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Indoor plants from the fern family. Indoor ferns: photos and names, care at home. Why do fern leaves dry out?

Ferns - appeared in the distant Paleozoic era and were the basis of the flora of that time. Thanks to this, they have developed such resistance to different conditions. The tropics are the homeland of indoor ferns. There are so many varieties now available that there is something for everyone. It all depends on what you are interested in: an unpretentious home flower that will please the eye but not require much effort to care for, or a fern for a sophisticated gardener that will be an addition to your personal collection.


Popular types and their brief description:



NephrolepisThe most common and undemanding type. Its advantage is the beautiful openwork leaves from 40 cm in length, which create a powerful and lush bush in a pot.
AspleniumAn unpretentious, but less common type of fern. Its difference from other fern-like plants is its openwork, but undivided leaves.
DavalliaA fast-growing species, also known as hare's foot. Characteristic features are the red, shaggy roots that hang over the edge of the pot.
ShieldweedGarden view. It is distinguished not only by its ability to grow indoors, but also in the garden. Has beautiful leaves.
OrlyankaLike the previous variety, it is a garden species, but is distinguished by its huge leaves.
MaidenhairTogether with bracken and shieldweed, it can fit in a front garden or indoor garden. Fills the space with beautiful green spreading branches. The leaves have a brown center.
BlekhnumA species more reminiscent of a palm tree than the usual bush fern. The crown of an adult plant can reach a meter.
DisconiaIt is better to keep this variety in a room only when young; as it matures it grows up to 6 m.
PolypodiumOne of the most interesting types of fern. Its roots are able to cling to the surface, and it will continue to grow upward until it entangles all the surface available to it.

Home care

It is necessary to carefully care for ferns, regardless of the type. It needs to be watered, fed, sprayed, replanted, maintain temperature conditions and follow lighting rules.

All ferns are very moisture-loving, so watering is one of the most important procedures. It is worth watering once a week, checking the soil. It shouldn't dry out. It is worth allowing only the top layer of soil to dry. It is better to use bottom watering. The fern can also be sprayed. The air humidity for the plant should be increased; if the environment is too dry, the leaves of the flower will dry out and fall off.

Sometimes the fern needs to be fed. To do this, you need to either select specialized fertilizers for deciduous plants, or make natural ones.

Like any plant, indoor fern requires replanting when cared for at home. It is worth replanting only if the roots completely occupy the pot. The procedure must be carried out very carefully, since the rhizome of the fern is fragile, and it is important not to damage it. To do this, it is worth replanting the plant without washing away the old soil from the roots. You can prepare a large pot, pour drainage into its bottom, then cover it with moss and sprinkle a little earth. Next, place the transplanted flower and cover it with soil so that there are no voids left. Be sure to water thoroughly.

Ferns are difficult to tolerate the transplantation procedure and can take several months to rehabilitate. During this period, the plant requires a lot of care and attention.

It is best to propagate a plant during transplantation, because propagation by spores is a very complex and labor-intensive process. To do this, during replanting, you should carefully disconnect the young root rosettes from the parent roots, transplant them into small pots and put them in a warm place.

The plant should be placed in a lighted place, contrary to the belief that ferns are shade-loving. But you need to protect it from direct sunlight - they can damage the foliage and destroy the plant. In summer, it is best to place the flower on the balcony. In winter, the temperature in the apartment must be maintained at 15-17 degrees.


Like all plants, ferns are susceptible to disease. The most effective fight is prevention. It is worth ventilating the room when watering, inspecting the flower once a week for the presence of pests. Do not use unsterilized soil.

