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What is the best thing to read in the month of Sha'ban. Legal provisions related to the month of Sha'ban

On May 8, the month of Sha'ban began, which is a particularly valuable time for believers. The month of Sha'ban is the second among the three holy months of the Islamic calendar and precedes the month that has become the mercy of Allah for us - the month of Ramadan. This is the time when the slave becomes even closer to His Creator, the doors of Allah’s mercy open even wider, sins are forgiven, and worship and goodness receive an even greater reward. The possibilities of believers are expanding incredibly.

The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) says: “Rajab is the month of sowing, Sha'ban is the month of watering, and Ramadan is the time of harvesting. It is known that Rajab is characterized by forgiveness and mercy, Shaaban is characterized by purification, and Ramadan is characterized by multiple rewards.”

About the merits of this month in the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) it is said:

“The superiority of the month of Shaban over other months is the same as my superiority over other prophets.”

“For the one who fasted for three days in the month of Sha'ban at the beginning, three in the middle and three at the end, the Almighty will write down the reward like seventy prophets, and his degree will be similar to the degree of a slave who worshiped the Most High for seventy years. And if he dies this year, he will die as a suicide bomber.”

“Allah undertakes to enter into Paradise the one who fasts on the first and last Thursday of the month of Shaban.”

About the month of Sha'ban, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "This is a month that people often neglect... In this month, a person's deeds are presented to Allah, and I want my deeds to be presented at the moment when I fast."

"If you want peace before death, happy ending(death with Iman) and salvation from Shaitan - respect these months by fasting and regretting sins (not committing them).”

An authentic hadith reports that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) fasted on most days of the month of Sha'ban. Fasting on Sha'ban is not obligatory, however, given that it is the month preceding Ramadan, fasting in this month is in preparation for fasting in Ramadan. Fasting in the month of Sha'ban will prepare us spiritually and physically for Ramadan so that the believer can better express himself during the obligatory fast.

The Blessed Companion Anas (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked: “Which fast is the most valuable after the fasts of Ramadan?” He replied: “The fasts of Shaban are in honor of Ramadan.”

One day a companion named Osama bin Zeit asked the Messenger of Allah (alayhis salaam):

“O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I have not seen you ever fast the way you fasted in Sha’ban.” He replied: “People forget about this month between Rajab and Ramadan. In this month, deeds are ascended to the Lord of the worlds, and I want my deeds to be ascended while I am fasting.”

It is reported that Aisha said: “Sometimes the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted so often that we said: “But he does not break his fast!” And sometimes he broke his fast so often that we said: “But he’s not fasting!” I have never seen him fast for a whole month outside of Ramadan, and I have never seen him fast more than Sha'ban."

Another hadith says: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasting as much as he did in the month of Shaban. He used to fast during this month, leaving only a few days, or rather, he used to fast almost the entire month.”

In the middle of the month of Sha'ban lies a particularly blessed night - the night of Baraat. This is one of those special periods of time when Allah Almighty opens all the doors of His mercy and forgiveness, when you can gain these rewards by submitting yourself to the Almighty and worship.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “This is the night of half of Shaban. Allah Almighty looks at His slaves this night and forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and honors with His mercy those who pray for mercy, but keeps those who have evil intentions (against a Muslim) the same (and does not forgive them until until they are freed from anger).”

Answers on questions

Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz

(may Allah have mercy on him)

Question: In the book “Sahih al-Jami” I read hadith number 397, which Sheikh Al-Albani said was authentic. This hadith: it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “When half the month of Sha'ban has passed, then do not fast until the month of Ramadan comes.” There is also another hadith, in this collection it is numbered 4638, about which Sheikh Al-Albani said that it is reliable. This hadith: narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said: “The most favorite months for fasting for the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were Sha’ban, which he connected with Ramadan.” How to correctly understand these hadiths?

Answer: In the name of Allah, all praise is to Allah, and then: the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, kept fast for the entire month of Sha'ban, or maybe left fast for a small part of it, as is reliably confirmed in the hadiths from Aisha and Umm Salama. As for the hadith with the prohibition of fasting after half of Sha'ban, it is reliable, as the outstanding scholar, Sheikh Nasiruddin Al-Albani, said about it. The prohibition mentioned in the hadith is the prohibition to start fasting after the middle of the month of Sha'ban. And the one who fasts for most of the month, or all of it, his deed coincides with the sunnah. And success is from Allah. “Majmua fatawa wa makalyat”, vol. 15, Journal “Daawa” No. 1437 dated November 3, 1414.

Question: Dear Sheikh, is fasting during the second half of the month of Sha'ban considered undesirable or haraam?

