Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Veronica black plant. Veronica: herbaceous plant for open ground. Vegetative methods of propagation of veronicma spica

There are a lot of decorative types of speedwells, and they are used in different conditions: in flower beds, rockeries, and to decorate a pond. Some species belong to the genus Veronicastrum and the genus Speedwell.


Veronicastrum virginiana (Veronicastrum virginica, syn. Veronica virginica, Leptandra virginica). Stems 130-150 cm high are covered with lanceolate leaves, ending over 15 cm long. . Varieties differ in bush height, inflorescence length and flower color. It can be white, pink, blue. .

Veronicastrum sibirica (Veronicastrum sibirica, syn. Veronica sibirica, Leptandra sibirica). The plant has strong, non-branching stems 40-150 cm tall. The spike-shaped inflorescence reaches 30 cm in length. Flower color is blue, pink or white. Blooms from June to August.


Veronica longifolia (Pseudolysimachion longifolia, syn. Veronica longifolia) has stems 30-150 cm tall, covered with opposite or whorled (3-4 pieces) leaves. Raceme inflorescences up to 25 cm long, most often branched, are located on the tops of the stems. The color of the flower in different varieties can be white, pale blue, bright blue, pink. Blooms from July to September.

Gray-haired speedwell (Pseudolysimachion incana, syn. Veronica incana) forms a spreading bush 20-40 cm tall. The broadly-colored opposite leaves, like the stems, have white-tomentose pubescence. Blue flowers are collected in racemes up to 5 cm long. It blooms from the end of July throughout the month. The varieties differ in the richness of the flower color (dark blue, bright blue), the height of the plant and the size of the leaves.

Speedwell of Austria (Veronica austriaca)- a plant 30-70 cm tall with sparse pubescence and a cord-like rhizome. Erect stems are covered with opposite pinnately divided or pinnately dissected leaves. Bright blue flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are collected in fairly dense racemes 6-8 cm long, single or in pairs. Blooms in May-July.

Veronica Armenian (Veronica armena). Thin, pubescent ascending or lodging stems 5-10 cm tall become woody from the base. The leaves are unusual - they look like needles up to 1 cm long. Clusters of bluish or lilac flowers appear from the axils of the leaves at the tops of the shoots. Blooms in June-July. Has a pleasant aroma.

Veronica is big (Veronica teucrium, syn. Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium) It is distinguished by curly-hairy pubescence of stems, ovoid shape of leaves pubescent below, a flower diameter of 7-9 mm and an inflorescence up to 12 cm long. It blooms for a month from the end of May. The varieties differ in the height of the bush, the color of the flowers (blue, dark blue), there is even a variety with white-variegated leaves.

Veronica branchy, or bushy (Veronica fruticans). Bushes are cushion-shaped, about 10 cm tall. The stems are covered with leathery leaves and become woody at the base. Bright blue flowers with a reddish ring are collected in racemes. They decorate the plant in June.

Veronica gentian(Veronica gentianoides)
forms lush bushes up to 30 cm (rarely 45 cm) in height. Underground part in the form of a short rhizome. At the base of the bush there is a rosette of wintering lanceolate leathery leaves up to 5 cm long. The stems are weakly leafy, ending in loose multi-flowered spike-shaped inflorescences of pale blue flowers with blue veins. The diameter of the corolla is up to 1 cm. It blooms for 2-3 weeks in June. There are varieties with white-edged leaves and white flowers.

Veronica woody , or escape (Veronica surculosa) forms a mat 4-5 cm high of creeping stems. They are covered with small lanceolate leaves. The pubescence gives the plant a grayish tint. In May-June, dense short spike-shaped pink inflorescences form at the ends of the stems.

Veronica dubravnaya (Veronica chamaedrys) forms compact bushes 10-40 cm tall. Thin stems are covered with rounded leaves with a jagged edge, ending in loose short racemes of rather large flowers, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. They are bright blue or blue with dark veins, often with a noticeable white spot in the center. Blooms in late May - June. The root system is represented by a thin rhizome. As they grow, the shoots bend to the ground, form adventitious roots, and the tops of the stems continue to grow vertically.

Veronica of the Caucasus (Veronica caucasica)- differs from the previous species in the size of the bush (15-20 cm in height), pointed lanceolate petals and their bluish color.

Veronica key (Veronica anagallis-aquatica) has long hollow stems up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, up to 8 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. The rhizome is creeping and thick. The flowers are small, up to 5 mm in diameter, pale blue, collected in numerous loose flower clusters, appear from June to August. Good for .

Veronica Koloskovaya (Veronica spicata). Spreading bushes up to 40 cm high are crowned with dense branched racemose inflorescences up to 10 cm long. The lower leaves are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. The color of the flower, depending on the variety, can be bright blue, juicy purple, soft blue, light pink, crimson, cream or white. It blooms from mid-summer for one and a half months. Modern varieties are different compact size bush and long flowering, there is a form with silvery leaves and stems.

Veronica grandiflora (Veronica grandiflora). Stems creeping, erect. Opposite oval leaves are concentrated near the ground, giving the impression of a rosette. Peduncles up to 10 cm long, ending in few-flowered racemes of blue flowers. Flowering time is July. The plant is covered with soft hairs.

