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12th house hidden powers of the horoscope read online. Twelfth house of mystery in astrology. Withdrawal or solitude

Twelfth House of secrets, sorrows and self-sacrifice. The twelfth house is the most mystical, final, completing circle. It is not always a bad and gloomy place, but it does define the limits of your life. He rules disappointment, accidents, troubles and defeats, patronizes invisible forces, secret enemies, escape from reality, mental hospitals, hospitals and prisons. The twelfth house is called the house of karma, spiritual debt, because it contains rewards and punishments for everything a person has done in this world. It is also associated with supernatural powers and the ability to comprehend the meaning of life.

As we enter the 12th house, we are approaching the end of this development cycle. We are tempted to view the 12th house as the "house of garbage" where we dump everything that we could not find a match for in any of the eleven previous houses. And as an excuse, we can offer the following considerations: if you cannot find what you need in the chart, if you cannot understand some of your client’s life situations or are simply confused, try to analyze the 12th house. You may not find the answer, but you will see something that is often misunderstood, difficult to deal with rationally, or completely incomprehensible.

The traditional interpretation of the 12th house reflects a rather negative view of this house: "karma" (presumably "bad karma"), forced isolation, imprisonment, torment, disorder, deception, addiction to drugs or other means of escapism and even insanity. This list of horrors never ends. If we look at the “black list” of classical astrology, we will see that Saturn is the most negative planet. Scorpio is the most evil sign and the 12th house is the most feared house. What makes them treat them so badly? In fact, nothing, with the possible exception of the unpleasant power factors available to these three “outcasts”, and nothing more. In fact, they are no more negative than other planets, signs, houses.

Since the 1st house indicates the emergence of self-consciousness, which is similar to the birth of the “I,” the 12th house demonstrates everything that precedes the emergence of self-consciousness, precedes birth. This is all that is below or outside the usual levels of consciousness - in the primary environment, in the "womb". This house can also relate to dreams or other forms of mental creativity, receptivity to intuitive messages and images, etc.

If the 1st house is the sphere of a person’s radiation into the environment, his self-manifestation, then the 12th house demonstrates distance from this environment - isolation from other people. Yes, this isolation may mean a restriction of freedom or feel like being imprisoned, but such isolation can also be voluntary. Often the world penetrates deeply into us, and usually we are too firmly attached to it, often with everything that contributes to at least some fulfillment of our desires. Solitude can be a welcome respite. From time to time we need to give up the struggle for power. We need this distance from life, we need a return to the primary environment, a calm immersion in the ocean of consciousness from which we originate. We need privacy.

Long periods of solitude, either on vacation or during meditation or yoga, are important to us because they remind us of who we really are and can refresh our relationship with life. Momentary solitude is also very beneficial. Breaks from work to take a cup of coffee are milestones that measure the length of the working day; they literally break up the tedium of daily work, provide an opportunity to fantasize, and thereby remove the danger of mental shock from us.

The twelfth house manifests itself in two ways: either we are in the world, and some part of us is outside it; or vice versa. It’s as if we stand with one foot in the real world and the other on something that has no name. The trick is not to separate these worlds from each other, not to focus on one world, so as not to boomerang back to another world. Properly understood, the 12th house is the realm of positive selflessness - liberation from the desire to control oneself. It is perfection through liberation, carried out for the sake of virtue, which comes from true humility. This house calls for the rebirth of the self through liberation.

Yes, the 12th house can be a garbage dump of spiritual evolution. He may demonstrate disintegration into meaningless parts, withdrawal into fantasy, and a tendency toward narcotic illusions. However, whether the negative qualities of the 12th house, as well as any symbolic factor in astrology, will appear or not, depends on the person. The requirement of the 12th house is a revival of faith. He insists that we cleanse ourselves from all sins, from all battles, eliminate the fragmentation of the ego and thus harmonize everything that is distorted and angular in ourselves.

By following this path, we “complete” ourselves. We are completing another cycle of development and preparing the beginning of a new cycle of developing self-awareness, a new circle of acquiring life experience in homes. The Twelfth House determines the zodiac sign

The twelfth house is the house of human connection directly with the Absolute, the house of participation in the world evolutionary program. Since the 12th house is diurnal, this involvement manifests itself more in the circumstances of a person's life, at least from his point of view.

The twelfth house is the house of impersonal service, which is closely associated with self-denial and self-sacrifice. If the 11th house is where a person works within a group, then in the 12th house this “group” expands to the size of the universe, and the group “work” is carried out on a voluntary-compulsory basis. The twelfth house in traditional astrology is the house of confinement: monasteries, hospitals, prisons, orphanages, serious illnesses that chain a person to a bed; Moreover, the 12th house stands not only over prisoners and patients, but also over, so to speak, service personnel: the head of the concentration camp, nurses in the oncology clinic, psychiatrists, etc. Some writers love the theme of the 12th house: this is the theme of outcast people, who, by the will of fate, find themselves outside ordinary human society, in unnatural and often very difficult conditions of existence, actually sacrificed for the normal development of the rest of the world. An afflicted 12th house can mean serious crimes in past incarnations, for which one has to pay with congenital deformities (physical or mental), developmental defects, incurable diseases, etc. Sometimes the 12th house is activated in an entire nation, which usually leads to innumerable disasters; its ominous shadow rose over Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, materialized in 1914 and lasted for 40 years; What transits this was associated with will be answered by cosmic astrology.

In the 12th house, a person is often unable to withstand the pressure of the external circumstances of his life and tries to escape into a fictional reality that is poorly connected with the outside world. IN constructive option- this may be a courageous scientist who finds the strength to continue his work in prison, but more often it is a departure into the world of fruitless fantasies and hallucinations, even to the point of split personality and mental illness.

Sometimes the 12th house poses a problem in this way: sacrificing oneself or others. If a person has a certain power over the world, he can send his loved ones to prison in his place or become a jailer himself.

A characteristic sign of the lower octave of the 12th house is an open wound in a person’s soul that no one can heal. It should heal itself when the 12th house is worked out, which requires forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Mercy is a concept dialectically opposed to fair punishment. The usual pattern of events is as follows. The karmic node materializes into a crime, followed by punishment, after which the node moves further along the line of fate. In order for the knot to be untied, either sincere repentance of the person himself is needed, or a strong flow of high energies from the outside, which used to be called grace and is always a consequence of someone’s mercy, the person himself usually does not notice this and, not receiving his karmic merits, says frivolously "Ah, lucky!"