Answer: The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says: “When half the month of Sha’ban has passed, then do not fast.” This is an authentic hadith. Therefore, according to this authentic hadith, whoever did not fast at the beginning of the month should not fast after half the month has passed. Moreover, he should not fast at the end of the month in accordance with the words of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “Do not precede Ramadan by fasting for a day or two days, and if a person fasts (for another reason) (on these days), then let him hold it.” And those who miss fasting on these days due to the custom of fulfilling a different sunnah, then there is no problem with this. If his custom is to keep the desired fast on Monday and Thursday, then there is no problem if he keeps this fast on these days. Or his custom is to fast every other day, then there is no problem with that either. As for him starting the fast after half of Sha'ban just because of this month, that is not permitted. And if he fasts starting from the 14th day, or 15... Or 13th, then there is no problem with this, since it covers most of the month. If he fasts for the entire month or most of it, then there is no problem, but if he does not fast for the first half, and then begins to fast in the second half, this is exactly what is prohibited. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: What is the opinion of Shariah that I constantly fast for three months: Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan and another six days in the month of Shawwal? And I have the power to do this.

Answer: There is no sin in this. The one who fasted during Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan - there is no sin. It is disgraceful to set aside Rajab for fasting, but if one also fasts during the month of Sha'ban, then there is no problem with it. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: Many people fast on the fifteenth day of the month of Sha'ban. Did this come in the sunnah, or is it a bid'ah (innovation)?

Answer: There is no basis for this. Setting aside the fifteenth day for fasting has no basis. There is nothing in the authentic Sunnah that indicates this action. But fasting on “white days” (days before which the moon is full at night) - days 13, 14 and 15 - is advisable in all months. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted on white days and fasted for the entire month of Sha'ban, and could fast for most of the month of Sha'ban. And sometimes he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, kept the entire month of Sha'ban, and sometimes most of it. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: What is the position of fasting on the 15th day of the month of Shaban, and standing in prayer the night of this day (the so-called “night of baraat”) and the dua that is said on this night?

Answer: This is untenable; there is no reliable basis for this case. It is not advisable to fast on the 15th day of the month of Sha'ban, and it is not desirable to stand in prayer on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, because there are no reliable hadiths about this. And we have already published several articles about this. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: Is it permissible to celebrate and revive the night of the 15th of Sha'ban (the so-called "night of baraat")?

Answer: It is not permissible to celebrate the 15th night of Sha'ban and there is no basis for this matter. And it is not allowed to celebrate the 27th night of the month of Rajab, which they call “the night of Isra and Miraj.” All this is innovation. It is not necessary to celebrate either the 15th night of Sha'ban or the 27th night of Rajab, all of these are among the innovations that people came up with. The same innovation applies to the celebration of the birthday of the prophet (mawlid), peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It is not allowed to celebrate either the prophetic birthday, nor the 15th night of Sha'ban, nor the 27th night of Rajab, which they call "the night of Isra and Miraj." All this is innovation. Neither the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, nor his righteous caliphs, nor his other companions, may Allah be pleased with them, nor the righteous scholars from the first three best generations. It was all invented by people. We ask Allah for well-being. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: One book quotes a hadith from Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Whoever on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban performs one hundred rak'ahs, reading Surah Fatihah in each of them five times Surah “Ikhlyas”, then Allah will send 500,000 angels to him, and each of them will have a notebook of light, in which they will write down the reward of this worshiper until the Day of Resurrection.” The book does not indicate the name of this prayer. Dear Sheikh, tell me what it is and explain how correct it is. May Allah reward you with goodness.

Answer: This hadith is falsely attributed to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It (the hadith) has no basis, and it has no authenticity. And all (hadiths) that talk about standing up for prayer on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, about special duas, and about what needs to be read on this night - they are all false. There is no basis for all this, and none of it is reliable. Let this be a rule that you should know. And this hadith is the same. This is a false hadith that has no authenticity. And we ask Allah for well-being. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: Is it permissible to fast on the last day of the month of Sha'ban?

Answer: If you usually fast on Monday and Thursday, and the last day of the month of Sha'ban happens to be Monday or Thursday, then fast on it in accordance with the words of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “Do not precede Ramadan by fasting for a day or two, and if a person fasts (for another reason) (these days), then let him fast.” If someone fasts every other day, or fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, and this day falls on the 30th of Sha'ban, then let him fast, because he fasts according to custom (from the sunnah). This is not prohibited, even before the start of Ramadan. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: A woman is in doubt: she had to make up for the missed fasting day in the month of Ramadan last year, and she made up for it on the last day of the month of Sha'ban. Is she obligated to do anything now?

Answer: She is not obliged to do anything, since it was compensation and her responsibility. "Fataua Nurun ala Ddarb"

Question: If the sky is covered with clouds or dust (on the night after the 29th of Sha'ban), is it obligatory or legal in Sharia to fast on (the next day) the day of doubt (Yawmu al-Shaqq) out of caution that the month of Ramadan may have already begun?