  1. 1. Whitefly. A very unpleasant "neighbor" for a fern. Insects bring a lot of discomfort to the flower. To remove the pest, you should take the plant out onto the balcony in cold weather and then shake it. Adults will fly away, and to eliminate the larvae you need to use products purchased in specialized stores.
  2. 2. White podurs are worm-like insects that appear due to waterlogging of the soil. Place of dislocation in the roots. To eliminate them, just dry the soil and add new dry soil.
  3. 3. Root mealybug. Outwardly it resembles a cobweb made of fine cotton wool. To eliminate it, throw away the soil, rinse the roots in running water, and wash the pot with a brush in warm water.
  4. 4. Spider mite. Outwardly, only a small web is visible on the surface of the leaf and between the branches, sticky to the touch. First, wash the plant with a damp, slightly soapy cloth. For complete elimination, it is worth purchasing a product to combat spider mites in a specialized store.

Possible diseases:

  1. 1. Spotting on fern leaves is a sign of a fungal disease. First you need to remove the damaged leaves, then spray the plant with a fungicide. After this, do not spray for several days.
  2. 2. Gray rot - looks like white mold. The best treatment is prevention (frequent ventilation and avoiding water getting on the leaves). If infection cannot be avoided, then it is worth removing the diseased plant from healthy ones and removing the affected areas. Afterwards, treat with anti-gray rot products according to the instructions.
  3. Considering that fern is one of the oldest plants, many superstitions and legends have developed about it. The most famous legend: a flowering fern grows on the site of a hidden treasure. There are also a lot of superstitions about indoor ferns. It is believed that it brings happiness, financial well-being to the home and even helps in matters of the heart.

    According to legends, this plant has a greater influence over hot-tempered people. It calms and balances, making them calmer. Fern helps generations find a common language and even drives away evil spirits from the home.

Caring for indoor fern at home is not very difficult, so many plant lovers choose this particular specimen among many. Of the large number of species of ferns, the most popular is Nephrolepis. It has a beautiful and lush crown that can enliven even the most boring interior.

Flower growers love fern for its beauty and unpretentiousness. However, there are still growing peculiarities, and in order for the plant to look attractive, they must be observed.

The main feature of Nephrolepis is its ability to detect dirty air, in which it immediately begins to wither.

Unsuitable conditions for it are being in a stuffy, smoky or dusty room. The fern “does not like” low air humidity.

The flower can stoically tolerate the lack of regular watering, high or low temperatures. But if the air environment is not clean enough, its leaves will quickly turn yellow and dry out.

Home care

Caring for indoor ferns is easy. Like any other house plant, it requires a certain soil, a suitable location in the apartment, watering and spraying. It cannot do without periodic fertilization. In addition, you should know the features of replanting a flower, since this must be done every year due to its rapid growth.

Soil requirements

The plant prefers loose soil with plenty of leaves and humus. Sometimes it may contain peat or pine needles. The soil should be very loose and airy. Through it, water will easily flow to the roots.

The roots of the plant can rot from overwatering, so the pot needs good drainage.

You can purchase ready-made soil at the store or prepare it yourself if you have sufficient skills for this.

For cooking you will need to take in equal proportions:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil.

You should also add a little humus and sand. This recipe is the most suitable, creating the very soil conditions that indoor ferns require.

However, clay tends to become covered with fungus, which is very difficult to remove later.

Plastic containers are also suitable. It should be remembered that this material does not allow air to pass through and is not very resistant. In order for the plant to feel great and not fall from the surface, you need to choose a stable and large pot. Its diameter in diameter should be 2 times smaller than the size of the flower crown.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Nephrolepis leaves are large and green, so their need for a large amount of diffused sunlight is quite logical. The plant can tolerate shade, but it will not look as impressive.

Direct rays of the sun will scorch the leaves, leaving brown spots on them. Therefore, it is better to place the fern near the window, but not on the windowsill.

The optimal temperature for keeping is 15-22 degrees. The room may be warmer, especially during the heating season, so during this period it is recommended to moisten the leaves more often by spraying. The minimum temperature at which indoor fern survives is 5 degrees.

