain, we need to look for other ways to attract happiness.

While speaking, you need to demonstrate that there is water in the jug (for example, pour some into a glass). At the end of the toast, you need to quietly replace the jugs (the assistant can pass the second jug under the table) and, swinging, pour the contents onto the audience. Believing that there is water in the jug, everyone will run away screaming and screaming, but only a rain of confetti will overtake them.

A very positive scene for the Repka company

This skit will require 7 participants and a presenter. Participants are assigned roles: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse and turnip. The presenter tells a story, and the participants depict what he is talking about. The goal is to show the events as brightly and cheerfully as possible.


- Grandfather planted a turnip.

[The grandfather and the turnip appear in front of the audience. They must depict how the grandfather planted a turnip. For example, a turnip can hide under the table.]

- The turnip has grown very, very big.

[The turnip shows from under the table how it grows.]

- Grandfather began to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Calls grandma for help.

Subsequently, according to the narrative, all participants join the action. It’s good if the role of the mouse is played by a child, for example, a little girl. You can tie a napkin for your grandmother instead of a scarf, and invite a lady with the most beautiful manicure to play the role of a cat. When, through joint efforts, the “turnip” is removed from under the table, it should hold a surprise in its hands for all guests. Using this scene you can serve a cake or sweets.


Sketch "Kolobok" in a new way

Participants will be needed: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, hare, wolf and fox. The largest participant is selected for the role of Kolobok and sits on a chair in the center of the hall. In this case, Kolobok and the fox can be a couple.


– Grandfather and grandmother baked a kolobok, which turned out cute, but very gluttonous.


- Grandfather, grandmother, I will eat you!

Grandfather and grandmother:

– Don’t eat us, Kolobok, we’ll transfer the apartment to you!

[A hare, a wolf and a fox appear on stage in turn.]


- Hare, hare, I will eat you!


– Don’t eat me, Kolobok, I’ll give you a carrot!

[Hands the bun a bottle or some fruit from the table.]


- Wolf, wolf, I will eat you!


- Don’t eat me, little bun, I’ll give you the hare!

[Catches the hare and hands over the bun.]


- Fox, fox, I will eat you!


- No, little bun, I’ll eat you myself!

[Takes the carrot from the bun and lets the hare go.]


- Oh, what a fox you are! Then marry me!

[Kolobok and the fox sit down on a chair together, and the rest of the participants in the scene gather around.]


- And they began to live and live well and make good money. And the hare was adopted.

Sketch for corporate parties with jokes for the Year of the White Rat

For a corporate party in Metal Rat Go, it is better to select mass scenes where everyone present is involved in the action. You can act out the following scenes.

Dance skit “Around the World”

It's better to do it when the dancing starts. It will help relax the guests and give a good boost to the subsequent dance evening. The presenter solemnly announces that all those present are invited to travel around the world. Then the melodies are turned on one by one. The host’s task is to bring as many guests to the dance floor as possible. We start from the Far North - the song “I’ll take you to the tundra.” We ride on reindeer, show our horns, the first stop is at a gypsy camp, the song “Gypsy Girl,” etc.

"Tricky Santa Claus"

An actor dressed as Santa Claus approaches the guests and invites everyone to write one wish. Then the recorded wishes are collected in a bag and mixed thoroughly. After this, Santa Claus says that he recently returned from vacation, where he spent all magical power, so guests will have to fulfill their wishes on their own. The leaves are distributed again in random order, and the guests must try to fulfill the wishes that they come across.

Skits for an adult company - old New Year

For an adult company, less noisy, but still exciting scenes are required that will attract everyone's attention. For example: intelligence puzzles or small thematic competitions. The following skits with a competitive element are well suited to celebrate the old New Year.

