Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Construction site fencing: types and requirements. Organization of ensuring safe work on a construction site Fencing of a construction site sp

An ordinary resident is unlikely to be able to control the progress of construction work - no one will be allowed to enter the construction site, and there are not many specialists in the field of construction among us. However, there are areas that can be controlled - the availability of initial permitting documentation and the maintenance of the construction site. It is how the site is maintained that has a greater impact on citizens caught in the construction zone.

These issues are regulated by the Town Planning Code and Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 7, 2004 N 857-PP(ed. dated 10/10/2013) "On approval of the Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to in the text italics quotes from this Resolution).

So, what can and should be controlled.

1. Availability of an OATI warrant.

To carry out the vast majority of work on the arrangement of a construction site, construction and excavation work, a warrant from the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections (OATI) is required.

1.4. In order to ensure a favorable living environment, the functioning of the city economy, the safety of underground structures and communications, the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians during excavation and construction work, the implementation of the specified work on the territory of the city of Moscow is permitted only if there is a warrant issued by the authorized body of the Moscow Government - the Association of Administrative technical inspections of the city of Moscow in the manner established by these Rules.

Execution of a warrant is mandatory when performing all types of excavation work: laying, rebuilding (repairing) underground utility networks and communications (including in underground sewers), using the territory for arrangement and maintenance of construction sites, installing scaffolding, utility camps, storing materials, products, structures during excavation, construction and repair work.

1.5. The following works may be performed without issuing a warrant::

- current repairs and painting of facades of buildings and structures, carrying out reconstructive work to change elements of building facades (arrangement of balconies, loggias, door and window openings, replacement of carpentry elements of facades, etc.), redevelopment of premises (in cases where these works are carried out without production excavation work, installation of scaffolding and temporary fencing, as well as without using the territory for organizing a construction site, storing materials, products, structures);

— routine repairs of roads, elements of their arrangement and sidewalks (including repair of road surfaces with large maps, raising of well hatches (grids), replacement of side stones (in sections), elimination of pavement subsidence);

— current repair and maintenance of collectors and communications laid in them by operating organizations;

— installation of non-stationary (non-capital) objects (tents, kiosks, box garages) with an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters. m, assembled from structural elements or installed without assembling structural elements and without constructing foundations and underground premises, as well as providing for the possibility of moving the object without destroying (changing) load-bearing structures and enclosing elements;

An ordinary citizen cannot check the presence of an OATI warrant, but this can be done by the OATI itself - upon a citizen’s complaint through the website. Carrying out work in the absence of a warrant or carrying out work that is not specified in the warrant will result in a fine.

2. Availability of a building permit,

Carrying out construction work without a building permit is prohibited by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by an administrative fine of 500,000 rubles. The permit is issued by Mosgostroynadzor, which is also the regulatory body.

The availability of permission can be checked - the information is publicly available on the website Information system for supporting urban planning activities. We are interested in SECTION 8. BUILDED AND SUBJECT TO DEVELOPMENT LAND PLOT.We enter the address of the facility under construction and receive information about the availability of permits. If the exact address is not known, enter only the street name, there will not be many permits and you can find what you need in the list.

This is what is found when searching for “Volokolamsk Highway” (I cut off the remaining 53 results, I only needed the first one:

If there is no resolution, we try to understand the reason. The permit is preceded by two important documents, the presence of which we can check - the urban planning plan of the land plot (GPZU) and the examination of project documentation. We look at them in the same section of ISOGD.

GPZU can also be viewed on the map , which is sometimes much more convenient. For example, this is what the GPZU map looks like for the Spartak stadium area. Please note that there is no GPZU for Volokolamka - how the building permit was issued is not entirely clear!

Here is a search based on the examination results:

The GPZU is formalized by the Moscow Architecture Committee and is the basis for construction design. The examination is carried out after the development of the project by the Moscow State Expertise and confirms the correctness of the design (and for government orders, also the correctness of the construction cost estimate). If there is neither one nor the other, and the builders have already reached the site, sound the alarm; it is unknown who will build what and how.

The lack of permission almost certainly indicates another violation - if the work is being carried out under a government order, then most likely the competition for this work has not yet been completed. We run to Government Procurement and look for a competition and a contract. If they are not there, this is already a topic for the prosecutor’s office and the police (I will not include it in this manual; this is a topic for a separate discussion).

If there are warrants and permission, that is, the construction is being carried out legally, we try to ensure that it is also carried out according to the rules and minimally interferes with our lives.

For this, there is a wonderful tool for putting pressure on builders, forcing them to keep themselves in good shape and the construction site in order. This is the “Our City” portal and its mobile application. The beauty of the portal lies in two things: the ease of filing a complaint and the speed of its consideration. The disadvantage is a slightly increased possibility of unsubscribes.

So, on what issues can you rein in builders with the help of “Our City”:

Here is an explanation of the topics of complaints given on the portal itself:

This list of problems is incomplete (and greatly simplified), but it will do for a start.

5.17. Prohibited:

5.17.1. Carrying out work in the event of suspension or termination of a warrant or construction permit, as well as when supervisory authorities issue relevant orders to suspend (prohibit) construction.