Veronica officinalis (Veronica officinalis). Creeping stems take root at the nodes, thus forming a thick mat up to 10 cm high. The annual growth of shoots is about 20 cm. Ovate leaves up to 3 cm long are pubescent on both sides. Flowers in paired dense racemes formed from the axils of the leaves. Light purple corolla up to 7 mm in diameter. The flowering period extends from July to September.

Veronica petty (Veronica minuta). . A dense cushion-shaped bush is formed by thin stems, densely covered with small opposite oval leaves with a serrated edge. The flowers are blue-blue with a white spot in the center, fragrant, collected in dense short racemes. There are forms with lilac and pale blue flowers. Blooms in July, re-blooming is possible.

Veronica threadlike (Veronica filiformis). Thin creeping stems take root at the nodes, forming a mat 3-5 cm high. The leaves are small, rounded. The flowers are blue with dark veins, solitary, appearing from the axils of the upper leaves. There are forms with pale blue and white flowers. Blooms from late April to June. Good. It becomes easy.

Veronica creeping (Veronica repens). Forms a dense mat of thin, highly branched shoots. The leaves are oval or lanceolate, shiny, arranged oppositely. The lower leaves often form a rosette, the upper ones turn into bracts. Inflorescences - axillary racemes 2-10 cm long - consist of blue, white or pink flowers 3-4 mm in diameter. Blooms in May-June.

Veronica porucheynaya , or in-line (Veronica beccabunda). Fleshy long (up to 30 cm) rooting stems are covered with oval opposite leaves with short petioles. Inflorescences-brushes of small blue flowers about 5 mm in diameter are located in the axils of the upper pair of leaves. Blooms from June to August. Used for.

Veronica prostrate (Veronica prostrate, Veronica rupestris)- forms a spreading bush up to 10 cm in height, shoots do not take root in the nodes. The root system is taproot. The leaves are lanceolate, up to 2 cm long, on short petioles. The stems and leaves are slightly pubescent, giving them a grayish tint. The plant is winter green. Flowers up to 8 mm in diameter are collected in dense apical racemes up to 5 cm long. The color of the petals can be white, bluish, pink, bluish, light purple. Flowering period is May-July.

Veronica Sakhalinskaya (Veronica sachalinensis)- powerful plant up to 1.5 m tall. The leaves are collected in whorls, and small blue flowers are collected in long (13-20 cm) racemes at the ends of the stems. Blooms in July-August.

Veronica Stellera (Veronica stelleri) forms a small bush up to 25 cm tall. The leaves are ovate with a serrated or serrated edge. Blue-violet flowers up to 8 mm in diameter are collected in a dense short spike-shaped inflorescence. There is a form with pale lilac, almost white flowers. Flowering in July-September.

Speedwell thyme leaf (Veronica serpyllifolia). Stems up to 25 cm tall creep and take root at the nodes. Small, up to 1 cm long, rounded leaves cover the stems from bottom to top, gradually turning into bracts. White or bluish flowers up to 4 mm in diameter are collected in loose apical racemes. The closely related species is sometimes classified as the same species Veronica thin (Veronica tenella). The differences lie in the size of the flower (5-6 mm in diameter), its color (blue, less often white) and the presence of glandular hairs on the axis of the brush. Flowering from late May to early August.

Veronica pediculum (Veronica pedincularis) has a dense network of roots, forming a dense turf. Numerous thin stems form a mat 10-15 cm high. The leaves are oblong, burgundy underneath. Fragrant blue flowers with a white center are collected in dense short racemes. It blooms in early to mid-May and blooms for one and a half months.

Veronica latifolia (Veronica latifolia). Stems up to 50 cm tall are covered with opposite small oval-shaped leaves, the lower part is pubescent. Flowers of white, blue or blue color are collected in dense inflorescences-tassels 6-7 cm long, located on the tops of the stems in pairs, in the axils of the upper leaves. Blooms in May-June.

Veronica Schmidt (Veronica schmidtiana)- compact winter green plant. The underground part is represented by a thin woody rhizome and fibrous roots. The spreading bush is formed by shoots rising to a height of up to 20 cm. The pinnately divided leaves are concentrated at the soil surface. Quite large lilac flowers up to 2 cm in diameter have long stamens with bright yellow anthers. The dense multi-flowered raceme inflorescence reaches 14 cm in length. Blooms in May-June. Subspecies and forms differ in the color of the flower and leaves.

Veronica gravelly (Veronica schistosa). The underground part is a long rhizome, the aboveground part is a carpet of leathery, juicy green leaves and stems up to 20-25 cm tall. Throughout the summer it is covered with clusters of pale blue flowers up to 7-8 cm long. Peak flowering occurs in June-July.

A long period of flowering of spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences, resistance to drought and low temperatures, unpretentiousness to soils and the absence of diseases - this is not the whole list of advantages of perennial grass.

Read about how to grow veronica spicata on your plot in this article. A video master class and photo gallery will help you better understand the topic.

Veronica spicata, plant features

Speedwell spicata is a perennial herbaceous plant intended for growing in open ground.