The balance between 6th and 12th houses is a very delicate point. If a person has a strong emphasis on the 6th house, then his position in life may be something like this: I work a lot, am engaged in effective socially useful work, and for this I have my piece of bread and butter. Well, what else, isn’t that enough? Astrology answers this: not enough. It is necessary that there be an element of selflessness in work, when a person forgets about himself and does something because it must be done and contrary to personal interests.

A balance shifted towards the 12th house can produce a fanatical champion of asceticism and frenzy in work and self-denial, often not only for himself, but also for others, and sometimes for everyone except himself. Here the life position is as follows: “Since I do not spare myself, then others have no right to do so.”

The sixth house cannot be ignored, it is responsible for physical health in general, but you can’t limit yourself to it, saying to yourself: I already work enough. An internally honest person always has a feeling in his soul that he is constantly slacking somewhere and underperforming: only our heavenly Father is perfect.

The twelfth house is closely related to the theme of loneliness. In its higher octaves, direct communication between a person and his God occurs. But in order for God to appear to him, a person needs to slow down internally and withdraw his attention from the outside world, which, in fact, is what imprisonment is for. For the average person, the manifestations of the 12th house are not as violent as the pictures of his lower octave described above. Usually this is a state of internal loneliness, a feeling of the meaninglessness of one’s existence in the world and any of one’s efforts; in such moods, asceticism, withdrawal into fantasies and illusions is not elaboration, although it is often used. It is important to understand that the 12th house is diurnal, this visible to humans(and often to the world) his tears, in contrast to the 1st house, where a person’s tears are invisible to the world and poorly understood by him. The bars on the windows of the prison and the walls of the mental hospital are more than real and visible to everyone; mental depressions and other difficulties characteristic of the 12th house are also obvious and necessarily have external reasons(internal ones too, of course). But all this must be considered as obstacles, complications inherent in the 12th house, the meaning of which is hard, forced and apparently completely meaningless work; true her external meaning It is revealed only to people who see large karmic programs, and the internal meaning lies in the development in a person of humility, spiritual endurance, as well as forgiveness and mercy towards his enemies in particular, fate and God in general. The twelfth house teaches you to accept external reality as a whole, no matter how cruel and terrible it may be.

People rarely immediately understand the lessons of the 12th house, especially since humility and mercy are not in fashion in the 20th century. The inclusion of the 12th house in the lower and middle octave spoils or nullifies all the traditional pleasures in life, and a person always tries to turn it off, which is why disharmonious situations arise in external and internal life. His limitations and suffering are obvious to a person, but the fact that the Absolute sends them is not obvious, and he strives to break free. But the 12th house is secret enemies, and there is no need to rush at them as if they were obvious; first you need to understand what actually is the reason for what is happening, and in situations 12 it is hidden in world karma and in the depths of a person’s subconscious. In addition to the fact that a person in the 12th house works for world karma, he also works for his future incarnations, so he should not be so eager to receive a fee for all his good deeds. Meaningless, hard, but correctly performed work is in fact always karmically meaningful, it’s just that its meaning is hidden from a person, he performs it with blunt instruments and blindfolded - and must come to terms with this, in the hope of better times or simply out of respect for reality. This is one of the important aspects of working through the 12th house - accepting the world as it is. On the other hand, the 12th house is also grief for departed relatives, and it teaches not to become attached either to one’s suffering or to loved ones; therefore, working through the 12th house - impersonal service - means simultaneously developing respect and attention to reality and the ability not to become personally attached to its manifestations. The twelfth house, at least a little worked out, is a place of licking wounds, where healing occurs quickly, because the Absolute itself helps.

The impersonal service of the 12th house does not mean that the person's personality does not play a big role in it. The nurse must be selfless, careful and unnoticeable, and then a stream of grace will flow through her to the sick; but her personality plays a big role in this, although it does not manifest itself directly.

The twelfth house is the house of developing unselfishness, internal honesty and hidden possibilities and abilities that cannot be fully realized, but when worked out will appear indirectly. The twelfth house, like the 6th, should always be slightly turned on - a person should constantly feel the load, and the meaning of the work should not be completely clear to him - otherwise his activity will be flat. The difference between working on the 6th and 12th houses is that the results of working on the 6th house always bear the imprint of a person’s personality, as if his personal mark, which is emphatically absent when working on the 12th house. The twelfth house is the house of fate and mysticism; it reflects the past incarnation more closely than others; defeat of the 12th house means a karmic crime in the past or a high soul that blindfolded itself during this incarnation and went to the quarry - the victim, from the point of view of the person himself, is not very successful, but there is nothing to be done. Meditative states in the 12th house are very difficult to describe; on high level these are the ecstasies of saints and tantrics merging with the universe.

Weak 12th house - such a person is more of a practitioner than a mystic. He is not planned by fate as another victim of the Absolute (however, here you need to look at the entire horoscope), at least it will be a limited victim. It will be difficult for him with self-denial and self-sacrifice, as well as with mercy; it is not very clear why he needs them and whether they can be sincere.

The developed harmonious 12th house is represented by a joyful monk who grows cabbage in the monastery garden, naturally prays, fasts and constantly feels the Divine presence within himself, but especially when talking with the laity: at these moments the flow of grace through him intensifies, and literally miracles of spiritual enlightenment can occur . He is characterized by feelings of universal pity, condescension, kindness, but his attitude towards people is impersonal, he sees not the personality, but the soul behind it, and appeals to it. For an ordinary person, such an attitude is unusual and, at first, quite disgusting, because people value the lower principle in themselves and like to discuss precisely its features: however, you can get used to it, it is difficult to internally accept the same attitude. The harmonious 12th house gives the intuitive ability to see the will of the Absolute, transmitted through other people and even just in current life: but these intuitions are very difficult to rationalize and apply in everyday reality.

The afflicted 12th house gives life in difficult conditions, at least from the point of view of others. It is necessary to cultivate humility and selflessness, especially in situations when a person feels that God has abandoned him or wants to kill him. The alternative is to be a jailer or torturer for others; sometimes a bizarre interweaving of one’s own and others’ imprisonments, and in general the ability for spiritual and black teaching. People with a strong 12th house are different, they cannot be measured by ordinary standards, they are not of this world, but which one, angelic or devilish, largely depends on themselves.

The sign on the cusp of the 12th house determines the type of compassion, the general circumstances in which mercy, humility and hard work without giving will be shown or required.

The twelfth house in a fire sign - compassion is ardent, energetic, without hesitation.

Twelfth house in an earthly sign - pity manifests itself in a specific form: food, care, etc.

The twelfth house in a water sign has strong emotional empathy for the disadvantaged.

