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Al qunut. Is it necessary to know the prayer of qunut by heart, and what to say to a person who does not know it?

End of the Witr prayer:

Supplication (Dua) Qunut:

“Allahumma inna nastainuka wa nastagfiruka wa nastahdika wa nu’minu bika wa natubu ilyayka wa netavakkulyu aleyke wa nusni aleyku-l-khaira kullehu neshkuruka wa laa nakfuruka wa nahlau wa netruku mey yafjuruk.” -

O Allah! Truly we turn to You for help and ask for Your forgiveness. Lead us on the righteous path. We believe in You and we offer our repentance to You. We rely on You and praise You and thank You for all the good You have done. We are grateful and faithful to You. We reject and abandon all who disobey You.

“Allahumma iyyaka na’budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilyayka nes’a wa nakhfidu narju rahmatika wa nakhsha azabaka inna azabaka bi-l-kuffari mulhik.” -

- (O Allah! We worship You. We pray to You and prostrate ourselves before You. We strive for You and serve You. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment. Truly, Your severe punishment puts the violators on a par with the infidels).

Anyone who has not yet learned this prayer can read some other prayer, But at the end of the Witr prayer, due to the omission of Wajib, he will have to make two additional bows (sujud al-sahw).

Can say "Istighfar" three times. For example: “Astaghfiru-l-Lah” - (Allah forgive me). Or maybe read once Verse 201 Surah "Bakara":

“Rabbanaa atinaa fiddunyaa hassanatan wa fil aahirati hassanatan wa kynaa azabannaar.” -

- (Our Lord, give us a good position both in this life and in the next. And protect us from the torment of fire).

OrMaybe read once 41st verse Surah "Ibrahim":

“Rabbanagfirli wa li validaiya wa lil mu miniina yauma yakumul-hisaab.” -

- (Our Lord, forgive us on the day of judgment. Forgive also my mother, my father and all believers).

These verses are read constantly by all Muslims in the form of a prayer (dua). Whoever does not know these verses can say any prayer instead of “Qunut”.

4. Then we say quietly (to ourselves): “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Great) and make a bow from the waist - hand . In this position we say at least three times:

“Subhana Rabbi al-Azyym” - (Glory to my Great Lord!) and with the words:

"Sami-al-Lahu liman hamidah" (Allah hears the one who praises Him) And

"Rabbana lakal hamd" (Praise be to You, our Lord), return to a standing position - kyyam .

5. Fully straightened to a standing position ( kyyam), we say (quietly, to ourselves): “Allahu Akbar” and perform Sujud - bow to the ground. First, we kneel down, then we place our palms on the mat and touch the place of worship with our forehead and nose at the same time so as to feel the hardness of the earth (floor). In this position, the fingers and toes are directed towards the Qibla. Men's elbows, knees and stomach should not touch each other or touch the floor.

6. Pregnant Sujud We say three times (quietly, to ourselves): " Subhana Rabbi al-A'laa" -

7. Then we move to the “sitting” position. We tuck our left foot under us and sit on it. The right foot remains in a vertical position, and the toes of this foot are directed towards the Qibla. We fix all parts of the body in this position (saying “Subhan-Allah” once at this time).

8. Then we say quietly (to ourselves): “Allahu Akbar,” while making a second prostration - Sujud . It’s quiet here again, we say to ourselves three times, “ Subhana Rabbi al-A'laa» - (Glory to my Most High Lord!).

9. After the second sajda, we again sit on the left foot, having first turned it around for this purpose, and place the foot of the right foot vertically, pointing the toes of the right foot towards the Qibla. Women, as we have already said, sit on their left thigh, extending both legs to the right side (this position of the legs is called “Tavarriuk”).

9. In this position we read sequentially :

A)“Attahiyyatu...” -

b)“Allahumma sally...” -

V)“Allahumma barik...” -

G)“Rabbanaa atinaa fiddunyaa...” -

d)“Rabbanagfirli va livalidaiya...”

10. After this, turning your head to the right and looking at your right shoulder, we say:

A) « » - (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah),

[Attention: Whoever reads something else in the prayer “WITR” instead of the prayer “Qunut”, after the first greeting, must make two additional bows “Sujud al-Sahw”, due to the failure to perform “Wajib”].

Then, turning your head to the left and looking at your left shoulder, we repeat:

b)« As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah» - (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah).