  • This perennial represents the Veronica genus from the Plantain family.
  • There are several more options for the names of this type of speedwell - spicate speedwell, spiked speedwell.
  • The unpretentious culture has become widespread throughout the world: both in warm countries and in regions with cold climates. Moreover, the plant tolerates wintering in central Russia painlessly, without special shelters.
  • In the wild, speedwell can often be found in open forest glades or forest edges, steppe expanses and even in the mountains. The plant prefers open, sunny areas.
  • The rhizome of the perennial crop is thin, superficial, located horizontally to the ground level. Due to this, Veronica easily adapts and grows even on rocky soil.
  • Sturdy, unbranched and slightly pubescent stems reach a height of 15 to 80 cm.
  • The upper and lower leaves are significantly different from each other. The upper ones are sessile, entire, with a sharp apex; the lower ones are petiolate, round in shape. The length of the leaf blade varies from 1.5 to 9 cm.
  • The inflorescence of Veronica is represented by a thick single raceme located at the top of the peduncle in the form of a spikelet. The flowers are almost sessile on densely pubescent pedicels. The color of the corolla is often blue or blue, less often – pink, white, purple.

  • Flowering of Veronica spica begins in the first ten days of summer and lasts about a month and a half.
  • The fruit of the perennial is a two-lobed capsule with smooth, elongated seeds.
  • Undemanding to soil type, sun-loving speedwell tolerates both mild drought and waterlogging.
  • The Veronica spica flower is a beautiful ornamental plant used to decorate a variety of landscapes. In addition, the culture is widely known in folk medicine.

Variety and speedwell

Currently, breeders have developed many varieties of speedwell, differing in flower color and other morphological characteristics. Let's look at the most famous varieties.

  • Veronica spicata "Rotfux".

A low-growing variety, reaching a height of no more than 45 cm. The bushes are lush and compact. The stems are strong, straight, densely leafy with shiny green leaves. Veronica blooms in mid-summer and blooms for about 1-1.5 months. The flowers of the perennial are small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, bright pink in color. The culture prefers sunny areas with loose and well-drained soil. The variety is widely used in landscape design.

  • Speedwell "Heidekind".

A low-growing plant, about 30-40 cm high, forms compact bushes. A few straight shoots are covered with oblong, matte-gray leaves. Inflorescences of crimson flowers are dense, spike-shaped. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts more than a month. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging and prefers open, well-lit areas with loose soil. Used as a spectacular ornamental plant.

  • Veronica spicata "Alba".

Strong, straight shoots of a low-growing (30-50 cm) perennial end in spike-shaped inflorescences. A characteristic feature of the variety is numerous snow-white flowers, densely collected in the ear. The leaves are oblong, green. Blooms from the second half of June to early August. The variety is sun-loving and not demanding on fertility.

  • Veronica spica blue.

The few strong stems reach a height of about 60 cm. The variety is drought-resistant and unpretentious. Blue flowers are collected in dense apical inflorescences. Flowering is abundant, begins in June and lasts 30-40 days. In landscape design it is used as single or group plantings.

  • Veronica spicata "Icicle".

The variety produces single or few strong shoots. The inflorescence is formed by flowers white. Plant height is 45-60 cm. The foliage is ovoid, green in color. Flowering is long-lasting (up to 1.5 months), beginning in the second half of June. Grows well in sunny areas and well-drained soils.

Reproduction of speedwell

You can easily grow a perennial herbaceous plant, speedwell, on your own plot, if you know the basic methods of its propagation.

The plant propagates by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush. If flower growers you know grow this spectacular perennial, it can be easily propagated in any convenient way and planted on your site. If this is not possible, you can buy seeds or seedlings of the plant in specialized stores or nurseries.

Seed method of propagation of speedwell

  • Speedwell spicata gives a certain self-seeding, so it is better to collect seeds in an organized manner, excluding uncontrolled sowings.
  • In order not to miss the seed ripening phase, it is necessary to monitor the formation and ripening of fruit capsules immediately after flowering.
  • After the boxes have turned yellow and dried, they are torn off and dried a little in a dry, dark place.
  • Dry capsules are threshed, the seeds are cleaned and stored in a paper bag. Naturally, high-quality storage of seed material requires the absence of moisture and light.
  • Plants grown from seeds do not bloom immediately, but at least in the second year after sowing.
  • Reproduction of speedwell from seeds does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics of the parent individuals.

Vegetative methods of propagation of veronicma spica

Flower growers practice propagation of speedwell using cuttings or simply dividing the plant bush. With these methods of propagation, all varietal characteristics are preserved.

  • Dividing a bush is the most common method of propagation; it is especially successful when replanting and rejuvenating a perennial, which is carried out every 5-6 years. If you need to separate part of the plant without waiting several years, you can do this earlier. The division procedure is carried out in spring (before foliage appears) or autumn (after flowering). To do this, first, all above-ground shoots are cut off, then the plant is dug up and divided into parts. Each viable part must have at least three basal shoots. If the cuttings are weak, it is better to first root them in the soil substrate, with the addition of peat and sand, and only then plant them in open ground. Digging up the plant is not difficult, given the superficial location of the roots. In addition, this method of propagation ensures faster survival and adaptation of the plant in a new place.
  • For propagation by cuttings, cut the apical young shoots (10 cm long), cut off their tops and lower them into water. Prepared cuttings for rooting are placed in a loose substrate of perlite and peat with sand. After successful rooting, the cuttings are planted in open ground. You can take cuttings from Veronica bushes from spring to early autumn. From the second half of autumn it is no longer worth preparing cuttings, as they will not have time to take root by winter. In summer, the planted cuttings need to be given more attention: the shoots are shaded (you can cover them with film), regular watering, ventilation and gradual adaptation to light are provided.

