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Greens: secrets of long-term storage. Greens: secrets of long-term storage - Irzeis How to preserve greens at home

There are people who cannot live a day without fresh herbs, however, it is not always possible to have it on the table. Therefore, it is prepared for future use. Understanding how to properly store greens, you can be sure that they will become an excellent addition to your meal every day.

One method to avoid loss of beneficial qualities is to store it in the cold. How to store greens in the refrigerator? There are several ways to make this easy.

Short term storage

When you need greens at hand, as if from a garden bed, it is better to store them for a short time using proven techniques:

    1. The greens are sorted out, washed well with running water, which should then drain. The plastic bag is opened wider to allow maximum air in, the raw materials are placed there, and it is tied. Store on the shelf at the bottom of the refrigerator for several days.
  • The washed raw materials are wrapped not in newspaper or wax, but in thick (kraft) paper or a paper towel. It is sprayed on top, packed in polyethylene and placed on the refrigerator shelf. This will allow you to store it a little longer.

Tip: greens washed at the bottom of the container do not drain water. To prevent sand and dirt from getting in, you just need to take it out of there.

The simplest techniques

The following techniques dispel misconceptions that storing fresh herbs is a hassle:

    • It couldn’t be simpler: rinse the greens with cooler water. Place the raw materials at the bottom of a container with water, let it sit, then take it out and rinse thoroughly with running water. Then shake off the water and place the mass of greens on paper towels, eliminating moisture. Then spread in one layer on the surface to evaporate moisture. Place dried green bushes in plastic containers, preferably vacuum ones, and close tightly. A dry jar (1 liter) with a plastic lid can be a replacement. Greens on the refrigerator shelf do not lose color and freshness for about a month.
  • When there is no time: do not sort or wet the greens, but immediately wrap them in a waffle towel and leave them in the refrigerator.

How to store raw materials longer

You can preserve greens for a long time at home like this:

    1. Do not wet the greens, just sort them out and place them in a plastic bag. The secret is that you need to send quarters of unpeeled onions (1-2 onions) there and tie them. The onion will release phytoncides that protect the greens from spoilage. Every 5 days, you need to remove the bags from the refrigerator, wipe off the released moisture and replace the onions with fresh ones.
  • Dry greens can be stored for a very long time. To do this, you don’t need to wash it, just sort it out. Next, place on paper, removing excess moisture. Then pack everything in cellophane, making holes in it in several places for air circulation. So the greens (celery, lettuce directly with the stalk) will be fresh for about 40 days, and the spinach will be enough for the whole winter.

How different types of product are stored

    • Parsley with dill is placed, like a flower bouquet, in a jar (vase) filled with water, changing it periodically (once every two days). It is better to cover the top of the greens with damp gauze.
  • To preserve freshness, lettuce should be placed in a plate, covered with a paper napkin, and with film on top.
  • Green onions can be stored fresh for 21 days. They sort it out, don’t wash the feathers, only the bulbs. The bottom is wrapped with a rag soaked in cold water, wrapped in thick paper, tied and the bag of raw materials is sent to the refrigerator.

How to store by freezing

Freezing helps preserve raw materials for a very long time. It is also washed, excess moisture, damaged stems and their ends are removed. They are packaged and containers or bags of greens are placed in the cold of the refrigerator. You can also cut green branches and place them there, wrapping them in cellophane.

Freezing of different types of raw materials

For different types of spices, there are special freezing techniques for later storage:

Sage, thyme, parsley leavesCut, place in a container, close tightly.
Mint, dillWrap in foil in portions, mark to identify the contents of the package, and place on top of the freezer. This way it is possible to preserve a large amount of greenery for the whole year.
Green onion with bulbsCompletely dry chopped onions are poured into plastic bottles.
Rosemary and basilSprinkle the leaves with salt, then shake it off and put it in containers.
Mixture - such as cilantro, dill, basil, etc.In order for the mass to retain its aroma and freshness completely, it is necessary to rinse, dry, place, like sausage, on cling film, roll, and tie with rubber bands. When needed, remove from the freezer, bend the edge and cut off the required amount with a knife. The aroma and freshness will be completely preserved.

Original freezing techniques

    1. Fresh - crush, put in ice-freezing trays and cover with water. Place on the refrigerator shelf. As soon as it freezes, pack it into cubes (a box or bag will come in handy). The freezer is suitable for storing this way for a long time. Add preserved products as needed to an almost finished dish.
  • Fill the crushed mass of greens, placed in molds where ice is made, not with water, but with vegetable oil that you like (mustard, sesame, olive or sunflower). Store on the freezer shelf. Add to salads or cooked potatoes.