"The closest"

The host invites several pairs of guests and gives them a tangerine, a Christmas tree ball and a champagne cork. There are 3 compositions for slow dance (15-20 seconds each). During the dance, couples must hold each of the objects between them in turn, without dropping it. The presenter announces: Mandarin symbolizes all the sweetest things that a couple has and the freshness of feelings. The Christmas ball symbolizes the fragility of our hearts. A traffic jam can only be stopped if you know each other well. The winners receive a prize and the title “The Closest”.


Acting out interesting scenarios and funny skits is a guaranteed way to make any holiday event exciting, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens are planning a fun themed party with games, competitions and skits for the New Year instead of a banal feast. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for fun company or for a corporate event, you can either find it online or come up with it yourself, changing and acting out a scenario from any popular fairy tale, film or book. And to make it fun and interesting for guests, each participant in the game can improvise, making their own changes to the game. By the way, the funniest and favorite New Year's scenes for adults are scenes with jokes and well-known fairy tales with comic changes in the plot. And here we will share ideas and videos of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for a corporate event or a friendly party.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 Pig
  • New Year 2019 skits for corporate parties: Fairy tales with jokes
  • Short skits for the New Year for adults
  • Cool New Year's scenes for corporate parties
  • The funniest scenes for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for a fun company

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults

Coming up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for an adult group of friends is actually very simple. You can take any topic from life as a basis for the script, and it would also be a great idea to create a skit based on your favorite comedy film or Stand Up comedians’ performance. But still, the most relevant at the party will be scenes about the New Year, in which you can play out funny, cool or comical incidents that happened or could happen on this fabulous night.

Sample script for a funny skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

A great idea for a funny modern skit would be the skit “How to behave on New Year’s Day.” To perform this scene, you need 2 people who will conduct a dialogue with each other, making everyone present fall with laughter. Below is an approximate scenario for such a scene, but if desired, you can change and supplement it by coming up with your own cool examples of how exactly you should not behave on New Year’s Eve.

Script for the skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

Presenter 1: Dear guests, I am so glad to see you all at this holiday. Now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year 2019 correctly!

Presenter 2: Why are you going to tell us how to celebrate the New Year correctly? I know better!

Presenter 1: You? How do you know how to spend the New Year holidays? Every December 31st, you run around shopping and supermarkets until 11 pm, because apparently Santa Claus forbids you from buying treats and gifts in advance!

Presenter 2: And this is told to me by a man who, at home under the Christmas tree, puts empty boxes tied with bows, photographs it and posts it in his classmates with the caption “Look, everyone, how many gifts Santa Claus brought me!”

Presenter 1: At least I don’t give all my friends a box of “Bird’s Milk” bought at the nearest supermarket on special offer for the New Year.

Presenter 2: But you celebrate the New Year very happily - at 10 pm you turn on the TV and watch reruns of the show with Petrosyan until 4 am!

Presenter 1: And you, of course, spend the old year and meet the New one much more fun! You go out into the street at half past eleven, approach all the companies you meet, congratulate them, and wait to be poured champagne!

Presenter 2: And you never buy fireworks and firecrackers! Why, you can also look at other people’s.

Presenter 1: And you send all your friends and relatives the same congratulations found on the Internet. Both women and men! And it doesn’t matter that it contains the words “so that your husband loves you and gives you flowers.”

Presenter 2: And while the chimes are striking, you write on a piece of paper the desire “Win ​​1,000,000 dollars in the lottery,” burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink this drink. But for some reason in 10 years, Santa Claus has never granted your wish!

Presenter 1: And this is told to me by a person who has never heard the chimes, because at this time he is already fast asleep with his face in a plate of salad.

Presenter 2: I don’t even know what’s better - sleeping in a salad or calling all your exes on New Year’s Eve in a drunken voice, telling them that they are bitches and immediately confessing your love.

Presenter 1: And you don’t call anyone on New Year’s Day - you’re busy at that time, telling the hostess how best to cook Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, how she should have decorated the New Year’s tree and what dress she should have worn.

