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Why girls love big dogs. Your character based on your pet: dogs are loved by brave people, cats – by smart ones. What types of female dog breeds are there? What you need to pay attention to when choosing a future pet

If you believe the description of the sign, the Dog woman behaves quite timidly towards people, especially if they are representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Psychological complexes and the fear of becoming a universal laughing stock often literally paralyze her. Any contact with a recently recognized person is a big problem for a woman born in this year, and often she completely refuses communication due to the prospect of suffering and stress. Born this year eastern calendar It is very difficult to open up to someone, and it takes a long time before this happens. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the patience to wait for this, so it is quite difficult for her to find a suitable partner, friend, companion. And the Dog woman and romance novels tied for fun, “just for fun” are mutually exclusive concepts.

Dog woman in love

A female dog does not recognize personal relationships without love, and you can be sure that she will live alone, if necessary, all her life, and will not connect with anyone. She, as a rule, does not have any special requirements for her immediate environment. The only thing that is fundamentally important for her is that people love and respect her. Of course, she will stay away from selfish gentlemen who will not pay attention to her immediate needs. also in love relationships A female dog requires one hundred percent fidelity because she guarantees devotion on her part; for her it is as natural as breathing air.

A representative of the fair sex born under this sign eastern horoscope, can give herself to a man with all her heart. In love, the Dog woman is sincere, devoted and faithful. As already noted, fleeting love affairs or intoxicating one-night stands are not her style. She is looking for brotherhood of souls, devotion, and romance in relationships. The Dog Woman believes that somewhere on earth lives her soulmate, who just as passionately wants to find her.

Unfortunately, such a dreamy approach to the complex world of feelings often leads her to disappointment. Such cases are experienced very painfully (especially by inexperienced young girls) and interfere with the expression of feelings in the future. A dog lives in order to love and be loved, without this it fades like a flower in the desert, so it must always give itself to the gift of new love.

Dog woman in sex

This is not the kind of woman who can be quickly persuaded to have non-binding sex or an intimate date on the verge of a foul - for example, with the risk of being caught “in the act.” Despite the sensitivity and subtlety of nature, the Female Dog in bed is not prone to inventive caresses and bold experiments. In other words, from the point of view of the sex addict, her virtues are concentrated in other areas.

Horoscope: Dog woman in a permanent relationship

Those born under the sign of the Dog long for a stable life, but her too restrained and cautious behavior leads to the fact that this goal is not always achievable - at least not as quickly as she wants it. When a Dog woman has a family, home becomes the most important thing in the world for her, something sacred. In love, in marriage, she is very faithful and even hates the word “divorce.” Therefore eastern love horoscope warns: Female dogs need to unite their destiny with someone only if they really know both the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen one of their heart.

How to win a Dog woman: first date

A dog is a romantic creature, so it loves sentimental dates in picturesque places. To conquer a Dog woman, your plans for conquest should include concerts, walks on moonlit nights, or admiring the sunset over the sea together - all this will certainly please the representative of this sign. In their free time, ladies born in the year of the Dog willingly work in various organizations, including volunteer ones, so the first meetings can be of a “working” nature. To conquer the Dog woman, you can also have long intimate conversations about the soul, fate and love. If a man can prove to her that he is interested not only in matter, but also in spirit, eternity and the future, then, most likely, she will agree to come on the next date with such an intelligent and spiritual admirer.

For a woman, a dog is like a woman’s purse. She must be beautiful, well-groomed and wonderful.

But at the same time, this is not only a fashion accessory, but also Small child for a woman, with her own world and perception, to whom she will give warmth and care.

What types of female dog breeds are there? What should you pay attention to when choosing a future pet?


If you want a big dog, then the choice is obvious - . This breed of dog, of course, is originally a hunting dog, but dogs of this breed can become a loyal friend and protector. It is important to take into account the size of the dog - representatives of this breed are not typical “laptop” dogs; they are not very suitable for keeping in an apartment. However, they do not create chaos in it and also hardly bark. It is important to walk often and a lot with dogs of this breed: a dream dog for those who want to lose weight.