Watering and spraying

You need to water the fern with soft water, slightly warm. In the summer season, this can be done 2 times more often than in winter. Otherwise, in winter the plant will continue to grow and will be too elongated with small leaves, since there is not enough sunlight.

Watering should be such that the soil in the pot remains slightly moist. Excess water, like drought, are not the best conditions for indoor ferns.

Spraying the leaves must be done daily, especially during the heating period. Excessive dry air is not suitable for nephrolepis. You can also take care of suitable humidity in the room. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier or regularly hang a wet towel on the radiator. Such a microclimate in an apartment is useful not only for the flower, but also for people.

It is better to use distilled or rain water, as tap water will leave white spots on the greens.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is recommended to fertilize indoor ferns in spring and summer. This can be done using any ready-made feeding solutions. They must be diluted according to the instructions on the package. Then add the same amount of clean water to the resulting solution. This feeding option is the most suitable for nephrolepis.

How to replant?

One of the main stages in caring for a green flower is its replanting. It needs to be done every year, as the rhizome of the plant grows quickly. The crown also becomes larger, which is why the previous pot may not be able to withstand its weight. Choose a new container that is 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

To transplant an indoor fern, you will need:

  1. Gently holding the flower by the base, pull it out of the container along with the earthen lump.
  2. Shake off some of the old soil from the rhizome. If there are rotting roots, they must be removed.
  3. Place the plant in a new container and cover the surface with fresh soil.

It is best to transplant in the spring. If this is done at another time of the year, the indoor fern will take a long time to take root and will not look its best.

Propagation of indoor fern

The most suitable way to propagate nephrolepis is by dividing the mother bush. This action can be performed during the transplantation period. The plant is inspected for the presence of daughter rosettes, after which they are separated with part of the roots from the common rhizome. They also need to be planted with pre-prepared soil.

At the stage of growing a new fern, it is necessary to carefully monitor the microclimate in the room and strictly adhere to all requirements for caring for the flower. Some of the sockets do not take root, which is the norm. However, dividing an indoor fern is the simplest method for propagating it.

Plant diseases and pests

Ferns can get sick, like any other houseplant. Most of the troubles are associated with improper care, as well as insufficient attention from the owner at the stage of purchasing and replanting a flower.

To reduce the incidence of nephrolepis, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid preparing soil yourself. Store-bought soil is thoroughly sterilized and pest-free.
  2. Quarantine newly acquired plants.
  3. Do not leave the flower in drafts, in direct sunlight, or near a radiator.
  4. Monitor soil moisture and do not overwater the soil.

Possible diseases and how to deal with them:

  • Anthracnose

It appears as dark brown streaks at the ends of the leaves. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves from the plant and treat the crown with a fungicide. Watering should be reduced for some time and the leaves should not be sprayed.

  • Rhizome rotting

First the leaves turn yellow, then turn brown. The fern dies quickly. At the initial stage, it is important to monitor watering and not to over-moisten the soil.

  • Leaf spot

Appears as wet brown spots. It is necessary to completely remove the affected areas, treat the plant with a fungicide and not water for a while.

  • Gray rot

Leaves, stems and soil are covered with a gray moldy coating. The fern should be quarantined, all affected leaves should be removed, and treated with an anti-mold solution.

  • Pests

Ferns are affected by: whiteflies, white duras, mealybugs, nematodes, spider mites, aphids, thrips, scale insects and others. Most pests are caused by improper plant care. Affected areas should be removed by thoroughly treating the entire crown and rhizome with a suitable insect repellent solution. In this case, the plant requires quarantine, since the pests quickly move on to healthy flowers.

Among them are:

  • falling leaves - occurs due to insufficient watering, darkening - the consequences of overwatering;
  • yellowness on the leaves indicates dry air;
  • slow growth and pale green foliage indicate insufficient feeding.

If you follow all the conditions for keeping nephrolepis, it will decorate any room with the greenery of its lush crown. Therefore, all the effort to care for the flower is definitely worth your time.

