Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Information and methodological manual for the course "Human Psychology". Gamezo M., Domashenko I. Atlas of Psychology. Information and methodological manual for the course "Human Psychology" Educational and methodological support for the discipline

Issues for discussion

    The problem of the relationship between the subject and method of psychology. Methodological principles of psychological science.

    General characteristics of psychological methods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? psychological research?

    Research method and methodology. What are the differences between these two concepts?

    Read the description of Stanley Milgram's experiment on submission to authority. Formulate a series of questions that you would like to ask the researcher.

    Do you think there might be ethical restrictions on the dissemination of some psychological research data?

    What methods of psychology can be used in the process of teaching?

Tasks for independent work

Prepare written answers to the following questions:

    What are the differences between everyday and scientific knowledge? What, in your opinion, are the differences between everyday psychology and scientific psychology? Give examples of established everyday “psychological” beliefs.

    Branches of modern psychological science?

    In what areas of social life today can we not do without psychological knowledge?

    What place does psychology occupy or can it occupy in your life? Describe those areas of your own life where the psychological knowledge you receive can be applied.

Gippenreiter, Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology. – M., 1998, p. 22-88.

Godefroy, J. What is psychology? In 2 vols. - M., 1994, vol. 1, pp. 101-126.

Myers, D. Social psychology. – St. Petersburg, 1997, pp. 278-285.

Workshop No. 2. The main stages in the development of ideas about the subject of psychology

Issues for discussion

    Development of psychology within the framework of philosophy. Materialistic and idealistic directions in the study of the psyche in the history of psychology.

    Psychology as a science of behavior. Behaviorism on the subject of psychology.

    The contribution of psychoanalysis to the development of ideas about the human psyche.

    Humanistic psychology.

    Domestic psychology.

1. Make a table reflecting the contribution of each of the areas of psychology known to you to science and practice. It is recommended to include the following sections in the table: name of the direction, leading representatives, subject of research, methods of studying the subject, main provisions, possibilities of practical application.

2. The famous American psychologist Albert Bandura argued that a person learns through the assimilation of social models, role models demonstrated to a person by society. Analyze the content of one or more television programs (radio broadcasts, magazine articles). What role model does she relay? What does it teach?

1. Gippenreiter, Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology: A course of lectures. – M., 1998. – 3-36 p.

2. Reader on the history of psychology / Ed. P.Ya.Galperina, A.N.Zhdan. – M., Moscow State University, 1980. – P. 14-44.

3. Reader for the course “Introduction to Psychology”: Textbook / Ed.-comp. E.E. Sokolova. – M., 1999. – Section II. – P. 68-296.

Workshop No. 3. The image of “I” and the possibilities of its study

Personality in psychology is a systemic socio-psychological quality of a person that is formed and develops in him in the process of life in society as he masters different types of activities and communication. A person exists in the space of various relationships characteristic of society. Having consciousness, a person navigates a complex system of relationships, enters into interactions, becomes aware of himself, comparing with others, experiences situations of success and failure. The motivational function of activity and communication is realized in the form of motivations, drives, desires, and orientation due to such personality components as needs, motives, and interests. Orientation in life, especially in people, including oneself, in interpersonal relationships, is possible thanks to cognitive processes and is revealed not only in concepts, judgments, ideas and conclusions, but also in ideals, self-awareness, beliefs, worldview. The implementation of human behavior, programming of his activities and communication are associated with goal setting, abilities, attitudes and beliefs. Regulation and control of activities, communication and relationships occurs not only due to temperament and character, but also to the aspirations and self-esteem of the individual.

Issues for discussion

    The driving forces of human mental development and the formation of his personality. The role of biological and social components in human development and the formation of his personality.

    The image of "I". Self-esteem and level of personality aspirations.

    General understanding of self-concept.

    The structure of the self-concept and its properties.

Personality self-esteem study

Purpose of the study: to determine the level of self-esteem. Materials and equipment: a list of words or a special form with words characterizing individual personality traits, a pen.

This study has two significantly different procedures for determining personality self-esteem. In both cases, you can work with one subject or with a group.

First version of the study

The basis of the study of self-esteem in this version of the methodology is the ranking method. The research procedure includes two series. The material with which the subjects work is a list of words printed on a special form that characterize individual personality traits. Each subject receives such a form at the beginning of the study. When working with a group of subjects, it is important to ensure strict independence of ranking.

First episode

The task of the first series: identify a person’s idea of ​​the qualities of his ideal, that is, the ideal “I”. To do this, the words printed on the form must be arranged by the subject in order of preference.

Instructions to the subject:"Read carefully all the words that characterize personality qualities. Consider these qualities from the point of view of the inherent nature of their ideal personality, that is, from the point of view of usefulness, social significance and desirability. To do this, rank them, rating each on a scale from 20 to 1. Give a score of 20 in the form, in column No. 1 to the left of the quality that, in your opinion, is the most useful and desirable for people.

Rating 1 - in the same column No. 1 to the left of the quality that is least useful, significant and desirable. Rank all other ratings from 19 to 2 in accordance with your attitude to all other qualities. Make sure that no assessment is repeated twice."

Second series

Problem of the second series: identify a person’s idea of ​​his own qualities, that is, his real “I”. As in the first series, the subject is asked to rank the words printed on the form, but from the point of view of the specificity or inherent nature of the personality traits they denote to himself.

Instructions to the subject:"Read again all the words that characterize personality qualities. Consider these qualities from the point of view of their inherent nature in you. Rank them in column No. 2, rating each from 20 to 1. Place a score of 20 to the right of the quality that, in your opinion, is characteristic of you to the greatest extent, give a score of 19 to the quality that is characteristic of you a little less than the first, etc. Then a score of 1 will indicate the quality that is characteristic of you less than all the others. -ranks were not repeated twice."

A form with words characterizing personality traits looks like this.


Personality qualities



Hot temper


















Processing the results

The purpose of processing the results is to determine the connection between the ranking assessments of personality qualities included in the ideas of the “I” - ideal and the “I” real. The measure of connection is established using the C. Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Scores from 1 to 20 of the proposed qualities in both rows are taken as their ranks. The difference in ranks that determine the place of one or another personality quality makes it possible to calculate the coefficient using the formula:

n – number of proposed personality qualities (n=20);

d – difference in rank numbers.

To calculate the coefficient, you must first calculate on the form, in a specially designated column, the difference in ranks (d) for each proposed quality. Then each obtained value of the rank difference (d) is squared and the result is written down on the form in column (d), summed up and the sum (∑d 2) entered into the formula.

The rank correlation coefficient (r) can range from –1 to +1. If the resulting coefficient is no less than -0.37 and no more than +0.37 (at p = 0.05), then this indicates a weak, insignificant connection (or its absence) between a person’s ideas about the qualities of his ideal and his real qualities. This indicator may be caused by the subject’s failure to comply with instructions. But if the instructions were followed, then a small connection means a person’s unclear and undifferentiated representation of his ideal “I” and the real “I”.

The value of the correlation coefficient from +0.38 to +1 is evidence of the presence of a significant positive connection between the “I” – ideal and the “I” – real. This can be interpreted as a manifestation of adequate self-esteem or, with R from +0.39 to -0.89, a tendency towards overestimation. But, values ​​from +0.9 to +1 often express inadequately inflated self-esteem. The value of the correlation coefficient in the range from –0.38 to -1 indicates the presence of a significant negative relationship between the “ideal self” and the “real self.” It reflects the discrepancy or discrepancy between a person’s ideas about what he needs to be and what he thinks he really is. This discrepancy is proposed to be interpreted as low self-esteem. The closer the coefficient is to – 1, the greater the degree of discrepancy.

Second research option

The second option for studying self-esteem is based on the method of selection. The material is a list of words characterizing individual personality traits. This version of the study also consists of two series.

First episode

The task of the first series: to determine the list and number of reference qualities of the desired and undesirable image - I. The subject is asked to look through the words from the list and, having chosen, make two rows. In one row you need to write down words denoting those personality qualities that relate to the subjective ideal, that is, they constitute a “positive” set, and in the other row - those qualities that are undesirable, that is, they constitute a “negative” set.

Instructions to the subject: “Look carefully at the list of proposed words that characterize a person. In the left column on a piece of paper, write down the qualities that you would like to have in yourself, and in the right - those that you would not want to have. Qualities, the meaning of which "Don't write anywhere that you don't understand or that you can't put in one or the other column. Don't think about whether you have this quality or not, only one thing is important: do you want to have it or not."

Second series

The task of the second series: to determine a set of personality qualities of the subject, which, in his opinion, are inherent in him, among the selected reference qualities of the “positive” and “negative” set.

Instructions to the subject: “Look carefully at the words you wrote down in the left and right columns and mark with a cross or a tick those qualities that, in your opinion, are inherent in you.”

