Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

An antique bathhouse made of large logs. Houses made of large diameter logs: projects and prices

What should be the ideal diameter of a log for a log house? Logs have been used for construction for many centuries; it is a universal material for the construction of bathhouses, country and country houses, gazebos and other structures. The diameter of the log house is the most important parameter when choosing, since the heat-insulating properties of the house depend on it.

The thicker the material, the more reliably it will withstand the cold, however, such logs will cost much more. It is important to know in advance the basic requirements when choosing a material.

What should be the thickness of the log?

If the future owner of the house purchases a rounded log, there will be no problems with the choice: the thickness will be the same in the upper and lower parts of the trunk, so in the future there will be no difficulties during construction. If you plan to build from a solid log, then you need to take into account such a parameter as flatness - this is the difference in thickness. A tree cannot be completely straight: the butt (bottom) is always thicker than the top.

For example, if the thickness of the butt is 42 cm, then the top may be only 36 cm thick. When building a log house, you have to alternate the stacking of logs so that the wall is relatively flat.

The best option would be logs that are approximately the same along the entire length, although such material is expensive. If you choose the diameter of a log house for a bathhouse, you can focus on the following parameters:

Advantages of houses made of large diameter logs

Log houses large diameter popular not only because of the high thermal insulation qualities of wood. If the material is large, naturally, less of it will be required, which partially compensates for the difference in cost.

For example, if you choose for construction a log whose thickness is 20 or 30 cm, the resulting difference in the amount of material will be almost 50%. It is clear that a large-diameter log house will cost more, but the difference will not be so serious.

Since less material is used, there will be fewer joints in the logs, which means there will be fewer areas where there is potential for blowing. Fewer locks means construction will be completed much faster, which is also beneficial for the owner. Fewer wood treatment products will be required, since there will be fewer end parts and fewer joints that need to be thoroughly coated with antiseptics.

All these advantages have made large-diameter log houses a popular solution in the construction market. To build a log house, it is recommended to purchase winter timber, which is characterized by increased strength and density of wood.

For the same reason, it is recommended to purchase logs harvested in the northern regions. Timber from Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region and other cold regions is in high demand; Finnish timber is an expensive but quite popular solution.

Large diameter log house cutting

It is difficult to build a house from a large-diameter log house on your own: the thicker the material, the more difficult its preparation will be. It is more difficult to complete the joints and assemble the frame so that the walls are as smooth as possible. If a thick log is purchased, several connection options can be used:

  1. “With remainder” is a type of connection in which the ends of the frame will protrude outward. Another name is “bowl” cutting, since round recesses are made in the logs, which serve as locking elements. This option is less economical, as it somewhat reduces the internal space, but it provides greater thermal protection.
  2. “Without a trace” - in other words, cutting “in the paw” or “clean corner”. This option assumes that the logs are connected without loss of length, and the maximum usable area of ​​the house is used.

Now other types of connections are becoming more widespread: Norwegian and Finnish cutting make it possible to provide a strong lock that will not even need additional insulation. A carriage can be used in construction - a large diameter log is cut on both sides so that the outer and interior wall the houses turned out to be level and smooth. Log houses made from gun carriages look beautiful, but the surfaces will require mandatory protective treatment.

A bathhouse built from large-diameter logs allows you to stylize the structure as antique. Such a structure on the territory of a suburban plot of land emphasizes the richness of the decoration and the status of the owner of the bathhouse complex. A sauna made from large-diameter logs, chopped by hand, has its own special charisma and inner originality. Such a bath complex with its entire appearance emphasizes the presence of a connection modern world and life with centuries-old original traditions that existed on the territory of Rus'. Such a bathhouse becomes like a bridge between the world of the past, distinguished by greatness, and the world of the present.

A beautiful bathhouse, cut from large-diameter logs, compares favorably with faceless bathhouse complexes manufactured according to similar designs on an industrial scale.

The log house of a bathhouse made from large diameter logs is particularly unique. The fact is that bath complexes, hand-built even according to the same design, can have significant differences in design and appearance, which makes these structures individual and unique. Each individual bathhouse complex, hand-cut from large-diameter logs, is an original structure.

Logs are reliable, safe and environmentally friendly building materials. Wood is distinguished by the presence of a whole range of advantages that it has due to the natural origin of the material. The diameter of the log for the construction of a bathhouse complex using manual cutting is one of the fundamental factors influencing the choice of building material.