Fern is a traditionally forest plant, with which many legends, signs, and superstitions are associated. The plant is distributed throughout the globe, and almost every nation has legends and superstitions associated with it. For many years, people have been growing certain types of it at home. The plant, although it does not bloom, still looks very beautiful and decorates any interior, both residential and office, with its appearance. What you need to know for an indoor fern to take root at home: care at home, and what species will take root?

In contact with

Not all ferns can be grown at home. You can, of course, dig up a plant you like from the forest and replant it in a pot. But, most likely, it will not live long in the new place: the flower is not adapted for such conditions. Since fern grows almost all over the world, in different climatic zones, there are a lot of its species.

It is believed that about 2000 varieties of fern can be grown indoors. Some of them, especially if they come from some exotic country, can be very different in appearance from the classic fern that we are all accustomed to. These can be large plants, with huge leaves, reminiscent of palm trees, or plants with small, round leaves, which makes them completely different from classic ferns. Most often, the following types of indoor ferns are grown in our conditions:

  • Pteris;
  • Nephrolepis;
  • Maidenhair;
  • Common ostrich;
  • Male shieldweed;
  • Bracken;
  • Female Kochedyzhnik.

In some flower shops you can find other types and names of indoor ferns, but it is worth remembering that not all of them can be “accustomed” to dry room conditions, even with the best care. Therefore, when purchasing, ask in detail not only about how to care for an indoor fern, but also about its usual habitat.

Even if a fern is an indoor flower, but brought from somewhere in an exotic country, there is no guarantee that it will take root in domestic houses and apartments, despite the fact that these are enclosed spaces.

The fact is that in many hot countries, there is no heating at home, because it is already warm. The air there is not over-dried due to heating devices, and the humidity is natural, which cannot be said about our apartments, houses, offices and other premises. Therefore, the plant may die on us, or it will not look very good.

The plants are unpretentious, but in order for them to grow actively and look beautiful and healthy, good, suitable conditions should be created for them:

  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • illumination

Indoor ferns are transplanted in the spring. but it is not required regularly. Replanting is only necessary if the roots have grown and occupy the entire volume of the pot. Otherwise, you can simply remove a little of the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one. The soil for ferns should be light and loose. You can buy ready-made soil in a store, explaining to the seller what plant it is needed for, or prepare it yourself. To do this, you can mix peat, turf and leaf soil in equal parts, and also add a little sand.

Under natural conditions, ferns usually reproduce by spores. But, in indoor conditions this is difficult to do, so they use root separation. To do this, you just need to carefully separate the roots during the next transplant and plant them separately in pots. Before replanting an indoor fern, you need to fill it well with water so that the soil becomes limp and the roots can be carefully untangled so as not to damage it.

Basic rules for keeping ferns

The temperature should not exceed the following range: +10 to +25 degrees Celsius. These are the upper and lower limits. And the optimal range for this plant is considered to be from +15 to +20 degrees. If someone has met ferns in the forest more than once, they might have noticed that they like to grow in places where it is damp and dark. They love moisture, so even indoors the soil should not be allowed to dry out. This requires regular watering as well as spraying of the leaves. In summer, when it is hot, watering is increased, in winter - reduced.

Plants need indirect light. Therefore, it is better not to place them in direct sunlight.

In summer, the pot with the plant can be taken outside, but again placed in a darker place so that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned.

One of the most common problems is that the plant does not take root. Most likely, it is something exotic, unusual, bought at a flower shop. The conditions are not suitable for them when it comes to apartments and offices. You can grow them in a greenhouse, where all the necessary conditions for them are actually created, but in this case we are talking about ordinary people who want to put such a pot with a plant in their home, in their office. You should not purchase such ferns, because most likely they will die.