The sun is in the 12th house - a person is separated from the world by a distinct wall, visible to others. You need to internally accept your role as a hermit monk, even in the world, and not try to be like everyone else, neither emotionally nor in any other sense. It is possible to work “behind the scenes”, when the work is more visible than the person himself.

The Moon in the 12th house, especially harmonious, is a person to whom everyone bears their sorrows, although he himself has plenty of them, since the world’s sorrow touches his soul directly, his attitude is tragic. Elaboration gives a person who truly feels and transmits cosmic love: a bhanti yogi, a saint, overshadowed by grace.

Saturn in the 12th house - irrational phobias, insensible with a harmonious chart. Psychological and religious problems due to innate atheism and mental rigidity. It is worked out with great difficulty.

Under the 12th house, ideally a visit to an astrologer should take place. Only in this case does true inspiration come to him, and he will be able to extract from the ocean of information contained in the natal chart what a person needs. But this requires a certain culture of both the astrologer and his visitors, which does not develop immediately.

12th house - collective unconscious

Our connection to the collective unconscious can manifest itself in countless ways. But it is important to remember one thing, namely: the forms of its manifestation are not necessarily negative, and we will see this more than once.

Those who practice a “black and white” approach to astrology define the 12th house as the “house of loss” and say that it is better not to have planets in it, because they will bring nothing but misfortune. Whatever these planets promise, they add, everything will fail or turn into a lot of trouble.

According to these astrologers, the unfortunate owner of the horoscope will end up in prison or a clinic. And they spread all this information to the poor fellows who managed to be born with planets in the 12th house. Fortunately, in practice a completely different picture takes place, and all the passions always or almost always turn out to be fiction.

12th house of the horoscope - intuition

Since planets in the 12th house have to deal with the unbreakable and unconscious connection between the world around us and our inner life, we can effectively help ourselves by using this connection to communicate without involving our consciousness.

I have more than once observed how people who have several planets in e unmistakably tune in to those tendencies in society that have not yet had time to manifest themselves; barely understanding what they are doing, these people are ahead of those who try to analyze future trends through logic, statistics and market research.

People of the 12th house did only one thing: they listened to something in themselves and followed an internal prompt without much thought, without fully realizing the meaning of their actions.

12th house of the horoscope - spontaneity and surprise, help from the world

People with planets in the 12th house or in aspect to its ruler may find themselves in a situation they did not plan to get into. It may be quite difficult to avoid such situations, and yet, strangely, the person gets, as it turns out, exactly what he needs.

Thus, people with Mercury in the 12th house, not fully realizing what they are doing, and even against their will, can get involved in such areas of activity as trade, literature, journalism, book publishing or bookselling. But this does not turn into misfortune, but joy.

The essence of what happened for these people is that life threw them somewhere and left them to their fate, but everything turned out for the better in the end. This is the positive side of the 12th house: if these people do not interfere in the course of events, then they often, as if involuntarily, act in their own interests. For example, if they are engaged in trade, they can, by some inspiration, stock exactly the range of goods that will be in greatest demand.

12th house of the horoscope - our unconscious projections into the outside world

Interestingly, the 12th house is considered to be the house of secret enemies. First of all, we fail to realize that the factors associated with the 12th house are part of ourselves and that we project them onto the outside world. Because we project them without understanding what we are doing, it is easy for us to blame others, attributing all sorts of ulterior motives to them and losing sight of the fact of our own involvement.

In fact, our secret enemies are ourselves, and we remain them until we understand what the other hypostasis of the 12th house can offer us.

12th house of the horoscope - a deep need to feel unity

The twelfth house has always been seen as the "house of sacrifice", the house where we neglect ourselves for the sake of a higher ideal. In fact, these angles of the 12th house are explained by a single need, the need to feel unity.

However, the need to experience fundamental unity has its underwater reefs. Alcohol or drug intoxication can temporarily give the illusion of participation in a huge whole or dissolve the feeling of limited personal capabilities into a feeling of freedom.

But they do not provide real liberation, they do not allow us to truly deeply understand and feel unity and love for the whole. Therefore, a temporary feeling of freedom can enslave a person, and therefore all types of addictions are associated with the 12th house.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are usually considered socially unacceptable, but they do not exhaust the forms of addiction related to the 12th house, which extends to all types of addictions that undermine the personality. This is how you can fall under the influence of a sect that requires its members to give up everything for its sake or subjects its recruits to ideological indoctrination.

Some people become slaves to socially acceptable - and even highly approved - qualities such as self-sacrifice. They are always at the beck and call of others and are ready to help day and night. This is, of course, noble, but when it becomes a way of not taking care of oneself, a form of refusal of responsibility for one's own life and a manifestation of the inability to do otherwise, it is no less destructive than any kind of addiction.

My clippings from the book “Secrets of the 12th House”

The 12th house has long been considered exclusively mystical, dark and mysterious. Recently, it has also been viewed as a house that stores not only our secrets and fears, information about enemies and periods of loneliness, but also about abilities. For example, planets in the 12th house of the horoscope will tell you about intuition or a tendency to work on the Internet.

Meaning of the 12th house of the horoscope

The twelfth house of the horoscope used to have a bad reputation among astrologers, who saw in it only mental illness, problems with the law, personality degradation and other adversities. But over time, the view on this sector of the horoscope has changed.

Astrologer Bob Hand rehabilitates the twelfth house of the horoscope to some extent: in his opinion, here everything is just emerging, taking shape, since in this house the planets rise at dawn, that is, they appear in the light of the first rays of the sun.

Fears also lie here - as a rule, of the unknown - but at the same time the spiritual sides of the personality are also revealed. Twelfth house of the horoscope connects us on a deep intuitive level with the forces of the Universe, which are also hidden and invisible.

In a child’s horoscope, the twelfth house symbolizes his inner world - dreams, fantasies, fears, nightmares, guilt and a sense of his own imperfection.

Here you need to look for what the child wants to hide, either to protect himself or out of shame.

This is probably why the twelfth house is associated with mental disorders. It is ruled by Neptune, and its territory is the dark underwater depths, in which many unusual - beautiful and creepy - creatures live. In the twelfth house live fairy-tale creatures invented by the child.

What do the planets of the 12th house of the horoscope say?

For planets, the twelfth house of the horoscope is, in Hand's words, a "critical stage." Pay special attention to the situation in this house, since the child does not yet know how to cope with crises on his own.

Planets in the twelfth house are related to restrictions on freedom, social institutions, and unconscious motivation. How these energies manifest depends on the aspects of the twelfth house.

