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Why is ammonia used in the country? The beneficial effect of ammonia on garden crops. Mechanism of action on pests

Many gardeners have heard how useful ammonia is; using this product in the garden will help not only restore soil fertility, but also protect plants from many pests. We will tell you why it is necessary to use ammonia, how it affects crops and in what proportions to use it.

The benefits and use of ammonia in the garden

What functions does ammonia perform in the field of land cultivation? Let's think logically. Again, it is known from the school curriculum that for good growth and favorable development, all plants without exception need nitrogen. Despite the fact that the air contains 78% free nitrogen, plants are able to absorb this component from the soil only as part of chemical compounds. Therefore, the use of ammonia in gardening for watering various cultivated plants and flowers saturates them with the substance so necessary for the growth of development. In addition, ammonia is used for spraying plants: garden crops, shrubs, flowers and trees to combat harmful insects. Onion flies, ants, mole crickets, aphids, and secretive proboscis do not tolerate the strong smell of ammonia and leave their favorite habitats.

What plants can be fertilized with ammonia?

The life cycle of any plant is associated with the process of growing green mass, flowering, and fruit formation. Nitrogen types of fertilizers help it make development efficient. The nitrogen needs of all plants are different.

Among them there are big lovers of nitrogen; fertilizing with ammonia is most useful for them:

  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pumpkins, zucchini.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Pepper, potatoes.
  • Perennial bulbous flowers.
  • Peonies, dahlias, clematis.
  • Raspberry, cherry, plum, strawberry, blackberry.

It is useful to feed any seedlings with an alcohol solution while growing at home, when transplanting to a permanent place.

Feeding cucumbers with ammonia

Ammonia, the use of which in the garden is known not only for pest control, can serve as an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers. This plant needs a lot of nitrogen. To do this, take three tablespoons of ammonia per ten liters of water. The resulting solution is added to the cucumbers immediately after the shoots begin to grow.

Treating cabbage with ammonia

The beneficial effects of ammonia on many plants are known. Thus, ammonia, the use of which in the garden no longer causes any controversy among summer residents, also turns out to be useful for cabbage. It not only saturates it with essential microelements, but also effectively fights pests. For example, this drug is a malicious enemy of slugs, snails, fleas, caterpillars and the well-known cabbage fly. In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants once every few days. But if the slugs are already infested, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. Pests should soon leave your garden bed.

Treating onions with ammonia

The benefits of this drug for onions have been noticed for a long time, so ammonia is actively used to improve the growth of the crop and increase its yield.

The use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the rapid growth of green mass. For onions grown for greens, this will be an excellent feed. The feathers of such plants become juicy, green, and beautiful.

The introduction of certain norms of nitrogen significantly affects the development of the underground part of the onion, the main thing is to prevent an excess of nitrogen, and also not to forget about other elements (potassium, phosphorus).

If everything is done on time and in the right proportions, the onion heads will be juicy and large. Along with onions, garlic also absorbs such nitrogenous compounds very well; it is no coincidence that these crops are most often fed with this pharmaceutical preparation.

Fertilizing garlic with ammonia

Fertilizing with ammonia is carried out if the tips of the garlic leaves become thin, begin to curl and turn yellow. To do this, prepare a low concentrated solution: 2 tablespoons of ammonia water per 10 liters of water.

They use ammonia against pests in the garden, namely, they carry out foliar treatment against weevils. To combat them, add 25 ml of ammonia to a bucket of water, and water the beds with the prepared solution once every few days.

Treating tomatoes with ammonia

Tomatoes are a common crop. Each summer resident plants his favorite varieties to pamper with homemade salads, tomato juice and preparations. The crop ripens on the above-ground part of the plant, so a strong bush is necessary condition. For its proper formation, tomatoes need nitrogen. You can feed tomatoes with a useful element using regular ammonia from the pharmacy chain.

The effect of using ammonia as a fertilizer for tomatoes is very noticeable. The substance in ammonia is in a form that is easily digestible for plants and does not require additional processing by bacteria. After proper feeding with ammonia, tomatoes in the beds:

  • increase green mass;
  • actively blooming;
  • are not subject to pest attacks;
  • do not suffer from fungal diseases.