Answer: It is not permissible to fast on the day of doubt, even if the sky is closed. This is the correct opinion, since the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Fast when you see it (the new moon), and break your fast when you see it. And if the sky is hidden from you, then count 30 days for Sha'ban." (Muslim 1081.) And he said the same: “Do not precede Ramadan by fasting for a day or two days, but if a person fasts (for another reason) (on these days), then let him fast.” (Muslim 1082.)
As for what is reported about Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, that he fasted on the 30th day if the sky was closed, then this is his ijtihad, may Allah be pleased with him, but the correct opinion is the opposite of this : Be sure not to fast on this day. Ibn Umar performed ijtihad, but his ijtihad contradicts the sunnah, may Allah forgive him. What is correct in this matter is that Muslims should not fast on the 30th day if they have not seen the new moon and if the sky is closed. And fasting (Ramadan) is not allowed until people see the new moon, or until the counting of the days of Sha'ban is completed. This is the duty of Muslims, and it is not permissible for anyone to deviate from the clear guidance from the text (the Qur'an or Sunnah) by following the words of any person. Neither the words of Ibn Umar nor anyone else. Because the instruction from the text of the Quran and Sunnah is paramount to everything else in accordance with the words of Allah Almighty: “Take what the Messenger of Allah gave you, and avoid what he forbade you.” (Sura “Assembly”, verse 7.) And in accordance with the words of Him, the Highest and Great: “Let those who resist His will beware, lest temptation befall them or painful suffering befall them.” (Sura “Light”, verse 63.) “Majmua fatawa wa makalyat”, vol. 15. “Fataua nurun ala ddarb”

Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:
“If we collect this verse: “In the month of Ramadan, the Quran was revealed - a true guide for people” and this one: “Verily, We have revealed it (the Quran) on the night of predestination (or greatness).” then it becomes clear that the night of predestination comes in the month of Ramadan, and what has spread among people that the night of predestination falls in the middle of the month of Sha'ban is groundless. Since the night of predestination occurs only in Ramadan, and the night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban is similar to all other nights, like the night of the middle of the month of Rajab or Jumada, Rabi'a, Safar, Muharram and other months. This night does not have certain characteristics, and as for those hadiths that provide an incentive to stand the night prayer on this night or about the dignity of fasting on this day, then all these hadiths are not reliable.
Some scholars are easy in mentioning weak hadiths concerning incentives to perform good deeds or the allocation of certain months or places for worship. This is not the way to act. It may happen that when you bring weak hadiths regarding the dignity of something, a person who hears it will believe it and refer these words to the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and this is very dangerous!
Be that as it may, the day and night of the middle of the month of Sha’ban are no different from the nights of other months. The night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban is not marked by standing at night and this night is not the night of predestination, and the day of the middle of the month of Sha'ban is also not marked by fasting on this day. As for the month of Sha'ban itself, it came reliably in the Sunnah of our prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that he fasted a lot during this month to such an extent that he practically did not break his fast during this month, and as for other advantages of this month, then nothing certain comes, except what comes in relation to other months, such as the merits of fasting three days in each month and fasting on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days, which are the days of the full moon.” See Tafsir Juz 'Amma, pp. 372-373.

Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen: Provisions related to the month of Sha’ban

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) says: “Truly, now is the month of Sha’ban, and we will talk about six points related to it, explaining what we are obliged to explain! We ask Allah Almighty to grant us and you useful knowledge and righteous deeds!

The first point concerns fasting on Sha'ban. Is fasting in this month different from fasting in other months? Answer: Yes it is different! Because the Prophet (ﷺ) fasted more in it, so much so that he fasted almost the entire month except for a few days. Thus, it is Sunnah to increase the days of fasting in the month of Sha'ban, since this is following the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).

The second point concerns fasting in the middle of this month, that is, observing fasting exactly (in the first or second) half of this month. But all hadiths on this topic are unreliable and weak, and do not relate to the Prophet (ﷺ) and no actions are performed on them! This is because it is forbidden for a person to worship Allah through anything that is not approved by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)! So, fasting is not observed separately in the middle of Sha'ban, since this is not reported from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) (nothing reliable), and everything that is (based on) what is not given (in the Sunnah) is an innovation!

The third point concerns the dignity of the middle night of this month. Regarding this, weak hadiths are also cited that do not relate to the Prophet (ﷺ). That is, the middle night of Sha'ban is the same as the middle night of Rajab, Rabi', Jumada and other months. This night - I mean the middle night of Sha'ban - is no different from other nights, since the hadiths about the superiority of this night are weak.

The fourth point is to highlight this night by standing in prayer, and this is also bidaah! Since it is not stated from the Prophet (ﷺ) that he stood that very night. If a person is accustomed to constantly getting up at night to pray, then let him stand for it the same way as other nights. If he does not get up for night prayer, then let him not get up that night either, since nothing like that is said in the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ)! And even worse than this is when some people stand a certain number of rakats on this particular night, which are also not mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ). Thus, we do not single out this particular night for standing!

Fifth point. Is anything predetermined on this night? That is, is predestination written down for the entire year on this night? Answer: No, because this night is not the Night of Predestination! Night of Destiny in Ramadan. The Almighty said: “Verily, We sent it down (the Quran) on the Night of Destiny. How could you know what the Night of Destiny is? The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months!” (97:1-3). The Almighty also said: “In the month of Ramadan the Quran was revealed” (2:185). It turns out that the Night of Destiny is in Ramadan, since the Quran was revealed on it, and the Quran was sent down in Ramadan. Therefore, the Night of Destiny can only be in Ramadan and in no other months, and this includes the middle night of Sha'ban, it is not the Night of Determination, and nothing is predetermined in it that will happen in the next year, and the same the same can be said about all other nights.

