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Lifestyle from Elena Malysheva. We lose weight and get healthier with the real diet of Elena Malysheva, 5-day kefir diet for Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is well known to TV viewers. For 6 years now, the program “Live Healthy!” has been regularly aired. Thanks to this program, a project called “Elena Malysheva’s Diet” was born in 2012 - scientifically based advice and rules for proper weight loss.

Lose excess weight: losing weight with a TV presenter

Malysheva’s diet is the result of her own struggle with the tendency to be overweight, because after 40 years, many women lose their beautiful figure and become obese. The struggle for one’s own health and slimness coincided with the requests of TV viewers: they were also worried about the problem of how to lose weight correctly. The answer was the television project “Drop the Extra Thing,” which appeared in 2009. Participants in the experiment were convinced from their own experience that losing 15 kg in a month without starving yourself is quite possible. E. Malysheva involved well-known specialists in their field:

  • author of an effective nutrition method M. Korolev;
  • one of the best nutritionists in Moscow N. Grigoriev,
  • doctor R. Moisenko.

The TV doctor's own book explains the rules healthy eating and gives everyone the opportunity to create their own weight loss program.

Elena Malysheva's opinion on diets

E. Malysheva initially rejects some dietary methods because they are harmful to health:

  • protein diets are dangerous for humans, because exceeding the protein norm creates conditions for the development of oncology;
  • Fasting helps you lose weight, but it is extremely stressful for the body. As soon as food enters the body again, it turns it into fat - a reserve in case of another starvation. The extra pounds are coming back. Fasting also harms the liver and poisons the body with toxins;
  • Vegetarianism and restrictive diets do not give a lasting effect: a person breaks down and eats everything that he previously denied himself, nullifying past efforts.

Video: the dangers of fasting in the fight against excess weight

Rules for a balanced diet

The weight loss method of a doctor of medical sciences and a popular TV presenter is based on the following principles:

  • reduce caloric intake to a minimum - the level of basic needs of the body. E. Malysheva recommends consuming only 800–1200 kcal/day. Under this condition, the body will use the missing energy by burning fat reserves;
  • During the diet, remove or reduce to a minimum foods containing fats and “fast” carbohydrates, the breakdown chain of which leads to the rapid formation of fats. First of all, you should exclude: lard, butter and vegetable oils. Sugar, baked goods, potatoes, rice, and alcohol have a high glycemic index. When broken down, they turn into glucose - a source of energy. If the energy is not immediately used by the body, glucose is transformed into fat reserves, so such food is not suitable for weight loss;
  • limit salt intake. Excess weight also means excess fluid, which is retained in the body by sodium salts.

Recommendations by E. Malysheva (and nutritionist R. Moisenko) for quick weight loss are a salt-free BEACH diet, known as “Minus 5 kilograms in 10 days” or simply an express diet. The effect of this technique is based on:

  • rapid removal of water from the body (complete ban on salt);
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins;
  • accelerating metabolism by alternating protein and carbohydrate days;
  • burning fat reserves when processing large amounts of protein food.

Animal fats contained in lard have a high calorie content Confectionery products with rich cream are high in calories Baked goods made from white flour have a high glycemic index Potatoes contain a large amount of starch White rice increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus Alcohol increases appetite Sweets contain large amounts of sugar and fat Pasta has a high glycemic index Sugar is a high-calorie product

Healthy eating as a lifestyle

E. Malysheva’s method does not represent any special discoveries in dietetics. This is an ordinary balanced nutrition system based on calorie counting, preference for healthy foods and limiting fat-containing foods. The author of her own weight loss technique claims that when eating according to her recommendations, up to 0.5 kg of excess weight is lost every day.

Using Elena Malysheva’s diet, within 1–2 months you can, without much torture of your body, by eating varied and tasty, lose 12–18 kg and make your weight close to ideal. A long-term diet forms the habit of proper and balanced nutrition. This is a guarantee that the extra pounds will not return.

An express diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg or more in 10 days, but it is not recommended to do it more than once a year.

Vegetarians using E. Malysheva’s method will have to replace protein foods of animal origin with plant foods (mushrooms, legumes). The need for vitamin B12, iron, Omega-3 amino acid when excluding fish and meat from the diet must be replenished with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

Ideal weight and good health are ensured if a person:

  • eats right;
  • physically active;
  • sleeps enough;
  • has no bad habits.

The effectiveness of these banal advice from E.V. Malysheva demonstrates every time she appears on television in excellent physical shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Elena Malysheva’s diet is based on the doctor’s sound reasoning about her health and competent recommendations from nutritionists. Everything is calculated so that every allowed calorie benefits the body. The menu developed for the month is embodied in dried and frozen products, packaged in containers and sent to customers. This diet is ready-to-eat food; it is the main feature of the Elena Malysheva Diet project.

