Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Growing variegated elderberry. Elderberry: types and varieties, care and cultivation Dwarf elderberry herbaceous plants for open ground

The genus Sambucus - Elderberry - according to the latest data, includes twenty-seven species of woody and, less commonly, herbaceous plants. But in the minds of most of us, the word “elderberry” refers only to black and red elderberries. This is understandable: these two species are the most widespread and are found almost everywhere in Europe and most of Russia, and black elderberry can be called a cosmopolitan species, because its current range covers all parts of the world except Antarctica. For many, elderberry is, first of all, a medicinal and useful plant in everyday life. But both red and black elderberries have aesthetic merits that have not yet been discovered much by our gardeners.

Plants from the genus Sambucus have long been used as ornamentals. They were planted near houses, in parks and gardens. In addition to its decorative purpose, elderberry also had practical use as a honey plant.

In cultivated plantings in the middle zone, it is advisable to grow the most frost-resistant and very decorative types of elderberry - b. red, b. black and b. Canadian. In addition, breeders have created several dozen interesting varieties of ornamental elderberry, which can decorate the garden not only during the flowering and fruiting period, but during the entire growing season.

It is worth paying attention to cultivars with variegated or colored foliage, as well as varieties with dissected openwork leaf blades. There are several dwarf varieties of elderberry and varieties with an unusual crown shape. When choosing a variety and type of elderberry for planting in the garden, inquire about its frost resistance. It happens that a variety is inferior in this regard to its natural species, and different varieties of the same species exhibit different resistance to frost. In heat-loving varieties of black elderberry, less often b. Canadian, young shoots may freeze, and edible berries may not ripen.

Ornamental types and varieties of elderberry

Red elderberry

The most frost-resistant in our climate is the red elderberry - a species of European origin that has become so familiar to us that many people perceive it as an original Russian plant. In botany, red elderberry is also known as elderberry, or common elderberry, Sambucus racemosa. A shrub with a wide crown grows up to 2-4 meters in height and has beautiful feathery, elongated, pointed leaves. Paniculate inflorescences, collected from star-shaped flowers, light greenish at the beginning of flowering and white at its peak, are covered with red half-centimeter inedible berries by autumn. They are still eaten by birds, thereby promoting the proliferation of shrubs. For planting in the garden, varieties and forms of red elderberry are more often used, since they are superior in decorative qualities to the species plant.

Examples of red elderberry varieties

Sutherland gold - a strongly dissected leaf blade of a yellowish color, the leaf resembles a fern, almost does not suffer from sunburn;
Golden Locks is a semi-dwarf variety, up to 0.7 m high, with strongly dissected bright yellow leaves that do not lose their attractiveness until autumn and do not fade in the sun;
Ornata – form with pinnate leaf blades;
Laciniata - the tent-like crown of the shrub is assembled from surprisingly graceful dissected leaves;
Tenuifolia - leaves of unusual thread-like shape;
Flavescens – the variety is distinguished by yellow fruits;
Plumosa aurea - leaf blades cut to the middle are golden yellow; from a distance the bush resembles a Japanese maple;
Moerheimii - narrow, dissected leaves have a purple color when blooming.

In the photo: black elderberry - Sambucus nigra

Black elderberry

Compared to the red elderberry, the black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a more heat-loving plant, and in middle latitudes it grows only in the form of a rounded shrub up to 3-4 meters high, while in the favorable climate of the Crimea or the Caucasus it can be a six-meter tree . To match its external dimensions, the plant produces large, up to 20 centimeters, inflorescences of white fragrant flowers that abundantly cover the branches. They last for up to a month, and by autumn the flowers ripen into elegant black and shiny berries that can decorate the bush even in winter. The fruits of the black elderberry are edible and are often used in wine making or medicinal infusions. Although black elderberry itself is very decorative, its showy varieties are more often cultivated.

