Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Characteristics of class material (5th grade) on the topic. Place and time of teaching practice

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1) Sit the way your children sit in class.
2) Now move to someone with whom your child is friends.

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Imagine the situation:

Imagine the situation:

“You changed jobs and found yourself in an unfamiliar team. What feelings do you experience for the first time in a new place?

Slide 4

Imagine yourself in the shoes of the kids entering 5th grade. What difficulties can children encounter when they enter 5th grade?

Slide 5

Questions for parents:

  • How many academic subjects did your child study in 4th grade? In 5th grade?
  • What was your child's weekly teaching load in 4th grade? In 5th grade?
  • How many teachers taught your child in 4th grade? In 5th grade?
  • How much time did your child spend on average preparing homework in 4th grade? In 5th grade?
  • Slide 6

    comparison table

  • Slide 7

    Changes in the school life of a fifth grader

    • Many teachers
    • New types of homework
    • Increasing the number of items
    • Cabinet system
  • Slide 8

    Problems encountered:

    • a lot of different teachers;
    • unusual schedule;
    • new class teacher;
    • increased pace of work;
    • increased volume of work in class and homework;
    • the need in each lesson to adapt to a unique
    • tempo, peculiarities of teachers’ speech;
  • Slide 9

    Changes in 5th grade

    Change of position:

  • Slide 10

    Signs of successful adaptation:

    • child's satisfaction with the learning process;
    • the child can easily cope with the program;
    • the degree of independence of the child when completing educational tasks, readiness to resort to the help of an adult only AFTER attempts to complete the task himself;
    • satisfaction with interpersonal relationships - with classmates and teachers.
  • Slide 11

    Signs of maladjustment:

    • Tired, tired appearance of a child.
    • The child’s reluctance to share his impressions of the day.
    • The desire to distract an adult from school events, to switch attention to other topics.
    • Reluctance to do homework.
    • Complaints about certain events related to the school.
    • Restless sleep.
    • Difficulty waking up in the morning, lethargy.
    • Constant complaints of feeling unwell.
  • Slide 12

    Questionnaire “Attitude towards academic subjects”

    It is proposed to put a “+” in front of the object in one of the three columns and thereby express your attitude.

    Slide 13

    Motives of the teaching

  • Slide 14

    Slide 15

    • School for me (like home, second home, family home, educated home, someone else’s home)
    • At school I (try to work actively, like to talk with friends, go to other classes, feel good, challenge myself, test my knowledge, study, communicate with friends, learn a lot of new things, learn educated person, I get a lot of knowledge and I like it, I like to study, I take a break from the home routine)
  • Slide 16

    • My favorite thing about school is (working in class, I like the teachers, I like the lessons, I meet friends, I like my class, I adore the class teacher);
    • Teachers (respect me, praise me, don’t like me very much, sometimes scold me, don’t scold me, treat me well, don’t pay attention to me);
    • I feel myself in class (fun, comfortable and cozy, good, like at home, among my own people, now I feel good, I want to go to another class);
    • I have a lot of (friends, classmates, enemies) in my class;
    • A class teacher (I want someone else, I love and respect, I understand, I look forward to meeting you, strict, cheerful, funny, honest, indifferent to me, attentive, educates us.
  • Slide 18

    In the 5th “A” class in the 2014-2015 academic year there are __ students:

    • __ boys, __ girls.
    • Age composition: ____ years (_________).
    • From complete families -, single-parent families -, from large families -.
  • Slide 19

    The progress of students was monitored during the first quarter of the current school year in subjects and the results were compared with annual results for the 4th grade.

    Slide 20

    The class is active. 70% of students take part in school life and class activities. Everyone has assignments in the class (responsible persons and their deputies).

    The leaders in the class are:

    In the team we distinguish: according to individual abilities:

    The rest of the children do not stand out from the crowd, but take an active part in the life of the class.

