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The Unified Message Processing Center accepts questions for the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. How to contact President Putin on a direct line Write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation on a direct line

Only a few hours remain until the sixteenth straight line from Vladimir Putin, during which the President of Russia will answer the most pressing and pressing questions of Russians and fulfill some of their requests. For those who have not yet had time to ask the president a question, this opportunity still remains. The last chance to ask Putin a question will be for those who call the president during the direct line itself, but, of course, it is better to do this in advance.

Let us remind you that you can ask the president a question right up to the end of the direct line; this can be done by phone or via the Internet. To do this, let us once again recall the hotline numbers and provide links to resources with which you can also ask the head of state about what worries you most.

Direct line with the president: what, where, when

What: annual live TV and radio program "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin".

Where: The event usually takes place at the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex in the center of Moscow.

When: a direct line with Putin will take place on Thursday, June 7, 2018. Starts at 12.00 Moscow time.

How long will it last: usually a direct line with the president takes 3.5-4 hours.

Where will the direct line with Putin be broadcast?

The program “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” will be broadcast First channel, TV channels "Russia 1" And "Russia 24", Public Television of Russia (OTR)(with sign language translation), "Radio Russia" radio stations "Lighthouse" And "Vesti FM".

The websites of all of the above and other federal channels will also broadcast live. All leading media outlets will conduct online text broadcasts, including through their Twitter accounts. All the most important news from the direct line with Vladimir Putin will be promptly reported Federal News Agency.

How to ask Putin a question

Questions can be asked in advance or directly during the direct line, right up to its end.

Phones (all calls are free):

From Russia: 8-800-200-40-40 ;

from abroad: +7-499-550-40-40; +7-495-539-40-40 .

Number for SMS and MMS (only through Russian operators):

0-40-40 .

Questions in SMS and MMS must be in Russian and no more than 70 characters.


Special free applications installed on mobile devices: "Moscow to Putin" or OK Live .

Today citizens Russian Federation there is a great opportunity to directly contact the president. More and more people, faced with injustice, arbitrariness, violation of rights and the law, write to the president with their questions.

If you have a situation where you need to report corruption, send a complaint or ask a question to V.V. Putin, then you can contact the president as follows: in electronic format, and on paper. Of course, any letters to officials should be formatted in such a way that it is easy to determine the addressee and purpose of the document.

Question on paper via Russian Post

There are no strict requirements for the execution of a written appeal to V.V. Putin, which is why we do not provide a sample of it.

It is important to indicate the title of the document, for example, a question for the President of Russia. At the top, in the right corner, indicate who you are writing to - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and from whom - your full name indicating your rank (if any), position held, address.

The text of the letter is written in free form. The most important thing is not to forget to put the date in the lower left corner and your signature in the right corner. By the way, letters are also written to other officials.

The postal address of the Presidential Administration, where questions and complaints should be sent: 10132, Russia, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 23.

Ask a question via the Internet on the official website of Putin V.V.

Writing and sending an email to the Kremlin is not difficult, since the president’s official website has a section designed for receiving letters from the public

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To submit your question online:

  1. fill out the form correctly indicating your current address;
  2. write a letter in Russian without obscene language or insults.

The question must be specific.

  • The appeal must be written in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, without repeated repetitions of exclamation and question marks.
  • The document should be divided into sentences and paragraphs according to meaning and in accordance with the rules of the Russian language.
  • It is allowed to add attachments and additions to the letter - for example, excerpts from official documents necessary to clarify your question or position.
  • It is allowed to send attached files, but no more than one document.

Feedback through your personal account

The site operates a special system that informs the authors of messages about their consideration and possible results. You can view the progress of the complaint in your “Personal Account” on the website.

It should be understood that the judiciary in Russia operates independently of the legislative branch, so interference in judicial proceedings is strictly prohibited and appeal by the Presidential Administration is impossible.

Open letter to V.V. Putin on the website

There is another form of appeal - which will be available to everyone who wants to get acquainted with your situation. In this way, you can get the support of a large number of people and even cause a public outcry.

The only thing you need for such a letter is your own email account. Of course, posting such a message not only to V.V. Putin, but also to a large number of people.

Published 06/06/18 11:11

On June 7, 2018, at exactly noon Moscow time, there will be a direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin. As part of the public interview, the head of state will answer many questions from citizens and discuss the most painful situations in the lives of fellow citizens.

Live broadcast with President Putin 2018

The live broadcast of the direct line with the president on June 7, 2018 will be shown by: Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 24, OTR. The program will also be intkbbach go on radio stations "Mayak", "Vesti FM" and "Radio Russia". Starts at 12:00 Moscow time.