5.17.2. Carrying out work that deviates from the approved design documentation without agreement with the design organization and supervisory authorities carrying out the approval, as well as without making appropriate changes to the order.

5.17.3. Carrying out work that deviates from the terms of approval and issuance of a warrant.

5.17.4. Carrying out construction and installation work without approved permits and design documentation, including without a construction organization plan and a work execution plan, without issuing a work order.

5.17.5. Carry out cutting down trees and shrubs before receiving a work order in accordance with permits and approved project documentation; for capital construction projects - subject to a construction permit.

Carrying out work without installing boards containing information about the planned type of work, timing of work, a graphic representation of the facility under construction, the number of green spaces to be cut down and replanted, a project (plan) for landscaping and landscaping, as well as impact indicators (noise, emissions and discharges of pollutants ), changes in hydrological conditions and plans for environmental protection measures to reduce harmful impacts on the environment.

Carrying out work at night (from 23.00 to 7.00) in violation of the requirements established by this paragraph.

Requirements for performing work at night:

— ensure that the vehicle engine is turned off while on site;

- exclude loudspeaker communication;

— do not carry out welding work without installing protective screens;

— exclude the driving of foundation piles and other work accompanied by noise exceeding the permissible norm;

- do not allow floodlights to illuminate the facades of residential buildings adjacent to the construction site;

— exclude the operation of equipment with noise and vibration levels exceeding permissible standards.

5.17.7. The use of equipment and tools that are not approved for use in construction, unapproved construction technologies, as well as the use without approval of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of equipment and materials that are sources of emissions of harmful substances into the air and sources of increased levels of noise and vibration.

5.17.8. Carrying out construction work involving the operation of lifting mechanisms (cranes) by foreign legal entities and individuals, without registration and acceptance for control over compliance with industrial safety requirements by the Moscow District Department of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.17.9. Carrying out construction and installation work in the absence of fire-fighting water supply, roads, entrances and communications.

6.1. No later than seven days before the start of work on preparing the construction site and the adjacent territory, the developer (customer) is obliged to install a stand on the border of the construction site, accessible for viewing from the territory adjacent to the construction site and containing information about the construction project, reconstruction, and measures on the improvement and maintenance of the adjacent territory during the construction period, on the construction permit, on the customer and the performer (contractor) of the work, on the planned deadlines for the completion of the work, on the authorized bodies to which one should contact regarding questions of construction and reconstruction.

6.2. During the preparatory period, before the start of the main work, it is necessary to equip the construction site in accordance with the plans for organizing construction and carrying out work:

6.2.1. Install fencing in accordance with the construction plan in accordance with the allocated land plot.

6.2.2. Equip and mark with signs and signs the detour routes for vehicles and the passage of pedestrians (pedestrian galleries, decking, railings, walkways, equipped detours, road signs, etc.).

6.2.3. Install information boards at the entrance to and exit from the site indicating the name and location of the facility, the name of the customer and the contractor, their telephone numbers, licenses, the position and surname of the work manufacturer, the start and end dates of construction.

The names of contractors and telephone numbers are also indicated on utility rooms, fence panels, mechanisms and equipment, cable drums, etc.

Before the start of work involving the destruction of green spaces, install boards containing information about the planned type of work, the timing of the work, a graphic representation of the facility under construction, the number of green spaces to be cut down and replanted, a project (plan) for landscaping and landscaping of territories, as well as impact indicators ( noise, emissions and discharges of pollutants), changes in hydrological conditions and plans for environmental protection measures to reduce harmful impacts on the environment (in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2004 N 1312-RP).

Before the start of construction work at night, install information boards indicating the conditions listed in the third paragraph of clause 5.17.6 of these Rules and the telephone numbers of the “hotline” of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow.

6.2.4. Install emergency lighting and lighting for hazardous areas.

6.2.5. Equip exits from construction sites with factory-made vehicle washing stations (including automixers) with a closed water circulation cycle and waste disposal (in winter, with pneumomechanical vehicle cleaning installations).

It is prohibited to carry dirt (soil, concrete mixture or mortar) by vehicles (mixers) from construction sites into urban areas.

6.2.6. Cover the facades of buildings and structures facing streets, highways and squares with hanging decorative mesh fencing.

6.2.7. Clear the construction site of extraneous buildings, structures and structures (in accordance with the construction organization project).

6.2.8. Place on the territory household and utility rooms for workers and employees in accordance with regulatory requirements, temporary buildings and structures for production and storage purposes in accordance with the design documentation.

Equip areas for storing materials, product designs and equipment, as well as places for installing construction equipment.

Designate an area on the territory for storage, reclamation and enrichment of soils, and placement of a mobile installation for the production of soils.

It is prohibited for workers to live on construction sites in household premises, buildings under construction and reconstruction, or to install cesspool toilets on the construction site.

6.2.9. Install a storage bin for collecting construction waste or fence off a special area for these purposes.

Burying or burning garbage and waste in the ground is not allowed.

6.2.10. Equip vehicles carrying bulk cargo with special removable awnings.

6.2.11. Carry out cutting and storage of the plant soil layer in specially designated areas, vertical planning of the construction site with compaction of the embankments to the density of the soil in its natural state (or specified by the project).

