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Script for a game program about spies. Spy party for kids. Accessories for spies

Cool scenario for boys. If you need to throw a birthday party for a boy and his friends, try throwing them a spy party! Each boy will imagine himself as a secret agent, all children will be divided into two teams and will compete in cunning and courage. Gather your guests!

Written by: Evgeniy Screenwriter, added: November 2, 2010
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Rating: 268.100, , read 64,580 times

All invited guests are warned in advance in the invitations that their clothing should contain elements of a spy masquerade. These could be glasses, black hats, etc. Invitations need to be worked out and made interesting too. For example, (__name of invitee__) is called to a secret emergency spy meeting, which will take place this way and then that, keep all information about this event in the strictest confidence.

Invitations can include a tear-off pass for , which will be collected at the entrance birthday boy, and instead offer to take one of the badges lying next to them, face down. Among the signature options for these badges are the following: “Spy of the first (highest, first, extra) category (__enter name__), code designation AGENT-001 (Indestructible, cunning dog, black cloak and so on)».

The guest, having chosen a badge, enters his name and pins on chest. Just for fun, it can also contain funny photos of animals or stars, with even squares on their eyes. After all the guests have gathered, you need to invite them to split into two groups. Using a special drawing lots- from special ( preferably mysterious) bags, without looking inside, the guest must pull out a ribbon of one of the two available colors. Then tie it on your sleeve and become a member of a team of guys with similar ribbons. Each team needs to come up with and write down a name, as well as a motto, and draw the emblem of their group on whatman paper. It is best to pin these sheets on the wall in the place where competitions and contests will mainly take place, with each team having its own sheet.

It is better not to mix spy groups, but to seat them at the table together, for example, by placing special napkins under the plates that match the color of this team. In addition, under the plates themselves you can put small notes with the tasks “Whoever reads this note must pretend to be a tree ( an old man, a dog, an infant, etc.)". Young spies must hone their transformation skills. This can make children laugh and have fun. Next, announce a toast competition.

Children on their team must understand their comrades perfectly. Each group is given the opportunity to make a congratulatory toast collectively, one group member begins, then interesting place stops, and his neighbor continues for him, and so on. The last team member should complete the congratulatory toast. The best of two toasts gets the first point or, for example, a token made of colored paper ( their number should slightly exceed the number of competitions, in case there is a draw). After everyone has had a little snack, the competition program can begin.

The first competition called "Pictorial Test"
A spy must find a way out of the most difficult situation, even when tied up, and even more so when carrying out a secret mission. Each group receives a sealed envelope with a note inside that is folded in half. The group selects a couple of people who, with their hands tied behind their backs, will be able to tear the envelope and unfold the secret message, and then pass it on to their team members, after which the team will quickly read it and carry out the assignment. The note will say that a test is about to take place, for which one person from the team will need to run to the kitchen ( to the toilet, bathroom), and there under one of the pans ( a towel or something elsesomething) take the package necessary to complete the task. The main thing in the task is that things should be at the same distance for each team from the competition venue. The team that brings the package to the right place first receives a prize token.

This package contains pieces of paper with notes about team membership, half the number of guys on the team and the same number of pencils or markers. Each of the groups is divided into two parts and one leaves this room, and the other remains, on the upper third of the sheet, each draws the head of a girl or boy, at his own discretion, for complete clarity the name of the drawn man is written above, the sheet is folded so that it can be seen only the neck of the drawn one ( but not hair). After this, this half of the team leaves the room and others take their place. They must complete the drawing of the remaining body, also either a girl or a boy, and also sign the gender of this person below ( F or M). After this, the teams are assembled in full and the presenter announces that in the children’s drawings there is now a clear distinction between ordinary people and spies. Because the spies dressed up - and at the same time showing drawings. The team that wins is the one drew more spies, that is, such little men. Where the head and body are of different genders. This group earns a prize token.

It's not always possible for spies to just talk. They must be able to explain themselves to each other without a single word.

Spy Mime Competition
One person from each team is called in turn to take his place ( just for effect) put on a blindfold, and also strictly prohibit uttering any words. Then they give you a task to pull out of a special envelope, where it says secret place for meeting. Using facial expressions and gestures, the child must show his team in three minutes the place where the meeting should take place. The note can indicate the following place: toilet, maternity hospital, school, bathhouse, kindergarten, museum, prison, hospital, madhouse or other. The team that will be able to guess more places for appearances, receives a prize token.

Those spies who work like a well-oiled machine must be able to read the mind of a companion.

Mind reading competition
A couple of people are called from each spy group. They draw from a special secret envelope one questionnaire with a list of questions, as well as three answer options, then circle the one that is closest to them. After this, the leader takes the questionnaires and asks another group member the questions of the first. For example, the question “If you had the opportunity to become an animal. Who? Possible answers: in a boar, in a six-legged five-wing, in a mosquito.” The second participant is asked, What kind of animal do you think he would like to be, a boar, a six-legged five-winged bird, or a mosquito? And exactly the opposite, the first team member is asked how the second team member answered the questionnaire. The spy team that gets highest number of matches, that is, who can better “read” the thoughts of a colleague. It’s very good if you can come up with very funny questions. “Imagine that you were born not a boy, but a girl. So what hair color would you like? Orange and red? Green? Bald girl? If you had a son, what name would you like to give him? Frol? Panteleimon? Alexandrite Sukhopushensky?