Black Lace - the variety was named “Black Lace” for its openwork dissected purple leaves and pink flowers;
Variegata - variegated green-white leaves and pale white flowers;
Gerda – dark purple-burgundy leaves;
Madonna - variegated leaves bordered by a wide yellow stripe;
Laciniata - strongly dissected leaves creating a light translucent crown;
Fructu lutea - a variety with fruits of a golden-cream hue, with a slight red blush;
Pendula – elderberry with picturesque drooping branches and burgundy foliage;
Witch’s Broom is a dwarf variety, the height of which is 45 – 50 cm;
Dwarf form is the smallest of the black elderberry varieties, its height is 30 – 35 cm;
Black Beauty - the variety is similar to “Black Lace” - dark purple leaves and pink flowers, but differs from it in that the leaf blade is not dissected;
Guincho Purple - the blossoming leaves of this variety are burgundy in color; they turn green only towards the end of summer;
Among the variegated varieties of black elderberry are Albomarginata, Aureomarginata, Madonna, Bimble, Pulverulenta;
Twisted leaves in the monstros form;
The leaves of the black elderberry latisecta are similar to oak leaves;
There are plants with a pyramidal crown - the form Pyramidalis;
The variety Cae Rhos Lligwy has ripe fruits that are green like gooseberries;
Spectacular large-fruited and productive varieties have been created - Korsor, Adam Eldercarry and others.
And this is not the entire list of black elderberry varieties that a gardener and landscape designer can choose.


Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) is native to the eastern North American continent and is very similar to black elderberry. It differs from it in better frost resistance, although in frosty winters it can freeze slightly, but then grow back with new shoots. Our height is no more than 3 meters. It is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish black elderberry from Canadian elderberry, and some plant taxonomists, for example, the Royal Horticultural Society, consider it a subspecies of black elderberry - Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis. However, according to The Plant List, black elderberry and Canada elderberry are recognized as different species.

This picturesque plant has even more delightful varieties:
The decorative form of Maxima is interesting with a powerful bush and inflorescences up to 45 cm;
Elderberry Chlorocarpa has green flowers and fruits;
The Aurea variety has golden-colored spring and autumn leaves and dark cherry-colored fruits;
Exquisitely dissected leaves of the Canadian elderberry Acutiloba.

Other types of elderberry for landscaping

Not only red, Canadian and black elderberries can decorate our gardens and parks. Siberian elderberry (Sambucus sibirica), b. fluffy (Sambucus pubens), b. herbaceous (Sambucus ebulus), Far Eastern species - Siebold elder (Sambucus sieboldiana) and Kamchatka (Sambucus kamtschatica / javanica) are also successfully, although less often, used in landscaping.

For the southern regions of the country, the heat-loving American species blue elderberry - Sambucus cerulea - with fragrant whitish flowers in large corymbose inflorescences and black-blue berries with a bluish bloom can be considered.

Using elderberry in landscape design

Thanks to the morphological diversity of varieties, elderberry is suitable for any floral composition:
In a group with other woody plants (any varieties depending on the compositional solution and the designer’s intention);
Solo plant (usually variegated varieties or varieties with bright foliage are used, the latter look very impressive against the backdrop of green grass);
As an element of flower beds with perennial flowering herbaceous plants (use low-growing or medium-growing varieties with carved and/or colored foliage);
As a compositional element of artificial biocenoses ( rock gardens, rockeries ) – medium-sized, low-growing and dwarf varieties are suitable for this;
Decoration of the banks of artificial reservoirs;
Slope strengthening and cliffs (any variety);
For creating hedges (green fences) - use medium-sized and tall varieties.

Planting elderberry, growing conditions and care


The plant feels good under the rays of the scorching sun, and in bright diffused light, and in light partial shade. Some varieties can grow in the shade, but most will feel bad: their growth will deteriorate, and the number of flowers and fruits will be reduced due to lack of lighting. Shade-tolerant elderberry species include Canadian elderberry, with the exception of its variegated varieties.

A number of varieties with variegated or colored leaves, for example, purple, must receive a certain amount of sunlight, otherwise they will lose their decorative color. These varieties of elderberry are best planted in well-lit areas.


Elderberry is not demanding on substrates, so it grows well in almost all types of soil, even on poor sandy and loamy soils. But it feels best on humus-rich, aerated soils, the acidity of which is in the range of 6.0 - 6.7.

The drainage of the substrate must be good, but at the same time, the soil particles must retain moisture. On sandy soils, in which water immediately goes into deep layers, elderberry grows poorly.

Elderberry does not like too acidic (pH 3.5 - 4.5) substrates or peaty soils. Therefore, before planting, such soil needs to be deoxidized, that is, its acidity must be changed. To do this, just add lime or dolomite flour to the soil, mix and water. After a week, mix the substrate well, add compost, water well again and leave for another 10 - 15 days.
In clay soils, add a mixture of sand and compost (ratio 1:1) 3 to 4 days before planting.

