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Compatibility between dragon and monkey. What is the compatibility of Dragon and Monkey? Sexual and friendly compatibility of signs Compatibility of fire dragon and metal monkey

The union of the Dragon and the Monkey is considered one of the most successful and harmonious. If partners manage to understand each other, then for many years it will be filled with passion, love, tenderness and complete mutual understanding.

The monkey will support in all respects, and in return he will fulfill all her desires and satisfy her needs. This is a very balanced and active couple, even after going through many difficulties, the partners will be happy together.

Advantages and disadvantages of signs

Dragon man

The male dragon has unconventional thinking, numerous talents, ambitions and good organizational skills. He is quite hot-tempered, stubborn, conservative and critical, but at the same time he is endowed with sincerity, charm and attractiveness, which allows him to be a reliable friend and romantic lover.

Dragon woman

The female dragon is smart, but at the same time quite persistent and contradictory. He is a sociable, powerful and self-confident person. She is talented, extravagant and charismatic. This gives her the opportunity to always be in the center of attention of others. Her natural charm and impeccable taste attract men to her like a magnet.

Monkey man

The Monkey man is usually an intelligent, cunning, cheerful and energetic person. He is confident, charming, eloquent and witty, which makes him very attractive to women. But they should remember his inconstancy and love of freedom. - a man is quite perceptive and at the same time suspicious, so it is difficult to deceive him in anything.

Monkey woman

The female monkey is highly active, self-confident, charming and has a good sense of humor. This very often makes her the life of the party and allows her to make many new acquaintances. She is characterized by great hard work and curiosity, which allow her to achieve significant success in life.

Compatibility in love

Both the Dragon man and the Monkey woman are very passionate, but fickle natures. They fall in love with each other the first time they meet. If in the future they manage to maintain this feeling and appreciate their partner, then they will become an ideal couple.

The Monkey should remember that the Dragon is a conqueror who can quickly lose interest in his victim. Therefore, she will need to make an effort to keep him. If she manages to do this, then both partners will disappear from frivolity and the desire to look for new relationships. They will value their union and remain devoted friend friend for a long time.

A love relationship between a female Dragon and a male Monkey arises and develops with great speed and brightness.

Initially, they may be like a casual romance due to the frivolity of the Monkey man. But, if the Dragon Woman understands that she needs this particular man, she will be able to create a long-term, trusting relationship with him.

He will become her faithful and caring companion, and she will become his faithful friend.

Dragon and Monkey married

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

If a male Dragon decides to marry a female Monkey, it means that he simply idolizes her. In this case, this union is simply doomed to fail.

They will harmoniously complement and appreciate each other. The flexible and resourceful Monkey will always provide support and care to the Dragon in all endeavors. In exchange for this, he will provide her with a comfortable existence. This couple has very high compatibility in basic issues of family relationships; the main thing is to provide the spouse with some freedom of action.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

Family relationships between a female Dragon and a male Monkey are always vibrant and unpredictable. Their activity and enthusiasm, under good circumstances, can turn every day into an extraordinary holiday.

It will seem that the difficulties that arise will resolve themselves. The ideal option would be when the nervous and frivolous Monkey man gives leadership positions to the confident and firm Dragon woman. This will create a favorable and comfortable environment in.

The degree of mutual understanding in such a union will only increase over the years., which will further strengthen and stabilize relations.

He and she in bed

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

Both partners have a rather stormy temperament. Intimacy in bed is a form of self-expression for them. In a trusting relationship, at this moment they experience a feeling of comfort and pleasure. They understand and respect each other's feelings.

A male dragon will most likely prefer to dominate, but at the same time he will be inventive, gentle and delicate. The female Monkey who is fascinated by him, thanks to the flexibility of her character, will easily obey him. Such mutual understanding will allow partners to maintain the passion and brightness of the relationship for a long time in intimate relationships.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

Thanks to his natural abilities, the Monkey man is a passionate, skillful and unpredictable lover. It’s as if he guesses what his partner wants and expects from him. But, at the same time, he will demand from her an appropriate level of relationship.

If they do not satisfy him, he will quickly lose interest in his partner and begin to look for a more worthy replacement for her. But, if the Dragon Woman throws aside all conventions and restrictions, and also lets him see the warmth of her feelings, then he will be faithful and devoted to her, constantly bringing the relationship to ever greater heights. high level.

