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A specific form of human interaction with other people. Psychology of communication. Defense mechanisms of the psyche

Rudaya O.Yu., Head of the Psychological Support Department
development of children and adolescents and vocational guidance
Center for Psychological Support of Educational Activities

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; social relationships are realized in communication

Communication is a specific form
human interaction with
other people as members
society; are realized in communication
social relations of people.

There are three interconnected sides in communication:

- the communicative side consists of
exchange of information between people;
- the interactive side is
organizing interactions between people;
- the perceptual side includes the process
partners' perceptions of each other
communication and establishing on this basis
mutual understanding.

Communication means

Language is a system of words, expressions and rules for combining them into
meaningful utterances used for communication.
Intonation, emotional expressiveness, which
capable of giving different meanings to the same phrase.
Facial expressions, posture, and gaze of the interlocutor can enhance
complement or refute the meaning of a phrase.
Gestures as a means of communication can be
generally accepted, that is, have assigned to them
meaning, or expressive, that is, serve for
greater expressiveness of speech.
The distance at which interlocutors communicate depends on
from cultural, national traditions, from the degree
trust in the interlocutor.

The communication procedure includes the following stages:

The need for communication - encourages a person to enter into
contact with other people.
Orientation for the purposes of communication, in a communication situation.
Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.
Planning the content of your message.
Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses
specific means, phrases that will
use, decides how to speak, how to behave.
Perception and assessment of the interlocutor’s response,
monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on establishing
Adjustment of direction, style, communication methods.

Communication is the process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding. Translated from Lat. this term means "general, once

Communication is a process
bilateral exchange
information leading to
mutual understanding. In translation
from lat. this term means
“commons shared with all.”
If not achieved
mutual understanding, then
did not take place.

Reasons for poor communication:

Stereotypes are simplified opinions about individuals.
or situations.
"Preconceived notions" - the tendency to reject everything that
contradicts one’s own views, which is new and unusual.
Bad relationships between people, because if the relationship
person is hostile, it is difficult to convince him of justice
your view.
Lack of attention and interest of the interlocutor, but interest
occurs when a person realizes the significance of information for
Neglect of facts, that is, the habit of drawing conclusions in the absence of a sufficient number of facts.
Errors in constructing statements: incorrect choice of words,
complexity of the message, poor persuasiveness, illogicality, etc.
Wrong choice of communication strategy and tactics.

Types of communication

"Contact of masks"
Primitive communication
Formal-role communication
Business conversation
Spiritual. Interpersonal communication
Manipulative communication
Social communication

Distance zones in human contact

Intimate zone (15-45 cm) – only
close, well-known people; for this zone
characterized by trust, a quiet voice in
communication, tactile contact, touch.
Personal or personal zone (45-120 cm) for everyday
conversations with friends and colleagues only involve
visual eye contact.
The social zone (120-400 cm) is usually observed in
time of official meetings, as a rule, with those who are not
they know very much.
The public area (more than 400 cm) implies communication with
large group of people - for example, in a lecture hall

10. The richest “alphabet” of gestures can be divided into six groups:

Gesture illustrators
Gesture controls
Gesture adapters

11. Factors that interfere with correctly perceiving and evaluating other people

Presence of predetermined attitudes, assessments, beliefs
Presence of already formed stereotypes
The desire to make a premature conclusion about
personality of the person being assessed
"halo" effect
Projection effect
The "primacy" effect
Lack of desire and habit to listen to
other people's opinions
The "latest information" effect

12. Feedback in communication is a message addressed to another person about how I perceive him, what I feel in connection with our relationship

Feedback in communication is
message addressed to another
to the person, about how I him
I perceive what I feel in connection
with our relationship, what
it gives me feelings

13. Feedback rules

Talk about what the person specifically does,
when his actions cause you certain feelings.
If you talk about what you don't like about this
person, try to mainly celebrate what he was able to do
I would like to change something about myself if I wanted to.
Don't give ratings. Remember: feedback is not
information about what this or that is
person, this is mostly information about you in connection with
this person, with how you perceive this
person, what is pleasant to you and what is unpleasant to you.


Ways of interaction,
characteristic of
nonviolent communication
- request,
- explanation,
- call for cooperation,
- praise, kind word,
- encouragement,
- approval,
- personal example,
- agreement,
- drawing up an oral agreement,
- mutual respect,
- communication as equals,
- creating a creative atmosphere,
- humor (not irony!),
- Team work,
- informal atmosphere,
- financial incentives,
- providing freedom of choice,
- creating a situation of success,
- affectionate touch,
- demonstration of positive aspects
Ways of interaction,
characteristic of
forced communication
- scream, threat,
- order,
- coercion, pressure,
- unconstructive criticism,
- accusation,
- labeling,
- comparison,
- blackmail,
- physical punishment,
- humiliation,
- authoritarianism,
- distrust,
- ridicule, irony,
- ignoring,
- House arrest,
- financial punishment,
- ban,
- excessive demands,
- insult,
- discussion in front of everyone

15. Mental forms of violence

rejection, constant criticism of the child,
verbal threats,
offensive remarks,
deliberate physical and social isolation,
lies, adults not keeping their promises,
neglect of the child's needs (lack of care and
child care).

16. Reasons for teachers using violent methods of interaction

emotional burnout,
emotional instability,
pedagogical illiteracy, incompetence,
personal antipathy
reluctance to use non-violent methods of communication,
lack of time,
increased conflict personality of the teacher,
teacher hyperactivity,
deliberate use of violent means of communication in
educational purposes,
communication style,
teacher problems (financial, personal life),
increased conflict in the child,
child hyperactivity,
personal problems of the child,
the child understands only violent methods,
extreme situations,
the action of protective mechanisms of the psyche.

17. Defense mechanisms of the psyche

Description of the action of the protective mechanism of the psyche.
A person attributes his negative traits
projects (shifts) his problems.
to another,
crowding out
The psyche displaces grievances, shame, guilt, and negative aspects.
A person forgets what he doesn’t like.
Regression is characterized by withdrawal into regressive behavior, such
in this way the psyche protects itself from overload.
Substitution develops when a person holds back an emotion
anger at someone who is higher in status. As a result, the lack
the opportunity to respond to a status offender leads to a breakdown of anger
on people who are more vulnerable. This may lead to
a child who is offended and who endures it replaces it with
that he begins to beat and offend the younger ones, animals, and when
grows up and becomes an offender himself.


The psyche does not perceive negative, painful
information, protecting yourself from failure.
For example, a person denies that he is sick; doesn't perceive
death of a loved one.
What is denied interferes with the stable functioning of the human psyche.
Not to be confused with slyness!
Compensation is characterized by the replacement of losses, lack of
development of one sphere with rapid development in another, one that
more capable of filling.
For example, if a person fails to achieve in one area
success (in his personal life), he is actively developing in another area (to
for example, in professional).
Overcompensation is characterized by the replacement of losses, shortcomings,
complexes in pursuit of rapid development in an area that
requires strong effort, will and courage. Human
works to achieve success and achieves it in those areas
which are difficult for him.
The action of the hypercompensatory mechanism is aimed at
achieving the development of self-esteem, growth of self-esteem.
For example, a disabled person without legs masterfully performs complex tricks,
which are difficult even for a healthy person.
Rationalization is characterized by a logically clear arrangement
explanations for past failures and shocks. This is the psyche
protects itself from failure.
For example, a person unconsciously finds an excuse for his
failures, rationalizes what has happened. Support is the basis for building self-confidence in
your pupils.
Support is understood as a sign of attention provided
a person in a situation where he is objectively unsuccessful,
made in the form of a direct speech statement and
relating to the area in which he currently has
difficulties. Support excludes comparison with anyone,
except yourself.
To provide support, thus defining
unconditional acceptance of another becomes unimportant
become his results, grades at school, external beauty
and something else for which we usually praise other people.