Translated from Chinese it means sand skin. There are legends about representatives of this breed, according to which the pet used its blue tongue to ward off evil spirits. They have a calm character, but at the same time they are extremely stubborn - they are difficult to train, and they try to show their leadership abilities. That is why they need to be educated from a very early age. It is possible to keep them in apartments - they do not make noise and are quite clean. A girl who decides to start a relationship must be prepared for difficulties.


Perhaps the most common cause women's choice is their attractiveness appearance– they look like a little bear, they look luxurious and expensive. These dogs have a calm character, are patient, and do not make unnecessary sounds other than snoring - so you run the risk of getting yourself a second husband. They are not subject to constant molting and eat quite little. They also have a fairly long lifespan.


Amazing breed of dogs. Germany is considered the birthplace of the dachshund. They were used in the 16th century to hunt badgers and other animals - which is why the dachshund has a rather long body and short legs. They understand their owner very well and give in very well. Dachshund owners celebrate their cheerful and funny pets - every day with surprises.


Very sociable, energetic and active dogs. That is why you need to remember that these dogs will always need your attention and long walks every day, otherwise the whole apartment will turn to dust. They also require special coat care. Ideal for young and active owners, especially women.


Very cheerful, active, true companions. will be devoted to you and your family for the rest of their lives. These dogs are also excellent guards. It is important to remember that the Welsh Terrier’s character is still the same. From the first day of the birth of a puppy of this breed, your life will change dramatically - the hunter's instinct will manifest itself almost immediately and any household item can become an “enemy”. Be also prepared for the fact that your favorite thing will become his favorite toy.


Outwardly, he will resemble an eternally dissatisfied man. Nevertheless, it is bulldogs that are able to protect women like no one else - they have a well-developed protective instinct. In fact, they are calm and peaceful. They get along well with children and other pets. These dogs will not go through all your things in search of a better “bone.” Suitable for girls with a strong but calm character.


- decorative dogs. Their official name is the Continental Toy Spaniel. Translated from French, “papillon” means “butterfly”, well, in principle, you can guess by the ears. They are distinguished by high intelligence, curiosity and excellent learning abilities. They get along well with other animals and are extremely affectionate towards their owner. They are ready to spend hours moving and walking.


Very kind, affectionate and sweet dogs. Their muzzle is very similar to that of a monkey. very affectionate to the owner, cannot stand separation from him - they can become sad and refuse to eat. They also do not remember evil, they like to show their emotions - joy, sadness, and grief. Well trained dogs. Suitable for women who cannot leave their friend for a minute.


is one of the oldest breeds of decorative dogs that were originally used for hunting. They are ideal for the role of a family dog ​​- wonderful friends for you and your children. They tolerate loneliness quite easily. Elegant, light, sophisticated - royal poodles always make a lasting impression. An important point when maintaining their fur, it needs to be trimmed and looked after in a timely manner.

The middle of our top. And even more beloved female dog breeds


This breed is extremely unusual look. Dogs easily find a common language with children; constant contact with humans is important for them. They can easily adapt to changes in environment and habitat. These dogs are highly trainable. If you are often at home and dream of a faithful friend, this dog will become your whole world.


At first they were raised as burrowing terriers for hunting foxes and rats. For quite a long time, breeders have been striving for purity and quality of hunting instincts. But due to the decline in interest in hunting, this breed became “domestic” due to its cheerful disposition and playful character. These dogs are not silent; they can easily bark at another dog or respond to a doorbell. They are highly intelligent and can easily be taught commands even without a trainer. Dogs of this breed are suitable for responsible girls.


is a cheerful, charming dog with a strong character and high intelligence. Many owners say that this breed has a great sense of humor. Although the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is small in size, at heart it is still a real shepherd - fearless, does not require special conditions for keeping, independent and reliable. That is why it is recommended to get one for those people who would like a large dog, but do not have the necessary conditions for keeping it. Some media claim that this is the favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.


The word "hin" means "treasure" in Japanese. These dogs are truly a treasure - they are ideal indoor pets. Many owners compare them to cats - they also love to lie on the sofa and on the owner’s lap, lick themselves, and sometimes make sounds similar to purring. Women are very attracted to dogs of this breed.


A great option for those who don’t want to spend too much time raising a dog. Smart, kind, they do not require constant attention and affection. They are distinguished by their courage and can engage in battle with an enemy much larger than themselves, which can lead to disastrous consequences. These are truly royal dogs. They were bred in China to be kept in the imperial palace.