List of qualities that characterize personality

Accuracy, carelessness, thoughtfulness, hot temper, sensitivity, pride, rudeness, cheerfulness, caring, envy, shyness, rancor, sincerity, sophistication, capriciousness, gullibility, slowness, daydreaming, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, persistence, tenderness, ease, nervousness, indecisiveness, intemperance, charm, touchiness, caution, responsiveness, pedantry, mobility, suspicion, adherence to principles, poetry, contempt, cordiality, swagger, rationality, decisiveness, self-forgetfulness, restraint, compassion, modesty, patience, cowardice, enthusiasm, perseverance, compliance, coldness, enthusiasm.

Processing the results

Purpose of processing results– obtaining self-esteem coefficients for “positive” (SO+) and “negative” (SO-) sets. To calculate each of the coefficients, the number of qualities in a column identified by the subject as inherent to him (M) is divided by the total number of qualities in a given column (N). The formulas for calculating the coefficients are as follows

M+ M- CO+ = –– ; CO– = –– ; where H+ H-

M+ And M-– the number of qualities in the “positive” and “negative” sets, respectively, noted by the subject as inherent to him; Н+ and Н- – the number of reference qualities, i.e. the number of words in the right and left columns, respectively.

The level and adequacy of self-esteem is determined based on the obtained coefficients using a table.

Level of self-esteem

inadequate, overpriced

adequate with a tendency to overestimate


adequate with a tendency to understate

inadequate, underestimated

When determining the level of self-esteem and its adequacy, it is important to take into account not only the value of the obtained coefficient, but also the number of qualities that make up a particular set (H+ and H-). The fewer qualities, the more primitive the corresponding standard. In addition, the level of self-esteem for the “positive” and “negative” sets may not coincide for some subjects. This requires special analysis and may be caused by personality defense mechanisms.

Analysis of results

In the two proposed options for studying self-esteem, its level and adequacy are defined as the relationship between the ideal “I” and the real “I”. A person's ideas about himself, as a rule, seem convincing to him, regardless of whether they are based on objective knowledge or subjective opinion, whether they are true or false. The qualities that a person ascribes to himself are not always adequate. The process of self-assessment can occur in two ways: 1) by comparing the level of one’s aspirations with the objective results of one’s activities and 2) by comparing oneself with other people.

However, regardless of whether self-esteem is based on a person’s own judgments about himself or interpretations of the judgments of other people, individual ideals or culturally specified standards, self-esteem is always subjective, and its indicators can be adequacy and level.

The adequacy of self-esteem expresses the degree of correspondence of a person’s ideas about himself with the objective foundations of these ideas. For example, inadequacy in assessing one’s own appearance may be caused, on the one hand, by a person’s orientation towards external standards, assessments and a distorted idea of ​​these assessments or ignorance of them, on the other hand.

The level of self-esteem expresses the degree of real and ideal or desired ideas about oneself. Adequate self-esteem with a tendency to overestimate can be equated to a positive attitude towards oneself, self-respect, self-acceptance, and a sense of one’s own worth. Low self-esteem, on the contrary, can be associated with a negative attitude towards oneself, self-rejection, and a feeling of one’s own inferiority.

Conclusions about the adequacy and level of self-esteem will be reliable if the results match the two methods or are confirmed by observation.

In the process of forming self-esteem important role plays a comparison of the image of the real “I” with the image of the ideal “I”. Therefore, someone who achieves in reality characteristics corresponding to the ideal will have high self-esteem, even if the ideal image does not differ in volume and cognitive complexity. If a person reflects the gap between these characteristics and the reality of his achievements, his self-esteem is likely to be low.

The second factor, important for the formation of self-esteem, is associated with the internalization of the assessments and social reactions of other people, as well as with the position chosen by a person in the system of social and interpersonal relations. Adequate self-esteem contributes to the achievement of internal consistency.

Self-esteem and a person’s attitude towards himself are closely related to the level of aspirations, motivation and emotional characteristics of the individual. The interpretation of acquired experience and a person’s expectations regarding himself and other people depend on self-esteem.

Internal inconsistency and distortion of self-image can give rise to suffering in a person, feelings of guilt, shame, resentment, disgust, and anger. To harmonize the self-attitude system, there are methods of psychological correction and development, one of which is socio-psychological training.

Tasks for independent work

    Describe your self-concept and its role in regulating your behavior?

    Give a detailed definition of the concepts: self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-efficacy, self-presentation.

1. Burns, R. Development of self-concept and its properties. – M., 1986. – P. 30-66.

2. Granovskaya, R.M. Elements of practical psychology. – L., 1988. –S. 271-294.

3. Myers, D. Social psychology / Transl. from English – St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 1997. – Ch. 2. – pp. 64-79.

Series editor K. V. Yagnyuk

© Cogito Center, 2014 ISBN 978-5-89353-430-6

From the author

The words “psychology” and “psychologist” leave few people indifferent. Society and its individual representatives expect psychology to solve a variety of problems, and too often their expectations are deceived, so “psychologist” is sometimes pronounced with superstitious reverence, like a “sorcerer” or “all-knowing wizard,” and often, on the contrary, with disappointment and disdain.

Many thoughts can be given about the reasons for such a biased and ambiguous attitude towards psychology, but now we will touch on only one of them. The fact is that the word “psychology” itself can refer to completely different concepts and areas of human activity. Different meanings Many people confuse this word and replace one with another.

There is psychology like the science; like any science, it deals with identifying patterns, formulating and testing hypotheses, generalizing the data obtained, etc.

At the same time, there is psychology practical, that is, techniques and methods of providing psychological assistance to people, an integral part of professional activity. Knowledge and skills of practical psychology can be basic for work if it is the work of a practical psychologist, or can be used in other professions - teacher, social worker, doctor, sales manager, PR specialist, etc.

How do scientific and practical psychology relate to each other? About the same as biology and medicine or physics and technology. Science is the theoretical basis of practice, unthinkable without it, but there is not much in common between them. No one will demand from a biologist that he treat people, or from a physicist that he design complex mechanisms.

With psychology, unfortunately, everything is much more complicated. The professional training of psychologists still comes down mainly to the study of the intricacies of psychological science, and society is in demand, first of all, for practitioners; Graduates of numerous psychology departments are expected to have practical knowledge and skills that, alas, they usually do not possess. On the other hand, if practicing psychologists who have not received the “correct” psychological education delve into psychological science in search of answers to their questions, most often they do not find these answers (although this does not mean that they really are not there!).

There is also another psychology - worldly, a “specialist” in which each of us is, but more on that a little later.

This book is aimed primarily at those who are interested in practical psychology, be it students - psychologists and students of psychology - or simply those who are passionate about psychology, therefore its main content is practical tasks, and the book is intended not so much for reading as to carry them out.

However, the author is a “classical” psychologist who respects psychological science, and therefore each task is preceded by a theoretical introduction, without studying which its implementation is of little use, if at all feasible. The purpose of the book is to show the reader the possibilities of scientific psychology for understanding and explaining practical and everyday psychological phenomena, to draw connections from scientific to everyday and practical psychology.

To work with the book, you do not need any special knowledge, but an interest in live contact with a person, who is always much more complex than any scientific theories, is very desirable. A willingness to invest effort, time, and thoughts is necessary, because when we are faced with the need to understand not an abstract subject, but a concrete Vasya or Masha, we very quickly realize that there are no right or wrong answers, and there cannot be, and the best book guide is just a hint for your own thoughts. It is important not to be afraid to make mistakes and at the same time remember that a person is not a “guinea pig”; our mistakes can cost him dearly.

This publication is based on the book “Psychological Workshop for Dummies” (Barlas, 2001), which summarized the experience of working with students of the second higher education - adults who have chosen psychology as their profession and have considerable everyday psychological experience. Over the years since then, a wider range of students have worked with the tasks: students of the first higher education - future psychologists and educational psychologists, students of “non-psychological” specialties, schoolchildren. Many new tasks were invented for them, and their experience with old ones increased significantly. Now there is a need for a new edition.

When preparing the new version of the workshop, the number and topics of assignments expanded significantly, and recommendations and new examples were added to most of the old assignments based on experience in working with them. Several tasks that were found to be too time-consuming or not very interesting to complete were eliminated.

In addition, the book received a new structure; it consists of four chapters, each of which is a new step in mastering the experience of practical psychology. The first chapter introduces the reader to the “classical” methods of psychology - experiment, conversation, observation, etc. Most of the tasks in this section are relatively simple, they are accessible to everyone, and, I hope, it is interesting to complete them.

The second chapter makes it possible to use the methods familiar from the first chapter in various areas of practical psychology: in working with children, personnel selection, studying the psychology of the urban environment, features of decision-making in everyday life, etc. The tasks are generally more difficult than in the first chapter, they require a more serious attitude, and some also have “everyday baggage” that can help build interaction in difficult situations.