Any planet in this house will activate or raise questions regarding aspects of our self that we may have suppressed or abandoned.

  • The Sun - in this house takes on the features of Pisces. You are a daydreamer and may have difficulty expressing yourself.
  • Moon - everything related to career and status causes deep emotional experiences. Tends to be alone and feels uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. Often likes to think and work alone.
  • Mercury - focused on internal sensations on which decisions are based, can be restless or cautious, logical thinking is developed.
  • Venus - needs social status, emotionally reserved, artistic. Privacy and solitude are important to him, then he may feel a desire to serve others.
  • Mars - focused on career, dislikes government officials. It can behave passively and obediently, or it can rebel. Energy may be limited or used for other purposes.
  • Jupiter is kind, resourceful when faced with difficulties, and likes to keep everything a secret, perhaps because he doubts everything.
  • Saturn - wants to leave his mark on history, at an early age he thinks about a career. Excessive anxiety can lead to isolation.
  • Uranus - there may be secrets or hidden personal relationships. Unexpected conflicts may arise.
  • Neptune - may experience difficulties in choosing a career or life path. Idealizes one's insight, but may deceive oneself or be deceived. Wise, extremely sensitive. Lonely.
  • Pluto - goes against the rules, faces opposition. The desire to get rid of internal fears and frustrations or change personal boundaries.

Sun in the 12th house of the horoscope

Timid, reserved, introverted, sensitive. This placement can limit self-expression until later in life.

This may happen due to subconscious problems associated with the father, or a feeling of humiliation of one’s position, which cannot be overcome before the age of forty. You probably work in solitude or behind the scenes, and most of your energy is spent on your inner life. You defeat all your enemies.

This man loves sufferers. This is not bad, because someone has to remain human in this world. It is not a fact that he himself is unhealthy, but the fact that he saves the sick is for sure.

Not very well known because reporters don't run around with television cameras in hospitals and other places where people are not very convenient for society. And it is there that our hero finds his love.

If he ends up in captivity, he will be the most famous figure there, bringing smiles to his fellow sufferers. He was born to bring joy to those who are sad. He is the star of any bottom, of any drunken gathering, and as soon as he finds himself among compassionate people, he begins to dispose of them.

Moon in the 12th house of the horoscope

Dreamer, hides his feelings, emotional. Emotional self-expression is limited. You have psychic abilities and through the development of this talent you are able to touch others in a way that is not possible emotionally.

Emotional problems may be related to experiences from early childhood, especially with the mother. There are benefits to working alone or behind the scenes.

A person with this planet in the 12th house of the horoscope is afraid of misfortunes and those who are unhappy, but is unable to break away from them. He believes that by showing concern for strangers, he thus protects himself from harm. Secretive, inclined to live on the mercy of others and avoid activity, constantly pretending to be a poor relative.

No prison can hold him for long, and, once in it, he will certainly be the most well-fed among all those imprisoned, obtaining for them small everyday joys. Very careful. He is well aware of where things are bad. Loves "traditional" traditional medicine, which will bring him to hospitalization.

Mercury in the 12th house of the horoscope

Hides his thoughts, prefers to act behind the scenes, and may be manipulative.

You enjoy exploring hidden or esoteric issues, and your intuition allows you to delve deeply into them. Your verbal and written expression, however, may be inhibited. Difficulties may also arise with close relatives.

He has a very compassionate mind and this is just a disaster. As soon as he starts thinking about something, he feels sorry for the object of his analysis. Every person who comes into the circle of his thoughts seems very unhappy to him, and this is simply unbearable.

He doesn’t want to think, because these thoughts are not far from mental illness. At the same time, he himself is not distinguished by accuracy and intelligibility, forgetting little things and losing sight of them, which can cause frequent losses. Constantly loses pens, pencils, notes, recipes.

Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope

Afraid of emotional rejection, reserved, bearing the imprint of something unearthly. Here it denotes secret love affairs and romantic intrigues. The end result of such intrigues may bring sorrow if Venus is in an unfavorable aspect in the twelfth house.

You enjoy mystery and adventure, although you may be overzealous in the sensual pursuit of both. You like horses and other large animals, and your work may have something to do with them.

This person feels good everywhere, but his life largely depends on the environment in which he was raised. He does not feel out of place anywhere; any place seems to him beautiful in its own way and not lacking in pleasantness.

The owner of this planet in the 12th house of the horoscope has a wide circle of friends and practically no property of his own - everything belongs to everyone. His tact knows no bounds, which creates some difficulties, but also allows him to avoid many troubles.

He is fair to every martyr, for which they are grateful to him. And his own suffering always turns out to be quite bearable, no matter what form it takes.

Mars in the 12th house of the horoscope

He quickly loses heart, lacks self-confidence, and is calm. This is not usually the best placement for Mars. If you suppress your aggression, it can turn against you and create health problems.

If you submit to your aggression without complaint, it should be tamed so that it does not become your worst enemy. If Mars is in a malefic aspect in the twelfth house, imprisonment, rape or sexual violence or assault are possible. However, Mars in Capricorn enhances this placement.

It is difficult to force this person to help another; he is distrustful of sufferers. He is quite ruthless, and the whining of other people irritates him.

He himself never whines, and next to him you want to courageously endure your hardships. At the same time, no one will suffer unbearably next to him; he has the talent to cause people exactly as much inconvenience as is necessary for them to show activity. He will not allow anyone to live in peace, rest on their laurels and believe in their security.

Jupiter in the 12th house of the horoscope

Prone to introspection, developed intuition, kind, soft, gentle. If Jupiter has no malefic aspects, this placement gives you innate protection from all twelfth house problems. You are strongly interested in spiritual issues. Success will be brought to you by activities “behind the scenes” and usually not earlier than mid-life.

Around this man there are a lot of unfortunate people of all kinds, and he himself is not suffering at all. But some kind of regret about everyone constantly haunts him. Avoids some specific suffering, tormented by the imperfection of the world and people.

Everyone can get help from him, but not with food or money. He will find a place for anyone where they will be taken care of, and there will always be one for him. He feels good in hospitals, and from time to time he ends up there - although the doctors cannot find anything specific about him. Can be a good therapist or priest. Will avoid serious illnesses, imprisonment and torment.

Saturn in the 12th house of the horoscope

Low self-esteem, pessimist, prone to depression. There is no way around this: this arrangement creates difficulties. Your penchant for solitude often leads to loneliness and quiet despair.