The sixth point concerns the preparation of separate food in the middle of the month of Sha'ban. Some people prepare food on this day and distribute it to the poor, saying that it is from the father, mother or parents together. This is also new! Nothing is reported about this either from the Prophet (ﷺ) himself or from his companions, may Allah be pleased with them!

These are the six points I have listed, and there may be others that I have left that I am obligated to clarify for you! I ask Allah Almighty to make us and you one of those who spread the Sunnah and warn against heresy! And to make us and you leading and guided along the straight path, those who imitate the Prophet and follow his path, may Allah bless him and greet him!

Virtues of the month of Sha'ban 05/20/2016 || Abu Yahya Crimean

The Islamic calendar - Hijri, which is based on the lunar year, is compiled in accordance with the Koran and is used to determine the dates of religious holidays, and in some countries as the official calendar.

The Muslim calendar, like the Gregorian calendar, has 12 months - each of them lasts 29 or 30 days. Therefore, the lunar year consists of 354 - 355 days, which is 11-12 days shorter than the solar one, which is why the days of Muslim religious holidays shift every year relative to the Gregorian calendar.

Sputnik Georgia will tell you about the main Muslim holidays and important events, as well as their dates in 2018.

Muslim holidays 2018

According to the Muslim calendar, 2018 is 1439-1440 Hijri. Accordingly, the dates of the main religious holidays of Islam have been changed according to the lunar calendar.

An ancient legend says that once Muslim believers came to the Prophet Muhammad, told him that the Jews living in Medina were celebrating some kind of celebration, and asked if they could take part in the holiday and join the celebrations.

The Prophet Muhammad forbade them to participate in this celebration and said that for Muslims Allah will determine better holidays, and only they will be pleasing to God.

Muslim holidays are an incentive for more diligent worship and good deeds.

Muslim holidays are a chance for everyone to be cleansed of sins and an opportunity to gain the mercy of the Almighty.

Holidays in Islam are sacred months, days and nights during which Muslims read the Koran and various prayers, and perform special ritual prayers.

On holidays, Muslims also try to please relatives, neighbors, and all acquaintances and strangers; they distribute voluntary donations and give gifts. In a word, they try not to offend anyone under any circumstances.

Major holidays in Islam

One of the main Muslim holidays - Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha) is celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar- Dhul-Hijjah. In 2018, the holiday falls on August 21.

Kurban means “sacrifice” in Arabic, and Bayram means “holiday”. Kurban Bayram is a holiday of sacrifice as a symbol of love for Allah and his reverence.

Eid al-Fitr is the final part of the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. The holiday is celebrated in the Mina Valley near Mecca, and it lasts three days.

Believers at this time sacrifice animals in memory of how the prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail to God. But instead of his son, he sacrificed a paradise ram, which Allah gave to Ibrahim.

The second most important Muslim holiday is Eid al-Fitr, or the holiday of Breaking the Fast. It is held in honor of the end of the Ramadan fast - the holiday in 2018 falls on June 15.

The Festival of Breaking the Fast, or Eid al-Fitr (in Arabic), is one of the most important events in Islam and occurs on the last day of Ramadan after sunset. From now on, it is advisable for all Muslims to read takbir (formula for exalting Allah). Takbir is read before performing the festive prayer on the holiday.

It is advisable to spend the night of the holiday in vigil, in all-night service to Allah. On the holiday, they pay the obligatory zakat-ul-fitr, distribute alms, show joy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to accept fasting, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and receive guests.

Sacred nights, days, months

The month of Ramadan (another name is Ramadan) is the most honorable and important of the 12 months of the Muslim calendar.

This is the Muslim holy month of fasting and spiritual purification in which the Holy Quran was revealed. In 2018, Ramadan in most Muslim countries will begin on May 16 and last 30 days.

In different Muslim countries, Ramadan may begin at different time. Typically, this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, is the time to earn eternal Paradise, when many deeds can merit great reward.

These include fasting, five daily prayers, the Tarawih prayer, the desired prayer, dua - sincere prayer, pre-dawn meal (suhur), iftar (evening), donations and many other good deeds and deeds.

The most important night of the year

In the month of Ramadan there is the night of Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power and Predestination - on this night the Archangel Jebrail descended to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Koran. Laylat al-Qadr falls on the 26th-27th of Ramadan - in 2018 it will be celebrated on June 10-11.

For every Muslim, this is the most important night of the year, when angels descend to earth. The prayer said on this night has much greater power than all the prayers of the year.

In the Koran, an entire sura “Inna Anzalnagu” is dedicated to her, where it is said that Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months in which she is not present.

On this night in heaven, the fate of every person is predetermined, his life path, the difficulties and trials that must be passed. Muslims believe that Allah will be merciful and forgive their sins if they spend it in prayer, in understanding their actions and possible mistakes.

Holy Night Baraat

The Muslim holiday Laylat al-Baraat is the Night of Cleansing from Sins, believers celebrate on the night of the 14th to 15th of the holy month of Shaaban (the eighth month of the Muslim calendar). This night in 2018 falls from April 30 to May 1.