Growing Veronica spicata

Veronica spica is an absolutely unpretentious plant, it reproduces easily and grows quickly in the area. The main condition for successful cultivation of perennials is right choice places for planting and fulfillment of certain agrotechnical requirements.

  • When choosing a place for planting, taking into account the light-loving nature of the crop, choose an open and sunny area. Light partial shade is also possible.
  • Veronica can grow on almost any soil, preferably light and loose loam. One of the main conditions is good soil drainage and the absence of stagnation of moisture in the area. Ordinary crushed stone can be used as drainage. Soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction - best option for a plant.
  • A drought-tolerant plant, speedwell tolerates short periods of drought better than excessive moisture. Excess or constant stagnation of moisture can be detrimental to the crop.
  • A hardy and resilient plant, it is even resistant to trampling. If you step on veronica bushes, they quickly recover and raise their leaves.

Sowing Veronica spicata seeds

  • Veronica seeds are sown in open ground in the second half of autumn, when the soil is not too cold and frost has not set in. The depth of planting seeds in grooves or holes is small, about 5 mm. The approximate interval between seeds is 30 cm. As they grow, the next year, the seedlings are planted, leaving a larger interval (50 cm).
  • You can sow Veronica seeds in early spring in boxes for seedlings. In this case, preliminary stratification (hardening) of the seed material will be required. To do this, the seeds are placed on a moist soil mixture (peat and soil), sprinkled with earth and covered with a film with holes. The container is placed in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar) for 3 weeks. After low temperatures, the container with the seeds is placed in a warm and bright place. After 2 weeks, the first seedlings appear. Caring for seedlings is usual: watering, light, ventilation and heat (about 15 0 C).
  • In any case, the seedlings will bloom only in the second year of life.

Planting speedwell

  • When planting Veronica seedlings in open ground, leave a distance of about 50 cm between plants, taking into account the future growth and branching of the bushes.
  • Planting seedlings in a flower bed is carried out in the spring in previously prepared soil (fertilizer, drainage, loosening).
  • Holes or grooves are dug shallow, according to the size of the root system of the seedlings.
  • The planting site is spilled with water and the plants are planted in the ground.

The not capricious Veronica is convenient because it requires minimal care and attention, practically does not get sick and does not need fertilizing or winter shelter.

  • Watering is carried out as needed, without stagnation of moisture. It is especially important to moisten the soil before the flowering period and at the stage of seedling germination. The rest of the time, watering is moderate, not frequent. Veronica tolerates short-term drought well.
  • Mulching the soil around the plant will allow you to maintain a moderate, moist soil microclimate longer without additional watering. In addition, a layer of mulch prevents the growth of weeds in the flowerbed.

  • Veronica spicata is resistant to diseases and pests. Only in rainy weather or excessive humidity can it become infected with powdery mildew, spotting or rust. If characteristic signs (spots, plaque) appear on the leaves, the entire plant is treated with a fungicidal agent (for example, Fundazol). If aphids appear on the plant, the perennial should be treated with an insecticidal agent (Tanrek, Aktara).
  • If the soil is sufficiently fertile, the crop does not need additional fertilizing. For poor soils, it is better to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • If the varieties of speedwell are tall enough, you need to tie the plant to a support.
  • After flowering, the above-ground part is cut off so that new green shoots with foliage appear. With this technique, you can maintain an attractive decorative look bush until autumn. Before wintering, the bush is pruned again, leaving 3-5 cm. To prevent the plant from becoming infected with pathogenic bacteria, faded inflorescences should also be constantly cut off.
  • Every 5 years you need to rejuvenate the veronica bush, dividing it into several parts. The delenki will be able to actively develop and grow “with renewed vigor.”
  • For the winter, the plant does not need to be covered with anything; it tolerates low temperatures and even harsh Russian winters.

Application of Veronica spicata

  • A beautiful landscape plant, speedwell is widely used for decorating flower beds, landscaping park areas, ponds, and designing mixborders or rockeries. Slender, straight shoots of Veronica with compact spike-shaped inflorescences serve as an ideal background for low-growing or ground cover plants. The flower stalks of the plant are used for cutting; they last a long time in the bouquet. When planted, Veronica spica goes well with carnations, geraniums, sedums, saxifrage, and knotweed.

  • In addition to its decorative value, speedwell is a well-known medicine. It is used as a wound-healing, detoxifying (for snake bites) remedy. Herbal decoctions are used in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, and respiratory diseases. Externally, the herbal infusion is used for various skin diseases, ulcers, fungal diseases, abrasions and cuts. This is due to the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing and antibacterial properties of the flower. Before using any folk remedies, including with the participation of Veronica spica, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  • Veronica spica is a valuable honey crop that attracts bees.

Thus, Veronica spicata is a spectacular ornamental herbaceous plant, characterized by high unpretentiousness and endurance.

  • The perennial is a drought-resistant and cold-resistant plant. These valuable qualities allow it to be grown even in climatic conditions unfavorable for other plants.
  • Veronica spica is easily propagated by seeds or vegetative parts of the plant. Young seedlings or cuttings quickly adapt to environmental conditions and easily take root.
  • There is practically no need to care for the plant; it is enough to carry out some agrotechnical measures.
  • If you follow the basic rules of planting and care, Veronica spicata will delight others with its magnificent appearance for a long time.

