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Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University. All-Russian Congress of Engineers All-Russian Congress of Engineers

All-Russian Congress engineers opened on September 29 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. It will run until September 30. The national status of the forum was assigned by the Order of the Russian Government on the Long-Term Plan for the Comprehensive Social and Economic Development of the City of Yunost.

A delegation from Far Eastern State University of Pedagogical University headed by the rector of the university, Yuri Davydov, also takes part in the congress. Also included in our delegation is the head of the Research and Development Department Arkady Yedigaryan, head. Department of Computer Science and Computer Graphics Yulia Ponomarchuk, graduate students Vladlen Surits and Alexander Kholodilov, student of group 24C Nikolay Povarov.

Representatives of federal and regional authorities, state corporations and development institutions, industrial enterprises and engineering companies, scientific organizations and educational institutions came to the congress in the city of Yunosti.

The event participants have a busy business program. The focus is on the formation of engineering competencies, innovative economics and modern technologies, integrated development of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the Far East as a whole. Within the framework of the congress, various exhibitions, presentations, and thematic platforms are held in the following areas: “ASED”, “Industrial parks”, “New city industry” and much more. Guests are presented with innovative projects and developments of the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as the best practices in the development of the Young Professionals movement.

On the first day of the congress, a real sensation was caused by the Mars rover manufactured at the Far Eastern State University of Transport. This small robot is equipped with a chassis, a mechanical arm, a camera and a set of sensors. He knows how to build a map of obstacles, recognize and overcome them.

Japanese student Masaro Sato took part in the development of the rover. Last year he became the first foreign participant in the WorldSkills championship in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Thanks to him, the rover acquired a chassis and a mechanical arm, and Vladlen Surits, a graduate student at Far Eastern State University of Pedagogical University, worked on the electronic components.

Let us recall that this event is a continuation and development of the Far Eastern Congress of Engineers, organized by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory in Komsomolsk in 2013, 2015 and 2016. The forum should become a national discussion platform aimed at resolving issues of introducing advanced technologies, developing manufacturing industries and training highly qualified personnel for the country's enterprises.


Specialists of the branch of PJSC Sukhoi Company Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after. Yu.A. Gagarin" (KnAAZ) will take part in the first All-Russian Congress of Engineers: "Science-Engineer-Industry". KnAAZ engineers will present their reports at all discussion platforms and round tables that will be held as part of this scientific forum.

For the fourth time, Komsomolsk-on-Amur will host a congress of engineers, which this year was given All-Russian status. The general partner of this scientific forum was the Sukhoi Company. The congress will be attended by 500 specialists, including engineers, scientists, representatives of industrial enterprises, engineering companies, scientific organizations and educational institutions of Russia.

Engineers of the branch of PJSC "Company "Sukhoi" "KnAAZ named after. Yu.A. Gagarin" will take part in discussion platforms and round tables:

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution as a Stimulus for Global Competitiveness”;

“Personnel for the Far East: challenges and opportunities”;

“Introduction of robotic complexes and systems into production”;

"Regional industrial policy";

“Production technologies of the future: from creation to implementation”;

“Best practices for developing the Young Professionals movement (Worldskills Russia) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”;

“Localization programs of state corporations - an engineering challenge.”

KnAAZ specialists will share with the congress participants their experience in the implementation and operation of riveting machines in the production of aircraft equipment at the enterprise. They will present reports on the implementation of industrial manipulators at the KnAAZ machining production, and the prospects for introducing friction stir welding in the manufacture of SSJ-100. They will also talk about an integrated approach in the process of technical re-equipment, informatization of technological preparation of production, and the features of manufacturing aircraft frame parts from pre-formed blanks.

29 September 14:40

On September 29, 2017, the grand opening of the All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry” took place in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory V.I. addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Shport: “The Engineering Congress is one of the events aimed at solving strategic problems in the development of high-value industries. Today is the time of the fourth industrial revolution and we must keep up with the massive and rapid implementation of cyber-physical production management systems.”.

The participants of the congress were addressed by the General Director of the ANO "Agency for Technological Development" M.L. Shereikin; Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Aviation Institute" M.A. Poghosyan; Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East federal district V.V. Solodov; Deputy General Director for Human Resources of PJSC Sukhoi Company A.A. Akimov; representative of Cook Robotics Rus Y. Taganov; Chairman of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory S.L. Lugovskoy; Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation D.N. Kurochkin; Deputy Director of the Industrial Development Fund M.Yu. Makarov.