Watering and humidity

Moderate moisture is optimal for elderberry. The plant can tolerate excessive watering, but not stagnation of water in the soil. Some types of elderberry are quite tolerant of close proximity to groundwater and, in natural conditions, grow along the banks of streams, for example, Canadian elderberry.

With a lack of moisture, elderberry leaves droop and droop. But it is enough to water the plant and it returns to its normal state. In hot summers or in the absence of natural moisture for a long time, elderberries need watering. This is especially true for young or weakened plants. Watering is carried out in the evening.


Elderberry is fertilized in the spring at the beginning of the growing season. As a rule, organic fertilizers dissolved in water are applied. Mineral components are embedded in the soil in solid form - they will gradually and for a long time decompose and nourish the plant.


Elderberry grows quickly and, under optimal growing conditions, produces many shoots in a short time. Therefore, in late autumn or spring, before the growing season begins, it needs to be pruned. This will improve the appearance of the crown and contribute to its renewal.

In the spring, in addition to scheduled pruning, frozen shoots are removed. In case of severe frostbite, the plant must be cut at the root, otherwise the branches may become infected with fungus.

How to propagate elderberry

Elderberry easily reproduces vegetatively and generatively, using seeds. Of all the vegetative methods, the most effective are cuttings and root layering.

For cuttings, use green, non-woody shoots, which must be cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The size of the cuttings is about 10 cm - there should be 2 nodes on the cutting. It is advisable to use a rooting agent. After planting in a mixture of sand and peat (1:1), the cuttings are covered with a transparent film to create a moist environment, which must be constantly maintained using a spray, the so-called fog. The film should be at a distance of 20–40 cm from the plant; small holes must be made in it for aeration.

Using the same method, you can root cuttings from 2-3 year old woody shoots, but they take root somewhat less well.

The fastest way to get an elderberry seedling is to dig up the root shoots. This is best done in the fall. This method is also good because the plant will retain all the features of the variety (openwork foliage, colored flowers, etc.).

Unlike vegetative propagation, when grown from seeds, elderberry may lose some varietal characteristics, for example, the leaves will turn green instead of the expected purple. This method is most often used by breeders. On the other hand: seedlings are a cheap material that can be obtained in almost any quantity, so some gardeners use them, although a full-fledged, beautiful, fruit-bearing plant can only be had years later.

In the photo: black elderberry in landscaping, VDNKh, Moscow

The genus of flowering plants Elderberry includes about 25 species - many of them have medicinal value. Gardeners pay tribute to the beauty and benefits of the plant - elderberry is grown in the garden plots of our country.

Elderberry: types and varieties

Nine species grow in Russia. Most of the plants are trees or bushes, but herbaceous forms are also found. The most commonly grown elderberries are red, black and Canadian. Other interesting types of elderberry:


Black elderberry: varieties

Black elderberry is a low tree (3-4 m) with an oval crown. It may also be a compact shrub. The bark is colored light gray. The leaves reach 35 cm in length. They are dark green in color and have an extremely specific smell (it is felt when the leaves are rubbed). Flowering season is early summer. During this period, small, fragrant, yellowish-green flowers appear. Fruiting occurs in late summer, early autumn. The fruits of this species are edible and are black in color. The brushes remain on the plant after the leaves fall.

The varieties of black elderberry are quite diverse:

Adam Eldercarry
Black Beauty
Witches Broom

Description of the black elderberry variety Aurea

This variety is a bush, the height of which usually does not exceed 3 m. The plant forms a neat, dense, rounded crown. When grown in full sun, the leaves are yellow in color. In the shade they are colored yellow-green.

Canadian elderberry: the best varieties

The Canadian elderberry is also a shrub. The color of the bark is greenish. The leaves are colored green. The flowering season begins in mid-summer (closer to July). The flowers are collected in large inflorescences. The fruits are edible, they are painted black, the diameter is about 4 mm. The fruits ripen in late summer, early autumn.

The most famous varieties:


Description of the Acutiloba variety

The Acutiloba variety is a bush. The plant forms an openwork crown, the leaves are divided into narrow lobes. An interesting feature inherent in this variety is that in the fall the leaves do not turn yellow, but fall green.

Red elderberry: the best varieties

Under natural conditions, red elderberry is found in the middle zone. The plant is usually a shrub, but can develop into a tree with several trunks. The bark is colored brown. The leaves are green, pubescent. The inflorescence is paniculate, its length on average is 10 cm. The flowers have no smell. Flowering begins in May. The red juicy fruits are poisonous. As with other species, they ripen in August-September. This variety is grown to create decorative garden compositions. Red elderberry prefers sunny areas.