  • Slide 21

    • Don't compare your child to others.
    • Trust the child.
    • Praise him more often, but so that he knows why.
    • Demonstrate examples of confident behavior and be an example to your child in everything.
    • Do not place excessive demands on your child.
    • Be consistent in raising your child. Do not prohibit without any reason what was previously allowed.
  • Slide 22

    • Try to make fewer comments to your child on trifles (explain the reason for the comment).
    • Don't humiliate your child by punishing him.
    • When communicating with your child, do not undermine the authority of other significant adults. For example, you cannot tell a child: “Your teacher understands a lot, better listen to me!”
    • Help him find something he likes.
    • Talk to your child so that he learns to hear YOU. Try to hear HIM too, so that he learns to express and explain his desire.
  • View all slides

    Characteristics of 5 A class

    (class teacher Ekaterina Andreevna Rogovskaya)

    The class consists of 28 people: 11 boys and 17 girls. Social status is average.

    The class team is well-coordinated, the relationship between the children is good. The performance of the class is excellent. Children are active in the social life of school and class. In most cases, they do any work well and on time. Curious and sociable, they make contact easily.

    The class has average creative potential. The main activity is study. Class performance is average. Discipline in the class is satisfactory. Sometimes teachers working in a given class have to restrain it. The general level of discipline in the class is satisfactory. Children are sometimes distracted by other things during school hours. Children, as a rule, are not late for classes and try to arrive on time.

    There is a need to engage children and prepare individual assignments.

    There are absences from classes, but mostly for a good reason. Relationships between students can be called friendly and trusting, because they can always rely on each other and are not afraid to be responsible for other people's actions. Their opinions always coincide in everything. There is rivalry in the class; they try to appear better than everyone else.

    Children are very independent (they can choose their own organizers according to various types activities), demanding both of themselves and of others. Students always express their opinions freely. Children love to both work and relax together.

    Classroom activities take place on high level, children are happy to prepare for them. Everyone tries to participate in all activities, class, school-wide, and take an active part in preparation. Responsible students are assigned the most difficult cases, i.e. Cases are distributed taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

    Each student feels comfortable in the classroom. There were no conflict situations between students in the group.

    The class cannot be called closed. Children are very sociable and interested in interacting with other classes. They have common interests. 5th grade students treat others very well: both teachers and other children. They always greet teachers and each other. The culture of behavior and communication of students complies with the norms. The adaptation period passes without any problems. The children easily accepted and warmed to the learning conditions at the secondary school and the requirements of the subject teachers working in the classroom.

    Each student of class 5A is an individual. It can be noted that there is more than one leader in the class, this affects the cohesion of the children; almost all their disagreements are resolved through dialogue, sometimes stormy, but in most cases, peaceful.

    Parents assist the class teacher in raising their children.

    There are 20 students in class 5 “B”: 11 girls and 9 boys. The class was formed in 2011, after graduating from primary school. There was no change of class teachers after the formation of the class.

    Active class: Stolyarov Dmitry, Dzhusupova Aidana, Dina, Falyakhov Aidar, Kiyamova Milyausha, Akhmetova Guzel.

    The results of sociometric studies confirmed the presence of 2 informal leaders in the class: Nikita Kuznetsov and Mikhail Mozokhin. Taking into account the observations, we can conclude that their authority is based on greater erudition among other students and is explained by their organizational abilities in conducting various competitions, competitions and games in which they take an active part. Nikita and Mikhail make decisions on equal terms; no rivalry has been identified between them. One student from the class received the least number of positive votes: Galiullin Iskander. The main reason This, in my opinion, is due to the fact that the class was formed this year.

    The level of antipathy among classmates is one of the lowest. To improve the student’s social status, it is necessary to find and develop the area of ​​activity in which he can achieve maximum success. Successes must be encouraged and made public, attracting the attention of classmates. Give negative assessments with reason, explain all mistakes and failures. It is better to do it in an individual conversation.

    The most common grades received by students in the class are 4 and 5. But there are students in the class who are less successful in their studies.

    The class team, whenever possible, tries to take part in school affairs: sporting events, holiday concerts, school duty, collecting waste paper, drawing competitions on various topics.

    Discipline in the classroom is not a concern or worry. The class team is very friendly, students take assigned tasks responsibly, show independence and activity. The level of education in the class is undoubtedly quite high. But, despite this, even in such a well-mannered class team, conflicts occur. When conflict situations arise, individual work is carried out with individual students and interaction is carried out with a psychologist and social teacher.

    The emotional climate in the classroom is positive. Pupils are open and tolerant of other people's opinions. Students who enjoy great authority in the class team, who know how to communicate with classmates, unite the team, and who have undoubted leadership qualities were selected as the active members of the class.