Presenter 2: And you never celebrate the New Year at home - you always invite yourself to visit someone and sit there until January 3rd or even longer, until you eat everything from the refrigerator and drink from the bar.

Presenter 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 am and wake everyone up with the words: “Let’s go outside to play in the snow, otherwise we haven’t been outdoors yet this year.”

Presenter 2: And you always take a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house with the words “you don’t know how to open it correctly,” and in the end you end up hitting someone in the eye with the cork, or breaking a chandelier.

Presenter 1: And you decided to drunkenly show how to do a somersault correctly, and in the end you knocked over the Christmas tree!

Presenter 2: Yes, we are both good.

Presenter 1: In general, dear friends, if you want to have a great New Year...

Presenter 2: Remember that you cannot do it the way we do it!

Modern scenes about the New Year on video

In the video you can see a funny and bold modern New Year's skit for adults, “Talent Competition.” To make sure all guests have fun, you can use the idea of ​​this skit, but give all participants the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

New Year 2019 sketch idea for a corporate party: old fairy tales with jokes in a modern twist

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adults believe in miracles on New Year's Eve and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Therefore, a great idea for a sketch for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party is fairy tales with jokes in a new way. You can act out a funny scene based on any well-known fairy tale, and to make it even more fun for the guests, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with the help of which the participants can transform into fairy-tale characters.

New Year's scene "Grandmothers Hedgehogs"

Babka Hedgehogs in the New Year's sketch are funny, positive characters who will amuse all the guests with their dialogue. The sketch involves 5 Grandmothers Hezhek, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even funnier. An example script for this scene is below.

5 Yozhek grandmothers come out and conduct a dialogue:

The first grandmother addresses her companions: It’s been a long time since we went out anywhere, didn’t hang out anywhere. It's time to shake off the old days! Oh look! Why is everyone here (looks at the guests)? Surely they are celebrating something.

Second: One hundred percent. If everyone is assembled, then we go to Kashchei’s for a party. (takes out his phone from his pocket and dials a number). Hello, Kashchiych! All is ready? Then we hurry to you. We are flying at full speed (addresses the grandmothers). Well, what are we going?!

Third: How do we know what is being celebrated here?

Fourth: Let's just ask (addresses the guests). Hello, tell me, what's going on here? For what reason did you gather?

Guests: Celebrating the New Year!

Fifth grandmother: Oh, so there’s a holiday planned here? Maybe then we’ll stay, otherwise it’s a long walk to Kashchei, and my back hurts, I may not be able to overcome this long journey.

All the grandmothers, except the second one, answer in unison: Come on, come on!

The first grandmother turns to the second: And you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you are out of nowhere! You should go to an ENT specialist and have your ears checked!

Second: My electric broom is out of order, so I can’t fly to the hospital!

First: Ty, I bought a Mercedes for myself a long time ago and drive it everywhere. So what? Are we staying for the New Year celebration?

Second: Of course! Let's show how we can rock?

The first one turns to the DJ: Come on, play us something?

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is playing.

The grandmothers begin to make noise and become indignant.

Third Grandma: DJ, what did you play? Give us our favorite.

A song about grandmothers Yozhek plays, and the characters demonstrate a fiery dance, and then bow and leave.

New Year's skit “Turnip in a new way” - idea on video

The video below shows another version of a table scene with the fairy tale “Turnip” with jokes. This idea is perfect for a corporate party attended by mature and elderly colleagues, as well as lovers who prefer quiet, sedentary entertainment.

Funny short scenes for the New Year for adults

Short New Year's skits for adults are a great way to make New Year's Eve fun and add variety to the traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes over long, well-thought-out scripts is the ability to improvise and involve everyone present in the fun. And below we will share ideas on how to amuse guests with a funny short scene at a New Year's party in 1-5 minutes.