The third chapter is devoted to an in-depth study of the most subtle and delicate structures of the psyche - the motivational-personal sphere. Completing tasks requires the subject to be highly involved; they may have pronounced emotional reactions. From those who work with the subject and then analyze the results, sensitivity, adherence to ethical standards, and the ability to correlate a person’s intuitive everyday understanding with the results of his implementation of psychological techniques will be required.

Most of the tasks in the first three chapters are modifications of well-known techniques, whose authorship is not always possible to determine. Modifications, as well as principles of analysis and interpretation, were created, as a rule, on the basis of many years of experience in completing assignments by students and are the author’s developments.

The fourth chapter is different from the first three; its task is to master scientific psychology based on everyday psychological wisdom embodied in fiction, songs, advertising and other realities of our lives. When completing tasks, you will need the ability to think, compare, as well as imagination and... a sense of humor.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the students, without whose work this book could not have appeared: students of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (second higher education, specialty “psychological counseling”), students of the Moscow State Linguistic University (first higher education, specialty “psychology”, “ pedagogy and psychology", "psychological and pedagogical education", "tourism"), high school students of Lyceum No. 1555 of Moscow. Thanks to their questions, mistakes, perplexities, considerations, thanks to reports, fragments of which made up the bulk of the examples, this book was born. Thank you!

General guidance for completing tasks

Main stages of the task

The tasks included in the book are quite heterogeneous, but the sequence and implementation plan are common to most of them (although not to all). Therefore, we list its main stages.

1. Statement of purpose and hypothesis. The goal is what will determine all further work; By formulating a goal, you decide what exactly you want to learn by completing the task, what result you expect to get. For the tasks given in the book, there are several options for goals:

– Research goal, that is, identifying or testing psychological patterns. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to discover something new or even test a well-known fact in accordance with the strict canons of psychological science, but you can make your own small discoveries. The research goal is formulated approximately as follows: “Identification of the relationship between...,” “Identification of the characteristics of the influence... on...”, “Analysis of changes... depending on...”, “Comparison of effectiveness...”.

– Diagnostic goal, that is, identifying the individual psychological characteristics of the subject. In this case, the goal is formulated approximately like this: “Analysis (study, identification) of the characteristics ... (name of the mental process, property, state that you are studying) of the subject.”

– Educational (developing, formative goal), or training, the development of some psychological properties, characteristics of the subject. The goal is formulated accordingly.

Please note that in each task, as a rule, only one goal is formulated.

A hypothesis characterizes the result that you assume and expect to receive. Even if you have no assumptions, it is usually worth formulating a hypothesis; if it is not confirmed, there is nothing surprising in it: hypotheses are often not confirmed.

2. Preparation. First of all, carefully read the relevant section of the book (both the theoretical part and the text of the task itself) and make sure that you understand what and how you should do. Prepare necessary materials, convenient accessories for recording, texts of tests and methods, equipment for audio or video recording, etc. The texts with which the test subject will work must be copied from the book so that during the work there is nothing superfluous in front of the test subject.

This stage also includes the selection of the subject, agreement on the place and time of the study (this will be discussed in more detail below).

3. Completing the task described in detail for each task.

4. Processing of results – transcribing audio recordings, putting in order notes that were made directly during the task, calculations or other actions in accordance with the instructions for the task.

5. Analysis and discussion of results– the most creative part of the work; this is something that is almost impossible to teach, but can be learned from personal experience, and this process lasts as long as the psychologist works. What can you advise a beginner, in addition to the instructions given in each section and the questions based on which you will conduct the analysis?

Firstly, you don’t have to be afraid that everything turned out completely differently from what is written in the book or textbook. Rather, on the contrary, it will be surprising if everything goes “as expected”: this almost never happens. What makes psychology interesting is that human behavior is much more diverse than, say, a chemical reaction or the movement of physical bodies, and depends on a huge number of factors, most of which are simply unknown to you. However, you can think, compare facts, ask yourself questions, put forward hypotheses, look for sources to verify them, confirm and refute them.

Secondly, the source of information, and therefore the basis for the formulation of hypotheses and conclusions, is almost everything that happens during the study (therefore it is important to collect and record this information as completely as possible): questions and remarks that, it would seem, are not relevant to the task, features of clothing, grammatical errors, handwriting, drawings in the margins and much more. All this is worth noticing and, if possible, analyzing and using. At the same time, the basis for the analysis should still be the task itself and what is connected with its purpose.

Remember to justify your assumptions. A single fact, as a rule, is not yet the basis for a conclusion, but only for a hypothesis that needs to be tested. How can you try to check it? Look for confirmation among the available material and additional information (for example, from available information about the life of the subject). Ask questions to the subject. Do more research. Finally, if none of the above succeeds, and the hypothesis seems important and plausible to you, it remains a hypothesis and in this form is brought to conclusion, that is, it is expressed as something possible or probable.

Try to avoid bias, no matter how difficult it may be. It is very easy to be captured by stereotypes that have developed on the basis of everyday experience, opinions, and ideas. However, the advantage of psychological research is that it demonstrates new and sometimes unexpected aspects of people and phenomena that seem well known to us.

6. Formulation of conclusions. Findings are generally consistent with the task's purpose and hypothesis; they briefly formulate the main results obtained. At the same time, if during the work interesting data were obtained that were not provided for by the goals of the study (for example, during a memory study, information was obtained about some significant features of motivation or interpersonal relationships), then this information should also be included in the conclusions.

As a rule, conclusions follow logically from the discussion, but in contrast they are short (usually each conclusion is one phrase) and do not contain justification or argumentation. The wording in conclusions should be as clear as possible.

The number of conclusions is usually small: one or two, perhaps three, but hardly more.

7. Reflection on the experience gained. Training in practical psychology involves not only mastering theoretical knowledge of methods and techniques, but also self-change and personal growth of the psychologist (as is known, “the main tool of a psychologist’s work is himself”).

Psychology cannot be learned by training on rats or dummies. Studying psychology is contact with a person who is always unpredictable, even when working on what would seem to be the simplest task. In the course of completing many tasks, you will have to act in a new role for yourself as a psychologist (albeit a beginner), face unusual situations, perhaps quite strong ones, including negative experiences of the subjects. It is advisable to realize and comprehend this experience.

This explains why reflection is an important stage in working on a task. Here is a sample list of questions that it is advisable to answer:

– What did you find difficult when completing the task?

– What thoughts and feelings did you experience while completing the task?

– Did you enjoy completing the task? Why?

– Did you find the task useful? Why?

– What would you change in your actions if you did the task again?

8. Report preparation. This stage is mandatory for students. For the rest, we can recommend doing at least part of the work to compile the report in writing. Putting thoughts on paper stimulates thinking, allows you to clearly express and formalize your ideas, and often the most interesting of them are born precisely in the process of writing a text. In addition, writing conclusions is one of the essential elements of the work of a practical psychologist, which requires training.

The format of the report must meet the requirements of the teacher, but its approximate structure is as follows:

- Job title.

– Brief theoretical information on the topic. This part may be brief or absent altogether if theoretical preparation for the task is limited to studying the manual. If the author has independently studied the literature on the topic, then information important for completing the work is presented in this section.

- Goal of the work.

- Hypothesis.

– Subject (subjects, observables). For a task performed on one or two or three subjects, the name (can be fictitious or nickname) or initials, gender, age, occupation (for a student, indicating the course and future specialty) must be provided. Other information (for example, marital status, hobbies, school performance, left-handedness) is given or not given depending on the content of the task and how significant they are in the analysis and discussion of the results. When characterizing a group of subjects, the total number of subjects, their composition by gender and age are given; if the group is homogeneous (for example, students of the same institute), then the characteristic that unites them is indicated.

– Material and methodology. If it is standard (that is, given by the teacher and the same for everyone), then you can limit yourself to the name or brief description in one or two phrases (for example, “questionnaires X and Y were completed; the subject completed procedure Z”). Any implementation options, changes and additions to the technique are described with the greatest possible completeness.

- Results. Protocols, original questionnaires filled out by the subject, transcripts of voice recordings, etc. are provided (if the protocols are long and uninformative or carelessly written, they can be included in the appendix). This section also provides a description of the subject's behavior and interaction with him.

- Treatment. Processing in accordance with the task plan, quantitative results.

– Analysis and discussion.

– Conclusion(s).

– Description of the final conversation with the subject (if one was conducted).

– Reflection on the experience gained.

– Appendix: forms and protocols, if they were not fully provided in the “Results” section. Submission of original materials is mandatory.

As already mentioned, most tasks involve working with subjects, that is, with people who, at your request, agree to be “guinea pigs” and carry out the tasks offered to them. Such tasks are simple, but real and completely serious versions of psychological practice. This section describes how best to organize interaction with the subject at different stages of the task.