    The school has various clubs and sport sections. More than 75% of students are involved in various organizations not only at school, but also outside of school. They are interested in drawing, football, dancing, acrobatics, gymnastics, volleyball, folklore, and practice karate. Using the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the classroom, they participate in various competitions and competitions held at school.

    Parents also take an active part in the lives of their children (organizing a parent committee that works closely with the class teacher). Parents' meetings are held monthly with the invitation of subject teachers, meetings with the participation of both parents and children.

    A characteristic feature of this age is the active formation of collective groups. Thus, socially oriented students, dependent on the opinion of the group, easily comply with the requirements. If a group, for example, characterized by behavioral disorders, becomes authoritative for them, then these students can internalize the norms of this group. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the sphere of communication of these children. However, you can also improve relationships with students who disrupt the classroom. A friendly attitude towards them on the part of teachers, taking into account their individual characteristics, can help them overcome emerging difficulties and increase their level of development. They need help finding an acceptable social niche in the class and establishing good relationships with classmates. Teachers should encourage their diligence and conscientiousness, emphasizing their positive qualities to other students. It is necessary to involve in participation in practical and collective activities (watering flowers, distributing notebooks, etc.). It is advisable to use opportunities to improve their social status and improve the atmosphere in the classroom. It is important that they feel the usefulness of their activities and receive approval from others.

    Outline of the test event

    “Learning to be cultural”

    (the event is held in Russian)

    Objectives of the event:

    Educational purpose: develop cultural behavior skills in Everyday life; to form the experience of moral relationships in a team.

    Developmental goal: develop the ability to correctly evaluate yourself and others

    Cognitive goal: expand children's understanding of etiquette rules

    Objectives of the event:

    1.Improving interpersonal relationships in the classroom.

    2. To form the experience of moral relationships in a team.

    3. Promoting self-realization of children.

    Participants: 5 B"

    Form: conversation and competition program

    Time and place: 10.28.11, office No. 27.

    Duration of the event: 45 min

    Equipment: record player.

    Literature used in the preparation and conduct of this educational event: N. I. Derekleeva “Class teacher. Main areas of activity", "To the class teacher about the class hour: Technology of preparation and conduct of student-oriented class hour"(edited by Stepanov E.N., Aleksandrova M.A.) Ed. 2nd; authors: Alekseeva N.A., Aleksandrova M.A., Stepanov E.N.

    There are 28 people in the class, of which 16 are boys and 12 are girls. Another girl is on the class list, but she never appeared anywhere and, according to indirect information, went abroad for a long time,

    There are three new students in the class. One of them studied for 4 years in Munich, but proved to be an exceptionally cooperative and efficient student. He fit in well in the class. Another girl was sick all the first days (and continues to be sick), but learns the tasks from the girls (having met them on the phone) and studies at home. I think that problems with her acclimatization to the class are not expected. It’s more difficult with the third student. The boy is quite tense, has little contact and is in a stressful state, aggravated by his very nervous mother. As a result, he immediately had a conflict with the boys. But in the lessons I attended, he answered quite confidently and calmly. This allows us to hope that the situation will gradually normalize.

    According to reviews from primary school teachers, the class has a penchant for mathematics and does not have a penchant for theatrical performances. But during the Russian lesson, I heard brilliant, bright monologues written by the children, and the math teacher blamed the lack of activity in the class. I think that the guys have sufficient potential in both areas.

    Expected problems: lack of time, poor discipline in the classroom (boyish style class). Suggested Solution- fostering responsibility for one’s destiny, strict time planning.

    Another problem- no habit of cleaning the office or being responsible for it. Solution - constantly organize this work in the classroom.

    In the 5th grade, boys and girls usually exist separately, which increases the disorder and irresponsibility of the class. Solution - general evenings, hikes, etc.

    Health picture- typical for our children (myopia, many allergy sufferers, two asthmatics, etc.). Solution - teach children to play sports, healthy image life.

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of grade 9 “G”

    There are 30 people in class 9 “G”: 12 boys and 18 girls. The composition of the class by age is basically the same: three students were born in 1983, the rest were born in 1984. Two children from single-parent families (raised without fathers). There are no disadvantaged people. Over the course of three years of working with the class, constant contact with parents has been established. The parents of the students are representatives of the intelligentsia, almost all have higher education. Initiative groups of parents have been formed that provide great assistance in educational work, take an active part in preparing and conducting classroom activities, and provide sponsorship assistance in organizing excursions, repairing and equipping the classroom. The parent committee is in close contact with the class teacher.