Let us recall that the All-Russian Congress of Engineers is a development of the Far Eastern Congress of Engineers, held in 2013-2016. It was the concentration of production capacity and the corresponding need for qualified personnel that determined the choice of Komsomolsk-on-Amur as the site for the All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry”.

The event is included in the long-term plan for the comprehensive development of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, which received the status of a priority federal task and approved by Decree of the Russian Government of April 18, 2016 No. 704-r.

The main thematic venues of the congress will be held at the Youth House and Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University.

29 September 15:15

Before the grand opening of the All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry”, all participants, invited guests and experts were able to visit the exhibition of socio-economic and innovative development of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The innovative potential of the Technopark and the center was presented at the exhibition site of the congress "Industrial robotics and advanced industrial technologies" Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University.

Educational projects were presented as exhibition samples: 3D printers for schools, kits for studying electrical engineering and electronics, as well as industrial robots and measuring equipment.

29 September 16:05

At the round table “Personnel for the Far East: Challenges and Opportunities” the following questions were considered: “are there new personnel for new industries”, “to what extent does the level of training of young specialists meet the needs of the labor market”; "how much graduate School the region is self-sufficient and capable of providing specialists for breakthrough economic development.”

The round table was moderated by the Director of the Department of Human Capital Development and Territorial Development of the Ministry Russian Federation for the development of the Far East G.V. Smolyak and Director of the Far Eastern Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA V.A. Kushnarev.

One of the speakers was the first vice-rector of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University I.V. Makurin.

29 September 16:55

The moderator of the platform was acting. Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Khabarovsk Territory K.A. Berman.

One of the main speakers was Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District V.V. Solodov.

Based on the results of the work of the site, modern problems of forestry and ways to solve them with the help of informatization and automation were identified.

29 September 17:05

KnAGTU is the only educational organization whose students are registered as volunteers. They carry out supporting work both at the Youth House and at the university, creating conditions for a comfortable stay for the participants and guests of the congress.

29 September 17:40

As part of the first All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry”, KnAGTU students presented projects of the “Ecowave” initiative of the National Center for Engineering Competitions and Competitions.

From September 27 to 29, 2017, a project session “Marinet NTI Projects in Ensuring Sustainable Development of Russia” was held at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, at which the following issues were discussed with students interested in energy, transport and marine technologies like: human capital, environmental responsibility, technology: development and implementation process.

The National Center for Engineering Competitions and Competitions held a project session on the topic at KnAGTU latest technologies shipbuilding and environmental projects for water transport.

During the project session, students acquired skills in practical work with real high-tech projects, advanced in solving complex engineering problems and presented their own projects.

29 September 18:25

During the thematic platform “Introduction of robotic complexes and systems into production,” those present discussed issues of global trends in the development of robotics, the advantages of using robots in various tasks, technological possibilities for using robots in industrial production; shared their experience in introducing industrial robots using the example of the aircraft manufacturing industry; reviewed the principles of interaction between manufacturers and consumers of industrial robots through system integrators; concept for the implementation of robotic systems at industrial enterprises in Russia.

The moderator of the thematic platform was the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University S.V. Belykh.

The main speakers were the main representatives of manufacturing companies and integrators of robotics - KUKA Robotics Rus LLC and Fanuk LLC, etc.

The center “Industrial Robotics and Advanced Industrial Technologies” of KnAGTU was widely represented at the event.

September 29 18:30

The thematic platform of the congress “The Fourth Industrial Revolution as a Stimulus of Global Competitiveness” made it possible to discuss issues on the technical implementation of revolutionary technologies, what manufacturing companies and technical specialists should prepare for.

The world is on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution, the so-called Industry 4.0. This is the name given to the current era of innovation in the management system. A completely new type of industrial production will emerge, which will be based on “big data” and its analysis, complete automation of production, and the Internet of things. The world of technology is evolving thanks to the accessibility of the computer revolution.

The speakers, based on their own considerations and forecasts, discussed the industrial future of the Far East, discussed the role of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the country’s economy, and revealed the future of the development of robotics.

Based on the results of the thematic platform, inconsistency between the regional and central levels of government was noted. General Director of the ANO "Agency for Technological Development" M.L. Shereikin, moderator of the platform, emphasized the need to rethink all elements of the approaching fourth industrial revolution.

30 September 09:25

One of the main tasks that the organizers of the congress set for themselves is to attract young people. As part of the congress, a youth interactive event was held - the Engineering Quest “Guests from the Future”.