First of all, for those who work with subjects, submission is mandatory ethical standards which regulate the work of a psychologist; ethical standards ensure that individual rights are respected and that no harm is done to those with whom you work. One of them is the voluntary nature of working with a psychologist. Therefore, the first difficult task that will confront you at the preparatory stage– choosing a subject and obtaining his consent to work with you.

Each task specifies specific requirements for subjects, based on which it is selected. As a rule, it is more interesting to work with those whom you know relatively well in order to compare the results obtained with your everyday impressions; such a comparison can be quite useful and informative. However, certain restrictions should be adhered to: in the tasks of the third chapter, the use of close relatives and family members as test subjects is not allowed. These tasks affect personality and interpersonal relationships; they require sufficient frankness, which is not always possible if in life you are in a close or even not very simple relationship with the subject. Personal relationships are superimposed on the situation of interaction in conditions that are unusual for you and can distort it beyond recognition. In addition, existing ideas about a loved one will prevent you from objectively analyzing the results obtained and drawing conclusions.

In a preliminary conversation, you need to obtain consent to participate in the study, explain the goals of the work, and create motivation for it. The specific forms of this conversation depend on the subject and your relationship with him. This could be a telephone conversation, or a chat, or a few phrases just before starting work. To a small child you can simply suggest “Let’s play” or “Let’s solve interesting problems”; adults need to explain why they should complete the tasks proposed to them and explain in such a way that they have a desire to sincerely and conscientiously do everything that is required of them.

The best explanation is a request for help in teaching psychology; Usually such a request is met with understanding, especially since many are interested in psychology and self-knowledge and will be happy to “participate in psychological experiments,” “do tests,” etc. As a rule, you should say something like “the results will help you better get to know and understand yourself, solve some personal problems, improve, for example, memory” (depending on the task being performed), but the less experience you have, the more careful you should be in your wording, because the promise must be kept.

The ethics of psychological research require that all results obtained be kept secret, that is, not accessible to anyone except you; The subject should be warned about this; if the task is educational, then it should be said that the teacher will check the work, but the name and surname of the subject will remain unknown to him. An exception is made for parents who can obtain information about their children - preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. When working with teenagers, it is advisable to inform parents with their consent.

If at the stage of the preliminary conversation you are faced with doubts, anxiety, or expressed tension, it is better not to insist and find another subject.

When choosing a place and time to complete tasks, keep in mind that it is advisable to work in a separate room where there are no strangers; An exception can be made for parents of those young children who feel anxious when left alone with a stranger. The subject should not rush anywhere. It is advisable (and for some tasks mandatory) that neither he nor the psychologist are distracted by telephone calls or household chores. It is possible to perform tasks in public places (cafes, university classrooms) provided there is silence and no interference from unauthorized persons.

How at you With attention? Assignment fig. 1), which is offered here, is the bottom of many tests on concentration and switching of attention for persons preparing to become operators. So, it is necessary to evaluate and sum the readings of several groups of pointer instruments, taking into account the scale and division value. Which devices exactly: the devices make up each of the groups, there are five of them), show the summation route diagrams, the room below. Notice how many seconds it took you to complete the entire task; count the number of correct answers (they are given below). "now calculate the coefficient of work work TO, characterizing the haste of test execution:
If TO it turned out to be more than 190 - excellent; 181-190 - good; 171-80 - satisfactory; 161-170 - suck.

Rice. 1.
Search for patterns. In the left square (Fig. 2) eight physiognomies are placed in a certain order. Find the pattern according to which they are located and determine which

the face from the first square must cover the places of contact with one of the
Take a free space on the left. fourteen items: door handle-
For the first look at these two with a pencil, a pencil, a screwdriver, an umbrella,
teenagers (Fig. 3) in exactly the same way - a toothbrush, pliers, a hammer,
high But if you look closely - a spoon, a tea cup, a key, a knife -
Indeed, you will find at least 12 faces, a bottle, a telephone receiver,
differences. electric light bulb.
Handprints. On each of the Determine which object is holding
Each hand showed fourteen palms (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4.

Rice. 5.

Rice. 6.
Sorry for the vase! The hostess was wiping a vase (Fig. 5), made an awkward movement and dropped it. Try to determine from the shards which of the six vases shown in the picture broke.
Labyrinth (Fig. 6). The paths of the labyrinth are located on three levels. The task is to get from the entry point at the top of the maze to the room located in the center.
Quick wits
Football tournament. One of the pages of the “Football” reference book with the table of regional final football games published on it turned out to be covered in ink. All that was left of the table looked like this.

2. Spartak

3. Torpedo

Try to restore the table and determine the results of all matches
wow final. In this case, it follows that: 1) a team scores 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 2) The teams in the league table are located in accordance with their occupied places. 3) when distributing places in the event of a tie, take into account the difference between scored and missed cells.
Number puzzle. In the example of foliation of two prime numbers, all numbers are replaced by letters (Regulus is star-1 in the constellation Leo). Identical letters indicate identical numbers -ii. Restore the reamer to its original appearance.
Alpha + Leo = Regulus
Grouping of names. Classify the six names given below into groups according to any generalizing characteristics. As an example, we can cite the group 1,4, 5, made up of female names. How many more groups will you be able to identify?
1. Gertrude. 2. Bill. 3. Alex. 4. !erri. 5. Bella. 6. Don.
Recycling of items. Make a list that lists all possible uses of the following things: brick, shoe holder, pencil. Try to come up with the maximum number of quiet options.
Please note that the answers must be real and meaningful.
5 minutes are allotted to compile a list for each [3 items].
Similarity of figures. From the six figures shown in Figure 7, select groups that are united by common characteristics.

Rice. 7.
Tic-tac-toe (Fig. 8). It is difficult to find a person who, at least once in his life, has not encountered this simple, but quite interesting game: on an unlimited checkered field, you need to build five of your pieces in a line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). The same task - to build five of your pieces in a line and not allow the enemy to get ahead of you - faces the opponent.
Probably not everyone knows that this game has a thousand-year history. This is an international game, although it is called differently in different countries.
You have the opportunity to replenish your theoretical knowledge of building strategically won positions in upcoming battles by solving the proposed tasks.
They give typical positions that lead to victory. In order to be able to write down both the game and the answer using notation, a part of the field of 10x10 cells was taken. Each task begins with a cross move, and the win is achieved in the specified number of moves.


10 9 8 7
5 4 3 2 1

Problem No. 1 Winning in 4 moves
Problem No. 2 Winning in 4 moves


10 9 8
5 4 3 2

Problem No. 3 Winning in 4 moves

Rice. 8.
Trial. Five friends decided to join a circle of logic puzzle lovers. But the head of the circle suggested that they first pass the entrance exam. “You will come to us every evening, seven days in a row. In this case, you must meet several conditions. Here they are:
1. If Andrey comes with Dmitry, then Boris should be absent, but if Dmitry is absent, then Boris should be, and Victor should not come.
Problem No. 4 Winning in 5 moves
2. Andrey and Victor are neither present nor absent at the same time.
3. If Dmitry comes, then Grigory should not come.
4. If Boris is absent, then Dmitry must be present, but this is in the event that Victor is not present. And if Victor is present, then Dmitry should not come, but Grigory should come.
5. On each of the seven days, friends should come to the headman in different combinations.”
The friends managed to become members of the circle of logic lovers. Can you do it?
Chicken schedule. Aunt Dasha had 8 chickens, and they all laid eggs, but not; daily. Some chickens laid eggs every day, some every other day, and the rest every two days.
On Monday, the housewife took out 8 quintals, and from Monday to Saturday, that is, in 6 days, she collected 31 eggs.
It is known that the number of chickens that laid eggs after two days is three times less than the sum of the number of chickens that lay eggs every day and every other day.
Find how many chickens laid eggs every day and every two days, and on what very day Aunt Dasha will get another 8 eggs from the nest.
Who is on duty when? Seven friends, winter drinkers, are on duty in their district
take turns all week. Every one evening. Andrey is on duty the next day after Sergei. Boris smokes two days earlier than Grisha. Dima is on duty two days later than the day before Evgeniy’s duty. Day of duty<а Федора, который приходится на ¦верг, находится как раз посереди-между двумя днями дежурства Бо-за And Sergei.
Who What day is he on duty? Ciphergram. Police beat squad With smuggling on the island of jada intercepted a radiogram:
Managed to find a direction to the transmitter
arrest the radio operator who read
st of the received answer, but did not have time
destroy. Here is the response text.


Decipher both ciphergrams, taking into account that both use the same cipher. By the way, the cryptographer, who got hold of the response radiogram, managed to read this text before the decryption of the first radiogram was received from the computer center.
Wire models. Figures are built from wire (Fig. 9), the sides of which lie on the faces of the cube.