20. Listening is not silence, but a more complex, active process, during which invisible connections between people are somehow established

Listening is not silence, but
the process is more complex
active, during which
invisible ones are installed
connections between people arise
that feeling of mutual understanding,
which makes it effective
any communication.

21. The type of listening in which the reflection of information comes to the fore is called active listening. Active listening involves: - Zain

A type of hearing that focuses on
reflection of information is called
active listening.
Active listening involves:
- An interested attitude towards the interlocutor.
- Clarifying questions.
- Paraphrase like: “Did I understand correctly that...?”
(with a question mark at the end of the phrase).
- Getting an answer to your question (this could be:
“Yes”, “No, wrong”, “Not really, I mean
I see...").

22. Rules for Empathic Listening

You need to tune in to listen
In your reaction to your partner’s words, you must
reflect the experience, feeling, emotion behind it
Need to pause
It must be remembered that empathic listening is not
interpretation of his hidden motives from the interlocutor
In cases where a teenager is excited, it is quite simple
support the teenager with interjections and short phrases
like “Yes, yes”, “Uh-huh”, nod your head or repeat it
last words (“echo reaction”)
It makes sense to use the empathic listening technique
only when the teenager himself wants to share
some experiences

23. In a tense situation, when you have strong feelings, but you don’t like them and you have difficulty expressing them, the most p.

In a tense situation when you
you have strong feelings, but they
don't like you and you have
difficulties in expressing them,
the easiest way to solve this
the problem is to understand your feelings and
call them to your partner. This one
way of self-expression is called

24. I-statement is:

A way of verbally expressing feelings
arising in tense situations.
A constructive alternative to the You-statement,
which is traditionally used in conflicts
through the expression of a negative assessment towards
another, while taking responsibility for the situation
is transferred to this other.
A way to identify a problem for yourself and at the same time
awareness of one's own responsibility for it

25. I-statement scheme

1. Description of the situation that caused the tension:
When I see that you...
When this happens...
When I am faced with...
2. Exactly name your feeling in this situation:
I feel... (irritation, helplessness, bitterness, pain,
bewilderment, etc.).
I don't know how to react...
I have a problem...
3. Statement of reasons:
Due to the fact that…
Man is a social being, his life and development are impossible without communication and interaction with people. Social psychology studies how people communicate and interact with each other, what they think about each other, how they influence and treat each other, and how social conditions influence people's behavior.
To structure the numerous results of research on interpersonal interaction, a systematic approach is used, the elements of which are the subject, the object and the process of interpersonal interaction.
In terms of content, three main tasks of interpersonal interaction are considered: interpersonal perception and understanding of a person, the formation of interpersonal relationships and the provision of psychological influence.
The effectiveness of perception is associated with socio-psychological observation - a personality trait that allows it to capture subtle, but essential for his understanding, features in a person’s behavior.
The characteristics of the perceiver depend on gender, age, nationality, temperament, state of health, attitudes, communication experience, professional and personal characteristics, etc. Women, compared to men, more accurately identify emotional states and interpersonal relationships of people. With age, emotional states are more easily differentiated. A person perceives the world around him through the prism of his national way of life. Those people who have a higher level of social intelligence are more successful in identifying various mental states and interpersonal relationships.
The object of knowledge is both the physical and social appearance of a person. During perception, the initial physical appearance is recorded, which includes anatomical, physiological, functional and paralinguistic characteristics. Clear emotions are easy to differentiate, but mixed and weakly expressed mental states are much more difficult to recognize.
Social appearance presupposes the social design of appearance, speech, extralinguistic, proxemic and activity characteristics. Social appearance includes a person’s clothing, shoes, jewelry and other accessories. Proxemic features of communication refer to the distance between the communicators and their relative position. Extralinguistic features of speech presuppose the originality of the voice, timbre, pitch, etc. When perceiving a person, social characteristics, compared to physical appearance, are the most informative.
The process of human cognition includes mechanisms that distort ideas about what is perceived, mechanisms of interpersonal cognition, feedback from the object and the conditions in which perception occurs. Mechanisms that distort the emerging image of what is perceived limit the possibility of objective knowledge of people. The most significant of them are: the mechanism of primacy, or novelty; projection mechanism; mechanism of stereotyping; mechanism of ethnocentrism.
To perceive a person and understand him, the subject unconsciously chooses various mechanisms of interpersonal cognition. The main mechanism is the interpretation (correlation) of personal experience of knowing people in general with the perception of a given person. The identification mechanism in interpersonal cognition represents the identification of oneself with another person. The subject also uses the mechanism of causal attribution (attributing to the perceived certain motives and reasons that explain his actions and other characteristics). The mechanism of reflection of another person in interpersonal cognition includes the subject’s awareness of how he is perceived by the object. In interpersonal perception and understanding of an object, there is a fairly strict order of functioning of the mechanisms of interpersonal cognition.
In the course of interpersonal cognition, the subject takes into account information coming to him through various sensory channels, indicating a change in the state of the communication partner. Feedback from the object of perception performs an informative and corrective function for the subject in the process of perceiving the object.
The conditions for the perception of a person by a person include situations, time and place of communication. Reducing the time when perceiving an object reduces the ability of the perceiver to obtain sufficient information about it. With prolonged and close contact, evaluators begin to show condescension and favoritism.

Functions and structure of communication.
Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; social relationships between people are realized in communication.
There are three interconnected sides in communication: the communicative side of communication consists of the exchange of information between people; the interactive side consists of organizing interaction between people, for example, you need to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor; the perceptual side of communication includes the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.
The communication procedure includes the following stages:
1. The need for communication (it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) – encourages a person to come into contact with other people.
2. Orientation for communication purposes, in a communication situation.
3. Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.
4. Planning the content of your message - a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what exactly he will say.
5. Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, phrases that he will use, decides how to speak, how to behave.
6. Perception and assessment of the interlocutor’s response, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on establishing feedback.
7. Adjustment of direction, style, communication methods.
If any of the links in the act of communication is broken, then the speaker will not be able to achieve the expected results of communication - it will turn out to be ineffective. These skills are called “social intelligence”, “practical-psychological intelligence”, “communicative competence”, “communication skills”.
Communication is the process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding. To ensure the success of communication, you need to have feedback on how people understood you, how they perceive you, and how they relate to the problem.
Communicative competence is the ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with other people. Effective communication is characterized by: achieving mutual understanding between partners, a better understanding of the situation and the subject of communication. Communicative competence is considered as a system of internal resources necessary for building effective communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction.