In the Koran, the Night of Baraat is designated as sacred - on this night, Muslims offer prayers for the dead and make vows for the future in atonement for sins. In terms of significance, this is the second holy night in Islam after the Night of Power and Predestination.

The word "baraat" is translated from Arabic as "innocence", "purity", "innocence", "liberation". On this night, according to Islamic tradition, the Almighty shows mercy to all people, except those who have anger in their hearts and adherents of polytheism.

Muslims treat this night with special trepidation, dedicating it to prayers, asking Allah for forgiveness and mercy. On the Night of Baraat, believers visit each other, give gifts, and try not to offend anyone.

In the holy month of Sha'ban, which falls on the Night of Purification, it is advisable to increase good deeds, fasting, sadaqa (voluntary charity), and so on.

All good deeds performed in the month of Sha'ban increase 700 times and rise to heaven without any obstacles. Therefore, it is advisable to fast this month. Fasting is especially valuable on the 15th and the last Monday of the month.

Holy Nights of Rajab

One of the holy nights of the Muslim calendar is Lailat al-Ragaib (Night of Gifts, Night of Blessings) - it is celebrated on the eve of the first Friday of the month of Rajab.

In 2018, the holiday dedicated to the memory of the marriage of Abdallah ibn al-Muttalib and Amina, the parents of the Prophet Muhammad, falls on March 22-23.

On Thursday, before the holiday, fasting is advisable, and it is advisable to spend the Night of Grace in praising and exalting Allah. For the services performed on this night, multiple graces are given.

The second holy night in the month of Rajab is Laylat al-Miraj (Night of the Ascension and Disappearance of the Prophet). It is celebrated on Rajab 26-27 - in 2018, according to the Gregorian calendar, on April 13-14.

Muslims value this night as the mercy of the Almighty, and in gratitude for it they fast, perform a special prayer, read the Koran, and praise Allah and His Messenger. For the services performed on this night, multiple graces are given.

In the holy month of Rajab, it is advisable to increase good deeds, fasting, sadaqa (voluntary charity), and so on.

Birth of the Prophet

Mawlid al-Nabi, or the birthday of the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, is celebrated on the 11th-12th day of the third month of the Muslim calendar Rabi ul-Awwal.

Mawlid an-Nabi, which means the birth of the Prophet in Arabic, in 2018, according to the Gregorian calendar, falls on November 19-20.

The main movements in Islam celebrate the holiday on different days - Sunnis celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, and Shiites on the 17th.

Rabi-ul-Awwal, the month in which the Prophet Muhammad was born and then died, occupies a special place in the Muslim calendar. The exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad remained unknown, so in Islam the birthday celebration is actually dedicated to the date of his death. According to Islam, death is nothing but birth to eternal life.

Day of Arafah

One of the most blessed and gracious days of the year - Arafah Day (Arafat) is celebrated by Muslims all over the world on the 9th day of the last month of the Muslim lunar calendar - Dhul-Hijjah (the month of pilgrimage). In 2018, according to the Gregorian calendar, this day falls on August 20.

Pilgrims, at this time, perform one of the central rites of the hajj (pilgrimage) - standing on Mount Arafat. According to legend, Arafat is the place where the prophet Adam and his wife Chava (Eve) met after being expelled from paradise and, having received forgiveness, were reunited.

It is advisable for everyone, except pilgrims performing Hajj, to fast on the Day of Arafah and the previous one. For fasting at this time, as stated in the hadiths, the reward is equal to the reward for fasting for two years, and those who observed the fast are forgiven the sins of two years - the previous and the following.

It is advisable to spend these days in worship and distribute donations to those in need.


One of the highly revered months of the Muslim calendar in 2018 begins on August 12 - its first ten days are especially valuable. This is a period of strict prohibition on all evil deeds, including intolerance, all violence, theft, foul language and other bad deeds and intentions.

Dhul-Hijjah, translated from Arabic meaning “possessing pilgrimage,” is one of the sacred months in Islam - the time of pilgrimage to holy places.

Creation of Heaven

One of the most significant days of the Muslim calendar is Ashura Day (or Shahsey-Wahsey), which is celebrated on the 10th of the holy month of Muharram.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy

The name "Ashura" comes from the Arabic word ashara, which means "ten". In 2018, according to the Gregorian calendar, it falls on September 20.

According to the Koran, this time marks the creation of the heavens and the first man on earth. The Apocalypse, the end of the world, will also come on the Day of Ashura. Messengers and prophets are also commemorated on this day.

Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims celebrate this day in different ways. In Islamic countries, this day has been declared a day of widespread mourning. Some believers publicly torture themselves on this day; mourning music and lamentations are heard everywhere.


On the first day of the holy month of Muharram, the New Year 1440 Hijri will begin - Ras al-Sana (Hijri Day). According to the Gregorian calendar, this day in 2018 falls on September 11.

Hijri Night is the onset of the Lunar New Year; Muslims do not celebrate it in any special way. This day reminds people to do more good and righteous deeds - a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

Muharram is a month of repentance and worship of Allah, which is on a par with the other three months of the year forbidden for wars and conflicts (Rajab, Dhul-Qaada and Dhul-Hijjah).