The head of our country's spy school is also celebrating his name day today. You need to write a telegram of congratulations. For this, the groups are given a special blank, namely a text with gaps in which certain adjectives must be entered. When filling out this letter, it is necessary to include the most laudatory and flattering congratulations, since the boss loves to be flattered and praised. Here is an example text of such a letter: “ …….. And……. our spy CHEF! We would like to congratulate you on…..…your birthday! We wish you to constantly be………, all the time……… so that today and throughout your life only…….. guests and friends come to you! We also wish to receive a lot………. gifts and presents, have fun, walk, dance just………. dancing, but performing only…………… songs! Know that you will forever remain the most………………… for us. And……………..! With respect and love - yours………………. spies group (enter name)»

After each team has completed writing the telegram, they will need to completely encrypt it. For these purposes, on a similar sheet of paper, it is necessary to enter the antonyms of the words already written in the spaces for adjectives. After this, the presenter takes the written telegrams, leaves for a while and returns again. These telegrams have the phrase “return to sender” written in bright red felt-tip pen. The presenter informs the teams that an error occurred because the secretaries could not cope with the code and so gave the command telegrams to the boss. The boss is now furious! Both telegrams are read aloud. The one of their telegrams, which to a greater extent angered the boss, receives a prize token.

Pharaoh draw (initially played by the presenter himself as a competition for the brave)
The leader needs to determine which group is braver. For these purposes, groups are invited to visit the tomb of the pharaoh, where it is very scary and dark. In another room, everything is prepared in advance and the person participating in the drawing lies in the bed, with his arms folded on his chest and his legs stretched forward, in the area of ​​​​his head lies a saucepan with warm pasta with butter (for sliding). It’s great if there is also a microphone with mournful music; in the worst case, the pharaoh himself and those who will then remain in the pharaoh’s room can make a sound with their mouth closed “ MMMMMMMMM ", which will create an equally creepy effect.

The leader takes one of the group members, one at a time. He blindfolds them and takes them into the room. Where is the pharaoh supposedly located? He says that this is a pyramid, a very ancient tomb of a long-dead pharaoh... And here is the pharaoh himself, who lies in his tomb... The leader takes the hand of a team member and touches parts of the pharaoh's body with it, Here is the pharaoh's foot... And these are the pharaoh's ankles... and here are the knees of the pharaoh... And here is the belly of the pharaoh... And here are the hands of the pharaoh folded at the chest... And here is the face... These are the brains of the pharaoh! Saying these words, the presenter sharply lowers the frightened participant’s hand into the saucepan with pasta. The effect of this draw is amazing. Prize tokens are given to both spy teams.

Competition “Scenario from the life of a special agent”
Teams are given pens and a piece of paper to prepare a script. One person at a time approaches the table and writes only one phrase, while answering one question from the host.
Basic example questions:
1) Who is the hero of this film?
2) Where did he live?
3) What did he get from his secret place?
4) Where did he put it for himself?
5) Where did he go after that?
6) For what purposes did he go there?
7) What was he doing there anyway?
8) Who did he meet there?
9) What question did the hero ask him?
10) What did he say in response?
11) What did he do specifically for the hero?
12) What did he give our hero?
13) What did the hero decide to do with the gift?
14) Where did he return later? main character?
15) For what purposes did he return there?
16) How did the film end?
The presenters take these sheets, unfold them and read the entire script. The best one is taken for filming and earns a prize token.

Comic competition “Going to the Zoo”
Each team is informed that now the name of the animal will be spoken into everyone's ear. Both teams will have the same animal, meaning each team will have one hippo, one ostrich, one giraffe, and so on. The presenter will pronounce the names of the animals out loud, and as soon as you hear the name of your animal, you need to very quickly sit on the floor, faster than a person from the other spy team will do the same. In reality, you tell each team one wolf and one hare, and everyone else says the word “crocodile”. It all turns out terribly funny. So, for example, the presenter says: “squirrel”. And everyone is standing at this time. Hm. That means there is no squirrel... Badger, hmm, no badger either... Now come on, everyone is ready.... Hare!" Two people fall to the floor. The presenter remembers who fell to the floor first. “Now... ...Wolf!” And again two people fall to the floor. “Aaand next…..Elephant!.. Hmm… No elephants?……Lynx!…..And no lynx?….” Everyone is already standing under great tension, ready to fall. “...And finally......special attention..... crocodile!” Both groups of spies receive tokens in this competition.

Then the presenter says that the spy meeting was very successful, and both groups of real special agents demonstrated their best qualities, but according to the results of various tests, so-and-so became the best group. It was this group that was awarded the main special task of the day. This group is given an envelope. The envelope contains a note saying that it is necessary to single out the two most careful and responsible spies; they need to go somewhere ( for example, go to another room and open the closet) and bring here something that will definitely amaze you there ( everything is very simple, there is a cake in the cupboard). In addition, it is still necessary to select a couple of the bravest spies in the team who need to go somewhere ( to the refrigerator in the kitchen) and bring from there something that clearly does not belong there ( candles for cake). And exactly the same with candles ( for example, what is in the bathroom next to the shampoo and what does not belong there either) and so on, napkins, saucers, knives and spoons, of course, if the size of the group allows. Once everything they need is collected, the winning spy guild is given the opportunity to stick candles into the cake and light it.

Comic entertainment - the game "Questions - Answers"
The presenter gives one participant the opportunity to pull out a piece of paper from the envelope with a question on it, and another - with the answer to this question. The same player asks his drawn question, and another one answers it. This is how they play in turns. Until all the envelopes are completely empty. .This game is almost always very funny and exciting.
Question options:
1) Are you always so impudent?
2) Do you really love me?
3) Be honest, do you sometimes cheat in class?
4) Tell me, do you erase the deuces in your diary?
5) Do you like to give gifts?
6) Is it true that you have been secretly married for a long time?
7) Do you often fall out of bed when you sleep?
8) When no one sees you, do you sometimes pick your nose?
9) Do you like to sing in the toilet?
10) Can you steal raspberries from your neighbors in the country?
11) Do you sometimes like to overeat at night with all sorts of cakes?
12) Is it true that every Monday you eat exclusively pickles?
13) Is it true that you really want to change your hair color to purple?
14) Have you already tried vodka?
15) Is it true that your real idol is our physical education teacher?
16) Is it true that you sleep well only in pink pajamas with big elephants?
17) Is it true that you really love swimming with rubber ducks?