In friendship and business

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

A male Dragon and a female Monkey may well be ideal friends. Her resourcefulness, sharpness of mind and sociability, together with his ambition and perseverance, will help them move mountains together.

Despite the fact that both partners are very bright and self-sufficient individuals, they can organize an excellent business alliance. In it, the male Dragon will be involved in organizing, promoting and implementing plans, and the female Monkey will become the intellectual and creative side.

But, success in business will be ensured only if they listen to each other and resolve all issues together, and not flaunt your ambitions.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

The female Dragon and the male Monkey look at the world in the same way. Therefore, their friendly relations, as a rule, are highly harmonious. Their activity, hard work and perseverance help them jointly achieve great success in many areas. They are also helped in this by the ability to compromise and instantly navigate difficult situations.

If the situation is favorable, the Dragon-woman and the Monkey-man can show their best qualities in the business sphere. Her authority and perseverance, together with his practicality and cunning, make it possible to create a successful and lasting union.

Their shared ambition and focus on results allows them to build excellent careers and quickly achieve financial success. They easily cooperate with each other, as they know how to listen to their partner and treat him with respect. They always listen to each other’s opinions and develop a joint solution to the issue in any, even the most difficult situation.

To find a “soul mate”, you need to make a lot of effort, and sometimes a whole life is not enough to do it. Astronomers say that with the help of a horoscope you can choose a companion. For marriage, friendship and sexual relations important role synastry (combination of horoscopes) plays. Zodiac compatibility analysis will help to trace the required type of relationship with a person in business or marriage. This article will describe the compatibility of Dragon and Monkey, as well as their personal characteristics and properties.

I would like to immediately note that both constellations are surprisingly similar. This makes their relationship strong and strong. Harmony and prosperity await them both in business and in love. The Monkey symbol is a great complement to the Dragon.

The love compatibility of Dragon and Monkey is simply excellent. They need each other from the bottom of their hearts. Even the Monkey’s not entirely successful humor will have a beneficial effect on his partner. Dragon women fascinate with their determination and inner strength. They are firm, purposeful and always know what they want from life and a partner. Power and extraordinary practicality attract Monkey men.

Both constellations are ruled by lively ambition and energy. The people of these symbols are real producers of everything new, and when united, they become invincible. In a love union, the Monkey, with his cunning, kindness and dexterity, can become an adviser and assistant in all endeavors for the distrustful and imperative Dragon.

A Monkey man and a Dragon woman will create a strong family union. The compliance and gentleness of the first will allow the second to completely control the situation and become an absolute leader. There will undoubtedly be conflicts in their relationship, since the ladies of this sign are cold and rarely show feelings. Relationships are doomed to be long-term. Peace and harmony will accompany the couple throughout their entire journey.

Couple advantage

What else can be said about the relationships of such people as the Monkey man and the Dragon woman? The couple's compatibility is impeccable, according to astronomers. The prospects for a long and happy life for people born under these signs are very good, but in this case, if the man follows all the advice of his partner and listens to her opinion. The head of the family, of course, is the Dragon, who is responsible for the economic, financial and economic side of the relationship.

The uniqueness of the union

The compatibility horoscope (Dragon and Monkey) reports that the union of two loving hearts is completely harmonious. Despite the similarity of goals and characters, the resourceful and sociable Monkey needs the protection and support of the Dragon. These two clearly understand that together they are strong and can overcome all misfortunes and adversities, so they will try to preserve their love.

The monkey is very resourceful by nature. Thanks to these qualities, she can easily manipulate the rough Dragon. She knows how to listen, speak beautifully and flatter. With this she conquers her partner and keeps him close to her. The Dragon Woman is selfless, observant and straightforward, which is what her life partner values ​​so highly. It is not easy to have a relationship with her, because she is firm and loves to rule, but this does not prevent the couple from building a strong and sincere relationship.

Erotic compatibility of Dragon and Monkey

Both constellations are distinguished by their stormy temperament. Sex for both characters is a way of self-expression. The Dragon shows the highest ingenuity and loves experiments. In this way he expresses his sincere and warm feelings to his partner. In the unique language of touches and gestures, he tries to say how good he is with the Monkey.