However, experts note the following disadvantages of her diet:

  • The calorie content of the diet is very low, designed for minimal physical activity of a person. International organizations Health authorities do not recommend diets with a calorie content below 1200 kcal, and some of E. Malysheva’s menus have an energy value of only 800 kcal per day. If the body does not have enough energy to meet basic needs, energy conservation mechanisms begin to work, and all vital processes slow down. Recovery occurs only weeks and months after stopping the diet;
  • lack of fat in the diet, which reduces the content of vitamins such as retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). Because of this, the appearance deteriorates, the protective functions of the body decrease;
  • The diet was calculated for people of age and build similar to the TV presenter. However, it is recommended to everyone as an example of healthy eating. An individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of metabolism, age and type of activity of a person, contraindications for health reasons - are not taken into account anywhere in the recommendations. Although the author always emphasizes that any diet is stress for the body. It should be used after consultation with a specialist.

In general, Malysheva’s diet can only be criticized on one principle - a person with a medical education is trying to sell “one size fits all.” It provides food with minimal caloric content and nutritional value (the kits contain little protein; those who wish can calculate for themselves whether the norm of 1–1.5 g per 1 kg of weight is met), which real conditions“they feed” only people without any physical activity at all and with disorders of the endocrine system, for food “for everyone.” In principle, it does not include in the diet either sources of omega-three and omega-6 in sufficient quantities, or saturated fatty acids useful for weight loss in adequate doses. Indeed, everyone loses weight on such a diet, but in terms of achieving aesthetic results, such strict restrictions are very, very controversial.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer

Review of Malysheva's diet - video

How to lose weight correctly according to Elena Malysheva

Today there are already 10 varieties of E. Malysheva’s diets, but all variations are subject to the same rules of behavior during the period of therapeutic nutrition. The TV presenter herself identifies 7 rules for losing weight.

To lose weight, you need to eat often

When losing weight, you should not allow your body to experience a strong feeling of hunger. This danger signal will cause every calorie to be converted into fat and stored in reserve. Meals should be divided, 4-6 times a day, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

Required diet:

  • breakfast - 25% of total daily calories;
  • lunch - 30%;
  • dinner - 15%;
  • snacks - 15%.

It is advisable to eat at the same time, then a high metabolic rate will be maintained.

Eating frequently helps you avoid hunger and keep you feeling well throughout the day.

“The secret to losing weight is in one glass”

The amount of food taken at one time (200–250 g) should fit in a glass. Small portions will satisfy the feeling of hunger and will gradually lead to a reduction in stomach volume, which means moderation in eating will be formed. E. Malysheva was convinced from her own experience that this amount of food is enough to not feel hungry for 3 hours.

"Water is more important than food"

To lose weight, you need to drink 1.5–2 liters of water a day

Count calories, exclude fats

As a specialist in the field of medicine, E. Malysheva insists on strict control over the diet. To do this, you need to know the energy value of all foods consumed, their composition in proteins, fats, carbohydrates - i.e. the basics of dietetics.

“I am feeding you, please eat”

The mood during the period of using the diet plays an important role. E. Malysheva calls to love your body, to respect the processes that occur in it. The advice to chew food for a long time makes it possible to enjoy its taste, it is easier to achieve a state of saturation, it is better to process food with saliva and facilitate its digestion in the stomach. You need to chew each piece of food twenty times before swallowing it.

2–3 months - time to apply the diet

During this period, the body is cleansed of toxins, the habit of a balanced diet is developed, the person’s weight approaches ideal and remains this way for about two years.

Diet and sport

Anyone who regularly visits the gym is allowed to increase their calorie intake with a glass of milk, a salad for lunch, or a couple of apples. One of the snacks should be eaten before or immediately after training. When using an express diet, you need to plan your workouts on “carbohydrate” days, when the body receives enough energy.

Products that help you lose weight

The healthiest foods are selected for dietary nutrition:

  • meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese - sources of proteins;
  • cereals - provide the need for carbohydrates for a long time;
  • vegetables - cleanse the gastrointestinal tract well;
  • fruits - consumed during snacks as a source of vitamins and fast carbohydrates.

Chicken fillet is low in fat Eggs contain essential amino acids Sea fish- a source of protein, phosphorus and iodine Cottage cheese - a source of protein and calcium Oatmeal with fruits and berries - a tasty and healthy breakfast Buckwheat contains many useful substances and is low in calories Vegetables contain vitamins and fiber Fruits can replace dessert Greens are rich in folic acid