Log selection

When choosing a solid log for construction and installation work, special attention should be paid to such an indicator as flatness. This indicator demonstrates the difference in diameters at the ends of the harvested log. Thickness of a tree trunk when growing in natural conditions cannot be the same along its entire length. This is due to natural biological reasons. So, for example, if the diameter at the root is 42 cm, then the opposite side will have a diameter of about 36 cm. In the process of laying logs in the walls, you need to lay the logs with a thinner end on a thicker one. This way the wall is equal in height on both sides.

When choosing a log, you should pay attention to the fact that the thicker the material, the better it resists the effects of low temperatures, but here it should be noted that the cost of thick logs is much higher.

The best option is to select logs with approximately the same diameter along the entire length of the material. The optimal diameter of the material for the European part and northern regions of the Russian Federation is considered to be 220-240 mm when the structure is used only in the warm season and more than 260 mm when the bath complex is used year-round.

The selection of forest for the construction of a bathhouse complex should be carried out on the standing ground in a plot allocated for logging. The preparation and storage of such material is carried out in a special way. Large diameter logs for the construction of a bathhouse are processed manually. For this purpose, special tools must be used - staples. Using this tool, the bark is removed from the material, but a protective layer is left on the surface. This protective layer helps preserve the warmth and strength of the wood.

The outside of the log must be highly polished.

When choosing a log for the construction of a log bathhouse, you should remember that material having a thickness of 22 to 28 cm is used for construction residential complexes. The cost of such logs is quite affordable, and this type of building material is available to most land owners.

Logs with a thickness of 30 to 40 cm are used for the construction of permanent buildings.

The most reliable and expensive are log houses made from larch, oak and cedar.

A log house assembled from logs with a thickness of 40 cm or more is very expensive and does not always justify the costs incurred when using it in construction.

Features and characteristics of large diameter logs

For the construction of a bathhouse complex, timber harvested in winter is ideal. Bathhouses are especially beautiful and durable when they are built from large-diameter Arkhangelsk logs. The fact is that in the northern regions the growth period of trees is very short due to the short warm season, which affects the quality of the wood. The annual growth of wood in northern latitudes is, as a rule, several millimeters; for this reason, the wood of trees growing, for example, in the Arkhangelsk region is dense, and this, in turn, affects its quality.

The harsh conditions of northern latitudes lead to extremely slow forest growth; for this reason, the distance between annual rings in such a forest is minimal. The forest of northern latitudes has a high level of strength and resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors. The building material has a high degree of resistance to the development of decay processes, which is a very important factor in the long-term operation of bath complexes made from such building materials. The use of logs made from trees growing in northern latitudes for the construction of bathhouse complexes makes it possible to extend the service life of bathhouses to 100 years or more.

Features of the construction of a sauna log house from large diameter logs

When constructing a bath complex using large-diameter logs, the connection of logs in the crown can be carried out in several ways.

There are two main connection methods:

  1. “With remainder” is a variant of connecting logs in which the ends of the log house protrude outward. When using this assembly method, the locking elements are peculiar round recesses made on the body of the log. This type of assembly of a log bathhouse structure is less economical, since its use reduces the internal space of the bathhouse premises. However, this type of connection has one advantage: maximum thermal protection of the joints of the logs into a single structure.
  2. “Without remainder” is a type of log connection in which the length of the building material is used to the maximum. When using this type of log connection, the likelihood of cold bridges occurring increases significantly.

In addition to those described, there are other types of connecting logs into a single structure, for example, the Norwegian and Finnish type of felling. The use of these types of log connections allows for maximum thermal protection of the connection points without the use of additional insulation.

In some cases, if the owner of the land plot wishes, it is possible to trim the inner and outer sides of the logs in the log house to obtain smooth wall surfaces. Paring logs during the construction process allows you to get structures that will look very beautiful. The only drawback of this procedure is the need to carefully treat the hewn surface with special protective chemical compounds.

Selection of a design company and construction of a bath complex

The owner of a land plot can himself design and carry out the necessary calculations when building a bathhouse complex from large-diameter logs if he has the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the work. With absence required level knowledge for development and calculation project documentation It is best to contact a specialized company that is engaged in the construction of wooden buildings and has extensive experience.

The company’s specialists will develop project documentation taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the land owner, and will take into account all the nuances that could affect the quality of the project. Such nuances may be, for example, climatic conditions in the construction area, the composition and quality of the soil at the construction site construction work, height groundwater and many others.

The design and construction of a bathhouse made from large-diameter logs should only be ordered from a trusted company that has solid experience in working with such material, since the cost of design and construction of such a structure is quite high and can reach 8 million rubles, depending on the complexity of the work.