Prayer for the month of Ramadan Vitr"is read together after the night prayer and the Tarawih prayer. Those who do not have time to read the night prayer cannot read the Tarawih and Witr prayers together, since these prayers are performed together only with those who have read the night prayer. Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds!

The degree of assessment of the main provisions of prayer Vitr:

1st Rakaat:

1. Intent ( Niiya) - Fard,

2. Inaugural Takbir (Tahrimah) - Fard,

3. Subhanaka - Sunnah,

4. "Auzu-Bismillah..." - Sunnah,

5. Reading "Fatiha" - Wajib,

6. Reading another surah - Wajib,

7. Bow bow (Rukuu) - Fard,

8. Say three times:

"Subhana Rabbi al-Azyym" - Sunnah,

9. Return to standing position - Wajib,

10. Say at the same time:

"Sami-al-Lahu liman hamidah" - Sunnah,

11. 1st Prostration (Sujud) - Fard,

12. Say in bow three times:

13. Wajib,

14. 2nd bow to the ground - Fard.

15. Say three times:

"Subhana Rabbi al-A"laa" - Sunnah,

2nd Rakaat:


"Bi-smi-l-Lahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim!" - Sunnah,

Reading "Fatiha" and another surah - Wajib,

Bow bow (Rukuu) - Fard,

Say three times:

"Subhana Rabbi al-Azyym" - Sunnah,

Return to standing position - Wajib,

Say at the same time:

"Sami-al-Lahu liman hamidah" - Sunnah,

1st bow to earth (Sujud) - Fard,

Say three times:

"Subhana Rabbi al-A"laa" - Sunnah,

Straighten up to a sitting position - Wajib,

2nd bow to earth - Fard.

Say three times:

"Subhana Rabbi al-A"laa" - Sunnah,

First seat - Wajib,

Reading only "At-Tahiyat" - Wajib.

Fardy third rak'ah:

1) Stand in Prayer (Qiyam)

2) Reading from the Koran (Qiraat)

3) Bow from the waist (Rukuu)

4) 1st and 2nd prostrations (Sujud)

5) Sit at the end of prayer

Wajibs :

4) Return to a standing position from the Waist Bow

6) Straighten up from Sujud to the “Sitting” position

7) Reading “at-Tahiyat”,

8) Greet left and right

Sunnahs third rak'ah:

1) Say “Bi-smi-l-Lahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim”

2) After reading Surah Fatihah,

say quietly (to yourself) Aaamiin!

3) Place your hands on your belt,

4) The right hand clasps the left wrist,

5) Between the Feet - the width of the palm,

6) The gaze is fixed on the place of sajda,

7) Say three times: " Subhana Rabbi al-Azyym",

8) Say: " Sami-al-Lahu liman hamidah"

9) Say three times: "Subhana Rabbi al-A"laa"

10) Reading: "Sally...Barik..." and prayers "Rabbanaa...",

Reminder ! For the convenience of determining the degree of importance of specific actions - Fard , Wajib , Sunnah , after indicating the methods of performing prayers, tables were given with the corresponding instructions, as was done above.

It must be remembered that :

1. When passes Fardov , the prayer is canceled and must be started over again.

2. When delays with execution Farda , at the end of the prayer it is necessary to repeat two prostrations ( sujud as-sahw).

3. In case of accident passes Vajibov , two additional prostrations are also required at the end of the prayer ( sujud as-sahw). If any position of the Wajib prayer is deliberately omitted, then this prayer requires restoration. If such a prayer is not restored, then that Muslim will become a sinner, and Not will be considered pious (that is, there will be no " Salih", and will become " Fasyk»). ( IFA, I - 492).

4. If the provisions of the Sunnah are missed in a prayer, the prayer remains valid, but the value (goodness) of the prayer decreases.

Naturally, in order to receive the greatest blessing for a completed prayer, one must be attentive and try to fulfill all the provisions of the prayer.

Alhamdulillahi Rabbi alemiin!
As-salatu wassalamu Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain!


(From the collection of fiqh of the Hanafi madhhab “Mukhtasar Ilmikhal” by Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Kokkozi).

By madhhab Shafi'i You can also read another prayer familiar to the Shafiites, beginning with the words: " Allahumma "h-dinaa fi man hadait…". By the way, Hanafi It is also recommended to read this prayer, but after the dua “Qunut”.

In the religious practice of Muslims, Witr prayer deserves special attention. His ruling (position), according to almost all theologians, is at the level of sunnah-muakkad.