Tip: the aroma of parsley will intensify if you rinse it with hot rather than cool water. Wilted greens can be revived before storage. Pour the solution (1 tsp vinegar: ½ cup water) for an hour. You can also rinse it and place it in warm water for ¼ hour. Another option is to do a contrast bath - immerse first in hot water, then in cold water. The greens can be cut and dried, then stored in linen bags in a dry place.

Any tricks on how to simply store greens while maintaining their quality for a long time will help you always have vitamins, regardless of the time of year.

The presence of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices in a person’s daily diet is considered a prerequisite for maintaining health and good mood. However, not everyone has the opportunity to consume these gifts of nature directly from the garden. Therefore, you need to know how to store greens in the refrigerator.

Proper preparation

How to store dill in the refrigerator? To keep your weed looking good and fresh, it needs to be properly prepared. Parsley, lettuce, dill or green onion leaves do not need to be washed first. They tolerate long-term storage without contact with water much better. If necessary, dirt can be removed with a napkin or dry soft cloth. It is better to carry out “water treatments” for weed before the cooking process.

If, in your opinion, you cannot do without pre-washing, then it is recommended to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Green leaves of edible herbs should never be washed under strong running water. To remove residual dust, dirt and insects, a deep saucepan or basin is usually used. This allows you to clean delicate leaves more effectively.
  • After the “water procedures” have been carried out, the leaves are first removed from the container, and only after that the water is drained. Such actions will protect the grass from dirt re-entering its surface. Only then is running water used as the final washing step.
  • Long-term storage of greens in the refrigerator is possible only after thorough drying or complete removal of moisture. Typically, plants are first shaken off drops of water, blotted with a dry cloth or soft paper and placed on spread paper napkins or towels. After 10-15 minutes, not a drop of unnecessary moisture will remain on the leaves of green grass.

Only now the grass is ready, so you can think about how to store the greens in the refrigerator for a long time.

Features of tender leaves

Most useful and spicy herbs have a developed foliage system. At the same time, their covers are usually quite thin and delicate, so their ability to retain moisture is very weak. The water begins to evaporate within a few hours. However, if you know how to store greens in the refrigerator, they can be used for food almost all year round.

What will help your greens stay fresh?

The optimal temperature for keeping fresh leaves in the refrigerator for a long time is created on its bottom shelf. In some modern models of kitchen refrigerators, the developers took care of how to keep greens fresh in the refrigerator by coming up with a “zero” chamber.

However, in any case, before storing fresh leaves, it is necessary to clean the inflorescences from yellowed, rotten and dry branches. The remaining twigs and leaves should be carefully folded.

How to store green onions in the refrigerator?

Storing onion feathers in a damp cloth will help them look fresh and juicy for a long time. It is very important that the paper web does not unravel under the influence of moisture. Thick paper towels or food wrapping paper are suitable for these purposes, but never newspaper. The presence of harmful impurities and dyes in printing ink can adversely affect the quality of products.

The prepared greens are packed in paper and sprayed with clean water from a spray bottle. This bundle is placed in a regular plastic bag and placed in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. In this way, you can protect other types of greens from spoilage, namely sorrel, parsley or lettuce leaves, celery and dill. With the right method, greens can maintain excellent quality and fresh appearance for 1.0-1.5 weeks. How to store greens in the refrigerator using other methods?

Vacuum to the rescue

The airless environment of vacuum containers also favorably contributes to the long-term preservation of leaf freshness. The main thing is to choose a suitable container. There are entire lines of plastic utensils designed for such use. Many manufacturers use special technologies that allow products to “not suffocate” while remaining without air for a long time. High-quality food containers may cost significantly more than their cheaper counterparts, but they really help preserve the nutritional properties and freshness of the food placed in them.

Latest developments

Modern technologies in the development of special utensils for long-term storage of food have made great progress. And to preserve the freshness of greens, developers offer interesting options for vacuum containers. For example, a flask from Prepara is interesting because it is equipped with a special container for water. Regular addition of life-giving liquid through a special compartment will allow the leaves to remain fresh for a very long time. The jars themselves can have different sizes, so they are suitable for plants with long stems.