Psychology of human interaction.
As a cell of analysis of social psychology, the situation of interaction between two or more people is considered.
Interaction is the action of individuals directed towards each other. Such an action can be considered as a set of methods used by a person to achieve certain goals - solving practical problems or realizing values.
Social life arises and develops due to the presence of dependencies between people, which creates the preconditions for the interaction of people with each other. People interact because they depend on each other. Social connection is the dependence of people, realized through social action, carried out with a focus on other people, with the expectation of a corresponding response from the partner. In social communication we can distinguish:
- subjects of communication (two people or thousands of people);
- subject of communication (what the communication is about);
- mechanism for regulating relationships.
Termination of communication can occur when the subject of communication changes or is lost, or when the participants in the communication disagree with the principles of its regulation. A social connection can act in the form of social contact (the connection between people is superficial, fleeting, the contact partner can easily be replaced by another person) and in the form of interaction (systematic, regular actions of partners aimed at each other, with the goal of causing a very specific response from side of the partner, and the response generates a new reaction of the influencer). Social relations are a stable system of interaction between partners, which has a self-renewing character.

Interpersonal relationships.
The lifelong dependence of people on each other places the problem of human relationships at the very core of human existence. People have a strong need for affiliation: to enter into long-term, close relationships with other people that guarantee positive experiences and results.
This need, being determined by biological and social reasons, contributes to human survival:
- our ancestors were bound by a mutual guarantee that ensured group survival (both in hunting and in the construction of houses, ten hands are better than one);
- social connection between children and the adults raising them mutually increases their vitality;
- having found a soul mate - a person who supports us and whom we can trust, we feel happy, protected, resilient;
- having lost a soul mate, adults feel jealousy, loneliness, despair, pain, anger, isolation, and deprivation.
Man is truly a public, social being, living in conditions of interaction and communication with people.
Various forms of interpersonal interaction can be distinguished: affection, friendship, love, competition, care, pastime, surgery, play, social influence, submission, conflicts, ritual interaction, etc. Various forms of human interaction are characterized by specific positions.
Ritual interaction is one of the common forms of interaction, which is built according to certain rules, symbolically expressing real social relations and the status of a person in a group and society. Ritual acts as a special form of interaction, invented by people to satisfy the need for recognition. Ritual interaction comes from the “parent-Parent” position. Ritual reveals the values ​​of the group; people express through ritual what touches them most, what constitutes their social value orientations.
Ritual actions are important for ensuring continuity between different generations in a particular organization, for maintaining traditions and passing on accumulated experience through symbols. Ritual interaction is both a kind of holiday that has a deep emotional impact on people, and a powerful means of maintaining stability, strength, continuity of social ties, a mechanism for uniting people, increasing their solidarity. Rituals, rituals, and customs are capable of being imprinted on the subconscious level of people, ensuring the deep penetration of certain values ​​into group and individual consciousness, into ancestral and personal memory.
Ritual is a rigidly fixed sequence of transactions, with transactions being made from the Parent position and facing the Parent position, allowing people to feel recognized. If a person’s need is not fulfilled, then aggressive behavior begins to develop. The ritual is precisely designed to remove this aggression, to satisfy the need for recognition at least at a minimum level.
In the next type of interaction – operations – the transaction is carried out from the “Adult-Adult” position. We encounter operations every day: these are, first of all, interactions at work, school, as well as cooking, apartment renovation, etc. Having successfully completed an operation, a person confirms his competence and receives confirmation from others.
Labor interaction, distribution and performance of professional and family functions, skillful and effective implementation of these responsibilities - these are the operations that fill life.
Competition is a form of social interaction in which there is a clearly defined goal that must be achieved, all the actions of different people are correlated with each other taking into account this goal in such a way that they do not come into conflict; at the same time, the person himself does not come into conflict with himself, adhering to the attitude of another team player, but nevertheless, the person has an inherent desire to achieve better results than other team members. Since a person accepts the attitudes of other people and allows this attitude of others to determine what he will do in the next moment, taking into account some common goal, since he becomes an organic member of his group, society, accepting the morality of this society and becoming a significant member of it.
In a number of cases, a person, being with other people in the same room and performing seemingly joint activities, mentally remains in a completely different place, mentally talks with imaginary interlocutors, dreams about his own - such a specific interaction is called leaving. Caregiving is a fairly common and natural form of interaction, but it is still more often resorted to by people with problems in the area of ​​interpersonal needs. If a person has no other forms of interaction left except care, then this is pathology-psychosis.
The next type of approved fixed interactions is pastime that provides at least a minimum of pleasant sensations, signs of attention, “stroking” between interacting people. Pastime is a fixed form of transactions designed to satisfy people's need for recognition. During such pastimes, partners and the prospects for developing relationships with them are assessed.
Sustainable interaction between people can be determined by the emergence of mutual sympathy - attraction. Close relationships that provide friendly support and feeling are associated with feelings of happiness. Studies have shown that close, positive relationships improve health and reduce the likelihood of premature death.
If two or more people have a lot in common, a factor of intimacy is formed; if their connections improve, they do nice things for each other, sympathy is formed; if they see merit in each other, recognize the right for themselves and others to be who they are, respect is formed. Forms of interaction such as friendship and love satisfy people's need for acceptance. Friendship and love are superficially similar to pastime, but there is always a clearly fixed partner for whom sympathy is felt. Friendship includes the factor of sympathy and respect; love differs from friendship by its enhanced sexual component.
A game is a distorted way of interaction, because all a person’s interpersonal needs are transformed into one - the need for control, and then the person resorts to force if he wants recognition, resorts to force if he wants acceptance. Regardless of the type of need and life situation, the game offers only a forceful solution. Games are a stereotypical series of interactions leading to a predetermined predetermined result; they are a series of manipulations that are designed to change the behavior of another person in the direction desired by the initiator of transactions, without taking into account the desires of this other person. Games, unlike all other types of interactions, are dishonest interactions because they include traps, tricks, and paybacks.
Games differ from other ways of structuring time in two ways: 1) ulterior motives, 2) the presence of winnings.
Social influence occurs if, as a result of interaction, a person’s repeated response to a certain problem is more similar to the answer of another person than to his own initial response, i.e. One person's behavior becomes similar to the behavior of other people.
In connection with the problem of social influence, one should distinguish between conformity and suggestibility. Conformity is a person’s exposure to group pressure, a change in his behavior under the influence of other people, a person’s conscious compliance with the opinion of the majority of the group in order to avoid conflict with it. Suggestibility, or suggestion, is a person’s involuntary compliance with the opinions of other individuals or a group.
A common form of social influence is obedience, submission to authority, and a person’s exposure to the influence of a person with a higher social status. Such an internal position of a person leads to uncritical, unconditional submission to the authority of persons with a higher social status; even the instructions of these “high-ranking persons” contradict the requirements of the law, morality, and even the very views and attitudes of a particular person.