Name of food productContent g/100 g.Calorie content
Kcal/100 g.
Beef meat18,7 0 12,6 191
Chicken fillet20,4 0,8 8,6 161
Turkey21 0,6 12 192
River fish (crucian carp, carp, pike)16–18 0 0,8–3,5 83–95
Sea fish (pollock, cod, hake)15,7–17,7 0 0,5–2,3 67–86
Chicken egg12,7 0,6 11 153
Omelette9.7 1,7 15,5 181
Milk 1%2,8 4,6 1 43
Low-fat cottage cheese18 1,8 0,6 89
Oatmeal porridge11,9 69,1 7,5 93
Buckwheat porridge4,5 27.4 1,6 137
Pearl barley porridge3.2 22.7 0,5 102
Rice porridge1,5 17,3 0,2 79
Beans4,4 4,4 0 36
Green peas5,4 13,6 0,2 75
Zucchini0,8 6 0,3 30
Eggplant0,6 7,5 0,1 22
Tomatoes0,7 2.6–4 0 12–19
cucumbers0,7 1,6–3 0 9–15
Fresh cabbage1,9 5,7 0 31
Carrot1,3 6,3 0,1 29
Beet1,7 10,5 0 46
Boiled potatoes2 16,5 0.3 80
Greens (onion, sorrel, spinach)1,4–2.5 2,6–5,5 0 21–29
Oranges, tangerines0,9 8,8 0 39
Apples0,5 11 0 48
Berries0,4–1,5 8–11 0 40–50
Dried fruits2,5–3 65–70 0 262–275
Rye bread4,7 49,5 0,6 210
Wheat bread7,4 5.3 2,2 246

Table: sample menu of Elena Malysheva’s main diet for a week

Eating Menu
(number of products in grams)
Calorie content (kcal)
1st day
  • Oatmeal porridge (150 g);
  • 100 g berries;
  • 200 ml milk.
2nd breakfast
2 fruits: 220–250 g120–150
  • Chicken fillet (150 g);
  • rice porridge (100 g);
  • rye bread 40 g.
Afternoon snack
  • Cottage cheese casserole (150 g);
  • carrots (50 g).
  • Vegetable salad (170 g);
  • egg; a glass of kefir.
Day 2
  • Buckwheat porridge (150 g);
  • 200 ml yogurt.
2nd breakfastBaked apple120–150
  • Vegetable puree soup (80 g);
  • chicken meatballs (170 g);
Afternoon snackBaked apple150
  • Vegetable puree (180–200 g);
  • boiled egg, glass of juice.
Day 3
  • Omelette of 2 whites, 50 g of milk;
  • carrot and apple salad (100 g).
2nd breakfast2 fruits: orange and apple120–150
  • Boiled beef soufflé (150 g);
  • boiled cauliflower (100 g);
  • 1 glass of rosehip decoction.
Afternoon snack
  • 125 g bio-yogurt;
  • 100 g. cottage cheese.
  • Cabbage (160 g);
  • stewed with zucchini (40 g);
  • baked apple with cinnamon.
4 day
  • 50 g boiled chicken;
  • 100 g green peas;
  • rye bread 50 g;
  • a glass of curdled milk.
2nd breakfast
  • 150 g vinaigrette;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • Bran bread - 2 pieces.
  • vegetable stew 100 g;
  • rosehip decoction 200 ml.
Afternoon snack
  • 1 apple;
  • 30 g walnuts.
  • Casserole made from 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 20 g carrots;
  • a glass of kefir.
5 day
  • Pearl barley porridge 150 g;
  • 30 g dried fruits;
  • a glass of tea.
2nd breakfast
  • Puree of zucchini and eggplant (250g);
  • a glass of kefir.
  • Boiled sea fish (hake, pollock) - 150 g;
  • vegetable stew 100 g;
  • rosehip decoction 200 ml.
Afternoon snack
  • Rice pilaf (70 g) with vegetables (130 g)
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g cottage cheese;
  • a glass of kefir.
Day 6
  • Omelette of 2 proteins and 50 g of milk;
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • a glass of tea.
2nd breakfast
  • Boiled potatoes (100 g);
  • sauerkraut with onions (100 g).
  • Tomato soup (100 g);
  • boiled chicken (150 g).
Afternoon snack
  • Vegetable salad (200 g),
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  • Cauliflower casserole (200 g);
  • cottage cheese (50 g);
  • a glass of kefir.
Day 7
  • Pearl barley porridge (200 g);
  • carrot salad with apple (50 g).
2nd breakfastApple, orange120–150
  • Cabbage stew (100 g) with meat (100 g);
  • a glass of rosehip decoction.
Afternoon snack
  • Cottage cheese (100 g);
  • dried fruits 30 g.
  • Fish soufflé (150 g);
  • boiled beans (100 g);
  • a glass of kefir.

Menu variations

  • porridge (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, rolled oats);
  • omelette;
  • boiled egg;
  • milk.


  • 2 fruits;
  • cheese casserole;
  • boiled potatoes with salad;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • vegetable stew.
  • vegetable, bean or pea soup;
  • boiled chicken;
  • fish or beef;
  • meat or fish cutlets, meatballs;
  • stewed vegetables for garnish.
  • cottage cheese;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • vegetable salad;
  • walnuts;
  • fruit.
  • vegetable stew;
  • curd dishes;
  • boiled egg;
  • boiled fish.

Express diet “Minus 5 kg in 10 days” - BUCH

The diet is based on protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA): for 10 days, alternate days of eating only protein and only carbohydrate foods.

