Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Let's make an LED flashlight together with our own hands. DIY paper lanterns. New Year's lanterns: diagram DIY paper lanterns

In fairy tales, we often read about a path through a dark forest to a small source of light that suddenly appeared between the trees, or about a hall decorated with colorful lights, or about a mysterious kind person who lights lanterns in the evenings... Maybe this is where our love for homemade flashlights - to those who have a living light inside or to those who remind us of this light?

Today we will talk about lanterns, which, if desired, you can make yourself or with the participation of children - for a room, for a garden, for a Christmas tree or a corner of dreams. Such magic lanterns can easily turn an ordinary evening into a fairy tale.

What materials can you make your own lanterns from? We have collected a lot of ideas for inspiration - here is a paper lantern, very simple, but a garden lantern - probably full of stars... Here is an ice lantern, here is an orange one, and here is a lantern made from what is at hand - for example, from clothespins...

However, first things first...

Paper lanterns - simple and intricate

The simplest - and the most fun

Any child can make colorful paper lanterns with their own hands. Look at the samples: the main thing is that there is a desire to decorate it and glue light paper ribbons - let them sway at the slightest breath. Like fire!

The best children's books

The flashlight itself is such a cute symbol that some homemade flashlights are forgiven for their non-functionality: even if they don't shine, they are still beautiful! Plus, imagine how fun it is to make them!

Transformations of classic paper lanterns

You can decorate those lanterns that you already have (for example, lanterns from Ikea are very grateful in this regard) - and add a completely new note to the atmosphere of the room.

Paper lantern: punch more holes!

There are different models of paper lanterns that you can make with your children. For example, such multi-colored polka dots with holes will decorate even a very simple model, and most importantly, it will easily and cheerfully replace a full-fledged educational activity.

Paper lantern in the shape of a house

Wonderful lantern houses (or palaces) will certainly remind you of three breathtakingly beautiful ones, and they are very easy to make. Probably, if you draw templates together with your children, using all your imagination, it will turn out even more interesting than in the photographs. The main thing is to make the grooves, and you don’t even have to get dirty with glue: everything will stick!

DIY lanterns using origami technique

You can also make paper lanterns using the origami technique. Here are the paper lanterns themselves in the shape of a flower (or a star?), and how to make them - you can watch the detailed master class at the link.

If you want to let the wind of wandering into your home, then lanterns from photographs of beautiful buildings and castles will look very unusual and stylish. How to make them? It’s not at all surprising if you already understand - but just in case, you can look at the source.

magic balls

Homemade lanterns from threads or narrow braid... The authors assure that it is very simple - a balloon, glue, threads, a needle that will pierce a hole in the balloon... Probably, it’s really simple. And the result looks so natural, as if these balls grow on trees on moonlit nights.

homemade lanterns, or patterned shadows

If this matches the interior, lanterns made from napkins will be a wonderful solution. How to make them?? By sewing a “lace sleeve” for a jar or matching vase. There is also a technique of painting from a spray bottle through a napkin - but if you don’t feel sorry for the original handmade...

Decorative lanterns made from clothespins

Cute, very simple idea for those who have... wooden clothespins. You will need: an empty tin can, a transparent glass, clothespins - and candles. A wonderful idea for a backyard party any time of year!

Gold and silver? Magic lantern made of thick foil

How to make a flashlight with your own hands - safe, shiny, fabulous? You can try a very interesting technique by making a flashlight from thick foil. Extruding lines (almost like embossing), cutting out windows... We draw a house on a rectangular sheet of foil, and as a result we assemble a voluminous, shining fairy-tale house! Who lives in the house? Of course, someone very good!

More recently, the word LED was associated only with indicator devices. Since they were quite expensive and emitted only a few colors, they also shone faintly. With the development of technology, the price of LED products has gradually decreased, and the scope of application has expanded rapidly.

Today they are used in various devices and are used almost everywhere where lighting devices are needed. Headlights and lamps in cars are equipped with LEDs; advertising on billboards is highlighted by LED strips. In domestic conditions they are also used no less often.

Reasons to use LEDs

Lanterns were not spared either. Thanks to powerful LEDs, it has become possible to assemble a super-powerful and at the same time fairly autonomous flashlight. Such lanterns can emit very strong and bright light over a long distance or over a large area.

In this article we will tell you about the main advantages of high-power LEDs, and we will tell you how to fold an LED flashlight with your own hands. If you have already encountered this, then you will be able to supplement your knowledge; for beginners in this area, the article will answer many questions related to LEDs and flashlights with their use.