6.2.12. Carry out work on drainage, installation of permanent and temporary on-site roads and utility networks necessary for the duration of construction and provided for by construction organization projects and work execution plans.

6.3. Cut down and replant trees and shrubs, install fencing for preserved trees.

This work is carried out by specialized organizations in accordance with the project, dendroplan, accounting sheet, conclusion and felling ticket of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow.

6.4. On the territory of the construction site, the removal of trees and shrubs not provided for in the design documentation, damage to tree roots and backfilling of root collars and trunks of growing trees and shrubs with soil are not allowed.

Green spaces on the construction site must be maintained in accordance with the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces of the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2002 N 743-PP.

6.5. Temporary roads and other access roads are constructed taking into account the requirements to prevent damage to trees and shrubs.

6.6. The upcoming cutting down of green spaces must be reported to the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow and to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Trees and shrubs are cut down and replanted in the presence of a representative of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

After the felling is carried out, a representative of the Department draws up an inspection report of the work site. A report on the presence of surviving trees and their condition is handed over to the acceptance committee when accepting objects.

If the trees to be cut down are preserved in an undamaged condition, their compensation value is returned to the construction organization.

After carrying out compensatory landscaping work, the construction organization must close the logging ticket at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow.

6.7. Industrial and domestic wastewater generated at the construction site must be removed and neutralized in accordance with the temporary technical conditions of the operating organizations attached to the construction organization project and the work execution project.

The neutralization and purification of wastewater must be carried out in the manner prescribed by the work project.

6.8. The general contractor ensures a high standard of construction production at the construction site. The general contractor is responsible for:

— for cleaning and maintaining clean the areas of construction sites, as well as adjacent areas and entrances;

— for compliance by subcontracting organizations with the requirements of these Rules and regulatory legal acts.

Cleaning and removal of garbage is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the sanitary maintenance of territories, organizing cleaning and ensuring cleanliness and order in Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of November 9, 1999 N 1018.

The arrangement and maintenance of construction sites are carried out in compliance with the requirements set out in SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work."

6.9. When cleaning up construction waste and debris, it is not allowed to throw it away from the floors of buildings and structures without the use of closed trays (chutes), storage bins, closed boxes or containers.

6.10. Fencing of construction sites and excavation sites must have a neat appearance: cleaned of dirt, washed, have no openings, damaged areas, deviations from the vertical, extraneous stickers, announcements and inscriptions.

Fences and their structures must be painted with paints that are resistant to adverse weather conditions, and if reused, repaired and repainted.

6.11. The appearance of standard fencing for mass production and mass use is approved by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

The appearance of the remaining fences is coordinated with the architectural and planning departments of the administrative districts on whose territory the construction site is located.

For the construction and reconstruction of metro facilities, the use of reinforced concrete fences from sections of serial production is allowed.

6.12. Inventory fencing must meet the requirements of GOST 23407-78 “Inventory fencing for construction sites and areas for construction and installation work.”

6.13. In the Central Administrative District, on main streets and highways, it is preferable to use metal mesh elements or fencing of the “Island” system as fencing for construction sites. In agreement with the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development, in exceptional cases the use of fences made of other materials and structures is allowed.

6.14. When carrying out work on the roadways of streets and highways, road blocks made of polymer materials are used as fencing.

Organizations performing work on the roadways of streets and highways are equipped with the necessary technical means of road safety: road signs with improved lighting characteristics, pulse signal arrows, lanterns, special uniforms with reflective inserts for road workers and orange flashing lights for road equipment.

Without the availability of the specified funds, the start of work on the roadway is not permitted.

The nomenclature, number and location of road signs are determined based on the nature of the work being carried out and must comply with the approved schemes.

Pulse hands must be turned on regardless of the time of day.

6.15. For the safety of pedestrians, in places where objects under construction or reconstruction are located close to the pedestrian zone, a protective canopy is installed above the fence, and on the sidewalk there is a flooring for pedestrians, equipped with railings on the side of traffic.

6.16. Mesh fencing for the facades of buildings and structures is made from mesh specifically designed for these purposes, as well as other types of mesh that are suitable for their decorative, strength and fireproof qualities, retaining their original properties for at least one year.

6.18. Fences made of mesh are hung on fastenings specially made for this purpose on the facade of the building or on the scaffolding structure, if available. The nets are stretched and secured over the entire surface to give them stability. Significant curvatures and sagging that would give the screen surface an untidy appearance are not allowed.

6.20. On the fences of construction sites, in addition to the information board, a graphic image of the object under construction must be placed with a brief description of it and an indication of the author or team of authors who developed the project, as well as a graphic image or photographs of the historical past of the place where construction is taking place (if construction is carried out in historical part of the city).

Billboards with the indicated images must be installed on the side of the main street or square and have a clear view.

The size of the boards is at least 3 x 5 meters.

When reconstructing and repairing underground structures and communications, placing a graphic image of the object under construction or the place where construction is taking place is not necessary.

6.21. Completion of the preparatory period work is documented in an act. To prepare the act, a commission is organized consisting of representatives of: the general contractor, the technical supervision of the customer, the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow, the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow and the MGK Trade Union of Construction and Construction Materials Industry Workers.