Veronica spicata, photo

Video: “How to grow veronica spicata”

Veronica belongs to the genus of flowering plants. The name comes from the Latin “Veronica” and translates as “real medicine”.

There are about 300 varieties of this plant. Widely distributed in Russia.

Delicate and unpretentious plants, in the photo you can see their lovely beauty, which will decorate any area.

Description of species and varietiesplants

Veronica has hybrid and non-hybrid varieties. Non-hybrid varieties - correspondence to the mother plant, hybrid - splitting of the offspring.


A wild species that grows mainly in the European region of Russia.

It has cord-like and creeping roots. Single straight stems up to 3 in number, have a height of up to 70 cm.

The upward-pointing pedicels are equal in length to the bracts. The flowers are in four racemes.

In the final stage of flowering of “Big Veronica”, the shoots diverge to the sides of the central part and form a wreath shape in the bush of the plant.

Bright blue corolla up to 1 cm, pointed, broadly ovoid. The stamens are the same size as the corolla.

It is important to know:"Big Veronica" endures the winter without shelter.

The wide box has a shallow recess. A moisture-loving and sun-loving species, at the same time it is drought-resistant.


The birthplace of “Armenian Veronica” is Asia Minor. The plant is perennial, erect, with a height of 30 cm to 70 cm.

A drought-resistant and fragrant plant that blooms once. Bright and rich blue flowers, up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Spike-shaped inflorescence up to 10 cm in length. Flowering begins in May and ends at the end of July.

Good to know:“Armenian Veronica” is in great demand among flower growers due to its unpretentious appearance.

Sessile leaves, pinnately dissected. Reproduction occurs by seeds and division of the rhizome. Grows on alkaline substrate, in black soil areas.


Vysokogornoe perennial, up to 30 cm high. Distributed in Eurasia and prefers:

  • alpine meadows;
  • river banks;
  • rocky places;
  • pebble areas.

It has a cord-like creeping rhizome. Flowers purple, from 3 to 20.

Capitate inflorescences smoothly turn into elongating ones, with stiff hairs. The obovate capsule is up to 8 mm, has a pubescent apex.

Elliptical Seeds flat shape up to 1 mm. Ascending stems with small thin shoots. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, up to 3 cm, and have a pointed shape.


A perennial plant, it is widespread in the Caucasus and Crimea. Flowering begins in mid-spring and continues until the end of July.

The height of the erect, sparsely hairy stems reaches 60 cm. The calyx consists of 4 lobes. The diameter of the blue corolla is up to 10 mm.

Round capsule with pubescent top. Shield-shaped seeds are up to 2 mm wide. "Austrian Speedwell" is used in artificial mountain landscapes.


A perennial drought-resistant species, up to 50 cm in height. Sun-loving, can grow in the shade, on garden plot With loose soil. Petiolate oblong leaves.

"Spike Veronica" grows in shallow water, up to 20 cm.

Flowering of "Spikelet Veronica" begins in early June and lasts almost a month. The color of the flowers depends on the variety:

  • blue;
  • pink;
  • violet;
  • white.

Hybrid Veronica "Blue Plume" is a hybrid of "Spike Veronica" and "Longleaf Veronica".


Light-loving perennial species, does not tolerate shady areas. It is drought-resistant, but at the same time a moisture-loving plant.

In winter, it does without shelter. Basal rosette of leaves up to 20 cm long.

Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, starting at the end of May. Peduncles are up to 70 cm high. Bright leaves with a white edge.

Note:"Gentian Veronica" has a dwarf variety "Nana", no more than 15 cm high, with a peduncle of 20 cm.

Plants of "Gentian Veronica" easily take root in pieces with a peduncle. Cultivation occurs in any area. Vegetative propagation occurs by sections of the root system.

Ground cover plants


Perennial and annual unpretentious plant. Branched long stems with spreading branches.

Creeping shoots of “Threaded Veronica” have the ability to instantly take root and spread over a wide area.

Round, sparsely hairy leaves, slightly obtuse at the apex. The thin peduncle has one flower.

The combination of corolla colors is blue and white. Bilobed convex capsule - width 5 mm.

The nest contains up to 10 oblong, flat seeds. "Threaded Veronica" is grown for use in landscape design.


The name of the species comes from the Latin “prostrata” - “creeping”.

Numerous grayish stems are evenly pubescent. The brushes are located in the axils of ordinary leaves.

Widely obovate capsule. Round, yellowish seeds up to 1 mm. The range extends across the regions of our country:

  • European part;
  • Western Siberia;
  • Ciscaucasia.

Stretched Veronica forms a compacted massive “carpet”, 15 cm high.

Propagated by seeds, which are sown in late autumn or early spring. Flowering occurs after 2 years. “Prostrate Veronica” is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region as an ornamental plant grown in Moscow botanical gardens.


« Pedicel Veronica" is different from the previous ones Groundcover Veronica blue flowers.

Has early flowering, from the beginning of May. Well-creeping stems make their way over rocky terrain. Frost-resistant plant variety.

Veronicastrum is a perennial flowering plant of the genus Veronica. Species of this plant are used as ornamental, for open ground.

Varieties of "Veronicastrum" are very much appreciated in the conditions of growing natural gardens, as they do not require daily movement.