Scenario of a funny short scene “Rain for good luck” for the New Year

This scene is called “Rain for Happiness.” To carry it out, you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pans). One container should be filled with water, and the other with confetti, and the presenter should place the container with water next to him on the table, and hide the jug with confetti so that it can be easily and quickly reached at the right time.

When the time comes for the skit, the host rises from his seat, makes a toast and says that in countries with a humid climate there is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve brings happiness and wealth. During his story, he must every now and then dip his hand into a jug of water so that the guests can see the water. When everyone present is convinced that there is water in the jug, it must be quietly replaced with a container of confetti.

At the end of his story, the presenter expresses regret that there is no rain outside, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends to have an epiphany and loudly say, “But this should replace the rain,” take a jug of confetti and throw its contents on the guests. Since everyone thinks that there is water in the jug, they will run away from the table, and when they realize that it is raining from confetti, they will laugh at the presenter’s joke.

The idea for a very funny short New Year's skit "Italian for the New Year"

The idea and approximate script of the funny mini-scene “Italian for the New Year” is shown in the video. At a New Year's party, you can perform such a scene using a script with a video, or you can come up with your own little scenario based on it, for example, “Chinese for the New Year.”

Cool and funny New Year's scenes for corporate parties

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than celebrating the New Year with family and friends. Presenters corporate holidays As a rule, they think through the theme and scenario of the party in advance and look for cool New Year's scenes for the corporate party in which all guests can participate.

The company employees themselves, also on the eve of the New Year, can come up with and rehearse a skit with which they want to amuse their colleagues at a corporate party. Such skits will provide an opportunity not only to have great fun at the holiday, but also to get closer to colleagues and show one more side of yourself.

Video with funny scenes at corporate New Year's parties

In the video from New Year's corporate events of Russian companies, you can glean interesting and cool ideas for scenes for the New Year. And we published a video with the coolest and funniest New Year's scenes for corporate parties below.

The funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a friendly, cheerful company

To choose the funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If most of those present have acting talents and the ability to improvise, you can come up with and act out scenes based on fairy tales and films, and if guests like to laugh, short joke scenes with making funny wishes would be a great idea.

Since 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a scene based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” will be very relevant on New Year’s Eve. An example script for the scene is:

The king enters the stage.

The presenter says: once upon a time there was a king. He owned vast lands. He was powerful and strong, all his neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beautiful daughter.

A beautiful girl comes on stage and performs a graceful dance.

(At this time the girl laughs loudly and loudly.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the princess. All the princes and princes avoided her, and the royal daughter really wanted to get married.

The daughter turns to the king: I will go, father, to seek my happiness!

The king blesses his daughter, who goes into the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three little pigs come out to meet her. (Each of them needs to come up with a name and an interesting story in advance. For example, the presenter can tell about one that he is a lover of acorns. It is better to choose a well-fed man for the role of this pig. The second pig can be a ladies' man and flirt with the queen. The third hero can be gay You can come up with other stories yourself depending on the audience gathered).

The king's daughter dances with each piglet in turn, but suddenly runs onto the stage Gray wolf. He scares the piglets.

The princess hides on the sidelines because she was afraid of the wolf.

But the piglets turned out to be brave. The three of them attack the wolf and playfully beat him.

The wolf begins to beg for mercy and asks to let him go, but the piglets continue their actions, while wailing about how much trouble the wolf will bring them.

And this is where the princess comes into play. She felt very sorry for the wolf, and she asked the piglets to stop. They retreat before her pleas.

The king's daughter comes up to him, begins to stroke him and helps him up. The princess falls in love with a wolf. They decide to get married. Of course, the three little pigs are also invited to this celebration.

In the video below you can see another idea for a very cool New Year's scene for adults. This scene is perfect for a group of close friends.

Playing out skits for the New Year is a great way to cheer up your guests.