In the Muslim world, the first 10 days of the new year are considered blessed for all good endeavors - on these days weddings take place, people begin to build houses and plan for the future. But in general, Muharram is a month of repentance and worship.

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Sha'ban is one of the most valuable months for which special instructions can be found in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). An authentic hadith reports that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted for most of the month of Sha'ban. These fasts were not obligatory for him, but Sha'ban is the month immediately preceding Ramadan. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) suggested preparatory measures, some of which are listed below:

1. The Blessed Companion Anas (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked: “Which fast is the most valuable after the fasts of Ramadan?” He replied: “The fasts of Shaban are in honor of Ramadan.”

2. The Blessed Companion Osama ibn Zayd (radiallahu anhu) reported that he asked the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Messenger of Allah, I have seen you fasting in the month of Shaban as often as in no other month.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied: “This (Shaaban) is the month between Rajab and Ramadan, which many people neglect. And this is the month in which the reckoning of (people's) deeds is presented before the Lord of the universe, so I want my deeds to be presented while I am fasting."

3. Ummul-Mu'minin Aisha (radiallahu anha) said: “Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) used to fast throughout Sha'ban.” I asked him: “Messenger of Allah, Shaban is your favorite month to fast?” He said: "This month Allah sets the list of people who die this year. So I want my death to come while I am fasting."

4. In another hadith she says: “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sometimes began to fast continuously that we began to think that he would never stop fasting, and sometimes he used to stop fasting that we began to think that he would never will not fast. I have never seen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasting for an entire month except the month of Ramadan, and I have never seen him fasting more often than on Sha'ban."

5. In another hadith she says: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasting as much as he did in the month of Shaban. He used to fast during this month, leaving only a few days, or rather, he used to fast almost the entire month.”

6. Ummul-Mu'minin Umm Salamah (radiallahu anha) said: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah fasting for 2 months continuously except for the months of Sha'ban and Ramadan.”

These hadiths indicate that fasting in the month of Sha'ban, although not obligatory, is so valuable that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not like to skip it.

But it should be borne in mind that the fasts of Sha'ban are only for those people who are able to keep them without causing inferiority in the obligatory fasts of Ramadan. Therefore, if a person is afraid that after fasting Sha'ban he will lose the strength or vigor for fasting Ramadan and will not be able to fast Ramadan with vigor, he should not fast Sha'ban, since fasting Ramadan, which is obligatory, is more important than voluntary fasting in Shaban. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbade Muslims from fasting for 1 or 2 days immediately before the start of Ramadan. The Blessed Companion Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do not fast after the first half of the month of Sha'ban has passed.”

According to another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Do not precede the month of Ramadan with one or two fasts.”

The meaning of the above hadiths is that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself used to fast for most of the month of Sha'ban because he was not afraid of weakness or fatigue before the start of Ramadan. And he ordered others not to fast after the 15th of Sha'ban for fear that they would lose strength and vigor before the start of Ramadan and would not be able to greet the month of Ramadan with enthusiasm.

Night Baraat

Another significant feature of the month of Shaaban is the presence of a night in it, which is designated in Sharia as “Laylatul-Baraat” (Night of Liberation from Fire). This night occurs between the 14th and 15th days of the month of Sha'ban. There are certain hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) that prove that this is a special night on which Divine mercy visits the people of the whole earth. Some of the hadiths are given below:

1. It is reported that Ummul-Mu'minin Aisha (radiallahu anha) said: “Once the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed night prayer (tahajjud) and was in a very long sajdah, that I was afraid that he had died. When I saw this, I got up (from the bed) and moved his thumb (to make sure that he was alive). The finger moved and I returned (to my place). Then I heard him say in sajdah: “I seek refuge from Your forgiveness from Your punishment, and I seek refuge from Your pleasure from Your displeasure, and I seek Your refuge from You. I cannot praise You as fully as You deserve. You are exactly who You have defined Yourself to be.” After this, he raised his head from the sajdah and finished his prayer. He turned to me: “Aisha, did you think that the Prophet betrayed you?” I said: “No, O Prophet of Allah, but I was afraid that your soul was taken away (from this world) because your sajdah was very long.” He asked me: “Do you know what night this is?” I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “This is the night of the half of Shaban. Allah Almighty looks at His slaves this night and forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and honors with His mercy those who pray for mercy, but keeps those who have evil intentions (against a Muslim) the same (and does not forgive them until until they are freed from anger).”

2. In another hadith, Sayyidah Aisha (radiallahu anha) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah Almighty forgives a large number of people on the night in the middle (of the month) of Sha’ban - more than the number of hairs of the sheep of the Kalb tribe.”

Kalb was a large tribe with a very large number of sheep. Therefore, the last sentence of the hadith indicates a large number of people who are forgiven on this night by Allah Almighty.