Protein days regimen

You must follow the rules:

  • after sleep on an empty stomach, drink 250 ml of water;
  • during the first meal, eat an egg with a salad of green vegetables;
  • for the remaining 4 meals, boil 800 g of chicken (pour water over the chicken, boil, drain the broth, then boil in new water);
  • eat boiled chicken in 200 g portions without salt and bread;
  • Be sure to drink water: up to 10 glasses a day.

Carbohydrate day regimen

  • on the first day, “Brush” salad is consumed: 300 g 5 times a day;
  • on other days, 1.5 kg of any vegetables except potatoes are consumed: raw, stewed, boiled. Do not add salt or season with spices.

In this case, kilograms are lost due to the cleansing of the intestines from toxins with carbohydrate foods and the release of excess water with a salt-free diet. To process large amounts of protein, the body draws energy from fat reserves - weight decreases quite quickly.

Homemade diet recipes

Dishes prepared according to these recipes can be consumed during protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Salad "Brush"


  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • beets - 500 g;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Chop all the vegetables, mix, squeezing them with your hands, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Product yield - 1.5 kg. Calorie content daily value- 530 kcal.

Chicken balls


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • white bread, loaf - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak white bread in milk, squeeze.
  2. Grind it together with the chicken in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour milk into the rolled mixture, add salt and pepper.
  4. Form the minced meat into balls and fry them in a frying pan.

Product yield - 450 g. Calorie content 1200 kcal.

Baked apples

  • apples - 6 pcs. (800 g);
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The center of the apples is cleaned.
  2. A pinch of sugar and 100 g of raisins are added to the cottage cheese, the filling is mixed.
  3. The core of the apples is filled with curd filling.
  4. Everything is baked in the oven until golden brown.

Product yield - 950 g. Total calorie content - 850–880 kcal. Calorie content of 1 apple is 140–150 kcal.

Quitting the diet

The optimal way out of Elena Malysheva’s multi-day diet is to turn it into your own nutrition system. To do this you need:

  • keep track of calories eaten;
  • try not to go beyond your calculated minimum;
  • do not get carried away with foods that were limited by the diet;
  • apply fasting days once a week;
  • pay attention to the amount of food you eat.

It will not be difficult to follow these rules, since within 2-3 months of the diet the habit has already formed.

The second option is to return to your previous diet, using a diet from time to time when you need to adjust your weight. In this case, prohibited foods (sweets, baked goods, potatoes, fats) must be introduced gradually.

To exit the express diet, you need to alternate protein and carbohydrate foods throughout the day. After a week, you can gradually introduce your usual food into your diet. To prevent lost kilograms from returning, it is better to stay on Malysheva’s basic diet.

How to reduce belly fat - video

Side effects

Like any dietary restriction, Malysheva’s diet has its possible side effects:

  • low calorie content leads to metabolic failure and rapid weight gain after a diet. In boxes of ready-made food "Malysheva's Diet" the energy value of daily nutrition for women is 800 kcal, and for men - 1200 kcal. This is not enough even for the basic level of metabolism;
  • Insufficient protein and carbohydrates in the diet leads to loss of muscle mass. After the diet, this loss will be restored in the form of fat reserves;
  • the insufficient amount of food in ready-made sets for trainees leads to the need to add food on their own. If you do not add additional calories to your diet, your internal organs will malfunction and health problems will begin.

Video: composition of the box with Malysheva’s diet kits


Despite E. Malysheva’s assertion that her system is an example of a balanced diet and has no contraindications, people with such problems as:

  • gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, gastric ulcer, constipation;
  • cholecystitis, hepatitis;
  • kidney stones and urinary tract diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • adolescence, when the level of basic needs of the body is increased - during this period it can disrupt the formation of the reproductive function of the body;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • work involving great physical effort.

Malysheva’s 5-day diet will help you lose extra pounds without harm to your health, when there are only a few days left until “X” day.

Basic principles

The famous Russian doctor Elena Malysheva has developed several weight loss techniques, which differ mainly in duration. One such weight loss system is a 5-day diet.

Diet for 5 days from Elena Malysheva - good way cleanse the body and direct it towards effective weight loss. In general, this technique can not even be called a diet, but rather a nutritional system based on the absence of negative effects on the body.

You can stick to this diet for a longer period – up to two to three months. During this time, your overall health will improve and the results achieved will be consolidated.

The main rule of Malysheva’s diet is to not starve.

Many people who want to lose excess weight mistakenly believe that fasting will lead to fast weight loss. Naturally, there will be results, but this is fraught with a slowdown in metabolism. The body is not getting enough required amount food, begins to accumulate its reserves, and as a result, losing weight does not bring the desired results.