You work hard to achieve your calling in your chosen field, but rarely get the recognition you deserve. You can work in organizations or behind the scenes. When favorably influenced, this placement can lead to success through work that is good to do in solitude.

This man is suffering greatly. Either because his illnesses are chronic, or because he is simply a hypochondriac who is too sensitive to any deviation from the norm in the functioning of his body and constantly feels sorry for himself. Strict towards all other people, believing that they fully deserve their misfortunes.

The energy of this planet in the 12th house of the horoscope makes one prone to asceticism, which sometimes becomes the cause of illness. He oversteps his limits by delving into his own troubles and passing judgment on those who refuse to do the same. He spends his entire life in prison, considering any place of residence, even his own body, as such.

Uranus in the 12th house of the horoscope

Clairvoyant abilities, developed inner sense. Your intuition is well developed, but personal freedom may be suppressed by something.

Perhaps you yourself are suppressing your freedom; Perhaps you hide your genius and originality for fear of disapproval. Sudden illness or unexpected imprisonment are possible. Much depends on the aspects of the twelfth house and the nature of what you suppress in yourself.

He is truly free only when he is in solitary confinement. In general, loneliness is good for him; very interesting thoughts come to him when he has no one to talk to. So he may be an unsociable person.

He has an unusual view of what is commonly considered suffering - he does not suffer over the same things as all other people. He is friendly to the unfortunate, without showing any sentimentality, without wiping away their tears and without groaning over them. Therefore, people feel at ease with him, and they speak to him frankly, without feeling favored out of favor.

Neptune in the 12th house of the horoscope

Sensitive, helpful, religious, strives for spiritual development, fatalist. You have deep spiritual empathy and can achieve success in all areas of metaphysics.

You benefit from work as a medium, psychic research, and any kind of solitary or behind-the-scenes work.

This arrangement is excellent for the development of extrasensory abilities. Neptune's attributes can manifest through imagination in writing or acting, or through a love of the theater.

However, on the other hand, you may have suppressed the psychic side of your nature in the early stages of life. If you don't release it by acknowledging its existence, it will affect your health.

A very warm person. Manifestations of mercy on his part are impossible to notice, he is so delicate. Very receptive and understands you without words. Next to him, everyone feels calm, as if they can do nothing wrong.

He is, of course, a tempter, like anyone who does not condemn anyone or anything. Next to him, everyone learns what kind of disgusting he can reach if there is no trial and fear of punishment over him, what his own internal supports are and whether he is a person at all.

Pluto in the 12th house of the horoscope

Increased sensitivity to the feelings of others. You evolve through spiritual rebirth.

With positive aspects, this placement protects you from the negative influence of the twelfth house. You find inner reserves of valor to keep pushing your ideas forward. If the aspects are unfavorable, you are in danger of falling.

A person who seeks spiritual achievements. And not in words, but in deeds. He hides his suffering and really needs it. His torment is implicated in love and is of a very intense nature, striking those around him unusually if it comes out.

He is very secretive and looks at every situation with one single question - is it painful enough for him to test the strength of his heart with its help? And will the few witnesses to this test have the capacity to understand it?

North lunar node in the 12th house of the horoscope

You are protected from people who are working against you, and you may even end up defeating them. It protects you and gives you the ability to turn hostile conditions to your advantage. You benefit from work in the field of metaphysics, as well as from any work that should be done alone or "behind the scenes."

Southern lunar node in the 12th house of the horoscope

Your selfishness gets in the way of even your best efforts. Whatever you strive for, everything goes to waste if you put your own aspirations and needs above everything else.

Point of Fortune in the 12th house of the horoscope

Your benefit is in any work that is carried out “behind the scenes” or in secret. Even if aspects of the twelfth house are inimical, this placement adds a measure of protection from the dark influence of this house. In other words, if you go to the hospital, the problem will not threaten your life.


12 House - Dungeon.

House of Completion. The Houses of Completion are the Houses of the Water Triad. WATER.

The 12th House reflects the subconscious, Karma and what has been brought into this life.

Falling House. Planets placed in cadent houses generally express very little activity. They impart the ability to think, exchange ideas, and communicate with people. When the majority of the planets in a person's natal chart are in the Caucasian Houses, he usually has very little social recognition. A person may do the bulk of something, but it is not he, but someone else who will receive the credit.

The owner (significator) is Neptune. Significators of Houses show our psychological attitude to the problems and affairs of this House. They characterize our desires in the life spheres of a given House, which do not always coincide with real possibilities, which are determined by the rulers of the Houses (almuten).

Elevator of the House - Venus. House elevators can tell you how a person will evolve if he solves problems and matters in the life spheres of a given House. The house of obstacles, misfortunes, secret relationships, prison and all kinds of restrictions on freedom.

Affairs of the 12th House: institutions, the desire to escape from reality (escapism), self-abasement, subversion, the subconscious.

Key Rules of the 12th House:

1. Feet and toes, phlegm and mucus;

2. Self-deprecation, fall, bad habits;

3. Prisons, imprisonment, hospitals;

5. Secrets, secret enemies, work or activities “behind the scenes”, the hidden side of your life;

6. Restrictions of all types, isolation and hermitage;

7. Failure, problems, losses, pain, sadness;

8.Your most difficult tasks and ordeals;


10.Things you have to do yourself;

11.Vicious animals that can harm you;

12.occultism and religious service;

13.psychics and parapsychology;

14. intuition, extrasensory perception and meditation, dreams and fantasy, dreams, illusions.

Victim of love. Working hard. Destruction of role and function. Exposing the hidden structure.

12 House characterizes:

Escaping reality;


Places of detention;

Emigration and captivity;

Mental hospitals;

Solitude and loneliness;


Restrictions on personal freedom and independence;

Espionage, reconnaissance, secret enemies;

Psychic potential;

Clairvoyance and clairaudience;


Susceptibility to alcoholism and drugs;


The highest form of manifestation of the 12th House:

The ability to see the invisible (clairvoyance);

The ability to tune in to the perception of subtle cosmic vibrations (meditation);

The ability to use intuition and the subconscious;

The ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a bright idea;

The ability to interact correctly with your inner world (psyche).

Professions: guards, jailers, spies, thieves.



The symbolic rulers of Pisces, Neptune, Jupiter, culminate in Venus, Chiron, and imprisoned Mercury.

The raven flies at night,

He is the helmsman of my insomnia.

Even if I scream

My yelling doesn't get any louder.

He can only be heard five steps away,

But this, they say, is too much.

But this is like a gift from above,

Be heard a full five steps away.