The word “witr” itself is translated as odd, which indicates the number of rakats in this prayer. The time for its performance is from the moment the night prayer (isha) is read until dawn, that is, the beginning.

According to the Hanafi madhhab, the missed Witr prayer must be made up at another time, while within the framework of the other three theological and legal schools there is no such need. In the collections of the most authoritative hadith scholars one can find many sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), which speak of the need to perform this prayer if a person wants to be one of those who strives to consistently perform the sunnah. In particular, the following hadith can be cited as an example: “Witr is an obligation. The person who considers it unnecessary to perform this prayer is not one of us” (Abu Dawud, al-Hakim, Ahmad).

How to perform Witr prayer

There is slight disagreement regarding the order of performing this prayer among scholars of various madhhabs. Let us present here all the ways of performing Witr prayer.

1.According to Hanafi and Maliki theological and legal schools, it is considered the most acceptable solution to perform three rak'ahs. The procedure in this case is similar to how it is prescribed to perform evening prayer (Maghrib). The only exception is that in each of the three rakats a Quranic surah is read, and in the third - also the dua-kunut (its text is given below - approx. "website"). Proof of the permissibility of performing Witr prayer in this way is the hadith transmitted by Aisha (r.a.): “The Prophet (s.a.w.) performed Witr in three rak’ahs, saying greeting (salaam) only at the very end of the prayer” (Muslim) .

2. According to another method that is permitted within the framework Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs, witr is also performed in three rak'ahs, but sitting (kuud) in the second rak'ah is not done - the worshiper immediately gets up and reads "Fatiha", an additional surah, makes takbir, pronounces dua-kunut and completes the prayer in the usual manner. There is also an argument in favor of this method in the Most Pure Sunnah. An-Nasai and Hakim cite a hadith according to which the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) performed prayer without sitting between the second and third rak'ah.

3. Within Maliki madhhab A common way of reading this prayer is in which the prayer is actually divided into two parts. First, two rak'ahs are performed by saying salutation (salaam). Next, there is a short pause, after which the worshiper reads another rak'ah. A hadith is quoted from Ibn Umar, according to which the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) divided the Witr prayer into two parts: two rak'ahs with a greeting and one rak'ah (Ahmad).

4. Performing more than three rak'ahs (five, seven, eleven). This procedure is allowed in the Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs. In addition, within the framework of these two theological and legal schools, it is possible to perform Witr prayer in one rak'ah, for which there is corresponding evidence from the sunnah of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.). Al-Bukhari and Muslim cite a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) notes that if dawn is approaching soon, it is permissible to read the Witr prayer in one rak'ah.

Surahs and duas of Witr prayer

The description of performing the Witr prayer will be incomplete without mentioning which surahs and duas are read during it.

In the first rak'ah following “Fatiha”, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), it is advisable for the person praying to use:

“Sabbihisma Rabbikal-`A`la. Al-Lazi Khalyaka Fasauwaa. Wal-Lazi Qaddara Fahadaa. Wal-Lazi Akhrajal-Mar'aa. Faja'alahu Gusa'an Ahuaa. Sanukri`uka Falya Tansaa. Ila Ma Sha'a to Allah. Innahu Ya`lamul-Jahra Ua Ma Yahfaa. Ua nusayiruka lil-yusra. Fazakkir In Nafa'atiz-Zikraa. Sayazzakkaru Man Yahshaa. Wa Yatajannabuhal-Ashkaa. Al-Lazi Yaslyan-Naral-Kubraa. Sum La Yamutu Fiha Ua La Yahyaa. Kad Aflyaha Man Tazakkaa. Wa Zakarasma Rabbihi Fasalla. Bal Tu`sirunal-Hayaatad-Dunya. Wal-Akhiratu Khairun Wa Abqaa. Inna Khaza Lyafis-Suhufil-Ulya. Suhu-fi Ibrahiima Wa Musaa" (87:1-19)

Translation of meaning (according to E. Kuliev):“Glorify the name of your Lord Almighty, Who created all things and gave proportion to everything, Who predetermined the fate of creation and showed the way, Who grew the pastures, and then turned them into dark rubbish. We will allow you to read the Qur'an and you will not forget anything except what Allah wills. He knows what is obvious and what is hidden. We will make it easier for you to achieve the easiest. Instruct people if the reminder will be beneficial. The one who fears will accept it, and the most unfortunate one will turn away from him, who will enter the greatest Fire. He will not die there and will not live. Successful is the one who purifies himself, remembers the name of his Lord and performs prayer. But no! You give preference to worldly life, although the Hereafter is better and longer. Indeed, this is written in the first scrolls - the scrolls of Ibrahim and Musa."

