Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Iwa Matsuda, care and formation. Caring for tortuous willow: planting, watering, fertilizing Ornamental tortuous willow

Matsudana willow (Salix matsudana) is a deciduous tree up to 5 m in height. The shoots are strongly curved, arched, and golden-yellow in winter. The leaves are lanceolate, light green, bluish on the underside. In autumn they turn light yellow.

Matsudana willow (Salix matsudana) is a deciduous tree up to 5 m in height. The shoots are strongly curved, arched, and golden-yellow in winter. The leaves are lanceolate, light green, bluish on the underside. In autumn they turn light yellow. Prefers medium-moist soils from neutral to alkaline. It is often used as a solitaire and in row plantings.
Willow matsudana will appeal to those who love unusual plants. The shoots of this willow are bizarrely curved, this is caused by the fact that as it grows, the thickening of the branches and trunks of this willow occurs unevenly. Even its leaves curl into incomplete spirals. This exotic species comes from China. Tall tree - up to 8 meters. However, Matsuda willow may not withstand severe frosts; it is recommended only for southern regions. Willow matsudana photo:

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and a photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

The twisting willow surprises everyone who sees it for the first time. The thought arises: “How did you manage to bend all the branches like that?” A distinctive feature of these trees and shrubs is their twisting trunks, branches, thin twigs and twisted leaves. The decorative value of the plant is very high. You can admire it both in summer and winter.

The tortuous willow tolerates pruning well and allows you to “sculpt” masterpieces of landscape design from it. Lovers of garden bonsai will also appreciate this plant. Curved willow branches decorate hanging baskets and winter bouquets.

The most famous among fans still remains willow matsudana, or Matsuda willow. This is what is most often sold in numerous garden centers. However, it is better adapted to our climate tortuous willow Sverdlovsk (Ural) selection.

Twisty willows are different

Willow tortuous matsudana, or Matsuda (Salix matsudana). Twisty matsudana is grown in many countries. In Western Europe, it often grows in forests and parks. She feels great there.

Among our amateur gardeners, the decorative form of matsudana is popular - "Tortuosa" (f. tortuosa). It is grown in the form of a low tree or a tall bush. One of the features of "Tortuosa" is a slightly sinuous trunk and strongly arched branches with pistachio-gray bark. The leaves are twisted in a curl and a spiral.

We have several Tortuosa trees growing on our site. First, we planted a tiny seedling purchased from a nursery near Moscow. We chose an open place for it so that we could admire the amazing shape of the branches from afar. Willow lived there no more than five years. It has grown into a charming tree with a thick trunk and funny branches. She was destroyed either by frost, or by an icy northeast wind and severe spring frosts. In one day, all the leaves turned black, the ends of the branches began to dry out, and then the branches themselves. New leaves grew and immediately dried up. No resuscitation procedures helped.

The cuttings of this tortuosa have taken root and grown into trees, the shape of which I maintain by pruning. Those cuttings that we gave to friends also became beautiful, tall trees. They were able to survive because they were planted in places protected from the wind, surrounded on all sides by other trees and shrubs.

Our friends note the low winter hardiness of tortuous willow "Erythroflexuosa", which occasionally goes on sale.

Sverdlovsk tortuous willows. Willows of the Ural selection, bred in the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) by the famous breeder V.I., are more suitable for the Russian climate. Shaburov. His daughter I.V. took part in the work. Belyaeva. These willows also have highly twisted branches and curled leaves. The color of the bark is olive or reddish-brown. There are modifications: low-growing willows with a weeping and pyramidal shape.

Among the twisting willows of the Sverdlovsk selection there are more and less winter-hardy. A friend of mine tried unsuccessfully to grow a tree. I had to be content with a bush.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 1". It is worth paying attention to this frost-resistant willow up to 4 meters high with a weakly expressed weeping form. The shoots are moderately weeping, reddish-brown. It is decorative, hardy and unpretentious. Propagated better by short cuttings.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 2". The tree (up to 12 meters high) is strong, with a pyramidal crown consisting of winding branches. The bark color ranges from olive to brown. The light green leaves have slight pubescence. Rooting rate of cuttings is 100%.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 3". Tree height up to 5 meters. The crown shape is wide-pyramidal, of medium density. The light olive curved branches are covered with a waxy coating, or rather, a peeling film of plaque. The leaves are sinuous. The rooting rate of cuttings is very high. Many people note the relative low vitality of this twisting willow and the drying out of the tree tops. Work on it continues.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 476". This is a low, winter-hardy, twisting willow (in the description up to 1.8 m, dendrologists indicate a height of up to 3 m). The crown shape is oval. The light olive bark of the branches is covered with a flaking waxy coating. Young shoots are thin, reddish-brown. The rooting rate of cuttings is 90%.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 576". A low tree with a weeping crown. Repeats many of the qualities of “Sverdlovskaya winding 476”.