For those violations for which there is no special topic on the Portal, you can complain through the OATI website, for the rest it is better through the portal. Please note that the wording on the portal is simplified; if you are complaining about something complex, please describe it in more detail. For example, closed-type washing stations on some construction sites are replaced with a high-pressure apparatus, which knocks dirt to the ground. If you write a complaint “There is no wheel washing station” you will almost certainly receive the answer “Yes” and a photo of a Karcher. It should be written “The wheel washing station does not comply with the requirements of paragraph 6.5.2 of the Resolution Moscow Government dated December 7, 2004 N 857-PP"

Take as many photographs as possible from different angles so that it is impossible to avoid the violation - OATI is very loyal to contractors working under government contracts. Always appeal against replies and dismissals - after a while, OATI will understand that it is cheaper to process your complaint right away.

Putting things in order at a construction site - a practical guide

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6 Requirements for the organization of a construction site, work areas and workplaces

6.1 The organization of the construction site, work areas and workplaces must create safe working conditions, eliminate and prevent possible hazards, ensure proper sanitary and hygienic care for workers, and meet the requirements of SNiP III-4-80*.
6.2 When carrying out construction and installation work at an operating enterprise, the customer is obliged to provide the contractor with the scope of work and carry out general labor protection measures (install special protective devices near explosive devices, electrical equipment, live wiring, etc.).
6.3 During the period of work on organizing a construction site under reconstruction conditions, the following general site measures must be taken to ensure the safety of workers:
- the boundaries of dangerous zones are determined and a fence is installed around them;
- passages for installation mechanisms and vehicles, passages for workers, storage areas for structures and materials are organized;
- the necessary lighting of the construction site, work areas, passages and driveways is provided. For lighting during the reconstruction of buildings (structures), separate temporary electrical wiring must be installed that is not connected to the electrical network of the facility being reconstructed;
- facilities are equipped with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-91* and DNAOP 0.01-1.01-95;
- electrical safety is ensured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78;
- compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is ensured in accordance with the procedure established for the operating enterprise;
- safety signs were installed in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76*.
6.4 To prevent access by unauthorized persons, the construction site on the territory of an operating enterprise must be fenced. Fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people must be equipped with protective canopies, corridors, etc.
6.5 Fencing of construction sites, areas for construction and installation work (including dismantling areas) and workplaces must comply with the requirements of GOST 23407-78, GOST 12.4.059-89.
6.6 When reconstructing existing enterprises, fences are used to ensure safe conditions for construction and installation work and continuity of production:
-temporary walls and partitions to separate reconstruction work sites from existing production areas;
-protective flooring that protects against objects and materials falling from a height into the premises where production continues to operate;
-temporary coatings to protect industrial premises from precipitation and cold in areas where the coating has been removed;
-fences warning about the boundaries of sites and territories where construction and installation works are carried out;
- fencing to protect workers from falling from a height;
- other fences, screens and light shelters (for protection against glare during electric welding work in workshops with active production, for protection against thermal effects in hot shops, for protecting glass from breaking during blasting operations, for sheltering equipment from contamination, etc.).
Fences are designed and manufactured for specific conditions. They must be inventory, suitable for repeated use, lightweight, sufficiently durable and transportable, effective both during the day and at night.
6.7 When operating residential, public, industrial or other buildings and structures, transport or pedestrian roads (sidewalks) enter the danger zone, solutions must be provided to ensure the safety of people, including:
-relocation of transport and pedestrian roads outside of dangerous zones;
- eviction of people from buildings and structures or drawing up a schedule for construction work, providing for construction work to be carried out during the absence of people in these buildings and structures.
6.8 Entrances and exits of the building in use must be located outside the danger zone.
6.9 At the entrance to the construction site, there must be a traffic pattern for vehicles, and on the sides of roads and driveways there must be clearly visible road signs regulating the movement of vehicles in accordance with the Traffic Rules approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and DSTU 2886-94.
6.10 Providing builders with sanitary facilities must be carried out in accordance with current standards, taking into account the sanitary requirements mandatory when carrying out production processes of the enterprise being reconstructed.
6.11 In premises classified as fire and explosion hazards, work may only be carried out with the permission of the responsible representative of the customer and in agreement with the fire brigade and gas rescue service.
6.12 When performing work in a gas-filled room and in places located below ground or floor level (basements, wells, trenches, etc.), it is necessary to analyze the air environment daily before starting work. Work in a polluted air environment must be carried out in the presence of a gas rescue service.