Intimate life overwhelms both partners, taking them into a world of emotions and positive shocks. If in conversation the Dragon is stingy with words, then in bed he fully expresses his gratitude and love. But even in sex, he tries to dominate and sometimes behaves despotic, but he does it delicately and skillfully, so that the Monkey does not even notice how he falls under the wonderful spell of his partner.

Both constellations are faithful and devoted and are unlikely to go sideways. Intimate life for them is not just satisfying their own needs, it is first the closeness and trust of two loving hearts. There are no conventions or restrictions in their sexual life; they do not tolerate frameworks and rules. Once they get the hang of it, they hone their skills and conquer each other.

It should be noted that the Monkey man is a high-quality, passionate and very gentle lover. He knows exactly what his partner desires and how to satisfy her without thinking about himself. Sex with this sign is exciting and unpredictable. But we must take into account the fact that the Monkey is very picky, and if the Dragon does not match its level, then it will quickly find a replacement.

Close relations

The similar characters and worldviews of the Dragon woman and the Monkey man make the relationship harmonious. Both are able to compromise and adapt. They are active, hardworking and talented. They make every effort to develop meaningful relationships. Family life together will be rich and exciting. We can safely say that the compatibility between Dragon and Monkey is simply amazing.

The Chinese horoscope describes the compatibility of Dragon and Monkey as close to ideal. As a percentage, the chances of relationship success are estimated to range from 70 to 90%. In work and personal communication, the stars promise fruitful cooperation and prosperity.

Compatibility of a Dragon man and a Monkey woman

The Dragon and the Monkey are comfortable together. Mutual understanding in tandem comes immediately and for a long time. Dragons find it difficult to get along with other signs eastern horoscope, but sociable Monkeys easily find a common language with them.

In love

The Dragon guy and the Monkey girl together make a harmonious couple. The signs are surprisingly similar in their views on love relationships. The difference in character does not prevent us from sincerely loving and enjoying each other.

The soft-hearted Monkey will definitely win the heart of a powerful lover. In bed, she is ready to obey a man, which the Dragon will definitely like because of his selfishness. Both partners quickly realize that they have met their soulmate and do not hesitate to go to the registry office.


Compatibility of signs is best demonstrated in marriage. A Dragon man and a Monkey woman will make an excellent family, each of them deeply feels their spouse.

The husband and wife have strong characters, so scandals happen even in such ideal couples. But due to high sexual compatibility, quarrels quickly fade into the background.

Different attitudes towards money only help manage the family budget: the Dragon loves and knows how to get money, and the Monkey, who is prone to hoarding, will be able to manage it correctly.

In friendship

A Dragon man and a Monkey woman can easily become true friends. A cunning and cautious girl will be able to quickly win the guy’s trust and warn him from troubles. In an alliance, you can expect respect and help from both sides in a difficult situation. Together they are fun and interesting.

The Dragon treats the Monkey as an equal partner. A man is more active in public life, but never suppresses his girlfriend and listens to her point of view.

The union brings happiness and positive emotions to the lives of both. The unique energy of the couple leads to the establishment of balance in all areas of life.

Compatibility of a Dragon woman and a Monkey man

The Dragon woman and the Monkey man enjoy communication. People born under these signs make loyal friends, passionate lovers, and strong married couples.

In love

One can only dream of such compatibility in love as that of partners born in the year of the Dragon and the Monkey. The guy knows how to look after you beautifully and does it with pleasure. Tender and loving relationships will become an example for others.

The Monkey Man is cunning and resourceful, thanks to which he knows how to give compliments correctly and smooth out rough edges in dealing with the Dragon. A woman is proud and will not even notice outright flattery - on the contrary, she is easy to conquer with odes of praise. Dragon and Monkey lovers do not stay long at the stage love relationship, quickly move on to the next stage - starting a family.


The wife becomes the unofficial head of the family, and the husband will not object. The Dragon Lady always devotes a lot of time to her career and self-development; it is difficult for her to switch to household chores or recreation. A cheerful and sympathetic husband will definitely distract her from thoughts about work and make her relax.

A woman is not prone to violent expressions of feelings, but in tandem with the Monkey she becomes more tender and opens up to her beloved. The result is a strong family union that is not afraid of insults and quarrels.

In friendship

When they meet, the signs immediately find a common language. The Monkey man takes on the role of the life of the party, which pleases the more conservative Dragon woman. Spending time together will be interesting and fruitful, and the discussions that arise will become reasoned and friendly.