3. In another hadith, she reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “This is the middle Night (of the month) Sha'ban. Allah frees a large number of people from the Fire, more than the hairs growing on the sheep of the Kalb tribe. But He will not even look at the person who associates partners with Allah, or at the one who cultivates evil intent in his heart (against someone), or at the one who breaks family ties, or on a person who leaves his clothes hanging below his ankles (as a sign of pride), or on one who disobeys his parents, and on one who has the habit of drinking wine.”

4. Sayyidina Mu'az ibn Jabal (radiallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allah Almighty will look at all those created by Him on the middle Night of Shaban and forgive all those created by Him, except for the one who associates Him with partners or the one in whose heart there is evil intent (against a Muslim).”

Although the chain of transmission of some of these hadiths has some minor technical shortcomings, but if you look at all these hadiths together, it becomes clear that this night has some compelling merits, and holding this night as a holy night is not a baseless fabrication, as some imagine it to be. modern ulama, who, on the basis of the mentioned minor shortcomings of the hadiths, completely refused to attach special significance to this night. In fact, some of the hadith experts considered some of these hadiths to be authentic, and the defects in the chain of some others were considered by them to be minor technical shortcomings, which, according to the science of hadith, are eliminated when there are multiple paths of transmission. Therefore, the elders of the Ummah constantly considered this night as a night of special merit and spent it in worship and prayer.

What should you do on this night?

To observe the Night of Baraat, one should stay awake on this night for as long as possible. If one is more able to do so, he should spend the whole night in worship and prayer. However, if someone cannot do this for one reason or another, he can choose for these purposes any significant part of the night, preferably its second half, and perform the following acts of worship:

(a) Namaz. Namaz is the most preferred action to perform on this night. There is no specific number of rak'ahs, but it is desirable that there be at least eight. It is also recommended that each part of the prayer - such as qiyam, ruku and sajdah - be performed longer than usual. The longest surahs should be recited in prayer Holy Quran of those that a person knows by heart. If someone does not remember long surahs, he can also recite several short surahs in one rak'ah.

(b) Tilawat. Recitation of the Holy Quran is another form of worship that is very beneficial on this night. After performing the prayer or at any other time, one should recite from the Holy Qur'an as much as one is able to do.

(c) Dhikr. This night you should also perform dhikr (remembering the name of Allah). The following dhikr is especially useful:

One should say salat (durood) to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as much as possible. Dhikr can also be recited while walking, lying on a bed, or during other hours of work or rest.

(d) Dua. The greatest benefit that can be derived from the blessings of this night is dua. It is hoped that all duas this night will be accepted by our Lord, inshaAllah. Dua in itself is ibadat, and Allah Almighty gives reward for each dua along with satisfying the needs of the person making the request. Even if what was prayed for is not achieved, a person cannot be deprived of the reward for dua, which is sometimes more valuable than the earthly goods for which he strives. Duas also strengthen a person's relationship with Allah Almighty, which is the main purpose of all types and forms of worship.

A person can pray for whatever he wants. But the best duas are those made by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These duas are so comprehensive that the eloquent expressions used in them cover all human needs of both this world and the Next. In fact, the duas of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) are so profound that human imagination is barely capable of commensurate with their greatness.

Books are available on the subject of the du'a of the Prophet (PBUH) in various languages, and a person should pray to Allah Almighty in accordance with them, reciting the du'a in Arabic or translating their meaning in his own language.

(e) There are people who cannot fulfill additional prayer or reading the Qur'an for various reasons (illness, weakness or busyness with other necessary activities). Such people should not be completely deprived of the benefits of this night. They should do the following:

1. Perform Maghrib, Isha and Fajr prayers with jamaat in the mosque or in your homes in case of illness.

2. One should constantly recite dhikr, especially those mentioned in point (c), in any position until the person falls asleep.

3. One should pray to Allah for forgiveness and other benefits. You can even do this in bed.

(e) Women during menstruation cannot perform salaat and read the Qur'an, but they can recite any dhikr, tasbih, durood sharif and can make any request to Allah that they wish in any language. They can also recite Arabic duas given in the Quran or Hadith with the intention of dua (without the intention of tilawat).

(g) According to a hadith, which is relatively less reliable, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was in the Baqi cemetery that night, where he prayed for the Muslims buried there. Based on this, some jurists considered it mustahab (recommended) to go to a Muslim cemetery on this night and recite Surah Fatihah or any other part of the Koran and pray for the dead. However, this action is not mandatory and should not be performed regularly as mandatory.

What not to do this night

1. As mentioned above, the Night of Baraat is a night of special blessings aimed at Muslims. Therefore, this night should be spent in complete submission to Allah Almighty, and one should avoid all those actions that may not please Allah. Although every Muslim must always refrain from committing sins, on such nights this abstinence becomes even more necessary, since committing sins on this night will be tantamount to responding to divine benefits with disobedience and serious crimes. Such arrogant behavior can cause nothing but the wrath of Allah. Therefore, one should strictly abstain from all sins, especially those mentioned in Hadith No. 3 quoted earlier in this article, because sins deprive a person of the benefits of this night.

