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What can you use instead of sugar in baking? Sweet recipes without sugar. What to drink tea with when losing weight

No matter how strict diets we adhere to, from time to time we are faced with temptation in the form of a tempting piece of cake, pastry, cookies or other sweets. There are enough reasons for this - birthdays, family celebrations, holidays at work...

Cakes and desserts often have a very high calorie content, and their harm to the figure and health in general is aggravated by the combination of high fat content with a large amount of carbohydrates. And if it is industrial baked goods, then it often contains trans fats (for example, palm oil) and various preservatives.

In order not to give up desserts and sweet pastries forever, we will learn to reduce the calorie content of these dishes and apply the principle of replacing high-calorie ingredients with less calories and more healthy ones.

Recipes for you:

Tangerine muffins with nuts

Coconut cheesecake "Snow Tale"

How to replace butter in dessert?

The fat content of the dough comes from butter, vegetable oil or margarine. Fats add moisture to baked goods and serve as flavor enhancers. To make our dessert less caloric, we need to reduce its fat content. After all, 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal.

You need to give up margarine immediately and forever. This product has no place on the table of those who care about their health and figure.

Half of the oil in the recipe can be safely replaced without compromising the final result. Add fruit puree - the baked goods will not be crunchy, the texture will be more like a sponge cake, and the muffins will be a little denser, but the calorie content will decrease noticeably.

Fruit puree for baby food without sugar is good, or homemade puree - fruits and berries crushed in a blender. At the same time, the calorie content will also decrease due to carbohydrates, because the amount of sugar decreases.

Applesauce. It has a neutral taste and is best suited for cakes. Increases the benefits of the dish due to the content of pectin and fiber.

Pumpkin puree. Good for spiced breads, cakes, muffins, pancakes.

Bananas. An excellent substitute for butter - they add flavor to baked goods and help add moisture. Just keep a hard banana in the microwave for a little while and it will puree perfectly. It is good to add bananas to chocolate muffins, gingerbread, and spiced bread.

Prune puree. Goes great with cocoa and spices. Both prune puree for baby food and homemade prune puree in a blender are suitable - add 50-100 g of hot water to 100 g of pitted fruit.

Recipe for you:

How to replace eggs in dessert?

Fats in baked goods include more than just butter. It's also eggs. Egg yolk, in addition to beneficial lecithin and other substances necessary for the body, has a high fat content, and these are animal fats - saturated, harmful if consumed in excess.

Eggs play an important role in baking. They give the dough fluffiness and airiness, prevent cracking, bind the baked goods and prevent them from falling apart. The following tricks will help reduce the number of eggs in baked goods:

Use egg whites. Instead of 3-4 eggs according to the recipe, take one whole and 2-3 whites. The remaining yolks are perfect for face and hair masks.

Applesauce. 100 g of puree is equivalent to one egg.

Baking soda slaked with vinegar. Replace one egg with a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of 3% vinegar. This method is good for muffins and other baked goods using baking powder.

Bananas. Mashed half of one medium banana will replace one egg. Good to use in dishes such as banana muffins, muffins, cakes, waffles, pancakes. Bananas should not be used where they can overpower the flavor of other products with their bright taste.

Flax-seed. An excellent replacement, contains healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Mix flax seeds ground in a coffee grinder with water - three tablespoons of water for one tablespoon of ground seeds. They are well suited for baking, for which the spicy taste of the seeds is not a hindrance - these are pancakes, waffles, muffins, carrot cakes and oatmeal cookies.

How to replace sugar in dietary baking?

Sugar prevents the formation of gluten, which will make baked goods dense. When baking the product, the sugar in the dough caramelizes, adds color and taste to the dish, and makes it crumbly.

Sweeteners often give baked goods an unpleasant aftertaste, so it is better not to use chemical sugar.

Instead of sugar, you can use honey; it is also high in calories, but very rich in microelements, and this thereby improves the quality of the product. It's good to add molasses or maple syrup, brown sugar. But if you don’t have them on hand, you can simply reduce the amount of sugar by about a quarter, or even half. If the dish is not sweet enough, you can sprinkle it with a small amount of sugar. Udra.

What is the best flour to use in low-calorie baked goods?

Replacing part of the flour with whole grain flour or a mixture different types Flour not only reduces the calorie content of the dish, but also enriches it with useful substances - fiber, B vitamins, which are contained in the shells of cereals. For example, corn, rye, barley, oatmeal, pea flour or bran can be added to wheat flour. To bake chocolate muffins, knead the dough with rye flour. Wholemeal flour works well for cookies.

Recipe for you: Poppy cake

What else can be done to improve the quality of the dessert?