With all the variety of construction technologies, wooden houses will always be popular among residents middle zone. A log house made from large-diameter logs is a hit in wooden housing construction, a return to the roots of the original Russian style, a combination of strength and absolute environmental friendliness. The Russian Mansions company will build an exclusive, reliable house from winter cedar, pine or larch.

Unique features of a large log

GOSTs do not indicate the exact specifications large diameter logs for exclusive log houses. In practice, it is generally accepted that their diameter should be more than 36 cm. Such houses are considered elite, “piecemeal”: every, even the most minimal detail of the project is worked out to perfection.

The construction of large-diameter log houses has its own specifics. On initial stages a designer and an architect are connected to it, who create sketches and diagrams from scratch. Only after its approval is a contract signed for the construction of an elite log house.

General characteristics:

  • log area: 200-1500 sq.m. Even compact house or a bathhouse with an area of ​​up to 150 sq.m. made from a log with a diameter of 36-40 cm will look unusual and impressive.
  • High thermal insulation: the width of the groove is equal to half the diameter of the log and provides reliable thermal protection of the room.
  • Durability. The thicker the log, the more reliable the house.
  • Original appearance and exterior. Exclusive houses made of thick logs have no competitors in their beauty and originality.


The main disadvantage is the high price. The logs for such houses are selected manually. The thickest and highest quality tree trunks are used for construction. In terms of its properties, such a log house far exceeds the minimum standards, and therefore its cost is much higher.

The implementation of projects for log houses made from large-diameter logs is more difficult: expensive special equipment is used for felling, and a crane may be required. The foundation for such houses is also much more massive and more difficult to install.

Houses made from exclusive logs with a large diameter are a solution for those who are used to choosing the best. Such an object looks presentable, standing out favorably among standard houses made of medium-thick logs.

Houses made of large diameter logs are considered a masterpiece of wooden architecture. Their visual appearance is so fabulous and fantastic that it involuntarily evokes associations with the power and strength of epic heroes. Gigantic walls made of large logs transform the building into a majestic and monumental fortress, which emphasizes the status of its owner and maintains a comfortable internal microclimate throughout the year.

Advantages of houses made of large logs

Elite houses made of large-diameter logs have a lot of undeniable advantages, which are worth talking about only in superlatives:

  • Low thermal conductivity. Even with minimal heating costs, such a building will be warm in winter, and pleasant and refreshing coolness will remain in summer.
  • Amazing durability. Due to the smaller number of connections, the strength of structures is significantly increased. They are built for a period of at least 80–100 years, that is, they reliably serve not only the owners of the suburban area, but also their children and grandchildren.
  • Eloquent evidence of image. Houses made of large diameter cedar demonstrate the financial well-being of the owner and his impeccable tastes.
  • Ecological cleanliness. Natural material created by nature itself, fills the atmosphere of the interior with healing pine resins and essential oils beneficial to humans.
  • Self-sufficiency. The attractive and absolutely unique appearance of the buildings is good in itself, and therefore does not require external finishing.

Dimensions of logs for building houses

To build a house from large logs, cedar or Siberian larch wood is used. Logs with a cross-section of 30-40 cm can already be considered large, but the most spectacular materials include wood with a diameter of over 40 cm, which is recognized as the elite of wooden house construction. Due to the decrease in the growing area of ​​old coniferous trees every year its preparation becomes more and more difficult, so today it is exclusive, and in the future it will significantly increase in price.

The higher the diameter of the logs, the better the thermal insulation performance of the house. For example, constructing a building from wood with a cross-section of 36 cm allows you to obtain walls that in brick buildings are comparable to masonry of 2.5 bricks. A significant advantage of houses made of large-diameter cedar is the fact that a smaller amount of round timber is required to complete the construction. This entails economic benefits and reduces construction time. On the other hand, working with such material presents certain difficulties, so the assembly of the building should be entrusted to professionals.

Construction of expensive log houses from Srub-Stroy

In its complexity, wooden architecture often surpasses artistic skill, and not every craftsman can build a house from a solid log. When constructing it, it is important not only to take into account the overall diameter of the forest, but also to perform the correct cutting and take into account the ratio of the lunar grooves to the cross-section of the logs. The specialists of the Srub-Stroy company are fluent in these skills! Based on the long-standing traditions of ancient Russian builders, we successfully create for our customers real masterpieces of architecture, which combine high quality, excellent technical characteristics and elite performance.