Related answers:
1) I can’t even imagine my own life without this.
2) I don’t answer such political questions.
3) Oh, no, I'm a very shy person.
4) I find it difficult to give a truthful answer, because I simply don’t want to spoil my reputation.
5) Well, only after I get a bad grade.
6) Of course, instead of just doing homework.
7) Then, when I skip math, for example.
8) I think my blushing is the clearest answer to this question.
9) Yeah, for hours, and especially in the dark.
10) Wow, wow! How could you guess?!
11) This is very rare, but it still happens.
12) No, in principle no, but as an exception - yes.
13) I think I have had a tendency towards this since childhood.
14) Well, if my parents don’t see me.
15) It is on Saturdays that this is my true need.
16) This has long been my greatest desire.
17) Hmm, my natural modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

To celebrate a child's 9th birthday, you can use the script below.

Warn guests in advance that their clothing should be spy-themed - dark glasses, black hats, etc. Send them original invitations, for example, “With this notification we invite you to the Secret Meeting of Spies, which will take place at _____________. This information strictly confidential and not subject to disclosure."

When all the guests are assembled, they must be divided into two spy teams by drawing lots. For example, these could be ribbons of one of two colors that will be pulled out of a secret box and then tied onto the participant's sleeve. Then each team chooses a name, motto and depicts its emblem.

Guests move to the table to have a little refreshment. Place teams of newly minted spies opposite each other; For example, napkins of different colors placed under their plates will help to emphasize the opposition of groups. There, each of the guests will find a note with the task of who he should portray - a tree, a dog, an old man, an infant, etc. It's no secret that every spy should have the gift of transformation, and it's also very funny. Celebrate the most successful transformation with a medal.

Spy Birthday

When the guests have refreshed themselves, hold a competition for the best wish for the birthday boy. It should also be awarded a medal.

Now is the time to have fun games and competitions.

"Fine Test"

A real spy knows how to find a way out of any situation. Is this so - we will check now. Each team receives a sealed envelope containing a note folded in half. Two spies from each team, with their hands tied behind their backs, will have to tear the envelope, unfold the note, read it and give instructions to their team. The note tells where each team can find a package with things needed for the competition. Winning the search is awarded one token.

The package found contains sheets of blank paper and markers. The groups are divided in half, one half leaves the room, each of the remaining draws the head of a girl or boy (optional), for clarity, the gender of the person drawn should be indicated above it (M or F). The sheet is folded so that only the neck is visible (hair should not be visible!). Now the second half of the team enters the room, each of those who come takes a folded sheet of paper and completes the drawing of the body, also signing its gender. The presenter says that he has a gallery of photographs of new members of the spy organization and, one by one, shows the drawings expanded in full. The team that matches the gender of the largest number of pictures wins and gets the token.

"Spy Pantomime"

Real spies can read another person's thoughts. This competition will help determine who is fluent in this art. Each group nominates one candidate in turn. He is strictly forbidden to talk (to enhance the effect, put a bandage on his mouth). The selected spy pulls a note from the envelope indicating a secret meeting place - for example, a school, museum, canteen, store, etc. Using pantomime, he must explain what this place is. The team that correctly guesses the most places wins.

"Question answer"

As you know, real spies must be able to get out of any situation. In particular, they should not be stumped by difficult questions. The comic quiz “Question – Answer” will help you hone your skills in this difficult art. It is carried out like this: the presenter alternately approaches the chain of players from both teams, inviting one to pull out a piece of paper with a question from the envelope, and the other to pull out a piece of paper with the answer. The player of the first team reads the question, the player of the second team reads the answer, and so on until the end of the questions. The answers are unpredictable, and it's always very funny.

  • Are you always so impudent?
  • Do you really eat nothing but pickles on Mondays?
  • They say you dream of dying purple?
  • They say you got married secretly. This is true?
  • When no one is looking at you, do you pick your nose?
  • Do you like to sing on the toilet?
  • Have you ever erased deuces in your diary?
  • Do you take rubber duckies with you to the bath?
  • Do you like giving gifts?
  • Do you love me?
  • Do you often fall out of bed in your sleep?
  • Do you often cheat in class?
  • Yes, until the parents see.
  • Rarely, but sometimes it happens.
  • No comments, I don’t want to tarnish my reputation.
  • I have no right to answer such questions.
  • Yes, until the parents see.
  • I can’t even imagine my life without this.
  • Wow! And how did you guess, I have no idea?!
  • I won’t lie, I’ve been secretly dreaming about this for a long time.
  • No, I'm too shy for that.
  • I will definitely do just that, and not lessons.
  • This is my usual activity on Saturdays.
  • Rarely, but sometimes it happens.
  • I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
  • I blushed, what else can I add?

And if you don’t have time to prepare for the holiday and purchase accessories, you can buyready-made kit in a cube: script, props, prizes – here: .

