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Lesson of physical culture of the XXI century. “Physical education lesson of the 21st century What should it be?”


    Theoretical part………………………………………………………………………………..5

    Practical part………………………………………………………………………………...7

    1. Physical education lesson with breakdancing elements………………………………..9




Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where else, if not at school, can this foundation be built? It is in the lessons that we need to help children get rid of stooped shoulders and sunken chests, and develop their strength, speed, flexibility, and agility. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well equipped with modern technical means. Physical education is not only the ability to accurately kick a ball or run quickly, it is strength and energy, the mood of children, in which studies are easy and work with a spark; This is the child’s health, which consists of a lot of things - proper daily routine and nutrition, rational leisure.

We are teachers of the new generation, innovative teachers strive to keep up with life, to be at the level of modern tasks, we understand that it is impossible to teach physical education using old, old-fashioned methods, however, as the proverb says: “Everything new is well forgotten old,” Therefore, we need to take in our new approaches all the best that we had, and correctly, rationally use them in teaching children in accordance with the requirements of the modern world. Life moves forward, new sports and hobbies appear. And this cannot be ignored. Therefore, there was a need to look for new technologies in addition to the traditional four or five core sports provided by the program. This is what it's all about relevance our methodological development.

Unfortunately, the number of students exempted from physical education classes is increasing. And the majority does not see interest in this subject. Many of these students lose interest in lessons and avoid them in every possible way, or perform exercises carelessly. This is where the problem of insufficient activity in children arises, which results in the onset of many diseases. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for teachers to introduce new teaching methods and assessments into their lessons in order to interest students. New programs must be attractive for health and, very importantly, for life. Will the child be able to play sports independently, will physical education classes take root in his family life? This is a new approach to this educational subject.

Hypothesis: In order for the physical activity of children to become at a higher level, as a result of which this will lead to the overall strengthening of the child’s health and the reduction of diseases in general, it is necessary to use new technologies, also for the interest of students, and so that the child understands the need for sports, as one of the fundamental foundations of his development, which will have a positive impact on his future life.

The purpose of our development: To interest students in physical education classes and fully involve them in this subject, using new approaches to the learning process.


Rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process;

Increase the level of physical performance of children;

Teach children to be conscious about performing certain physical exercises;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Carrying out sports festivals, competitions of both intra-class and school-wide nature;

Supporting children's positive emotional background

Show new approaches using the example of an open lesson at MAOU “Lyceum No. 58”, described in the practical part

Research methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

Method of pedagogical experiment;

Theoretical part

In our research, we used the following methods: Blended learning technology, group technologies and methods that promote the development of motor skills. Let's find out what each of them is.

Blended learning technology. The second generation federal state educational standard involves changing the principles of organizing the educational process, the center of which is now the student. In this case, the teacher finds himself in the role of an organizer, a partner of the assistant. In this way, our school creates conditions for dynamic, flexible, personalized learning. Key Components of Blended Learning – This is self-education, indirect and personal interaction between teacher and student.

Of the many models of blended learning, we settled on the main ones: models of the "Rotation" group, the common feature of which is that blended learning is implemented within one subject and class and involves alternating face-to-face and remote interaction between teacher and students. We also used "Autonomous group" model. Here we divide the children into 2 groups, each of which is given a specific task. Each of them has one responsible child, and for each lesson the responsible ones change, who carries out this process. Working in this model, the teacher must have the skill of distributing his attention between two groups, be able to organize the activities of students through a system of individual or group tasks, performing the function of an assistant in completing tasks. Of course, it is still difficult to use this technique specifically in physical education lessons, but it can and should be gradually introduced. In the near future it will also be possible to use elements of e-learning. For example, using an online broadcast, conduct a lesson with children who are home-schooled.

The following technique we use is group technologies.

According to V.K. Dyachenko, the organizational structure of group learning methods can be combined, that is, it can contain various forms: group, pair and individual. In this case, group communication is of dominant importance. Basic goals: Ensuring the activity of the educational process, achieving a high level of content mastery. Peculiarities:

1) the class is divided into groups to solve specific problems;

2) each group receives a specific task (either the same or different);

3) the composition of the group is not constant.

During group work, the teacher performs a variety of functions: monitors the progress of work in groups, controls the order of work and, in case of emergency, provides assistance to students.

Methods that promote the development of motor qualities, namely, strictly regulated exercise methods.