I don’t EVEN know where to start my letter. I think I want my... dog. I'll tell you everything in order. A year ago, I met an attractive, athletic man with whom I began a whirlwind romance, and soon after we met, I moved in with him. My beloved has a male dog - a hefty shepherd dog, which I was afraid of at first, but then I got used to the dog and even became friends. Naturally from the very beginning life together Our intimate relationship with Vitya was very stormy - we had sex almost three times a day, and sometimes it got to the point where we rubbed our genitals. Everything would be fine, but we couldn’t figure out what to do with the dog. The apartment is one-room - we had to lock the dog in the kitchen, but as soon as we locked it and started having sex, the male began howling terribly and scratching the door. After that, naturally, all the love mood disappeared. It felt like the dog was jealous of one of us... In the end, Vitya and I decided not to lock the dog, but to leave it in the room. At first, the dog was not interested in what was happening in bed, and he lay quietly in his corner, closing his eyes, but when the groans and sighs began, he sat up and began to carefully watch us, tilting his head to the left and to the right. Seeing this, we died of laughter, and then we got used to it and calmly made love in front of the dog, without even covering ourselves with a blanket. The dog was still watching us carefully, but, to be honest, I didn’t think that he understood anything...

Some time ago, Vitya was sent on a long business trip abroad. Leaving the dog, he joked: “The dog will protect you and, if anything, will not allow you to change!”

After a while, to relieve boredom, I invited my ex-boyfriend, who is now my closest friend, to visit. As soon as he entered the door, the dog began to growl furiously, and when we went to the kitchen, the male dog followed! Then the dog seemed to calm down, the man and I were talking peacefully, and then such lust came over me! I took my friend by the hand and dragged him into the bedroom, but as soon as we got into bed, the dog jumped up and started barking and chattering his teeth so terribly that my friend immediately retreated out of harm’s way...

After this incident, I did not invite men into the house, but that was not the end of the matter. One day, when I started my period, I noticed that the dog was walking around and kept trying to sniff me under my skirt. I didn’t attach any importance to this and, putting on my dressing gown, began to wash the floor. And as soon as I bent over, the dog came up behind me and tried, as they say, to climb on me! I jumped back and spanked him - the male ran away, whining. And this continued several times until my period ended. "Instinct!" - I decided and again did not attach any importance to the strange behavior of the dog.

One incident changed everything. One day, when I, tired of the spring heat, was lying in bed completely naked and dozing, I began to have an amazing dream: as if Vitya had already returned, lay in bed and was gently licking my nipples. The sensations were so real and pleasant that, half asleep, I turned over on my back, spread my legs and immediately felt a warm and wet tongue in my crotch... I missed sex so much that I came immediately, moaning and arching, and suddenly realized that the dream does not end - someone continued to diligently lick my crotch! Opening my eyes, I saw a shocking picture - our male dog was lying in bed and working with his tongue, resting between my legs. I was completely numb from horror, and he licked everything, and suddenly a sweet trembling ran through me - I came again, and I was so wet like never before during sex with Vitya. Probably, somehow the dog, watching us having sex, saw that his beloved was performing cunnilingus on me, or simply obeyed instinct... I tried to forget about this incident, but I still have a long time to wait for Vitya, I have no other men, and panties become wet at the memory of how much pleasure I had when the dog licked my crotch. Our dog is completely healthy, but I was so yearning for affection... And every night, going to bed, I think: why not take off my panties now and present my little dog’s ass?

First, I want you to answer - cat or dog? Who will you choose as a pet?

For example, as British scientists say - educated people choose cats.

Let's find out why!

Researchers say that high level The intelligence of "cat people" is not caused by their sympathy for the cat family - highly educated people, as a rule, spend a lot of time at work and therefore choose pets that can do without excessive attention from the owner. And cats, as we know, are independent individuals and do not like to pester their owners, asking them to throw them a toy bone)

But if you take a break from such abstruse scientific research and resort to psychology, you can find out such qualities about yourself...