"Sverdlovskaya winding 676". A low winter-hardy tree up to 2.5 meters high (sometimes grows up to 3.5 meters) with a weeping form.

Growing twisted willow

Place. Tortuous willow, especially matsudana, should not be planted where the wind blows; it especially does not like the northeast wind. It is better to surround the willow with other trees and shrubs. I replanted the young matsudana willows several times until I found suitable locations for them.

We have two tortuous willows of Sverdlovsk selection growing on our site. They are grown from cuttings, so it is not yet possible to accurately determine their exact name. These trees with obvious weeping “inclinations” grow along a blank fence that protects them from the north wind.

Frost resistance. Matsudana willow is only conditionally frost-resistant. In some winters with severe frosts, there may be freezing of that part of the bush or tree that is above the level of the snow cover. I know amateur gardeners who insulate their young willows at the end of autumn. This is only possible as long as the plant is not tall. I gave up insulating the matsudana willow after I transplanted the trees to more protected places on the site. There they are protected from the wind, and the root system and the lower part of the trunk are under the snow.

When insulating matsudana willow for the winter, there is a danger of damping off. Is it worth wrapping the trunk tightly with lutrasil (especially in several layers) if there are frequent thaws in the snowy winter? The bark rots under wet lutrasil. Especially if the trunk wrapped with it is in a thawing snowdrift for a long time.

On the matsudan willow "Tortuosa" the blossoming leaves are often burned by May frosts. Icy northeast winds in a frosty winter are too serious a test. Willow does not always tolerate it.

The tortuous willow of the Sverdlovsk (Ural) selection feels better.

Pruning and crown formation. Pruning is one of the most interesting aspects of caring for twisting willows. Without garden shears and pruning shears, the tree becomes very thick, so at least corrective pruning is needed. If you have time and desire, then you should not limit yourself to minimal pruning, because you can create a real masterpiece from the tortuous willow. Which? It depends on whether we want to admire the interlacing of branches or create an openwork crown of a certain shape. There are many other options.

There is an opinion that the tortuous willow should be cut down into a stump every spring, then it will not freeze, but will grow as a bush. Perhaps for many lovers this the best option have an original shrub with twisting branches on your site.

The tortuous willow is a godsend for garden bonsai lovers. You can “age” a tree and give it the most incredible shape, with only a pruning shears in your hands. No garters will be needed, since nature has taken over this job.

Reproduction. The tortuous willow takes cuttings well. It is enough to stick its twig (no need to take the thinnest tips) into shady place plot and don’t forget to water. It is better to root with short cuttings. The roots produce cuttings not only in the ground, but also in water.

It is believed that willow drives out evil spirits and protects against bad people. Whether this is so, everyone decides for himself. But regarding the decorativeness of winding willows, the opinion is clear: they are spectacular and decorate any area.

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One of the most popular ornamental trees on the territory of Russia is the tortuous willow. It is a beautiful tree that suits almost all landscapes and requires little maintenance. It looks great as a tapeworm and in group plantings, and is suitable for landscaping summer cottages and garden plots. Brings harmony and tranquility to any vacation spot.

Description of the twisting willow

The general description of the tortuous willow includes an important distinguishing feature - a curved trunk, branches and twisted narrow leaves. The decorative shape of the branches contributes to the widespread use of the variety to create garden and original landscape compositions. Willow tolerates pruning well, which allows you to adjust the shape and density of the crown. Now we will look at the most common decorative varieties that are widely used in landscape design.

Matsudana tortuous willow is very popular among gardeners. This is a medium-sized tree or bush, growing up to 4 - 13 m in height and up to 7 m in width. Its crown can be shaped as it grows, and it responds well to pruning. The leaves are narrow, oblong, 5–10 cm long, green above, blue or white below, wrapped in incomplete spirals. The flowering period occurs in March-April. It tolerates almost all garden soils, but grows better in moderately moist, sandy-clay soils. Willow Matsudana requires mandatory corrective pruning, otherwise the crown becomes too thick.

The plant is very unpretentious, but for its good development it needs a lot of moisture and light. It should not be planted in a draft; the cold north wind has a particularly negative effect on it.

The winter hardiness of the species is satisfactory: in severe frosts, areas that are not protected by snow cover may freeze. Many gardeners advise additional insulation of this plant in winter.