The variety "Veronicastrum Virginis" has an amazing bluish color of leaves and lilac inflorescences with a pink tint.

Take note: variety "Veronicastrum Siberian" can withstand frosts down to - 34 °C.

The amazing Veronica plant will add originality and beauty to any area. Easy to care for, it will delight many flower lovers with its unforgettable, fragrant aroma.

How to plant a Veronica flower in your garden, watch the advice of an experienced gardener in the following video:

poor, fertile, medium fertility, drained, waterlogged, sandy loam, loamy, clayey

Soil moisture

humid, moderately humid, dry



direct sunlight, partial shade


cuttings, seeds, division

Boarding time

Spring Summer Autumn

Portrait of Veronica

Genus Veronica (Veronica, stress on the second syllable) belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae and includes about 300 species of annual, biennial and perennial herbs or subshrubs. Speedwells grow all over the globe, but are more common in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The origin of the genus name is still debated. Some believe that the plant is named after Saint Veronica. Others say that the name comes from the Latin words “vera unica” - “real medicine” (veronica has long been used in medicine). Most speedwells are fibrous, in some species they are represented by a rhizome and are located close to the soil surface. Some species have. The stems are straight or spread along the ground, most often covered with whole sessile leaves, arranged in a regular order either opposite or whorled. The corolla is medium-sized, consisting of four petals of white, blue, deep blue, violet, and less often pink. Flowers are usually collected in lateral or apical spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences, rarely solitary. In the lower part, the petals grow together to form a tube. The upper part remains free, forming a fold. The fruit is a capsule bearing small seeds.

The genus is very large and diverse, so some botanists classify certain species of speedwells as genus Veronicastrum (Veronicastrum) And Veronichnik (Pseudolysimachion). The differences between them are very relative. Veronicastrum - herbaceous perennials with tall (up to 1.5 m) stems that are not prone to falling apart. They are covered with lanceolate leaves (3-9 pieces in a whorl) and crowned with large spike-shaped inflorescences. Currently, representatives of the genus Veronicastrum belong to the genus Thin stamen (Leptandra). Veronichniki - herbaceous perennials with lanceolate leaves and dense inflorescences. The petals grow together in the lower part by at least a third, forming a rather long tube. The fruit is slightly flattened on the sides. Other representatives of the genus Veronica , used in floriculture, are also herbaceous perennials.

Veronica planting

Low-growing species of speedwell growing in the mountains are drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil and light-loving. Only one of them - Veronica Koloskovaya - able to tolerate waterlogging. Tall speedwells usually prefer fertile ones, tolerate partial shade and are moisture-loving, but many of them are able to tolerate drought. Some Veronica - gentian, prostrate, medicinal - tolerate shading. Veronica gray loses its silvery tint in the shade, and Veronica branchy does not tolerate overheating, so the optimal place for planting it will be an area in partial shade. Unpretentious Veronica creeping And Veronica threadlike They develop successfully both in the sun, but are most spectacular in the shade, for example.

They differ in their love of moisture veronicastrum And Veronica grandiflora . Veronica petty fresh soil with regular moisture is needed. Veronica large, gentian, prostrate, filamentous moisture-loving, but tolerate drought. The latter quickly forms in a damp area. Veronica's handicap And key planted either or in a container immersed in water to a depth of 10 cm. They are unpretentious, but need clean water.

Veronica does not have any special requirements for soil fertility. They prefer calcareous, non-acidic, loose, drained loams or. But veronicastrum It is better to plant on rich fertile loams. Mountain Speedwell - Armenian, spikelet, gravelly, small, Schmidt, large-flowered - grow and develop better when crushed stone and sand are added to the soil.

Growing Veronica

Speedwell, large, Sakhalin prone to falling apart, they should be . Veronica creeping, filamentous, key, rail , their growth is limited if necessary. After flowering, the height of the aboveground part decreases greatly, which is especially noticeable in tall plants. Speedwell Austrian, gentian, spikelet . Low-growing species are consistently decorative: after trimming faded inflorescences, new shoots grow. In the fall, it is advisable to mulch the plants with neutral or humus to cover the root system located close to the soil surface. Veronica is winter-hardy without shelter; the loss of plants after winter is associated with waterlogging of the soil, so it is important to take care of the drainage of the area. Only Veronica branched And woody need preventative.

Reproduction of speedwell

Veronica is most often propagated by dividing the bush. The superficial root system allows this operation to be performed painlessly and easily. Divide at the end of April - beginning of May, when the leaves begin to appear, or in September, after flowering. The cuttings are rooted in a loose substrate (neutral peat and sand, perlite). If the cuttings are large, with a well-developed root system, you can immediately plant them in the flower garden. Planting distance depends on the size of the plant. For large ones (about 1 m in height) it is 40-50 cm (5-7 pieces per 1 sq.m.), for medium-sized ones (30-60 cm in height) - 30-40 cm (7-9 pieces per sq. m.). m), for small ones (up to 20 cm in height) - 20-30 cm (16-20 pieces per 1 sq.m.).

Green cuttings are propagated less frequently. In June-July, cuttings about 10 cm long are prepared by cutting off the tops of the shoots and removing the inflorescences. They are rooted in perlite or a mixture of peat and sand (1:1).