Using three projections of a closed figure, reproduce an axonometric image of these figures (by A. Stepanov).
Crossword cryptogram. In the crossword puzzle (Fig. 10), instead of letters there are numbers: vowels are Roman, consonants are Arabic. Identical numbers correspond to identical letters. The numbers denoting consonants satisfy the following conditions:
1. M2+H2=L2.
2. P, V, P are prime numbers.
3. T and D are multiples of 3.
4. C - occurs once. Among the vowels, the letter B appears once.
Complete the crossword puzzle by replacing the numbers with letters (by L. Klopova).
Into 8 equal parts(rice. 11). On garden plot growing 16 fruit trees. Divide the plot into 8 equal parts so that each part contains 2 trees.

Rice. 10.

Rice. 12.

Rice. eleven.

Search for patterns(rice. 12). Find the patterns according to which the details of each of the eight drawings are distributed. Guided by the principle you found, draw the eight missing images.
Search for patterns(Fig. 13). Find the patterns according to which the details of the houses are distributed in the eight pictures. Guided by the finding

Rice. 13.
Using the same principle, complete the eight missing images in the same cells.
Crossword cryptogram(Fig. 14). ! This cryptogram crossword puzzle uses only three vowels - they are designated by numbers that are multiples of 3. Of the consonants, the letter T is most common. Fill out the crossword puzzle by replacing the numbers in the cells with letters.


Rice. 14.
Fan disagreements. Seven friends - Andrey, Boris, Victor, Grigory, Dmitry, Evgeniy and Ivan - are avid football fans. As you know, some fans, like fishermen and hunters, love to tell stories, but not everything they say is true.
And here's what's interesting to note.
a) For some reason, those of the seven who support Spartak always tell lies.
b) Those who are for Dynamo always tell the truth.
c) Those who support Zenit speak alternately - first they will tell the truth, then they will lie, and then they will tell the truth again.
d) Torpedo fans also speak differently, the only difference being that first they will lie, then they will tell the truth, and then they will lie again.
All friends work at the same factory, one of them is a mechanic, the other is a turner, among them there is a milling operator, an electrician, a driver, a loader and a dispatcher.
Here's what they said:
Andrey: 1) I don’t support either Spartak or Zenit. 2) None of us respect the team that Boris supports.
Boris: 1) I don’t support Torpedo. 2) Ivan is a fan of Dynamo.
Victor: 1) I support Spartak. 2) Gregory and the electrician support the same team. 3) The loader does not support Spartak.
Gregory: 1) I support Dynamo. 2) Boris is a fan of Torpedo.
Dmitry: 1) I support Torpedo. 2) Ivan and the mechanic support different teams. 3) Andrey works as a milling machine operator.
Evgeniy: 1) I am not a fan of Zenit. 2) The driver is a fan of Torpedo.
3) Andrey and the dispatcher support different teams.
Ivan: 1) I support Zenit. 2) Gregory is a fan of Spartak.
Now tell me who works for whom, who supports which team.
Announcement(Fig. 15). In one scientific institution, which employs both more and less serious scientists, a note appeared on the notice board. The following icons were depicted on it (Fig. 15).
At the end there was a note: “Citizens who have read, remembered and complied with are accepted daily and without restrictions. Mestkom". Apparently, the authors of the note wanted those who deciphered it to remember its contents for a long time. What was written in the ad?
Crossword cryptogram(Fig. 16). Replace all the numbers with letters, fill the cells with them and guess the answer.
entered cryptogram crosswords, provided that V In the first task, 1 is the letter 3, in the second task, 7 corresponds to the letter T. Identical numbers correspond to identical letters. The meanings of numbers and letters in each task may not be the same.
Crossword cryptogram(Fig. 17). Replace all the numbers with letters, fill the cells with them and solve the given cryptogram crossword puzzles, provided that in the first square 1 is the letter X, in the second square 8 is the letter E. Identical numbers correspond to the same letters.
Three villages. IN The village of Voronovo has 400 inhabitants, the village of Vorobyovo - 560, the village of Skvortso-vo - 350 inhabitants.
One Sunday, all the residents of Voronov went to stay in Vorobyovo. Having stayed there for some time,

Rice. 15.

Rice. 16.

Rice. 17.
[And they returned to their village, took some supplies and went to Skvortsovo. At the end of the day everyone went back to their den.
On the next two Sundays, residents of the villages of Robyovo and Skvortsovo also visited. At the same time, the number of people-meters traveled by residents was the same in all three cases. Determine the distance between the villages if the distance from the center of the triangle, at the corners of which the villages are located, to the village of Vorobyovo is equal to one kilometer.
Number maze(Fig. 18). Starting from one of the cells in the top horizontal row of the table, work your way to the bottom row, remembering that:
transition from cell to cell is allowed vertically and horizontally, and only if it is possible to select the same algebraic sum of digits from the numbers in these cells (i.e., each digit can have a “+” or “-” sign, for the first cell this is ±1 ±2 ±4 ±8); for example, from the penultimate cell of the first column with the number 2765 you can go to the next one

Rice. 18.

the day cell of this column with the number 1429, because
-2 + 7 + 6 - 5 = 6
- 1- 4 + 2 + 9 = 6
It may seem that solving the problem will require a large number of calculations (from each number there are 16 algebraic sums!). However, upon reflection, you will see that there is a simple and elegant solution that does not require cumbersome calculations.
Snow White and seven gnomes. Since Snow White settled with the gnomes, she has had a lot of work: she prepares everyone’s favorite dish every day, and the gnomes take turns helping her with housework every day. At the table, all the gnomes sit in permanent places. Everyone has their own favorite drink, and the dishes are decorated with their own flower. All gnomes wear different shoes and different colored clothes. Everyone takes care of some animal, bird or fish.
Now let's see what we know about them.
1. Ki-ko sits opposite Snow White. This is the name of the gnome who has a hedgehog. Kiko is on duty on Saturdays.
2. Tico wears a green cap, sandals and holds a bird.
3. Toto the dwarf sits to the right of Snow White, and has a rose drawn on his glass of his favorite cocoa.
4. One of the gnome Koko’s table neighbors drinks water; he does not have a parrot.
5. A lover of poppy seed pie who drinks tea in the morning takes a place at the table opposite a gnome in a white jacket.
6. Gnome V brown pants has a picture of a forget-me-not on his plates, and the gnome, who has a lily on the dishes, helps Snow White on Tuesdays and does not like pancakes.
7. Tato sits opposite Koto, he breeds aquarium fish.
8. A gnome in a dark shirt likes citro, and the one who likes coffee with milk wears slippers.
9. Coco’s flower is a tulip, the gnome Quito’s is a daisy.
10. Tato is on duty on Wednesdays, and the gnome in boots is on duty on Thursdays.
11. Koto doesn't have any fish, but the gnome who drinks black coffee and doesn't sit on Toto's side has goldfish.
12. Kiko sits in the middle. Tico sits next to Tato; he doesn’t like milk or coffee.
13. The gnome in moccasins has neon fish, and the one who wears slippers is on duty on Mondays.
14. A canary lives with a gnome who loves pancakes.
15. The gnome in the black cap loves cabbage rolls; he is not on duty on Saturdays.
16. The gnome has a poppy painted on his plate in his bast shoes, and the gnome with a violet on his plate keeps a bird and doesn’t like jellied meat.
17. A gnome in blue trousers is on duty on Fridays, and a gnome who loves fish soup has an aquarium and is on duty on Sundays.
18. A gnome who loves goulash has a cat, and the dog’s owner loves fried meat and does not drink cocoa.
19. The milk-loving gnome sits in the middle. Neighbor Quito doesn't wear low shoes.
20. The gnome Toto is dressed in a red shirt, he has neither birds nor fish.
21. The dwarf with the longest beard wears boots.
In what order do the gnomes sit at the table? Who eats what, drinks what, what color clothes they wear, what animals they keep, what flower they have on their dishes, what shoes they wear when they are on duty?

Rice. 19.

Rice. 20.
Spatial representations and imagination
Unfolding a cube(rice. 19). All six faces of the cube shown in Figure 19 are shaded differently. The relative position of the faces is shown on the scan.
But the development can be constructed in different ways. There are twenty ways to construct a surface development of a cube. Only three of them are shown here, and one edge of each is shaded. Apply shading to the remaining faces in such a way that when rolled up, you get exactly the same cubes (that is, with the same relative positions of the faces).
Labyrinth "ribbon"(Fig. 20). Find 2 ways to pass the labyrinth, starting from point O along the upper visible side (direction indicated -
but with a solid arrow) and ending the path at the same point, but on the opposite invisible side (the direction is indicated by a dotted arrow).
Figure A shows the transition from one side to the other, Figure B shows the turn of the path without crossing to the other side.
Squares And triangles(Fig. 21). The eight matches in the picture form a square and two triangles. How to rearrange four matches to get two squares and four triangles?
Geography lesson. Pick up a map of the earth’s hemispheres: how vast are the water spaces on Earth! Try, for example, hoisting three flags around the circumference of the Earth at equal distances from one another. There are not three suitable “dry” points for this on the equator. They will not be found on many meridians either.
And yet this problem is solved quite simply. It is more difficult to place four flags so that the distances from each of them to the other three are the same and that at least three of them are on land.
Try to identify four equidistant points on the surface of the ball, and then match them to the corresponding geographical points on the map of the hemispheres.
Squaring figures. To divide this arrow-shaped figure (Fig. 22) into 3 parts, from which you can then fold a square, it is enough to draw only one straight line. Show her off.
It is somewhat more difficult to square the three figures shown below (Fig. 23). But the Pythagorean theorem and some ingenuity will help you do this by cutting the left figure into 3 parts, the middle one into 4 parts and the right one into 4 parts.

