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How to treat vomiting due to rotavirus infection. The first signs and treatment of rotavirus infection in adults and children. Drug treatment of rotavirus infection

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Many people associate fever, nausea, vomiting and loose stools with poisoning or the development of a bacterial intestinal infection. Therefore, first aid usually comes down to the use of antibiotics. But few people know that such symptoms also occur with rotavirus.

How dangerous is rotavirus? What is rotavirus infection and how does it develop? How does the disease manifest itself and who gets sick most often? And, most importantly, what are the ways to treat and prevent this infection, which is not clear to everyone?

What is rotavirus

This pathogen is not related to the influenza virus and similar infections, but the first symptoms and acute onset resemble similar ailments. Therefore, another familiar name for rotavirus infection is “intestinal flu”. What helps rotavirus infect more and more people every day?

  1. Rotavirus is resistant to treatment with disinfectants; it does not die at low pH values ​​and under the influence of even the strongest concentrated detergents.
  2. Rotavirus remains active in feces for up to seven months.
  3. Children under six years of age are susceptible to rotavirus, but the infection is often more difficult in children in the first years of life.
  4. There are no countries where people are more prone to developing the disease; it is common everywhere.
  5. A significant part of rotavirus infection in children was registered in the autumn-winter period. But rotavirus reproduces well at any time of the year, so isolated cases of infection occur at other times.
  6. The virus is transmitted from person to person, although there are species in the family that cause similar diseases in animals.

The rapid, lightning-fast development of infection with rotavirus, the current lack of 100% effective methods of treatment, damage to the respiratory and digestive systems - these are the main distinctive features diseases.

How does rotavirus spread and what affects it?

There is not a single place on earth where this infection does not occur. Rotavirus is distributed equally in all areas of the globe. Resistance in the external environment helps the microorganism to settle for a long time in places where people live.

How is rotavirus infection transmitted from person to person? The transmission route is nutritional (through dirty hands), which in medicine is also called fecal-oral. From a patient or carrier, rotavirus is transmitted to a healthy person through contaminated objects. Another route of transmission cannot be ruled out - airborne droplets.

Children are usually exposed to rotavirus before the age of six. But a larger number of infections are observed in the period up to 24 months. From six months to 12 months, passive immunity from the mother remains, so during this time the child gets sick less often. Before period school age Children almost always have time to develop their immunity. In older age groups, it is more difficult to become infected with rotavirus, although this often happens.

Is it possible to get re-infected with rotavirus? - yes, because immunity to this microorganism is developed, but not for life. More precisely, for only a few months the child is protected by the cells of the immune system. By the age of five, every person experiences the disease in various forms.

How does an infection differ from similar processes?

  1. Once in the oral cavity, rotavirus does not strive to remain forever in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, but rushes further along the digestive tract.
  2. The stomach is affected to a lesser extent; here the disease manifests itself only in inflammation.
  3. The cells or villi of the small intestine are more susceptible to changes; rotavirus likes to multiply here and infect cellular structures.
  4. In the villi of the duodenum, rotavirus actively multiplies and causes the death of epithelial cells.

The tropism or love of the virus for epithelial cells (epithelial membrane cells) of the initial section of the cells of the small intestine causes the lesions caused in the child’s body.

Symptoms of the development of rotavirus infection

In most cases, the disease progresses quickly, without long-term consequences. The incubation period of rotavirus infection is several days and lasts from 15 hours to 3–5 days. The disease begins suddenly against the background of complete well-being.

loose stool

What are the symptoms of rotavirus infection?

  1. In more than half of children, the disease begins with vomiting. Basically, this is a one-time symptom, which, after the first day, no longer bothers you.
  2. Almost every third person's temperature rises to subfebrile levels, but in most cases it may be absent, while the child feels chills.
  3. Then, or simultaneously with the first manifestations, loosening of the stool develops. The urge to go to the toilet is repeated, sudden and frequent; in mild forms of the disease the child visits the toilet only 1–2 times a day, and in severe cases up to 8 times a day.
  4. A typical sign of rotavirus infection is a thin, watery and often foamy discharge, the color of which can vary from white to yellow-green.
  5. With rumbling in the stomach and pain in the umbilical area, the disease resembles food poisoning.
  6. Against the background of all the above symptoms, catarrhal phenomena are added: sore throat, redness, runny nose - often the disease begins with them.
  7. Symptoms of intoxication appear and constantly intensify: weakness, headache.
  8. Severe loss of fluid leads to shortness of breath, persistent fever, intestinal dysfunction, lack of urination in the child and other symptoms.
  9. Against the backdrop of a severe course of the disease, the child may lose consciousness.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection begin to gradually subside after a week. How many days does rotavirus infection last in children? - the incubation period is up to five days, acute lasts no more than a week, the recovery stage occurs within three days. On average, with a favorable course of the process, rotavirus affects a child for 5–7 days.

After just 3–5 days, the infection spreads to all family members and immediate surroundings. Rotavirus infection accounts for about 40% of all viral diarrhea in childhood. That is, almost every second case of loose stool and “poisoning” occurs precisely due to the development of this disease.

Rotavirus in adults

Adults suffer from rotavirus infection less often, since their protective systems are already more advanced and local immunity is better developed.

What are the features of the course of rotavirus infection in adults?

  1. For adults, the course of the disease is mild.
  2. Often, rotavirus infection occurs without pronounced typical clinical symptoms as in children, so the course of infection in adults resembles a common intestinal disorder.
  3. In some cases, the onset of the disease is more reminiscent of a respiratory infection, as it occurs with minor malaise, sore throat, runny nose and cough.
  4. In older children and adults, the disease occurs in a shorter period of time; vomiting and repeated diarrhea do not always occur, so treatment is often not required.