AND threadlike - wonderful. They are used as an alternative to a lawn where its establishment is problematic, for example, in an orchard. This coating does not require mowing and is resistant to trampling. It has been noticed that speedwell improves the structure of the soil, making it looser.

Veronica pests and diseases

Veronica is rarely damaged by diseases and pests. But in the wrong place or in cool, rainy summers it becomes susceptible. powdery mildew, spotting, rust. When diseases appear, plants are treated with fungicides (for example, Foundationazole). In the fall, you need to destroy plant debris. The most harmful pests are nematodes and aphids. Insecticides are used for (Aktara, Tanrek), for the destruction of nematodes - nematicides (Fenamiphos, Aldicarb).

Veronicas are unpretentious in care and do not need feeding. Watering is necessary only for moisture-loving species.

Veronica has a reputation as one of the oldest medicinal plants. Back in the Middle Ages it was used for treatment various diseases, but recognition of its decorative qualities came much later. Speedwell includes species that belong to the genus Veronicastrum and Speedwell, but their appearance, care and other aspects are almost identical, so it makes sense to consider them in one article.

Did you know? Some people grow speedwell as an alternative to lawns - the thick green mats are very pleasant to walk on barefoot, and most species are highly resistant to trampling.

Now, thanks to breeders, this species has many varieties that differ in size, shape and color of flowers. Veronica in the wild has a very wide geography, but they are all excellent for growing in the garden. Next, we will consider the most popular types of this flower.

Origin: Asia Minor, Caucasus.

Flowering time: June - September.

The creeping stems of this species form a thick mat up to 8-10 cm in height. The leaves have down on both sides, are ovoid, and up to 3 cm in length. Veronica officinalis grows in the wild in forest glades and in the forests themselves. The annual growth of numerous stems can reach 20 cm.
This species is valued for its resistance to trampling and prolonged droughts. The flowers are in dense but small racemes, which are located at the top of the stems. The corolla has a diameter of only 6-7 cm, so speedwell is grown as an ornamental foliage plant. Poor soils are also suitable for planting, just keep in mind that this plant, like many other types of speedwell, grows quickly and is very competitive, that is, it is able to survive other crops.

Origin: Europe, Caucasus.

Flowering time: May - July.

Veronica Austrian is a plant 40-60 cm tall. It has a cord-like rhizome and erect stems, which are arranged singly or in groups. The leaves are arranged oppositely, pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, narrowed at the base. The plant is also covered with sparse down, but the flowers of the Austrian speedwell are the most attractive. The flowers are collected in single or paired racemes, 2-4 pieces in each. They have a very beautiful bright blue color and reach 1 cm in diameter.

Origin: Asia Minor.

Flowering time: June July.

This species is a woody-rhizomatous perennial plant that forms a thickened turf. Veronica Armenian has recumbent or ascending stems, woody from the base, the height of which reaches 5-10 cm. A large number of stems are formed, they have very short pubescence, which is why their surface appears rough. The original highly dissected pinnate leaves look like small needles up to 1 cm long. The flower clusters are located on shortened peduncles in the axils of the upper leaves. The corolla is pale lilac or dull blue in color and has a fragrant aroma.

Did you know? Armenian Veronica - the most unpretentious appearance, for which it is in particular demand among gardeners.

Veronica Armenian is very drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

Origin: Western Europe, Caucasus, Mediterranean, Central Asia.

Flowering time: June.

This type of speedwell has a fairly wide geography; it can be found in sparse forests, meadows or forest clearings. The rhizomes are creeping, cord-like, and the stems are most often single, sometimes arranged in groups of 2-3. They reach a height of 40-70 cm, thickish, curly-hairy. The leaves are ovate, sessile, arranged oppositely. They may have single hairs on top, but most often they are bare, and on the bottom they are curly-hairy.
The flowers are located on long racemes formed in the axils of the upper leaves, 2-4 pieces each. At the end of flowering, the shoots lie in different directions so that the flowers end up outside, around the bush, forming something like a wreath. The flowers are usually blue, but there are other varieties where the flowers are blue or even white. Veronica large is very resistant to both frost and drought, although it is a moisture-loving plant.

Veronica branchy

Origin: Europe (mountain regions).

Flowering time: June.

This type of speedwell is a slow-growing one. It has high decorative value, but requires careful care. It grows in the form of cushion-shaped thickets of medium height (5-10 cm). The stems are woody at the base and covered with leathery leaves. Long pedicels are decorated with bright blue flowers collected in racemes, the base of which has a reddish girdle at the base of the calyx. You can also find pink flowers, but this is considered rare.

Important! Although the Veronica genus is considered frost-resistant, branched Veronica requires covering with spruce branches for the winter.

This species is best suited for planting near rocky hills. Does not tolerate overheating, so it is best to plant in partial shade.

Origin: Asia Minor.

Flowering time: May - July.

This perennial plant is ideal for rocky hills. The stems of this species are highly creeping, like the leaves; they are covered with gray pubescence. The stems are numerous and the leaves grow thickly, resulting in a stunning gray-green carpet 4-5 cm high. During the flowering period, this carpet is decorated with small pink flowers.

Important! In snowless winters, woody veronica can freeze, so it is recommended to cover it with coniferous spruce branches.

For optimal growth It is advisable to plant in loose sandy loam soils with good drainage. Dry, sunny places are good.

Origin: Europe, Central Asia.