(New Year's corporate party)

Host: Hello, dear guests! Happy New Year to you! On this wonderful winter evening, when the magical atmosphere of the most long-awaited holiday is already felt everywhere and in everything, I greet the wonderful team... (name of organization). It is a great honor and great joy for me to spend this evening with you, in such a friendly and friendly team!

Friends, let’s not wait long and raise the first toast to the joyful expectations with which we greet the arrival of the New Year, as well as how pleasant it is to share this New Year’s mood with our old, but so familiar and beloved team!

An excerpt from the song “If only there were no winter” (Spanish by V. Tolkunova) is playing.

Host: We have a long evening ahead of you, a lot of fun, funny and unexpected things, and to prepare for all this, treat yourself well! For example, in tsarist times, the most amazing New Year's dish was stuffed pig. What is so amazing about it, you ask? And it was prepared like this: overseas olives were stuffed with anchovies, partridge was stuffed with these olives, pheasant was stuffed with partridge, and pheasant served as a stuffing for a pig! This is how the multi-layered roast turned out. But even without it, there are a lot of things on the tables here that are no less tasty and original!..

Plays an excerpt from the song “New Year’s” (Spanish gr. “Brilliant”)

Host: So, the first toast has been made, the first hunger has been satisfied, and while everyone is still able to listen about serious things, I invite your manager here to tell you what the past year was like for the company.

The director comes out, briefly talks about the company’s successes, and the host offers to raise a toast to it. The director sits down.

Plays an excerpt from the song “Agent 007” (Spanish gr. “Brilliant”)

Host: You know, dear friends, your director quietly whispered one thing to me. He said that your company is developing mainly thanks to the people who work in it! Because everyone is in their place and doing their job, and professionally. Your director asked me to say something good about each employee, but I decided that words couldn’t tell everything... It’s better to sing!

Joke song "Collective"

(to the tune of the song “Five Minutes” from the film “Carnival Night”)
You will need a karaoke recording.

I'll sing you a song about the team,
This song is full of love and positivity!
About ordinary employees,
Very cute too
This song is about the team...

Here sits the secretary
Immensely beautiful
But don't dream about her:
The reputation is exemplary!

All in business every day,
Everyone is trying and fussing,
After all, the company is the face
It depends a lot on her!
(repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)

Here is the accountant sitting next to her,
An accountant's job is not worth it:
Everything counts and counts
Debit-credit knocks down,
After all, the banquet will cost a pretty penny!

New Year is coming
Let the wine flow like a river!
Here's a guy sitting
The office manager is called.

He's still young
But his talent was noticed
Career growth for him
Definitely guaranteed!
(repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)

Here's the driver. Of course he doesn't drink
Even if he sees off the old year:
Let the people have fun
And he should get behind the wheel,
Deliver to the people's address!

Here sits our courier,
He's simply a master in his field,
Here sits the engineer
For him/her, work is happiness!

There's a guard sitting there
He doesn't know sentiment
Will protect the company with its breasts
From enemies and competitors!
(repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)

The team is so fun and big,
Here they respect each other with all their hearts,
They work as a team here
Revealed in talent
And they hurry home happy!

New Year is coming
The best and most beautiful.
Have fun, team!
Sing, dance, fall in love, celebrate!

But while we were singing the song,
Our glasses are empty...
It's time for us to fill them!

A toast is raised to all employees.

An excerpt from the song “Yolki” (Spanish: V. Serduchka) is playing.

Presenter (after the toast): Just a minute, friends... Where is our respected leader? Where did you disappear to? And there is no secretary! Something tells me that this is not without reason...

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter (the presenter needs to agree in advance with the director and secretary whether they will agree to play these roles. Or another option is possible, when someone from the team becomes Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

Santa Claus pretends to be very drunk, Snow Maiden leads him by the arm.

Santa Claus: Dear friends! Congratulations to everyone... on this... what's his name... on the new... well, in short, on the new director! Here.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you better shut up, I’ll tell you everything myself! In short, yes. My grandfather is now your director, and I am his secretary and closest assistant! Your leadership has resigned and now everyone must listen to us!