Often a white coating appears on the surface of the soil in the pot. This usually indicates an insufficient drainage layer. The problem can be solved by replanting and increasing the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. If the leaves turn yellow or dry, either the plant does not receive enough water, or the humidity in the room is too low. Or it is exposed to direct sunlight, causing burns. These problems must be eliminated and the leaves will stop drying.

According to legend, fern has a very beneficial effect on people who are quick-tempered, emotional, with an explosive character, directing their energy in the right direction. Moreover, we are talking specifically about negative energy.

It is very good to keep a fern in a house where many people live, in large families. Everyone there has their own character, some individual traits, and has their own pros and cons. And there is a high probability of disputes and conflicts between them. Fern also helps in such a situation, according to ancient signs, by creating a cozy, peaceful atmosphere in the house, allowing you to avoid conflicts.

It is also believed that this plant has a beneficial effect on the financial condition of the family, enriching it. It is very useful for those who are interested in various types of games where everything depends on fortune. A fern in the house protects against unexpected and unreasonable expenses, keeping money in the house.

The plant establishes contacts between generations in the family and solves the very problem of fathers and children. Its energy promotes mutual understanding and mutual respect between them.

It also protects the house from evil spirits by driving them away from it. It is not surprising that in Ancient Rus', on the night of Ivan Kupala, people went into the forest to find a blooming fern.

It is believed that if a fern at home begins to fade, even if you take good care of it, it thereby protects the inhabitants from harm, taking all the bad things upon itself.

There is another version, according to which many people wonder: is it possible to keep indoor ferns at home? Some consider it a source of negative energy. But there are no exact substantiated explanations for this. Many people attribute this to the fact that they have a headache and may experience other ailments. However, there is a scientific explanation for the headache. If the fern is large or there are several of them at once, they actively consume oxygen at night. If they are located in the bedroom, a person may suffer from headaches simply from lack of oxygen. Some people may also have an allergic reaction to the plant's spores.

How to care for indoor ferns in more detail in the video:

- the most ancient of all flowering plants existing on our planet.

When other plants disappeared from the Earth, ferns changed, developed and formed new forms.

In the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, ferns looked like huge trees. It was their wood that became the basis for the formation of coal.

This plant is not very similar in structure to flowering species.

Despite the fact that many people believe that ferns bloom, they do not have flowers!

But, regardless of the type, it is always distinguished by the pure and rich green of its lacy and eye-catching leaves.

Reproduction occurs by spores located on the underside of the leaf.

Once in the ground, they give rise to a small leaf blade, which produces sex cells. That is, propagation in this way is a rather complex process, rarely found among flowers.

Design solutions with ferns

Like a flower, a fern does not have true full leaves. It would be more reasonable to call them fronds or leaf blades. The unusual and mysterious appearance of this plant is widely used in design solutions. It can decorate any alpine slide, for example.

In the room

Indoor ferns are no less popular. They serve as decoration for houses, apartments, offices, hotels and other institutions.

Compositions combined with large flowering plants are recognized as an effective design solution. If we are talking about bracken or maidenhair, then an excellent combination is, host, astilbe.

In the garden

Ferns in the garden landscape very expressively demonstrate the beauty and versatility of the color green.

They do an excellent job as a background for rarer plants and flowers.

Among the diversity of this genus, there are, for example, such as the multirow bristlecone, which can easily overwinter with leaves without shedding them. Blechnums are ideal for winter gardens - evergreen ferns.

Medium-sized bushes go well with and are an excellent addition to oak anemone.

Among all the genera of fern, there are those that surprise with their texture, shades, and shape. For so many centuries this plant has not lost its mystery.

Several types of ferns look most harmonious side by side, radically different in color and shape. Such proximity emphasizes the decorative nature of each and reveals their beauty.

Fern care

Temperature, light

This plant prefers a moderate temperature within 15 - 20 degrees, coolness at night is desirable.

There is no need to allow the temperature to drop to -10 or below, but the flower does not tolerate temperatures above 20 degrees.