Each implemented project has a distinct individuality. Expensive log houses are a one-piece order that requires a special approach. Logs are selected specifically for a specific object, making each finished building unique and unique. In our work, we use logs with a diameter of 30 to 100 cm, turning into reality the conceptual design and fantastic ideas of talented architects and designers.

Houses made from large diameter logs from the Srub-Stroy company are akin to works of art. Of course, their construction is not accessible to everyone, because, like any exclusive thing, they cost a lot. However, the delightful appearance and amazing durability of fairy-tale houses are completely worth the investment!

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Total: 366


Name Availability Price
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, white, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, yellow, cut) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, green, cut) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, red, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (0.8 mm, transparent, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, gray, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (0.8 mm, blue, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (0.8mm, Purple, Cut) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (0.8 mm, black, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.0 mm, white, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.0 mm, yellow-green, cut) Are available 19.85 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.0 mm, yellow, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.0 mm, green, cut) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.0 mm, red, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (1.0mm, Clear, Threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.0 mm, gray, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.0 mm, blue, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (1.0mm, Purple, Threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.0 mm, black, threaded) Are available 11.26 rub.
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Heat shrink tube TCT (1.5 mm, red, threaded) Are available 12.03 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.5 mm, transparent, threaded) Are available 12.03 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.5 mm, gray, threaded) Are available 12.03 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (1.5 mm, blue, threaded) Are available 12.03 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (1.5mm, Purple, Cut) Are available 12.03 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (1.5 mm, black, threaded) Are available 12.03 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (2.0 mm, white, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.0 mm, yellow-green, threaded) Are available RUB 15.92
Heat shrink tubing TCT (2.0 mm, yellow, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.0 mm, green, cut) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (2.0 mm, red, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (2.0mm, Clear, Threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (2.0 mm, gray, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (2.0 mm, blue, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (2.0mm, Purple, Threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.0 mm, black, threaded) Are available 12.79 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.5 mm, white, threaded) Are available 13.52 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.5 mm, yellow-green, cut) Are available RUB 15.92
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.5 mm, yellow, cut) Are available 13.52 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.5 mm, green, cut) Are available 13.52 rub.
Are available 13.52 rub.
TCT Heat Shrink Tubing (2.5mm, Purple, Cut) Are available 13.52 rub.
Heat shrink tube TCT (2.5 mm, black, threaded) Are available 13.52 rub.
Heat shrink tubing TCT (3.0 mm, white, threaded) Are available RUB 14.99

A special feature of this tube is that it is supplied in a range of sizes from 0.8 to 180 mm. Can also be supplied to order with a diameter of 250 mm. The main feature of this tube is its shrinkage temperature (from +70°C, and complete shrinkage at +115°C), which is very important when electronic components and other materials are sensitive to heat. Due to the property of shrinking at low temperatures, it is possible to achieve high shrink rates where low thermal contact is required, and as a result, energy savings. According to its characteristics TST tube has good elasticity, softness, and self-extinguishing ability; It has an excellent appearance and bright colors. The TST tube is a material that is quite durable during operation. Its tensile strength varies within 14.8 MPa. The tube is environmentally friendly for the environment and personnel. The supplied TCT tube is capable of shrinking twice. Also we We supply TST tube with triple shrinkage, which is rare for thin-walled tubes.


IN last years TST heat-shrinkable tube is increasingly finding its use in various fields of industry due to its uniqueness. Most often it is used as electrical insulation of conductors up to 1 kV and sealing material in various industries. The tube provides excellent corrosion protection metal pipes and fittings, antenna equipment, etc. Due to its high mechanical strength, the tube is used for mechanical protection. A wide range of colors and bright colors allow the TCT tube to be used for color marking of equipment and decorative purposes, such as decorating sports equipment, handrails in swimming pools and much more.

The tube is supplied in 1 m pieces. The number of pieces in the package depends on the diameter of the tube and varies from 10 to 100 pieces (in the direction of decreasing diameter). Also, the tube can be supplied in coils of 25 - 200 m (mainly on order).

TCT heat shrink tube is easy to use. Shrinking of the tube can be done either with a heat hairdryer, a lighter, or with the help of hot water and just a match.

Basic properties:

  • Elongation to break: 460% minimum
  • Operating temperature range: from -55 °С to +125 °С
  • Shrinkage temperature: from +70 °С to +115 °С
  • Dielectric strength: >15 (17) kV/mm
  • Volumetric electrical resistance : 1015 Ohm cm
  • Tensile strength: 14.8 MPa
  • Shrinkage coefficient: 2:1; 3:1
  • Flammability: suppresses combustion