(A. Galich)

Each person is a microcosm, that is, the Universe in miniature, and has a connection not only with egregors of various levels, but also directly with the Absolute, to which he has his responsibilities, as well as some rights, in particular, a certain free will that he has no one can take it away; he has his own unique role in the evolutionary program of the Universe, which no one but him can fulfill, although its specific details, which are symbolically indicated by aspects of the twelfth house, are visible only to people of sufficient evolutionary development.

Thus, the twelfth house represents a person’s direct participation in the evolutionary development of the Universe, which at a certain level can be characterized as impersonal service: to God, higher powers, an abstract ideal, humanity as a whole, etc., depending on the way a person understands the world. Being a diurnal house, the twelfth house creates situations of service in which external reality is emphasized more than the “I”, but renunciation of personal interests and certain sacrifices are not obligatory at first: the Absolute, as it were, asks a person for a favor and direct necessity at the beginning (and for a long time afterwards) ) is absent, but with a systematic refusal to work on the twelfth house, at some point (sometimes in the next incarnation) it is turned on imperatively, and then the person will face a serious long-term incurable illness, a hospital bed, imprisonment, complete loneliness, hard meaningless work or other forced victims.

The twelfth house symbolically represents a person’s connection with his past and future incarnations, but this is a separate topic for specific research, since, generally speaking, the entire horoscope is influenced by past lives, and its elaboration (or lack thereof) affects the future; however, the twelfth house is traditionally believed to be the house of fulfillment of karmic debts and atonement for karmic crimes. In any case, the twelfth house establishes the principle that no human effort will be wasted in evolution, and service done impersonally can be useless only in appearance.

The twelfth house is the house of mystery: secret meaning, hidden meaning, actions without the sign of a doer. Along the twelfth house there are secret enemies who need to be recognized for the obvious intrigues they inflict on a person, in particular, these are camouflaged lower programs of the subconscious (for example, unconscious selfishness or aggression). It is impossible to fight with enemies in the twelfth house in the same way as with open enemies (seventh house), they should rather be taken to clean water, causing them to lose their power and disappear, dissolving in the rays of light. In the twelfth house there are matters that remain completely unknown to humanity, or become their property only a long time later, in particular, a person’s direct work with the egregor. At the same time, it may seem to everyone, including the person himself, that he is not realizing his hidden capabilities, although in fact this may not be the case at all, it’s just that the average person is not able to understand and see the true meaning, nature and dimensions of his work in the subtle world. With the correct inclusion of the twelfth house, a person can do a lot, but this can only be understood by indirect signs, for example, his internal tension and concentration.

The karmic meaning of the twelfth house is that a person is taught to work blindfolded with bad tools, simultaneously cultivating in him selflessness, inner peace, the ability to lower his internal rhythm and listen in solitude to the quiet voice of the Absolute. When he learns all this, the bandage will be removed, he will be given perfect tools and a clear task, but he will be able to complete it only with the help of acquired experience, knowledge and skills. The twelfth house educates a person in connection with the rest of the world, developing in him mercy, compassion (including towards enemies), the ability to unselfishly forgive and trust people, without having any reason for this.

The twelfth house is the house of mysticism, a direct connection with the Absolute. These are not only religious trances and ecstasies; for example, the final confidence in the correctness of one’s life comes precisely in calm inner solitude (no matter how a person’s life looks externally), when the feeling of truth comes in the form of reliable knowledge, leaving no room for doubt. Here a person develops humility, spiritual endurance, aspiration, higher will, dedication and self-denial. Under the twelfth house, a person’s attitude to suffering is being worked out: one’s own, others’ and the world’s, therefore it is often associated with suffering and liberation from it: the twelfth house is the place of healing of wounds under the direct supervision of the Absolute.

Through the twelfth house there is a mystical knowledge of the world and the very cutting edge of scientific knowledge: here a person learns not what he has set himself the (mental) goal of knowing, wresting, so to speak, a secret from nature (a position typical of the third house), but something completely something new that the Absolute wants to convey to people through it in connection with the increase in their evolutionary level. A person has a completely different, reverent attitude towards such knowledge: he feels that he is participating in the sacrament and does not demand anything, but only listens intently and attentively, holding his breath and forgetting about mistrust (it can come later).

At the first level of development In the twelfth house, a person tries as much as he can to ignore it and switch to others. The idea of ​​impersonal service is alien to him, since his service is always personal or indifferent (and selfish), and the addressee is necessarily specific. This person avoids imprisonment and loneliness in any form, not finding anything good or pleasant in them, and only those addressed to himself understand sacrifices, and this is the only type of the twelfth house that he recognizes.

If the twelfth house is included in its imperative version, and a person, for example, ends up in a hospital bed or is forced to care for a seriously ill relative, then he tries to create for himself an illusory reality (dreams, fantasies, etc.) and go into it, forgetting as much as possible about his real circumstances, which seem terrible to him, especially in comparison with the rest of the world, free and happy. At this level, a person understands forgiveness, mercy, compassion and selfless help only when addressed to himself, but is inclined to extort them from others by force. He will refuse hard and meaningless work for himself, and if circumstances still force him to do it, he will acutely feel the complete meaninglessness of not only this work, but in general his existence in the world and it as a whole, as well as the illusory nature of any efforts to improve it. For this person, humility is identical to weakness, and he considers the concepts of fortitude and higher will to be speculative and demagogic. He suspects his hidden enemies exclusively in the outside world, mainly in the form of secret intriguers, ill-wishers and envious people, waiting for his slightest mistake in order to pounce and drown him.

This person does not believe in hidden abilities and capabilities - his own and those of others - and treats the outcast and unfortunate with disgust (the lowest octave of compassion). His attitude to internal freedom as an alternative to the restriction of external freedom is well described by the exhortation of the executioner, leading a reluctant victim to the scaffold: “Freedom is a conscious necessity.”

At the second level of development of the twelfth house, a person still does not understand what impersonal service is, but the situation when he is forced to spend some (not too large) amount of his time and effort on clearly (or almost) meaningless activities does not cause him a strong protest: he considers them to the general imperfection of the world and is not inclined to pay too much emotional attention to them. In other words, a person makes minor forced sacrifices without tension, but does not attach any positive meaning to them. A person has a negative attitude towards long periods of confinement (illness, forced loneliness), but short confinement may be welcomed as an opportunity to disconnect from the world, lower the internal rhythm and relax; however, he quickly begins to get bored when alone. In the event of great misfortunes of close people, he is capable of compassion; sometimes mercy takes him by surprise, but usually not for long. He is not inclined towards mercy, especially towards enemies, and in general is skeptical about this concept, but sometimes, unexpectedly for himself and contrary to his views, he can show it.