For those who choose cats:

The cat has always symbolized independence and femininity. Remember how often a man calls his beloved woman

"kitty" or "pussy". Languid, mysterious, affectionate, fluffy, graceful, at times a predator with claws, and at times funny and playful. Epithets that characterize a cat are often suitable for women as well. Is not it? Women who have a cat in their house are beautiful, smart, feminine and very organically combine the best qualities of both sexes - femininity and determination, tenderness and severity. They are purposeful, persistent and efficient, pretty and always remember that they are women, not “women”. Very often, old maids or childless women aged (well over 40) get cats - the cat replaces a non-existent child, and the owner gives her all the unspent maternal tenderness. As a rule, such a woman does not develop close, trusting relationships with men. Of course, it’s not about the cat, but that’s the pattern.

Children Most people love cats because they associate her with their mother - just as warm, soft and affectionate. It is pleasant to touch her, just like a mother.

Concerning men, then here, too, a very original pattern can be traced, which has been confirmed more than once. A single man who keeps a cat in the house (especially a cat!) is unlikely to tie himself with the knot of Hymen. He is self-sufficient and independent. And even if he has a girlfriend, she will never become a legal wife, but will remain a passing mistress.

And finally, a few words about people who don't like cats. Moreover, they don’t love you to the point of hatred. Most often, these are misogynistic or homosexual men who try in every possible way to hide their orientation, often in quite aggressive ways. If a woman strongly dislikes cats, then it is quite possible that she denies her feminine essence. Again, the sexual tendency comes into play. Such a lady is either gay or an ardent feminist.

For those who choose dogs:

Well, if everything is clear with cats, now let’s move on to dogs.

For the lady, especially when alone, a dog is a symbol of a man (even if he has a bitch). Depending on the preferred breed, you can determine what qualities a woman primarily values ​​in men.

A large shepherd dog means that the lady most of all values ​​the man’s reliability and ability to protect her.

French bulldog lovers prefer men who are constant, devoted, and faithful. In her opinion, he must look respectable and must have a sense of humor.

If a woman has a Doberman, then she has a steely willpower, and she treats men somewhat defiantly.

Lovers of small dogs, as a rule, place inflated demands on men, although they themselves are far from ideal. As a result, such ladies are often unhappy in marriage.

Man and dog

Beware of a man walking with a bull terrier - a very aggressive person. And often his aggression is hidden.

But the collie owner is sentimental and seems defenseless. However, he is able to bravely defend his herd (family, of course) if danger comes. Fans of any shepherd dog - German, Caucasian, Central Asian - have similar qualities.

You are unlikely to marry a man with a Rottweiler. And do you need it? Such men are irritable, love loneliness and do not tolerate intrusion into their world.

All people who prefer dogs, find it difficult to perceive the right to freedom and independence of other people. They tend to constantly control everyone and everything, thereby often irritating those close to them.

Children and dog

If your child persistently asks to buy him a puppy, then most likely your baby is afraid of loneliness; he may often feel abandoned and abandoned and is afraid of the world around him. Something to think about, isn't it?

Who doesn't love dogs?

Dog lovers may argue that only cruel and evil people can dislike these animals. But no. Most often these people are shy, modest, and sometimes fearful. They prefer to make friends with people, and sincerely do not understand what is good about a dangerous beast. Such people do not want to become the leader of the pack and be its leader, or they do not want to become a slave to circumstances - to walk, treat, train, educate and constantly be around.

Since ancient times it was believed that a dog is man's best friend. She is kind, open and always ready to help. Equally unique and rare in our time are the qualities that a female dog is endowed with. She is used to living her own life and not paying attention to other people's opinions and gossip. She has a sharp mind and great ambitions. She does not like large companies, but has a pure soul and an open heart.

Female dog personality characteristics

Year of the dog personality characteristics indicate that women are very attractive and beautiful. They move easily and smoothly, and immediately attract attention. The animal does not like to follow fashion trends and always retains its individuality. She is not used to listening to strangers and always trusts only herself.

Sometimes things are not easy with a dog woman. She is endowed with a sharp mind and loves to demand from others full dedication to her work. They are full of ambition, although they behave modestly. They are not used to shining and behave inconspicuously. It is difficult for them to feel calm in companies.

At first glance, it may seem that the dog girl is indifferent and cold. But it's quite the opposite. The animal is very afraid of opening up to the wrong people, and if it opens up to someone, it values ​​that person very much. She values ​​friendship, loves to work and hardly rests.