    As a result of three years collaboration students, teachers, parents and class teacher, the dynamics of the development of the team is traced. The team of students has developed a cognitive interest in educational activities. Evidence of this is a responsible attitude to learning. There are no underachievers in the class, one excellent student, 12 people graduated last year academic year to "4" and "5". Low-performing students deserve special attention. They need constant assistance in organizing additional classes in a number of subjects. Students with behavioral problems require constant monitoring by the class teacher.

    The guys are instilled with a caring attitude towards work. Pupils understand the value of work, are generally conscientious about self-care, and are thrifty in preserving textbooks and school furniture.

    Students are active and creative in carrying out class and school activities, and often take the initiative in carrying them out.

    The 9 “G” team cannot be called a single whole. It consists of separate groups of likes that actively interact. The children are generally friendly to each other, treat new students who have recently joined the team kindly, and helped them settle in and settle in.

    The class does not always accept critical remarks from elders and peers kindly, but strives to comprehend them and correct shortcomings.

    In the everyday mood of children, a major, upbeat, cheerful tone often prevails.

    Along with the positive features of the team, there are many problems that need to be worked on.

    In connection with the events of recent years in the country, we are talking about the financial stratification of families; the class is also, as it were, divided into children who have greater financial resources and those who are less well off. Children are faced with the fact of choosing truly cultural values. The desire for a joint experience of events taking place in the country and abroad, life phenomena, is less manifested. The successes and failures of peers and the class do not always resonate with all children. A certain disunity has appeared between boys and girls; there is no desire to be together.

    Children are not taught to fully overcome difficulties in their studies and to use their study time correctly and rationally.

    During class activities, ignorance of the norms of behavior in public places and the low level of culture of individual students are striking. The assigned task is not always completed.

    Based on the above, I have determined the following educational objectives for the formation of a lifestyle worthy of a person for the 1998/99 academic year:

    1. Continue educational work on team unity and development: nurturing a sense of camaraderie, friendly attitude towards each other, nurturing a culture of human communication.

    2. Systematically carry out work to develop in students a love for Russia, its traditions, morals, customs, and cultural values.

    3. To develop children’s ability to adjust their own life activities in the process of changing social conditions.

    4. To develop a correct understanding of true human values, the ability to see beauty and create beauty in school, class, family, home, city.

    5. Continue to work on instilling a responsible attitude towards learning. To help students successfully complete 9th grade and decide on their future path: continue their studies at a gymnasium or enter secondary education.

    Class characteristics

    As a class teacher, I have been working with this class for four years. There are 22 people in the class, of which 10 are boys and 12 are girls. The class is not a gymnasium, but from the second grade the children learn English (according to the special school program) and from the seventh grade a second foreign language (German, French) is introduced. There are no excellent students in the class (since in 1996, 16 excellent and good students were transferred to the gymnasium class), there are 3 good students, and there are no underachievers. Four people grow up in single-parent families.

    Many children participate in additional education: music, dance and sports clubs. Take an active part in all school events. They enjoy visiting the theater studio and participating in socially significant class events.

    Today, a close-knit team has been formed in the class; children are responsive, efficient, attentive to others, and respect their elders and peers.

    Over the years, 4 leaders have emerged in the team. Children learned to work in microgroups, using active forms of work in extracurricular activities. The class has a working active group, which consists of 6 people (selected by the children at the first organizational meeting of the class). It is interesting to work with children both for me and for the teaching staff of the school.


    “We will slowly, without expecting quick results, teach the little person to feel a person.” WITH. Soloveitchik

    There were 35 people in the class at the end of 5th grade. All these children are studying in the 6th grade (the composition of the class has not changed over the summer). Of the 35 students, 16 were boys and 19 were girls. 5th grade graduated with “4” and “5” - 20 people, with one “3” - 5 people (of which 4 people - in Russian, 1 person - in English language), that is, there are no “random” triplets in the year. The rest of the class has mediocre knowledge of the elementary school course and studies without special interests.