Ammonia for indoor flowers

In winter, our indoor flowers that grow on window sills, where it can be cold or drafty, or, on the contrary, too hot due to heating, the flowers feel quite bad. Therefore, they need to be fed, especially in the second half of winter. In addition, whiteflies can appear in indoor flowers, spider mite or other pests. Therefore, to disinfect and fertilize with nitrogen, you need to make a soft, delicate solution using ammonia.

Excess nitrogen can burn the roots of plants, so you need to water with such solutions away from the roots of indoor flowers and other plants, especially shrubs.

For indoor flowers, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia in a bucket of water. The solution turns out to be very weak and gentle. But this is quite enough for watering, fertilizing and disinfection. Then we water the flowers with ammonia and this solution so that pests do not multiply there, at the same time we obtain disinfection from pests.

Nitrogenous fertilizers quickly reach the roots indoor plants they begin to grow faster.

Also make the solution stronger and wash the windows where the indoor flowers are with this solution. Pests can be found there. Indoor flowers respond well to this feeding.

Safety precautions when treating plants with ammonia

The pungent odor of ammonia and its vapor, if basic protective measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

  • sudden inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, so it is better to mix solutions in well-ventilated areas;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, it can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • ammonia is a medicinal product and should never be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
  • To avoid burns, be careful not to get the product on the skin and mucous membranes.

If used correctly, following the proportions and rules, ammonia will become yours an indispensable assistant and a friend for plants. They will certainly thank you healthy appearance and a rich harvest.

For full growth, development and fruiting, most vegetable and garden crops require a comprehensive diet. Nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants.

Ammonia is a diluted 10% ammonia solution, its use is the simplest and most affordable way provide plantings with this valuable element. The results of such treatments are noticeable almost immediately; nitrogen instantly penetrates into plant tissue.

Ammonia has unique properties and combines the ability to provide plants with the necessary elements, repel insects and their larvae from vegetables, berries, shrubs and flowers.

A lack of nitrogen in the soil is characterized by certain signs:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • weak thin stem;
  • discoloration of leaves and flowers;
  • growth retardation;
  • lack of flowering;
  • weakened immunity.

Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden with ammonia is carried out in cases where the plants are weakened and need feeding. For preventive purposes, ammonia is used when planting, but not more than 2-3 times during the growing season. Predominant useful property ammonia - the fact that its use in areas does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the root system, foliage and fruits. Vegetables, berries and fruits do not cause any harm to the human body.

The use of ammonia in the garden

Owners of household plots practice many traditional methods for processing plants and controlling pests. Using ammonia when planting seedlings repels the mole cricket. Add half a liter of solution to the wells: per 10 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia.

Reference! When using ammonia, fertilizers containing nitrogen are not used for fertilizing.

In the garden, trees and shrubs are sprayed and the soil is watered. After treatment, the foliage acquires an intense color, flowering and fruit formation improves. The pungent odor repels pests and is also a fertilizer.

In the garden, ammonia is used to spray vegetable crops:

  • For cabbage. In the fight against pests: cabbage flea beetles, slugs, snails, caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetles. Per bucket 10 l. add 50-100 ml. ammonia. Spray in the evening. In rainy weather, to prevent slugs, the bushes are watered generously from a watering can.
  • For cucumbers and tomatoes. Water the bushes with a weak concentration solution (3 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water) once every 10 days. If necessary, the concentration is increased.
  • For onions and garlic. To improve the harvest and as a preventive measure against pests, water the beds with a solution of 10 liters. water with 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia.
  • For potatoes and peppers. When watering the beds, add 2-3 tbsp to the water once every two weeks. spoons of ammonia.

Ammonia is used for feeding and treating pests of many vegetable and horticultural crops:

  • turnips, turnips, radishes;
  • beets;
  • eggplant;
  • carrots;
  • rhubarb;
  • zucchini and pumpkin;
  • currant; gooseberry;
  • apple and pear trees;
  • cherries.

It is enough to water 2-3 times with the addition of ammonia to speed up plant growth, strengthen the immune system, and provide protection from pests.

Ammonia for strawberries in spring

Additional processing of strawberries in the spring is carried out to improve the quality of the crop and as a means of protection against pests.