6.13 Work in explosive areas and areas with aggressive and harmful substances must be carried out during the daytime.

6.14 Storage of building structures and materials

6.14.1 Storage of materials, structures, equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for materials, products and equipment, SNiP III-4-80* and DBN G.1-4-95, taking into account the specifics of work at an operating enterprise .
6.14.2 Storage locations for materials, structures, and equipment are determined and agreed upon with the enterprise.
6.14.3 Dangerous areas when performing loading and unloading operations using mechanisms must be fenced off.
6.14.4 Stacks and individual structures must be located so that they do not block access to inspection devices of existing utility networks. Storage of structures, including temporary storage, on roads, railways and crane tracks is not permitted.
6.14.5 When storing structures on bulk soils, measures must be taken to prevent the possibility of collapse of the stacks.
6.14.6 When storing on existing foundations for technological equipment, as well as on underground structures, they must be checked to accommodate additional loads. The equal height of the support areas in these cases is ensured by laying out cages from sleepers or metal beams. Temporary storage of dismantled technological equipment and structures is permitted in the areas of floors specified in the project.
6.14.7 Storage areas, including passages and driveways, must have sufficient natural and artificial lighting in accordance with GOST 12.1.046-85.

6.15 Transport and loading and unloading operations

6.15.1 Loading, unloading and transport operations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements set out in the relevant sections of DNAOP 0.00-1.03-93, SNiP III-4-80*, GOST 12.3.009-76*.
6.15.2 When performing loading and unloading operations involving the use of railway or road transport, you must comply with NAOP 5.1.11-1.22-90 and DNAOP 0.00.-1.28-97 NAOP 5.1.12-1.01-80 and the Road Traffic Regulations.
6.15.3 The speed of vehicles through the territory of the reconstructed enterprise on straight, clearly visible sections should not exceed 10 km/h. At entrances, exits, through the workshop, exiting from a side passage onto a main passage or a road with heavy traffic, when turning at intersections, U-turns, reversing vehicles, or in thick fog, the speed of vehicles should not exceed 5 km/h.
6.15.4 When transporting structures by road in cramped conditions of in-plant passages and with limited passage sizes for vehicles, red flags are attached to parts of structures that protrude beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, and in the dark and when visibility is less than 20 m, reflective devices and lanterns
Structures that are placed on a vehicle must be positioned so that they cannot touch vehicle parts when turning.
6.15.5 All routes of an operating enterprise must be checked to ensure that all dimensions are sufficient for the possibility of transporting long structures.
6.15.6 The transport route must be determined by the enterprise. The traffic pattern on the territory of the operating enterprise is determined and agreed upon with the management of the enterprise.

A construction site is a specially equipped area intended for the construction of individual objects or their complexes. The organization of a construction site consists of placing and arranging all its elements on it, taking into account the requirements of building codes.

Construction site elements include:

  • · objects under construction;
  • · specially equipped areas for placement of vertical transport means;
  • · open warehouses for storing building materials and structures;
  • · temporary buildings for various purposes;
  • · temporary roads, platforms, pedestrian paths;
  • · temporary on-site engineering networks;
  • · fencing the construction area.

Specially equipped areas for the placement of vertical transport facilities include: crane tracks for tower cranes or prepared sites for working parking areas for self-propelled cranes and hoists; working areas of cranes and lifts and areas hazardous to people.

The working area is the space located within the line that is described by the crane hook at the maximum working radius of the boom.

Danger zone is a space where a load can fall while moving and be scattered when falling. The width of the danger zone is taken in accordance with SNiP III.4-80** “Safety in construction” with the addition of half the length of the largest load being moved.

In addition, a dangerous area of ​​the construction site is the installation area of ​​the building under construction - the area along its external contour, the width of which is assigned according to Table 1 of SNiP III.4-80**.

In general, a network of warehouses is created at a construction site, characterized by their purpose, affiliation and location.

Depending on the types and volumes of construction and installation work, as well as on the size of the construction site, on-site warehouses may be located on it. Open on-site warehouses are located within the working area of ​​the cranes, closed ones - outside the dangerous zone of the cranes.

The areas for storing materials and structures in warehouses depend on the amount of stock of building materials and structures. The area of ​​warehouses is determined by the standards for laying a specific material (structure) per 1 m2 of warehouse area, taking into account aisles and driveways.

Temporary buildings at a construction site are intended both to support construction and installation work and to serve workers during the construction process.

Temporary buildings are divided according to their purpose into:

  • · administrative (offices, control centers);
  • · sanitary facilities (dressing rooms, showers, washrooms, etc.);
  • · warehouses (closed, sheds);
  • · production (workshops, installations, etc.)

Equipping a construction site with temporary buildings involves selecting the required number of them, taking into account the given classification and relevant standards, as well as their rational placement on the construction site

Temporary buildings must have an inventory. The construction of non-inventory temporary buildings is permitted on the basis of approved projects. Temporary roads and pedestrian paths should be created on a construction site only if there are no permanent roads or if these roads exist, but it is irrational to use them for construction needs.

Temporary roads are installed:

  • · in the form of soil, reinforced with gravel, crushed stone or binders, or from sand-gravel soil mixtures;
  • · with gravel (crushed stone) coating;
  • with a continuous covering of reinforced concrete slabs

Temporary roads are structurally similar to permanent ones. Their width depends on the brand and traffic intensity. The most common roads are 3.5 m wide.

The layout of temporary roads at the construction site is established taking into account the requirements of SNiP III.4-80** and Fire Safety Rules.

Pedestrian paths are installed between temporary buildings and at transitions to installation areas of constructed objects. Their routes should take the shortest route, subject to a minimum of intersections with dangerous zones. The paths are covered with reinforced concrete slabs or gravel mixtures.