The Sverdlovsk sinuous willow of the Ural selection is better suited for our climate. The tree has a height of 2 - 4 m. The crown is oval or broadly oval, sometimes consisting of several thin trunks, of medium density, slightly weeping. Its spiral-shaped shoots of greenish-olive or red-brown color become glossy brown in the sun. The leaves are light green, slightly pubescent on top, and bluish below, moderately pubescent.

The Ural sinuous willow is relatively undemanding in terms of soil fertility. It loves light, so planting is recommended in open sunny areas with moist soil. The plant is highly frost-resistant and can easily withstand harsh winters. It is slightly affected by pests and fungal diseases and tolerates pruning well.

Willow tortuous in landscape design

No one will be left indifferent various photos winding willows in garden plots. These trees look great all year round, even in winter, so they will be an excellent decoration for any garden.

The Matsudana willow has a thick, twisting trunk and thin, brittle branches. This is due to uneven thickening of the branches and trunk during growth. Young shoots are slightly pubescent and olive in color; over time they become bare and brown. The rich reddish-brown color of the branches is especially noticeable in winter, when the plant is dormant. The decorative nature of the Sverdlovsk willow lies in its wide oval crown, which consists of several thin trunks with twisting, slightly weeping shoots and curled leaves.

The tree looks great both alone and in a group. Used to create decorative permanent and seasonal compositions. The decorative winding willow looks great near the pond. The dense crown is a wonderful shelter from the sun's rays and an excellent background for decorating lawns.

Willow has a very well developed root system, so such trees are often used to strengthen sandy soil and the banks of artificial reservoirs.

Planting and caring for twisting willow

In order for a young seedling to grow into a spectacular tree, it must be properly cared for. Planting and caring for tortuous willow is not particularly difficult. The main requirement for the location of the willow is a place where there will be a lot of sunlight. Almost all types of willows need moisture, so it is better to plant them close.

This plant is propagated by cuttings. Let's look at how to plant it correctly.

  1. First you need to cut the cuttings, dig them into the soil and keep it moist.
  2. The root system of willow forms very quickly. And after its formation, you can transplant the cutting to a permanent place.
  3. When starting planting, you need to dig a hole and fertilize the soil with compost, peat or manure. For heavy soil, it is advisable to add sand.
  4. The cuttings need to be planted to a depth of 10-15 cm. They will quickly develop adventitious roots in the ground.
  5. The plant should be watered thoroughly until it forms a full root system.

Almost all types of willows grow and take root well. But you need to take into account that two-year-old plants tolerate transplantation much worse. Therefore, it is advisable to replant only young seedlings.

Caring for tortuous willow is quite simple. As a rule, these trees are unpretentious, do not get sick and are not affected by pests.

The main rule is that willow needs moisture. This is especially true for recently transplanted plants, with an unformed full-fledged root system.

Pruning is the most interesting part of caring for twisting willows. Without it, the tree becomes very thick. Therefore, you definitely need at least a corrective haircut. With the help of pruning, you can easily adjust the shape and density of the crown to make a real masterpiece out of the twisting willow.

It should be taken into account that in frosty winters the Matsudana willow can freeze to the ground level, so in winter the tree should be covered. The Ural sinuous one withstands severe frosts much better, therefore it is more suitable for harsh climates.

Video about tortuous willow

The tortuous willow is an unusual plant, the thin branches and trunk of which are curved, and the leaves are twisted, which is caused by uneven thickening of the shoots during growth. Planting a willow with such decorative qualities on a site will not only transform it, but also add color and exoticism at any time of the year. This tree is well shaped by pruning, making it easy to give it the desired shape, for example, turning it into a standard or garden bonsai. Curved shoots are often used by florists to create arrangements or dried bouquets. Blooms with inconspicuous yellow flowers. Most common in China and Korea.

Types of tortuous willow

The most popular type among landscape designers is Matsudana willow (it is most often sold in gardening centers and is common in many countries) and one of its forms is Tortuosa. Sometimes you can see the Erythroflexuosa species in stores, but it needs to be covered for the winter. Best adapted to the conditions middle zone In Russia, the Sverdlovskaya twisting willow has olive or dark red bark. Variations of this species: a dwarf tree with a weeping or pyramidal crown.

Willow became attractive to Russian gardeners thanks to the work of breeder V.I. Shaburov, who bred many hybrids ideal for the middle zone. They received the names Sverdlovsk or Ural. Varieties of Sverdlovsk willow are cold-resistant; many of them are time-tested and have been growing in our latitudes for 50 years. They are resistant to diseases and pests, resilient and tolerate frost well. In addition, it is difficult to remain indifferent and not fall in love with the tortuous willow for its unusualness and high decorative properties.