When using dried fruits in desserts, choose those with a lower glycemic index (GI). For example, prunes have a GI of 25-29, and dried apricots have a GI of 30-32. The GI of raisins is 60-65, and of dates, according to various sources, from 70 to 105. The higher the GI of a product, the more careful you should be with its use in the diet. High GI ensures a rapid increase in blood sugar after eating, stimulating the pancreas to sharply release the hormone insulin. Insulin distributes all the “extra” sugar in the blood throughout all tissues of the body, converting it into fat deposits, and at the same time preventing the breakdown of fat already in the body back into glucose. If your daily diet consists primarily of foods with a high glycemic index, then you are unlikely to ever lose weight. Most likely, you will gain excess weight day after day until you change your eating habits.

Actively use gelatin and agar-agar, create various jelly compositions. They may include pieces of cookies or biscuit, fruits, berries, cottage cheese, and gelled natural juice. You can get fantastically tasty and beautiful dishes.

Recipe for you:

And if you are allergic or intolerant to cocoa, and you miss the chocolate taste, pay your attention to carob. It is a powder made from carob beans. Carob has half the calorie content of cocoa and has a more subtle taste. Otherwise, carob powder is very similar to cocoa, and you can easily replace it with carob. Therefore, feel free to add it to your desserts, while reducing the amount of sugar.

Experiment, create your own recipes! Trying new recipe, replace one thing - either butter, or eggs, or reduce sugar. Your waist will thank you for your care!

Want more recipes? you will find large selection desserts and baked goods with the indicated nutritional value, sorted by calorie content and you can choose those that suit you to your liking.

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Raisins are rich in antioxidants and fiber and can be an excellent substitute for sugar in baked goods. Try adding it instead of sugar, for example, to a cupcake, after grinding it in a blender.

2. Maple syrup

The benefits of maple syrup are many. Take for example the fact that this is a natural product that is produced from plant juice and contains more than 50 types of antioxidants, and it will also perfectly complement porridge and pancakes in the morning.

Be careful when choosing syrup. Many manufacturers today create an artificial product that has nothing to do with real maple syrup.

3. Lemon

It may not taste all that sweet, but it's just right for the brain. He can easily recognize the glucose he needs in lemon juice.

4. Honey

Say thank you to the bees for this incredibly sweet, yet very healthy product. Stir a spoonful of honey into black tea and enjoy the taste of meadow flowers, as well as the benefits of antioxidants. In addition, honey mobilizes the body's protective functions, helps boost immunity and cure colds.

5. Applesauce

An excellent alternative to high-calorie and unhealthy sweets and cookies for tea. A couple of spoons of puree will add brightness to your morning oatmeal, and if you add a couple of pinches of cinnamon and ground nuts, you’ll get an almost complete dessert.

6. Cinnamon

Season your morning cup of coffee with cinnamon and you will feel not only a surge of energy, but also how the need for sugar disappears. This spice adds not only piquancy, but also a subtle sweet taste, and in addition improves immunity and eliminates excess calories.

7. Cranberry

These small and tart berries will help cure colds and add a pleasant, low-calorie sweetness to baked goods.

8. Dates

Dates have a low glycemic index and at the same time a rather viscous consistency. As a result, they can become an ideal base for testing homemade fruit and cereal bars. Such sweets will not only be harmless, but will also satisfy the needs of even the biggest sweet lovers.

9. Grapefruit

A lot of vitamin C, an unusual slightly bitter taste and bright color - grapefruit has everything it needs to replace syrups in cocktails with its fresh juice.

10. Milk

The natural sugar in milk can add a hint of sweetness to your morning cup of coffee. So think twice before putting refined sugar in there.

11. Banana puree

Banana puree would look great in baked goods. It will give buns and muffins a sweet tropical taste and will more than replace sugar. Yes, most likely with it your muffins will not be particularly fluffy, on the other hand, and your waist will remain within reason.

12. Agave nectar

The Aztecs tasted agave nectar hundreds of years ago and called it “the gift of the gods” for its sweetness. Golden and viscous, it is very reminiscent of honey in appearance and also goes well with tea. The only thing, remember that you can only consume agave nectar in moderation - agave has a high fructose content.

13. Frozen fruit juice

A well-known alternative to ice cream that is impossible not to remember. The best summer dessert you could ever imagine.

14. Erythritol

Erythritol is a so-called polyhydric alcohol, also known as a sugar alcohol, and is found in many fruits. Today it can be purchased as a white powder with only 0.2 calories per gram. It is, of course, not as sweet as sugar, but unlike it, it does not damage teeth and is well suited for low-calorie baking.