It is generally believed that fern is a shade-loving plant, but this does not apply to all species. Many of this family love the sun and are native to tropical sunny forests.

Such indoor plants prefer to stand in bright but diffused light. The eastern and northern sides of the apartment are perfect for this.

Watering, humidity

Fern watering must be approached responsibly.

The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but flooding is also dangerous for it due to rotting of the roots.

During the cold season, watering becomes much less frequent.

Air humidity is important for ferns. It should always be high, so it is recommended to spray the flower regularly.

Transplantation and propagation

In spring the plant can be replanted. The frequency depends on the type of fern and its age. Typically, a young plant is replanted annually when the pot is filled with roots.

Dividing the bush

Ferns can be propagated by division. This is the easiest and fastest way. Dividing is allowed if there are new shoots on the plant into 2-3 parts. The time to carry out this procedure is spring during the transplant process.

There are types of ferns in which new shoots grow at the ends of ground shoots or at the ends of fronds. The first one includes Nephrolepis sublime, and the second one includes Kostenets bulbiferous.

Reproduction by spores

It is possible to propagate a fern by spores that form in sporangia at the bottom of the leaf, but this is much more difficult to do.

Types of ferns

Many people do not suspect that there are about 300 genera and more than 10 thousand species of this plant growing in nature.

The most ancient inhabitants of our planet can be graceful and lacy representatives of their kind, and some, on the contrary, are formidable giants. Each fern is individual and unique.

ordinary- a giant among ferns.

Beautiful, drought-resistant. His height reaches two meters.

Capable of forming huge thickets.

Multi-row(Polystichum) is a very beautiful plant.

Belongs to the Shield family. It is widely used in rock gardens and decorative decoration of places under the shade of trees.

It can be found in damp or coniferous forests, more often on river banks and in ravines. There is Brown's multirow, tripartite, and bristly.

This fern should be watered generously during growth and moderately during dormancy. The plant prefers indirect light. Feels comfortable at temperatures from 16 to 24 degrees.

The humidity level should be high. The multi-row plant is propagated by division. The soil must be created from a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1.

If necessary, the bush should be replanted in the spring. Do not forget about fertilizing during the warm period once every 7 days. For this purpose, it is allowed to use mineral and organic additives.

The multi-row plant must be protected from scale insects, whiteflies, aphids, springtails, and root rot. Any disease or pest can cause the leaves to dry out and turn yellow, which subsequently fall off.

Davallia(Davallia) is a fast-growing perennial.

Belongs to the Davalliaceae family. Natural habitat - Tropics of Asia, China, Japan, Polynesia, Java Island, Canary Islands.

As a rule, the plant grows well in closed ground and greenhouses.

People call this fern “rabbit’s feet.”

During any growth period, Davallia should be watered moderately. The lighting should not be bright either. This species prefers low humidity and a temperature of 16-24 degrees. The ideal soil would be a mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. Good drainage is needed.

It is better to fertilize the plant with a liquid plant twice a month. If Davallia is affected, the plant will stop growing.

Shieldweed(Dryopteris) can be found everywhere, especially in the coniferous forests of the Far East.

The leaf of this fern is double pinnate. Exist:

These ferns are unpretentious. They can delight with their growth for many years and will not suffer from drought or, conversely, from too much humidity.

They reproduce by dividing the bush.

(Nephrolepis) belongs to the Lomariopsis family.

The name consists of two parts - nephros (bud) and lepis (scales).

This species prefers not direct, but bright light and high humidity.

The best soil for growth is leaf soil and peat.

Fertilizing is carried out only weekly in spring and summer, but during the dormant period it is better not to touch the plant.

Damage from pests and diseases causes damage to leaves, which dry out, die and turn brown.

Asplenium, also known as Asplenium, has from 30 to 700 species of this genus, but most of them grow in the tropics.

But the most interesting decorative forks are rock ones. The bushes look elegant and consist of feathery lacy leaves.