Santa Claus: Yeah! Obliged!

Presenter: But where is ... (director's first and patronymic name)! And where... (name of secretary)!

Santa Claus: And they... they... have already flown to the Canary Islands! Rest!

Host: Well, in that case, come on in and meet the team. We literally just raised a toast to him. Personnel, as you know, decide everything... Start delving into the intricacies of the work!

Santa Claus: I'm not going to get into it! And I’m not going to meet you! I'll recruit my team! (rummages in his bag, takes out a kokoshnik).

For example, I’ll take Vasilisa the Wise as an accountant! (Santa Claus approaches the accountant and puts a kokoshnik on her). Emelya and her stove will be in charge of transport! (takes a hat out of the bag and puts it on the head of the transport department). I'll make the Tin Soldier my guard! (puts a three-cornered hat on the guard). The cleaning lady will be Cinderella (puts on an apron for the cleaning lady), and the storekeeper will be a fairy! (hands the “magic” daddy to the storekeeper). In general, everything will be new, that is, in my opinion!

Host: You know, it seems to me that arbitrariness in such a serious matter as the management of a company is completely unacceptable! I propose a vote. Who from the team is for the new management? Who's against it?

The team, of course, is in favor.

Host: Well, the team trusts you. Therefore, since the New Year is just around the corner, you should be the new director! But there is only one “but” here...

Father Frost and Snow Maiden: What other “but”?

Host: Where have you seen bosses appear in front of employees while drunk?

Santa Claus: Today is possible, today is such a day! But if necessary, I’ll sober up in no time! I brought you gifts here...

Santa Claus has small souvenirs in his bag for employees - you can order them with the company logo, for example, pens, folders, mugs or Christmas tree balls.

An excerpt from the song “Santa Claus” (Spanish gr. “Disco Crash”) is played.

Host: Let it be cold outside, snow outside,
But loud laughter rings in this hall,
Here the warm company makes everyone feel warm,
Here is a gray-haired, mischievous and funny old man,
It’s not for nothing that he comes to us again and again,
To call happy midnight together,
To spend the outgoing year well,
Has the year not done something? Forgive me for this
Because there are so few minutes left,
And other hopes will enter our doors,
A new holiday will begin and a new countdown...
We welcome you, dear New Year!

And now, dear viewers, would you like to dance a little?

Dance break.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden can change clothes.

During the dances, the leader suggests the following game: two people each receive a ball of thick thread. Their task is to unwind the thread and tie as many people to themselves as possible. When the music ends, the winner is determined, i.e. the one who managed to tie more.

Presenter (invites everyone back to the tables): And now I give the floor to you, dear employees. Who wants to congratulate everyone present and wish something very special for the New Year?

Those who wish to speak from the team speak.

Host: We will raise a toast to these wishes!
And we continue our magical evening... We have a guest again, and what a guest! A real VIP! Meet!..

A solemn march is playing.

New Year's greetings from the Master of the Year

One of the guests is asked to become the “Host of the Year” and is dressed up accordingly: if they are celebrating the Year of the Mouse, then they will need foam rubber ears and a rope tail, if they are Sheep, then horns and a tail, etc. The host asks to greet the Lord of the next year and show him all respect, because the well-being of the new year will depend on this.

The host and the “Host of the Year” ask if among the guests there are those born in the year of the Mouse, Ox, Dragon, etc. and take turns reading out wishes for them.

Master of the Year: Now we will find out about each of you, what kind of animal you are! And for each “beast” we have our own special wish!


Dance while the cat sleeps!
Remember that free Tola® cheese is in a mousetrap!
Don't sulk like a mouse on a rump!
And don’t waste your time on mouse fuss!


Make a LOT of friends!
Raise themMUUnity!
Find advantages in everything!
Get financially stimulated!
And rejoice in everything good!