Group interaction.
One of the general forms of social interaction is a social group in which the behavior and social status of each member is to a significant extent determined by the activities and existence of other members.
The interdependence of the parties in the interaction process may be equal, or one of the parties may have a stronger influence on the other - therefore, one- and two-way interaction can be distinguished. Interaction can cover both all spheres of human life (total interaction), and only one specific form or “sector” of activity. In independent sectors, people may not have any influence on each other.
The intensity of interaction characterizes the degree of dependence of life activity on relationships: it can fluctuate from maximum to minimum values. The more extensive or intense the sectors of interaction, the more dependent the life, behavior, and psychology of the interacting parties are.
The beginning of any interaction is the emergence of influence of one side on the behavior and psychology of the other. Interaction continues as long as this influence exists, and it does not matter whether individuals meet or not. Only when the memory itself or the thought of the existence of one side ceases to influence the behavior or psychology of the other, only when the process can be considered complete.
The direction of the relationship can be solidary, antagonistic or mixed. In solidary interaction, the aspirations and efforts of the parties coincide. If the desires and efforts of the parties are in conflict, then this is an antagonistic form of interaction; if they coincide only partially, this is a mixed type of direction of interaction.
We can distinguish organized and unorganized interactions: interaction is organized if the relations of the parties and their actions have developed into a certain structure of rights, duties, functions and are based on a certain system of values.
Unorganized interactions are when relationships and values ​​are in an amorphous state, therefore rights, responsibilities, functions, and social positions are not defined.
The following types of social interaction are distinguished: an organized-antagonistic system of interaction based on coercion; an organized and solidary system of interaction based on voluntary membership; organized-mixed, solidary-antagonistic system. Which is partly controlled by coercion, and partly by voluntary support of an established system of relationships and values. Most organized social-interactive systems from family to church and state belong to the organized-mixed type. They can also be disorganized and antagonistic; unorganized-solidarity; unorganized-mixed type of interactions.
In long-existing organized groups, three types of relationships are distinguished: family type (interactions are total, extensive, intense, solidary in direction and long-lasting, characterized by internal unity of group members), contractual type (time-limited action of the parties interacting within the framework of the contractual sector, solidarity of relations selfish and aimed at obtaining mutual benefit, pleasure, or even getting “as much as possible for less”, while the other party is considered not as an ally, but as a kind of “tool” that can provide a service, bring profit, etc.) ; coercive type (antagonism of relationships, various forms of coercion: psychological coercion, economic, physical, ideological, military).
The transition from one type to another can occur smoothly and unpredictably. Mixed types of social interactions are often observed - partly contractual, familial, forced.
Social interactions act as sociocultural: three processes occur simultaneously: the interaction of norms, values, standards contained in the consciousness of an individual and a group; interaction of specific people and groups; interaction of materialized values ​​of social life.
Depending on the unifying values, the following groups can be distinguished6
- “one-sided” groups built on one set of core values;
- “multilateral” groups built around a combination of several sets of values: family, community, nation, social class.
So, a group is presented as a collection of people who interact with each other in a certain way, are aware of their belonging to this group and are perceived by its members from the point of view of other people. The group has its own identity from the point of view of outsiders.
Primary groups consist of a small number of people between whom stable emotional relationships are established, personal relationships based on their individual characteristics. Secondary groups are formed from people between whom there are almost no emotional relationships, their interaction is determined by the desire to achieve certain goals, their social roles, business relationships and methods of communication are clearly defined. In critical and emergency situations, people give preference to the primary group and show devotion to the members of the primary group.
People join groups for a number of reasons:
the group acts as a means of biological survival;
as a means of socialization and formation of the human psyche;
as a way to perform certain work that cannot be done by one person;
as a means of satisfying a person’s need for communication, for an affectionate and friendly attitude towards oneself, for receiving social approval, respect, recognition, trust;
as a means of reducing unpleasant feelings of fear and anxiety;
as a means of information, material and other exchange.
Communication and interaction of people occurs in various groups. A group is a collection of elements that have something in common.
There are several types of groups: 1) conditional and real; 2) permanent and temporary; 3) large and small. Conventional groups of people are united according to a certain criterion (gender, age, profession, etc.). real individuals included in such a group do not have direct interpersonal relationships, may not know anything about each other, and may never even meet each other.
Real groups of people that actually exist as communities in a certain space and time are characterized by the fact that its members are connected by objective relationships. Real human ones differ in size, external and internal organization, purpose and social significance. A contact group brings together people who have common goals and interests in one or another area of ​​life and activity. A small group is a fairly stable association of people connected by mutual contacts.
A small group is a small group of people (from three to fifteen people) who are united by a common social activity, are in direct communication, contribute to the emergence of emotional relationships, the development of group norms and the development of group processes.
When there are a large number of people, the group is usually divided into subgroups. Distinctive features of a small group: spatial and temporal co-presence of people. This co-presence of people enables contacts that include interactive, informational, perceptual aspects of communication and interaction. Perceptual aspects allow a person to perceive the individuality of all other people in a group; and only in this case can we talk about a small group.
I – Interaction is the activity of everyone, it is both a stimulus and a reaction to everyone else.
II – The presence of a constant goal of joint activity.
The implementation of a common goal as a certain anticipated result of any activity contributes in a sense to the realization of the needs of everyone and at the same time corresponds to common needs. The goal as a prototype of the result and the initial moment of joint activity determines the dynamics of the functioning of a small group. Three types of goals can be distinguished:
short-term prospects, goals that are quickly realized in time and express the needs of this group;
secondary goals are longer in time and lead the group to the interests of the secondary team (the interests of the enterprise or the school as a whole);
long-term perspectives unite the primary group with the problems of functioning of the social whole. The socially valuable content of joint activities should become personally significant for each member of the group. What is important is not so much the objective goal of the group as its image, i.e. how it is perceived by group members. Goals and characteristics of joint activities cement the group into one whole and determine the external formal-target structure of the group.
III. The presence of an organizing principle in the group. It may be personified in any of the group members (in the leader, manager), or maybe not, but this does not mean that there is no organizing principle. It’s just that in this case the leadership function is distributed among group members and leadership is situationally specific in nature (in a certain situation, a person who is more advanced in a given area than others takes on the functions of a leader).

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society. Social relationships between people are realized in communication. p Sociability p Sociability p Communication p Communicative competence

Functions of communication: p p p p contact - establishing contact; informational - exchange of messages (information, opinions, decisions, plans, states); incentive - stimulating the activity of a communication partner, which directs him to perform certain actions; coordination - mutual orientation and coordination of actions to organize joint activities; understanding - not only adequate perception and understanding of the essence of the message, but also the partners’ understanding of each other; emotive - inducing the necessary emotional experiences and states from a communication partner, changing one’s own experiences and states with his help; establishing relationships - awareness and fixation of one’s place in the system of role, business, interpersonal and other connections; implementation of influence - a change in the state, behavior, personal and meaningful formations of the partner (aspirations, opinions, decisions, actions, activity needs, norms and standards of behavior, etc.).

The communicative aspect of communication consists of any type of exchange of information between interacting individuals. The structure of the communication process can be represented by the following elements: p a) communicator - a subject transmitting information; p b) communicator - a subject who receives information and interprets it; p c) communicative field - the situation as a whole in which information can be transmitted; p d) information itself; p e) communication channels - means of transmitting information (verbal and non-verbal).