15. Unsweetened cocoa powder

Stir a little unsweetened cocoa powder into a glass of hot water or skim milk for the perfect drink for an evening with a blanket and a book. By the way, this cocoa milk is also suitable for making porridges and desserts.

16. Stevia extract

Stevia extract is a natural sweetener obtained from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, native to South and Central America. OH is 300 times sweeter than sucrose, but unlike it, it contains no calories and does not affect blood glucose levels.

17. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of coconut flowers. It is sold in paste or granule form, so it is suitable for both drinks and cooking. In addition, it is rich in potassium, which is responsible for the strength and excellent condition of our bones.

18. Brown rice syrup

This buttery, nutty syrup is ideal for making fruit and nut bars and sweet breads. Try adding it to pancakes or pancakes - you will definitely like the result.

19. Lime

Like lemon, lime goes great with tea. It will also liven up a simple glass of water or soda, turning it into a juicy lemonade. Also try using lime as a dressing for salads and fish.

20. Balsamic glaze

Balsamic glaze is made from grape must. Many companies sell it already mixed with various fruit additives, for example, figs. Completely natural and at the same time sweet, it ideally complements fruit salads and is suitable as a topping for desserts.

It has long been known that sugar is one of the most harmful products nutrition. Its main harm is that it is extremely quickly absorbed into the blood and leads to a rapid increase in glucose levels, and then just as quickly reduces it. Excess sugar in the diet affects the functioning of the entire body and can lead not only to excess weight, but also to serious problems with health.

Don't forget that sugar is one of the most powerful flavor enhancers; it is added to a large number of food products. Therefore, carefully study the composition of products before purchasing in order to limit yourself from excess sugar, and, accordingly, from unnecessary calories. However, it is worth noting that sugar also contains something beneficial - something our brain needs. glucose . So, within reasonable limits, sugar will not cause much harm. But it’s better to look for a more dietary replacement.

We present to your attention top 20 alternatives , which can replace sugar and sweeten your dishes.

  1. Honey – an ideal sweetener. Just a spoonful of honey in your favorite tea will not only fill the drink with a unique aroma, but will also help strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, and give fresh strength.
  2. Maple syrup . A great addition to morning porridge or pancakes. However, you need to be careful when purchasing: manufacturers often produce expensive fakes that have nothing in common with natural maple syrup.
  3. Raisin. Unlike sugar, raisins contain a lot of fiber as well as antioxidants. Feel free to add to buns, muffins and other baked goods.
  4. Applesauce . Down with unhealthy treats – cookies and sweets! Applesauce, rich in vitamins and pectin, can become an amazing dessert if you add berries, nuts, and cinnamon to it.
  5. By the way, about cinnamon . Get rid of the habit of pouring sugar into your coffee - just add a pinch of this spice. The taste will be spicy and sweet, and cinnamon also strengthens the immune system.
  6. Dates . They are very sweet, but at the same time, the glucose content is minimal. A wonderful treat for those with a sweet tooth.
  7. Milk . Adds a sweet taste to your morning coffee - no sugar needed.

  8. Lemon . Don't be fooled by its acidity: the glucose content in lemon juice is enough for good brain function.
  9. Lime . And this sour fruit contains the necessary glucose. You can not only add it to tea, but also make delicious homemade lemonades.

  10. Cranberry . These northern berries have a number of healing properties and look great in baked goods, fruit drinks, and sugar-free jam.
  11. Agave . Can be found in the supermarket in the form of nectar. It is good to add to cereals, teas, and soft drinks.

  12. Banana puree . A good addition to baked goods – it gives an interesting exotic taste. And although muffins with banana puree may not look fluffy, they are much more beneficial due to their low sugar content.
  13. Fruit ice . An excellent alternative to ice cream on a hot summer day.

  14. Balsamic glaze . Made from grape must, it is often sold in fruity flavors, but can also be found without additives. An excellent topping for various desserts.
  15. Peanut paste . It can reduce the feeling of hunger, as it contains protein and fiber that saturate the body. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. However, do not forget that peanut butter is a high-calorie product, so you should not get carried away with it.

  16. Extract stevia . Stevia is a plant common in Central and South America. It is a natural sweetener that is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, but does not affect blood glucose levels.
  17. Cocoa powder . Adding unsweetened cocoa powder to boiling water or hot milk makes a delicious drink for cozy winter evenings. And no sugar needed!

Today you can buy any kind of sugar: white, brown, instant.

Many people love pastries, desserts, chocolate and coffee with sugar. Sugar enhances the flavor of foods in sauces and drinks. It makes everything more appetizing, improves color and taste.