Temporary on-site utility networks typically include:

  • · temporary water supply;
  • · temporary power supply;
  • · temporary heat supply;
  • · temporary sewerage;
  • · temporary connection

Temporary water supply is organized to meet the production, drinking and fire-fighting needs of the construction site. Its design solution depends on the type of water source, which can be: permanent water supply, well. A temporary water supply system connected to an existing network is structurally arranged as a permanent network or, during short-term construction in the summer, it is carried out in a simplified version - in the form of a ground or overhead network without insulation.

Temporary power supply at a construction site is created in order to provide electricity to construction machinery and equipment, for technological needs, as well as for external and internal lighting. The source of temporary power supply can be:

the existing power system in the construction area, equipped with a permanent or temporary transformer substation;

temporary (mobile) power plants

The temporary power supply network is made in the form of cable and overhead power lines. In the area with the largest concentration of electricity consumers, a main distribution point is installed, connected by cable to a transformer substation. It is advisable to carry out a temporary power supply network for a construction site in the form of an overhead power line on wooden poles or using floodlight masts. The location of overhead power lines inside hazardous areas of a construction site is prohibited.

Temporary sewerage at a construction site is installed in two types: storm sewerage, in the form of open drains along roads and driveways with a slope of at least 0.003, and fecal and domestic sewerage. The latter is structurally made as a permanent one with a tie-in into existing sewer networks.

The design of temporary sewerage and its structures at the construction site is carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85, SNiP 3.05.04-85.

Any construction, especially in urban areas, poses a direct threat to the safety of citizens. This is due to the fact that the facilities use large equipment and materials that can fall. Therefore, fencing of the construction site must be installed for the entire period of work. Requirements for such structures are defined in standards and regulations. Let us consider these structures in more detail below.

General rules

The organization of the construction site and its individual sections must ensure safe working conditions and proper sanitary and hygienic services, eliminate and prevent possible hazards. When carrying out activities at the site, the customer’s responsibilities include providing the contractor with the scope of work and carrying out occupational safety measures. The latter, in particular, includes the construction of a construction site fencing.


In the process of performing work related to the organization of a construction site under reconstruction conditions, it is necessary to perform the following generally accepted measures:

  1. Determination of the boundaries of dangerous zones.
  2. Fencing the construction site and its individual sections.
  3. Providing the necessary lighting, driveways, passages. For its organization, separate electrical wiring is allocated. It should not be connected to the electrical network of the facility being reconstructed.
  4. Organization of passages for installation equipment and transport, passages for workers, storage areas for materials and structures.
  5. Equipping facilities with primary extinguishing agents.
  6. compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the manner prescribed for the enterprise.
  7. Installation

GOST 23407.78: inventory fencing for construction sites

To prevent unauthorized access by outsiders, protective structures must be installed around the facility. Inventory fencing of construction sites adjacent to areas of mass passage of citizens must be equipped with protective corridors and canopies. At the reconstructed facilities, structures are used to ensure the safety of work and the continuity of the enterprise. In particular, the following are being built:

  1. Temporary partitions and walls. They provide separation of workplaces and areas for installation activities.
  2. Protective floorings. They are used to prevent materials and objects from falling in areas where production is carried out.
  3. Coatings for protection from cold and precipitation.
  4. Temporary fencing of a construction site, warning about the boundaries of territories and areas where construction and installation works are being carried out.
  5. Structures that prevent workers from falling from heights.
  6. Other fences, light shelters, screens. They are used to provide protection against glare during electric welding work, thermal effects, protection of glass from destruction during explosive events, and to prevent contamination of equipment in the workshops of the enterprise.

The production of construction site fencing is carried out for specific conditions. They must be designed for reusable use. Any temporary fencing of a construction site must be convenient for transportation, reliable, durable, effective both during the day and at night.

Additional rules

The exits and entrances of the operated structure must be arranged outside the boundaries of the hazardous zones. A vehicle movement pattern is established at the entrance to the construction site. The sides of driveways and roads are equipped with clearly visible signs regulating the traffic order. Builders must be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with current standards. At facilities classified as explosion and fire hazards, it is allowed to carry out work only with the permission of the responsible person appointed by the customer, in agreement with the gas rescue and fire services. During installation activities in gas-polluted rooms, as well as in areas located below floor/ground level, air analysis is carried out daily before the start of the shift.

Storage of materials and structures

It must be carried out in accordance with the provisions contained in technical documents and GOST. Construction site fencing is provided in such a way that when loading/unloading materials and structures using special equipment, complete safety of workers is ensured. Storage locations are determined and agreed upon with the management of the enterprise. Separate structures and stacks are located so that they do not block access to inspection units of existing communications. Their placement on roads, crane and railway tracks is not allowed. When storing on bulk soils, measures are taken to eliminate the possibility of structural collapse.