Rice. 22.

Turn With reversal(Fig. 24). Among eight combinations made up of twelve points, choose one that will correspond to configuration B. When choosing a pair, follow the same law according to which configuration A corresponds to B.
If you manage to complete the task in 2-3 minutes, this indicates that you have a good ability to operate in a spatial image.
Count the cubes(Fig. 25). At first glance, this is not at all difficult to do. The left group has six cubes, and the right group has seven. But these are only visible ones, and how many invisible ones can there be, lying behind the external contours?
“In total,” you say, “there are ten in the left group, and in the right... let me think.”
Think about it, because there are still not ten of them in the left group. Deciding

Rice. 23.

Rice. 24.
task, it should be borne in mind that in each group the cubes are laid in only three layers.
Diagnosis and self-knowledge
Check myself. There are many tests to determine right- or left-handedness. Here are some of them.
Interlocking fingers(Fig. 26). Quickly, without thinking, interlace the fingers of both hands. No matter how many times the test is repeated, the thumb of the same hand is always on top, usually the leading one (right for right-handers and left for left-handers).
Reverse the position of intertwined fingers. Such an operation requires some preparation (thinking) and causes a feeling of inconvenience.
"Napoleon's Pose" Without thinking, cross your arms over your chest. Typically, in a right-handed person, the right hand rests on the left forearm first and on top, while the left hand lies later and is under the right forearm. Conscious execution of the test “on the contrary”, firstly, is accomplished

Rice. 26.
slower, and secondly, accompanied by a feeling of awkwardness.
Applause. Show how you applaud. It is noted that the leading hand actively moves, striking the other hand, which remains in the same position or is less active.

Tests for simultaneous actions of their hands. Take i pencil in each hand and, using both hands at the same time, draw, without looking, an angle, a square, a triangle. Compare the quality of lines and the completeness of the image given geometric figure, the images taken by the lead hand usually look more complete and correct.
Tests for accuracy.>take a blank sheet of paper, write a bold dot in the center of the paper-
and try to poke a pencil at it 15-20 times in a row with your eyes closed. For a right-hander, the accuracy of walking is higher when working with the right hand: the points are closer to the target, distributed evenly around it, and the scattering area is closer in shape.
to the oval. The left hand most often touches the left half of the sheet further from the target than the right.
Drawing vertical lines. On 1 sheet of paper, draw two squares 1.5x1.5 cm and quickly fill in: with vertical lines - first with one hand, then with the other. Number
lines drawn leading ru, usually more (about one unit), and they turn out to be more accurate (Fig. 27).
The information value of these te-ev is not the same, but in total

Rice. 27.
they allow you to reliably distinguish left-handers from right-handers.
The study of hand asymmetry in children has its own characteristics: it is advisable for it to be in the nature of a game or competition and for the children not to be aware of the purpose of the study.
Wiping the board. The child is asked to take a rag and wipe the chalkboard (in out-of-class settings, this can be any other surface, for example, window glass). If he wipes with his left hand, then he is asked to catch the thrown rag, and then throw it himself into a basket located 4-5 steps away from him. A left-handed person performs all these manipulations with his left hand.
Picking up an object lying on the floor. Very rarely performed with the non-dominant hand.
Nesting chips in a box. Active actions are performed by the leading hand, the non-dominant hand holds or holds the box.
If you notice that your two or three year old child eats or colors pictures with his left hand, do not rush to write him down as left-handed: more or less stable hand asymmetry is established in children only after four years. But even then there is no reason to worry: left-handedness is not a disease or a problem, it does not interfere with life.
The art of living with children
What is the art of education? Is it just supervision and instructions? Or is it the emotional attention, the spiritual closeness of children and adults, which makes any conflict solvable, and the matter joyful and interesting?
We invite parents to answer succinctly (“yes”, “no”, “sometimes”, to some extent) to the following questions of the psychological test. Quantity
your “yes”, “no” and “partly”, “sometimes” must be written down. This entry will be useful for summing up.
1. Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?
2. Do your children talk to you “heart to heart”, do they consult you on “personal matters”?
3. Are they interested in your work?
4. Do you know your children's friends?
5. Do they happen at your home?
6. Do your children participate with you in household chores?
7. Do you have common activities and hobbies with them?
8. Do you check how they are learning their lessons?
9. Do children participate in preparing for family holidays?
10. And on “children’s holidays” - do the guys prefer that you be with them or do they want to spend them “without adults”?
11. Do you discuss the books you read with your children?
12. What about television programs and films?
13. Do you go to theaters, museums, exhibitions and concerts together?
14. Do you take part in walks and hiking trips with your children?
15. Do you prefer to spend your holidays with them or not?
How do you feel about yourself?
One well-known psychiatrist, as a joke, distributed a questionnaire among his friends, after reading which they had to answer which of the groups listed in it they considered themselves to be:
1. Satisfied with yourself, satisfied with others.
2. Satisfied with himself, but not satisfied with others.
3. I am not satisfied with myself or others.
4. Not happy with yourself, happy with others.
The majority (including the author of the questionnaire) classified themselves as belonging to the third group, the next largest group of votes was the fourth group, and people who were satisfied with themselves and others were in the minority.
However, this is just a joke, but what is really happening, how do we treat ourselves?
Psychologists consider the emotional assessment of one’s self to be one of the most important traits of human character. Know emotionally value attitude a person’s attitude towards himself is important not only for understanding the personality as such, but also for solving the problem of communication between people. Willingness to communicate (what we commonly call sociability), the choice of a partner and the very nature of relationships between people largely depend on whether a person treats himself with calm dignity, is filled with the consciousness of his exclusivity, or feels worthless and pathetic. How can you measure your attitude towards yourself?
Probably, it would be ideal to observe your inner world with a “hidden camera” in order to evaluate precisely the unconscious attitude towards your “I”. In any case, in all experiments, researchers have to take into account the effect of “psychological defense.” A positive attitude towards oneself is so necessary for maintaining psychological comfort and personal health that a person often avoids negative self-esteem or does not want to express it to strangers. (Obviously, the psychiatrist’s humorous questionnaire gave a negative self-assessment precisely because it was humorous, or because
the answers showed a kind of “coquetry” in front of acquaintances.)
Some psychologists still believe that, in principle, there can be no adequate means for studying a person's conscious self-image. However, experiments recently conducted at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University seem to prove the opposite, demonstrating the conventional application of a technique that allows one to determine the emotional attitude towards oneself (reported by V. Stalin in the "Psychological Journal". T. 2. No. 3. 1981).
In the process of development of human society, man first came to know the people who ate him, so that the formation of his “I” was secondary, a consequence, derived from the knowledge of this person. In the course of further development, the attitude towards oneself acquired a different character - over time, the puppy’s “I” was associated with the attitude “towards me” of other people, in other words, self-esteem acted as a reflection of social norms, general -: personal values. It was precisely such ideas that helped psychologists develop a methodology for studying self-awareness and assessing oneself as a person using psychological projection.
We are talking about the use of tes, where the attitude towards oneself appears in the form of a projection of oneself onto other people, in the form of an attitude towards other people. >usually these are fictional characters, but they are endowed with such traits that a person involuntarily attributes his own character traits to these characters. The subtlety and skill of the experimenter lies precisely in the fact that the subject does not perceive a “trick”, so that the projection method causes precisely an involuntary, unconscious psychological reaction. At the same time, the choice of plot
com with the participation of fictional characters, the scope of activity of each of them, his fictional character should be such that the subject comes as close as possible to his “I”, reveals himself as fully as possible.
The experiment involved 72 female students of the Faculty of Philology aged 20 to 23 years. Before the experiment began, the subjects had to answer questions about themselves in detail. Then each of those participating in the experiment was asked to speak about two characters. One of them, character A, was actually a portrait of the subject herself: the same age, gender, close interests (for example, character A is a student of the history department), the same social environment. All character traits of the character were given in a sufficiently generalized manner so that the subjects could not immediately recognize themselves, but at the same time they felt the similarity quite fully.
The second character - B - is the complete opposite of character A. If A is the prototype of his “I”, then B is the “anti-I”. For example, if it was said about A that the character of this character is unstable, easily losing external balance, then B, on the contrary, is a person with a stable, calm and self-possessed character.
The subjects gave written answers, and sometimes these were real essays, taking up 3-4 pages of printed text. The task in the experiment consisted of three parts. First, it was proposed to solve the problem of insight, that is, the ability to understand other people - a quality that is certainly necessary and important for future teachers. The subjects were asked to answer a series of questions separately from the faces of characters A and B (as if
putting yourself in their place). Here is an approximate range of questions: why did this girl enter a higher educational institution, why did she choose this university, how does she evaluate her professional quality and prospects, what does he look for in communicating with young people, how does he imagine his future husband? Having answered these questions on behalf of fictional characters, it was necessary to answer the same questions, but from their own positions.
In the second part of the task, on behalf of characters A and B, and then on my own behalf, I had to complete an alternative task. For example, choose one of these mutually exclusive phrases: “Many misfortunes in people’s lives are explained by bad luck” or “People’s bad luck is the result of their own mistakes.”
In the third task, it was necessary to describe the relationship that would have developed between A and B when they met, what feelings they would have for each other.
These tasks are based precisely on the method of projection, therefore, by analyzing them, one can interpret the attitude towards another person as a result of the attitude towards oneself (in the case of great similarity with character A) and towards a person with opposite character traits (character B). Extreme positions regarding one’s “I” can be expressed in terms of “respect” or “contempt,” and extreme emotional reactions to “anti-I” lie on the “sympathy” - “antipathy” axis.
It turned out that for almost all the subjects, fictional characters A and B were not indifferent; in any case, the students expressed their attitude towards them without any special request. Based on the nature of the test subjects’ responses, it was possible to
divided into four groups (something similar to a psychiatrist’s questionnaire).
As a result, 74% of respondents felt sympathy for a character similar in character to their “I”, 22% reacted with antipathy towards a character imitating “I”. Researchers believe that the assessment of characters A and B is caused not by the positive or negative character traits of these characters, but by the peculiarities of the personal attitude towards them, in other words, behind the attitude towards A and B is the subject’s unconscious attitude towards himself.
As required to be proven, the proposed method made it possible to estimate emotional attitude to your “I” and “anti-I”. It is important that during the experiment the subject spoke not about himself, but about some other person; in any case, he knew that his answer would be interpreted as the character’s answers, all this made it easier for him to express his attitude towards himself.
In the future, apparently, the self-esteem of various categories of people will be studied depending on gender, age, and the professional and psychological situation in which they may find themselves. Such assessments are not only interesting in themselves, but in the future they should help psychologists and teachers correctly adjust a person’s relationship with himself and thereby help him achieve psychological comfort and choose his place in society.
In conclusion, we present some tasks to test some features of visual memory and perception.
Test your visual memory(Fig. 28). Look carefully at the left picture and remember the location of the blackened elements. On this
Rice. 28.