The best varieties of red elderberry:

Sutherland Gold
Plumosa Aurea

Description of the elderberry variety Sutherland Gold

The height of the bush is 3 m. The deeply incised leaves have a few teeth along the edges. The leaves are colored yellow.

Varieties of decorative elderberry

Different types of elderberry are used in gardening. The most popular are variegated (variegated) and purple-leaved forms.

Elderberry varieties with variegated leaves:


Description of the elderberry variety Aureovariegata

The leaves of this plant are covered with villi. Golden spots stand out against the green background, giving it a special decorative effect. Elderberry flowers are cream-colored, and the fruits change color from red to black as they ripen. Plant height is about 3 m.

Elderberry varieties with purple leaves:

Black Beauty
Guincho Purple

Description of the variety Gerda

The Gerda variety looks beautiful during flowering - the flowers are painted a pleasant pink color. Crimson leaves are very decorative. The crown has a dome shape. The height of the plant is on average 3 m, and the width is about 2 m. The berries are edible.

Edible elderberry varieties grown in the garden generally come from two species: black elderberry and Canadian elderberry. The berries have medicinal properties - elderberries not only decorate the garden, but also give us health.

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There are 40 species of elderberry, growing in temperate and subtropical regions of two hemispheres, except South and Central Africa.

A shrub or small tree with odd-pinnate leaves and berry-like fruits.

Elderberry is demanding on soil moisture, is shade-tolerant, is characterized by rapid growth, and tolerates shearing well.

Propagated by sowing seeds, cuttings, layering. Only decorative forms reproduce vegetatively. Almost all types of elderberry require strong, short pruning, after which the bush regenerates well.

Types and varieties of elderberry

In central Russia, 13 species are cultivated, but most often only four are found: red, black, grassy and Canadian.


Grows in North America.

Canadian elderberry is an ornamental shrub for landscaping that grows about 4 m tall.

The structure and shape of the bush with yellow-gray shoots decorated with compound leaves; yellow-white, small flowers with a charming scent, collected in convex umbrella-shaped inflorescences; shiny, spherical, edible, dark purple fruits.

In cultivation, the height of the Canadian elderberry does not exceed 3 m. It grows quite quickly and is shade-tolerant.

Does not tolerate dry air. Prefers moist, fertile soils. Canadian elderberry is used in single plantings.

Very reminiscent of black elderberry, but more stable in the middle zone.

Both of these types of elderberry differ only in subtle features - the number of leaf segments and the color of the fruit.

Elderberry "Aurea". Fast growing shrub. In early spring the leaves are yellow, then they turn green, and in the fall they turn yellow again. The flowers are fragrant, yellow-white in large umbellate inflorescences.

They turn into edible cherry fruits. In the shade, the Canadian elderberry "Aurea" loses its golden foliage.

Elderberry red or racemose

The homeland of red elderberry is the mountains of Western Europe. Grows in the undergrowth of mixed and dark coniferous forests.

A small tree or deciduous shrub 5 m in height, with a wide crown; compound, green leaves, made of 7 pointed leaflets.

The flowers of the red elderberry are greenish-yellow. Canadian elderberry blooms for 20 days. The fruits are small, bright red, berry-shaped. The branches and leaves have a very unpleasant odor.

This elderberry grows quickly in moist soils. Can tolerate partial shade. In cold winters the shoots may freeze.

Propagated by seeds and layering. It is very elegant during the fruiting period, especially when grown in a standard form, does not lose its decorative effect for decades, and is seductive even during the flowering period. Red elderberry is excellent in group plantings and as an undergrowth.

Red elderberry has decorative forms:

low - dwarf;

pinnate - when blooming, the leaves are purple, with dissected serrated leaves;

thin-leaved - the leaves are deeply dissected into narrow segments, the foliage is very delicate;

purple - with purple or pink flowers; yellowish - with yellow, with fruits with an orange side.

Red elderberry "Plumosa". At 11 years old, the height of the tree is about 3 m. It can reach 5 m in height. The growth rate is quite fast. The red elderberry Plumosa blooms in May. The fruits ripen by July. Winter hardiness is average.