So how do you keep greens fresh in the refrigerator using vacuum sealers? The length of shelf life directly depends on the quality of plant preparation. They must be washed thoroughly, dried thoroughly and carefully placed in a plastic container.

Regular plastic and polyethylene bags

Knowing how to store greens in the refrigerator using regular plastic bags and plastic bags can help you enjoy the freshness and quality of your greens even after 3 or 4 weeks in your home refrigerator. There are several versions of storage, but in all cases it is not recommended to wash greens before storing. The leaves are carefully sorted, removing unnecessary elements. If water procedures are still needed, the greens must be thoroughly dried.

The most common method is to place prepared plant leaves in a regular plastic bag. The bag must be tied and several holes made in different places. This will provide adequate ventilation and prevent musty odors. In this form, greens can be stored for a month. Sometimes leaves wrapped in damp paper are laid in a similar way.


Many housewives manage to delight their households with fresh herbs all year round. But how to store dill in the refrigerator so that it remains as tasty and aromatic for a long time? The answer is simple: greens are frozen.

The technology for preparing leaves for the freezing process remains standard: the leaves are carefully sorted, washed (you can’t do without water procedures here, since the plants will immediately end up in food from the freezer), thoroughly dried and crushed. Each type of greens should be packed in a separate plastic bag. It is important to exclude free entry of air. The prepared bundles are placed in the freezer and left for the required period.

An original way of freezing can be in the form of ice cubes. To do this, prepared, finely chopped greens are placed in special molds and filled with plain water. If necessary, you can add such a frozen cube to the prepared dish.

How to bring greenery to life?

If you accidentally forgot how to store green onions in the refrigerator, did not use parsley for a long time, or lettuce leaves simply lost their fresh appearance, this resuscitating procedure will help: place the plant stems in a container with cool water, after adding a few drops of vinegar to it.

Spicy herbs freshly brought from the market or your own dacha smell so wonderful! But for some reason, even in the refrigerator they quickly turn into unappetizing withered hay... How to store greens so that they remain fresh for a long time? Experienced housewives do this using special tricks. Here are some culinary secrets.

How to store fresh herbs

Fragrant bunches of dill, cilantro, basil, and parsley spoil if they are placed in inappropriate conditions. The main enemies of freshness:

  • Sunlight. It destroys chlorophyll, especially in delicate herbs - parsley, cilantro. They are starting to turn yellow.
  • Oxygen. Open air access to plants torn from their roots causes the leaves to curl and turn brown.
  • Excessive humidity. Water vapor from the air promotes decay. Leaves and stems become covered with mucus or mold. This happens if you leave greens in store packaging.
  • Lack of moisture. Water evaporates from the plants, causing them to lose their flavor and dry out.

If the herbs are to be used in the coming days, you can store them without refrigeration. To do this, the purchased product is removed from packaging, and plants from your own garden are thoroughly cleaned of roots and lower leaves stained with soil. The grass should never be washed! It is sorted by type (dill - separately, cilantro - separately, etc.) and each bunch is wrapped in parchment, cotton or linen cloth. The packages are put away in the kitchen cabinet. In this form, the plants will remain fresh for 3-4 days.

Basil and mint are placed in a deep jar, at the bottom of which a 2 cm layer of water is poured. This “bouquet” can simply stand on the kitchen table, the main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on it. You should change the water daily and trim the stems a little.

How to store greens in the refrigerator

Almost all herbs are best placed in the refrigerator. There are several effective ways to prepare plants for storage:

  • Remove from store packaging, wrap in paper towel and place in a ziplock bag. If the plants begin to dry out inside, lightly spray the paper towel with water. This method is effective for storing dense herbs - sage, rosemary, thyme, but is also suitable for delicate chives.
  • Wrap the greens in a damp piece of natural fabric (cotton, linen) and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Place the bunch vertically in a plastic mayonnaise bucket with some water poured into it, put a plastic bag with a zipper on top, and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This is the optimal method for soft herbs - parsley, cilantro.
  • Wrap the bunch in a black bag and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

These methods are suitable for all culinary plants, except basil and mint, which quickly turn black in the refrigerator.

Fresh, juicy and aromatic greens are an excellent addition to most different dishes. Spicy herbs not only have excellent taste, but also have a beneficial effect on our body. Dill, parsley, cilantro, basil or green onions are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, healthy and easily digestible food. It is especially pleasant to serve a fragrant bunch of flowers freshly picked from your own garden bed. And in order to fully enjoy fresh and tasty spices all year round, you need to know how to properly store herbs.