Nonverbal communication p p p kinetics (expressive movements, including gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, gait); paralinguistics (system of vocalization of the voice, pauses, coughing, etc.); takeshika (handshake, pat on the back or shoulder, touching, kissing). visual contact (direction of gaze, its duration, frequency of contact). proxemics (norms for organizing space (orientation, distance, placement at the table) and time in communication);

Zones (distances) in human contact: p p Intimate zone (15 -45 cm), only close, well-known people are allowed into this zone, this zone is characterized by trust, a quiet voice in communication, tactful contact, touch. A personal or personal zone (45 -120 cm) for casual conversation with friends and colleagues involves only visual contact between partners maintaining a conversation. The social zone (120 -400 cm) is usually observed during official meetings in offices, teaching and other office premises, as a rule, with those who are not well known. The public zone (over 400 cm) implies communication with a large group of people - in a lecture hall, at a rally, etc.

The interactive aspect of communication (interaction) is the organization of interaction between those communicating. There are different types of interaction: - cooperation and competition, - coordinated interaction and conflict, - “helping behavior” (designed to help another) and behavior that “shatters” joint activity.

Methods of influence p p Infection is an unconscious, involuntary exposure of an individual to certain mental states. The higher the level of development of an individual or group, the less susceptible they are to the infection mechanism. Suggestion is the purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another or on a group. This is a method of manipulative influence on a person. Persuasion is based on using logical justification to achieve consent from the person receiving the information. Imitation is the reproduction by an individual of the traits and patterns of demonstrated behavior of an authoritative, significant person. As a result of imitation, group norms and values ​​emerge.

The perceptual aspect of communication means the process of perceiving a friend by communication partners and establishing relationships and mutual understanding on this basis. The main mechanisms of mutual understanding in the process of communication are: p p p Identification is the mental process of assimilating oneself to a communication partner in order to cognize and understand thoughts and ideas. Empathy is the mental process of likening oneself to another person, but with the goal of “understanding” the experiences and feelings of the person being known. Reflection is an individual’s understanding of how he is perceived and understood by his communication partner

Stereotyping is the classification of forms of behavior and the explanation of their causes by attributing them to already known phenomena. p p p Anthropological stereotypes - assessment of the internal, psychological qualities of a person, assessment of his personality depends on the characteristics of his physical appearance Ethnonational stereotypes - assessment of a person is mediated by his belonging to a particular race, nation, ethnic group Social status stereotypes - assessment of personality depends on his social status Social -role stereotypes - assessment of personal qualities from his social role Expressive-aesthetic stereotypes - assessment of personality depends on the external attractiveness of a person Verbal-behavioral stereotypes are also associated with the dependence of personality assessment on external characteristics (expressive features, features of speech, facial expressions, pantomime, etc. .)

Types of communication: p p p p p Communication at the level of “mask” contact. By “mask” we mean a certain standard set of gestures, facial expressions, words, intonations. Primitive level of communication. A person is assessed from the point of view of need or uselessness, usefulness or uselessness, etc. Manipulative level of communication. Involves receiving benefits from the interlocutor. Formal-role level of communication. At this level of communication, each participant acts strictly in accordance with his social role and position. Secular level of communication. This level of communication is characterized by surface and pointlessness. People exchange phrases, words, exclamations, signs of attention in strict accordance with the generally accepted rules of a given society Business (professional) level of communication - conversation in the interests of business Creatively active level of communication. Open, trusting style of communication, productive exchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions, judgments, developments. Friendly level of communication. Characterized by maximum openness, sincerity, trust, emotional empathy, sympathy, as well as readiness for mutual support and assistance. Confidential level of communication. This level of maximum openness and intimacy between people requires the utmost sincerity and trust in each other. People are connected by common high moral goals and humanistic ideals

Communication is a special type of human interaction. In a motley kaleidoscope of various interaction characteristics (informative, communicative, verbal, productive, business and others), which differ in content or means of interaction, communication is distinguished based on the nature of the connection between the two partners:

First, these partners can only be subjects. Communication is the interaction of two subjects. Despite this, we cannot talk about communication as a “subject-subject connection.” The fact is that each of the subjects acts as an object for the other partner due to the fact that each of them has a body, external characteristics of body movements that carry the features of movements of the hidden inner world. The connection in communication is still “subject - object - subjective”, because each partner perceives the other partner through quite tangible external manifestations. If he doesn't do this, the connection is destroyed.

Secondly, the connection between these subjects is carried out by broadcasting their personal “I” to another subject. Communication is the mutual transmission of the “I” of subjects. The channels of such broadcasting are visual, verbal, tactile, object-active. One of these channels dominates, due to the uniqueness of age, individuality, and situation. For example, kids build their communication, first of all, through the objective-action channel. The tactile channel is chosen by lovers. The visual channel dominates among spouses who understand each other perfectly. More girls than boys use the verbal channel.

Thirdly, we are talking about the transfer of the internal spiritual content of these two subjects. Communication is the mutual disclosure by subjects of their spiritual world. Opening your autonomous world to another is not easy, it requires effort and skill: something is always hidden and cannot be exposed to another person.

Sometimes any interaction between two subjects is called communication. However, the very fact of the existence of two concepts instead of one suggests that there is a fundamental difference in the phenomena denoted by different words.

Communication- this is the interaction of two subjects, during which there is a mutual translation of the “I” participating in the interaction of the subjects.

It is the broadcasting of such a plan that creates something “common” between subjects, which allows us to call interaction as “communication.” To communicate means to reveal your personal “I” to another person, subject to the same act on the part of the partner, the mutual acquisition of what has become “common” for the subjects.

A parishioner who reveals his soul in confession does not participate in the process of communication. Individuals of the animal world do not create the process of communication, although subtle forms of interaction are recorded in their world. A mentally ill person who has lost his mind is not capable of communication. The baby does not immediately or quickly acquire such an ability. But we have to admit that in the world of adults we often meet people who have not had time to develop the ability to communicate.

Nature has made sure that man can interact with the world around him, endowing him with a sensory and reflex system. Communication is born in the conditions of social life. It is learned and cultivated by man in the socio-historical process of human existence on earth.

Once again, we invite readers to consider the interaction between a girl named Masha and a dog (see photo No. 1). I would like to say that this is a picture of communication between two very cute... - but you can’t call a dog a subject, so what we see has only the qualification of interaction - nothing more.

Of course, Masha probably says something, and Masha probably thinks that the dog is answering. But Masha - if she communicates - communicates with her own reflection, endowing the dog with her feelings.

For a teacher, the complexity of the issue has three sides. First: any outlet for communication is fraught with psychological difficulties, because the inner world is autonomous, closed from others, and its discovery itself occurs through physical and mental efforts. Speaking about the imperfections of psychology, the famous American researcher Kurt Lewin emphasizes: “A teacher will never be able to properly guide a child if he does not learn to understand the psychological world in which this individual child lives.” ( FOOTNOTE: Kurt Lewin. Field theory in social sciences. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 83.)

Second: children’s experience of communication is still limited and limited to familiar situations of everyday life, but at school the child finds himself in a public environment and in front of the public must skillfully express his personal world. Third: the low culture of communication characteristic of a society during a period of collapse, or the lack of communication in the child’s microenvironment, does not at all give the child the experience of communication.

Overcoming these difficulties is entirely the responsibility of education.

Pedagogical communication- this is the communication of a teacher with children, during which the teacher promotes the ascent of children to the level of communicative culture “person - person”, teaching children to perceive the Other and open their inner world to the Other.