Red elderberry "Plumosa Aurea". Bush with golden cut foliage. Grows quickly. The red elderberry "Plumosa Aurea" is one of the most beautiful yellow-leaved shrubs.

In the shade, the leaves of this elderberry turn green. It is especially beautiful in spring, when red leaves surround its inflorescences. The flowers of the red elderberry "Plumosa Aurea" are yellow-green, followed by red fruits.

Elderberry "Sutherland Gold". It differs from the previous ones only in the greater dissection of the leaves and resistance to burns.

Elderberry herbaceous

It is found wild in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. It grows in ravines, on forest edges, on river banks, like a weed in vegetable gardens.

This is a herb, about 2 m high. Ripe berries of elderberry form dark, large, almost black shields and are poisonous when fresh, as they contain hydrocyanic acid.

During the flowering and fruiting period it is very beautiful. Elderberry is herbaceous with an unpleasant strong odor. Used to repel rodents and insects. Well repels pests from currants.

Siberian elderberry

Grows in Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia. Grows in mixed and dark coniferous forests. Siberian elderberry bears fruit from the age of 2 years.

Elderberry location

For normal growth of elderberry, nutritious soil and light are required. It does not develop well in the shade.

Elderberry propagation

All types of elderberry are propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Uses of elderberry

Most types of elderberry have an unpleasant odor that repels insects, so it is often planted next to cesspools, compost heaps, and toilets.

Rarely has anyone seen this shrub in all its glory; it is usually pruned so that it does not take up too much space.

Black elderberry is without a doubt the best known and most used species of the genus Sambucus (Elderberry). Its fruits are used to make jams, preserves, as well as tinctures and liqueurs. Black elderberry berries are part of the famous Italian sambuca. The liqueur owes its name to the elderberry: sambucus is the Latin name of the plant.

Taxonomy and popular names

For the first time, a scientific description of the shrub was given by Karl Lynaeus, giving it the name Sambucusnigra - black elderberry. Subsequently, scientists attributed the plant to the Honeysuckle family. After some time, the black elderberry, like all species of the genus, was assigned to the Adoxov family. But after studying the chemical characteristics and structure of the elderberry gametophyte, scientists merged the genus into a separate family.

Black elderberry is part of the monotypic Elderberry family (Sambucaceae). It contains 28 species of herbaceous and woody plants.

Common names of the shrub: buz, sambuca, bezderevo.

External and internal structure of black elderberry

Black elderberry can have two life forms: a shrub or a tree. This deciduous plant can reach a height of 5 m, with a trunk diameter of 10-15 cm. The bark of the elderberry is light, grayish, covered with cracks. Young shoots, green, with a white soft core. On non-lignified branches, brown lentils are clearly visible.

The root system is taprooted, but over time the shrub develops many additional roots, and the root system becomes similar to a fibrous one.

Complex, imparipinnate leaves, arranged oppositely, reach 40 cm. The simple leaves that make up the complex leaves are oval-elongated, with a pointed end and serrated edge. The venation is reticulate, with short fluff on the main veins.

Note: When rubbed, black elderberry leaves emit an unpleasant odor.

Small five-membered actinomorphic flowers of the plant are collected in racemes in the form of a shield. The diameter of the perianth does not exceed 0.5 cm. The inflorescence is divided into five main branches - this is a characteristic feature of black elderberry. The color of the petals is white or yellowish. There are usually 5 stamens, but there may be 4. There is one pistil, the ovary is inferior. Blooms from May to June.

The fruit is a drupe with three stones, the number of carpels of which makes up the ovary. The fruits are popularly called berries; their color is black or dark purple.

Place in ecosystems

Black elderberry grows on the edges and in the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests. The plant is part of the shrub layer, growing in illuminated places: on the edges, clearings, sides of forest roads and clearings.

The range of black elderberry is very wide, but limited to the Northern Hemisphere. It grows in Europe, Asia, North America, and parts of Africa.

Conditions for growing black elderberry

Black elderberry is an unpretentious plant that requires minimal care. It is easy to grow even for those who have never cultivated plants. In fact, it can be considered a weed because it grows quickly, forming continuous thickets and displacing other plants.


The shrub loves good lighting and can grow in direct sun: elderberry does not get burned by ultraviolet radiation. The plant can grow in partial shade, but for good development, elderberry needs to be in the sun for at least a couple of hours a day. This may be a place that is only lit in the morning or evening.