But if you want to eliminate it from your diet for certain reasons, the question arises - what to replace sugar with?

What is sugar and why is it dangerous?

Sugar is a sweet-tasting carbohydrate. It is often used as an additive to a dish, but not as an independent product.

Depending on the raw materials and preparation technology, sugar is divided into:

  • beet - made from sugar beets;
  • cane - obtained from sugar cane.;
  • maple - made from maple syrup, has a beige color and a caramel smell;
  • palm (jaggery) - made by drying the sap of a coconut or date palm;
  • sorghum - isolated from the stalk of sweet sorghum.

Regular sugar is considered an important nutrient for humans. When digested, it is decomposed into glucose and fructose, and then enters the human blood.

However, sugar has no value for the body other than energy. It brings in a lot of empty calories that could come from healthy foods with vitamins.

They are a source of carbohydrates.

And although there are no fats in dried fruits, you still shouldn’t get carried away with them.

What can you replace sugar with in diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a very serious disease. Patients have to strictly follow a diet and eat only the right foods. Sugar and sweets are prohibited.

For people suffering from this disease, the use of sweeteners is vital.

There are two types of substitutes:

  1. Natural – xylitol, sorbitol, fructose.
  2. Artificial - saccharin and aspartame.

Any sugar substitutes are selected by a doctor. It is not recommended to do this yourself.

Fructose is made from plant material. Fructose is absorbed into the intestines very slowly, but is broken down much faster.

Sorbitol is made from apples, rowan fruits, and apricots. Its use does not increase blood glucose levels. It is also characterized by diuretic properties, which helps remove excess fluid. It is included in many dietary products.

Saccharin is the world's first artificially created sweetener. It is not at all absorbed by humans and is excreted from the body in urine.

Aspartame is an artificial sugar substitute that is absorbed by the body. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar.

In the presence of diabetes mellitus replacing sugar is not a whim, but a necessity. Because an increase in blood glucose due to a lack of insulin can have serious consequences. After all, sharp fluctuations in blood sugar lead to hyperglycemic coma.

How to replace sugar in baking?

The most common use is malt. It is useful in home baking and making kvass. It is also used on an industrial scale in baking bread.

Maple syrup is an ingredient in baking buns and pies, muffins and biscuits. Its taste also goes well with oatmeal.

Instead of sugar, you can also add dried fruits to baked goods. They will add a sweet taste and aromatic smell.

Stevia is useful in baked goods and drinks. Such baking does not increase appetite and does not cause heartburn. And its systematic use reduces cravings for sweets.

Agave syrup perfectly compensates for the sugar in cakes, buns and gingerbreads.

The video below shows a recipe for homemade oatmeal cookies without using sugar:

How can you replace sugar in tea and coffee?

Adding sugar to coffee or tea is not at all necessary these days. After all, almost all natural sugar substitutes are in harmony with these drinks.

For example, maple syrup. It is used not only with pancakes, but also when drinking these hot drinks. After all, it can not only help you lose weight, but also stabilize blood sugar levels.

Honey, of course, remains one of the most affordable sugar substitutes on a diet. However, when heated, some of its beneficial qualities are lost.

Stevia is also suitable for replacing sugar in tea or. After all, it has a tonic effect and is available both as an extract and in tablet form.

The sweetness of licorice is useful in a variety of drinks. It is added not only to tea and coffee, but also to compotes.

It is necessary to understand that it is very difficult for sugar-dependent people to protect themselves from consuming it. After all, sugar affects the brain like a drug.

Nowadays, nature and science have helped people in solving the issue of replacing sugar during a diet and more. Positive results will not keep you waiting.

It is known that reducing calories in the diet will help a person maintain a normal weight. The risk of destroying tooth enamel will be significantly reduced, and the functioning of the immune system will improve. And for diabetics, sugar substitutes are a real godsend.

Forward to slimness!

Do you want to lose weight without dieting? Do you need help and moral support on your way to a healthy and slim body?

Then let's get acquainted :) My name is Daria Khimchenko and I am the author of the project and part-time certified nutritionist-nutritionist.

Sugar is not the healthiest product in the human diet. Meanwhile, the sugar taste must be present in our diet. What can you replace sugar with? It turns out that there are enough natural substitutes.

“Sugar is white death” - I’ve heard this expression more than once. But despite the fact that a huge number of people love sweets, many do not realize what a big health threat posed by consuming large amounts of sugar contained in them. What are the negative consequences of consuming white sugar and how can you sweeten your dishes so as not to give up your favorite sweets in the morning? Everyday life?