This person understands that in some life situations self-denial is necessary, sometimes someone must sacrifice himself to others, but he himself would not really want to be in this place; however, he respects and admires the strength of their spirit for people capable of selfless behavior and actions. He still sees secret enemies only in the outside world and, assuming the actions of hidden enemies directed against him, he considers the most effective means fight counter-intrigue; humility seems to him a last resort, which should be used when all means of struggle have been exhausted, but this person evaluates the ability to come to terms with obvious defeat positively. He has a negative attitude towards working with blunt instruments; he allows for hidden abilities and capabilities (his own and others), but in the abstract and with a significant amount of skepticism. At this level, the feeling of a person’s mystical connection with the world is practically absent, but internal freedom as the freedom to relate to what is happening around him is already to some extent understandable.

At the third level of development of the twelfth house, impersonal service, that is, the state of a person when he does what needs to be done without receiving reward and without leaving any imprint of his personality on the results of his activities, is of great importance in his life. At such moments, he feels his need not for specific people or groups, but for something incomparably higher, but a person cannot accurately understand and express these feelings. However, he has a largely positive attitude towards periods of forced confinement and loneliness, not only as opportunities to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life, relax and rethink his picture of the world, but also perceiving these states as creative, when thoughts, feelings and sensations come to him clearly of foreign origin, sometimes from very high planes of the subtle world.

Perhaps great mystical revelations do not come at this level very often, but as soon as a person finds himself in captivity, he has a feeling of a subtle connection with the whole world and some unusual and mysterious processes of interaction with his psyche and the subtle world begin to occur. At this level, a person is characterized by mercy and compassion, but he is quite attentive and insightful and knows how to distinguish the suffering of the soul from the suffering of the ego and is not sentimental. He understands the need for sacrifices and sacrificial labor and tries to make sacrifices to the extent that they are required of him, resignedly, humbly and, if possible, joyfully, feeling at these moments a mystical unity with the world. At this level, life’s suffering is rethought, which a person ceases to deny, perceiving as an important type of evolutionary work necessary for certain areas and stages of evolution. This person knows that he is endowed with very great hidden capabilities, the key to which can only be found in the confinement of the twelfth house, and does not complain when the need arises to learn how to work with bad tools - he feels that this is only a preparatory stage necessary for the realization of his true capabilities.

He sees his secret enemies mainly in his subconscious and tries to see them; External intrigues and the intrigues of his enemies concern him much less. At the fourth level of elaboration of the twelfth house, a person sees or guesses the impersonal will of the Absolute in many things that happen around him. He sees karma well and considers direct service to the Absolute as a natural and most creative part of his (and others’) life. He sees sacrifices and sacrifices not only where they are visible to others, but also in many other moments of life, and understands how and when they should be made, and most importantly, what role they play in the fate of people. Any karmic knot is untied as a result of a sacrifice, but it is not possible under all conditions and sometimes it takes a long time to prepare for its sacrifice.

This person is characterized by the absence of external tension in situations of the twelfth house; his loneliness and self-sacrifice do not burden anyone, although they can often serve as an example. Under the twelfth house, he cultivates humility before the will of the Absolute and spiritual endurance and forms a higher will, which then materializes under other houses; for him, loneliness is a natural and creative state, a condition for a direct mystical connection with the Absolute and the Universe, and here he comprehends very specific external problems and tasks that face the world, and voluntarily takes part in them. This level is characterized by work directly in the egregor, and a weak imprint (shadow of the sixth house) of a person’s individuality remains there.

This person has great mystical abilities; he can meditatively lift a student into the high planes of the subtle world and show him past incarnations and some features of the future, and most importantly, help him see his hidden abilities and potential capabilities, which he may not even be aware of.

The situation of the twelfth house is often associated with an internal feeling of one’s sacrifice, or sacrifice. At a low level, a person is not inclined to sacrifice anything voluntarily, so his twelfth house, as a rule, is turned on in extreme circumstances, that is, together with the eighth, for example, during a serious, life-threatening illness (of one’s own or a close relative whom one has to care for) , imprisonment, etc. Weaker but imperative options for impersonal service are caring for infants or children during their illness, all kinds of night shifts, work in surveillance services (from the secret police and firefighters to sociology and meteorology) and in all other places where a person's personality as such is of only indirect interest in relation to the work he performs.

Therefore, any true creativity occurs, to a large extent, under the twelfth house, the main sign of which is the independence of the work from the artist at the stage of implementation (usually the sequence of activation of houses is as follows; the first is the order of the Absolute, the fifth is thinking about the idea, the sixth is the beginning of its implementation, and again the twelfth is the idea acquires an autonomous existence and, when finally embodied, dictates its will to the artist). Only under the twelfth house can the cosmic creative principle inherent in each person be realized: the fifth and sixth houses provide great personal guidance and, therefore, restrictions.

Everyday situations of the twelfth house of the lower octave are secrets, deceit, lies and omissions, all kinds of intrigues and false positions, games with the subconscious and oneself, self-deception, mixing illusory ideas with real life. At the average level, this is a manifestation of pity, mercy, condescension and selfless concern for one’s neighbor when circumstances require it, but most often the twelfth house is included along with the first, fifth or seventh, that is, elements of personal self-affirmation, role development or direct hostility towards the object care. At a high level, the twelfth house means the rejection of any accentuated participation in worldly activities, which was previously carried out by going to a monastery or monastery: the monk retired, devoting himself to God, that is, he was engaged, in modern language, in work directly in the egregor. Now, with the discovery of Chiron, culminating in the twelfth house, the latter partly materializes, and service can be carried out in the world, but it requires special training, in particular, the development of special ethics of behavior in polluted conditions.

Strong twelfth house gives a person who gives the impression of being “not of this world.” So, in any case, it should be, but it is not at all necessary that a person immediately and painlessly takes for granted the transparent (and even more so, brick) wall separating him from the rest of the world.

There will be a lot of mysticism, secrets and mysteries in his life. In youth, various throwings are likely, attempts to become “like everyone else,” to experience the same feelings and delights, to be happy and sad along with others, or at least for the same reasons. All this, however, turns out badly, although the confinement of the twelfth house works only in one direction, not allowing a person into the world; there is no reverse restriction, and the world willingly comes to a person, trusts him with its secrets, sorrows and disappointments, opens his soul, waits for understanding, sympathy and support, being confident for some reason that he will find all this.