Direct line with the president 2018: about 1.2 million questions received

According to Channel One, the “Direct Line with the President” Reception Center continues to receive questions 24 hours a day. More than 100 thousand requests from citizens are received per day, more than half of which came through the telephone line, barely about 300 - via SMS. The group is popular in in social networks and MMS services.

People are interested in a wide variety of issues - from medicine, education and housing and communal services, to the general quality of life. People ask questions about the future of Russia, about pensions and benefits, about international relations.

This year the centers are staffed by volunteers. All appeals are conditionally divided into categories, including agriculture, economics, ecology, justice, and entrepreneurship.

You can ask a question on the direct line with Putin 2018 using:

Toll-free number of the Unified Message Processing Center from Russia: 8-800-200-40-40. From abroad: 7-499-550-40-40 and 7-495-539-40-40;

Via SMS or MMS messages to number 04040 only from the phones of Russian telecom operators;

Online on the website (moskva-putinu.rf) or through the Moscow-Putinu mobile application;

The traditional direct line with Vladimir Putin will take place on Thursday, June 20, at 16:00 Novosibirsk time. Novosibirsk residents can also ask the president their question. This can be done by phone, through social networks or in a special application for smartphones “Moscow-Putin”.

Make a phone call

You can ask the president a question at 8-800-200-40-40. This number is available from any phone absolutely free of charge. All calls are processed by operators, and then the most interesting ones are voiced by presenters.

For international calls there are special lines +7-499-550-40-40 and +7-495-539-40-40.

All calls are accepted and recorded around the clock. If the operator does not answer the call, then the call is recorded using an answering machine.

In 2019, direct line phones will work until June 20 inclusive, so citizens will be able to leave their requests until the very end of the direct line.

send SMS

You can write an SMS to Putin to the short number 0-40-40. Messages are accepted only from subscribers of Russian operators. This service is free, but there is a limitation: the maximum message length is 70 characters.

Through social networks

Official Direct Line communities have been created on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. To send a letter to the president, you need to join the group and click the “Ask your question to the President of the Russian Federation” button. In the window that opens, you will need to enter your contact information and enter a question.

Via the website

You can send your question through the website by filling out a simple form there. To do this, you will need to enter contact information, age, social status and place of residence. Then you need to select the subject of the message (no more than three at a time). To select multiple topics, select them while holding down the CTRL key.

Order a video call

To communicate with the President personally live, you can use video communication. To do this, you need to download the application of the same name “Moscow-Putin”. It's available to everyone desktop computers, as well as in content stores Google Play and App Store.

Log in to the application using your account or register using your phone number. From the main menu, you can call the editors of the “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” program by clicking on the “Video call” button, record a video message or send a pre-shot video.

Where to watch the straight line

Direct Line with the President is an annual television broadcast during which citizens can ask questions to the head of state on any topic. This year, the “Direct Line” program will take place on June 7, the broadcast will begin at 12:00 Moscow time (in Novosibirsk it will be 16:00).

The conversation with Putin will be broadcast by Channel One, TV channels Rossiya-1, Rossiya-24, NTV, OTR, Mir, radio station Mayak, VestiFM and Radio Rossii.

The broadcast will be available to VKontakte users in the official direct line community.

Annual special program “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin". It will be broadcast live by TV channels Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, Pervy, radio stations Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii.

Anyone can submit their question. The most interesting and relevant of them will be asked to the president during the live broadcast.

How to do it?

Questions will be accepted from 8.00 Moscow time on June 4 until the end of the program. There are several ways to ask your question:

  • By phone. You can reach the Unified Message Processing Center from anywhere in Russia by calling 8-800-200-40-40 . Calls from landlines and mobile phones are free. From abroad, you can call the message center at: +7-499-550-40-40, +7-495-539-40-40 .
  • By sending an SMS or MMS message. They are accepted by number 0-40-40 only from phones of Russian telecom operators. Sending a message is free. It will be possible to ask a question only in Russian and in no more than 70 characters.
  • Through the website (moscow-putinu.rf)
  • Through mobile applications. The official “Moscow to Putin” application for mobile devices is available in the AppStore and GooglePlay online stores. Owners of OK Live, the first Russian application for online broadcasts, will also be able to organize their own video channel with the Direct Line studio directly during the broadcast. It is distributed free of charge in the AppStore and GooglePlay stores.
  • Through official groups on social networks “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki” -