During the dormant period, Kostenets is watered rarely, but during active growth - abundantly.

This fern does not like humidity. If you plan to transplant, it is better to do it in the spring.

It reproduces by dividing the bush or by spores. Soil for flowers is mixed from peat, leaf soil, turf soil and sand in equal proportions.

(Pellaea) is part of the Pteris family, native to South America, Central Africa, Australia, and Zealand.

Watered in the same way as Kostenets, but the humidity should be high. Lighting is preferably moderate.

It needs feeding every 2 weeks throughout spring and summer. Mullein is an excellent fertilizer.

When attacked by scale insects, fern leaves curl and lose color. They become transparent, flaccid and fall off.

(Platycerium) or Antler is a member of the Centipede family and has at least 18 species.

Many of them are grown at home, in greenhouses and botanical gardens. This fern loves bright, indirect light, high humidity and abundant watering during the growth period.

You need to fertilize the soil once every 1.5 months. Pests do not allow the plant to grow fully, the leaves become yellow, faded and lethargic.

(Pteris) has about 280 species.

Distributed in the tropics and subtropics. They prefer bright light and high humidity. Diseases lead to root rot.

Kochedyzhnik(Athyrium) - this genus consists of 200 species.

The bushes are dense, tall with lacy and thin leaves. You can often find female nomads in the forests of central Russia. One of the most unusual ferns. It is openwork, elegant, feathery.

It is characterized by delicate dissected leaves, reminiscent of palm leaves and falling off in early autumn. Purple and silver colors are popular.

In the Far East, the Chinese reddish nomad grows.

This genus prefers moderate humidity and grows in ordinary garden soil for a long time - up to 15 years. Does not require fertilizers.

(Cyrtomium) – family of Shchitovnikov.

In total there are about 20 species of this genus. Grows in Asia, America, Oceania.

Does not like abundant watering, but prefers high humidity.

Comfortable temperature from 16 to 24 degrees. The soil needs to be fertile, supplemented with peat and sand.

Centipede(Polypodium) consists of 100 species.

The common one is called the Sweet Fern and is quite a rare plant. Found in forest, mountain forest, subalpine, mountain tundra areas.

Winter-hardy. Grows in the Russian climate. This is the only epiphytic fern of its kind.

Epiphyte means growing on a tree, on a wall.

The fern is finicky, but unusual.

It is a low evergreen bush with leaves reaching up to 20 cm in length.

The root creeps along the ground, and its taste is sweet, hence the name.

The plant can be propagated using root cuttings.

Plants that lived on Earth in prehistoric times millions of years ago include those known to everyone. Then they even had tree forms, but in our time they have lost their former greatness, although these ubiquitous plants grow in any forest on all continents. People have moved many types of ferns into their homes, and now they serve as an excellent green background in various residential and administrative premises.

  • The appearance of a gray fluffy coating on the leaves or rusty-brown spots is a sign of a fungal disease, gray rot. This occurs due to excessive and high air humidity. When such symptoms appear, ventilate the room, reduce the amount of watering and reduce the air temperature. Spraying is used for therapy.
  • When fading leaves appear, and then whitish spots on the plant, we can talk about infection with a fungus that affects ferns and it is no longer possible to cure them. To avoid this disease, you need to feed the plant with a low nitrogen content.

Among ferns, the most common ones are:

  • Nematodes that appear with constant watering with cold water. In such cases, it is better to transplant the flower into new soil.
  • But scale insects and aphids grow in rooms with low humidity levels. You can get rid of them by spraying with a soap solution or insecticide.

When purchasing a fern from a flower shop, you definitely need the plant and its special preparation, such as Actellik.

If grown correctly, the plant will be healthy and will be able to delight with bright greenery. There should be a place in every room for a plant such as a fern: it will decorate it with its unusual long leaves and refresh the air, making it clean and light.

More information can be found in the video: