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Two exercises for health and youth. The most important exercises for health and longevity Secret exercises for longevity for the knees

Squats are an absolutely safe way to pump blood from the bottom up.

The only contraindication is coxarthrosis of one or two joints. Coxarthrosis (arthrosis deformans) is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the hip joint, which is based on damage to the cartilage, as well as bone growths along the edge of the joint and cystic loss of joint tissue.

Where to begin? Measure your blood pressure, count your pulse, and wear comfortable clothes. Open the window. We don’t pay attention to the creaking in our knees.

Exercise 1

Starting position: feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes facing out, back straight, arms in front of you. For those who are especially weak, we can recommend a gymnastic stick - the shaft of a shovel. Place one end near your socks and hold the other end with your hands. Possible in as a last resort hold on to a fixed support. Squat down to hip level no lower. And, making a strong sharp exhalation “HHA!”, straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Walk around the table to calm the pulse (less than 100 beats). The ultimate dream is to do 100 squats - 10 times 10. Anything more is a plus. But not right away. Keep a diary and write down notes day after day, but without reducing the number of squats. First you just need to get to 100. How many days it will take is not important, the main thing is don’t force it, everything will come. After classes there should be pleasure from what you have done and slight fatigue. And definitely sweat.

For beginners, the pulse after completing this series should not exceed 120, for advanced ones - 160, but provided that within 5 minutes after stopping classes it drops below 100 beats per minute. If it doesn’t go down, then the load you allowed yourself exceeds the capabilities of your body. Ideally, you should perform 3 series of squats 10 times in 1 minute.

This principle is also laid down in the daily, I emphasize, performance of other non-simulator exercises. Despite how I feel. In this case, tablets are not prohibited. It is better to do exercises while taking pills than to lie on the bed and not have the strength to get up with the same pill in your mouth.

What do we achieve with squats?

First, we restore a normal, clear rhythm (flexion-extension of the legs), during which the peripheral pumps - the leg muscles - are intensively activated. They help the venous valves contract and return blood to the right atrium. Therefore, by performing a load, we actually remove it from the myocardium. And the main hard work is done by the leg muscles. It's simple. Where is the pitfall in this place? Hypotrophy (weakening) of the leg muscles, mind you, not the heart! That is, you will not be able to immediately perform required amount squats. The leg muscles will ache, tachycardia and even shortness of breath will appear.

There is no need to be afraid of this. The heart muscle will not work better while lying on the bed. Whether you lie down or stand, it’s all the same. Until the leg pumps are turned on, there will be no recovery. And exhalation, connecting the diaphragm, strengthens the pumping function of the periphery of the body. And this becomes possible only with squats. You often hear the following words: “Even though I’m a squirrel in a wheel, I’m on my feet all day, and you’re talking about exercise!” The fact is that most people confuse hustle and bustle with proper exercise.

The correct load is, first of all, a complete contraction and complete relaxation of the muscles working at this moment with indispensable control of breathing. Using the exercise equipment in the kinesitherapy room, this effect is achieved much faster, but not everyone can visit such medical and health complexes.

The most difficult thing is to choose exactly those exercises that are ideal for you. And take into account a lot of factors accompanying the same pressure. But the pill doesn’t take anything into account; swallow it and wait for the effect. One didn't help - take another. I would say a rather primitive path to “health”. You don't have to graduate from medical school to prescribe medication. I knew one “professional” patient who studied in hospitals pharmacological reference books in the section of cardiology. Sometimes even department doctors came to him for advice. This knowledge did not help him; he died at 28 years old.

The second pitfall with squats is muscle pain in those same weakened legs. At the cellular level, pain is caused by blockages in the capillary system. But a cold bath, shower, rubbing with a cold wet towel removes these misunderstandings. After a few sessions, pain in the muscles of the lower extremities will disappear. It's not easy, of course. But there would be motivation, and the desire would come by itself.

Exercise 2

Another home exercise for the heart is to connect the 2nd floor, that is, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. The simplest abdominal exercise looks like this:

starting position - lying on your back (on the floor), legs bent at the knees and shins lying on the sofa, buttocks touching the sofa. Hands behind your head (or cover your ears with your palms). Slowly, as you exhale, try to lift your upper back, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. In fact, it is enough to lift your shoulder blades off the floor and retract your abdominal muscles.

Perform this exercise for the same 10 repetitions (it may seem easy at first). Stand up (or lie down) to calm your heartbeat; you can walk around the table on all fours, stretching your step. And again: the same 10x10. Or better yet, 20x10. The fact is that the abdominal muscles recover faster than the muscles of the lower extremities.

Let me draw your attention to the execution error. Only the cervical region works, you kind of nod your head.” To avoid this, tuck your chin to your chest and don't let go throughout the exercise.

Needless to say, a simple program consisting of two exercises. It’s clear that two exercises are, of course, not enough for a lifetime. But that's enough for a start. Compare: replace several heart pills that you take daily with two exercises and try to push them (pills!) out of your life.

Any tablet is a prosthesis for one or another body function. By regularly taking pills, you kill some function, which means your body... Unnoticeable even to yourself. If you reach 200-300 movements per session, you will have a desire to master more complex health restoration programs and, most importantly, self-confidence

The book “Improvement of the spine and joints: methods of S. M. Bubnovsky, the experience of readers of the “Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin”, author Sergey Bubnovsky

We began to explore the influence physical culture on human health and life expectancy. And at the first stage we will review various gymnastics popular in different countries ah, without assessing their effectiveness.

Today, as part of this work, the first material is for you.

A person wants to live happily ever after. He wants to lead an active longevity, and be healthy and full of strength. And people are ready to make efforts to achieve this. And one of the generally accepted recipes for healthy, active longevity is gymnastics: sugar is burned, blood supply improves, ventilation of the lungs occurs, etc.

However, those who begin to exercise for health and longevity are usually far from sports, and are often no longer young, and they do not have enough free time. No sports skills. There is no desire to waste time and effort on mastering complex exercises and workouts.

People want something fast, simple and effective.
They want exercises to carry not just physical activity, but to improve the functioning of body systems and improve health.

This will help cure diseases and prevent new ones. And fewer diseases mean a greater chance of living longer and healthier.
So, you need simple gymnastics for recovery which will take no more than half an hour a day.
What options are available?

Qigong for longevity

The entire qigong training system is considered to be aimed at health and longevity. But there are special sets of exercises that best suit our goals, and most importantly, do not require preliminary long-term qigong practice.

According to Chinese philosophy, the world is filled with energy, which the Chinese call "qi". Qi is everywhere - in a person, in the grass, in the walls... Qi circulates inside the body and interacts with the surrounding Qi. In the human body, energy moves along lines - meridians, and accumulates in the energy centers of the body. This center in the abdominal cavity is responsible for the state of the physical body.

Qigong replenishes the lack of energy in the body, increases energy circulation and restores vitality.

Although all qigong is beneficial for health and longevity, there is a special set of selected exercises from qigong gymnastics - this "18 ways to train your body for ideal health and longevity" (original name "Liangong shi ba fa"). It is popular in China and neighboring countries due to its relative ease of learning; tested in the field - in hospitals in Shanghai, and sufficiently researched.

I will give an example of the first 4 exercises from this complex so that you can evaluate how easy or difficult their implementation seems to you:

Exercise 1
Starting position: legs apart 1.5 shoulder widths apart. Hands on the waist, thumbs back, other fingers forward. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Slowly the head moves to the left, gaze to the left. Initial position.
2. Now turn right. Let's go back.
3. Tilt your head back. Let's go back.
4. Head forward. Let's go back.
8 repetitions are recommended. Beneficial for the neck muscles and joints of the cervical spine.
Exercise 2
1. Bend your knees. Hands with the backs facing inwards. Pushing forward movement. Unclench your fists at the same time, point your palms forward, fingers down.
2. Bend your elbows.
3. Hands into fists. Return to starting position.
8 repetitions are recommended.
Useful for pain in the joints of the legs and arms, especially the knees.
Exercise 3
Starting position: legs apart, between the feet – 1.5 shoulder widths, fingers clenched into fists at the waist. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Turn your body back to the left, right foot inward by 45°, and left foot outward by 180°. Bend your knees. Make a pushing movement with your right hand to the left. At the same time, the fist of the right hand unclenches, at the end the palm of the right hand looks to the left.
2. Return to original.
3. Similarly in the other direction. Returning to the starting position
8 reps. Benefits for leg joints: hip, knee and ankle
Exercise 4
Starting position: legs apart, 1.5 shoulder widths between the feet, hands clenched into fists at the waist. We stand straight, but relaxed. Look ahead.
1. Left hand up, palm up. The gaze is obtained from the bottom up at the back of the left hand.
2. Body 90° to the right.
3. Lean forward and touch the outside of your right foot with the palm of your left hand.
4. Return to starting position.
5. Repeat the same with the right hand and turn to the left.
6. To the starting position.
8 reps. Good for pain in the shoulders, back, lower back and legs.

Brief explanations of terms:


  • Palm. Four fingers are pressed against each other and directed upward, the edge of the palm is forward, the thumb is bent and pressed to the edge of the palm.
  • Fist. The fingers are pressed tightly against each other and gathered inward. The thumb rests on top of the index and middle fingers.
  • "Empty" fist. Fingers pressed together. The first and second phalanges of the fingers are slightly bent, the fingers are tucked inward, forming a cylinder shape. The thumb covers the index and middle fingers in the nail area.

Yoga for longevity

Yoga teachings are aimed at health and longevity. Yoga is good in itself - it’s not something that can be learned from a book in 15 minutes and practiced on the run. This is a lifestyle, a philosophy. Therefore, yoga exercises for longevity cannot be classified as simple accessible gymnastics, and they will require you to spend time and effort to master.

Here is an example of the first two asanas from the complex for beginners:

TADASANA (Mountain Pose)
The basis for all standing poses.
1. From a standing position, with your feet parallel, extend your feet and press them firmly to the floor. As you inhale, you need to feel the connection with the earth.
2. Keeping your connection to the ground, tense your legs. Exhale and begin to stretch your entire body upward. With each exhalation, stretch each part of your spine upward, vertebra by vertebra. Holding a pose
* As you inhale, stretch your tailbone and sacrum down. Focus on your connection to the earth. As you exhale, stretch your spine upward (from your lower back). Relax your arms and hands, neck.
Completing the pose
Important to remember:
The muscles of the legs and buttocks are tense and pulled up
The spine is extended from the hips, the chest is open
Shoulders, arms and hands are relaxed
Neck stretched upward
The knees are pulled up by strong thigh muscles, but be careful not to pull them back.
If your knees protrude too far forward, bend your legs slightly.


Starting position - Tadasana pose.
Inhale. You feel connected to the earth. Exhalation.

Inhale and shift your weight to your right leg. Hips in line. As you exhale, lift your left leg up and place your foot on the inner thigh of your right leg. Keep your balance.
2. Keep your hips and lower back stretched as you move your left knee out to the side.
3. Palms facing out. Inhale and raise your arms straight out to your sides and above your head. Shoulders back and down; At the top point of lifting your arms, turn your palms with the insides facing each other.
In pose:
- As you inhale, concentrate on balance. As you exhale, pull your spine up.
- Palms either together or at a distance, arms straight, head slightly in front of the hands.
Completing the pose:
As you exhale, lower your left leg and arms down, moving into Tadasana.

Repeat the asana on the other leg. Possibly against the wall.

Tailbone down
The spine and rib cage rise up from the hips
The hip joints point forward as the knee opens to the side. Neck stretches upward

Do not move your supporting knee back.

In addition, yoga is a spiritual practice, and while honing asanas you will have to remember about meditation, cleansing procedures, etc. And if you are ready to invest your time and effort to master this system, if you like the leisurely nature of the poses, then try yoga exercises for health and longevity.

Chinese gymnastics for longevity

China takes the nation's health seriously. Several types of gymnastics are promoted: solin, tai chi, pati, meihua, etc. Looking into an ordinary city park or square, you would definitely see people carefully performing exercises. For the Chinese this is normal and socially approved. In fact, for the Chinese, the main important idea is the simplicity and popularity of this complex.

Features of Chinese gymnastics for longevity tai chi:

  • mandatory mental and emotional relaxation before training
  • "primitive" simple exercises
  • combination of gymnastic movements and self-massage
  • deep rhythmic breathing

Here are the first few exercises of this complex, with which you can evaluate how easy or difficult it is for you:

Chinese gymnastics for longevity tai chi:

Starting position (ip): we sit on the mat, legs crossed in an oriental manner.

1. (I.p.): additionally, hands on your knees. Breathe: 15-20 deep breaths and slow exhalations. Exhale - pull your stomach in, inhale - push it out.
2. Three 20 movements of the auricles with the thumb and forefinger (one finger on top of the auricle, the other under it). Then rub your ears with your palms 20 times.
3. Clench your teeth 20-30 times, then knock your teeth 30-40 times.
4. Circle the tongue along the front surface of the teeth 20 times in one direction and 20 times in the other direction.
5. Puff out your cheeks 30-40 times.
6. Starting from the bridge of the nose, move two fingers first to the corners of the mouth, and then in the opposite direction, applying light pressure. 15-20 times.
7. Stroke your head with your palm from the forehead to the back of the head and back 10-15 times. Then press the point of connection between the back of the head and the cervical vertebrae 10-15 times with vibrating movements.
8. I.p.: eyes closed. The bones of the thumbs massage the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back. Do 20-30 times.
9. With eyes closed, make slow circular movements 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other direction. Then massage your eyes with the bones of your thumbs. Open your eyes, blink, releasing tension.
10. Movement with open eyes horizontally in one direction and the other. Look straight ahead. With your fingers apart, extend your right arm to the side. Without moving your head, look at your fingertips. Then slowly move your hand from right to left, without taking your eyes off it. The same thing happens when moving your hand back, in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Change hand. Keep her head straight.
11. Keep your gaze. The hand goes forward, fingers spread. Slowly move the brush towards the nose and just as slowly back. We keep our gaze on the nail of the middle finger of the moving hand. Change hands. 10-15 repetitions.

12. ....etc.

Tibetan gymnastics for longevity

Gymnastics, which is promoted by the healer Olga Lvovna Orlova (Kalpashvini), deserves special attention. According to her, it allows you to normalize all the internal glands of the body. And it’s even suitable for slightly lazy and unsportsmanlike people, since it only takes 5 minutes every day.

So that the article is not too cumbersome and long, I made detailed description this gymnastics in a separate material.

As you can see, there are many options. Look for exercises that are close to you, try them, and you will find suitable options just for you. Carefully observe your sensations and reactions from the exercises. And be healthy!

In order to feel happy, a person needs health.

Lack of energy chronic diseases, the presence of pain or tension from ill health takes away strength, makes life dull, difficult, and turns it into a fight against illness. In this struggle, even more strength and health are lost.

But there is no need to fight the disease - the disease is a helper and adviser. Don't you agree?

The fact is that with the symptoms of illness, our body signals to us - there is a problem here, look for an energy failure.

Today it is no longer news that our body is surrounded by an aura - a thermal field created by the work of cells. This field has its own density, size, color. The field has a certain vibration frequency.

In a healthy person, the aura - the energy field - has a uniform structure, density and those vibrations in which all organs work in harmony in an optimal mode.

The harmony of this field can be disrupted by both external influences - electromagnetic fields from outside, the influence of people, climate changes, and internal reasons - a reaction to stress, internal conflicts, fears, uncertainty, anger.

Any disease is a violation of the harmonious functioning of the body; any disease is noted in the structure of the field.

A field violation is a violation of its density, strength, uniformity, and frequency. This is a violation of the harmonious functioning of the body's cells.
Therefore, it is important to restore the structure of the energy field, the functioning of cells - and our body will feel healthy.

As a psychologist, I work with a person’s internal reaction to stress, and when a person’s state of mind changes, his energy is restored.
But there are many schools - mainly Eastern directions - that work directly with the energy of the body. These schools include both qigong and yoga, exercises from which I use to restore my energy and recommend to my clients.

Today I bring to your attention several simple techniques that align and strengthen the energy of the body. Regular repetition of these exercises gradually increases your energy potential, removes energy blockages, and cleanses the body and mind of harmful toxins and accumulations. The result is a healthy body and rejuvenation of the body, as cells are renewed faster, energy increases, stagnation and blocks disappear.

You don't have to become a qigong master or an "advanced" yogi. A few exercises a day are enough to maintain and restore your own health, revitalizing your body, which is often immobile. In a sedentary body, all processes of renewal, cleansing and liberation from negativity occur very slowly, as a result, tension from negative influences accumulates and the body ceases to cope with excess toxins, stress, emotional and electromagnetic stress, diseases appear - signals of a violation of the body’s energy.

To help your body cope with excess stress, add a few energy exercises to your daily routine and life will be much more joyful than you previously thought.

Now, a few important notes about doing the exercises:

  • exercises are done calmly in breathing mode. Movements adapt to breathing, and not vice versa. Inhale - movement, exhale - movement. Don't rush and disrupt your breathing rhythm.
  • exercises are done smoothly without jerking or overexertion. Imagine that your body is molded from plasticine or fluid. Then the energy is redistributed evenly and does not injure the body with excessive load.
  • exercises are done in the morning on an empty stomach, this best time. But you can do it both during the day and in the evening before bed. Or several times a day. The main condition is 1 hour before and 2 hours after meals.
  • and of course, do it in comfortable clothes and a ventilated room or outside.

However, there are times when these rules are an excuse to postpone or cancel classes. There is no opportunity to study in the morning, it is impossible to ventilate for some reason, lunch is in 1 hour, we don’t fit into the schedule.

Perhaps I will be convicted of sedition. But I think it’s better to do it in uncomfortable clothes, in an unventilated room and eat immediately after class than not to do it at all.

It is often difficult to find a few minutes to study in the busy rhythm of life, and the rules are even more restrictive. From my own experience, I began to do exercises just to move, in any conditions, in any possible situation. And after a while I got involved, felt their effectiveness, and I wanted to do them in suitable conditions. And when a person wants, he will always find an opportunity.

That's why one more tip– don’t bother with conventions. Just do it.

And the most important thing– in every movement, in every inhalation and exhalation, look for what is pleasant. Notice how the muscles stretch, how the air fills the lungs, how the vertebrae crunch as they fall into place, how the skin warms and the blood flows more cheerfully through the body. Enjoyment of the exercise is the most important element of effectiveness.
Observe what has improved from the previous day.

You need to exercise regularly - this is at least 3-4 classes per week.

And now some exercises to warm up:

Perform them at any time of the day to revitalize your energy. Any pleasant quantity, from 5 to 20.

  • Rub your palms together, attracting energy to them. Press warm palms to your face, covering your cheeks and eyes. Feel the surge of energy in your face and relaxation.
  • Use your fingers to stroke your eyebrows, then your forehead from the middle to your temples.
  • Stroke the contour of your face from the chin to the ears.
  • Along the neck - from bottom to top in front and from top to bottom - on the sides.
  • From the top of the head down the head in different directions (to the ears, to the forehead, to the back of the head), as if opening the top of the head - there is the crown chakra, which helps the body to be in contact with cosmic energy.
  • Rub your palms again and with your right hand, use your index and middle fingers to rub the top and bottom of your lips at the same time.
  • Rub your collarbones until warm, turning your palm in the shape of the letter V - the thumb along the right collarbone, the other 4 fingers along the left (for right-handed people).
  • Using the flat of your palm, warm up the sacrum – the beginning of the spine.

These simple exercises affect the active points of the body and help move energy, preventing its stagnation.

And here, finally, are 2 wonderful exercises from the book “ The art of qigong" Author Won Q-Kit. This is a great master, he studied and taught the arts of the legendary Chinese Shaolin Monastery for 30 years, training more than 8,000 students from different countries during this period. Here I quote excerpts from this book:

“Lifting the sky” - Exercise to improve health

Qigong is an applied art, not a purely academic one. Practice is necessary.

The following exercise is one of the best in qigong - it is useful for both beginners and masters. Moreover, some deviations in execution technique, even small errors, are acceptable.

Form in qigong is not an end in itself; its task is to create a flow of energy inside the body.

However, it is extremely important to breathe smoothly. Usually beginners try to breathe as deeply as possible. They think that the deeper the breath, the more strength will come. This is not true. During qigong classes, you inhale not just air, but cosmic energy. Efforts during inhalation often interfere with the flow of cosmic energy.

One more a necessary condition is the ability to relax. While doing the exercise, free your mind from unpleasant thoughts. These three points are fundamental to all qigong practice. However, for a beginner who is completely unfamiliar with qigong, even these can be difficult. Dont be upset. For some time, just try to do the exercise without any tension.

  • Stand up straight, relax your muscles, put your feet together. Put your hands down.
  • Turn your hands with your fingers towards each other so that there is a right angle between your hands and forearms.
  • Point your palms towards the ground and hold them in front of you (Fig. 1.1).
  • Raise your arms forward and up. Point your palms up towards the sky.
  • Keep them perpendicular to your forearms (Fig. 1.2).
  • While moving your arms, inhale smoothly through your nose.
  • Look at your fingers with your head up. Gently hold your breath.
  • Bring your palms up toward the sky, keeping them perpendicular to your forearms.
  • Then lower your arms down through your sides, exhaling smoothly through your mouth.
  • At the same time, lower your head and look forward (Fig. 1.3).

Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times.

Each time you move your palms towards the sky, feel your back straighten. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of energy directed down along your body.

This exercise is called “lifting the sky.” As with many things, its form is deceptively simple. It is not the form itself that is important, but the flow of energy generated by the exercise. Do at least this exercise ten times every morning, without missing a single day for three months. The results will be very noticeable and you will understand why “raising the sky” is one of the best qigong exercises.

Second exercise

If you are still young but feel old, if you are over seventy but want to be young, read the following lines from Lu Yu's poem. Maybe they will give you hope and inspiration.

“Happiness is being healthy and living without fuss. At sixty I climb a mountain without a cane. At ninety, Qi fills me with vigor and strength. I look through thousands of books."

Hold up the moon and stay young

Obviously, just reading these verses, although they inspire and give hope, will not make you young. But if you regularly perform the following exercise, you will achieve the desired result (and this has been tested by many students). The exercise is called “moon support.”

  • Do it outdoors whenever possible.
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing so as not to impede the circulation of blood and qi. Always dress like this for qigong practice, and also remember the recommendations from the last chapter - relax, breathe smoothly and free yourself from extraneous thoughts.
  • Stand up straight, relax your muscles.
  • Then tilt your body forward and lower your relaxed arms down so that your fingers are slightly below your knees (Fig. 2.1).
  • Keep your arms and legs straight.
  • Touch your chin to your chest and give your back a rounded shape.
  • Gently hold your breath.
  • Imagine the flow of qi rising from the anus along the spine up to the crown of the head.
  • Slowly straighten your body, raising your arms (do not bend your elbows) in a large arc in front of you (Fig. 2.2).
  • Continuing the movement of your arms, move them to a position above your head; At the same time, inhale gently through your nose.
  • When your hands are above your head, imagine that you are holding a ball the size of the full moon.
  • Keep it big and index fingers both hands.
  • Continue bending, moving your hands back behind your head.
  • Imagine as if you are holding an imaginary moon ball.
  • Then stand up straight, lower your arms to your sides (Fig. 2.4), while exhaling smoothly through your mouth.
  • Imagine a downward flow of chi from your head along your body, flowing like a waterfall to the tips of your fingers and toes.
  • Feel a pleasant, trembling sensation, as if a stream is flowing inside your body.
  • Imagine that the flow of internal energy removes everything unnecessary from your body: negative emotions, illnesses, toxins, etc. The dirt leaves you and goes into the ground through your feet.
  • At the same time, fill every cell of your body with vital energy, imagining yourself healthy and young.
  • Stay still for one or two seconds to enjoy the pleasant feeling of energy spreading within.

The exercise is over. Repeat it 10 - 20 times.

The Moon Hold can be performed on its own or in combination with other exercises. You could, for example, start with the “sky lift”, doing it six times in a row, and then do the “moon hold” six times. Over time, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions - and you will be surprised to find that you are getting younger day by day!

I will be glad if these simple and very useful exercises help you become healthier and more cheerful! Be healthy!

About the general strengthening effect of Tibetan gymnastics on the human body back in Soviet time wrote the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. Specialists from Russia, who built a power plant in the mountains of Nepal, returned to their homeland and told their colleagues about a unique set of exercises. They received this information from the monks of Tibet, who are famous throughout the world for their life expectancy. In today's article we will talk about secret exercises for health improvement and longevity.

What is Tibetan lama gymnastics?

Today, a set of exercises by Tibetan lamas, or monks, is available to everyone. It is no longer a unique secret known to a select group. The technique has been developed over thousands of years and is a powerful practice that has proven its effectiveness in practice. Exercise heals all organs and systems, prolonging our existence. Just imagine that most Tibetan monks live over 100 years! However, before you try to try healing techniques on yourself, we recommend that you understand all the nuances. Ancient methods involve not only daily, monotonous performance of actions, but also adherence to a certain lifestyle. Only in conjunction with proper nutrition and by giving up bad habits, the practice will have the desired effect on the body. It is not a complete replacement for fitness. Tibetan centenarians recommend supplementing it with physical activity, strength and cardio exercises.

healthy image life combined with regular exercise is the key to good health and longevity

What is special about the complex?

The uniqueness of the technique is that it is a kind of hormone therapy. Hormonal gymnastics is a special technique that provides beneficial influence on the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. They are responsible for the synthesis of hormones that determine overall health. The hormonal peak occurs in the early morning. That is why doctors recommend taking tests early in order to obtain reliable data on the maximum values ​​of the indicator. In this regard, hormonal gymnastics according to the method of Tibetan monks is practiced until 6 am. The complex will only be beneficial if performed regularly. You'll have to wait - tangible results can be achieved 5-6 months after the start of the program.

Efficacy and contraindications

The power of ancient technology is that it:

  • promotes a gentle awakening;
  • is a preventative measure for arthritis;
  • cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves problems with the respiratory system;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • sharpens hearing and vision;
  • increases life expectancy;
  • helps you look younger than your age;
  • energizes you for the whole day;
  • lifts the mood;
  • stimulates the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy;
  • stimulates parts of the brain, forcing them to work at their maximum.

There are a number of contraindications that need to be remembered. These include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage;
  • hypertension;
  • ulcer;
  • severe forms of arthritis;
  • severe curvature of the spine, intervertebral hernia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Tibetan gymnastics is effective and time-tested, but before you start it, you need to study the contraindications

Frequency of classes

Which training mode is preferable? The duration of the complex is determined by the level of training of a particular person. You should start with 5 minutes a day, doing exercises right in bed. You can use a yoga mat. You need to practice daily. Breaks reduce the effectiveness of the technique.

Preparation for practice

Those planning to practice Tibetan gymnastics should remember that:

  • you need to practice on an empty stomach;
  • The best time for classes is from 5 to 7 am;
  • It is important to perform all exercises in strict sequence;
  • you need to practice with pleasure, or not practice at all;
  • you should start with 3 repetitions, gradually reach the 21st;
  • It is necessary to monitor your breathing and inhale and exhale according to the recommendations.

Execution techniques

The sets of secret exercises for health improvement and longevity are very diverse. Choose a technique that you will enjoy practicing.

Five monks

The second name is five pearls. Suitable for beginners. Helps restore energy balance, tones, strengthens all muscle groups, and allows you to maintain good physical shape. Each exercise is repeated at least 3 times.

Pearl 1

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch out, straighten your posture. Tuck your tailbone. Direct your gaze into the distance, fixing it on one point. Rotate clockwise around your axis, pressing your feet firmly to the mat. Take a few turns, inhale and exhale. Avoid severe dizziness.

Pearl 2

Stretch out on the floor, place your arms along your body, bring your chin closer to your chest. Inhale and lift your legs straight up until you reach a position similar to the letter “L”. Exhaling, lower your feet to the floor. The pelvis should be firmly pressed against a horizontal surface. Complete the complex with 3 full breaths.

Pearl 3

Get on your knees with your legs together. Place your palms on your buttocks. Bring your chin toward your chest, then gently tilt your head back, arching your back until you feel discomfort. Begin the backbend by inhaling, gradually releasing the air from your lungs. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Pearl 4

Position yourself on the floor in an “L” position, sitting on your buttocks. Straighten your spine, stretch the top of your head up. Rest your palms on the floor, throw back your head and bend into a “bridge.” The body in the final position should be parallel to the floor, legs bent at the knees, stand at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal surface. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Take 3 deep breaths in and out.

Pearl 5

Lie on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders, arch of your feet on the instep. Raise your upper body, stretching the top of your head up, bending your spine. Inhale, slowly round your back into a triangle position. In yoga, this pose is called “downward-facing dog.” Exhale, take the starting position. Changing postures, do 3 exhalations and inhalations in each position.

schematic representation of the "5 monks" complex

technique for performing the “5 monks” complex

Complex for longevity and health

Follow the procedure exactly. Work through each point at least 3, maximum 21 times, inhaling and exhaling deeply in between. When you're done, move on to the next one. There are 13 of them in total.

Stimulating the biofield

Lying on your back in bed or on the floor, raise your arms perpendicular to your body and clasp your palms together. Rub them together intensively for 7 seconds until you feel warmth.

Improving vision

Practice is good for the eyes. Close your eyelids and place your heated palms on them. Lightly press your fingertips onto your eyeballs, hold the position for a second, and relax your hands. Repeat the required number of times, upon completion, lie for half a minute in a relaxed position, covering your eyes with your palms.

Improving the hearing aid

Place your fingers on the back of your head and reach your ears with your palms. Press on the ears for 30 seconds. After inhaling and exhaling, repeat.

Stimulating the pituitary gland

Cover your forehead with your right palm, place your left palm on top. Stroke the forehead area, moving from one temple to another.

Clearing the sinuses

Place your palms on the top of your head, with your left hand on top. Gently stroke your head, moving from the forehead to the back of the head. Do not press your palms too hard or allow them to become loose.

Improving brain function

Place your palms in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. Move them from the right ear to the left and in the opposite direction. Repeat 30 times. Rest. Do at least 2 more sets.