To obtain maximum effect, treatment is carried out three times per season:

  1. After the snow melts, the soil is watered to destroy infections and pest larvae that have overwintered on the site. Also for strengthening plants, as an additional source of nutrition. The procedure helps to enrich strawberries with the necessary nitrogen. Plants weakened after winter are actively growing.
  2. During flowering. Water the soil near the bushes with a weak solution. Plants are sprayed with a more concentrated composition.
  3. After harvesting. To strengthen the plants and restore them after the fruiting period, the beds with strawberries are sprayed and watered abundantly.

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring with ammonia not only strengthens weakened bushes and provides them with the necessary elements, but also provides protection from pests for the entire future growing season.

Watering with ammonia is practiced on small garden plots as an alternative method, combine feeding and insect control.

Ammonia against garden pests

Popular and inexpensive remedy pest control - ammonia. There are several control methods to protect plants in the garden. If a formed anthill is found on the site, it is spilled generously with a concentrated solution: add 5 tbsp to 5 liters of water. spoons of ammonia.

Another effective method: the ant heap is covered with rags soaked in ammonia and placed on top plastic film. A strong, pungent odor will repel pests, and the protective top layer will not allow the vapor to evaporate for a long time.

For prevention, plants are sprayed with a weak solution: 10 l. water for 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. To improve adhesion to foliage, add liquid soap or a solution of laundry soap to the solution.

Advice! For preventive purposes, ammonia is added to the water at least once a week.

The main source of food for ants is aphids. They also fight it with the use of ammonia. For prevention, this method is practiced in personal plots, gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the season, starting in early spring.

Treatment of the garden against aphids with ammonia begins early, before the buds swell, with the first signs of plant awakening. This method helps to increase the green leaf mass, inflorescences and fruits, guaranteeing a good harvest. Such folk method has a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • natural composition.

Reference! Vapors from ammonia dissipate very quickly. Therefore, during breaks, it is recommended to use other means, preparations and fertilizers for feeding and pest control.

To avoid negative consequences and protect your health, you must follow the safety rules for preparation and use:

  1. People with hypertension are not recommended to use ammonia themselves for watering and spraying. Vapors of the drug can cause an increase in blood pressure.
  2. It is contraindicated to mix ammonia with chlorine-containing preparations.
  3. It is recommended to dissolve ammonia in the open air. When preparing solutions indoors, ensure ventilation and access to fresh air.
  4. Use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, masks, goggles. In case of contact with eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected areas with cold water.
  5. Store ammonia out of the reach of pets and children.

Advice! To enhance the effect when treating plants with ammonia, wood ash should be added.

Weak solutions of water and ammonia are actively used in preventive treatments of flower beds. Spraying rose gardens once every 2 weeks prevents the appearance of aphids, the main pest of shrubs.

To repel larvae, the soil under the bushes is watered with a concentrated mixture: 5 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia. The procedure is carried out in calm, cloudy weather, preferably in the evening, trying to avoid getting the composition on the foliage.

Ammonia is used to combat a variety of pests:

  • cabbage and onion fly;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • lurker;
  • weevil;
  • butterfly caterpillars;
  • slugs and snails.

Gardeners use ammonia solutions to scare away birds from berry bushes. After rain, plants are sprayed with the following composition: 4-5 liters. water, 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid soap, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. A variety of soaps are used; baby soap, tar soap, and laundry soap are perfect. They make a liquid soap solution from it and add it to the mixture.

Ammonia is used in late autumn to avoid frost damage. Prepare a solution from 250 ml. apple cider vinegar, 100 ml. soap solution, 1 bottle of ammonia, 8-9 buckets of water. This composition should be used immediately after preparation to maintain effectiveness; ammonia vapors quickly evaporate.

The use of ammonia throughout the growing season provides plot owners with strong, healthy plants and high yields.

Ammonia or ammonia alcohol has long been used in agriculture as an alternative plant fertilizer. It can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, so the substance is often used for emergency feeding of garden crops.

Ordinary ammonia is an extraordinary means for caring for a personal plot. Inside the pharmaceutical bottle there is a concentrated tincture of ammonia. Important Feature this nitrogenous chemical compound the fact that plants absorb it directly and do not need additional help from bacteria. Fertilizing with ammonia-based products is carried out to quickly replenish and prevent nitrogen deficiency.

If the plant lacks the specified microelement, the function of photosynthesis suffers. This manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • lack of flowering, premature wilting and shedding of buds;
  • underdevelopment of leaves;
  • yellowing or pallor on the lower leaf blades;
  • thin brittle stem;
  • inhibition or arrest of growth;
  • decreased resistance to frost (for trees only).

As a result of a deficiency of nitrogen fertilizing, productivity and decorative properties are seriously affected. If symptoms appear, it is advisable to take action immediately. Fertilizing with ammonia gives a positive result already 4-5 days after treatment. This is true for garden trees, garden plants, and flowers.

Attention! Another useful quality of ammonia tincture is its effect on some insects. The specific smell is not tolerated by mole crickets, secretive proboscis, ants, onion and carrot flies, wireworms, aphids and midges that are pests of indoor plants.

Features of dosage when feeding with ammonia

The product is sold in pharmacy chains with a standard bottle size of 40 ml. This is a tincture with a concentration of 10%. You can find a concentrated 25% ammonia solution on sale. In the bottle you will find a clear liquid with a characteristic pungent odor.

For all garden crops and flowers based on ammonia, summer residents try to use a universal fertilizer. To do this, dissolve 50 ml of tincture in 4 liters of water. Dilute the resulting mixture depending on the situation:

  • minimum concentration - 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water;
  • the average concentration of fertilizing is 3 tbsp. l. 10 l (most often used);
  • maximum concentration - 1 tsp. for 1 l.

Advice. Fertilizing indoor plants is carried out exclusively with a solution of the weakest concentration.

The dosage varies depending on the crop being fertilized. As a top dressing, plants are watered at the root. Between applications, take a break of at least one, and preferably two weeks. Be careful and careful when using ammonia fertilizing. If the greenery has begun to grow too wildly, there are very few flowers or no flowers at all, and the plants have become weak to fungal diseases, it means that there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil and the fruits of your harvest will be full of nitrates.

How to use ammonia solution for pest control

The dosage and principle of using an ammonia solution against insects is somewhat different from the usual feeding with ammonia:

  1. A mixture of 10 ml per bucket of water helps. Before planting cabbage, pour 0.5 liters of working fluid into each hole.
  2. Against aphids, 50 ml of ammonia should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Add liquid or grated laundry soap to the product. After mixing thoroughly, spray the plants.
  3. Against the secretive proboscis (a pest of onions and garlic), the recipe is as follows: 25 ml per bucket of water. Water the beds with the solution. Carry out the procedure three times with an interval of 10 days.
  4. Against onion and carrot flies, the concentration of the product should be even less: 5 ml per 10 liters of water.
  5. Against the tomato wireworm pest, dilute 10 ml in a bucket of water. When planting seedlings, pour 0.5 liters into each hole.

Attention! These measures will primarily help you as a preventive measure. To combat insects that have already appeared, it is appropriate to use additional methods.

Fertilizing with ammonia: technology features

Different garden and vegetable crops have different nitrogen needs and susceptibility to fertilizing:

Ammonia alcohol is a convenient and affordable way to saturate personal plot nitrogen. Just use it carefully so as not to get poison instead of benefit.

Ammonia for strawberries: video

To save wilting tomatoes, as well as provide them with prevention various diseases, you can use ammonia.

How to prepare a solution for irrigation? When should treatment be done? How to protect yourself from harmful substances? Read further in our material.

If you want to get a good harvest of tomatoes, you need to feed them with fertilizers. There are many different formulations for tomatoes. One of the fertilizer options is feeding plants with ammonia. Read about everything in the material at our link.

Any plant at the very beginning of its development requires nitrogen for growth. He provides direct influence for the production of chlorophyll. And without it, as we know, photosynthesis is impossible. If there is enough nitrogen, the plant will begin to grow and develop quickly.

In tomatoes, nitrogen deficiency can be determined by the following signs:

  1. The stems become thin.
  2. The small leaves are irregular in shape.
  3. Pigmentation changes.
  4. No growth.

With a lack of nitrogen, the plant begins to turn yellow and pale. The loss of saturation extends to both leaves and stems.

In addition, the latter become thin and brittle. Tomato bushes stop growing.

All of the above are signs of nitrogen deficiency. To save the plant, you need to feed it with fertilizers.

Attention! An excess of nitrogen also negatively affects the development of tomatoes.

When watering is required

Tomatoes can be fertilized with ammonia only in as a last resort when they are very weakened and stop growing. If this is not done, the plant may die completely.

But if you do not see the need for such watering, then it is better not to do it so as not to harm the plant even more.

How to properly dilute ammonia - proportions

The recipe for preparing the solution is very simple.

To do this, add 10 ml of 10% ammonia to a bucket of water (10 l).. If you plan to water over the leaves, then you also need to add 10 ml of liquid soap.

To fertilize in order to accelerate the ripening of fruits, add another 200 ml of apple cider vinegar to the solution.

Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. The solution is ready.

Don't forget that when using nitrogen, the rule is that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Attention! Before watering, the soil must first be moistened with plain water.

When to use

You can feed seedlings with ammonia. This will ensure good growth of the crop. This should be done not only to obtain a rich harvest, but also as a prevention of various diseases. However, to achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to observe the dosage and intervals between waterings.

Seedlings grown at home look very fragile. As a rule, it is difficult for her to tolerate transplantation. In this regard, the fruits will ripen much later than expected. To prevent this from happening, you can feed the tomatoes. This needs to be done once, preferably a few weeks after the picking. The positive effect will not take long to arrive.

You can also grow mature tomatoes before they begin to bloom. This will be a good prevention against pests.

Tomatoes in open ground and in greenhouses you need to feed 2 times. The interval between watering should be 2 or 3 weeks. You need to water the bushes at the rate of: 1 liter of solution per bush.

Fertilizing for ripened fruits should be carried out at the very beginning of the formation of tomatoes.

Watering rules

Ammonia can cause great harm to the human body.

Therefore, when watering tomatoes with a solution of ammonia, you must take safety precautions, that is, put on protective clothing: latex gloves, plastic apron and a cap, glasses, and a respirator.

If you suddenly experience signs of poisoning with a toxic substance, you will need to drink a glass of warm milk as soon as possible and call an ambulance.

Tomatoes should only be watered in warm weather. If they are growing in a greenhouse, you will need to open the frames first to allow fresh air to enter.

Ammonia is a volatile substance, so you need to water the tomatoes from a watering can that produces a stream with visible splashes.

Watering rules are as follows:

  1. The procedure should be done after sunset, early in the morning or in cloudy weather.
  2. Before this, the tomatoes need to be watered with plain water.
  3. It is necessary to water the seedlings from a watering can without a sprinkler. The stream should be small. You only need to pour the solution under the roots. It should not get on the green parts of the tomatoes. To prevent burns after the procedure, you can spray the plant with plain water.

Important nuances

Ammonia is a poison for humans. It is able to enter the body through the nose through the respiratory tract, as well as through the skin and mucous membranes.

In case of poisoning with this substance, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible and consult a doctor.

In order to optimize the soil composition, it is recommended to control pests two weeks before planting.

Watering using ammonia is best done at the very beginning of the season, and also when the green mass is actively growing.

During the preparation of the irrigation solution, you need to protect your skin and respiratory organs.

If it is undesirable to water them during this period of plant development, then you can moisten cotton wool with ammonia and spread them between the bushes. The soil composition will not change, but insects will not be able to harm the tomatoes.

Watering tomatoes with a solution of ammonia gives a wonderful and quick effect. Plants almost immediately take on a healthy appearance. Another advantage of this method of fertilization is that ammonia is readily available.

In addition to watering, you can use. Read more about this processing in the material at our link.

Useful video

You will learn more about the results of watering tomatoes with ammonia in this video:

Finding the right fertilizer for your house flowers and garden plants can be challenging. Often gardeners are faced with the problem of wilting and weak plant resistance to pests and diseases.

Ammonia- a simple and extraordinary solution to this problem. Today we will talk about the use of ammonia in caring for flowers, garden crops and use in gardening. You will learn how to use ammonia and in what proportions.

Ammonia or ammonia a very good nitrogen compound, having the lightest and most accessible form of nitrogen for plants. Sold in pharmacies in 40 ml bottles, a clear liquid with a pungent odor, a concentration of 10% - ordinary medical ammonia (sometimes a concentrated 25% ammonia solution).

The use of ammonia, unlike others nitrogen fertilizers, gives an immediate positive effect, which can be seen 4-5 days after watering, the plants will be transformed and come to life, and turn green. Plants begin to grow quickly, pests in the ground die.