This year my son asked me a problem. He wished for a party of spies for his birthday. To be honest, the topic of a spy party was difficult for me... There was little information on the Internet. Basically 2-3 identical scenarios, this was not enough for me. Decorating the room was also not easy. The paraphernalia is not cheap, and you also have to find it! I couldn't find black hats anywhere! I had to buy the ones I had at the last minute! And there were only green ones! After the party, the agents took these hats with them as souvenirs.
Invitation. I spotted the idea for a design in the shape of a pistol here, but implemented it as best I could. Thank you very much to the needlewomen! Some parts of the text, as you probably already guessed, are written in milk. For this, respect to V.I. Lenin!

Andryusha asked to make a poster again: “But only with the number 8.” I ordered a photo montage from a photo salon, asked all my colleagues at work about the availability of women’s or not-so-women’s magazines... Here’s the result:

At the appointed time, young spies began to arrive. First of all, of course, a photo for memory!

In my haste, I forgot to put glasses on everyone and give them weapons before the photo shoot!
I introduced those who were not yet acquainted, handed over badges with new names and away we go!...

Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to the Academy of Young Spies! I am the director of the academy and my name is Larry. All of you have been selected as the most worthy candidates for training at our academy. But becoming a superhero is not so easy. In order to finally get into the Academy, you need to pass the entrance examination. For each test you pass you will be given medals. Those who collect the most medals will be enrolled in our ranks.

What qualities do you think a real spy should have to complete the task? In order not to be captured by your enemies?
intelligence, intelligence, dexterity, dexterity, courage, strength, attentiveness, accuracy...
Now we will test your abilities!

What is a secret agent without good skills? You also have to climb over the fence and go through various narrow places. What if your hands are tied!? It's even more difficult. Show me your skill too!
Each group receives a sealed envelope with an encrypted note inside that is folded in half. It is necessary to open the envelope with your hands and eyes blindfolded.

A super agent must be able to navigate unfamiliar terrain.
Orientation. Determine from photographs the place in the room where they were taken.
Andrey led the search, since he still knows our room well enough and could quickly find everything. He told the agents “hot and cold” and everyone had a good time!

Here's what we're looking for:

Monkey eats bananas:

A spy can sometimes be captured, but he will not stay there for long, because... can easily get out of any entanglement.
Caught spy. In this competition, a spy is selected from each team, who must be tied with a long rope by members of the other team (for example, in 1 minute). Then the captives must be quickly unraveled by their comrades.

Well, for now I see that you are coping like real spies. Do you know that good memory Just like a secret agent needs air? For example, he needs to remember a long password word for word. Let's test your memory too.
Lay out several objects, the participants look, remember, turn away. The presenter removes one item. Participants must remember what is missing.

A super agent must pay attention to everything, even the most insignificant details.
What changed? Guys from different teams stand facing each other, looking at each other carefully. Then they turn away (stand with their backs to each other), they must change something in themselves (for example, roll up their sleeve, put a watch on the other hand, untie a shoelace, etc.) At the signal from the leader, the pairs again stand facing each other, Now the guys must discover what exactly has changed in their partners.

"Networks". Children stand on one side of the leaders. The presenters have a stretched canvas in their hands. When the presenters lift the canvas up, the children run under it. At some point, the presenters release the canvas down. Those children who are caught in the “net” leave the game.
I think they liked this competition the most! How much running, squeaking, squealing! But only they categorically refused to leave the game when someone got caught in the net! I had to leave everyone behind! But everyone was happy!

"Keymaker". There is a safe in the bank (a box locked with a key). There are keys everywhere. Only one of them can approach the safe's lock.
I didn’t find a safe, I didn’t have time to make a chest... So I had to give them locks and two sets of keys just like that...

Agility test. “Air battle” The leader forms two teams. All children are given an equal number of balls. We divide the room into two halves by stretching a long rope in the middle of the floor. To the music, members of both teams begin to throw balls at the opponent's side. When the music stops, one team has more balls and the other has fewer. The one with the fewest balls wins.
They also liked this competition. They love to go wild!

Secrets of the spy school

If friends are fascinated by spy passions, and Stirlitz, James Bond and Mata Hari are their idols, then the party will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the intelligence school
they like it! Of course, after this it is unlikely that responsible people in uniform will entrust teenagers with the serious work of special agents, but the guys will be able to get acquainted with its features. After all, most of us have never had the opportunity to meet real intelligence officers - highly educated and versatile people. Their service is not fights and shootings, but rather intellectual competitions, a kind of chess games. The proposed scenario will make the party not just emotionally rich - it will be able to explode the monotony of everyday life, mobilizing the abilities of teenagers and discovering for them a lot of new things in themselves and those around them.

What do you need for a party?

- “Agendas” to guests on behalf of the head of a certain special service with the stamp “Top Secret”, notifying about the start of classes at the intelligence school and the need to appear at the first training camp in compliance with all the rules of secrecy.
More detailed instructions(password, a reminder of how not to lead a “tail”, a list of “spy things” necessary for the successful completion of the educational process, etc.) will be additionally transmitted via telephone, SMS message, e-mail or encryption planted in personal belongings.
- Accessories of a spy image: hats, wigs, dark glasses, false mustaches, etc. - everything you need for conspiracy.
- Booklets about subjects studied in a special school (plan of competitive tests), and instructions attached to them.
- Individual cadet insignia: stripes (excellent stripes are made from self-adhesive paper for price tags of different colors, which is sold in any office supply department), tattoos with a special design or text (toy stamps, transfer tattoos or homemade stamps can be used to apply them).
- Cards with secret tasks for each guest.
- Attributes for conducting classes at a spy school (see below).
- Music from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” (the melody of the song “Don’t think down on seconds” by M. Tariverdiev) can be played between the performance of competition tasks. Possible replacement: music by Yu. Chernavsky from the cartoon “The Investigation is Conducted by Koloboks”, the melody of M. Minkov’s song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...” from the television film “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, music by A. Shelygin from the film “Brigade”. Or music from any James Bond movie.