Principles of losing weight:

The author of the diet suggests sticking to fractional meals, that is, eating small portions several times a day (on average, about 4-5 meals). This nutritional system helps speed up metabolism, even if the diet is based on the consumption of low-calorie foods. Due to this, the body does not go into saving mode and does not accumulate reserves “for a rainy day.”
Malysheva’s diet for 5 days involves strict calorie counting and compliance with the daily norm of 1200 kcal.
When compiling a daily menu, you should give preference only to high-quality, fresh and healthy food. When choosing products, you need to carefully study their composition: it should be free of additives, dyes and other harmful substances.
The diet plan assumes minimal consumption of salt, sugar, vegetable and animal fats, potatoes, rice, flour products, and alcoholic beverages.
Instead of salt, you can use lemon juice to flavor your dishes.
Every day you need to drink up to two liters of plain water (a glass an hour before meals and a glass an hour after meals).
To create a menu for Malysheva’s five-day diet, you can use ready-made meal plans, or you can choose your own diet.

The main principle of Malysheva’s diet is calorie restriction and consumption of natural, healthy foods. After achieving positive results, you must maintain general rules diet and avoid junk food.

It is better to plan your first meal at 08:00. You can have lunch at 12:00 or 13:00, and dinner should be no later than 19:00.
For breakfast you need to eat porridge, for lunch - meat or fish, and in the evening you are allowed to eat a light salad, a boiled egg and low-percentage kefir.
The size of one serving is no more than 200 g.
Between main meals, a fruit snack is allowed (apple, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, etc.); Water will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins. It also promotes fat burning, so every day you need to drink about two liters of pure still water. You should start the day with a glass of water on an empty stomach, and you should also drink a glass an hour before meals and an hour after meals. You can drink water if you feel hungry.

Reviews of Malysheva’s 5-day diet confirm its effectiveness. This nutritional system is tolerated quite well; about 500 g are lost per day. Thus, in 5 days you can lose 2.5-3 kg, and if you extend the diet to 10 days, you will lose 5 kg of excess weight.

Main advantages:

The biggest advantage of Malysheva’s diet is that you can lose weight without causing harm to your health. This is the main difference from the so-called. "fast" express diets.
Another obvious advantage of such a diet is that in essence it is not even a diet, but a complete nutritional plan, which means that in order to maintain results in the future, you cannot do without switching to a proper nutrition system.
Malysheva’s diet menu includes only healthy dishes that allow for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Thus, this is not just a weight loss system, but also a therapeutic diet.
Fractional consumption of food in small portions helps speed up metabolism, and consequently – weight loss.
A significant advantage in losing weight is the absence of carbohydrate foods in the afternoon.

To achieve really good results, the diet must be followed for at least two weeks. In 5 days, according to Malysheva’s system, you will be able to lose only a couple of kg.
Another disadvantage of Elena Malysheva’s diet is the monotony of the diet; the daily menu includes a limited set of dishes.
Nutrition according to the Malysheva system is a low-calorie diet, since you can consume up to 1200 kcal per day. Low-calorie diets also have their disadvantages.
In general, the diet turns out to be quite meager in terms of proteins - protein food is included in only one out of five meals.

Unlike other weight loss systems, Malysheva’s diet has no serious contraindications. This method of weight loss is simple and accessible to everyone. And if we take into account its harmlessness and effectiveness, we can safely say that this is one of the most acceptable methods for bringing weight back to normal.

Sample Malysheva diet menu for 5 days

breakfast lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st day Buckwheat porridge (no more than 200 g), hard-boiled egg, salad of fresh carrots, apples and olive oil (100 g). Tea, casserole of low-percentage cottage cheese and dried fruits with sour cream (140 g). Boiled beef (130 g), boiled cauliflower (190 g), rosehip tea. Orange. Cabbage and zucchini stew (200 g), apple baked with cinnamon, a glass of low-fat kefir.
2nd day Rolled oats porridge with berries (180 g), a glass of skim milk. Salad of prunes and beets with vegetable oil (200 g), 2 bran breads. Salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes and herbs with vegetable oil (120 g), pilaf with chicken breast (200 g), rosehip tea. 100 g cottage cheese, natural yogurt (120 g). Steamed cod (160 g), boiled green beans (200 g), a glass of low-fat kefir.
3rd day Omelet with milk in a double boiler, carrot and apple salad with vegetable oil (110 g). Green apple. Vegetarian soup (160 g), boiled chicken breast (110 g), green beans (100 g). Cabbage, carrot and apple stew (200 g). 150 g of low-percentage cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir.
4th day Boiled beef (60 g), 100 g of green peas, two diet bread. 140 g vinaigrette, two bran loaves. Cabbage and carrot stew (160 g), boiled fish (120 g), herbal tea. Green apple, 35 g walnuts. Casserole of cottage cheese and carrots with sour cream (200 g), a glass of low-fat kefir.
5th day Hercules flakes with milk and dried fruits (4 tablespoons per 100 g of milk) Eggplant and zucchini puree (190 g) Boiled fish (120 g), vegetable stew (200 g), rosehip tea. Rice and chicken pilaf (180 g). 100 g of low-percentage cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Composition and basic rules of the diet

Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home is based on 3 principles:

  • To lose weight, you can’t starve;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of unboiled water per day;
  • A single meal should not exceed a serving size of 250 grams. Or 1 full glass.