The Monkey and the Dragon will not only make excellent friends, but also reliable business partners.

Compatibility between Dragon and Monkey is one of the highest. The Chinese horoscope gives a couple a good forecast for the future. The Dragon and the Monkey do not need advice on building relationships. They intuitively feel how to find an approach to please their lover.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Dragon and the Monkey are perfect for each other. These passionate natures show mutual respect. They have a strong emotional connection, which they do not hide from others. The personal qualities of partners do not affect their relationship. They feel good together despite their peculiarities of temperament, character, and habits.

Dragon Woman and Monkey Man

Representatives of these signs of the zodiac circle are an ideal couple. The woman will be the leader in the relationship. And she won’t have to compete with her loved one for the palm. A man will become a reliable support and ideological inspirer for his partner. They are close emotionally and enjoy communication with each other. Such a tandem will become strong and happy for both partners.

The Dragon Girl is a strong, strong-willed personality with a bright, memorable appearance. She always strives to be in the center of events, looks at life outside the box, making the most bold ideas. A woman born under this sign is a careerist. She wouldn't trade promotion career ladder to take care of the house.

A man born under the sign of the Monkey is active, cheerful, and the life of the party. He easily carries on a conversation and quickly adapts to a new company. The guy knows how to treat women - look after them, give compliments. He has many fans, among whom he will choose only a special girl.

Family life

The compatibility of Dragon and Monkey in marriage is ideal. From the first days of their acquaintance, their union resembles a frivolous romance that has no chance for the future. Despite the strong emotional connection, the partners’ family life will present them with a lot of trouble. A man will easily give leadership positions to his wife, but he himself will not be delighted with the everyday routine.

The different characters of the spouses will help strengthen the relationship. Monkey and Dragon harmoniously complement each other and provide reliable support. Over the years, their tandem has grown stronger. Despite the sociability of the spouses, they will remain faithful to each other, without quarreling due to jealousy.

Erotic compatibility

In carnal love, these signs of the eastern horoscope show good compatibility. Their sex life is filled with passion. Both partners have hot temperaments, making every night unforgettable. Spouses are constantly using new ways to realize their sexual fantasies.

It will be difficult for the Dragon and Monkey to share leadership in bed. To avoid quarrels, they must look for a compromise solution.

Causes of quarrels

Despite the similarity of temperaments, conflicts between partners are inevitable. Most often, spouses quarrel for three reasons.

  1. Mutual desire to be the master of the house. If partners learn to give in, they will be able to avoid most misunderstandings at the everyday level.
  2. Stubbornness. Each partner does not want to listen to the opinion of a loved one. An individual approach to solving problems is perceived by the spouse as improvisation, a rash step. Frequent conflicts flare up due to a lack of understanding of the motives for actions.
  3. Neglect of relationships. Compatibility between the Dragon and the Monkey in love and marriage has one injustice: partners value each other only after a breakup. It is difficult for them to find an equivalent replacement for a partner. But they are too proud to reconcile.

You can avoid most conflict situations in a couple by developing a system of relationships. Partners need to take turns making important decisions and not ignore each other’s opinions.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

These two signs of the eastern horoscope are ideal for each other. Representatives of totem animals are prone to extreme sports, they need the attention of others, and love public life. In a pair, the Dragon is the leader. The partner will support the interests of her loved one, providing a reliable rear.

The Dragon man is a bright personality with great potential, ensuring him success in all his endeavors. He has a non-standard approach to solving problems, so he boldly takes on complex projects. Thanks to hard work, a man becomes the breadwinner of the family. There are shortcomings in the Dragon's character - he is a despotic egoist who demands submission from those around him.

The Monkey woman is smart and friendly. She hides her feelings behind her cheerful behavior. A girl born under this sign easily finds a common language with people.


Partners have similar temperaments and worldviews. They will understand each other on an intuitive level. A woman will not claim leadership status in marriage. She is content with the role of a spiritual inspirer, providing support to her partner.

A man with a wayward character will provide his family with money. There will be no disagreements between spouses due to a lack of finances. The Dragon knows how to earn money, and the Monkey knows how to spend and save.

The couple love to travel. Together they choose routes for new trips. When children appear in a family, parents try to instill in them a love for extreme forms of recreation.