Stimulating the endocrine system

Place your right palm on the outside of your neck. With your left, move from the neck to the navel without touching the skin. Do 30 reps. Lightly touch the skin one last time to complete the complex. Inhale, exhale, start again with 2 or more sets.

We normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Place your right palm on your navel, covering it with your left on top. Do 30 circular rotations. Don't press too hard. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, repeat at least 2 times.

Getting rid of the first signs of arthritis

Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Rotate your wrists 5 times in one direction, 5 more in the other direction. Shake your hands.

We treat varicose veins

Raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees to your body and perform the actions described in the previous paragraph, only rotate your ankle.

Stimulating blood circulation

Lie on your back, bend your knees and move them to one side, pulling them towards you. Take the leg that is on top by the ankle with your left hand. Use your right fist to massage your foot. Turn over to the other side, perform the same manipulations with the other leg and arm.

Fighting osteoarthritis

Rub knee joints, starting from the popliteal space, moving towards the cup, in a circular motion.

Stimulating blood circulation in the pelvis

Place your palms on your thighs and massage them in a circular motion. Take a break of 1 cycle of inhalation and exhalation, repeat the required number of times.

examples of exercises for health and longevity

a large set of Tibetan exercises

technique for performing the most popular Tibetan exercises

Practice for rejuvenation

To get rid of wrinkles and look younger than your age, rub your face with your hands every morning, moving from your chin to your ears. Your palms should be clenched into fists. But there are variations of the exercise with open palms. Repeat rubbing 30 times, feel the warmth from the blood flow. Repeat 3-21 times. With the help of this technique, the oval of the face is noticeably tightened after six months of daily rituals.

facial rejuvenation

Hormonal gymnastics by Orlova

The popular folk healer, whose advice is used by thousands of people, appreciated the techniques of Tibetan lamas and developed her own complex based on them. Orlova claims that it gives the practicing woman harmony and stabilizes hormonal levels. The technique includes 13 exercises, each of which should be repeated 30 times.

  • Sit up straight in a comfortable position. Place your palms together in front of your chest. Rub them vigorously, feeling the warmth.
  • Close your eyes, press lightly on them with warm palms. Perform the actions, pausing to inhale and exhale.
  • Place your palms on your ears and press them onto the shell. Perform vigorously.
  • Stick out your thumb and press the rest to the pads of your palm. Press your thumbs into the points behind your ears. Use your fists to move from your cheeks to your chin and back.
  • Place your right palm on your forehead, cover it with your left. Move from one temple to another and in the opposite direction.
  • Position your hands as described in the previous paragraph, moving them to the top of your head. Move from the back of the head to the forehead and back, stroking the “arc”.
  • Having positioned your palms similarly to the previous 2 points, stroke the skull along the back of the head, moving from one ear to the other.
  • Cover the area where it is located thyroid, right hand. Perform stroking by moving your palm towards the navel.
  • Massage your stomach 15 times clockwise, 15 counterclockwise.
  • Rotate your brushes clockwise and counterclockwise 15 times. Complete the complex by shaking your hands.
  • Perform the same exercise with your feet, raising your legs up at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Sit up straight with your legs extended. Bend one at the knee, pull the foot towards you with your hand, massage as if you were rubbing cream. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Rub the shins, moving from bottom to top along the outside.

hormonal gymnastics

hormonal gymnastics on the floor

All the exercises described in our article will energize you and prepare your body for a new day. Remember that Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity has a beneficial effect on the body only with regular, daily practices. Also, it does not cancel annual monitoring with doctors, because this is not a panacea for all ailments. Have fun!

Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning and feel like a squeezed lemon all day? This means it’s time to seriously start strengthening your health, especially since with the onset of cold weather this is an urgent need. In our article we will talk about exercises for health And increasing the overall tone of the body. We have included in this training complex yoga poses (asanas) that have been used for centuries in India. By doing them correctly, you will get a real source of strength and longevity.

How to exercise
improve health?

To understand How physical exercise improve health, let's turn to our physiology. It's simple - the more we are on the move, the faster metabolic processes occur in the body. In particular, the production of immune cells increases ( macrophages), who are the guardians of our health, waging a continuous war against bacteria and viruses.

During sports, blood circulation increases, thereby facilitating the rapid delivery of macrophages to all tissues and organs. Due to intense breathing, pathogenic microbes are “expelled” and cells are saturated with oxygen.