Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Lyceum 40 electronic. Partners. Pearson Education Center

You raised the question correctly. The Palace of Pioneers, the territory is open, mothers with strollers are walking, school 24 has free access, children play football, the Lomonosov Lyceum is the same, the gate is open. In 2011, at a salary of XX 000 rubles, a certain gentleman, a retired major or colonel, was hired at the school for the position of deputy director of security. There he launched a vigorous effort to strengthen security and combat a non-existent threat. Budget money, which could have been used to purchase textbooks and furniture, was spent on installing video cameras, monitors, lights, turnstiles and fences. The guards were also recruited from former retirees who were expelled from private security companies due to excessive obesity, hypertension and unfitness to perform the functions of security guards. The work shift of such a guard begins with the fact that, as soon as he takes up his post, he immediately begins to lay out a snack, then pops with his colleagues on the phone “for the life of him” and goes to bed. There can be no talk of any night patrolling of the territory, this is not according to the status of the “veterans”, they “fought”.
In general, there are many unknowns in this story. Why should children suffer from such actions? The courtyards in the city are filled with cars, even on the lawns and at the very doors of the entrances, where should children go for a walk? The nearest stadium is in Yuzhny, and there is also a contingent there, sometimes not entirely for children. In other courtyards where there are fenced stadiums, strangers are not particularly welcome. In the 90s, the school pool was visited at night by “sponsors” from whom no one even asked for a certificate of absence of syphilis and other bad diseases. But this is a swimming pool, there are a lot of things that can be broken or picked up, and here is an area where there is NO property, not even a net on the gate. In my opinion, in Russia everyone just loves to scratch their tongues about development children's sports, and as soon as it comes down to it, the stupid bureaucrats from the Department of Education begin to see children as a threat to national security. I myself liked to while away the time after school at the school stadium, playing football and pioneer ball with the boys, because in physics classes there was a stinking and useless liberal kurfball imposed by the ambitions of the physical education teachers.
It is precisely in order to prevent bruises, dog walkers and drug addicts from entering the territory, of which there are not so many, that the school security guard should monitor when working in the fresh air, but hanging barn locks on all the gates and going to sleep in the back room is already overkill. Abroad, a school security guard is not embarrassed to make a remark to anyone, but here we only have a muzzle swollen from sleep, hands on hips and puffed out cheeks. And how, by the way, can an overweight security guard resist a bandit, show him secret kung fu or something? This is not why he receives a salary, not a small one. If the school administration cannot restore order on the territory, force the director to retire along with this deputy for safety, and the territory should be alienated and transferred to the balance of the city. Or build a new one, for example, near the chapel and set up a freely accessible mini-stadium there. You can even do it without plastic covering. Children should not suffer! Otherwise, very soon they will become clients of liquor departments or patients of drug dispensaries.

: Umnova Natalya Semenovna

Specialization: Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. Grades 1-2 - study in the building of the lyceum branch on Gorky St., 150v, from 6.5 years old. Grades 10-11 are trained at UNN and IPFRAN in the following specialties: IT, Physics and Physics/Biology

Lyceum electronic diary


Today, October 20, 2015, is a holiday at the 40th Lyceum! Lyceum Day!!! Congratulations!!! The first-graders were prepared for the fact that today they will be awarded the proud title of lyceum student! And what we got at the exit - first-graders and small children were brought to the Youth Theater an hour before the start of the holiday, like rehearsing the entrance, and kept in the corridor for another hour, while everyone else was in the Youth Theater hall and watched the performance!!! What nonsense, what kind of organizer is this holiday??!!! The kids at least had to be seated in the 1st or 2nd row and brought onto the stage and initiated into lyceum students, but what was that? And who was it for? It’s absolutely not clear, as a result there are tears and a spoiled mood and the result is that I never set foot on the day of the lyceum again!!! The child said it!!!

We just returned from Lyceum Student Day. We thought that at least after this holiday there would be a pleasant impression. After September 1 - when we heard no poems, no songs, no congratulations, standing opposite the children, on the other side of the sports field - parents and grandparents were left with an unpleasant aftertaste. Now the child is also angry and tired after standing in the foyer of the Youth Theater for 1.5 hours waiting to go on stage. I really want to believe that such a disgusting organization will not affect the educational process and knowledge in any way.

Good afternoon everyone. My son has been a student of this lyceum since the 1st grade (now in the 7th). As a parent, I have no complaints about the educational process. The teachers are moderately strict and demanding. The curriculum is, naturally, much stronger than in regular schools. Many students cannot keep up with the pace and leave the lyceum. This is a normal natural selection of the best, as it should be in a strong Lyceum. This is a positive thing. From the negative: Unbelievable extortions!!! The school itself and the teachers do not extort anything, BUT such General terms existence, that you constantly have to spend quite a lot of money, seemingly on the initiative of the parents themselves and the parent committee. 1) Monthly transfers to the school and class fund. What kind of law does it say that the budget educational organization, parents are required to transfer to some Voluntary Charitable Funds??? They are called voluntary, although try not to list them there. 2) Organization of permanent excursions (again, forced-voluntary) for a lot of money. We are not talking about visiting the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin for 500 rubles, or the Nizhny Novgorod Museum of Local Lore for 300 rubles. etc. And such as: excursion to Moscow - 13,000 rubles. and so on. 3) Constant updating of equipment and repairs in the classroom, incl. replacement of windows. 4) Voluntary-compulsory additional paid courses, without attending which the child may not be allowed to take the exam in the session!!! This happened to my son last year. To be allowed to take the exam, he had to go through quite a lot. We don’t want the same problems to happen again this year, so we signed him up for all additional courses. As a result, each year the amount for the child’s education is approximately 80 thousand rubles. Those. on average 10 tr. per month. So, dear parents who are eager to send their child to Lyceum 40, be prepared to fork out the cash. p.s. My second child studies in Moscow at the no less prestigious and cool Lyceum at MSTU. Bauman. Level educational process no lower (or even higher) than in the 40th Lyceum. And, naturally, there are also additional needs and needs of the class. Donated at the September parent meeting for the needs of children in the class 5000 RUR. FOR THE WHOLE YEAR! They include teaching aids, excursions, gifts for New Year, gifts for each child's birthday.