Rotavirus during pregnancy

Separately, it is necessary to mention infection with rotavirus during pregnancy. How easily the disease progresses and how it ends depends on the mother’s immunity and the amount of virus that has entered the pregnant woman’s body. If the disease is mild, there is no need to hospitalize the woman, but you will have to watch the baby a little more closely.

Moderate to severe infection can be complicated by developmental disorders of the child. One of the most unpleasant moments is the high likelihood of an early miscarriage. In the third trimester, premature labor may begin due to severe intestinal spasms.

The danger of infection during pregnancy is that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are often hidden behind mild toxicosis - this complicates timely diagnosis and treatment.

Nausea, vomiting and fever are typical and common manifestations of many infections and other temporary acute conditions. How not to get confused and make the correct diagnosis in a timely manner? Treatment tactics depend on this. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis as quickly as possible.

The process of identifying the causes of developing symptoms takes a long time or is too expensive. With rotavirus, diagnosis is not timely, and the infection ends too quickly. Therefore, treatment must sometimes be started symptomatically.

Consequences of rotavirus

According to WHO (World Health Organization), rotavirus infection kills from 500 to 900 thousand people every year. Children top this list, and the contact method of transmission contributes to the spread of infection in kindergartens and infant homes.

The consequences of rotavirus infection are as follows:

  • the most dangerous consequence is death, which occurs in 3.5% of cases;
  • severe course of the disease leads to dehydration of the body, damage to other organ systems occurs: cardiovascular and nervous, if a child under one year old loses 10–15% of fluid from his body weight, this can be fatal;
  • During pregnancy, moderate and severe rotavirus infection can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Rotavirus infection is not one of the most dangerous diseases on earth, but some of its consequences make us think about timely prevention.

Prevention against rotavirus

Prevention of rotavirus begins in the family. These are basic hygiene rules.

How contagious is a person after rotavirus? You can become infected throughout the period of active manifestation of the disease and after it, since the microorganism released into the environment remains on surfaces for a long time. The danger is posed by virus carriers and children with mild asymptomatic infection. At the same time, the virus is actively released into the environment and continues to infect people.

Other types of prevention

Despite the mild and relatively favorable course of acute rotavirus infection, the consequences can be unpredictable. The high percentage of deaths and high incidence throughout the world have led to the need to develop more effective methods of prevention against rotavirus.

Just a few years ago, a live vaccine against rotavirus infection was developed. Today it is included in the list of mandatory in more than 30 countries around the world, but it is currently used in almost 70 countries. In Russia, such protection is still being tested, but in Moscow, children have already been vaccinated for the first six months of life.

In countries where vaccination is mandatory, the incidence of infection has been reduced by more than 80%. And this is only for the first few years of childhood immunization!

Vaccination against rotavirus infection is carried out in the first weeks of life. Currently, two types of vaccines are used, which are produced in the form of drops and administered orally:

Both drugs reduce disease rates in countries where rotavirus vaccinations are given. In addition, they reduce the number of complications from infection. Vaccination is not carried out in all countries, since the drugs are still undergoing clinical trials there.

Treatment for rotavirus infection

There are several options for treating rotavirus infection. important points, without which it is impossible to improve a person’s condition.

From the moment it enters the human body, rotavirus must go through a full reproduction cycle, affecting not only the digestive organs, but also other systems. It is impossible to influence rotavirus during any period of disease development. There are no effective antiviral drugs that help against rotavirus infection. In most cases, you only have to deal with the consequences of the negative impact of the virus on the human body.

Nutrition for rotavirus infection

Diet is an integral part of the treatment process during the development of rotavirus infection. During the development of the disease and after recovery, the child’s diet undergoes some changes. This happens because rotavirus attacks the intestinal villi. In addition, it leads to inflammation of the digestive glands, the digestion of food is disrupted, leading to fermentation processes in the intestines. Inflamed digestive glands do not produce enough lactase and sucrase (enzymes for breaking down carbohydrates), so the previous diet only causes loose stools.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? - It’s easier to say what you shouldn’t give to a child.

  1. At the onset of the disease, nutrition is often limited. With any viral infection, the baby does not want to eat. During this period, you need to give plenty of fluids to drink.
  2. When the disease occurs in a mild form, heavy foods are limited in the diet, dairy products are temporarily excluded.
  3. If the child is breastfed during the period of rotavirus reproduction in the body, it is better to transfer the baby to low-lactose formulas.
  4. The diet after rotavirus infection consists of limiting raw fruits and vegetables until health returns to normal, and completely eliminating spicy foods for older children. Food should be boiled, stewed or steamed. Confectionery products are limited to a minimum. As for drinks, it is better to prefer compotes with dried fruits.

Frequently asked questions about rotavirus

Rotavirus is an unusual microorganism. The disease caused by it can be mild in course, but with dangerous consequences. It progresses quickly and favorably, but its manifestations cannot be reduced. This is the category of diseases whose treatment should be entrusted to a specialist.

Parents do not always distinguish intestinal infections from ordinary intestinal disorders; they are perplexed as to what could have poisoned the child. After all, he ate everything fresh, no new foods were offered to him, and in the morning he suddenly vomited and began to have diarrhea. Sometimes parents rashly try to give their baby antibiotics. But in the case of rotavirus, they are of no use. You need to call a doctor who knows all the intricacies of treating the disease. It usually affects children under 5 years of age, when the immune system is not yet strong enough. It is especially difficult for children under 1 year of age.

Sometimes this disease is also called “stomach flu”, but some experts do not consider this name to be correct. As, for example, the famous children's doctor E. Komarovsky emphasizes, influenza is a respiratory infection, and rotavirus mainly destroys the mucous membrane of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, duodenum), which leads to intestinal disorders and dehydration of the body.