Rice. 29.
two minutes are given. Then cover it with your palm and mark the same elements in the right picture. If you manage to recreate exact copy left picture - you completed the task. You can be satisfied: you have a completely normal visual memory.
What would you do if you were a judge?(Fig. 29)? The Stripes were awarded a free kick 14 meters from the goal. The Whites began to build a wall. The eight “striped” players, without waiting for the wall to be built and for the referee to blow the whistle, passes the ball to the oncoming player number 10, who sends the ball into the goal net with a strong blow. What decision would you make if you were a judge?
What is your perception? From the listed names in the 12 pictures below (Fig. 30), select for each of them the one that, in your opinion, most suits it, and write down its number. When processing, use the matrix:
12 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Mark (underline) the numbers of the names you have chosen (if a number is repeated more than once, underline it accordingly). Count the number of marked numbers in each column.
If the most underscores are in the first column, you have specific type of perception,
if in the second - the type of your perception abstract,
if in the third - you prevail emotional type of perception.

Rice. 30(1): 1. Doll; 2. Game; 3. Friendship; 4. Pinocchio; 5. Stupidity; 6. Sympathy; 7. Fat man; 8. Similarity; 9. Curiosity; 10. Child; 11. Misunderstanding; 12. Confidence

Rice. 30(2): 1. Letter; 2. Request; 3. Joy; 4. Pioneers; 5. News; 6. Hope; 7. Box; 8. Message; 9. Sadness; 10. Students; 11. Congratulations; 12. Melancholy

Rice. 30(3): 1. Meadow; 2. Privolye; 3. Surprisingly - Fig. 30(5): 1. Roof; 2. Dexterity; 3. Non-
ie; 4. Girls; 5. Movement; 6. Curiosity; confidence; 4. Cat; 5. Flexibility; 6. Stupidity;
. Parachute; 8. Event; 9. Joy; 10. Under- 7. Birdhouse; 8. Robbery; 9. Courage; 10. Tru-
ugh; 11. Rest; 12. Chagrin ba; P. Robbery; 12. Carelessness

Rice. 30(4): 1. Courtyard; 2. Sports; 3. Resentment; 4. Fig. 30(6): 1. Road; 2. Trip; 3. Fear; grandmother; 5. Game; 6. Indifference; 7. Boy; 4. Summer; 5. Being late; 6. Confidence; 7. Auto-Old Age; 9. Fear; 10. Football player; 11. Sha-mobile; 8. Necessity; 9. Doubt; 10. >is; 12. Sadness Youth; 11. Haste; 12. Excitement


Rice. 30(7): 1. Newspaper; 2. Greeting; 3. Fig. 30(9): 1. Windows; 2. Moment; 3. Melancholy;
Kindness; 4. Square; 5. Rest; 6. Pride; 7. 4. Jackdaw; 5. Peace; 6. Hope; 7. Clock; 8.
A pedestrian; 8. Error; 9. Surprise; 10. Chita-Life; 9. Confusion; 10. Pavement; 11. Without-
tel; 11. Absent-mindedness; 12. Offense word of mouth; 12. Joy

Rice. 30(8): 1. Man; 2. Dexterity; 3. Fig. 30(10): 1. Girl; 2. Movement; 3. Joy; 4. Duck; 5. Death; 6. Hope; 7. Pleasure; 4. Dog; 5. Satellites; 6. Ra-Sportsman; 8. Flight; 9. Indifference; 10. Stiffness; 7. Summer; 8. Running; 9. Fear; 10. Tropin-ralist; 11. Entertainment; 12. Grief; 11. Rest; 12. Devotion

Rice. 30(1 J): J. Janitor; 2. Similarity; 3. chawl; 4. Boy; 5. Destruction; 6. Joy; Fence; 8. Death; 9. Regret; 10. Winter; . Fun; 12. Melancholy

Rice. 30(12): 1. Poor; 2. Arithmetic; 3. :a; 4. Orphan; 5. Study; 6. Doubt; 7. Description; 8. Science; 9. Admiration; 10. Beggar; knowledge; 12. Hope
Attention and observation
How is your attention? Correct answers: - 17; +10; - 1; +6; +18.
Search for patterns. The free space will be taken by the person from the upper right cell.
Handprints. Each of the items corresponds to fingerprints: 1 - D, 2 - L, 3 - O, 4 - E, 5 - K, 6 - A, 7 - B, 8 - N, 9 - 3,10 - AT 11- AND, 12 - G, 13 - M, 14 - AND.
Sorry for the vase! Vase number 5 broke.
Labyrinth. Here is the path that will lead to the goal (Fig. 31).
Quick wits
Football tournament. The restored standings look like this:

Rice. 31.

2. Spartak

3. Torpedo

Game results table

1. Dynamo X

2. Spartak 0:4

Z.Torpedo 0:0

4. Zenit 0:2

5. Diamond 10:1

Numerical rebus.