It is best to store greens in the refrigerator, since low temperatures ensure the preservation of the product for a long time.

Preparing greens for storage

Most types of green grasses have very thin and delicate covering tissue that does not retain moisture well. For this reason, even large leaves, such as lettuce, sorrel or spinach, quickly lose their juiciness and wither. In order not to be upset about a spoiled product, you need to take into account all the nuances and remember how to store fresh herbs of different varieties.

Before storing the grass, it needs to be prepared. If you want to prolong the freshness of green onions, garlic, parsley or dill, it is not advisable to wash them first. Use a dry cloth to remove any remaining soil from the bunches and remove any yellowed leaves. If heavily soiled, you can rinse the herbs in a basin or deep bowl, but not under running water. Then dry them well: shake them off carefully, lay them on a towel, blot off excess water and leave to dry for half an hour.

After the grass has dried, it is ready for long-term storage.

Do not wash greens before long-term storage.

Features of storing greens in the refrigerator

Put the spices into a container(vacuum is best) or in a glass jar and close with a tight lid. Do not compact the bunches too much so that they do not lose their juiciness. Ready! Can be sent to the refrigerator. This way the greens will retain their original properties for 2-3 weeks.

Fresh parsley and dill Store in a slightly damp kitchen towel in the refrigerator (spray the towel with water every day throughout the entire storage period).

Another simple and effective way to prolong the freshness of herbs is to place them in a plastic bag. Having arranged the bunches into bags, fill it with air, tie it tightly and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this form, the grass can lie for about a week without deteriorating.

You can use a plastic bag in another way. Collect the greens in a bag, tie it, poke holes for ventilation with a fork and put it in the refrigerator. This way you can preserve the freshness of lettuce (provided that it is cut with the stalk) for up to a month, celery for up to 6 weeks, and spinach for up to 3 months. The taste and aroma of herbs will not be lost.

Another interesting way using a plastic bag is to add onions to the greens. Cut 1-2 unpeeled onions into several large pieces, place in a bag with the herb bunches and put in the refrigerator. As the onions wilt, replace them with fresh ones.

You can store spices in the refrigerator for a long time if you wrap them in parchment or paper towel. First, wash and dry the bunches well, then completely wrap them in prepared paper and moisten them with water from a spray bottle (the greens should be slightly damp, not damp). You can store greens in this package for 2-3 weeks. Mint, basil and cilantro love this storage method.

A great way to extend the freshness and juiciness of green onions for several weeks is to moisten the roots cold water, wrap them in a wet kitchen towel, and wrap paper on top. For convenience, you can tie the resulting bundle at the base with an elastic band and put it in the refrigerator.

Thyme and rosemary are stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping the bunches in a tube in a dry paper towel.

It’s better to pick from the garden or choose greens with roots when purchasing: they will help preserve the spices for a longer period.

As we found out, you can store greens in the refrigerator for quite a long period - about 2-4 weeks. The “zero” chamber, which many modern refrigerator models have, is suitable for this.

If you want to significantly increase the shelf life of herbs, you can freeze them. After thoroughly washing and drying the bunches, place them in a plastic bag or plastic container and put them away into the freezer. The grass can be frozen either whole or after being chopped.

Considering the variety of greens, pay attention to the subtleties before freezing:

  • mint and dill will retain their qualities better if you freeze them after wrapping them in foil;
  • Plastic containers are convenient for basil and rosemary. When laying the leaves, lightly sprinkle them with salt;
  • green onions will retain their juiciness if you first chop them and put them in a plastic container.

Many housewives, to add piquancy to their dishes, freeze small pinches of herbs in ice trays, filling them with melted butter (olive or plain water).

If the expected shelf life of the herbs is short (2-3 days) or the appearance is important (intended for decorating dishes), then simply leave them in a glass of water on the windowsill, trimming the stems as they turn yellow.

We hope that our tips helped you and now you can easily prolong the freshness, taste and aroma of your favorite spices!

What original ways do you use to store fresh herbs? Share your experience with us!

Text: Anastasia Doroshenko

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Many who are at least able to cook scrambled eggs for breakfast have an eternal problem: how to store greens at home. It is not always possible to pick a fresh sprig of dill or parsley, fragrant cilantro or mint from the garden. Dry and canned greens, of course, are great for cooking, especially first courses. But dry herbs can never replace fresh ones.