The participants of the quest - rescue engineers - went to 2077 and tried to fix the Time Machine. Their task was to recreate a key detail that would restore the ability to move correctly in time and space.

30 September 12:30

A master class “Development of a digital enterprise” was held at the KnAGTU site, moderated by the general director of the TEKNER engineering center, head of the SKOLKOVO production workers club, head of the development unit educational programs Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO P.N. Bilenko.

Based on his own experience working in the USA and Germany, P.N. Bilenko spoke about the development of Smart Manufacturing in the USA and Industry 4.0 in Germany.

The master class discussed the experience of technology transfer for the creation and development of a manufacturing company in Russia; 15 key components of a modern company, a digital maturity model and a methodology for diagnosing a company’s digital maturity.

30 September 12:45

During the panel discussion “Production technologies of the future: from creation to implementation,” issues of training highly qualified personnel for the production of the future were discussed; new technologies that are used in engineering and design activities; end-to-end production automation.

The moderator of the panel discussion was the head of the center “Industrial Robotics and Advanced Industrial Technologies” S.I. Sukhorukov. In his speech, he noted: “KnAGTU is the main source of personnel for the aviation industry, shipbuilding, and oil refining of the entire Far Eastern region. The university is constantly developing and updating its infrastructure, which is aimed at supporting new technologies, their development, implementation, and research. Now the university has the following divisions: Technopark, Center for Collective Use, Engineering Center, as well as a new division - the scientific and educational center "Industrial Robotics and Advanced Industrial Technologies", consisting of an industrial automation laboratory and an industrial robotics laboratory."

Nowadays, industrial technologies are developing very quickly, the growth rate is constantly increasing, which is reflected in production. New vectors of development and trends are emerging and it is necessary to respond to them. In order to move towards the technologies of the future, close cooperation and cooperation between production and educational organizations, scientific community.

30 September 13:50

A presentation of the virtual reality system for industry IC.IDO took place at KnAGTU.

The IC.IDO virtual reality system from ESI Group is an advanced solution that combines the ability to highly realistic visualize and simulate product behavior in real time, taking into account real dimensions.

The presentation of the system was carried out by specialists from the PLM Ural Group of Companies for all participants of the congress and those interested.

30 September 14:45

At KnAGTU, within the framework of the All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry”, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Production Technologies of the Future: From Creation to Implementation” began work.

During the conference, lectures and review reports will be given by leading Russian and foreign scientists and leading specialists in key areas of development and application of complex automated systems based on industrial robots; presentations and review seminars were held at companies that are world leaders in the production of industrial equipment and software; the latest production technologies developed and implemented by Russian and foreign companies, as well as new means of digitalization and informatization of production are presented.

The conference will allow the exchange of scientific and practical experience in the field of automated and robotic systems between Russian and foreign scientists, engineers and technical specialists of enterprises in the real sector of the economy; determine trends and main vectors of development of industrial production in Russia and in the world.

The event's partners are leading companies in the field of industrial automation - Festo, NEVA TECHNOLOGY, Aviatech LLC. Organizer - Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University.

30 September 15:05

At the master class “Modern management technologies in the design and production of high-tech products,” Director of the Department of Program Coordination and Project Management of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC L.V. Kuznetsov dwelt in detail on the following technologies: control point system (gate system), life cycle, formation of product platforms, classification of models, product planning (formation of appearance), after-sales service, IT support systems.

30 September 21:00

The final plenary meeting of the All-Russian Congress of Engineers took place at the Youth House in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The moderator of the meeting was Deputy Minister of Investment and Land and Property Policy of the Khabarovsk Territory A.V. Chepurnykh.

The technical director of the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)” A.Yu. addressed the participants and guests of the congress. Tymchikov; Director of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks A.V. Shpilenko; Director of the Far Eastern Institute of Management of RANEPA V.A. Kushnarev; Head of the Center “Industrial Robotics and Advanced Industrial Technologies” KnAGTU S.I. Sukhorukov, as well as the head of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur A.V. Klimov.

After the end of the plenary session, the participants and guests of the congress were treated to an interesting concert program as part of the Far Eastern conference “Instayunost 2017”.