Popular varieties of Sverdlovsk selection:

  • Sverdlovskaya sinuous 1 - frost-resistant variety, reaches a height of up to 4 meters, the crown is moderately weeping, the shoots are brown in color. It has a decorative appearance, high endurance, and caring for it is not difficult. Propagates well from cuttings.
  • Sverdlovskaya sinuous 2 - spreading tree, growing up to 12 meters, pyramidal crown, curved branches. The bark comes in various shades: from olive to red-brown. Foliage with pubescence. It is easy to take cuttings, shoots take root quickly, usually without loss.
  • Sverdlovsk sinuous 3 - a tree up to 5 meters high with a pyramidal crown and light olive branches with a waxy coating. The leaves are curved. It propagates well by cuttings; shoots can be rooted in water. But this variety quite often dries out the tops.
  • Sverdlovskaya sinuous 476 is a low winter-hardy variety that grows up to 3 meters with an oval crown and olive bark.
  • Sverdlovsk sinuous 676 - a low tree up to 2.5 meters high, winter-hardy, weeping crown.

Growing and care in open ground

The advantages of this tree include not only its decorative appearance, but also its endurance, ease of propagation and easy care. Having decided to plant willow on a plot, especially the Matsudana species, you need to choose the right plot: it must be protected from winds, especially from the north, and growing near a fence is permissible. It is better to surround it with other tall plants. Planting tortuous willow was originally used in landscape design to strengthen the banks of rivers and lakes, so it can be planted in flooded areas.

Tip: to prevent the willow from forming a one-sided crown, there should be a lot of free space around it.

Growing Matsudana is possible in almost any type of soil, but it prefers loamy soil. Willow can be planted in a place where groundwater They lie quite shallow because it prefers damp places. Willow will feel good on the shore of an artificial reservoir. It is better that the area is well lit by the sun. A hole for planting is dug with a diameter of about half a meter and a slightly shallower depth. It is better to put a nutrient mixture of sand, mineral fertilizer and rotted manure or compost at the bottom.

Willow can be planted in a container from spring to autumn; it takes root well if you do not overdry the earthen ball. It is best to plant a plant with an open root system in early spring or mid-autumn, when there are no leaves or they have already begun to fall off. All foliage should be removed before planting in October. Care during the first year consists of regular watering - about 25 liters of water per week will be required. When the willow takes root, moderate moisture will be enough. Feeding is done organic fertilizers about three times throughout the entire season. You can deposit mineral fertilizers, including superphosphate.

This tree is frost-resistant, but in particularly harsh winters it can freeze, so some gardeners prefer to additionally insulate it. The species Matsudana Tortuosa may freeze during the sudden drop in temperature in May. The most resistant to sudden cold snaps is the Sverdlovsk willow, which is sometimes sold under the guise of Matsudana.

Advice: there is a danger of overgrowth, so you do not need to cover the willow too tightly with dense material during wintering.

Pruning and propagation

Caring for the tortuous willow includes annual pruning and crown formation, as it thickens very quickly. Willow on a trunk looks very impressive. Some gardeners believe that this tree should be cut down to the stump every spring to avoid freezing and achieve a bushy form. For those who like, twisted willow is a real gift. It can be bent in any way you like and even artificially aged.

There is nothing complicated in propagating this plant - usually 100% of the cuttings take root simply in a jar of water. The tree grows very quickly and the growth will still have to be removed - there will be no shortage of planting material. You can stick the branches into the muddy ground: this way they can also take root, and practically no care is required for them.

Willow loves moisture, so you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. It is better to take shoots that are not too long for cuttings. Plants grown from cuttings grow slowly for the first two years of life, but from the third year their growth rate doubles. Such young trees make a good hedge.

Diseases and pests rarely attack this plant. After a wet summer, it may develop a fungal infection, causing black spots to appear on the leaves. To treat, you need to treat the tree with copper-containing preparations. Of the insects, the tree suffers most from butterflies, beetles or aphids.

The tortuous willow is not just decorative, but also useful:

  • From its leaves you can prepare a healthy tea that has tonic properties.
  • A decoction of the bark is used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • A weak solution of the bark is used to treat brittle hair.
  • When planted near the road, this tree can retain about 40 kg of dust in one summer.
  • Willow is able to absorb heavy metals, purifying the space around itself.

Conclusion: tortuous willow is a highly decorative plant, unusual in shape and attracting the attention of every gardener. Caring for it is very simple; in the first year it requires abundant watering, but then it can be reduced. The tree is fed three times a season with organic matter or mineral fertilizers.

The most common types of tortuous willow: Matsudana and hybrids of Sverdlovsk selection. The latter are frost-resistant, hardy, and therefore better suited for central Russia. Reproduction of this plant will also not cause problems - cuttings easily take root in water or moist soil.