A long time ago, during a period of general shortage, fresh greens were simply unavailable in winter, or they cost so much that, as my mother said, there was no longer enough money for meat. But, with the advent of market relations, all year round, in almost any grocery store, you can buy quite decent parsley, dill, basil and other fragrant green bunches.

Of course, purchased greens in winter are not garden greens in summer. Winter greens are sold from “storage”. Apparently, in the fall, the greens are somehow put into vegetable stores, then, as needed, they are packaged in bunches and sold. And even in this case, having bought a bunch or two of these greens, you need to keep them at home in more or less fresh form.

I admit, not so long ago, as a rule, a bunch of parsley bought in a store was rarely eaten completely. At first, the greens were of acceptable quality, but when stored in the refrigerator, they always lose moisture, in other words, they wither. And no methods or tricks helped to radically preserve the green bunch for at least a week. How to store greens - that was the question!

Green parts and shoots of plants are very widely used in cooking: additives in salads, soups, for cooking meat and vegetables, etc. By greens, most often they mean dill, parsley, basil and green onions, cilantro. Less often - mint, celery, chervil, fennel. The so-called “soup greens” are mirepoix (French mirepoix), which in a broad sense includes various vegetables for soup.

I'll tell you how to store greens in your home refrigerator. The method is not complicated, time-tested and has fully justified itself. Over the few years during which we preserve greens this way, incl. in winter, we never threw away the leftovers or “finished” the limp and dried out parsley.

How to store greens. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (fresh herbs)

  • Fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, etc. of necessity
  1. Typically, the composition and quantity of greens that are bought and stored at home for making soup, main courses, snacks and salads is limited to 1-2 bunches. Most often, rarely does anyone think about the question: how to store greens, rightly believing that it is enough to put a bunch of dill in the refrigerator, wrapped in a plastic bag. Maxim - they will put a bunch of greenery in a glass of water, and, of course, forget about it.
  2. In home cooking, dill and parsley are almost always used; these are our main spicy herbs. In season, cilantro, basil, and sometimes mint are used. And, of course, green onions. If you have fresh and elastic aromatic greens in your home refrigerator, it is very easy to prepare, which is perfect for strong drinks.

    Dill and parsley are our main herbs

  3. It so happened that, due to being busy, we buy groceries once a week on weekends, and on weekdays we buy bread, milk, and so on - little by little. Having bought dill and parsley in a store or market, you need to take some steps to keep the greens fresh until next weekend.
  4. So, how to preserve greens. It's verified! You need to buy a large plastic container with a volume of 2-2.5 liters. With a lid that closes with latches - in this case, the container will not close tightly. The greens will be stored in this container.
  5. Having bought greens, you should rinse them very well at home with cold running water, ideally even in a shower. Try to wash away any remaining soil, debris and other excess substances. If there are different types of greens, it is worth tying them into separate bunches with regular cotton thread. If a visual inspection of the greenery reveals spoiled or rotten branches, they should be thrown away immediately. If the greens are purchased with roots (as cilantro and young dill are often sold), the roots can be left, but washed thoroughly.

    Rinse the greens very well with cold running water.

  6. Carefully place all the greens in a plastic container, do not push them in any way. Bunches of greenery should lie freely. Pour cold water over the greens. So that all greenery is below the water level.

    Pour cold water over greens

  7. Cover the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator. Typically in a modern refrigerator the temperature is maintained at +10 (+/- 2) degrees. It is necessary for the greens to lie in cold water for several hours. I most often buy greens in the morning, and they sit in water until the evening. Or, if this happens, you can leave it in water for up to a day. During this time, green twigs and leaves will restore water balance and become elastic and beautiful. Even noticeably limp greens will straighten out.
  8. Drain the water from the container completely. It is also worth taking out the greens and shaking off a little, but very carefully, drops of water. The container should be damp, but without any residual leaking liquid. Place the greens back into the container. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  9. Actually that's all. As needed, the container is taken out of the refrigerator, the required amount of greenery is cut off from the bunch, while the bunch remains intact. It is necessary to sometimes drain the remaining water from the container, otherwise the leaves that lie at the bottom begin to deteriorate in the remaining water.

    How to store greens at home - very simple

  10. This method of storing in the refrigerator ensures the freshness and elasticity of the greens for at least a week. How to store greens does not cause any difficulties. By the way, greens are very healthy, a source of vitamins and microelements. If you have fresh herbs in the refrigerator, they always go into food, which means they replenish the deficiency of vitamins in the body.