White sugar is a killer

Table sugar originates from cane or sugar beets. It is purified through a refining process that strips it of all minerals. Therefore, it is a supplier of “empty” calories. This sugar has a very high glycemic index. This means that the result of its use is a sharp increase in blood glucose, and the pancreas receives a serious incentive to work. The negative consequences of consuming refined sugar include loss of calcium, acidification of the body, obesity, heart problems, high pressure, decreased immunity, fungal infections, caries, nervousness and much more.

You don't have to consume sugar in this form to enjoy the sensation of sweetness. There are many alternatives to refined sugar that not only do not cause the above-mentioned " side effects", but can also have a positive effect on health. Here are the healthiest sugar substitutes.


Although it has more calories than white sugar, it is much healthier: it is a source of enzymes and small amounts of minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, fluoride, iodine, cobalt). Honey also contains B vitamins and components such as essential oils, tannins, proteins, wax, pollen, enzymes and organic acids.

2.Maple syrup

This is a product that is made from secretions taken from the trunk of a maple tree, which are subsequently subjected to evaporation. The result is a thick, light brown syrup. It is a source of sugar, vitamins (B vitamins - niacin, biotin, and folic acid) and mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, fluorine, iodine, etc.). Maple syrup is lower in calories than white sugar and honey, and is good for health: it has anti-inflammatory, antitumor effects, and contains many antioxidants. It is also worth noting that many studies indicate the positive effects of maple syrup in the fight against type 2 diabetes.

3.Agave syrup

This syrup comes from Mexico and is made from cactus. The sugar it contains is fructose, which is a simple sugar. The body absorbs it more slowly than sugars such as sucrose or glucose. The undoubted advantage of agave syrup is its low glycemic index. It is also worth knowing that this syrup is a source of insulin. This compound is a natural prebiotic that helps lower cholesterol and has beneficial effects on the functioning of the digestive system, and also contains fiber.

4.Date syrup

This is a sugar substitute that is not only sweet, but also contains many microelements valuable for health. Like dates themselves, it is a source of many vitamins - group B, vitamins A, C and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. The syrup has many beneficial health properties: it helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and is a source of antioxidants. Since the syrup contains simple sugars, it is recommended for people after intense physical activity, because it supplies energy to the body, eliminates glycogen deficiency in the liver and muscles.

5. Molasses

It is a dark brown syrup that is a by-product of the sugar production process from cane or sugar beets, as well as carob. Molasses contains a lot useful vitamins(most of them are group B) and microelements, primarily iron, as well as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Carob molasses has a good effect on nervous system, supports gastrointestinal tract and immunity. Its positive effects are also observed in the treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases.


Licorice root extract has many health benefits that have been used since ancient times. It helps treat upper respiratory tract infections and eliminate stomach problems. It has a diuretic effect and increases blood pressure. It is widely used in the food industry, cosmetology and herbal medicine. Licorice has a very sweet taste, so it can be used to sweeten cakes, compotes, and other warm drinks.


This is a plant that came to us from South America. Its main feature is its very sweet taste, because it is 150-300 times sweeter than white sugar. Plus, it's virtually calorie-free. This plant also has health benefits, for example, it has antifungal and antibacterial effects, lowers blood pressure, and is useful for type 2 diabetes. Importantly, stevia can be grown at home in a pot, and its leaves can be dried and added in powder form to tea, confectionery or other dishes as a sugar substitute.


A product with a slightly mysterious name is nothing more than birch sugar. It is lower in calories compared to white, has a glycemic index several times lower and, importantly, it is slowly processed by the body with very little insulin involved. Xylitol has antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, increases calcium absorption, and also regulates digestive system and helps in the fight against candidiasis. They can be used to sweeten drinks and baked goods (except yeast dough, because then it will not rise), food can be thermally processed and frozen with it.

9. Grain malt

It consists mainly of maltose, so it can easily be converted into glucose in the body. The main advantage of malt, in addition to its ability to replace sugar, is its positive effect on digestion and tonic properties in relation to the stomach. Malt is also a source of B vitamins.

10. Dried fruits

They are an excellent sugar substitute, especially in dough. They are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals and provide a large dose of fiber. The most commonly used fruits are figs, apricots, dates, raisins, prunes and apples.

Thus, the regular white sugar that wreaks havoc in our body can be replaced with several healthy alternatives. For everyday use, stevia or xylitol are ideal, and to sweeten tea or desserts, you can use maple or date syrup. The choice depends entirely on your preferences. Therefore, it is worth saying goodbye to white sugar today and including substitutes in your diet that not only sweeten, but also have a positive effect on our health.