The quality of education at the school has dropped sharply. Children's grades are stretched, they are allowed to pass, retake, rewrite several times. After all, there should be many excellent and successful children at school. But there are children who are not mathematicians and physicists, but have ambitious parents, and these are the majority. There is a boy in the class who writes all his math papers with grades 2 or 3 and at the same time has 2 math tutors. For what? And the school cannot expel such children. There is no law. Parents are offered to change schools. Well, who will agree? The school does not take part in competitions held by Moscow State University, MEPhI, and MIPT. Only local Olympiads, which do not provide additional fees. points for admission to universities. A lot of show off. Of the talented teachers, only a few physicists remain.

My first-grader son cried on May 22 because the holidays began on Monday and he would not be able to go to school for three whole months. I had to explain that the teacher should also rest. That says it all. Teacher Elena Evgenievna.

My child will go to school next year (2015), we did not get into the micro-section of the school and we go to another school for preparatory lessons. Tell me, who knows whether it is necessary to attend classes at Lyceum 40 before 1st grade and how to get here?

Hello! I graduated from Physics and Mathematics School 40 in 1975. Now I looked at the website of Lyceum 40 and your reviews about it. I don’t know the teachers who are currently working at the lyceum, but the teachers we had were teachers from God. I don’t know if they have titles and awards, and it doesn’t matter, but what they instilled in us remains for the rest of our lives. Low bow to YOU, dears! Health, health and more health! I really want YOU to still be healthy in this world.

My son entered 5th grade (2013-2014), which made the whole family incredibly happy. Despite some reviews about the lyceum, I entered on my own, i.e. successfully passing the tests. I would like to know more about the school’s opinions from former fifth-graders!

I graduated from school 40 in 1973. She left the best memories of her life about all facets of learning without exception. We had a wonderful class teacher - Abramova Galina Dmitrievna, an informative, cheerful, creative, friendly atmosphere in the class during lessons taught by teachers who remained in our memory as family and loved ones. We knew how to relax in the evenings, work in the labor camp in Zaprudny, We treated our girls touchingly and tenderly, participated in all possible Olympiads, in our environment there was not even a word about drugs, alcohol, it was impossible to hear swearing. We all entered the best universities in the country, thanks to this particular school, we studied our first courses there without stress, mastered complex professions and found success in life. Every day during all three years of study I got up early in the morning (many of us lived in areas of the city remote from the center ) and went to this school with pleasure, because I knew that today was another happy day for me. Even due to illness, I didn’t want to miss a single day of school. It is a pity that only three unforgettable years have passed in this wonderful world. I am sure that my opinion will be supported by the absolute majority of graduates of School 40. Good luck to you, our school, you have been and will remain the best, not only in Nizhny, but also in the country!

Hello. I have been studying at Lyceum 40 since the first grade, and this year I moved to the ninth. When I read the reviews, resentment for my native school grew in my soul, and I could not help but leave my review, which was as reliable as possible, because I am the same student who, if you believe some previous reviews, is influenced by incompetent teachers and communication with the children of rich parents and many other horrors. Of course, I understand that envy is a calm feeling, but it’s better to envy in silence. After all, I’m sure that half of those who spoke poorly about the school have no idea what it really is like. And let me tell you, she is wonderful!! Now there are 27 people in our class, and believe it or not, not a single one of them studied at the expense of their parents’ money rather than their own knowledge. The atmosphere in the classroom and the whole school is warm and friendly; if I didn’t have such classmates, I think I would hardly be able to cope with such loads. I don’t argue, they are big, sessions every six months, an intensive program - this is not fiction. Now, for example, we, 9th grade students, are studying physics using textbooks for 10th grade, intended for in-depth study of the subject, and we plan to complete this textbook in 3 quarters. But no matter how difficult it is, we are proud to study here, and the passion and desire to learn and achieve results increases in proportion to the difficulty of studying. Listening to friends’ stories about other schools, I shudder internally: what nerds, what idiot teachers, what are you even talking about?? We do not have such phenomena and never have had them. Studying well is cool and prestigious, studying poorly is offensive and shameful. All teachers enjoy respect and great authority. incompetent teachers - what nonsense?! We have the best teachers in the world, you don’t have to believe me. I can talk for a long time about the merits of our school, but this is probably inappropriate, so I will add one thing: my grandmother studied in the forties, my mother, my brother and I study. And my children will definitely go only to this school!!