Within 5 days after infection, the baby may not show any signs of illness (the so-called incubation period). Then comes the acute stage. For seemingly no reason, he wakes up crying in the middle of the night and vomits. Clear signs of poisoning appear. It is especially bad for the baby in the first 2-3 days. Recovery occurs in approximately 5-8 days. However, signs of the disease may take another 4-5 days to appear.

A large number of pathogens of rotavirus infection are released with feces, so a sick baby can easily infect other children and adults, especially in the first week. Then he is allowed to visit children's institutions if he does not experience a relapse of the disease. In order to determine that the child is completely healthy, a rota test is done (an express method for detecting rotavirus in feces). It is done by a specialist.

The disease can progress in different ways. There are 3 options possible:

  1. First, symptoms of a respiratory disease appear (runny nose, cough) without fever, and then signs of intestinal distress.
  2. Digestive upset occurs, and then other signs of rotavirus infection appear in children.
  3. Weakness, drowsiness appears, appetite disappears, and after a while abdominal pain and other symptoms appear. This condition often occurs in children under 1 year of age. The baby begins to press his legs to his tummy and cry.

Symptoms of infection

The main symptoms of rotavirus infection are vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Due to severe vomiting, it is impossible to give the patient water to drink; it immediately comes back out.

The baby develops cramping abdominal pain and diarrhea. On the first day, stool is copious and frequent (the urge occurs 10-15 times a day). The color of feces is yellow, the consistency is liquid, foamy, the smell is sour. In subsequent days, the stool becomes thicker and its color is yellowish-gray. The pain occurs mainly in the navel area.

The temperature rises to 39 degrees and above. It is difficult to bring it down with conventional antipyretics.

Warning: Vomiting and diarrhea can be symptoms of food poisoning. The difference is that in case of poisoning, the child feels better after he vomits or has a bowel movement. But with an intestinal infection there is no relief after attacks. Therefore, in order to understand what the baby is sick with, you need to ask him if he feels better.

In addition to these symptoms, a child with rotavirus infection also develops others: loss of appetite, headache. The baby becomes lethargic and drowsy.

How an infection can enter the body

Rotavirus enters the baby's body through the mouth. A six-month-old baby learns to crawl, pulls various objects into his mouth, and sucks his fists. Therefore, it can easily become infected. Rotavirus infection can be found on poorly washed hands, in dust on toys or furniture. Eating unwashed vegetables and fruits is also a cause of infection.

Rotavirus is present both in feces and in saliva or nasal mucus. If the patient does not wash his hands well after using the toilet, and then touches the door handles, then an infection remains on them, which is transmitted to the baby and other family members. Usually everyone gets sick in turn, but in adults the symptoms are not so severe (1-2 days of nausea, maybe diarrhea). Sometimes they do not feel signs of the disease at all, but are virus carriers.

Parents of a child cannot always figure out that the cause of a runny nose, dry cough and conjunctivitis is rotavirus infection. Another child, after communicating with the sick person, easily becomes infected.

Often, outbreaks of rotavirus infection occur at marine recreation centers, where infection occurs through dirty sea water or sand, where sanitary and hygienic conditions are far from normal. Children easily become infected in kindergarten or school. Infection is possible in hospitals where there are virus carriers, children or adults.

Video: Signs of rotavirus infection, diagnosis, principles of treatment, effectiveness of vaccination

What complications may there be?

Rotavirus infection is quite dangerous for children. During illness they experience the following complications:

  1. Dehydration of the body. This condition occurs due to large loss of fluid during vomiting and diarrhea. It is very dangerous for a small child and leads to his death. The baby needs to drink a lot of lightly salted water. If it is impossible to give him something to drink, then the solution is administered through a dropper.
  2. Acetonemic syndrome. Due to dehydration of the body, metabolic disorders occur. At the same time, acetone and acetoacetic acid accumulate in the blood, causing poisoning, increasing vomiting, drowsiness, lethargy, and stomach pain. You can smell acetone from your mouth.
  3. Cramps. They can occur in babies due to high body temperature. It needs to be brought down not only with the help of antipyretics, but also by wiping the children (for example, with alcohol diluted half with water).
  4. Defeat nervous system, which manifests itself as fainting and delirium. In this case, seizures appear at normal or slightly elevated temperatures. This complication occurs as a reaction of the body to toxins.

Advice: Considering the possibility of such severe complications, if a child experiences diarrhea and frequent bouts of vomiting, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that the baby can receive timely help.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Accurate diagnosis is also necessary because rotavirus infection is easily confused with dysentery, salmonellosis, gastritis, food poisoning. Each case requires completely different medications. Incorrect treatment can cost the patient his life, especially if he is an infant.

To establish a diagnosis, a general blood and urine test is done, which allows you to confirm the fact that the cause of the disease is an infection. After recovery, blood counts (leukocytes, red blood cells) return to normal.

The presence of rotavirus in the blood is determined using the ELISA method - an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test for antibodies to this virus.

The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method allows you to accurately determine the type of virus by its DNA, as well as quantify its content in the body.

Such tests make it possible to find out whether other types of infection (for example, salmonella) are present in the body.

Video: Symptoms, prevention and treatment of rotavirus infection


For viral diseases, antibiotics are powerless. There are no drugs that affect rotavirus. Treatment is required not for the infection itself, but for the symptoms of the disease caused by it (symptomatic therapy). It is aimed at alleviating the baby’s condition and preventing dangerous complications.

Fighting dehydration

The greatest danger for the baby is diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration. To prevent this from happening, first of all, measures are taken to replenish fluid reserves and restore salt metabolism. The baby is given a weak salt solution or rehydron diluted with water to drink. It is taken in small portions, but often, after each attack of vomiting.

Detoxification of the body

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - all these are signs of poisoning of the body with rotavirus waste products. One of the important elements of treatment for rotavirus infection is detoxification. Frequent intake of rehydron solution not only helps restore water-salt balance and maintain metabolism, but is also necessary for removing toxins in the urine.

In order to reduce the toxic effect, the child must also be given sorbents (activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel). They absorb harmful molecules and viruses, but are not absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, but are completely eliminated. Taking sorbents helps reduce gas formation and bloating.

Reducing fever

Increasing body temperature is the body's way of fighting the virus. Therefore, in case of viral infections, it is recommended to lower the temperature only if it exceeds 38 degrees. At higher temperatures, babies may experience seizures. Antipyretics are given in the form of special children's syrups (Nurofen or Panadol). For very small children, it is more convenient to use suppositories with paracetamol (for example, cefekon).

Elimination of intestinal pain

Disruption of the normal environment in the stomach and intestines, fermentation and gas formation lead to spasms and severe pain. In addition to sorbents, it is necessary to give medicine that relaxes the intestinal muscles and eliminates spasms. No-spa is usually used.

Restoration of microflora

The treatment ends with the restoration of the intestinal microflora in children. In a healthy intestine, beneficial lactobacilli predominate, which suppress the development of harmful microorganisms. When a virus enters, lactobacilli die, and harmful microflora begins to multiply. Restoring the natural composition of the intestinal environment accelerates the destruction of the virus.

Acipol, Linex and the like are used as preparations containing beneficial bifidobacteria.

The role of diet

Diet, exclusion from the diet of certain foods that irritate the mucous membrane, cause bloating or have a diuretic effect, which contributes to dehydration, play a decisive role in the treatment of rotavirus infection in children.

Seasonings, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, apples) should be completely excluded from food. It is allowed to give the child low-fat fermented milk products (the lactic acid they contain helps replenish the intestines with lactobacilli).

Fats (butter and vegetable oil) are completely excluded. Food is given only in boiled form. Towards the end of the illness, the child can be given a baked apple, as well as a banana. Any carbonated drinks are prohibited.

After vomiting, it is better to feed the child with semi-liquid cereals and jelly. By enveloping the intestinal walls, such products protect them from irritation and promote rapid healing of microdamages. You can give stewed carrots and pumpkin puree.

The main rule, as emphasized by Dr. E. Komarovsky, is not to force the child to eat, especially on the first day, when he vomits. During sick days, an infant can be fed only with mother's milk.

Video: Diet for children of different ages with rotavirus infection

Disease prevention

Avoid rotavirus infection if your child attends kindergarten, very difficult. If the risk of disease is increased, as in this case, then the child can be vaccinated. The vaccine contains a strain of rotavirus in a minimal concentration. The baby develops immunity, just like after a real illness. In this case, treatment of rotavirus infection will either not be needed at all, or will be significantly simplified. Even if the disease occurs, it will be in a much milder form, without complications.

The likelihood of your child getting sick can be reduced by keeping his hands clean. Before the child sits down at the table, he must wash them with soap. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not grab the potty with his hands while in the toilet. Toys that he puts in his mouth must be washed thoroughly.

Viruses and bacteria are found on the surface of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, they must be peeled or doused with boiling water after washing.

The room must be clean. If someone in the family is already sick with rotavirus, you should try to protect the child from contact with the sick person.

Quick facts about rotavirus infection:

  • Rotavirus is the most common cause of inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis), leading to severe diarrhea in infants and children worldwide.
  • Most unvaccinated children become infected with rotavirus by age 3.
  • Rotavirus causes the following symptoms and signs:
    • fever;
    • vomit;
    • watery diarrhea.
  • Rotavirus infection is highly contagious. The incubation period is usually about 2 days.
  • Rotavirus disease usually goes away on its own in 3-9 days.
  • Two types of vaccination are available to prevent rotavirus infection: monovalent (RV1 - Rotarix) and pentavalent (RV5 - RotaTek). Vaccination should be given before the child reaches 8 months of age.

What is rotavirus?

Rotavirus is a virus, the causative agent of rotavirus infection, which causes inflammatory disease of the stomach and small intestine (). Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among infants and children worldwide and causes death every year about 500,000 children worldwide. The name rotavirus comes from the characteristic wheel-like appearance of the virus when viewed under a microscope (the name rotavirus comes from the Latin rota, which means "wheel").

Vaccination against rotavirus infection has become available since 2006. Before the vaccine was available, almost all children became infected with rotavirus by their third birthday. Repeated infections with different viral strains are possible, and most children have had episodes of rotavirus infection in the first years of life.

After several infections with different strains of the virus, children acquire immunity to the virus. Babies and toddlers from 6 to 24 months are at greatest risk of developing rotavirus disease. Adults sometimes become infected, but the resulting illness is usually mild.

Throughout the world, rotavirus infection is still main reason deaths of infants and children. Rotavirus affects populations in all socioeconomic groups and is equally common in industrialized and developing countries, so differences in sanitation or water supply practices are unlikely to affect the incidence of this infection.

Rotavirus infections typically occur during the fall months in the Southwest and spread to the Northeast by spring, so infections are most common during the colder months of September through May. However, rotavirus infection can occur at any time of the year.

What causes rotavirus infection?

The causative agent of rotavirus infection, rotavirus, which is a member of the reovirus family and contains double-stranded RNA enclosed by a double rough outer layer (capsid).

Rotaviruses are very resistant viruses to external factors; you can become infected absolutely anywhere:

  • in public toilets, on door handles;
  • when visiting a pool or pond (the virus reproduces well in water);
  • in catering places;

It is not difficult to understand that the virus will be everywhere that a person touches, which means it will be on the handrails of public transport, as well as on money. Poorly washed vegetables or insufficient heat treatment of meat can cause infection.

The mechanism of origin and development of the disease and its individual manifestations

The pathogenesis of rotavirus infection is very complex. Already on the first day, rotavirus can be detected in the mucosal epithelium. Also in the upper jejunum. This is where it accumulates and reproduces. For a virus to enter a cell, a multi-step process occurs.

When rotaviruses manage to penetrate the cell, they begin to cause the death of small epithelial cells of the small intestine. Epithelial cells are rejected from their villi. The cells that replace the villous layer are functionally defective and cannot fully absorb sugars and.

Due to the lack of adequate absorption, disaccharidase and lactase deficiency occurs, which in turn leads to the accumulation of unsplit disaccharides in the intestine, which have high osmotic activity. This causes reabsorption of water and electrolytes and leads to watery diarrhea. Watery diarrhea, in turn, often causes dehydration ().

Entering the large intestine they contribute to the formation of large amounts of organic acids, carbon dioxide, methane, and water. Intracellular metabolism remains virtually unchanged during these reactions.

What is the incubation period for rotavirus?

The time period from initial infection to symptoms (incubation period) for rotavirus disease is usually about two days, but varies from one to three days.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, ;
  • intoxication;
  • runny nose, redness of the throat, less often conjunctivitis.

The most severe symptoms of rotavirus infection are experienced by children under one year of age, the elderly, and patients with kidney and heart diseases.

Usually the disease lasts about 7 days, but in severe cases it can be longer. It also takes approximately 5 days for complete recovery. In children and adults, the symptoms are the same, but the disease progresses differently.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children are more unpleasant. Dehydration and intoxication occur very quickly, so at the slightest sign you should consult a specialist.

Adults often tolerate the disease very easily, and sometimes do not even notice any symptoms and are not aware of infection. Rotavirus is often mistaken for something normal. This can be dangerous for loved ones who are unaware that the person is contagious.


Like any other disease, rotavirus can be diagnosed in a laboratory. Most often, feces and vomit, as well as the patient’s blood, are used for analysis.

You can diagnose rotavirus using. In this case, you will see:

  • increased level of white blood cells (leukocytosis) at the onset of the disease;
  • decrease in the norm of leukocytes (leukopenia) at the height of the disease;
  • a, as a rule, remains at the same level throughout the entire illness.

A general urine test may detect protein, as well as white blood cells and red blood cells.

When conducting biochemical analysis, increased levels of residual nitrogen in the serum will be shown.

A coprogram (stool analysis) will show signs of impaired digestion, a large amount of undigested fiber, fat, and starch. Light-colored feces, dark urine.

Also, the virus is easily diagnosed by express examination of stool infected by immunochromatographic method. This method is good because it does not require a high concentration of the virus, and the accuracy of the study is close to 100%. The test takes no more than 15 minutes, which is very important in case of illness.

How to treat?

Rotavirus is very dangerous, if only because there are simply no drugs that kill it. Therefore, during a disease with a virus, they do not treat it, but fight its consequences - dehydration and toxicosis.

In order to fight the symptoms of the virus, they are well suited " Arbidol», « Ingavirin", and to eliminate troubles in digestive system, will fit well " Creon" or " Festal».

It is necessary to constantly replenish the water-salt balance of the body to prevent dehydration. To do this, oddly enough, you need to drink constantly. Plain water, tea, but under no circumstances should dairy and fermented milk products be allowed.

Diet for rotavirus infection

One of the main points of treatment for rotavirus is diet. Under no circumstances should you give up food completely. Vitamins and nutrients will help the body restore its immunity, which in turn will fight the virus.

In order to help the body as much as possible in the current situation, it is necessary to reduce portions and also consume only easily digestible foods. This way, the body will spend less energy on digesting food and more on fighting the virus.

What can you eat?

During the acute phase of the disease (the first 3-4 days), the patient suffers from constant vomiting. In order not to provoke this symptom, you should eat as little as possible and in small portions.

Porridges made with water and without additives, such as semolina or rice, are best suited. Rice and semolina are given for the first 2 days, after which you can try to switch to something more serious, for example, buckwheat or oatmeal.

Even later, you can try to give the patient low-fat boiled meat or broth made from it. Ideal options would be rabbit meat and chicken breast. If the meat has been well absorbed by the patient’s body, boiled eggs and vegetables can be added to the diet.

Mashed potatoes with water or baked broccoli will help make your diet more varied.

As for drinks, during the first days of illness the patient can only be given water and electrolyte solutions, such as “ Regidron" As your condition improves, you can drink dried fruit compotes and tea. For tea you can give sugar-free cookies, biscuits or white bread crackers.

By the way, if you add a little ginger or mint to tea, it will help fight vomiting.

Starting from the fourth day, when the body is already stronger, you can give fermented milk products. They will help normalize intestinal acidity, which in turn will help the body fight rotavirus. This diet is therapeutic and will help get rid of this disease. It must be observed throughout the illness, as well as for two weeks after. This will allow the mucous membrane to recover and strengthen, after which it will be possible to return to the usual menu.

What can't you eat?

During illness, fatty meats and fish, all kinds of smoked meats, marinades, fresh vegetables, milk, chocolate, baked goods and brown bread are completely excluded from the diet.

These products are excluded because they stimulate intestinal motility, and are also products of rotting and fermentation, which in turn irritates the mucous membrane.

Since diet makes up a large part of the treatment, you should not violate it. Following simple rules will help you get rid of this unpleasant disease as early as possible.

What to do with infants?

If with older children everything is clear: symptomatic treatment and a strict diet, then what to do if the child is still breastfed?

As in any case, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor, and then follow his recommendations. But besides this, an infant requires additional self-care. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted, and if the child is a child, then it is better to switch to lactose-free formulations during the illness.

If the child’s condition is depressed, he shows too little activity, then this can serve as a signal to parents that the disease is severe. In this case, you must immediately contact an ambulance.