How to throw a party

Party participants will undergo short-term training at an intelligence school. This determines the surroundings of the house where it will be placed and the behavior of the guests. It is better not to pronounce the real names of those gathered; you should use digital codes similar to the famous “007” or
suitable nicknames. In addition, one must resort to a special language even in interpersonal communication and all kinds of secret signs.
The owner of the house (the party may be dedicated to his birthday) - he is also the secret chief of the secret service - greets the guests in the appropriate form (in a hat or wig, in dark glasses, with a false mustache or beard, etc.). He personally carries out “face” and “password control”.
“Classic patterns” are also suitable as passwords.
Question, aka password:
- Do you sell a Slavic wardrobe?
The answer is also a review:
- The wardrobe has been sold, only the bedside table remains.
(From the film “The Feat of a Scout.”)
The host of the festive program - the “right hand” of the chief and the head of the intelligence school - leads the guests into a fairly darkened room, where he invites them to study the class schedule by flashlight, and issues booklets with a plan for competitive tests, as well as instructions attached to them.

The school has a reward system for staff.
It includes several steps:
- presentation of stripes (by the way, multi-colored paper self-adhesive stripes are attached to the inside of the sleeves - conspiracy!);
- presentation of badges - distinctive signs (they are also attached to the inside of a jacket, shirt, sweater, etc.);
- tattooing.

The more stripes, the higher the rank, naturally.
The next title is awarded after three stripes have been earned. At the same time they are awarded a distinctive badge.
Those who have three badges are transferred to the senior staff of the intelligence school, which is confirmed by applying a tattoo in the form of a special design (text). This honorary “stamp” is affixed to parts of the body hidden from prying eyes (at the elbow, shoulder, shin, etc.).
In case of incorrect actions and gross violations of the rules of conduct, future agents are fined - they are deprived of their stripes and, possibly, demoted in rank.

Spy School Lesson Plan

If a party is a birthday


If you happen to celebrate someone’s birthday under the cover of secrecy, then congratulations and wishes to the birthday person should be composed using a special language accessible only to initiates.
There are many ways to express your spy wishes.
For example, you can turn to the language of flowers, certain movements of the fan are speaking, stones have their own symbolism, etc.
You can simply encrypt the composed and written text in an accessible way.
You can congratulate the hero of the occasion without leaving the table, using the language of cutlery and festive dishes. So,

A tablespoon on which a piece of black bread is placed can mean prosperity;
- a glass placed upside down symbolizes health and longevity;
- a set of table knife and fork placed next to each other is “translated” as the ability to be friends, etc.

So that everyone can understand you, prepare booklets in advance with the vocabulary you have invented and distribute them to each guest after he enters the apartment and says the password.
You can present the birthday person with congratulations from each party participant in the form of notes, the text of which is written in milk. To do this, you need to provide guests with fountain pens, paper and “inkwells” - saucers with milk or milk-filled containers made from bread crumbs. And the newborn must be provided with a burning candle - without heating the received notes over the fire, he will not be able to find out what his friends wish for him.

It is not at all necessary that the holiday program begins with congratulations and wishes. Some may find it more convenient to convey them to the birthday person after a couple of competitions.

If the party is in honor of a calendar, personal holiday... or just a holiday for the soul


Classes at the intelligence school are held in the strictest secrecy. Even the names of the dishes must be encrypted.
Here's the first task: give each treat a name.
The jury will evaluate the efforts of the competitors, approve the most successful finds and reward the winners - give them badges.
If later, during the festive feast, one of those gathered makes a mistake and asks to pass him, for example, a salad, known in the world as Olivier, then he will be fined - deprived of one badge.

Examples of dish names in spy

"Agent 007"
"agent network"
"physical evidence"
"return of resident"
"iron alibi"
"perfect code"
"disappearing evidence"
"classic sabotage"
"strong handcuffs"
"radio operator's delicacy"
"feat of a scout"
"secret mission"
"sensational revelation"
"fresh prints"
“confession”, etc.


Each intelligence officer has a professional pseudonym, known only to a very narrow circle of people. Every cadet at our school must have a pseudonym. We invite all listeners of this set to take nicknames that are consonant with the names of professions - taxi driver, banker, cook, security guard, doctor, etc.

You can also look for nicknames among the names of household items, animals, natural phenomena, vegetables, etc.


Nickname cards
- A sheet of Whatman paper with a grid applied to it using a pencil and ruler - this is a special protocol
- Pens

The assistants attach a card with the corresponding inscription to each guest’s back, while the guest himself should not see what is written there. But he is faced with the task of finding out his new name. How? Ask others.
Questions can be asked both direct and indirect. This can only be done 5 times. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”.
A note about the question asked the one to whom it was addressed enters it into the protocol - opposite the initials of the addressed colleague.
The head of the school, observing what is happening, crosses the player off the list when he has exhausted the limit of questions.

The task can be successfully completed if you use questions to narrow the search space, rather than spending them on clarifying details.

At the end of the party, a “debriefing” is expected - the results of completing tasks, including this one, will be summed up, and the correct ways to solve the tasks will be shown.


A test for identifying and training intelligence abilities is the cadets' performance of an individual secret mission.


Paper cards with secret tasks for each participant in the game

The host places the task cards under the guests’ cutlery before the party starts. Each guest, having read the text on the card, must keep his secret. And the card itself should be destroyed (torn into tiny pieces, burned, or even eaten). However, you can just hide it well.
The head of the intelligence school gives instructions: he informs that to complete a mission means to fulfill the instructions received, and not just once, but several times.

Don't give in to provocations! Those around you will try their best to figure out what your mission is.