In the second rak'ah It is recommended to read as additional:

“Kul ya Ayukhal-Kafiruun. La Agbuduma Tagbuduun. Wala-Antum Gabiduuna Maa-Agbud. WaLa-Ana Gabidun Maa-Abadttum. UaLa-Antum Gabiduuna Maa-Agbud. Lyakum Dinnukum Ua Liyad-Diin.” (109:1-6)

Translation of meaning:“Say: “O disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship Him Whom I worship. I do not worship as you worship (or what you worship), and you do not worship as I worship (or Him Whom I worship). You profess your religion, and I profess mine! "

“Kul-huAllaahu Ahade. Allahus-Samade. Lam yalide wa-lam yuulade. Wa-lam yakullahu kufu an-Ahad." (112:1-4)

Translation of meaning:“Say: “He is Allah the One, Allah the Self-sufficient. He did not beget and was not begotten, and there is none equal to Him.”

In the Witr prayer in the third rak'at it is also necessary to read dua qunoot:

“Allahumma, in-naa nastagyinukya ua nastagfirukya ua nug’minu-bikya ua nattauaqkyalyu galaikya wa nuzni galaikal-haira kullah. Nashkurukya wa la nakfurukya ua nakhnagu lakya ua nakhyagu wa natruku man yakfuruk. Allahumma! Iyakya nagbudu wa lakya nusalli wa us-judu wa ilyaykya us "a ua nahfid. Nar-ju rahmaatakya wa nah-afu gazbakyal-jidd. In-naa gazabakya bil-kafiriina mulhik!"

Translation: “Oh Allah! Truly, we ask for Your help and forgiveness, we believe in You and pronounce praise for the goodness that You bestow. We thank You completely, we are not ungrateful to You, we obey Your command and completely surrender to You. We have nothing in common with those who rejected You. Oh Allah! We worship only You, our requests and prayers are addressed to You, we kneel before You. And we make efforts on Your path. And we rely only on Your mercy and fear Your severe punishment! There is no doubt that Your punishment will strike the disbelievers!”

Praying if he follows madhhab of Abu Hanifa, must read dua-kunut before performing ruqa (bow). Upon completion of reciting the Ikhlas verses, he raises his hands to his ears, pronouncing takbir, then lowers them. Next (not out loud), you need to read the dua-kunut, after which a bow is made and the prayer ends in the usual manner.

IN these actions are performed somewhat differently. The believer makes rukug, returns to the vertical position of qiyam, raises his hands to his chest and pronounces dua-kunut out loud. It is important to note that in the Shafi'i madhhab, reading dua-kunut in this prayer is obligatory only in the 2nd half of the holy month of Ramadan.

In the Maliki madhhab Dua-kunut can be read both before and after bowing. However, within its framework there is no need to raise your hands to your chest and say a prayer out loud.

Within Hanbali madhhab The worshiper reads dua-kunut after bowing from the waist, raising his hands to his chest.

Dua Qunoot - This is a type of prayer that is read during prayer by Muslims. Here the word “Dua” means prayer (petition) and the word “Qunut” comes from Arabic « القنوت » and means obedience. This dua is performed differently depending on the type of madhhabah.

In the Hanafi madhhab, Dua Qunut is read aloud before bowing (ruku), after the 3rd rak'ah of night prayer (Witr). Qunut is considered sunnah and was previously recited by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself.

Qunut dua text with Russian letters (words).

“Allohuma inno nastainuka wa nastagufirukka wa numinubika wa nattavakkalu alaika wa nusni alaikal khair. Nashkurruka wa lo nakfuruk, wa nakhlau wa natruku may yafchuruk. Allokhuma iyoka nabudu valaka nusalli naschudu va ilaika naso, va nakhfidu va narchu rahmatika, va nakhsho azobika, inna azobika bil kuffori mulhik "

Listen to Qunut Dua and watch video (How to read)

Download Dua Qunoot in "Video "or "MP3" for free!

Sheikh Mirshari Rashid is considered the best reciter of the Koran!