What should pregnant women do?

Pregnant women are also not immune from infection and can catch this infection at any time. Symptoms and treatment for pregnant women are the same as for other patients. It is important to note that the rotovirus infection itself does not pose a particular danger to pregnancy. They are much more dangerous.

Dehydration can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. This, in turn, can have a very detrimental effect, because oxygen is very important for the fetus. In the worst case, this can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

However, there is no need to worry or be afraid. It is enough to simply detect the disease based on the symptoms, and then take a number of simple preventive measures to avoid it.

Symptoms in pregnant women, by the way, are not at all different from symptoms in all other cases. In order to avoid severe dehydration, it is necessary to constantly replenish the water-salt balance. To do this, you need to constantly consume liquid, be it in the form of plain or mineral water, or maybe in the form of a fruit drink or dried fruit compote.

To speed up the removal of infection from the body, absorbent substances are ideal. The most famous and widespread of them is activated carbon. You can also use drugs " Polysorb" or " Smecta", who cope with the task perfectly.

During pregnancy, do not forget about dieting. The diet during pregnancy is no different from the diet for all other cases. All foods that irritate the intestines are excluded from the diet. These include dairy products, all sweets, fried, salted, smoked, etc.

Antibiotics for a virus

At the moment there is no medicine that can completely overcome rotavirus. However, many doctors prescribe various antibiotics. This is not worth doing, because in addition to the fact that you will spend extra money on antibiotics, not only will they not cure anything, but you will also add destroyed intestinal microflora, which is not good.

How to avoid getting sick (prevention of rotavirus)

In order to prevent diseases, there are two ways:

  1. a vaccine containing a weakened virus, which is administered orally (we’ll talk about it below);
  2. prevention of rotavirus infection.

Prevention of rotavirus is a whole range of measures. In children and adults, The disease is transmitted in the same way, through the mouth. The routes of entry into the body can be different, ranging from simply not washing hands to contact with a sick person. To prevent this, it is necessary to observe a number of sanitary and hygienic preventive measures:

  • Always wash your hands before eating, after coming from outside and after using the toilet. Teach your children to this. This precaution will help protect against rotavirus infection;
  • All vegetables, fruits and berries must be thoroughly processed. By rinsing them well with boiled water, you will wash away most of the pathogenic microbes from the peels of fruits and vegetables;
  • allocate separate devices for products that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • avoid eating with children in places with a lot of people;
  • treat all surfaces that people frequently touch with disinfectants (door handles, computer keyboard, telephone panels, plumbing).

By following these simple rules, you can greatly reduce the risk of infection.

Can the vaccine prevent rotavirus infections? Are there any side effects associated with the rotavirus vaccine?

There really is a vaccine against rotavirus. It consists of oral drops, which means you can do without injections. Vaccination is not mandatory, but can be done at a vaccination center or commercial clinic. There are currently two specific vaccines:

  • Rotatek (made in the USA) vaccination course consists of three doses at the ages of 2 months, 4 months and 6 months;
  • Rotarix (made in Belgium) is prescribed on a two-dose schedule at 2 months and 4 months.

Both can be vaccinated in children starting at the age of 1.5 months.

It is best to vaccinate children before 6 months of age - before the peak incidence of rotavirus infection occurs. Vaccines can reduce the risk of severe disease by 90%, and moderate and mild disease by 80%. The vaccine can be given together with others, including the hepatitis and polio vaccine. During vaccination, no changes in the child’s diet are required.

Side effects of vaccination

For the most part, no adverse reactions There are no vaccines, but there are always exceptions and they are worth mentioning. The reaction can be either mild or severe. Mild cases include short-term diarrhea and vomiting. Lethargy and excessive irritability may also occur. Severe allergic reactions include severe ones. They occur an hour after vaccination, but this is an extremely rare occurrence.

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Among non-cellular life forms, there are plenty of diarrhea provocateurs, but in terms of prevalence, rotavirus infection (RI) is unrivaled. The disease is called a mixture of poisoning and a cold, otherwise stomach or intestinal flu. In adults, this pathology is less common and occurs more easily than in children.

Characteristics of the pathogen

Rotaviruses have been studied since 1974. Scientists have since discovered that these particles contain an RNA (ribonucleic acid) genome, which consists of 11 rare fragments surrounded by three layers of proteins. This membrane protects against the acidic environment of the stomach and the alkaline duodenum.

The incubation period in adults lasts from 12 to 24 hours. At this time, virions multiply and accumulate in the body. Their number and the strength of the host’s defenses determine what the time period will be from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease. From 4 to 7 days the acute phase passes. It takes another week for complete recovery. Acquired strong immunity prevents re-infection. Individuals with weak defense mechanisms are an exception.

The period from the onset of the first symptoms of stomach flu to complete recovery is considered contagious (infectious), since during this period of time the patient releases viral particles into the environment.

Methods of infection

There are several ways to get the stomach flu:

  • Fecal-oral. Through raw water, contaminated food, things. IN children's body the infection occurs when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools.
  • Aerogenic. In close contact with an infected person. Adults become infected while caring for a sick child.
  • Airborne. Less common. Infectious agents enter the air with microparticles of vomit.

In the human small intestine, viruses penetrate mucosal epithelial cells, using their structures to reproduce new particles. As a result, they slough off and enter the intestinal lumen. Mature enterocytes are replaced by absorptive cells that are unable to absorb carbohydrates.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

The disease manifests itself in the form of isolated cases or epidemics, which occur more often in autumn and winter.

Those infected with the stomach flu complain of fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and lethargy. The disease is also characterized by respiratory symptoms such as a sore and red throat, cough and runny nose.