Secret mission options
- Clap your hands during speeches (toasts, congratulations, table conversations) of those present.
- Compliment everyone.
- Hum melodies and insistently invite everyone to sing in chorus.
- Constantly praise a particular dish, for example pickles.
- Ask indiscreet questions and don’t forget to apologize.
- “Light up” while dancing, dance with everyone.
- Be interested in “what time is it?”, asking this question to everyone every now and then.
- Often joke, remembering fragments of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and jokes about Stirlitz or other things.

Summing up at the end of the spy party.


Every intelligence school student must be able to use a polygraph - a lie detector. Real skill only comes with practice. Therefore, cadets will test each other.
The procedure goes like this: the subject is asked any question to which he can only answer “yes” or “no.”
That's all! But at the same time, you can learn so many interesting and new things about the private lives of people you seem to know.
The technical structure of the “spy device” is not difficult to come up with yourself. For a more successful investigation, the presence of authoritative experts - your closest friends or parents - is necessary. They should be close to the subject, but better - behind a screen, and be responsible for the all-knowing box, the polygraph - that is, confirm or refute the answers given.

An approximate picture of the inquiry process

Question. Do you have a lot of friends?
Subject. Yes.
Detector. Yes.

Question. Do you consider yourself a purposeful and strong-willed person?
Subject. No.
Detector. No.

Question. Do you know the feeling of unrequited love?
Subject. Yes.
Detector. No.
Subject. “The Box” doesn’t know everything about me.

Question. Are you capable of being vindictive?
Subject. No.
Detector. Yes.
Subject. I can be offended and not hide it, but not for long. - etc.

To make the action more spectacular, the experts’ words “yes” and “no” can be pre-recorded, and they must pronounce them in “mechanical” voices.
In addition, the listener being tested can be equipped with headphones and wires wrapped around the fingers of his right hand.

There is a danger that the exciting inquiry procedure may drag on. Try not to prolong the game and prepare more interesting questions.


The intelligence officer must have an analytical mind and master the deductive method of research. The upcoming competition will help find out to what extent the contestants possess these qualities.

- Folders for secret dossiers on secret agents
- Sheets of paper
- Pens

Before holding a party, the organizers must compile a dossier on each of the guests. The collected materials are placed in folders marked “Top Secret”.
The content of such dossiers should be brief and at the same time succinct, imaginative, witty - and inoffensive. Well, just like the characteristics in the famous film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.”
The presenter reads out the entire dossier one by one, and the cadets must recognize their colleague from the “spy shop.”

Approximate contents of the dossier

1. A true fighter for his own academic performance. Special sign: washes hands before eating in the school cafeteria. The look on everyone is significant. In places that reveal high level knowledge of their inhabitants is not noticed. Bad habit - can ask an additional question to a classmate when he is standing at the blackboard.

2. A C student according to his fundamental beliefs. He can study well, but does not succeed due to his diverse interests and desire for encyclopedic knowledge. Philosophical mindset. Loves to chat with friends in class. His classmates call him Hare. An unsurpassed ace in cheating using the “cross-eyed” technique. Special features: does not smoke, is not on duty, does not teach lessons.

3. Character is sharp, impetuous. His classmates call him Rake, apparently due to his genetic inability to learn from his own mistakes. A useful habit is to get enough sleep during your first lessons. In speech he uses words unfamiliar to others. Special feature: does not wear glasses. In narrow circles, his weakness for apple pie is known.

Identification occurs in two stages.
First, the cadets, listening to the presenter, put on their sheets of paper the serial numbers of the materials presented, and next to them - the names that seem appropriate to them.
Then the completed forms are handed over to the head of the school, who then evaluates the thinking abilities of the students and the likely prospects of each of them in a spy career.

If classes at a special school coincide with the birthday of one of the party participants, secret materials (in detail) are prepared in advance only for the birthday person. After “identifying” him and commenting on the valuable information received about his friend, each guest receives a card with the name of one of those present in order to compile a similar dossier on him.
Next, all samples of creativity are put into a special folder and read out - again for identification.


If the previous competition required the ability to understand the psychology of people, then this time the cadets must demonstrate their powers of observation, memory for faces, and external characteristics of people.

- Sheets of paper
- Pencils (pens, felt-tip pens)
- Notes indicating the name and surname of the object for drawing up an identikit

The presenter distributes notes to the students of the intelligence school with the task of making a photo identikit of one of those present (last and first names are indicated). In the recreated portrait, the characteristic facial features of the subject should be clearly visible - the shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, the outline of the lips, hairstyle, etc. The image must be provided with a brief verbal description of the portrait.
Having completed the first part of the task, the future spies exchange what they have done and try to establish the truth for 2-3 minutes. The results vary...


The cadets are divided into pairs to complete the task received from the “Center”. In each pair, the leader appoints a senior person, who is given a package with a message about what kind of information the “Center” is interested in.
And the information is a very specific question from the private life of the second member of the couple. For example, the elder will have to find out:
*where the partner spent last summer;
*does he have raspberry jam at home?
*what was the name of the last book you read;
*what is the name of his maternal grandmother;
*what color is the wallpaper in his room, etc.

1.5-2 minutes are given to collect “secret data”.
The “resident”, naturally, must act wisely.
As a rule, you need to start a casual conversation about anything and, as if by chance, collect information of interest through indirect questions. If the situation allows, you can dare to ask a direct question, and then, for the purpose of disguise, abruptly change the topic of conversation.
The task is considered completed if the answer to the question is received and the interlocutor does not suspect anything.
First, time is given to think about how to complete the task (the outline of the upcoming conversation).
You can figure out an option for an upcoming conversation within 1 minute.
It is necessary to conduct a conversation in the presence of colleagues in the “spy craft”, so that not only the jury, but also ordinary listeners can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the “resident’s” work.