Translation of Dua Qunut in Russian (meaning)

“O Allah! We ask you to lead us along the true path, we ask You for forgiveness and we repent. We believe in You and rely on You. We praise You in the best possible way. We thank You and are not unfaithful. We reject and renounce those who do not obey You. O Allah! We worship you alone, pray and make prostrations to the ground. We strive and direct ourselves towards You. We hope in Your Mercy and fear Your punishment. Verily, Thy punishment befalls the disbelievers!”

Dua Qunoot in Arabic alphabet (language) with English pronunciation.

اللهم إنا نستعينك , ونؤمن بك , ونتوكل عليك , ونثى عليك الخير , ولا نكفرك اللهم إياك نعبد ولك نصلى ونسجد , وإليك نسعى ونحفد , نرجو رحمتك , ونخشى عذابك , إن عذابك الجد بالكفار ملحق , اللهم عذب كفرة أهل الكتاب الذين يصدون عن سبيلك
Transcription (reading): “Allaahumma inna nasta’eenuka wa nu’minu bika, wa natawakkalu ‘alayka wa nuthni ‘alayka al-khayr, wa laa nakfuruka. Allaahumma iyyaaka na'budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu, wa ilayka nas'aa wa nahfid. Narju rahmataka wa nakhsha ‘adhaabaka, inna ‘adhaabaka al-jadd bil kuffaari mulhaq. Translation into English: O Allah, verily we seek Your help, we believe in You, we put our trust in You and we praise You and we are not ungrateful to You. O Allah, You alone we worship and to You we pray and prostrate, for Your sake we strive. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment, for Your punishment will certainly reach the disbelievers. O Allah, punish the infidels of the People of the Book who are preventing others from following Your way.

The greatness of Dua Qunut.

If a calamity befalls Muslims, it is prescribed that saying Dua al Qunoot in the last rakah of every obligatory prayer until Allah delivers the Muslims is necessary.


According to Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that “Whenever the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, wanted to pray against or for someone, he would read “al-Qunut” after performing ruku.”

I find it very difficult to learn some prayers, such as the qunut prayer in the Witr prayer. And instead I read some surah. Having learned that it is obligatory to read this prayer, I began to try to learn it, but during prayer I read this prayer from a book, which I place on the table on the edge away from me, but at the same time still facing the direction of the Kaaba. Are my actions correct?


Praise be to Allah.

1. There is nothing wrong with saying a prayer. qunut from a sheet or brochure during prayer vitr until you learn it. After this, you should already do without it and turn to Allah, reciting it by heart. Anyone who does not know much of the Koran by heart, during additional prayers it is also permissible to read the Quran directly from the Book.

Sheikh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked about the opinion of the Sharia regarding reading the Qur'an from the Book during prayer tarauih. He was also asked to confirm this with the Quran and Sunnah.

He replied:

“There is no sin in reading the Qur'an from a book during the extra night prayer in the month of Ramadan, as this helps the Qur'an to be heard in full (by those praying behind the imam). And also because Sharia evidence from the Koran and Sunnah indicates the correctness of reading the Koran in prayer in general: both from a book and by heart. It is reliably narrated from ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that she ordered her servant Zakuan to be the imam for her in the additional night prayer in Ramadan, and he read the Quran from the scroll. The tradition about this is mentioned by al-Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, in his work “al-Sahih” ... ".

2. Prayer qunut does not necessarily have to be pronounced in the words that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spoke. The person praying can say another prayer or add another one to this one. And even if he reads the verses from Holy Quran, which contain a prayer, then this will be enough. An-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “Know that prayer qunut, according to the selected opinion of the madhhab, is not a specific prayer. And whatever supplication a person makes, it will be considered that he has made a supplication qunut, even if he read one verse or several verses from the Great Qur'an that contained a prayer. But it is better (to address Allah) with the words that came in the Sunnah...”

3. As for the words of the brother asking the question, that instead of reading a prayer qunut read the Koran, there is no doubt that this cannot be done. Because qunut- this is a prayer, and if the verses contain a prayer, then they can be read. For example, you can read verses such as the words of the Almighty:

ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذا هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب

“Our Lord! Do not turn our hearts aside after You have guided us on the straight path, and grant us mercy from Yourself, for You are the Giver!” .

4. Regarding the brother’s words that reading the prayer qunut is mandatory, then this opinion is not correct, since the prayer qunut- this is Sunnah. Therefore, if the person praying does not read it at all, then his prayer will remain true.

Shaykh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked about the position of prayer qunut in the prayer of Witr on the nights of the month of Ramadan, and is it possible to leave it?