If this person has enough nobility and dedication, he can become a great psychologist or an ordinary saint, no matter where he lives and no matter who he works, and then he will strictly adhere to the principle “I do for the world what he asks, and I don’t expect anything.” in return." Then, over time, he will feel the care and protection of the Absolute and understand that the kingdom of God is within him; if a person follows the path of trying to compensate for lost worldly joys, he will receive their surrogates, and around himself he will build a prison with transparent, but thick and clearly perceptible walls, into which he will try to imprison his loved ones.

There will probably be a lot of seemingly meaningless work, loneliness and boredom in his life, and unless he learns to deal with them with humility, he will not find in them the grain of creativity that can, in time, make him an unusually creative person. At a low level it could be strong man with a penchant for asceticism, but with much greater demands on the asceticism of others; his motto: “If I don’t feel sorry for myself in my work, then everyone else should burn out on it” (weak energy gives rise to escapist tendencies). Elaboration gives true dedication, asceticism, great and very original creative abilities, mercy and selfless love for all things.

Weak twelfth house gives a person who finds it difficult to concentrate and withdraw into himself; as a rule, he does not even fully understand what this means. The ideas of fanatical work, total self-sacrifice are alien to him and the need for sacrifice, at least in principle, is incomprehensible. With a strong sixth house, this person will believe that every work must be paid in one way or another, and he needs to understand that this is not always the case. He will treat the ideas of mercy and humility calmly, leaving them to others, but if necessary, he can selflessly help the sufferer if the latter asks strongly.

This person will rarely find himself alone and it will not be easy for him to find positive and creative sides in him; he will quickly get bored and try to find company or something distracting to do. Secret enemies and intrigues will occupy an insignificant place in his life, although if he wants and with some effort he can achieve quite a decent level in this activity. This person is generally indifferent to the outcasts, the orphaned and the wretched, as well as to the work of the special services, considering them an integral, although not the most interesting and attractive part of life; he is often indifferent to detectives. He has certain difficulties with the true creativity, surpassing the personality, but this is revealed only at a fairly high evolutionary level, when the study of the twelfth house becomes an internal necessity.

Harmonious twelfth house gives a person who feels great alone: ​​he will not be bored (in general, boredom is one of keywords for the lower octave of the twelfth house) with himself and, perhaps, some interesting and unexpected ideas and thoughts will appear, and, in any case, he will find rest and tranquility. This person instinctively has a very important ability in life to make the necessary sacrifices on time, in particular, if the situation requires it, he will, without hesitation, spend a certain amount of his energy and time on (outwardly) completely meaningless activities for himself, subconsciously feeling that if not do this now, it will be much worse later.

In general, it should be said that the culture of sacrifice in modern civilization is extremely low: it is believed that this is an attribute of savage tribes. In fact, sacrifices (often unconscious) are a constant part of human life, and it is very important to make them correctly. In particular, with a harmonious twelfth house, a person will be tempted to bring them in insufficient quantities (“It’s on you, God, that it’s not good for me”) or with some kind of personal gain in mind. Particularly common are false sacrifices in the form of seemingly selfless service to low egregors, depriving a person of external freedom, but leaving him completely passive and unoccupied within himself. Typical example the undeveloped harmonious twelfth house is represented by a housewife with several children, completely absorbed in maintaining the life of the family (a slave of the family egregor), giving the impression of a saint (at first glance, every minute of her life is service, but in general a complete imprisonment), but in reality demanding constant sacrifices from those around her to his family egregor and elevating him to the rank of the Absolute, which is a gross profanation, and in religious terms - sacrilege.

The harmonious twelfth house also gives the temptation of too easy and superficial repentance and repentance - the most important moments spiritual life of a person, when he sacrifices a fragment of the ego, that is, one of the lower programs of the subconscious. Here, the harmonious aspects of the twelfth house make it possible to either simply temporarily weaken the sacrificed program, or to isolate from it (as if for show) an insignificant and not essential for the ego part; The motto of this type of self-deception is “if you don’t sin, you don’t repent.” It must be said that a person’s spiritual growth is determined not by the number of repentances (in a given incarnation there may be none at all), but by the amount of effort aimed at working through one’s karmic program, which can take a wide variety of forms. Working through the harmonious twelfth house gives a person the opportunity to bring grace to the world, awaken in people high duty, conscience and evolutionary consciousness, clarify and facilitate the sacrifices they make, in particular, accept repentance. In the world, this could be a repair worker or a doctor, but in any case, a bright spiritual light will spread from this person.

Affected Twelfth House gives a person for whom the problem of boredom and loneliness will be very acute. If the chart as a whole is affected, especially if the planetary opposition of the twelfth house to the sixth is emphasized, long-term serious illnesses are possible, sometimes with hospitalization. Great difficulties will arise for this person with problems of selfless service, self-denial and humility. These conditions will be required of him in significantly greater quantities and intensities than the average for his people, and he will have to face the problem of mercy much more closely than he would like.

The karmic task here is quite difficult; you need to learn to treat your sacrifices correctly and make them when necessary, and to the right person. If the twelfth house is stronger than the sixth, a person can be an ascetic fanatic, making his life, work and health a complete sacrifice (absorbing those around him), and here numerous mistakes are possible. The main signs of the correctness of a sacrifice are the following: firstly, it must be brought at the request of the Absolute, and not a crystallized egregor, and especially not be the product of a person’s initiative; secondly, the victim must be impersonal (in particular, selfless) in essence, although, of course, certain superficial ego influences will accompany it; thirdly, the sacrifice must require a certain preliminary personal effort of the person, so that he will have a real sense of its value; fourthly, she must be sincere (even if forced); and fifthly, it must be accepted by the Absolute, and then the person will feel that he did everything right and credit has been given for the next part of his life.

This person may have many secret enemies, but the main ones are internal, that is, hidden lower programs of the subconscious that need to be discovered, realized and transformed, which sometimes helps (and sometimes does not) sincere repentance and heartfelt contrition. Here the problem of pity is very acute, whether it should be felt for others or demanded for oneself, and a person must make sure that the second path is futile. A very important problem that arises on his way is the attitude towards suffering and the development of non-attachment to it, at the first level, at least removing the blame for this circumstance from happier people.

Elaboration gives a very creative person who understands not only ordinary people, but also many outcasts, and can ignite the Divine light in the souls of people of the most difficult fate, sacrificed by society or, conversely, indifferent executioners of their people. Such a person will never feel that he is working too hard: not good enough, yes. At a low level, on the contrary, there are continuous complaints about the world and others, alcoholism, drugs, smoking, escapism.