Loading, unloading and transportation

When performing these works, it is necessary to comply with the relevant provisions of SNiP, state standards and DNAOP. When loading, unloading and transporting using cars or trains, you must comply with traffic rules and standards defined in the relevant documents. The speed of transport through the territory of the reconstructed facility in straight and fairly clearly visible areas cannot be higher than 10 km/h. At exits, including from a side passage to the main thoroughfare or a road with intense traffic, entrances, inside workshops, at turns, intersections, when moving in reverse, in dense fog it should not exceed 5 km/h. When transporting structures in or with limited passage dimensions, red flags are attached to parts protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, and when visibility is less than 20 m and in the dark, reflective devices are attached.

Construction site fencing

SNiP is one of the key documents establishing rules for ensuring safety at facilities. The standards were adopted back in Soviet times. Taking into account the development of technology, they were adapted to modern conditions. In 1979, GOST “Inventory fencing for construction sites” was approved and put into effect. In accordance with these documents, it is not allowed to carry out construction and installation work on the facility or its part without installing special protective structures.

Key Precepts

The construction site fencing must comply with state-approved standards. The design must include wickets or gates to ensure free movement of workers and vehicles. The construction site fencing must be collapsible with parts, fasteners and other elements of the same sample. The height of the racks, structures, angle of inclination of the canopies, etc. must comply with the established parameters. The panels are made in the shape of a rectangle. Their length, as well as the gaps between the posts, are determined according to the standards: from 1.2 to 2 m and no more than 6 m, respectively. Between the parts it is necessary to maintain a degree of sparseness of 80-100 mm. The exception is construction sites. There should be no gaps in the pavement decking exceeding 5 mm. The protective visors must be turned in the desired direction. At the same time, they must cover people moving under them with a margin.

More than 1.2 m must be allocated for the passage of citizens on the sidewalk. The railing must be attached to the canopy or to the upper border of the fence. In addition, protective strips are provided at a height of 50 cm and 1.1 m from the roadway. The construction site fence must be designed so that it can be repaired and removed while maintaining adequate strength. Responsible persons are obliged to take measures to prevent rotting and the spread of rust throughout the elements. The presence of a slope on the ground should not threaten the protective fence. The structure must be coated with an appropriate coloring composition. There should be no potentially traumatic elements (hooks, corners, etc.) on it.

The construction site fencing is made of reliable materials that ensure its stability. The structure must withstand the fall of objects of a certain weight, but not less than 200 kg/cm 2, as well as the force of a gust of wind and the weight of snow. The materials from which the fence is made must have quality certificates and meet established requirements. The service life of the structure is at least 10 years. For paving panels, this period must be at least 5 years.

Classification of structures

Fencing for construction sites is divided into types depending on their intended purpose. There are the following types:

  1. Signals that unambiguously and clearly indicate that construction and installation works are being carried out on the territory.
  2. Protective, ensuring the safety of people from injury.
  3. Security, preventing unauthorized entry of strangers into the facility.

Depending on their characteristics, fencing is divided into the following types:

  1. Rack-mounted.
  2. Panel. They, in turn, are divided into sparse (grid, for example) and continuous.
  3. Combined.


The main task performed by security structures is to prevent people from entering the facility. In this regard, in most cases they are not much different from simple fences installed around industrial facilities or residential buildings. Protective structures are used to prevent injury to the public. In this regard, their most common type is mesh (plastic). For fencing construction sites, it is considered the most optimal option. It can “catch” everything that falls from the scaffolding: debris, leftover materials, tools and even workers. Signal barriers provide visual identification of a construction site, alerting citizens to danger. A special tape is often used for this. It is pulled between pins fixed in the ground.


If the fence is intended for security or protection, then it should only be continuous. In some cases, it is necessary to add additional elements. They can be canopies, struts, sidewalks with railings, etc. Depending on the availability and quantity of additional parts, the cost of the structures is determined. The price is also affected by the material from which they are made. Typically, a fence includes 3 elements: frame, supports and filling.

Material options

As mentioned above, the construction site fencing must be stable, reliable, durable, easy to assemble, disassemble and transport. Traditional materials for the manufacture of such structures are wood and metal. Thanks to modern technologies, their range has increased significantly. Nowadays, plastic is often used for fencing. The advantage of such designs is as follows:

  1. Current regulations allow their installation.
  2. The affordable cost of the material makes such fencing attractive.
  3. Installation does not require special equipment or additional workers.
  4. There is no need to paint the structure.
  5. Installing plastic fencing takes a minimum amount of time.
  6. The structures are durable, light and strong.

However, such fences also have a rather serious drawback - they are unsuitable for use at sites where large-scale construction is taking place. The situation is similar with chain-link structures. The undoubted advantages of the mesh - its ease of installation and low cost - are suppressed by state standards. Recently, fences made of corrugated sheets have been installed quite often. The structures are easy to install and are relatively inexpensive. In addition, such fences are easy to maintain.

Mobile structures

Temporary fencing of this type appeared relatively recently. They, like other structures, provide protection for citizens from accidents, security of the facility, and prevent unauthorized entry of strangers. Metal mobile elements are also used to delimit parking spaces and mark the perimeter of a site. Installation does not require special equipment or special knowledge. Installation of elements is carried out in a short time. Panel sections are equipped with special fastenings. They eliminate unwanted or accidental dismantling.