In love, representatives of these signs of the eastern horoscope complement each other well. They feel comfortable being together and giving their partner pleasure. The partners have a mutual desire to give each other pleasure.

The woman is ready to submit to her chosen one. For the Dragon and Monkey tandem, this approach avoids most disagreements. Erotic life for partners is one of the ways to resolve everyday conflicts.

Possible disagreements

The Dragon and Monkey have perfect compatibility. But quarrels at the first stage of the relationship between them will be frequent. The main causes of conflicts are:

  1. A man’s reluctance to take other people’s opinions into account. The strength of a tandem is in collaboration, the ability to give in to each other. If the Dragon does not learn to listen to the opinion of his partner, she will not withstand the coldness of the relationship and will provoke conflicts.
  2. Inability to yield to a partner. The Dragon is a selfish, despotic sign of the eastern horoscope, guided by its own opinion.

A common journey between partners will help resolve minor disagreements. They need to communicate more with each other.

Compatibility between Dragon man and Monkey woman is quite good. This pair of two extreme lovers. Both he and she are restless, actively interested in the world around them. However, if the Dragon moves forward, not caring about possible troubles, then the Monkey does not show his mistakes and interests, hiding behind a mask of casual gaiety.

A male dragon is a bright personality who will never go unnoticed. His inner strength attracts people, but he also has negative sides - selfishness, arrogance and authoritarianism. The Monkey Woman will definitely interest the Dragon. She is very witty, attractive and unpredictable. Because she is somewhat superficial, problems do not exist for her. They are both very vain, crave recognition, love flattery and love to be leaders.

The Monkey, who always strives to find a strong male protector, will find one in the Dragon. He will be able to protect her, ensure a materially prosperous life and create a decent social status. This tandem, despite some disagreements, will be able to live a happy life together. The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Monkey woman is quite normal, which is called “working”.

Dragon man and Monkey woman in love

According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, the Dragon man and the Monkey woman are a mutually beneficial union of two strong personalities who can achieve a lot together. But at the same time, it is important not to be distracted by the struggle for primacy in the relationship, otherwise nothing worthwhile will come of it.

In general, the Dragon man and the Monkey woman have a lot in common, so they are able to understand each other and come to an agreement. Both take an active position in life, set serious goals for themselves, but they still have different tactics: the Monkey is cunning, hides his true intentions from everyone, does not talk about failures, while the Dragon plays a fair game, is not afraid of ups and downs.

Most often, in harmonious pairs of representatives of these signs, the Dragon man is the ideological leader, since he has a huge supply of energy and large-scale plans. The monkey in such a situation becomes his muse and helps him in many tasks, since he is distinguished by his worldly wisdom and ability to play the role that is necessary.

He, in turn, will give her the rich life that she has always strived for (perhaps subconsciously). At the same time, the Dragon will not limit his chosen one in anything, because he knows how precious personal freedom is.

Dragon man and Monkey woman in a relationship

In this union, it is the Dragon that will be the main driving force, resolving most issues and organizing large-scale projects, and the Monkey will become a creative ally, excellent intellectual support and inspiration.

For this couple, it is very important that each partner stops doing everything in his own way and whenever he pleases. Instead, they need to try to negotiate, draw up joint plans and implement them through joint efforts, then great success awaits this couple. The hardest thing for them will be to discard everything that is unnecessary and become as effective as possible by working together, and not alone. The Dragon man and the Monkey woman are very bright personalities, so their interaction will be beneficial.

Most likely, having become carried away by each other, they will fall headlong into love. They are not in danger of burning out, expecting the same strong sensations in love as the passion burning in them. Both partners know how to control emotions and can stop in time. Both he and she are independent and know how to act quickly, but one of them will still have to give in sometimes, agreeing with the partner, otherwise the clarification of primacy will destroy the happiness of this union.

Compatibility of Dragon and Monkey in marriage

The Dragon man not only loves, but deifies his beloved Monkey woman. Their romantic feelings are sublime. There will be no difficulties in everyday life, so there is excellent compatibility between the Dragon man and the Monkey woman. She is very economical and caring, so she will easily appreciate her husband’s enthusiasm in this area. The main thing is that the Monkey woman gives the Dragon man the opportunity to fully rest and “soar” in the clouds a little. Naturally, there will be difficulties in relationships. But this will only happen if the wife’s pragmatism is opposed to the husband’s original behavior.