May the hunt be a success!
So that life can be striped, but without black stripes!
And female tigers should be given tiger lilies!


Lick your lips with pleasure!
Walk on your own!
Don't murmur!
Don't end up in KOTOvasia!
And let there be a continuous Maslenitsa!

to the dragon

Fly high!
Fiery passion!
And so that you don’t get “dragonized”!


Keep cool!
Avoid failure!
Don't warm a snake on your chest!
And so as not to be surrounded by complete bastards!


Plow only for yourself!
Laugh more often!
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
And don’t forget: whoever brings the luck gets the ride!


To live a curly life!
So that there are no sheep on the way!
And so that the game is always worth the candle!


Don't take on monkey work!
Make a grimace in response to the grimaces of fate!
And remember that all people descended from monkeys!


So that luck does not fly away!
So that it always “pecks”!
And so that there is always money for a golden comb!

To the dog

Puppy delight!
Dog devotion!
Let them walk in front of you on their hind legs!
And don’t let your life be a dog’s life!


Don’t “sniff” at the holiday!
May the trough always be full!
Let the pearls be thrown before you!
And let them never put the pig down!

An excerpt from the song “Up! And the tigers sat at my feet...” (Spanish: M. Boyarsky)

Host: Thank you dear Host of the Year! And everyone else is advised to pay extra attention to the Master this evening and under no circumstances make him angry, otherwise he will do everything to harm you this year! And first of all, it will not let you celebrate the holiday the way you plan! For example…

This is how we do it:
New Year is already a long time ago
Regardless of fashion
Became the event of the year for everyone:
We buy products
Without counting, without skimping,
We select outfits
Spinning in front of the mirror,
We are envelopes and postcards
Written for relatives,
So that with a word and a smile
Congratulate them on New Year.
Finally, it's coming!
Christmas tree, dancing, laughter of guests...
Time flies by quickly:
Midnight has a limit.
The morning will greet you with cold darkness,
Everyone has a headache

Where are you, New Year's holiday?
Where is the cheerful friendly laughter?
The lights on the trees don't light up,
The salad on the table has gone sour,
The floor is covered in plate fragments -
Goodbye, service,
The chandelier is broken by the cork,
Cigarette smoke floats
The door is treacherously open...
And all this is New Year?!
So let's celebrate the holiday
So that you don’t suffer later,
Do not regret it in vain,
And don’t remember it with sadness!

Let's raise a toast to this - so that each of you will celebrate New Year's midnight exactly the way he wants, in the circle of the most dear people with whom you want to be close throughout the coming year!

And now, dear viewers, would you like to play a little?

New Year's game "Numbers"

Host: And now we will hold a sobriety competition! Let's check if you haven't forgotten how to count?..

The presenter explains the rules: he will show pictures with numbers, and the players must name everything that is connected with this number - the names of films, books, proverbs, phrases from songs, etc. and so on. For example: 3 - line “Three girls under the window...”, painting “Three Heroes”, film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, etc. 17 – film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, ditty “Where are my seventeen years...”, etc. 33 - the song “Thirty-three cows”, the saying “Thirty-three misfortunes”, etc.

An excerpt from the song “Winter Cold” (Spanish A. Gubin) is played.

New Year's "Tasty Competition"

Host: According to one belief, after the chiming clock you must definitely eat twelve grapes - so that every month of the year is successful and fruitful. Today we won’t hear the chimes yet, but it’s quite possible to eat twelve grapes each. However, for those who get their grapes during a difficult but fun competition, it will bring much more happiness, luck and everything else pleasant! I invite six people to participate. Who will be the lucky ones? The competition is as follows: participants are tied with their hands behind their backs and given plates of corn flakes, in which twelve grapes are hidden. You need to get and eat grapes without using your hands. The fastest one wins and receives a prize.

The game is played to the song “Yum-Yum” (Spanish by A. Pugacheva).