The methods of this group are characterized, first of all, by repeated exercises under conditions of strict regulation, namely:

Strict composition of movements and their connections with each other;

Strictly standardized load;

In strict regulation of rest intervals and the order of alternating rest and load.

Here are some examples of methods:

1.Standard exercise method (repetitive, continuous, interval)

2.Variable exercise method (progressive, descending, varying method)

3.Combined methods – re-variable

4.Circuit training method (continuous and interval)

Partially regulated exercise methods

These methods include gaming and competitive.

The gaming method is characterized by:

The plot of the actions

A variety of ways to achieve goals (winning), since there are different paths to the goal during the game.

Possibility of complex use of various motor actions.

An important feature of the game is its emotionality and limited ability to dose the load.

Also, for physical education of the 21st century, non-traditional lessons are needed, such as, for example, fitness lessons, Olympic lessons with a champion, theoretical lessons, as well as Master classes of professional athletes. We must also forget about extracurricular sports events: various sports sections, school-wide sports events and competitions.

How these methods are used, and in general, how, in our opinion, a lesson in the 21st century should be taught, we tried to describe in the practical part of our development, using the example of an open lesson, as well as a small study we conducted during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Practical part

First about the experiment. At the beginning of the school year, from the parallels of the 5th grade, I chose one of them for using new technologies in the educational process. This is 5 "B" class. For the rest of the classes I conducted lessons in the traditional way (5 “A”, 5 “B”,

5 "G", 5 "D"). The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effectiveness of new technologies with traditional approaches. Specifically, the following indicators were chosen for comparison: Children’s academic performance and Number of absences from classes. Again, let’s not forget our main goal of development and its hypothesis, where the key word is interest.

In working with the 5th “B” class, I used various methods (Blended learning technology, group technologies and methods that promote the development of motor skills), conducted non-traditional lessons with champions, theoretical lessons, fitness lessons with elements of dance movements. In this class, some lessons were taught in a completely different scenario, different from the standard one. It was necessary to be creative and come up with more and more interesting tasks.

And this is the result we came to in the third quarter:

Children's performance

Based on these results, we can conclude that the highest percentage of academic performance is in 5 “B” and 5 “A” classes.

Number of absences

5 "B" - 29 passes

5 “A – 65 passes

5 "B" - 51 passes

5 "G" - 46 passes

5 "D" - 76 passes

We conclude that class 5 “B” has fewer absences from classes. From this we can state the fact that new technologies really provide high efficiency and positive results, which means they are the future of teaching.

And as another example of the use of new technologies - the development of one physical education lesson for grade 5 “B”.

Physical education lesson with breakdancing elements

The purpose of the lesson: Development of physical characteristics and motor activity of students.

Lesson objectives:

1) Development of coordination and strength abilities, endurance, flexibility, jumping ability;

2) Cultivation of self-demandingness, hard work, discipline;

3) Promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

4) Study and improve the complex of breakdancing elements.

5) Supporting the positive emotional background of children

During the classes:

1) Introductory part

a) Construction. Here we remember the proverb that “the new is the well forgotten old.” In our school, thanks to the succession of physical education teachers, a good tradition has remained: a schoolchild's sports uniform - white top, red (black) bottom!

The physicist submits a report to the teacher about the group’s readiness for class. You can choose it for each month or for the entire academic year. In this class, exercisers change every month.

b) Oral survey. Children are asked to answer the question: What is a Healthy Lifestyle? How do they understand this term?

c) Walking(on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot, half squat, full squat)

d) Frequent steps, even running(when the whistle blows, the one behind becomes the first, the children run in the opposite direction. The number and frequency of whistles is at your discretion). Run with side steps, right, left side, back forward.

e) A set of special running exercises(Running with a high hip lift, running with a “overwhelm”, jumping up for each step, “wheel” exercise with legs, 2-3 accelerations in a straight line)

e) Warm-up. For warm-up, we divide the guys into two groups (Can be divided into first or second, or into boys and girls). In this case, we divided into first and second. In each group we assign a person responsible who will conduct the warm-up for assessment. In this case, the teacher observes the process and helps the children if necessary.

So, we have done a warm-up and now we can proceed to the main part of the lesson.

2) Main part.

Our lesson today will be devoted to basic breakdancing movements. First of all, you need to introduce children to this concept and what it means. Break-dance or b-boying (English breakdance)- street dance, one of the trends of hip-hop culture.

To conduct the lesson we will need incendiary music.

To start, we'll learn a few basic breakdancing moves.

a) Horizontal wave with arms, vertical wave with body.

b) Turtle- in the Russian version: turtle - Horizontal rotation of the body on bent arms, which rest the elbows on the press. Rotation consists of dragging the body from one elbow, which rests against a certain part of the press (right or left), to another supporting elbow while simultaneously directing the body in the direction of movement

c) Sixsteps(FootWork) - translated into Russian as “Six Steps”. It is called that because it consists of six leg movements. The hands in this element are the support. The legs move in different positions; moreover, when moving the legs, they must be crossed twice. The result will be circular jogging with your feet on the floor.

d) We also looked at a simple “spinner”, “arrow”. This may also include elements of acrobatics. (Standing on your head, on your hands, “Wave”, “Wheel”, etc.).

3) The final part. At the end of our lesson, we will consolidate the material covered with the help of a dance battle. We divide the students into two teams and seat them in a circle. It turns out to be an improvised scene.

After which, everyone in turn, first from one team, then from the other, goes to the center of the circle and performs dance movements to the music. The next one should repeat these movements even better. It turns out to be a competition “Who can dance who?” The duration of the battle is 5-7 minutes.

After which we select the winner. Today FRIENDSHIP has won for us!

Then the final formation of the children. Summarizing.

4) Results of the open lesson.

We have successfully completed the goal and objectives of our lesson. The guys worked actively physically, their motor activity was at a high level today. A healthy microclimate was created in the team, friendly mutual understanding towards each other. Throughout the lesson, a positive emotional background was maintained. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle did not go unnoticed. First, the children told how they understand this term, and then we consolidated this knowledge in practice. Finally, we were introduced to the concept of “breakdancing” and studied the basic elements of this dance.


    New technologies really provide high efficiency and positive results. This was revealed in the results of our experiment described above.

    The level of physical performance of children increases thanks to the rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process.

    Children consciously began to relate to performing certain physical exercises, i.e. learned to understand why they are needed and how they will be useful later in life.

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in our school has become at a higher level.

    Thanks to new technologies, the overall emotional background of lessons has increased, children began to miss lessons less and became more interested in the process of learning physical education.

Thus, we can say that all the goals and objectives of our development were fulfilled, the hypothesis was proven.


    Physical education: grades 5-7: textbook. For general education students. Institutions / edited by M. Ya Vilensky. - 4th ed., revised - M: Enlightenment, 2008.

    Blended learning: educational technology of our time - M: Education, 2013.

    Physical education: program: grades 5-9/ T.V. Petrova, Yu.A. Kopylov, N.V. Polyankaya, S.S. Petrov. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012. – 64 p.

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. – M.: Public Education, 1998. – 256 p.

    Manzheley I.V. Pedagogical models of physical education: Textbook. – M.: Scientific Publishing Center “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports”, 2005. – 185 p.

More than a thousand Kazan schoolchildren moved in the same rhythm. Modern elements of sports exercises were demonstrated to them by famous fitness professionals. A mass physical education lesson of the 21st century took place at the martial arts palace. Ekaterina Kudinova found out how it differed from a standard lesson.

Ekaterina Kudinova, Ilya Shorin

This physical education lesson was liked by all the schoolchildren. This is not only a physical workout, but also a positive charge of emotions. Children learn new movements and do it to their favorite music.

Children are not forced to play sports here. They move around with pleasure and complete all the teachers’ assignments. After all, they don’t need to jump over a goat, climb a rope, and run a hundred meters. An element of fitness and dance has been added to a 21st century physical education lesson. Famous instructors from Moscow came to show their achievements. This sports program for schoolchildren is physically challenging, but beautiful in dance.

Mikhail Andreev, dance instructor

“We try to increase their endurance, we try to develop musicality in children, we try to increase their purely physical dancing abilities, a lot of simple elements accompanied by popular music give a feeling of full drive.

Indeed, we managed to create a drive on the site. More than a thousand schoolchildren repeated the movements of the coaches. No one shied away from this lesson.

Oksana Isaeva

— I really liked everything, especially how we danced, the music, fun, dancing, a lot of people, the teachers are very good, a lot of cheerfulness, music, fun, smiles.

Maxim Shevyakov

— In physical education lessons we focus more on strength qualities, but here there is more of this kind of plasticity and athletics. The dances are new, the movements are remembered well, I can even use them at a disco somewhere.

At the end of the physical warm-up, a surprise awaited the guys. The action was supported by Vlad Topalov.

Vlad Topalov, Russian singer

— I don’t do exercises, but I go to the gym, do boxing, and swimming. I believe that especially young people need to take care of their health, it’s interesting, it’s right and good.

Specialists from the Russian Federation of Fitness Aerobics have already developed a program for grades 8-11 and tested it in 200 schools. They are confident that the new format of lessons will increase interest in physical education.

Tatyana Polukhina, Vice-President of the Federation of Fitness Aerobics of the Russian Federation for the development of educational programs

“The most important thing is that there is not enough information about what is happening now in the world of fitness, and the school curriculum - it has not changed for many years, and we are ready to present the tools that are used all over the world.

Rafis Burganov, Minister of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan

— Fitness aerobics does not pretend to completely fill the third physical education lesson, but very organically offers to include these elements either in cycles or elements in one lesson.

This weekend, Kazan is hosting the National Cup and All-Russian fitness aerobics competition for the first time. More than a hundred teams participate in them. These are one and a half thousand athletes from different cities. The winners will be awarded on Sunday.

April 18, 2010 at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex as part of the XVI International Festival of Physical Education and Sports “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!” The ceremonial start of the All-Russian competition of professional skills of innovative teachers “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century” took place.

Bright start of the All-Russian competition of professional skills of innovative teachers

Honorary guests Olga Sergeevna Slutsker, president of the all-Russian public organization “Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia”, head of the United Russia party project “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century” addressed the participants with a welcoming speech; Yuri Petrovich Sentyurin, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Svetlana Sergeevna Zhurova, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Olympic champion, Deputy Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party; Irina Konstantinovna Rodnina, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, three-time Olympic champion, project manager of the United Russia party “Yard Trainer”, “School Sports”; Mikhail Borisovich Terentyev, deputy of the State Duma, champion of the Paralympic Games, general secretary of the Russian Paralympic Committee, head of the United Russia party project “United Country”; Maria Aleksandrovna Kiseleva, three-time Olympic champion, member of the presidium of the Presidential Council for Physical Culture and Sports; Alexey Yurievich Nemov, four-time Olympic champion, president of the International Festival of Physical Education and Sports “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!”; Sergei Aleksandrovich Markov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations.

Thanks to the support of the United Russia party, all guests received memorable gifts - T-shirts and caps with the symbols of the “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century” competition.

“Do you want to be healthy?”, “Do you want physical education lessons to change?”, “Do you want physical education at school to be fashionable and interesting?” - to the questions of the guests of honor, the 3,000 gathered participants - middle and high school students, their teachers and parents - unanimously and loudly answered: “Yes!” At the end of the official part, leading teachers of the Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia and invited world-class specialists conducted a large-scale and spectacular demonstration lesson in physical education of the new millennium. Hip-hop, aerobics, martial arts, disco - these are just a few sets of exercises that the children were able to master together during an exciting, dynamic lesson accompanied by fashionable modern music.

A gift for all participants of the event was the incendiary performance of Russian pop star Sergei Lazarev.

Detailed information about the competition and event on the websites:

Reference Information:

The All-Russian competition of professional skills of innovative teachers “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century” is held by the all-Russian public organization “Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia” within the framework of the party project “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century”. The idea of ​​holding the competition belongs to the all-Russian political party “United Russia”. The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the state educational institution of additional education for children "Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History", the editorial office of the newspaper "Sports at school." Implemented in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The 17th festival of physical education and sports, which took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, ended in Moscow. The international fitness convention has been held for many years under the motto “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!” This the largest event in the fitness industry of Russia and Eastern Europe annually brings together about 16,000 supporters of a healthy lifestyle, teachers and schoolchildren, fitness instructors, members of fitness clubs, professional athletes, coaches, managers and fitness industry specialists. The event was held with the support of the Moscow government, the Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sports, the Russian Federation of Fitness Aerobics, as well as the World Class and FizKult fitness club chains and the Adidas company.

On March 31, the opening ceremony took place at the main arena of the festival, which was attended by Alexey Nemov (president of the festival), Olga Slutsker (Chairman of the IFFS Organizing Committee), Svetlana Zhurova (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation). At the opening, the participants of a large-scale project, the All-Russian competition, called “Physical Education Lesson of the 21st Century” were awarded.

The project started in March 2010 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation and other organizations. It covered 72 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the experts' review, 279 works made it to the final round, receiving very high marks.

Nomination “I play and grow”

Svetlana Vladimirovna Gracheva won (Zarechny MDOU DS No. 2)

Nomination "School of Champions"

Zvyagintsev Vladimir Arkadievich won (Moscow, secondary school No. 399)

Nomination “We are together - we are a team”

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kravchenko won (St. Petersburg, GOU Secondary School No. 585)

Nomination "Lesson after school"

Darina Dmitrievna Yarkovaya won (Bryansk, Bryansk Academy of Engineering and Technology)

Nomination "Equal"

Olga Gennadievna Rutkovskaya (Severodvinsk, Severodvinskaya Secondary School No. 30) won.

More than 700 cities Russia and more than 1756 people took part in this competition. These are physical education teachers in secondary educational institutions, physical education teachers in preschool educational institutions, teachers of higher vocational education, and fitness trainers. The purpose of the competition was to identify and disseminate innovative pedagogical experience in the field of teaching physical education and developing healthy lifestyle skills.

Natalya Mukhortova

“Modern physical education lesson.

What should it be like?

Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where else, if not at school, can this foundation be built? It is in the lessons that we need to help children get rid of stooped shoulders and sunken chests, and develop their strength, speed, flexibility, and agility. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well equipped with modern technical means. Our pets must master physical education. This is especially important.

I believe that it is impossible to judge the organization of physical education in our school by individual, perhaps careless students. If a school’s team takes prizes, the entire school is praised and considered to be advanced. If they took a seat from the back, it means the teacher is a slacker. After all, certificates and medals are not awarded for successful completion of the curriculum. You won’t get quick results from working according to the curriculum; the results of the competition are immediately visible to everyone. The school physical education program tries to balance the two components of physical education, namely the lesson and extracurricular forms.

Although, of course, the primary role of the lesson remains unchanged, which remains the main form of teaching children.

Physical education is not only the ability to accurately kick a ball or run quickly, it is strength and energy, the mood of children, in which studies are easy and work with a spark; This is the child’s health, which consists of a lot of things - proper daily routine and nutrition, rational leisure.

The requirements for a modern teacher are high.

teachers of the new generation, innovative teachers, strive to keep up with life, to be at the level of modern tasks, we understand that it is impossible to teach physical education using old, antiquated methods on outdated equipment.

A physical education teacher must be a good organizer. He needs a wide variety of training.

The modern physical education teacher has many, many problems. In addition to great knowledge and skills, a broad outlook and enthusiasm, he is also required to have a true feeling of love for children. A real teacher goes to the children every morning as if on a holiday, with a reserve of fresh strength, new ideas and unspent feelings.

A problem that has grown to global proportions these days is the lack of physical activity of children.

This is where many diseases originate, and this is where many of the troubles of school physical education come from. Not all current schoolchildren are physically developed enough, and not all are ready to engage in single combat with their peers.

Over the course of a number of years, the Research Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents studied the daily routine of students in various cities and villages of the country. The results of these studies indicate a reduction from year to year in the time children spend in the fresh air, a decrease in their play and physical activity in general.

A preschool child moves almost continuously. Upon entering school, this activity is reduced by almost half. Lessons, homework, TV, computer take up all daytime.

The school has few sports sections for younger children. Children experience real motor hunger!

Research shows that younger ages are the most favorable for the formation of basic motor skills, the development of motor functions, and for cultivating interest in physical education.

An equally important problem is increasing the effectiveness of physical education and improving the quality of knowledge. To do this, both teachers and parents need to know the age-related patterns of development of motor skills of children and adolescents, so as not to miss the most favorable time, to use it to raise the general level of development of the child, and even to increase his sports results.

The most significant changes in a child’s motor system occur between the ages of 8 and 12 years.

The main tasks in school must be accomplished and solved as completely as possible within 5–7 years of children’s education, otherwise the most productive time for the development of schoolchildren’s motor abilities will be missed.

Adolescence is the most important period when, with the help of physical education, you can significantly increase not only general physical fitness, but also the level of strength and endurance. But during this same period, a biological restructuring of the child’s body takes place. STRICT GRADUATION IS NECESSARY IN PLANNING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR ADOLESCENTS. Due to the intensive development of speed of movement, adolescents adapt very well to high-speed loads and can show excellent results in running.

The effectiveness of children's physical education will increase significantly if its emphasis falls on more favorable periods of natural accelerated development of the child's motor system. WHEN SUFFICIENTLY GREAT RESERVE CAPABILITIES APPEAR FOR ITS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT WITHOUT DAMAGE TO HEALTH.

Physical activity of schoolchildren of any age should be only at an optimal level, without maximum stress. Maximum physical activity has no effect.



29 years ago, when the Olympic bear took to the air for the first time in Moscow, the whole country brought tears to their eyes. This is national pride in a great power, which at all times, out of nowhere, in spite of its enemies, looked for hidden reserves, demonstrating its power and might.

Then, in 1980, watching the symbol of national unity, each of us hoped in our souls for its return. And that hour has come.

The Olympic Games have always been the most effective tool for promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle.

After each Olympics, a real sports boom begins in the country hosting it - and, fortunately, we cannot escape this.

After all, it is our children who, having seen – some live, some on TV – the performances of the best athletes, will force them to take them to sports schools, to skating rinks, to buy skates, skis, etc. And one of these guys will definitely become a new sports star - the Moscow Olympics generation - 80 gave its medal harvest in the early 90s, the IGR generation - 2014 will bear its fruits already in the 20s of the 21st century.


Physical education is a multifaceted process aimed at achieving physical perfection of the younger generation and carried out in a system of diversity of interdependent forms of organization of physical exercises.

Of particular importance in this system is the physical education lesson as the main and obligatory form of physical education for all schoolchildren.

In physical education lessons, to one degree or another, all the main tasks of physical education are solved, which stem from the general goal of the educational process, to raise a young generation ready for highly productive work, defense of the Motherland and participation in the social and political life of the country.

An important aspect of the pedagogical process in physical education lessons is the training of schoolchildren motor actions.

The formation of motor skills is carried out in unity with the development of basic motor qualities.

The physiological mechanism of basic movements is formed in the process of training and education of a person.

Educational objectives define the knowledge, skills and abilities that must be acquired.

The tasks of developing motor qualities show which body systems need to be promoted in the process of physical education. Each schoolchild already has certain motor qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility - and has one or another motor experience. He can be taught only those motor actions that he himself can perform, taking into account the degree of development of the functional systems of his body and the available stock of acquired movements.

As a rule, there is a direct connection between the level of mastery of movement techniques and the degree of development of the motor qualities necessary for this. Cases of mismatch do not occur often; they are most likely due to insufficient coordination of movements and the ability to control one’s movements. In the process of teaching and training, these discrepancies disappear the faster the more correctly the teacher identifies insufficiently developed qualities and more accurately chooses the means of pedagogical influence.

Introducing the necessary clarifications into the tasks for the year in connection with the characteristics of the physical development of students (length and weight of the body, chest circumference, physique, state of the musculoskeletal system) and their physical fitness is the immediate and direct responsibility of the physical education teacher.

In physical education lessons, predominantly educational tasks are solved: the selection of exercises and methodological techniques is subordinated to health-improving tasks. The development of motor qualities occurs in the process of learning movements and motor actions, but it can be fully realized only with additional classes outside of school hours.

The objectives of physical education lessons in relation to high school students can be formulated as follows:

  1. improve the skills of basic types of movements and motor actions acquired in lessons in previous grades;
  2. increase the level of physical performance;
  3. help maintain a high level of mental performance;
  4. develop strength, statistical and speed endurance;
  5. provide a certain range of knowledge on the basics of sports training, methods of independent physical exercise and the biomechanical structure of movements;
  6. to develop the ability to independently select and perform physical exercises for the purpose of personal improvement and for conducting classes with a group of friends.


  1. "Sportiness". Here we have physical development, physical fitness, sportsmanship, courage, perseverance;
  2. Courage, determination;
  3. perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals;
  4. self-esteem, and simply self-respect;
  5. Sense of beauty, aesthetic sense;
  6. A sense of harmony - consistency, proportionality of thoughts and actions.


  1. Friendliness, readiness for friendship, search for friends;
  2. Benevolence, good will;
  3. Respect for opponents, judges, spectators;
  4. Honesty, virtue, decency, truthfulness, sincerity;
  5. Nobility, generosity;
  6. Mutual understanding between judges from other countries and peoples.