He replied:

« Qunut- this is the Sunnah in prayer vitr, and if a person leaves it sometimes, then there is nothing wrong with that.”

He was also asked about a person who recites prayers every night of Ramadan. qunut, and are there any messages about this from the righteous predecessors.

He replied:

“There is no sin in this. This is the Sunnah because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught Hussein ibn ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, the prayer qunut in prayer vitr He did not order to leave it sometimes, just as he did not order to read it constantly. This indicates that both actions are permissible. Therefore, it was narrated from Ubayyah Ibn Ka'b, may Allah be pleased with him, that when he prayed with his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, in the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he left the prayer qunut on some nights. And perhaps he did this in order to explain to people and teach them that qunut- optional request.

And Qunut al-Nawazil, which is read in case a misfortune has befallen Muslims. Qunut al-Nawazil is recited in each of the five obligatory prayers until the trouble passes. Qunut al-Nawazil, unlike qunut Vitra, does not have a specific form, and the dua in it depends on the circumstances.

Text of dua Qunoot in Arabic

اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْتَعِينُكَ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَ نَسْتَهْدِكَ وَنُؤْمِنُ بِكَ وَ نَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ وَنَتَوَكَّلُ عَلَيْكَ وَنُثْنِى عَلَيْكَ الْخَيْرَ كُلَّهُ وَنَشْكُرُكَ وَلاَ نَكْفُرُكَ وَنَخْلَعُ وَنَتْرُكُ مَنْ يَفْجُرُكَ اللَّهُمَّ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَلَكَ نُصَلِّى وَنَسْجُدُ وَإِلَيْكَ نَسْعَى وَنَحْفِدُ نَرْجُو رَحْمَتَكَ وَنَخْشَى عَذَابَكَ إِنَّ عَذَابَكَ بِالْكُفَّارِ مُلْحِقٌ

Transcription of Dua Qunoot

“Allaahumma, inna nasta‘iinukya wa nastagfiruk wa nastahdiikya wa nu’minu bikya wa natuubu “iliayk, wa natavakkyalyu” alaik, va nusnii “alaikal-khaira kullyahuu nashkuruk, wa laya nakfuruk wa nakhlya” u va natruku mayyafjuruk. Allahumma, iya-kya na "I will, wa la-kya nusolli wa nasjud, wa ilyay-kya nas" and wa nakhfid, narju rahmata-kya, wa nakhsha "azaba-kya, inna "azaba-kyal jidda bi-l-kuffari mulhik!

Translation of dua Qunut

“O Allah! We appeal to Your help, ask to lead us along the right path, ask You for forgiveness and repent. We believe and rely on You. We praise You for all your blessings, we thank You, and we are not disbelievers in You, and we distance ourselves and distance ourselves from those who disobey You. O Allah, we worship You, we dedicate prayers to You, and we prostrate ourselves before You, we rush and hasten to You, trusting in Your mercy, and we fear Your punishment, truly Your punishment will inevitably befall the unbelievers.”

U Shafi'is can be read both the mentioned form of the Qunut dua, and the one they read in the second rakyaat of the morning prayer: “Allaahumma-khdinaa fii-men hadate, wa 'aafinaa fii-men 'aafate, wa tavallyanaa fii-men tawallait, wa baariq lanaa fii -maa a'toit, va kynaa sharra maa kadait, fa innakya takdy va laya yukdaa 'alaik, va innehu laya yazillu man vaalait, va laya ya'izzu man 'aadeit, tabaarakte rabbenee va ta'aalait, fa lakal-hamdu 'alaiat maa kadait, nastagfirukya va natuubu ilyayk. Wa Solli, Allahumma ‘alaya sayidinaa Muhammadin an-nabiyil-ummiy, wa ‘alaya elihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.”

Translation: “Oh Lord! Guide us on the right path among those whom You have directed. Remove us from troubles among those whom You removed from troubles. Place us among those whose affairs are controlled by You, whose protection is in Your control. Give us blessings (barakah) in everything that You provide. Protect us from the evil that is determined by You. You are the Determinator and no one can rule against You. Verily, the one whom You support will not be despised. And the one to whom You are hostile will not be strong. Great is Your goodness and goodness, You are above all that does not correspond to You. Praise and gratitude to You for everything that is determined by You. We ask You for forgiveness and repent before You. Bless, O Lord, and greet the Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.”