Nitrogen is very important element for plants, promotes photosynthesis. With a lack of nitrogen, plants become sick and chlorophyll production is disrupted. The leaves lose color and begin to turn yellow. Buds and flowers fall off.

Nitrogen is necessary for all plants, without exception, but in different quantities.

The smell of ammonia can repel such pests like onion fly, carrot fly, aphid, secretive proboscis, mole cricket, wireworm, ants, midges living on indoor plants.

Home flowers water, diluting ammonia in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Attention: do not exceed the dose and take breaks of 2 weeks between using ammonia.

Ammonia use in the garden

Characteristic signs of a lack of nitrogen in the soil are yellowed and pale leaves, small flowers, lack of fruits.

To eliminate these signs, fertilize plants with an ammonia solution. For 10 liters of water add 3 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix, and water at the roots of plants once a week.

During the period of active growth, plants especially need fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers.

Noticing yellowed, pale feathers of onions and garlic in the area, this is the result of a lack of nitrogen in the soil or the activity of pests.

For feeding onions and garlic dilute 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and perform root feeding. Fertilizing must be carried out on damp soil.

To control pests of onions and garlic– onion fly and secretive proboscis, prepare a solution with ammonia with a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and water 3 times at intervals of 10 days.

Video - ammonia - a super remedy for garlic and onions

We use ammonia to feed tomatoes after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place in the ground. Tomatoes need nitrogen to form green mass and produce flowers.

2 tbsp. l. Dilute 10% ammonia in 10 liters of water, pour the solution under the root of the plant, 1 liter of solution under the bush. This will give impetus to the plants, they will transform before our eyes. Don't forget to water the plants before fertilizing. You can repeat feeding after 7 days.

Before the fruits appear, the cucumbers are fed with ammonia. To prepare the solution, dilute 3 tbsp. l. ammonia in 10 liters of water, perform root feeding. You can repeat this feeding several times every 7-10 days.

When the ovaries begin to form, the cucumbers need to be fed once every 4 days, with a more concentrated solution: 1 tsp. for 1.5 liters of water.

To protect cabbage from pests such as caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetles, snails, cabbage flies and slugs, treat the plants with a solution of ammonia.

Dilute 80 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and carry out foliar treatment, on leaves and heads of cabbage, watering the plants abundantly.

By treating cabbage leaves against pests, you will also feed them. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers should be abandoned during this period.

Using ammonia in the garden

To obtain a good harvest and long-term fruiting, raspberries require a lot of nitrogen.

It is necessary to feed raspberries with ammonia before flowering during the growing season and after harvesting.

Raspberries are susceptible to frequent fungal diseases, so it is necessary to spray the bushes.

When the average daily temperature rises above +10 degrees, you can begin feeding and treating raspberries against pests and diseases.

Prepare a feeding solution: 3 tbsp. l. 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water. Water at the root 5 liters for each bush. Then mulch the soil in any way: grass, straw, etc. Repeat fertilizing 7-10 days before flowering.

Spraying raspberry bushes carry out at the very beginning of the growing season, before flowering and in the fall after the end of fruiting.

Prepare the solution: 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water and add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap for the solution to stick (preferably tar).

Ammonia will help protect strawberries from pests and diseases and feed them. Before adding the ammonia solution, the soil must be loosened and the area with strawberries must be watered.

Attention: watering strawberries with ammonia is done before flowering in the spring and after fruiting in the fall.

Prepare the solution: 40 ml of 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water. Stir and pour 0.5 liters of solution under each bush; it’s okay if it gets on the leaves. This way you will destroy strawberry pests such as chafer larvae, weevils, and all kinds of fungi.

Water every 7-10 days.

Roses, peonies, clematis, dahlias, violets, nasturtiums and zinnias react with riotous color to fertilizing with ammonia.

Video - Ammonia plant protector

In conclusion, I want to say that ammonia is very useful and universal fertilizer, which is suitable for all garden crops. It performs several functions at once: protection against pests and fertilizing of plants.

Remember the main rule when using ammonia, do not exceed the concentration when preparing the solution, this will have a detrimental effect on the plants.

Fertilize every 7-10 days, not earlier. For diseased plants, it is better to use low concentrations of solutions, increasing them over time. Use ammonia wisely!

Good luck in your fight for high yield, healthy and strong plants!