2. Some people on this night do things that they consider necessary for the celebration of the Night of Baraat: they prepare special dishes, illuminate houses or mosques, or temporary structures. All such actions are not only baseless and invented by ignorant people in recent times, but in some cases they are a complete imitation of the rituals of non-Muslims. Such imitation is a sin in itself, and committing it on such a blessed night as the Night of Baraat makes it even worse. Muslims should strictly avoid such activities.

3. Some people hold religious meetings and give long lectures on this night. Such actions are also not recommended. On this night one should engage only in genuine acts of worship.

4. Acts of worship such as prayer, recitation of the Qur'an and dhikr should be performed on this night independently and not collectively. Nafl prayer should not be performed in jamaat and Muslims should not organize gatherings in mosques to celebrate this night collectively.

On the contrary, this night involves worshiping Allah in solitude. This is a time to enjoy direct contact with the Lord of the Universe and to pay attention to Him and only Him. These are the precious hours of this night in which no one should interfere between a person and His Lord, and one should turn to Allah with full concentration without interference from anyone.

Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed acts of worship that night in complete solitude, without anyone’s accompaniment, even without his beloved life partner, Sayyida Aisha (radiallahu anha), and therefore all forms of voluntary worship (nafl-ibadat) are recommended by him to be done individually and not collectively.

Fast of the 15th Sha'ban

On the day following the Night of Baraat, i.e. On the 15th of Sha'ban, it is mustahab (recommended) to fast. It was reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) strongly recommended this fast. Although some hadith scholars have certain doubts about the authenticity of this hadith, however, as mentioned earlier, fasting during the first half of the month of Sha'ban has special merits, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted most of the days in Sha'ban. A large number of elders (salaf) of the ummah kept the fast of the 15th Sha'ban. This continuous practice indicates that they accepted the relevant hadith as authentic.

Therefore, it is recommended to fast on the 15th of Sha'ban, keeping a voluntary (nafl) fast. One can also keep a qaza fast (making up for a missed obligatory fast) and it is hoped that the person may also benefit from the benefits of this fast.

The month of Sha'ban has arrived, which is a particularly valuable time for believers. The month of Sha'ban is the second among the three holy months of the Islamic calendar and precedes the month that has become the mercy of Allah for us - the month of Ramadan. This is the time when the slave becomes even closer to His Creator, the doors of Allah’s mercy open even wider, sins are forgiven, and worship and goodness receive an even greater reward. The possibilities of believers are expanding incredibly.

The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) says: “Rajab is the month of sowing, Sha'ban is the month of watering, and Ramadan is the time of harvesting. It is known that Rajab is characterized by forgiveness and mercy, Shaaban is characterized by purification, and Ramadan is characterized by multiple rewards.”

About the merits of this month in the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) it is said:

“The superiority of the month of Shaban over other months is the same as my superiority over other prophets.”

“For the one who fasted for three days in the month of Sha'ban at the beginning, three in the middle and three at the end, the Almighty will write down the reward like seventy prophets, and his degree will be similar to the degree of a slave who worshiped the Most High for seventy years. And if he dies this year, he will die as a suicide bomber.”

“Allah undertakes to enter into Paradise the one who fasts on the first and last Thursday of the month of Shaban.”

About the month of Sha'ban, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "This is a month that people often neglect... In this month, a person's deeds are presented to Allah, and I want my deeds to be presented at the moment when I fast."

“If you want peace before death, a happy ending (death with Iman) and salvation from Shaitan, respect these months by fasting and regretting sins (not committing them).”

An authentic hadith reports that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) fasted on most days of the month of Sha'ban. Fasting on Sha'ban is not obligatory, however, given that it is the month preceding Ramadan, fasting in this month is in preparation for fasting in Ramadan. Fasting in the month of Sha'ban will prepare us spiritually and physically for Ramadan so that the believer can better express himself during the obligatory fast.

The Blessed Companion Anas (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked: “Which fast is the most valuable after the fasts of Ramadan?” He replied: “The fasts of Shaban are in honor of Ramadan.”

One day a companion named Osama bin Zeit asked the Messenger of Allah (alayhis salaam):

“O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I have not seen you ever fast the way you fasted in Sha’ban.” He replied: “People forget about this month between Rajab and Ramadan. In this month, deeds are ascended to the Lord of the worlds, and I want my deeds to be ascended while I am fasting.”

It is reported that Aisha said: “Sometimes the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted so often that we said: “But he does not break his fast!” And sometimes he broke his fast so often that we said: “But he’s not fasting!” I have never seen him fast for a whole month outside of Ramadan, and I have never seen him fast more than Sha'ban."

Another hadith says: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasting as much as he did in the month of Shaban. He used to fast during this month, leaving only a few days, or rather, he used to fast almost the entire month.”

In the middle of the month of Sha'ban lies a particularly blessed night - the night of Baraat. This is one of those special periods of time when Allah Almighty opens all the doors of His mercy and forgiveness, when you can gain these rewards by submitting yourself to the Almighty and worship.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “This is the night of half of Shaban. Allah Almighty looks at His slaves this night and forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and honors with His mercy those who pray for mercy, but keeps those who have evil intentions (against a Muslim) the same (and does not forgive them until until they are freed from anger).”