The construction site acts as a potentially dangerous object. There is always the possibility of an accident here. In this regard, those responsible for the work are obliged to take all necessary measures to ensure safety both inside and outside the facility. Failure to comply with established regulations can end sadly not only for citizens, including workers, but also for managers responsible for construction. Currently, there is a large selection of materials and designs to ensure work safety, so those in charge can easily choose the appropriate protection for the facility.

Before the start of large construction, it is necessary to make all the necessary conditions for construction in general and in particular for workers and management personnel.

Creation of construction site infrastructure:

  1. construction of temporary fencing for a construction site
  2. construction of a community camp
  3. installation of operating equipment and information boards
  4. construction of temporary roads and turning areas
  5. installation of a point for washing wheels of special equipment
  6. construction site power supply
  7. arrangement of production posts and territory for storing building materials (placement of excavated soil and construction waste)
  8. other event

From the above we can conclude that a lot of work remains ahead of construction. Now in more detail on each point.

Construction of temporary fencing and metal gates with a wicket

The purpose of these fences is, first of all, the safety of surrounding people not associated with construction and the workers themselves, and also serves to protect against theft of materials and tools.

There are fences in construction sites - portable and non-portable.

Portable fences are lightweight sections, most often made of metal or plastic, their height will be up to 2 meters.

Non-portable fencing is a fence reinforced, for example, with FBS blocks on the bottom and a metal frame made of corrugated sheets on top. Such fences are heavy and can withstand high wind loads. According to the requirements of SNiP, a number of parameters must be observed, such as: height, the presence of a canopy intended for a certain type of construction, and so on.

The distance from the fence to the sidewalk should be at least one and a half meters. After the work, the fence is dismantled.

Construction of a household town

A modern household town consists of blocks of containers that are connected to each other and create structures for different purposes.

For example:

  • for headquarters, for living;
  • canteens with full or partial cooking cycle;
  • showers, laundries, toilets;
  • checkpoints, security posts.

Also for maintenance it is necessary to carry out engineering communications:

Construction of a trench for sewerage, water supply (route from household units to the septic tank and water tank)

  • truck crane for installation of cabins
  • long length for transporting cabins

Installation of campus operating facilities and information boards

Funds for the operation of the construction site are:

  • Water tanks V=5m3
  • Installation of floodlights (5m mast)

Electric lighting is carried out in accordance with the “Norms for lighting construction sites”, GOST 12.1.046-85. The general illumination of the construction site is 10 lux, the construction installation workplaces is 30 lux. The floodlight masts are connected to the re-grounding loop.

MGL 250W lamps installed on floodlights are used as light sources for outdoor lighting.

  • Inventory cabins (2.5x6.0m in 2 tiers)
  • Garbage container
  • Installation of supports for overhead power networks
  • Diesel industrial generators

Information boards

  • Fire prevention panels with fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Information boards on ecology and on organizations accepting construction (board-passport of the object)
  • Occupational safety and first aid shields.

Construction of temporary roads, entrances and turning areas

Work technology

We level the area, then we bring in sand with dump trucks and then distribute it. After the sand cushion is ready, you can install road slabs using a truck crane.

For these works we use special equipment:

  • backhoe loader (cutting the fertile layer, leveling, filling and moving sand)
  • truck crane (installation of cabins)
  • (transportation of road slabs)

Equipment for washing wheels of special equipment

As is known, according to the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government, development companies must apply a set of measures. One of the measures is to wash the wheels of special equipment before leaving the roadway, since the wheels of special equipment are dirty before leaving the construction zone.

Basic equipment for a wheel washing station:

  1. Overpass (washing area)
  2. Settling tanks (sand trap)
  3. Slag collection ditch
  4. Washing pump
  5. Power panel - it is necessary to ensure reliable grounding of the wheel washer installation (use the appropriate fastening in accordance with GOST 12.1.030-81.)
  6. Water intake tank
  7. And other equipment

Construction site power supply

The construction site will be supplied with electricity from two sources:

  1. Diesel industrial generator
  2. Overhead low-voltage line (via SIP cable)

Mains voltage 380/220V with solidly grounded transformer neutral

The main consumers of electricity are:

  • tower cranes;
  • transformer heating of concrete;
  • drainage pumps;
  • external perimeter lighting of the construction site;
  • construction headquarters;
  • welding stations, lifts, portable power tools;
  • electrical receivers of security posts, household premises of the construction camp;
  • other technological machines and equipment

Electricity metering is provided in switchboards at 0.4 kV inputs using Mercury meters

Construction of production posts and territory for storing building materials, soil and construction waste

The construction of production posts is the construction and installation of equipment in the welding and reinforcement shop.

Equipment for work must be installed in accordance with regulations, standards and safety rules in welding shops.

In the welding shop, it is necessary to install good ventilation of the welder's workplace, since welding emits a lot of heavy gases from the melting of metals and the combustion of electrode rod coatings.

Reinforcement shop – a workshop designed for cutting and bending reinforcement.

It is also necessary to make a warehouse. According to the PIC, we measure out the area for the warehouse and level the space for the warehouse. The warehouse floor can be made of crushed stone, road slabs, sand or soil.

Other events

Other activities include work to protect trees, marking the area, and installing traffic signs.