The primary function of pedagogical communication is “opening to communication.” It carries out the moment of overcoming the closedness of the inner world of the “I” of one subject in front of another “I”.

This function is operationally provided as follows:

§ the teacher puts on a “dress of goodwill” when addressing the children or one child with whom they will communicate;

§ the teacher takes an open position without “locking” his arms and legs, that is, does not cross his arms on his chest, does not cross his legs and does not hold any object in his hands, as if hiding behind it; his palms are open and turned towards the children;

§ the teacher does not allow threatening poses such as “lion before jumping” (support with both hands on the table, leaning forward), “militant rooster” (hands behind the back), “policeman” (hands in trouser pockets, fingers pointed at the partner) and does not hold in the hands of a sharp object aimed at children like a pistol (pen, pointer, pencil, ruler);

§ the teacher pronounces a certain form of address to the children, carefully thinking through the nature of such an address in accordance with the given circumstances (“children” - on the sports ground, by the fire, while cleaning the classroom, drinking tea or preparing lunch; “ladies and gentlemen”, “sirs and madams", "young thinkers" - during academic studies; "dear friends" - during a conversation or discussion about the problems of life, etc.);

§ the teacher provides “positive reinforcement” to the children verbally or facially, carrying out an important psychological effect of “raising the communication partner on a pedestal”;

§ and at the first moment of communication, the teacher must pronounce the “I-message”, which is nothing more than the discovery of one’s own inner world for the communication partner.

Let us give an illustration of what has been said from school educational practice:

Dear thinkers, hello! I'm glad to see your smart and kind faces. I ask you to sit down. We have some very interesting work ahead of us. I’m even a little worried: will we be able to do everything well, so that our souls will rejoice at the result of our work... - the geography teacher addresses the students at the beginning of the lesson.

Here an appeal was made, “positive reinforcement” was performed, the teacher opened his “I”, going to the “I-message” operation.

Let us dwell on the last operation, it plays a special role, it is universal, serves all functions of communication and forms a kind of basis for the true broadcast of the personal “I”.

"I-message" ( FOOTNOTE: Identified, substantiated and developed by psychologist J. Gippenreiter) - the announcement of one’s well-being, state or thoughts about what is happening or a fact that has happened as a certain phenomenon of life. The teacher rises above a specific real case, sees in it a general phenomenon of human life and informs the partner about his attitude to the phenomenon (not a fact!). Such elevation promotes the socialization of the child, who along the way learns how people in the society where he lives relate to what he has done. The teacher emphasizes generality with the words “I always...”, “I always...”, “I always...”. For example: “It always hurts me when I see how a person is offended...” or “I always feel good when meeting smart people.”

This is what this operation looks like in everyday life in combination with an appeal to a partner. The young teacher says:

The children loudly shouted over each other and randomly expressed complaints, indignation and indignation about some incident, the essence of which I could not grasp. Then I said: “Dear sirs and madams! I beg you very much not to make noise. It’s always so unpleasant for me when people don’t want to respect each other and shout to be heard.” There was silence. Their gazes were fixed on me. They became serious. Some began to carefully raise their hand, asking to speak..." ( FOOTNOTE: Narrated by Yulia Oleinikova, a student of the psychological and pedagogical faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin).

The next function of pedagogical communication is “complicity with the communication partner.” Its implementation means significant, unnoticeable assistance to the partner in communication. When it comes to children or an individual child, this function is of great importance, because children are just mastering the art of communication, and, not being able to communicate, they often gain negative experience. If we take into account that adults usually forgive a small child, and sometimes even a teenager, for his erroneous ways of communicating, then this acquisition of negative experience, moreover, continues for quite a long time, taking root deeper and deeper. The central place of the “participation” function is undoubtedly due to its influence on the child’s practical experience.

Let’s imagine a series of operations that covertly facilitate children’s learning of methods of communication through “participation”: the teacher creates conditions for the active expression of “I”, initiates activity, quietly adjusting the forms of such expression. Here is the operational support for the specified function:

§ “a question in connection with the circumstances,” which is very easy to pose if you look at everything that is around, or if you take into account the content of the joint activity ahead of the teacher and children; operation paradigm - “I wonder who is here...”, “I’m curious how this is...”, “I would like to know why it’s like this here...”; Let us note in passing that this operation also helps adults very well, who have gathered together for free communication, but do not know how to establish a friendly conversation;

§ “question about activity” - is posed after the “question about circumstances”, its content is determined by what exactly is happening “here and now” and what actions the communication partner performs; the paradigm is: “Do you come here often?”, “Do you like doing this?”, “You probably do it easily?”; It is not difficult for any person to talk about what he is doing now, so he is usually happy with such a question, which allows him to enter into communication;

§ the “question about interests” well supports the child’s activity, because he is pleased to talk about what he knows well and where he can show himself worthily; the paradigm of the operation is simple - “You love... plus a verb (play..., read.., play sports, do housework...)”; You can’t rush this question; it’s better to ask it after the previous two;

§ “attachment” is a beautiful and pedagogically elegant operation; it is produced quite simply through the paradigm “I too...” or “Me too...” or “Me too...”; the teacher seems to stand next to the child in the spiritual space and informs him that he is not alone in his manifestation, that his manifestation in the world takes place, and therefore is accepted by people as worthy for a person, which means the child has support; Let’s say the teacher says: “I’m also a little afraid when...” or “I agree with you, I also think that...”

§ “offer of help” in all options created by culture; her paradigms are as follows: a) “Let me help!” b) “Let me help you!” c) “I would like to help you...” d) “I would be happy to do this”; if you follow the “measure of supply”, then it decreases from the first to the fourth paradigm - this is the hidden meaning of their existence: to provide help only on the condition that a person wants this help, and in no case do this without his knowledge and desire;

§ “offer to express an opinion” - an operation that requires special careful intonation instrumentation, so that children are not afraid of the freedom provided; the paradigm “Say what you think about this” must be pronounced softly, invitingly, invitingly and without any “teacher’s” pressure”; there is no need to be afraid of a pause, children should learn to overcome their fear, they will definitely express their opinion if they are sure that no one will ridicule them;

§ “recognition of personal preferences or weaknesses” - a necessary operation to strengthen the spiritual strength of the child, which consists in openly admitting some inability, any mistakes or weaknesses that the teacher has made or is making in life; the paradigm “And I...” emphasizes that in this matter the child is slightly higher than the teacher (“And I, unfortunately, am afraid of the computer...”);

§ “an ideological question” is raised during the development of communication, when the teacher records that the children have opened up and are ready to express their “I”; The paradigm “For me, the main thing in life...” marks a high level of communication and high spiritual tension of the personality of both partners.

The listed series also includes general operations, such as “positive reinforcement” and “I-message”: the first encourages the child, giving him confidence, thereby making it easier for him to communicate; the second outlines the possible content of communication in connection with what was expressed by the teacher, and thereby indicates a worthy way to continue communication.