Presenter (after dancing): While you were dancing, more guests came to us! Meet the Bremen Town Musicians!

Four guests put on Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey masks and sing a song (needs to be printed).

New Year's Song of the Bremen Town Musicians

(to the tune “There is nothing better in the world...”)

There is nothing better in the world,
Why come to this company for a holiday?
There are smiles, dancing and fun,
And the girls are just a sight for sore eyes,
And the girls are just a sight for sore eyes!

The holidays will pass, everyday life will come,
But it’s not difficult to diversify them:
Smile wider at each other
And you will not be happier in the world,
And you will not be happier in the world!

If you hire us,
We'll teach you how to sing songs at work!
Life will become even more beautiful with us.
Every day will be like a holiday for you,
Every day will be like a holiday for you!

Host: Take a seat at the table, dear guests!

I feel like there’s never a dull moment in your company. Let's raise a toast so that every day in the coming year will be like a holiday, so that you will continue to be just as cheerful and lively!
(after the toast):

And since everyone knows that happiness in the new year depends on how you celebrate it, let's double our efforts and have even more fun. Let's play!

New Year's game "Hat analysis"

This competition is for accuracy. You will need all kinds of headwear (hats, Panama hats, caps, etc.). Each player is given several pieces. The presenter places 2-3 bottles of champagne on the floor as “targets” (to prevent them from falling, you can secure them with tape). Those who play on them will throw all this from a distance. The most accurate ones receive champagne as a prize.

The game is played to the song “You Got It Cool” (“Star Factory”).
Dance break.

Presenter (invites everyone back to the tables): Aren't you tired of having fun, dear guests? I suggest you take an intellectual break!

New Year's express survey

On pieces of paper, write in advance the names of objects that at first glance have nothing to do with the New Year holiday. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper, reads out the word and must come up with an explanation as quickly as possible on how to connect this word with the New Year.
For example, the word "tractor". Explanation - a tractor is used to clear the fallen snow for the holiday!

An excerpt from the song “White Snow” (Spanish gr. “Dynamite”) sounds,

Then the presenter announces a competition of New Year's jokes.

After this, the outdoor game is played again.

New Year's relay race "In one harness"

Two teams play, each with an even number of people. Everyone splits into pairs. Each couple is given two round elastic bands (for example, for hair), into which, standing shoulder to shoulder, the couple must thread their adjacent ankles and hands together and be “in the same harness.” The relay race begins to the music - pairs from both teams cover the distance to the finish line, where a bottle of alcohol and glasses await them; you need to drink, go back and pass the rubber bands to the next couple. The fastest team wins.

The game is played to the song “Three White Horses” (Spanish: L. Dolina).

After the active game, another toast, then the next entertainment -

New Year's game "Lisps"

The essence of the game is that two teams must take turns naming any words starting with the letter Sh. Whichever team has difficulty first loses.

An excerpt from the song “Winter” (Spanish Alsou) is played.

Finally, if the guests are still able, another game is offered.

New Year's game "I am a bartender"

Everyone can participate - some as a bartender, some as a taster. The most fantastic cocktails need to be prepared from alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and fruits on the table; the presenter gives the “bartenders” glasses and straws. “Experts” evaluate and select three prize cocktails.

The game is played to the song “Splashes of Champagne” (Spanish: V. Tokarev).

Host: I think our participants made a successful debut in their new role! Never be afraid to try something new - there may be completely unexpected talents dormant within you!

Let's raise a toast to everything new, to new hopes and plans that we always associate with the arrival of the New Year! Never stop hoping and dreaming and, of course, taking action!

My friends! May sadness never come into your homes, may your loved ones always be healthy, may your affairs and plans go well, may you not be sad for a minute!

I wish you new heights and victories, development and prosperity to all of you and your organization, new joys in the life of each of you! Happy new year to you!

Fireworks, continuation of the evening at the request of the guests.