    In terms of behavior, the class is very difficult. Children studying in elementary school according to the Zankov system are accustomed to reasoning out loud, expressing their opinions, and defending their point of view. But since they were not taught the “art of argument,” any opinion is defended without argumentation and, most importantly, without listening to the opinion of another. Children are not used to taking into account the opinions of others; they simply do not hear what their friend is saying. And, as a rule, the discussion (and they love to discuss) turns into general noise. Thus, one has to be very careful when bringing any issue up for class discussion.

    Children take great interest in extracurricular activities: they prepare them with pleasure and take part in them. It's nice to note that many children in the class love to read.

    Parents (and not only members of the parent committee) provide great assistance in organizing the work of the class. The parent committee works very well: any question, any request does not go unattended, and solutions are immediately sought. Parents pay a lot of attention to their children at home. The cool team is friendly, responsive, and ready to help. Relations between the guys are friendly (there is practically no open aggression), but the sense of rivalry, very strongly developed among some of the guys, involuntarily leads to hidden grievances.

    Meek performance of 10 “A” class of school No. 1178

    There are 31 students in class 10 “A”: 10 boys and 21 girls. The majority of students were born in 1984, 1 student was born in 1985, 6 were born in 1983, 1 child is being raised in a single-parent family, 2 students live with their mother and stepfather, 1 student is from a large family.

    Most of the parents do not know each other, since the class was formed from four ninth grades. The Parent Committee is elected on a voluntary basis.

    All students in the class have a cognitive interest in learning, since many students in the 9th grade studied at “4” and “5”. (Student's full name) had problems with attending classes before, and (Student's full name) had problems with discipline. Low-performing students: (full names of students). The children are in the process of getting to know each other. Relations between students are friendly. Many children are active and creative in preparing and conducting class and school events.

    Class characteristics

    There are currently 17 people studying in the 11th grade, including 13 girls and 4 boys.

    The class is quite friendly, the guys treat each other kindly and generally value their studies in this class. At the same time, the intellectual level of the class is not too high, which is the reason that most students are much more interested in participating in various performances, evenings, organizing cafes, trips, hikes, discos, etc., rather than in intellectual events (olympiads, intellectual competitions , marathons, educational excursions).

    There is no clear leader in the class. But there is a group of 4 girls who organize all the cool activities. These are the most responsible people, they will not let you down.

    Completely indifferent to the affairs of the class and school, but at the same time 4 girls carry out separate assignments.

    The level of education in the class is quite high. There are practically no rude words in the boys' vocabulary. It is extremely rare to hear inappropriate intonations in conversations with each other, teachers and parents.

    The state of educational activities as a whole leaves much to be desired. Even in the lessons of the humanities cycle, it can be difficult to “stimulate”, get the class talking, and encourage active activity; in the lessons of the natural sciences and physics and mathematics cycle, 5-6 people are actively working, the rest passively follow the progress of the lesson.

    At the same time, it is impossible not to single out a group of 5 girls whose level of performance and development of educational skills is very high. They are very capable, multi-talented, leaders in all lessons.

    Another 4 girls are trying to achieve results, although not always successfully.

    Boys are more passive than girls, both in class and in extracurricular life. But they are all very different.

    Of the boys, one student achieves the highest results. He is well-mannered, always tactful, diligent, but self-doubt greatly hinders him. “Technician”, interested in astronomy and cosmonautics.

    His friend studies very unevenly, in fits and starts, is also shy, even somewhat complex. He tries to hide his shortcomings with some bravado, and he doesn’t succeed well. But overall he’s a good guy, very responsive to kind treatment towards him.

    A diligent, conscientious, third-grade young man, he studies for many hours day and night, but still barely achieves a grade of “3” in most subjects, his intellectual potential is low, and his parents cannot help him with his studies. He is very athletic and loves nature. This young man has excellent human qualities, which earned him genuine love in the class.

    The fourth young man is well brought up, a loving brother and son. His attitude towards his loved ones cannot but cause admiration. At the same time, for last years He has fallen far behind in his studies and now has difficulty getting a “C” in most subjects.

    Two girls require the most attention in their studies. One is a weak student in all subjects, and also misses many lessons due to illness. The other is very smart, capable, in the recent past she was a “good student”, but in the 10th grade she “slipped” to two grades, her interests are mainly far from studying. The matter is aggravated by the fact that her mother is seriously ill, and her father does not consider it necessary to look after his daughter.