When creating a menu for Malysheva’s diet for the week, you must also take into account the following requirements:

  • Strict refusal of alcohol and minimizing salt intake. Liquid makes up an impressive part of our body weight. And these products retain fluid in the body and prevent its elimination.
  • It is also necessary to consume sufficient calories for weight loss with a sedentary lifestyle: for men – 1400, for women – 1200. The diet set provides 800 and 1100 calories for men and women, respectively. The rest comes on its own.
  • Minimizing the consumption of animal fat. For example, instead of frying, it is better to boil foods, replace fattier meat (pork) with poultry, etc.

An effective diet is 24 days, consisting of 5 meals a day, as well as 4 fasting days, which consist entirely of cereals: buckwheat and rice.

To follow a diet, you can follow two paths:

  1. You buy diet kits for the entire diet cycle: 2 boxes that are sent to you every 2 weeks.
  2. You buy all the products yourself.

The diet set from Elena Malysheva includes:

  • First breakfast: cereal or muesli;
  • Second breakfast: fresh fruit of your choice;
  • Lunch: low-calorie frozen dish for heating in the microwave. Complemented with green salad;
  • Dessert: a bar of muesli, fruits and nuts, or dried fruits;
  • Dinner: a slightly higher calorie frozen dish. Also complemented with green salad.

You can supplement the missing amount of calories in the set with vegetables: mushrooms, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, garlic, etc. You can drink without restrictions green tea sugarless, mineral water, vegetable broths.

Daily regime

According to the diet, the minimum required number of meals is 5. As mentioned above, the main rule is not to starve. You can reduce portions and increase the number of meals if your body requires it.

Diet mode:

Elena Malysheva's diet menu for the week

People who want to use this diet can order 2 weekly sets at the Perekrestok, Azbuka Vkusa, and Behetle stores.

But if you have a negative attitude towards semi-finished products and do not want to overpay, you can prepare dietary food for yourself. It will be a little harder for you to follow Elena Malysheva’s diet at home, because... you will spend more time shopping, selecting food and preparing it. Also, not all family members will be delighted with fresh, unsalted food. You may have to cook for yourself separately. At first, you can replace salt with unsalted spices - herbs de Provence, dried dill, parsley.

Elena Malysheva's diet menu:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayA glass of buckwheat porridge, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad with olive oil, one apple. Apple and prunes (or 1 banana). Boiled beef or chicken breast 150 g, fresh cabbage or broccoli salad, tea. A portion of dried fruits with tea, or an apple. Stewed vegetables, steamed beef cutlet, a glass of kefir.
TuesdayOatmeal porridge 200 g, traditional with water or skim milk, berries. Favorite fruit or beet salad with bread. Steamed fish - 100 g. Salad of tomatoes, fresh cabbage and herbs. Apple or low-fat cottage cheese. Buckwheat or rice - 100 g. Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g.
Wednesday (fasting day) Boiled rice without salt - 200 g. Apple.Boiled buckwheat without salt - 200 g. Apple or banana. Boiled rice without salt - 200 g.
ThursdayOmelette of 2 eggs with onions and herbs. Carrot salad with olive oil. Apple or grapefruit. Potato soup with zucchini. A muesli bar or a portion of dried fruit with tea. Low-fat cottage cheese or pilaf with champignons. Green salad.
FridayMuesli with skim milk or oatmeal 1 glass. Favorite fruit.Low-fat pea soup, 1 stuffed pepper or chicken breast of your choice, 2 diet bread. Stewed cabbage with vegetables. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g. Kefir.
SaturdayBoiled eggs 2 pcs, stewed carrots with apple. Fresh fruits.Boiled beef - 200 g. Mushroom cream soup. Vegetable salad or a handful of dried fruits with tea. Stewed White cabbage, cottage cheese or kefir.
SundayPearl barley porridge 1 cup. A handful of nuts or dried fruits. Fresh fruits.Turkey or chicken breast, baked in the oven - 200 g. Vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad. Skim cheese. Boiled or steamed fish. 1 glass of kefir.

Diet results

Elena Malysheva's diet is a balanced way to lose weight. It won’t bring you immediate results and tens of kilograms lost, but that’s its beauty. The diet does not harm the body and does not lead to stress, and this is the most important thing for your health! Everything requires a meaningful and reasonable approach. You can't accumulate for years excess weight, and then get rid of it in 2 days. Be consistent in your actions and you will achieve your goals without harm to your body!

Elena Malysheva not only a TV presenter, but also a registered nutritionist. You probably learned about Elena from TV; she became famous thanks to the “Health” program. Currently it is still airing on Channel One with educational program about health and dietary nutrition, but under a different name.