The All-Russian Congress of Engineers will be held on September 29-30 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur

On September 29-30, the first All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science - Engineer - Industry” will be held in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The national status of the forum was assigned by the Order of the Russian Government on the Long-term Plan for the Comprehensive Social and Economic Development of the City of Yunost. At present, the program of the event has already been determined and an organizing committee has been created, headed by the Governor of the region, Vyacheslav Shport.
It is planned that the guests will be leaders and representatives of federal and regional authorities, state corporations and development institutions, industrial enterprises and engineering companies, scientific organizations and educational institutions
A rich business program awaits participants. The focus will be on the formation of engineering competencies, innovative economics and modern technologies, the integrated development of the city of Yunost and the Far East as a whole. Various exhibitions, presentations, and thematic platforms have been prepared in the following areas: “ASED”, “Industrial Parks”, “New City Industry” and others. During the congress, innovative projects and developments of the Khabarovsk Territory will be presented, as well as the best practices in the development of the Young Professionals movement.
More details about the program of the first All-Russian Congress of Engineers can be found here (
Let us remind you that the event is a continuation and development of the Far Eastern Congress of Engineers, organized by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory in 2013, 2015 and 2016. The forum should become a national discussion platform aimed at resolving issues of introducing advanced technologies, developing manufacturing industries and training highly qualified personnel.

Today the All-Russian Congress of Engineers “Science – Engineer – Industry” began its work in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The event brought together about 500 engineering specialists, young scientists, inventors, representatives of government bodies, state corporations, and industrial enterprises from different regions of Russia, reports the Khabarovsk Territory Today news agency.

The delegates at the plenary session of the congress were welcomed by Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East Vladimir Solodov, Vice-President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin, Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute Mikhail Pogosyan, General Director of the Agency for Technological Development Maxim Shereikin, heads of the legislative and executive authorities of the Khabarovsk Territory .

“Komsomolsk has already hosted three Far Eastern Congresses of Engineers,” noted Maxim Shereikin, General Director of the Federal Agency for Technical Development. - All of them confirmed the need for holding events of this level and the relevance of the topics discussed. The Congress of Engineers in an all-Russian format is designed to find new innovative approaches to the development of the Far Eastern territories.”

According to Governor Vyacheslav Shport, the congress is included in the Long-term plan for the comprehensive socio-economic development of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This means that, along with the construction of industrial and social facilities, the event is one of the main levers for solving strategic problems of territory development.

“The Congress is designed to solve not just issues of introducing advanced technologies, developing manufacturing industries and training highly qualified personnel. Our days are the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And we need to keep up with the massive introduction of modern systems into production, and take the provision of human needs, including their everyday life, work and leisure, to a new level,” said the head of the region.

The governor noted that these areas are the basis of the goals and objectives of the state policy for the development of the Far East and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The President of the country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, spoke about this.

“The most important thing is that young people were actively involved in the process. After the first three congresses were held at universities in the region, competition for engineering specialties increased by one and a half times. Next year, target graduates of the first intake in the aviation field will come to work at KnAAZ. I am confident that we are on the right path, and through joint efforts we will make our country even stronger,” said Vyacheslav Shport.

Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Vladimir Solodov noted the importance of training engineering personnel.

“The country’s leading universities have been instructed to create departments in the Far East,” he said. - Within the framework of the congress, we will discuss how to ensure the implementation of this instruction in practice. In general, the congress is intended to become a center for developing strategic decisions regarding further development cities. Recently, the largest and most modern woodworking production facility in Amursk was launched, the Amurmetal metallurgical enterprise resumed work after a long period of inactivity, and construction of ferries for the Vanino-Kholmsk crossing at the ASZ began. We see how in practice the industrial development of the city is revived, how optimism among the population and entrepreneurs increases. At this event we should discuss general approaches and practical solutions aimed at the further implementation of the Long-Term Development Plan for Komsomolsk.”

As part of the opening of the congress, an award ceremony was also held All-Russian competition“Engineer of the Year - 2016” and Honored Workers of Industry of the Khabarovsk Territory. Letters of gratitude and badges of honor were presented by Governor Vyacheslav Shport.

Let us remind you that a rich business program awaits the congress participants. The focus will be on the formation of engineering competencies, innovative economics and modern technologies, and the integrated development of the City of Youth and the Far East as a whole. Various exhibitions, presentations, and thematic platforms have been prepared in the following areas: “ASED”, “Industrial Parks”, “New City Industry” and others. During the congress, innovative projects and developments of the Khabarovsk Territory will be presented, as well as the best practices in the development of the Young Professionals movement.

The event is a continuation and development of the Far Eastern Congress of Engineers, organized by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory in 2013, 2015 and 2016. The forum was given national status this year by the Order of the Russian Government on the Long-Term Plan for the Comprehensive Social and Economic Development of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.