If you want to save money by using LED, there are some factors to consider. Since sometimes the price of such a lamp can exceed all the savings. If you have to spend a lot of money and time on maintaining light sources, and the total number of them consumes a lot of electricity, then you should consider whether an LED would be a better replacement.

Compared to conventional lamps, LEDs have a number of advantages that elevate them:

  • There is no need for maintenance.
  • Significant energy savings, sometimes savings up to 10 times.
  • High quality luminous flux.
  • Very high service life.

Necessary components

If you decide to assemble an LED flashlight with your own hands, for moving in the dark or for working at night, but don’t know where to start? We will help you with this. The first thing you need to do is find the necessary elements for assembly.

Here is a preliminary list of required parts:

  1. Light-emitting diode
  2. Winding wire, 20-30 cm.
  3. The ferrite ring is approximately 1-.1.5 cm in diameter.
  4. Transistor.
  5. 1000 ohm resistor.

Of course, this list needs to be supplemented with a battery, but this is an element that can be easily found in any home and does not require special preparation. You should also select a housing or some kind of base on which the entire circuit will be installed. A good case would be an old, non-working flashlight or one that you are going to modify.

How to assemble it yourself

When assembling the circuit, we will need a transformer, but it was not added to the list. We will make it ourselves from a ferrite ring and wire. This is very simple to do, take our ring and start winding the wire forty-five times, this wire will connect to the LED. We take the next wire, wind it thirty times already, and direct it to the base of the transistor.

The resistor used in the circuit should have a resistance of 2000 ohms, only by using such resistance can the circuit work without failure. When testing the circuit, replace resistor R1 with a similar one with adjustable resistance. Turn on the entire circuit and adjust the resistance of this resistor, adjust the voltage to approximately 25mA.

As a result, you will know what resistance should be at this point, and you will be able to select a suitable resistor with the resistance value you need.

If the circuit is drawn up in full accordance with the above requirements, then the flashlight should work immediately. If it doesn't work, then you may have made the following mistake:

  • The ends of the winding are connected in reverse.
  • The number of turns does not correspond to what is required.
  • If the wound turns are less than 15, then current generation in the transformer ceases.

Assembling a 12 volt LED flashlight

If the amount of light from the flashlight is not enough, then you can assemble a powerful flashlight powered by a 12-volt battery. This flashlight is still portable, but much larger in size.

To assemble the circuit of such a lantern with our own hands, we will need the following parts:

  1. Plastic pipe, about 5 cm in diameter and PVC glue.
  2. Threaded fitting for PVC, two pieces.
  3. Threaded plug.
  4. Tumblr.
  5. Actually the LED lamp itself is designed for 12 volts.
  6. Battery for powering the LED, 12 volts.

Electrical tape, heat shrink tubing and small clamps to keep the wiring in order.
You can make your own battery from small batteries that are used in radio-controlled toys. You may need 8-12 pieces, depending on their power, to give a total of 12 volts.

Solder two wires to the contacts on the light bulb, the length of each should exceed the length of the battery by several centimeters. Everyone is carefully isolated. When connecting the lamp and battery, install the toggle switch so that it is located at the opposite end from the LED lamp.

At the ends of the wires coming from the lamp and from the battery pack, which we made with our own hands, we install special connectors for easy connection. We assemble the entire circuit and check its functionality.

Assembly diagram

If everything works, then we proceed to creating the case. Having cut the required length of the pipe, we insert our entire structure into it. We carefully secure the battery inside with glue so that it does not damage the light bulb during operation.

We install a fitting at both ends, secure it with glue, this way we will protect the lantern from accidental moisture getting inside. Next, we bring our toggle switch to the opposite edge from the lamp, and also carefully secure it. The rear fitting must completely cover the switch with its walls, and when the plug is screwed in, prevent moisture from entering there.

To use, simply unscrew the cap, turn on the flashlight and screw it back tightly.

Price issue

The most expensive thing you will need is a 12 volt LED lamp. It costs about 4-5 dollars. After rummaging through children's old toys, batteries from a broken car will be free for you.

The toggle switch and pipe can also be found in the garage; cuttings of such pipes are always left after repairs. If there are no pipes and batteries, you can ask friends and neighbors or buy them at the store. If you buy absolutely everything, then such a flashlight can cost you about $10.


LED technology is gaining more and more popularity. Having good characteristics, they can soon completely displace all competitors in the field of lighting. And assembling a powerful portable flashlight with an LED lamp yourself will not be difficult for you.

How to make your own flashlight

Due to the fact that the modern market economy offers us a huge amount of goods and services, it is not at all difficult to purchase almost any thing. This also applies to the flashlight. But aren't you interested in learning how to make your own flashlight? Why buy when you can produce? Let's talk about this. So.

How to make a flashlight?

As we have already mentioned, a homemade flashlight will not only be useful to you in everyday life, but will also keep you usefully occupied for some time. Here's where to start:

  1. First, let's try to design a flashlight that has the simplest design. We will need: a small light bulb, a 4.5 V battery, a piece of insulating tape. The first step is to tape the lamp to the free contact of the battery using electrical tape. Be sure to leave the end of this contact free. In general, it’s ready... It’s enough to press the free contact to close this simple electrical system and the light bulb lights up, illuminating our path. Perhaps the only drawback of this design is its bulkiness. After all, you need to use a large square 4.5 V battery as a battery, and this is a lot, dear reader. How to make a smaller flashlight with your own hands? Let's talk about this in the next paragraph.
  2. Let's try to use a finger-type battery, that is, “R6”, as the main battery. In this case, we cannot avoid making some kind of housing for such a flashlight. But that makes it even more interesting! As the main element of the body design, we suggest you use the most ordinary medical syringe. The advantage of this approach is also the material from which the product is made. Plastic is a combination of strength and insulation. By the way, we need a 10 ml syringe. Here's what to do:
  3. In addition, I would like to disassemble the design of a hanging paper lantern, which makes children and guests of your home so happy during the holidays. So. In fact, there may also be several options:

We hope this article was helpful to you. Surely you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in your life and please your loved ones and friends.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

A wonderful New Year's decoration that came to us from China is paper lanterns. They are very easy to make, so you can easily make them together with your baby. You can use lanterns to make a garland, decorate a Christmas tree with them, or simply hang them around the room. After all, it is believed that such decorations attract good luck to the house and scare away evil spirits. Today we will look at several ways to make a paper lantern with your own hands.

Classic paper lanterns.

Classic version

You probably did these kinds of crafts as a child. You can make lanterns using this master class with very young children. To make it you will need colored paper, scissors, and glue.

Buman lanterns with tube.

Schematically, the manufacturing looks like this:

Manufacturing diagram.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Prepare two sheets, one 2 cm smaller than the other in width - for a double-walled product. For a regular flashlight, you can just take a sheet of any size.
  2. Fold a large sheet in half and make cuts from the middle to the sides, not cutting 1 cm to the edge. The width between the slots should be the same, about 1 cm.
  3. Lay out the sheet and roll it into a tube. Also roll the smaller sheet into a tube, glue it and place it in the outer cut sheet. Glue the top and bottom.
  4. To hang the decoration, you can make neat punctures and attach a loop or glue a paper handle.

Idea: You can place LED candles inside paper lanterns to create a fabulous New Year's atmosphere.

Lanterns with a candle inside.

You can diversify the look of classic lanterns using simple techniques: combining multi-colored paper, decorating with ribbons, sparkles, and cut-out figures.

Product examples.

Figural decoration

To make the next type of lantern you only need paper and a beautiful thread to match the color. You will also need a needle, and if you have one, a hole punch (awl).

Figured lanterns.

Manufacturing process step by step:

  1. Take a rectangular sheet of paper, fold it like an accordion, bend the edges well and lay it out.
  2. Using a needle or hole punch, make holes in the middle on all edges, at the same distance from the edge.
  3. Fold the sheet in half and bend it, straighten it and bend it the other way.
  4. Thread the threads through the holes at the top and bottom. Pull a little so that the product tapers at the top and bottom. You can make a loop from the top thread. Ready!

Manufacturing process.

Such lanterns can be strung on the bulbs of an LED garland to make the light softer and the garland more original.

Finished goods.

Multilayer decoration

The next craft has a more original shape and is a little more difficult to make - it will require great care. To make it, select colored cardboard (you can use leftover thick wallpaper), double-sided tape, and scissors.

Multilayer flashlight.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out 10 to 15 blanks according to the template (see below). It is important that they are all neat, even, and identical. The more blanks, the more magnificent the product will be.
  2. Fold each piece in half with the printed side facing inward.
  3. According to the photo below, the blanks need to be glued together at points 1 and 2.
  4. Then you need to glue the core of the flashlight and connect the two outer pieces to fix the structure. All that remains is to thread the loop and hang the decoration!

Manufacturing process.

You may be interested in:

The finished product looks like this:

An example of a finished decoration.

Spherical flashlight

Spherical lanterns are shaped like balls. You can make them small to decorate the Christmas tree, or large. In any case, the manufacturing process is very simple and fast.

Spherical flashlight made of stripes.

For creativity, prepare multi-colored cardboard or thick packaging paper, a hole punch or awl, scissors, a ruler with a pencil and 2 rivets.

How to make a New Year's lantern out of paper with your own hands step by step:

  1. Cut the paper into equal strips 1 cm wide. There should be about 10-15 strips. If it is less, there will be large gaps in the flashlight; if it is more, the stripes will be distributed unsightly.
  2. At a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge, make holes with an awl or hole punch on both sides.
  3. Stack the strips and fasten them with rivets along the holes. The stripes should scroll.
  4. Carefully, taking out the strips one by one, distribute them and form a ball.

Step-by-step production.

There is another way to make such a flashlight - using thread.

The paper also needs to be cut into strips, holes must be made on both sides 5 mm from the edge. Next, you need to thread the thread on one side and mask the tip with a sticker. Thread the thread into the second hole, pull it a little so that the strips become arched, tie the thread into a knot or make a tassel. Next, distribute the strips around the thread and form a ball.

Step-by-step production.

These are the cute lanterns you get in the end:

Lanterns made of strips and thread.

Drop flashlight

Another super easy option for making paper lanterns.

A small flashlight.

The manufacturing principle is extremely simple - according to the template (see below), you need to cut out a lot of blanks, glue them in halves to each other, thread a thread in the center and make a loop on it.

This is what the product looks like during the manufacturing process:

Flashlight in the making.

The products themselves look very simple, even boring. Therefore, diversify their design to your taste - make openwork cutouts, add a tassel at the bottom, choose printed paper, sprinkle the finished drops with glitter. For example, blanks of this shape can easily be styled as fruits.

Manufacturing variation.

Lantern house

The considered craft options are quite simple, so we offer you another master class where you will learn how to make a more original product, stylized as a real lantern. This type of flashlight is also often called a gnome flashlight.

Lantern house for a gnome.

To do this, you can search on the Internet, draw your own, or use the proposed house template:

House template.

For production you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • breadboard knife;
  • thin translucent fabric or paper;
  • a board or special cutting board;
  • glue.

To decorate the house, you can use any materials: paints, sparkles and rhinestones, fringe, various inserts. But even without decoration, such products look wonderful if you use LED lighting inside:

Illuminated flashlights.

You need to cut out a blank from cardboard, use a breadboard knife to carefully cut out the design. Next, along the fold lines, you need to carefully bend the cardboard. On the inside of the house, all edges need to be covered with thin fabric or paper - these are stylized windows. In addition, if there is a light source inside, the veil will soften and diffuse it. Finally, the house needs to be glued together and, if necessary, a loop attached.

Product example.

A couple more templates for cutting out a house:

Original heart house with 6 sides:

House with square windows and gable roof:

We looked at 6 options of varying complexity on how to make a Chinese lantern with your own hands from paper. With such crafts, your home will surely be transformed for the New Year!

Video: how to make a paper lantern.

There are times when a flashlight is simply necessary. This could be an accidental car breakdown at night, or the need to get something out of the basement. Moreover, if the flashlight has an LED bulb, it will provide the best illumination in the dark and allow you to find the necessary thing or do the necessary work as easily as possible. An LED flashlight can be purchased at an electronics store, or you can make it at home, which is what we will do now.

Let's watch a video of this useful homemade product:

Our flashlight will be based on an electronic converter.

So, we will need:
- An old felt-tip pen, which we will use as the body of our flashlight;
- Light;
- Battery;
- Wires;
- The diagram is presented below.

First of all, we need to wind our own toroidal transformer, since the finished transformer may not fit into the frame of our flashlight, namely a felt-tip pen. This can be done in a very simple way. Ferrite rods can be used. Such a rod can be removed from the coil of an old radio.

The coil must be wound with a thin enameled wire with a cross section of 0.15 mm. First we wind one winding of 40 turns, and after that - a second winding of 60 turns. The windings should be immediately fixed with glue.

The most difficult part of making your own LED flashlight is winding the transistor coil. After this, we just have to connect the necessary wires to the battery, switch, resistor, transistor and of course to our LED light bulb. You can find out exactly how the connections should be made from the photo below.

We solder the wires and check our workpiece for functionality. Once you are sure that everything is working correctly, all that remains is to assemble the flashlight into the housing. For greater convenience, drill a hole on the cap of the felt-tip pen and insert an LED light bulb into it.

We fix the light bulb with hot glue, thus providing not only fixation, but also insulation.

Under the cap we make another hole to match the size of the wires. Through this hole we insert the wires coming from the light bulb.

We connect the cap to the body, that is, we insert it into place.