Women and dogs have a lot in common. They are faithful, devoted to the end to those they love, do not lie and always know their duty. In difficult situations, dogs do not run away, but always provide support to those who need it. You can safely entrust even the most intimate secrets to them; they will keep them until the end. She expects the same from her friends. If she is blatantly lied to, she gets very upset and worries for a long time. The animal is not quick to let go of problems; she analyzes and discusses the situation for a long time. This is why many people think that dogs are too boring.

Usually calm dogs can be too serious or even overly emotional. This happens when everything she planned goes awry. She is restless and always looks at the world with sad eyes.

Before making decisions, the dog will first think carefully about everything. She will not take risks, even if something important is at stake. This is due to the fact that she is not used to trusting anyone, including herself. Therefore, it will not be difficult for her to think again.

The meaning of life for this sign will always be helping other people.

How to win a woman with a dog

The female dog characteristic is a modest and timid person. She is full of complexes, she is afraid that other people will mock her and therefore often withdraws into herself.

Communication with unfamiliar people puts her in a stupor. She often refuses him and spends time alone. It is very difficult for her to open up to anyone. And time must pass after which she will no longer feel uncomfortable with other people. Therefore, if you decide that a dog is your destiny, then you need to be patient and wait until it matures.

A dog will not enter into a relationship that has no prospects. She approaches the choice of a partner very carefully and often remains lonely.

But despite all the closeness from the outside world, this woman is a very romantic person. She loves spending time in nature and admiring it, so an ideal first date would be an outdoor getaway.

Music festivals, night walks, gatherings on the seashore and boat rides are perfect. Dogs love to help others, so they spend a lot of time at charities. She will definitely like an altruist, and she will be able to build strong relationships for many years.

It is not so easy to conquer such a woman, but it is possible. She doesn't need expensive gifts, she'd rather spend time with her soul. She likes to speak frankly with people she trusts. She is interested in the future and love. If the admirer manages to convince the dog that he is serious and is not at all interested in the outer shell, then there will definitely be a second date.

Horoscope woman dog career

The Dog woman will not become obsessed with her career. She does not like to lead; she would rather accept the role of an assistant or right hand. Vertex career ladder She is of little interest, but her superiors always treat her with respect and accept her advice.

The advice really turns out to be very valuable and useful. A dog is able to comprehend and think through everything well, and plan in advance. Moreover, you can rely on her, she will not lie or claim a higher position, although she could easily cope with this position.

A woman in the year of the dog does not pursue wealth. She doesn’t have to earn a lot to feel comfortable. She will be content with small earnings and will not even ask for a raise.

At work, she will care not only about doing her job conscientiously, but also about relationships with colleagues. A dog is a real peacemaker. And if she gets down to business, the result will not take long to arrive. Therefore, even complex matters are easily trusted to her; she can cope with any profession.

The girl is not afraid to work and easily begins to improve her level of knowledge. Usually she chooses a narrow specialization and develops in one direction.

As a leader, she can build a good career and will be respected by her colleagues. She will not feel superior to them and will always come to the rescue. She will do difficult things herself, but if something goes wrong, the dog will not remain silent. And he will immediately point out mistakes. She expects people to put in the same effort that she puts in.

A big and pure heart predicts work in a charity foundation, hospital or school. They are true altruists and can easily cope with missionary work. The main thing is that the dog feels needed.

Dog woman in love and family

The zodiac sign is a dog, a modest and decent woman. She enjoys spending time at home and helping others. She has enormous potential inside her that she is afraid to show to others.

In relationships with the opposite sex, she is usually very modest and indecisive. The first one will definitely not act. She has a huge number of complexes that prevent her from trusting people.

If a man decides to connect his life with this timid lady, then he will have to make enormous efforts to achieve her. But if a guy can earn the beauty’s favor, she will stay with him forever and will love him devotedly and faithfully.

Family always comes first for her. They love to help people and are willing to sacrifice everything for the good of others. And if we are talking about the good of his family, then the dog will stop at nothing. If a bad streak comes, then the dog does not run to the side or to the registry office for a divorce, it endures and tries to save the family. But he remembers grievances for a long time and recalls them often.