Due to a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of sugars, osmotic-type diarrhea syndrome develops. Frequent urge occur unexpectedly, in severe cases - more than twice a day.

With rotavirus enteritis, in addition to intestinal disorders, the following are possible:

  • Fever, which occurs in 10% of adults.
  • Gray-yellow liquid foamy feces without impurities.
  • The presence of blood or mucus in the stool.
  • Cramping pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by loud rumbling.

Rotavirus intestinal infection occurs without symptoms in the first 1–5 days from the moment a person is infected. Then the inflammatory process in the intestinal wall leads to poisoning of the entire body and its accompanying symptoms. After treatment, the mucous membrane is restored only after 1.5-2 months.

The clinical picture of intestinal flu resembles poisoning, but the latter happens suddenly and regardless of the time of year, while all those who are poisoned have the same signs of intoxication.

Adults, as a rule, carry RI on their feet. In young people there may be a short-term loss of consciousness, in older people blood pressure sometimes rises, tachycardia and muffled heart sounds are diagnosed. Such ailments are often attributed to banal poisoning from stale food. But the absence of symptoms does not mean that the patient is not epidemiologically dangerous to his environment. This is why, because of one person, mass infections occur in a group or family.

Only people who have developed a specific lifelong immune status to a certain serotype of the pathogen do not get sick. At the same time, in an adult, signs of RI may not appear even after contact with a sick person.

Diagnosis of the disease

An accurate diagnosis is made based on the results of radioimmune tests, latex agglutination reaction, and electron microscopic analysis of stool for rotavirus. This takes into account trends in mass infection and the seasonality of the disease, and not just its clinical symptoms.

Differential diagnosis allows you to distinguish stomach flu from yersiniosis, escherichiosis, cholera, dysentery or salmonellosis.

A traditional strip with specific antibodies for pathogen antigens allows for a one-step immunochromatic rapid test to detect virus carriage.

First, the feces are placed in a bottle from the kit, and the biomaterial is dissolved in it. The resulting suspension (5 drops) is applied to the window of the strip and after 10 minutes the results are observed.

Coloring the special area pink indicates the presence of infection. This test has a commercial basis, cannot be a definitive diagnosis and does not replace a visit to a specialized doctor.

Treatment of rotavirus intestinal infection

The lack of specific techniques aimed at destroying the pathogen forces symptomatic therapy to correct electrolyte disturbances and prevent dehydration (dehydration) of the body, which can be judged by a decrease in diuresis.

To do this, you will need a weak decoction of chamomile, in which rock salt (1 tsp) and baking soda (0.5 tsp) are dissolved. In difficult situations, intravenous rehydration cannot be avoided.

Treatment of rotavirus infections in patients with an uncomplicated course is carried out in the emergency department or on an outpatient basis. Children with severe diarrhea and vomiting are subject to hospitalization.

Medicines for rotavirus infection

Below is a list of medications that are taken when the disease is detected:

  1. With frequent diarrhea for a course of at least 5 days, patients take Enterofuril and Furazolidone, even if clinical recovery is expected ahead of schedule.
  2. Enterosorbents are used against intoxication; Polysorb and Smecta are used.
  3. Compensation for enzymatic deficiency is achieved with the drugs Pancreatin and Creon.
  4. Probiotics are intended to normalize microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Linex.
  5. For flatulence and severe pain, take antispasmodics once. No-shpa and Riabal are taken simultaneously with the drugs Kolikid and Espumisan.

To reduce infusion therapy you will need proper drinking:

  • At the first stage, it is carried out every 10-15 minutes. When vomiting stops, but after a short period of time it resumes again.
  • The administered volume of liquid is 50-100 ml/kg body weight per day with a further increase to 80-100 ml.

For any viral infection, taking antibiotics is not only useless, but even contraindicated, because they are aimed at destroying bacteria and, if used uncontrolled, aggravate the intestinal dysbiosis that already exists in RI.

With a body temperature of up to 38.5° C, you should stop taking antipyretic drugs. This will reduce the activity of the pathogen, which does not tolerate heat. At temperatures above 38.5° C, the doctor will prescribe medications that eliminate negative symptoms.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet so that the body receives all the necessary biologically active substances and nutrients. An obligatory component of treatment is a gentle diet that excludes the consumption of dairy products in order to avoid lactose deficiency as the main link in the development of diarrhea. Recommended: decoctions of dried fruits, rice infusions, pure water without gas.


Treatment in adults is short-lived and almost always results in complete recovery.

Rotavirus enteritis, as a rule, does not lead to complications. Only decompensated metabolic acidosis is possible, after which hemodynamic disorders and renal failure develop.

The main thing is to prevent an increase in temperature, which can damage the cells of the body. Without treatment, severe dehydration occurs, which is difficult to cope with by drinking plenty of fluids. Sometimes only intravenous injections of special compounds under the supervision of a doctor and immediate drug correction help to neutralize complications and avoid death.

Prevention of infection

The most reliable means of preventing the spread of viruses and capable of protecting against intestinal flu is specific vaccination. Thanks to vaccination, lasting immunity is developed, eliminating re-infection. For prevention purposes, Rotarix is ​​intended for adults with an effectiveness of 98%. This is a colorless liquid containing a weakened strain of the virus. Hand washing is a non-specific, but no less important measure to protect against stomach flu.

If a person suddenly develops vomiting or diarrhea, then, of course, one must assume that an infection has entered the body. If you also have a high temperature, these are similar to symptoms of rotavirus infection. In adults, this disease is milder than in children. After 5-7 days, as a rule, the person recovers. But you still can’t do without medical help.

What is rotavirus?

This disease has many names: rotavirus infection, intestinal flu, rotavirus, stomach flu, rotavirus gastroenteritis. But the essence is the same. The disease is caused by a virus from the rotavirus genus. According to statistics, almost every child encounters it.