Flowering time: July-September.

The tall stems of this plant can reach 1.5 m in height. The leaves, thanks to which this speedwell got its name, are arranged in 3-4 pieces, powdery or opposite, in width can be from 1 to 4 cm, and in length - 4-15 cm. The flowers are small, depending on the variety they can be pink, white, soft or bright blue color. The inflorescences are located at the tops of the stems, reach 25 cm in length, and most often branch.

Did you know? One plant can have up to 450 flowers.

Veronica dubravnaya

Origin: Europe, Caucasus, Western Siberia.

Flowering time: end of May - June.

In nature, this plant can be found in fields and forest edges. This plant has a thin creeping rhizome and can reach 40 cm in height. The stems are erect and have 2 rows of long hairs in the internodes. The leaves are also downy, sessile, arranged oppositely, with large teeth on the edge. Loose racemes are located in the axils of the upper leaves.

Compared to the size of the plant, the flowers of oak speedwell are quite large, up to 15 mm in diameter, blue or bright blue in color, with dark veins. Sometimes you can find this species with pink flowers. As they grow, the shoots begin to lean towards the ground. At this point, adventitious roots begin to form, and the tops of the stems then grow vertically.

Origin: Caucasus.

Flowering time: end of May-June.

Like many other species, Veronica Caucasian is a reliable ornamental plant, unpretentious in care and resistant to any vagaries of weather. It has some similarities with the Armenian speedwell, but the flowers of the latter are blue, while the flowers of the Caucasian speedwell are painted in blue tones. Stems ascending or straight. The leaves are sessile, oblong or ovate, strongly pinnately dissected. The brushes are located oppositely in the upper axils of the leaves.

Veronica Caucasian is one of the leaders in frost resistance and drought resistance, so there is no need to worry about shelters and the choice of special growing places.

Origin: Europe, Caucasus, Mediterranean.

Flowering time: July August.

Speedwell spicata has few or even single stems, up to 40 cm in height. The upper leaves are sessile, and the lower leaves are petiolate, ovate or oblong. Inflorescences are formed at the tops in the form of thick brushes and can reach 10 cm in length. The color of the flowers can be purple, bright blue, pink or white.

Loves loose garden soil and can withstand winter without shelter. It is drought-resistant and loves the sun, but it is not particularly afraid of waterlogging either. Modern varieties of this species boast longer flowering and compact bush sizes.

Origin: Europe.

Flowering time: May June.

In nature, Veronica filamentous is most widespread in the mountain meadows of Europe. The creeping stems barely reach 5 cm in height, and the stems take root when they touch the ground, eventually turning into a large light green carpet. The leaves have a round shape. The flowers are arranged singly on long stalks, blue in color with dark veins. Like other creeping creatures, Veronica filamentous is absolutely not demanding in terms of care, but this is not why you need to watch it. This species can very easily become a weed in your garden if its growth and spread are not controlled.
Despite its high resistance, it partially freezes out in snowless winters, but quickly recovers in the future. Ideal for creating carpet arrays, it can also be used for securing slopes and planting in terraced rock gardens.

Origin: Western Europe.

Flowering time: May June.

Thin shoots of this species form a dense carpet that grows quickly. The leaves are opposite, shiny, lanceolate or oval. The plant does not need feeding; all its care consists of timely watering.

Planting this type of speedwell near trees or shrubs can provide them with reliable protection from both frost and summer heat. Also, creeping speedwell is resistant to trampling, so it is perfect as a lawn. The height of the shoots reaches a maximum of 15 cm, so it will be possible to do without mowing.

Important! Due to its strong creeping and competitive nature, this speedwell can turn into a real weed, so its growth must be carefully monitored.

Tiny flowers (3-4 mm in diameter) are produced in racemes 4-8 cm long and can be pink, blue or white.

Origin: Elbrus, Ermani plateau, Kazbek.

Flowering time: July August.

This bush has a cushion shape, and its geography is quite peculiar, since it is associated with volcanic substrates, which makes it a local endemic and stenochore of these places.

Did you know? A plant is a stenochore if its seeds are distributed only by animal organisms.

Small speedwell has thin stems that are adorned with small opposite herbaceous leaves of elliptical or oblong shape. The tap-type root system goes very deep into the soil. The flowers are blue-blue in color, and there is a white lightening at the base of the corolla.

Origin: Western Europe.

Flowering time: August.

This species received this name due to the white-felt pubescence of the leaves and stems. As it grows, Veronica gray forms a small spreading bush that can grow up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are broadly lanceolate and arranged oppositely. The flowers are blue, the inflorescences can reach a length of 4-5 cm. Different varieties may vary slightly in plant height and leaf size, and the color of the flowers can have different saturation, from bright blue to dark blue. It has good drought resistance and can easily endure winter without shelter.

Origin: Japan, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin.

Flowering time: May June.

Veronica Schmidt is a small compact bush, the shoots of which reach 20 cm. The underground part consists of fibrous roots and a thin lignified rhizome. The leaves are pinnately divided and are located mainly at the soil surface. This species is valued for its large flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, which are additionally decorated with long stamens with bright yellow anthers. The flowers themselves can have different colors, depending on the variety.
Veronica is an unpretentious perennial crop, so it is perfect for those who want to minimize garden maintenance costs so they can enjoy the holidays instead.

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