Elderberry is not demanding on substrates and grows equally well in medium and heavy soils. The acidity that is suitable for shrubs ranges from slightly acidic to neutral (pH 5.5-7.0).


The shrub can withstand dry periods, but gravitates towards humid places. When grown in gardens, during long periods of lack of rain, elderberry requires additional watering. To retain moisture, the soil around young plants can be mulched with bark, straw or sawdust.


Fertilize black elderberry with organic and mineral fertilizers once a year. Mineral complex fertilizers can be dissolved or solid. Both of them can be used in the spring.

Solid compost and manure are suitable for organic feeding. A solution of chicken droppings or manure is used as a liquid fertilizer. Apply organic fertilizers before flowering, or after flowering during the period of fruit ripening.

Note: First of all, elderberry varieties that are grown to produce berries need fertilizer.

Pruning black elderberry

Pruning is important for elder trees, which form a crown, usually these are individual growing individuals. Fruit-bearing elderberry varieties that are grown for their berries need to be pruned once a year to renew the bush.

For good yield you need to remove weak shoots. Old branches that are more than six years old also need to be removed. The most fruit-bearing shoots are three to four year old shoots.

Uses of black elderberry

Elderberry is the most commonly used species of the Elderberry genus by humans. It is at the same time honey-bearing, decorative and medicinal. It is used:

  • for the production of alcoholic beverages;
  • in landscape design;
  • in folk and scientific medicine;
  • in the chemical industry, for the production of natural paints;
  • in the food industry (jams, preserves, additives and food coloring);
  • natural protection of plants from pests, as a natural insecticide;
  • for making crafts, toys and musical instruments;
  • as a melliferous and pollen-bearing plant,
  • to protect soils from erosion.

An interesting feature of black elderberry is that its roots, stem and leaves are very poisonous; the plants are not eaten by herbivores or insects. But, despite this, elderberries are edible: they are readily eaten by birds and used by people.

Alcoholic drinks based on black elderberry

Elderberry “berries” are included in liqueurs, liqueurs, alcohol and berry wines. Usually the fruits are used in combination with other components. For example, in addition to elderberry, anise is added to sambuca.

Elderberry juice, which has a distinct dark burgundy color, is used to naturally color alcoholic drinks made from the fruits of other plants. The advantages of elderberry juice over synthetic dyes are that it does not have a harmful effect on internal organs and contains vitamins and other useful components.

Black elderberry flowers contain essential oils, nectar and sugars (over 20%), which serve for natural sweetening and flavoring. They are used to give sparkling wines and cognacs a light floral aroma with notes of nutmeg.

Note: Elderberry fruits and elderberry-based products should not be consumed by pregnant women and children. People suffering from increased production of gastric juice, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, patients with chronic hepatitis and diabetes should not use elderberry (or consult a doctor before use).

Black elderberry in gardening and landscape design

As an ornamental plant, you can use wild or bred forms of shrubs. Elderberry grows quickly, is easy to form, and can form impenetrable thickets, so it is ideal for hedges.

A single growing elderberry is very impressive during flowering. The varieties created by breeders, which have an unusual leaf color, are decorative from early spring until late autumn. "Aurea" is a variety with yellow-gold leaves, "Purpurea" has burgundy or purple leaves, and the "Madonna" variety has green foliage with a yellow edge.

Also, the variety “Aureamarginata” is characterized by a bright yellow stripe along the edge of the leaf; its name is translated from Latin - “gold from the edge.” All of the varieties listed above reach a height of 2-3 m, and thanks to their unusual leaves they combine harmoniously with many woody representatives of the plant world.

In addition to high varieties, varieties of black elderberry have been bred, the height of which does not exceed 1.5 m. Such varieties are suitable for alpine slides, rock gardens, compositions with boulders, for example, “Pulverulenta” with a marble pattern on the leaves.

Among the dwarf varieties of elderberry, the most famous is “Viches Broom” - this baby is 20-30 cm in height, with its dark green leaves it will decorate a flowerbed or rock garden.

Varieties with pink flowers are “Gerda” and “Black Beauty”. The latter is distinguished by the colorful autumn colors of its leaves.

Varieties created for producing berries do not have exquisite foliage, but their yield can exceed 7 kg per bush. In addition, the berries do not fall off on them. “Corsair”, “Samba”, “Hamburg”, “Adam Elderserri”, “Danau” are fruit-bearing varieties of black elderberry.

Insecticidal properties of black elderberry