After one of the episodes of the TV show, Malysheva became very popular on the Internet, namely, her diet gained popularity, which is quite logical, named after her - “ Diet of Elena Malysheva“. Today, on the pages of ten diets, we will collect all 10 weight loss options proposed by Malysheva.


On the Internet, it is almost impossible to get to the bottom of Malysheva’s real diet; this is due to greedy website creators who make many websites on these diets in order to make a profit. If you have landed on our website, then you are in luck. This is where you can find original and almost unique diets from Aunt Lena. Use the table of contents to jump to the method of losing weight that interests you.

The best diet of Elena Malysheva. Diet No. 1

An excellent option that does not harm the body. By following this method of losing weight, you can lose up to 4 kilograms in just a week. Naturally, it is advisable to perform physical exercise.

For breakfast eat 2 slices of bread with bran, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of any vegetables, drink a glass of green tea.

For lunch– 1 plate of vegetable soup (for example), 100 g boiled chicken breast or boiled fish, 100 g of buckwheat or rice porridge. We drink a glass of juice.

For afternoon tea– eat 300 g of fruits or berries.

For dinner– 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g boiled fish, 1 slice of bread. Drink 1 glass of low-fat kefir. Diet duration is 7 days, during this period you can lose up to 4 kg.

Malysheva’s diet from the “Live Healthy” program. Diet No. 2

It was this diet that was presented in a television program on Channel One, called “Live Healthy.”
The TV show is an analogue of the “Health” program, which was also hosted by Elena.

Your breakfast. Boiled egg, in the amount of one piece (buy selected eggs). A glass of orange juice. After breakfast, until lunch, we don’t eat anything.

Your lunch. Vegetable salad with pieces of turkey (about 60 g) and cheese (low-fat), lettuce.

Your afternoon tea. One large, green apple, no more.

Your dinner. Pasta with shrimp (or finely shredded chicken) – 115 g, spinach salad (low-calorie dressing).

Super diet of Elena Malysheva. Diet No. 3

It looks funny, but often this name is used to look for one of the ways to lose weight according to Elena Malysheva. This is partly true, and without exaggeration it can be called “super”, because with its help many people have lost several kilograms in literally a matter of days.

Breakfast. Cereal flakes (coarsely ground), which must be poured with skim milk or milk with a low fat content of less than 1%.

Dinner. For lunch you should eat the same thing as for breakfast.

Dessert. Pear is perfect as a dessert.

Dinner: Lean turkey spaghetti and meatballs, optional lettuce.

The duration of the diet depends on your current weight. If you weigh more than 90 kg, then we recommend sitting on it for 14-21 days; if you weigh more than 70, then 14 days is enough. If you just want to keep yourself in good shape, it is enough to arrange 1 fasting day per week on such a diet.

A quick diet from Malysheva. Diet No. 4

The duration of the fast diet is exactly a week. The diet is very strict, if you doubt that you can cope with it, it is better to consult your doctor or a nutritionist from a paid clinic. It even somewhat resembles a seven-day diet.

For breakfast. Dried bagels (these are bagels) with cheese (low-fat).

For lunch. Green salad with boiled chicken – 115 g. For dessert, 2 peaches.

For dinner. Low-fat cheese lasagna, green salad (lean dressing).

All. We don't eat anything else. You can only drink water, as much as you want. You can lose weight again with the help of it only after a month, not earlier, because... The body needs to repair the damage done. But the result will be visible to you immediately!

Video: losing weight using ready-made kits from Elena Malysheva. Diet No. 5

In this video, the blogger shares her experience of losing 22 kg in 3 months using ready-made meal kits compiled according to Malysheva’s system:

Malysheva's official diet. Diet No. 6

The proposed diet must be followed for five weeks. Throughout the diet, you must eat only raw vegetables, as well as cheeses and yoghurts with a five percent fat content. This can be supplemented by 1 hard-boiled egg during the day.

Coffee and tea are allowed, but without sugar. We definitely drink water, about two liters a day.

First week. We eat raw vegetables as much as we want (whole, pieces, pureed), in any combination: both with each other and with dairy products and 1 egg allowed.

Second week. You need to eat everything the same as in the first, you are also allowed apples (green) no more than three per day.

Third week. We add meat, poultry or fish (300 g) to the recommended diet. At the same time, the amount of dairy products consumed in the first 2 weeks should be slightly reduced. We stick to this diet until the end of the diet. Weight will begin to fall off in the third week, and in subsequent weeks this will happen even more intensely.

Diet from the website of Elena Malysheva. Diet No. 7

The diet involves consuming mainly protein foods. Liquids can be drunk without restrictions. A daily food ration (no more than 300 grams).

Breakfast. Not earlier than 8 a.m. - 250 ml of green tea or coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Lunch. You can eat 1 egg and 7-8 plums, or the same amount of prunes.

Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken, 1 apple or 1 orange. 150 grams of cabbage and carrot salad.

Afternoon snack. 1 orange or 1 apple, 50 g hard cheese.