Often infection occurs in kindergarten. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is easily transmitted through household contact. Its incubation period is short (1 or 2 days). Then the acute period of the disease begins. Symptoms of rotavirus infection appear immediately. In adults, the disease can occur without fever.

The patient is contagious throughout the entire period of the disease. Symptoms of rotavirus infection disappear in adults after just five days. But there may be complications. They are more dangerous and more pronounced in children than in adults.

After recovery, immunity to this disease is short-lived. This means that it is possible to become infected with this virus again after some time.

Most often, the virus is active throughout the winter and autumn periods. During the cold season, an outbreak of this disease occurs. The virus looks like a circle. Hence its name (“company” translated as “wheel”). It is quite resistant to the external environment. It is not destroyed by bleach, ether, or exposure to low temperatures.

This virus is sensitive only to ethanol. Also, its pathogenic properties can be reduced by prolonged boiling and treatment with acids and alkalis.

There are only seven groups of rotaviruses. The most common is group A.

Rotavirus infection

You can become infected with this virus very easily through contact with a sick person. When sneezing and coughing, viruses are transmitted to a healthy person. In crowded places this happens quite quickly. Therefore, during an epidemic and in the cold season, one must beware of visiting premises with a large number of people or public places.

The same applies to child care institutions, both school and preschool. There, children can become infected not only through airborne droplets, but also through objects.

This disease can rightfully be called “the disease of dirty hands.” Viruses quickly settle on objects, and touching them can cause infection. Also, if you neglect personal hygiene and do not wash your hands before eating or after visiting public places, you can also easily become infected with rotavirus.

The virus can be in food, and when stored in the refrigerator it does not die. Especially if the food is stale, there is a possibility of becoming infected with rotavirus.

It is impossible to get this disease from birds and animals. Only a sick person poses a danger to humans.

The virus enters the gastric mucosa and then infects the walls of the small intestine. Gastroenteritis begins.

How does rotavirus infection manifest?

This disease is most common in countries with poor sanitary culture and undeveloped medicine. Usually, people there (especially children) who are sick with rotavirus often die. These are countries in Africa and Asia.

Harmful bacteria, entering the body, exert their pathogenic effects. Intestinal cells are destroyed and replaced with inferior ones. The processes of digestion and assimilation of enzymes are disrupted. From the small intestine the process passes into the large intestine. The pressure in the intestine rises and diarrhea begins.

The disease develops suddenly. Symptoms of rotavirus infection appear quite acutely. A high temperature rises, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting begin. Stools in adults and children are quite frequent and yellow in color. By the third day it usually becomes gray, clay-like in appearance.

If a child is sick, he will be moody in the morning. He doesn't want to eat anything. Sometimes vomiting can start in the morning. Parents immediately have a question: how to treat their child. Of course, you need to show him to the doctor right away.

Temperatures may rise above 39 degrees. Intoxication begins, so the baby sleeps for a long time. The child is losing weight quickly. He may become dehydrated. This is a very dangerous condition, sometimes leading to a sad outcome. Therefore, if a child falls ill with rotavirus, you cannot delay treatment!

The child is contagious throughout the entire period of illness. This is usually 5-7 days. Sometimes you can become infected from it within a month.

Features of the course of the disease in adults

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults may differ slightly from the course of the disease in children. Although diarrhea is also present in adults, nausea and vomiting with fever may not be present.

It seems that this is simply a digestive disorder from a diet disorder. In fact, a person is sick with rotavirus and it can infect healthy people through contact. The mild course of the disease can be explained by stronger immunity compared to children.

With the disease, other symptoms of rotavirus infection may appear in adults, which also require treatment. This:

  • flatulence, loud rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain in the navel area;
  • lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • runny nose;
  • a sore throat;
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • redness in the throat;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

The disease has three forms: mild, moderate and severe. In a mild form, there is only upset stool, it becomes mushy and is observed up to three times a day. The temperature is low-grade.

In the average form, the temperature rises above 38 degrees. There is no nausea or vomiting. Diarrhea up to 10 times a day, watery. There is flatulence and rumbling in the stomach.

The severe form is the most dangerous. It can cause dehydration due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea. With this form, hospitalization of the patient is required.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • weakness;
  • strong thirst;
  • low blood pressure;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pale skin;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • sunken eyes, sharpened facial features;
  • urinary retention;
  • dark color of urine.

Dehydration usually occurs in infants, people with kidney failure, heart disease, and the elderly.

Diagnosis and treatment of rotavirus

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults and children require immediate medical attention, diagnosis and treatment. The doctor prescribes treatment, which consists of:

  • stool analysis for coprogram;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine.

In a blood test in severe forms, an increased number of leukocytes and an increase in ESR are observed. In the urine there is protein, an increased number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and casts.

In stool analysis, whole pieces of food are found. The type of stool is a characteristic foamy, abundant appearance with a pungent odor.

Recently, a test has been increasingly used that allows rotavirus to be determined by stool analysis. It lasts only fifteen minutes. The detection reliability is almost 100 percent.

Treatment is usually carried out at home. Hospitalization is carried out only in severe cases and symptoms of intoxication. Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms, signs of intoxication, and normalizing water and electrolyte metabolism. A special diet is of great importance.

It excludes the following foods from the diet:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • sweets;
  • juices;
  • bakery;
  • legumes;
  • roast;
  • smoked;
  • spicy.

Medicines are prescribed to eliminate the virus. These are: Furazolidone, Kagocel, etc. Intoxication is relieved with the help of enterosorbents. These are: Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta.

Rihydron will help establish water and electrolyte balance. The digestive process is restored with the help of enzymes (Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal, etc.)

Sometimes antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications are prescribed (Immodium, Motilium, Cerucal, etc.)