Verbal duels end with a general discussion of the successful techniques found.


The training program for future intelligence officers includes mastering various techniques for transmitting collected information, including the study of the code invented by the American Samuel Morse, known as Morse code.
The letters in this alphabet are presented as combinations of dots and dashes.
You can communicate valuable information to management using Morse code not only through a radio transmitter, but also in unconventional ways. Which ones - the participants of the game decide.

Examples of ways to transmit messages using Morse code
Using sound:
- alternation of long (dash) and short (dot) whistle signals;
- clinking a fork on cutlery (on a plate - a dash, on a glass - a dot).
With the help of light:
- alternating a long glow from the flashlight and short flashes of the light it emits.
Using your hands:
- forefinger- a dash, a raised thumb - a dot, unclenched fists - a space, etc.

With any chosen system, it is very important to correctly convey the combinations of dots and dashes, otherwise you will not be understood or, even worse, the command will be misinformed! Therefore, during the first “getting in touch” sessions, cadets must transmit and decipher information
resorting to the help of a cheat sheet - a piece of paper on which the Morse code is written (it can be found among the secret instructions in a special package).
But first there is a learning process: the instructor slowly taps out a short phrase (for example, “Getting in touch” or “Password has changed”), and the cadets receive the signal, recording a combination of long and short characters on paper.

The one who is the first to correctly read the received encryption receives a badge.

At the next stage of the training session, students exchange short messages indicating a password and feedback. Feedback is given in the presence of an instructor, who decides who is worthy of an additional badge.

Reference material

Morse code


Without mastering the secrets of conspiracy, you will not become a good intelligence officer. One of the components of conspiracy is the ability to transform.

- White sheet - for the screen
- “costume” and “makeup room” supplies - hats, glasses, canes, beards, mustaches, etc.
- Flashlight or candle
- Sheets of white paper
- Pens

A white screen is stretched and fixed on the wall. The cadets sit facing him on the floor. Behind the audience, a few meters away from them, a flashlight or candle is placed on a small elevation so that the shadows of those who are between the light source and the screen are visible on the screen. Participants in the competition must change their appearance by wearing a hat, glasses, etc. And then appear in a new form on the screen - as a shadow. At the same time, they can move in a manner unusual for them: limp, hunch over, back away, etc.
Despite all the tricks of their colleagues, the audience should recognize them.
After watching each episode, special school students write the name of the next performer on pieces of paper next to the serial number.
At the end of the competition lesson, the head of the school presents incentive stripes to skilled masters of disguise and the most observant cadets.


The ability to keep one's mouth shut is one of the main qualities of a scout. Some people have it from birth, while others will have to develop it. Practicing the ability not to talk too much and carefully monitor your speech is also included in the training course for future residents.

- Chairs for cadets and instructor

The leader, having placed chairs in a circle with his assistants, invites all the cadets to sit on them. A chair is also placed in the center of the circle - for the instructor. He conducts an “interrogation with passion,” asking questions to the listeners around him in such a way as to take them by surprise. He may suddenly ask something from someone sitting behind him, and then suddenly from someone sitting on his left, etc. - there is no strict order.
The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that it is not the one to whom the question is addressed that must answer, but his neighbor, for example, on the right. In addition, questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no,” and color names are prohibited.
Encouragement will be given to those who have never made a mistake and who have given accurate answers without delay.

For such a serious activity you need the appropriate attitude. Music will help create it.

Sample questions

1. Is a square a rectangle?
2. Is the frog cackling?
3. Does the cow give clear milk?
4. Does the Volga flow into the Caspian Sea?
5. Do you know how to cook scrambled eggs?
6. Is an apple a fruit?
7. The role of Stirlitz in the television film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” was played by actor V. Lanovoi?
8. Is the earth spherical?
9. Do you prefer black or red currants?
10. Can you keep secrets?
11. Do elephants swim?
12. What color are oranges?
13. Have you ever swum in the sea?
14. Is the first month of spring April?
15. What is the name of the dance when girls invite gentlemen?

At the end of this competition, sum up its results, and then - the general results of your visit to the intelligence school, which warmly opened its doors to friends. It is necessary to note the successes of all guests, but especially those who more successfully mastered the basics of an honorable profession than others. In conclusion, the head of the school must remind that what is seen and heard within these walls is not subject to publicity and must be kept in the strictest confidence.
The profession of an intelligence officer requires so much knowledge and skills that it will not be difficult for the organizers of a special school to include additional classes in the curriculum or come up with other games and competitions. These could be lessons on studying the meaning of gestures, physiognomy, training in the study of traces and prints, workshops on the development of deductive thinking. It’s unlikely that all this will be possible to do during one party, but the guys will certainly be intrigued by such a topic.

How wonderful it is to organize a tea party at home or invite a friend to chat over a cup of coffee, but somehow it’s all ordinary and simple. Why not gather all your friends and have a real themed party with lots of positivity, creativity and fun.

To do this, you don’t need to contact special fashion agencies for organizing holidays or spend half a month sewing your own suit. It’s enough just to draw up a clear plan of action, prepare everything in advance and give free rein to your imagination.

Spy Party Scenario

In this article you will be provided with material on general organizational issues events, an approximate list of attributes for the holiday, possible costume options and the actual scenario for holding a spy party.

The name of the event is “Spy Party at (you can enter the name of the organizer).”
The motto of the party is “Forewarned is forearmed!”
Dress code “The ticket to the party is to dress as a famous spy, bandit, superhero or science-fiction movie star.”
Invitation text: “We warn everyone that before (time, date) you need to arm yourself more heavily and your spy friends will be waiting for you at (place, address).”

It is best to hold such a party in the evening or at night, so that the moonlight and the glow of lamps in the room add color to your event.

The best place for a spy party would be a rented one a private house, which will have a large hall and high ceilings so that guests feel free. The dimensions of the room should take into account space for a small themed buffet, dance floor, etc.

Party invitations

Prepare invitations. You can use special graphic editors or simply select a beautiful picture online and add the invitation text.

Gather people. You need to contact the people you want to invite. If the party is planned for a narrow circle of people, then you can get by with calls to a mobile phone. Plus, you can organize the party yourself. If you want to gather a larger party, then it is best to organize a chat on social networks to take into account the interests and wishes of all participants.

Choose a room. With the help of the Internet you can now buy almost anything. Again, it is convenient for party participants to post photos, comments in the chat and together decide on the location of the event.

How to design and choose a suit?

To accurately hit the bull’s eye, you can turn to our powerful film industry. Movies like James Bond, Spy Kids, Catwoman, Men in Black can help get you in the mood for all this spy stuff.

If movies don’t really help awaken your imagination, then you can look for ideas on the Internet, go to specialized stores (decorations, party supplies, and unusual holiday attributes). Pay attention to: various flashlights, masks, black scarves, holsters, dummies firearms, cards, gloves.

If there are creative people in the company, then you can try to create an interesting interior yourself. Draw posters, small funny pictures, write beautiful quotes from films, etc. It is important to be able to awaken your imagination and then it’s just a matter of little things!

How to prepare the room for a party?

Let's say we have a large hall in our location, which we need to divide into the following zones:

- buffet;
- for relax;
- dancing;
— gaming;
— photo zone.

Let's start with the buffet area. Best to do Buffet with plenty of light snacks and cocktails. In order to even gastronomically emphasize the theme of the party, you can use the following techniques:

1) a dummy pistol, purchased at least from a children's store, is laid out on a large tray, and black olives are laid out around it (from a distance it will resemble cartridges);

2) cold canapés can be served not on ordinary skewers, but on ones decorated with photographs of people in black masks. You may end up with spy sandwiches;

3) Candies and sweets can be placed in children's cars (black foreign cars that are associated with spies or even police cars).

To ensure that it’s not just the food that is of interest on the table, you can place thematic quotes in the form of excerpts from newspaper articles. For example:

“The main symbols of intelligence: know how to look, know how to listen and know what to keep quiet about...”

"Spy, get out!"

“There is no case in which a spy would not be useful,” etc.

The relaxation area can be an ordinary round table with decks of cards and casino chips. Since espionage is often associated with money, you can decorate the gaming table with bills or coins.

By the way, around the entire perimeter of the room, you can place glass vases filled with counterfeit bills. Visually this will create a stunning effect.

A dance floor should just be a platform. You need free space and access to music. It is recommended to prepare soundtracks from the famous spy films that were mentioned earlier.

The playing area can be combined with a dance floor. If you decide that your party will have a host and a competition program, then you need to prepare a little more. Come up with 3-4 competitions that will be as close to the spy theme as possible. Perhaps it will be the famous game “Mafia”, “Hide and Seek”, known from childhood, will be especially relevant, because every spy must skillfully hide from prying eyes. You can also come up with a kind of labyrinth: arrange chairs, stools, throw pillows, balls, pull furniture with threads and invite the competition participants to go through the labyrinth without touching a single object. Another interesting task for guests could be the “Key to all doors” competition; buy 5-10 locks and collect as many keys as possible. Give each participant in the game a lock and place a common bowl with keys. Whoever finds the right key first is the winner. It will also be very interesting to play with fingerprints. Prepare white sheets of paper, ink and invite everyone to leave their fingerprints twice on different sheets. So, a sheet without signatures will be offered to the guests so that they can guess the owner of the print, and the host will have a sheet with the correct answers. It’s exciting and will also allow you to bring all the guests together.

Photo zone. A great idea would be a wall decorated with portraits of the most famous spies. It is proposed to find their portraits and names on the Internet (you can provide brief information about them), print them on b/w canvases with inscriptions and paste them on the wall. Thus, guests will have the opportunity not only to take pictures in costumes, but also to get acquainted with the real stories of real spies.

Spy costumes

There are several options that you can take note of when organizing or going to a spy party:

Buy a ready-made costume on the Internet or a specialized masquerade costume store.

Try to imagine it yourself.

Naturally, we will not tell you where and how to order a costume, so below we will give recommendations on how to create the image of a real spy.

Main colors:
black, dark blue, white. Classic police color options are possible, because where there are spies, there are police. Also the prisoner color combination is “black and white” horizontal stripe"will be on topic, because bad spies can end up straight behind bars.

Basic accessories with the suit: handcuffs, black glasses, flashlight, black stocking for the head, cartridges, cartridge magazine, walkie-talkie, headphones, gloves, watch.

Images: catwoman, a girl in a tight latex suit, a policeman, a prisoner, a judge, a gadget inspector (a cartoon character from the FoxKids children's channel), a young man in black (you can copy Will Smith's costume from the famous film "Men in Black"), etc. d.

The party scenario can be represented as follows:

1. Gathering guests at the appointed time.

2. Inviting guests to the festive hall, conducting a short tour of the main areas.

3. Buffet, at the same time you can work in the photo zone with a photographer.

4. Competition program.

5. Desserts. Sweet table. Cocktail break.

4.6. Mass games (cards, mafia).

Imagine, have fun and get positive emotions even at the stage of organizing the party!

Spy party photo

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