Dinner. Should be no later than 20 o'clock - a glass of low-fat kefir.

It was she who was posted on official website of Elena Malysheva, we reprinted it, modifying the text, but left the meaning that this method of losing weight carries.

Free diet for weight loss according to Malysheva. Diet No. 8

Yes, it’s free, like all previous and subsequent diets on this site. Suitable for quick and non-debilitating reset up to 5 kg in 3 days.

1 day: Breakfast - boiled egg, tea with lemon (you can add 0.5 teaspoon of honey).

Lunch - hard cheese (100 grams), tea with lemon, apple.

Dinner - a plate of soup, a slice of black bread, fruit (100-150 grams).

Day 2: Breakfast - boiled egg, tea with lemon or coffee (you can add 0.5 teaspoon of honey).

Lunch - cottage cheese (200 grams) with 1 teaspoon of honey, salad of green leaves and cucumber, a slice of black bread.

Dinner - fish or poultry (150 grams), vegetable salad in any quantity, tea with lemon.

Day 3: Breakfast: boiled egg, tea with lemon or coffee (you can add 0.5 teaspoon of honey), 1 fruit.

Lunch - cheese (50 grams), a slice of rye bread, vegetable salad (200 grams).

Dinner - fruit (200 grams), yogurt, tea.

He recommends this particular diet from all those provided on this page; it is not strict, but at the same time it allows you to lose a decent amount of weight in a fairly short period of time. For all its advantages, it is distributed absolutely free. When choosing a diet - choose it!

Free online diet designer from Elena Malysheva. Diet No. 9

There is a site on the Internet that helps girls create a personal diet for themselves, based on the data provided by Malysheva, we want to mention it in this article, because without it it would not be complete.

THIS IS A LIE. The essence of the site is simple. He supposedly makes up for you personal diet, based on your physiological parameters. You must answer several questions about yourself, such as: What is your height, current weight, blood type and other more tricky questions.

The computer then selects the most suitable for your body. best option diet and provides it to you. Unfortunately, there are no free analogues of such a service (and there cannot be, because it is a scam), because every developer needs funds to keep it afloat (in order to deceive more people). Think for yourself. How can a computer calculate a personalized diet without seeing the patient in front of it and without reading his medical book? That's right, no way *PARDON*.

Cost of Malysheva's diet

compiled using a computer, is, as a rule, 50-100 rubles, you will agree that this is a large amount that they are forced to pay for literally nothing. Once you enter your number, you can lose a lot of money, then you can no longer treat yourself to ice cream or chocolate, but sit with a useless diet calculation for yourself.

Malysheva’s diet for Borodina, based on celery. Diet No. 10

Malysheva has many recipes for diets that are noticeably different from other more strict diets, and here is a description of one of them.

This diet recipe helped greatly and improve the digestive processes in Ksenia Borodina’s body.

The basic diet is as follows: celery root (how is it useful -), horseradish root, a glass of curdled milk, an apple and salt.

First, grate the apple and celery root. Afterwards, mix the apple and celery, in a ratio of three to one, then grate the horseradish root in the same way and then add it to the celery and apple. And then pour a glass of yogurt into it. Add salt to taste and consume this every day, throughout the week.

In addition to this diet you need at least two weeks take herbal baths, which enhance the effect of this diet and also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs. All you need is to make a collection of herbs and add it to the bath. Water temperature your bath should be up to 40 C. Such baths can be taken for 10-15 days. However, in order for the diet to give a good result and your body to approach the parameters of Ksyusha Borodina’s body, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and also move more.

That's all

It took quite a lot of time to write this article, as much as 6 hours, I would be grateful if you write in the comments or ask any questions regarding diet data according to Malysheva.

Our editors chose diet number eight as the best diet out of ten provided.

It is the free weight loss diet number 8 that is best choice, for any person who decides to lose weight using this method.

Same goes for healing the body. The diet lasts from 2 to 3 months. This diet is less of a diet and more of a nutritional system that is based on maintaining healthy image life.

Basic rules of the Malysheva diet.

Everyone knows that the most difficult thing about dieting is not losing weight, but keeping it off. If you follow all the recommendations of the Malysheva diet, the result you achieve will last for a long time.

The first and basic rule of the Malysheva diet.

A diet is not a refusal to eat; you cannot starve! And the idea that you'll lose weight faster if you eat less than recommended is actually wrong. This way you will get short-term results, but your metabolism will also slow down and over time the weight will return, and even in large quantities.

Therefore, we recommend split meals. You need to eat small portions five times a day (three main meals + two snacks). Only this technique allows the body to maintain a fast metabolism, which promotes the breakdown of fats.

For the average woman who does not lead a very physically active lifestyle, approximately 1200 kcal per day is enough.

Upon completion of Malysheva’s diet.

Sticking to Malysheva's diet, over time you will achieve the expected weight. After this, the main task is to maintain this weight. To avoid the risk of weight gain again you will need this diet stick with it for life.