Let's look in practice at an approximate implementation of the described operations in a specific life situation. Let’s imagine a teacher addressing a child to engage him in free communication:

Does it seem cold today? Weren't you cold while getting to school?.. Is there a drawing lesson coming up?.. Do you like to draw?.. I also really like to draw. And when I was at school, I drew ships... Don’t you know how to draw ships?.. Can I show you how to do it?.. I’ve never tried paints, unfortunately... Will you show me your drawings?.. I love people generous... How do you feel about greed?.. Do you think it is difficult to be kind to everyone? -... Why do you think so?..

Here an ordinary conversation between two people is recorded: from question to question, the interlocutors deepen their knowledge of each other and the mutual transmission of their inner world to another person. Only by looking closely and listening can we identify communicative operations that promote active communication. Moreover, we, professionals, call them operations when we set ourselves the task of learning to communicate freely, easily and fruitfully.

The third function is “elevating the communication partner.” Its purpose is to increase the child’s self-esteem, to develop dignity as a socio-psychological formation of a modern person. And the content of the function is in positive pedagogical assessment and pedagogical support. Figuratively speaking, the moment of communication always puts the student “on a pedestal,” and from such a socio-psychological pedestal, as they say, “there is room to fall.” It is necessary to make sure that a person “has somewhere to fall.” (Note in parentheses: many destinies of criminals began with the fact that they “had nowhere to fall”; they never experienced a sense of self-worth, they did not have a “pedestal” from which they were afraid to fall.)

Of course, all the professional work of a teacher contributes to solving such a problem. The task of developing dignity is an integral part of the educational goal. In turn, its solution is ensured by the technological skill of the teacher, namely, the implementation of the named function in the process of influencing and communicating with the child.

This function is performed using the following operations:

§ “advancement” - proclamation of merits that the student has not yet had time to demonstrate, but the presence of which the teacher has no doubts; the paradigm of such encouragement given in advance - “You’re like that...” inspires, fills with energy, inspires confidence and - helps to strain all your strength to confirm what was said; the child makes efforts and communicates at the highest level for himself and following the methods proposed by the teacher;

§ “justification of behavior” is one of the gentle operations, consisting of helping the child cope with himself when committing unworthy actions; the paradigm “Probably (of course) you had reasons for this...” and the softer version “Probably something is preventing (preventing) you.., so you...” decisively removes the suspicion of the malicious intent of the subject of unworthy actions and affirms his dignity, despite what he has done;

§ “compensation” - when identifying the weak sides of a student’s personality, proclaim some of his dignity, which acts, firstly, as compensation for the weak side of the personality, and secondly, explains and partially justifies this weak side; the paradigm of this operation is “but he...” or “but he has...”, and at the same time the strong side of the personality is called, the dignity of it, which most likely gives rise to the weak side; Let's say, having heard that someone is reproached for being sloppy, say: “But he works wonderfully in the garden and helps his mother feed the family”;

§ “request for help” is similar to “offer of help” in the same analogous options created by culture; its paradigms are as follows: a) “Help!” and “Give!”, b) “Please help!” and “Please give!”, c) “Could you... plus the desired action”, d) “I would be happy if... plus the desired”; the meaning of the four options for asking for help is to “not ask”, not to burden a person if he cannot fulfill the request; The last two paradigms are especially important for the teacher, initiating the child’s activity and independence; Let us conditionally designate these operations as “request for help -1”, “request for help - 2”, “request for help - 3”, “request for help - 4”.

The teacher turns to the last of the proposed operations, primarily when it is necessary to assure children of their dignity, increase self-esteem, “raise them on a pedestal”, from which, as a rule, a person does not want to fall, because now “there is something to lose” .

And in this series of operations to implement the second function, two general operations are equally significant - “positive reinforcement” and “I-message”. Their option - “through a third party” - is especially effective in increasing the partner’s self-esteem: the same operations are performed, but only now they are addressed to some person present here, who is told about the partner’s merits or about the feeling that is caused by what the partner did.

For example: “How cleverly he said - don’t you think?!” - it is said in the presence of a child, but only to another person, as if the child were not there.

For example: “Very smart and kind children!” - the teacher says to the school director about his students when the director appeared in the classroom. And children hear this characteristic.

In summary, it should be noted, first of all, the unity of the identified functions, simultaneously implemented in one act of communication, in each unit of time of communication. Functions are isolated autonomously only theoretically, and in theoretical analysis operations are directly related to function. In practice, almost all operations perform all functions with varying degrees of impact. This makes it possible to make a professional assessment of the characteristics of a teacher’s communication with children in a few minutes of joint activity with them - as if we took a drop of sea water and analyzed the quality of the entire reservoir drop by drop.

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on the topic of:

« ABOUTcommunication as a form of human activityAnd»

Zaporozhye 2008

  • PLAN
      • Introduction
      • 1 Content of communication
      • 2 Purpose of communication
      • 3 Communication functions
      • 4 Forms and types of communication
      • 5 Communication structure
      • Conclusion


The interaction of a person with the world around him is carried out in a system of objective relations that develop between people in their social life.

When communicating, we strive to understand each other; The deeper the relationship, the stronger the desire to understand not only the meaning, but also the meaning of the word. We speak in order to understand our individual thoughts, but this is precisely where we often remain misunderstood.

P.A. Florensky wrote: “We believe and recognize that it is not through conversation that we understand each other, but through the power of internal communication, and that words contribute to the sharpening of consciousness, the consciousness of a spiritual exchange that has already taken place, but do not themselves produce this exchange. We recognize mutual understanding and the subtlest, often quite unexpected spurs of meaning: but this understanding is established against the general background of an already occurring spiritual contact"

The main way to study interpersonal interaction and relationships within a group? it is an in-depth study of various social facts, as well as the interactions of people within a given group.

Any production involves the unification of people. But no human community can carry out full-fledged joint activities if? Contact will not be established between the people included in it, and proper mutual understanding will not be achieved between them. So, for example, in order for a teacher to teach something to students, he must enter into communication with them.

Object - communication

The subject is communication as a form of human activity.


- determine the content of communication;

- study the goals of communication;

- analyze the functions of communication;

- explore types and forms of communication;

- determine the structure of communication.

The goal is to analyze the essence of communication.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient.

The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one living being to another in inter-individual contacts. This may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in the external environment. The content of information is most diverse when the subjects of communication are people. In humans, the content of communication is much broader than in animals. People exchange information with each other that represents knowledge about the world: rich, lifetime experience, knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities. Human communication is multi-subject, it is the most diverse in its internal content. In terms of content, communication can be presented as:

Material is the exchange of products and objects of activity, which in turn serve as a means of satisfying the actual needs of subjects.

Cognitive - knowledge sharing.

Active - exchange of actions, operations, skills. An illustration of cognitive and active communication can be communication associated with various types of cognitive or educational activities. Here, information is transmitted from subject to subject that expands horizons, improves and develops abilities.

Conditional - exchange of mental or physiological states. In conditional communication, people exert influence on each other, designed to bring each other into a certain physical or mental state, for example, to lift the mood or spoil it; excite or calm each other, and ultimately have a certain effect on each other’s well-being.

Motivational - exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs. Motivational communication has as its content the transfer to each other of certain motivations, attitudes or readiness to act in a certain direction. For example, one person wants to ensure that another has a certain desire to arise or disappear, so that a certain attitude towards action develops, a certain need is actualized, etc.

2 Purpose of communication

The purpose of communication is what a person does for this type of activity. In animals, the purpose of communication may be to encourage another living being to take certain actions, or to warn that it is necessary to refrain from any action. A person's number of goals increases. If in animals the goals of communication usually do not go beyond satisfying their biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many different needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, the needs of intellectual growth, moral development and a number of others.

According to goals, communication is divided into biological and social.

Biological is communication necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism. It is associated with the satisfaction of basic organic needs.

Social communication pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, and personal growth of the individual. There are as many private types of communication as there are subtypes of biological and social needs. Let's name the main ones.

Business communication is usually included as a private moment in any joint productive activity of people and serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity. Its content is what people are doing, and not the problems that affect their inner world,

Personal communication, on the contrary, is focused mainly around psychological problems of an internal nature, those interests and needs that deeply and intimately affect a person’s personality; searching for the meaning of life, determining one’s attitude towards a significant person, towards what is happening around, resolving any internal conflict.

Instrumental - communication that is not an end in itself, is not stimulated by an independent need, but pursues some other goal other than obtaining satisfaction from the act of communication itself.

Target communication is communication, which in itself serves as a means of satisfying a specific need, in this case, the need for communication.

3 Communication functions

The functions of communication are distinguished in accordance with the content of communication. There are four main functions of communication. When combined, they give specificity to communication processes in specific forms.

The instrumental function characterizes communication as a social mechanism for managing and transmitting information necessary to perform an action.

The integrative function reveals communication as a means of uniting people.

The function of self-expression defines communication as a form of mutual understanding of the psychological context.

The translation function acts as a function of transferring specific methods of activity, assessments, etc.

Of course, these four functions do not exhaust the meaning and characteristics of communication. Other functions of communication include: expressive (the function of mutual understanding of experiences and emotional states), social control (regulation of behavior and activities), socialization (formation of interaction skills in society in accordance with accepted norms and rules), etc.

4 Forms and types of communication

Communication is extremely diverse in its forms. We can talk about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect, mass and interpersonal.

In this case, direct communication is understood as natural contact “face to face” using verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime), when information is personally transmitted by one of its participants to another.

Indirect communication is characterized by the inclusion of an “additional” participant in the communication process as an intermediary through whom information is transmitted.

Direct communication is carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc. Direct communication is historically the first form of communication between people with each other; on its basis, in the later stages of the development of civilization, various types arise mediated communication.

Indirect (that is, through something) communication can be considered as incomplete psychological contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or delay in time the receipt of feedback between the participants in communication. Indirect communication is associated with the use of special means and tools for organizing communication and exchanging information. These are either natural objects (a stick, a thrown stone, a footprint on the ground, etc.) or cultural ones (sign systems, recordings of symbols on various media, print, radio, television, etc.).

Mass communication is multiple, direct contacts of strangers, as well as communication mediated by various types of media.

Interpersonal is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs with a constant composition of participants. It implies a certain psychological closeness of partners: knowledge of each other’s individual characteristics, the presence of empathy, understanding, and joint experience in activities.

In accordance with the established tradition, in domestic social psychology there are three different types of interpersonal communication in their orientation: imperative, manipulation and dialogue.

Imperative communication is an authoritarian, directive form of influencing a communication partner in order to achieve control over his behavior and internal attitudes, forcing him to take certain actions or decisions. In this case, the communication partner is considered as an object of influence and acts as a passive, “suffering” party. The peculiarity of the imperative is that the ultimate goal of communication - coercion of a partner - is not veiled. Orders, instructions, instructions and requirements are used as means of describing influence.

Manipulation is a common form of interpersonal communication that involves influencing a communication partner in order to achieve one’s hidden intentions. Like the imperative, manipulative communication presupposes an objective perception of the communication partner, who is used by the manipulator to achieve his goals. They are also related by the fact that during manipulative communication the goal is also to achieve control over the behavior and thoughts of another person. The fundamental difference is that the partner is not informed about the true goals of communication; they either simply hide from him or are replaced by others.

In the manipulative process, the communication partner is perceived not as an integral unique personality, but as a bearer of certain properties and qualities “needed” by the manipulator. A manipulative attitude towards another leads to the destruction of close, trusting ties between people.

As a real alternative to this type of relationship between people, dialogical communication can be considered, which allows us to move from an egocentric, self-fixated attitude to an attitude towards the interlocutor, a real communication partner. Dialogue is possible only if the following immutable rules of relationships are observed:

5 Communication structure

The structure of communication can be approached in different ways, in this case the structure will be characterized by highlighting three interrelated sides in communication: communicative, interactive and perceptual. At the same time, we must remember that in reality we are dealing with the process of communication as a single whole.

The communicative side of communication (or communication in the narrow sense of the word) consists of the mutual exchange of information between communication partners, the transfer and reception of knowledge, ideas, opinions, feelings. A universal means of communication and communication is speech, with the help of which not only information is transmitted, but also the influence of participants in joint activities on each other. There are two types of information - motivating and stating.

The interactive side of communication (from the word “interaction” - interaction) consists in the exchange of actions, that is, the organization of interpersonal interaction, allowing those communicating to implement some common activity for them.

The perceptual (social-perceptual) side of communication is the process of education, cognition and understanding of each other by people with the subsequent establishment on this basis of certain interpersonal relationships and thus means the process of perception of “social objects”. In real communication, people can get to know each other for the purpose of further joint action, or perhaps, on the contrary, people involved in joint activities get to know each other.


Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication? interaction of communicators - exchange in the process of speech not only with words, but also with actions and deeds. And finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of those communicating with each other.

Communication is characteristic of all higher living beings, but at the human level it takes on the most perfect forms, becoming conscious and mediated by speech. There is not even the shortest period in a person’s life when he is out of communication, out of interaction with other subjects.

There are differences between communication and activity, as types of human activity. The result of an activity is usually the creation of some material or ideal object or product (for example, the formulation of a thought, idea, statement). The result of communication is the mutual influence of people on each other. Both activity and communication should be considered as interconnected aspects of social activity developing a person.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man leaves himself first of all in man. This is our immortality. This is the highest happiness and meaning of life... The human spirit differs from the existence of an animal in that, continuing our race, we leave our beauty, ideals, devotion in man high and sublime. The more deeply you... were able to reflect, imprint yourself in a person, the richer you are as a citizen and the happier your personal life."

In real human life, communication and activity as specific forms of social activity appear in unity, but in a certain situation they can be realized independently of each other. The content of the category of communication is diverse: it is not only a type of human activity, but also a condition and the result of this same activity; exchange of information, social experience, feelings, moods.

First of all, it should be noted that information in communication is not simply transmitted from one partner to another (the person transmitting information is usually called a communicator, and the person receiving this information is called a recipient), but is exchanged. Feedback is information containing the recipient's reaction to the behavior of the communicator. The purpose of feedback is to help a communication partner understand how his actions are perceived and what feelings they evoke in other people.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996

2. General psychology: A course of lectures for the first stage of pedagogical education / Comp. E.I. Rogov. - M.: VLADOS, 1995.

3. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 1995.


5. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Ed. Andreeva G.M. and Yanoushek Ya. M., Moscow State University, 1987

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