Grouping of names. 1, 4, 5 - start with a consonant and end with a vowel.
2,4, 5 - include two identical letters in a row. 3, 4, 5 - consist of five letters. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 - begin with a consonant. 3, 4, 5 - have two vowels. 2.6 - have one vowel each. 2, 5 - start with the same letter. 1.5 - end with the same letter.
Recycling of items. When evaluating the compiled lists, not only the number of applications is taken into account (10 - “good”, 15 - “excellent”), but also their originality. For example, from brick you can build not only a house, but also a dog kennel, make red powder, a filter, bookshelf, compact the playground with crumbs, etc. However, the same type of enumeration is “a school, a factory, a hospital, a garage, etc. are built from bricks.” are not considered valuable. The task does not specifically stipulate the task of being more flexible and original, therefore
the results show “spontaneous flexibility,” one’s own capacity for original thinking.
Similarity of figures. 1. 2, 3, 5 - all black. 2. 1, 2, 4 - from three elements. 3. 1,2,6 - all include straight lines.
Tic-tac-toe. Problem No. 1. 1) X 32, 0 zhz; 2) X 35... 3) X 36 or z1.
Problem No. 2. 1) X xY, 0 e9; 2) X reinforced concrete, 0 g9; 3) X g9, 4) X b10 or 36.
Problem No. 3. 1) X e9, 0 xY; 2) X e8, 0 eb; 3) X g8... 4) X b8 or 38.
Problem No. 4. 1) X vb. 0 66; 2) X in7, O in5; 3) X d5, O g7; 4) X e4... 5) X zh3 or 68. If 3) ... 0, e4, then 4) X g8 and 5) X g4 or u9.
Trial. The boys came to the headman day after day in this composition: Andrey and Dmitry, then Andrey, Boris and Grigory, then Andrey and Boris, then Victor and Grigory, then Boris, Victor and Dmitry, then Boris, Victor and Grigory and finally Boris and Victor.
Chicken schedule. Every day 3 hens laid eggs, every other day - also 3, after two days - 2. The hens laid eight eggs on Sunday.
Who is on duty when? Andrey - Sunday, Evgeny - Monday, Boris - Tuesday, Dima - Wednesday, Fedor - Thursday, Grigory - Friday, Sergey - Saturday.
Ciphergram. If you rewrite the text of the first radiogram in the same column 6 letters wide, which fell into the hands of the police when the radio operator was arrested (the first word from the second column under the first word of the first column, the second under the second, etc.), then, reading from the upper left corner diagonally “top right - bottom left and back” without looking up, we get: “Let me know when you can pick up the cargo. We bought an airplane to transport it. Bean. a B C". The last three letters are added only to ensure that all lines have 6 letters.

Rice. 32.
Into 8 equal parts(rice. 33).
Search for patterns(rice. 34).
Search for patterns (Fig. 35).
Crossword cryptogram. Sonnet, forging, author. Sect, libel, theater.
Announcement. The key to decoding is given by the last two words, in which the same doubled letter occurs. Moreover, it stands in the middle and beginning of the word. In Russian, at the beginning of a word there are only doubled “s” and “v” (there is also the word “burning”, but it does not match the number of letters). If we accept the letter “v”, then there are no words with two penultimate “vs” (except for the name Savva, which is unlikely in the local committee announcement). Therefore, the double “s” remains.
Then the last word can only be “quarrel” or “loan”, and the penultimate word can be “bossa”, “cash”, “lasso”, “mass”, “moussa”, “passa”, “chassis” (or some very unlikely ones, like “russa” (from Russian). Noticing that in the note the words are next to each other, have the same ending and
The answer reads like this: “Deliver the plane on Sunday morning. Keep your fuel tanks full. It will not be difficult to take one ton of cargo and a passenger. Hans."
Wire models(rice. 32).
Crossword cryptogram. Horizontally: monolith, atropine, therapy.
verticals: portrait, waterfall, mi-tion.

Rice. 33.

Rice. 34.
Rice. 35.
local committee specifics, choose “cash” and “loan”.
Next, we look for the word that contains the most decoding of letters. This is the fifth word of the note, in which “neatly” is easily guessed. We proceed in the same way.
The note is finally deciphered as follows: “Member of the mutual
assistance is obliged to carefully pay membership fees and promptly repay loans received from the cash desk.” Fan disagreements. To solve it, it is convenient to draw up a table in which, along the way of reasoning, you should enter the obtained grains of truth. The final picture looks like this.




Crossword cryptogram. Order, grinding, axe, trigger, hood, pledge. Flood, wig, stomp, pater, murmur, boat.
Crossword cryptogram. Laughter, robe, chitin, dachshund, buttercup, ton. Cossack, canoe, tan, Koran, nagar, screen.
Three villages. To solve the problem, we composed the following equations:
400(6 + c) « 560(a + c) 400(b + c) - 350(a + b),
where a is the distance between Vorobyov and Skvortsov, b- between Voronov and Skvortsov, With- between Voronov and Vorobiev.
Solving the equation, we get b= - 5/For, s = 2/For, i.e. we have a triangle expressed in a line. We find the center and from the equation of the center of gravity we obtain: A= 9 km, b- 15 km, s = 6 km.
First, we determine the even and odd sums of digits in each cell of the table, denoting the even and (-) odd ones with a (+) sign. If you compare the numbers of the cells with each other, it is easy to notice that among them there are repetitions of the same numbers, but arranged in a different order. We can distinguish three groups of such numbers: 1356,1369, 2478. Having found the total sum of these numbers, we find the general transition number. It can be equal to ±1, 5, 7, or 13.
The transition path is shown in the figure.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Snow White sits at the end of the table, Toto sits on the right, then Coco, then Koto.
Opposite Snow White sits Kiko, to Kiko's right is Tato, then Tiko and finally to Snow White's left is Quito.
Here are the characteristics of each gnome: Tiko - drinks tea, loves poppy seed pie, has green clothes, keeps a parrot, has a picture of a lily on the dishes, wears sandals, is on duty on Tuesday.
Coco - coffee with milk, fried meat, white clothes, dog, tulip, slippers, Monday.
Koto - water, pancakes, blue clothes, canary, violet, low shoes, Friday.
Tato - black coffee, cabbage rolls, black clothes, goldfish, poppy seeds, bast shoes, Wednesday.
Kiko - milk, jellied meat, brown clothes, hedgehog, forget-me-not, boots, Saturday.
Quito - citro, ukha, yellow clothes, neons, daisies, moccasins, Sunday.
Toto - cocoa, goulash, red clothes, cat, rose, boots, Thursday.
Spatial representations and imagination

Development of a cube (Fig. 36).

"Ribbon" labyrinth. In the first diagram of Fig. Figure 37 shows one of the ways to navigate the labyrinth.
The second method is shown in another diagram. We pass along the right branch to the loop (see third diagram), while making 3 revolutions. We go through the loop with the fourth inversion, go back along the other side and find ourselves on the lower invisible side. Then we go to the path indicated in the second diagram and arrive at point 0 from the bottom side.
Squares and triangles. Four matches can be arranged in this way (Fig. 38).

Rice. 36.
Geography lesson (Fig. 39). Placing three flags is quite simple: one can be placed at the South Pole, and the other two on either side of it, 120° to the north, that is, at the 30th parallel north latitude. For example, in the Western Hemisphere, a flag can be placed near New Orleans, at the confluence of the river. Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico, and in the east - somewhere in the Himalayas, somewhat northeast of Chomolungma (Everest).
Four equidistant points on the surface of a sphere can be determined using a cube inscribed in it. These will be points 1, 2, 3 and 4 (see picture). In relation to the globe, the first two will lie on the 35th parallel of northern latitude, and the other two will lie on the 35th parallel of southern latitude, offset relative to the first by 90° in longitude.
Accordingly, the first flag can be placed on the west coast of North America, between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The second is in the Middle East, near the border of Iran and Afghanistan. The third is near Sydney (Australia), and only the fourth will be in the open ocean, somewhat east of Buenos Aires (South America).

Rice. 37.

Rice. 38.

Rice. 39.
Second option. The central angles between the points are 110°. this allows one flag to also be placed at the South Pole, and the rest [and 110° to the north, i.e. on the 20th parallel [and northern hemisphere. Here you can point out the following points: for the second flag - the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico), for the third - left white

Rice. 41.

Rice. 40.
rezhier r. Nile (Africa), and the fourth flag will also be in the open ocean, east of the Mariana Islands group.
Squaring figures(rice. 40).
U-turn. Figure No. 7.
Count the cubes. The limit of visibility is the external outlines of each group. Everything that can fit into these contours will be the answer to the question posed.
Figure 41 shows both groups of cubes and their middle and lower layers separately. The cubes are numbered, and those located one below the other are marked with the same number.
The total was: in the first group 1 + 4 + 10 = 15, in the second 2 + 8 + + 13 = 23.
Diagnosis and self-knowledge
The art of living with children. For each “yes”, subjects receive 2 points, for each “partly”, “sometimes” - 1 point, for “no” - 0. It is proposed to count the number of points scored.
More than 20 points. Your relationship with your children can generally be considered prosperous.
From 10 to 20 points. Relations can be assessed as satisfactory, but not multilateral enough. You should think about how they should be improved and supplemented.
Less than 10 points. Your contacts with children are clearly insufficient. Urgent measures need to be taken to improve them.
What would you do if you were a judge? The goal is counted: a free kick is taken without additional permission from the referee to kick. The referee gives a signal (whistle, voice, gesture) only if the defending team does not maintain a nine-meter interval between the wall and the player taking the free KICK.
Alone with myself
To determine your psychological type in relation to others, rate the given statements in points from 0 to 4, then calculate the amount.
1. I get close to people easily.
2. I have many acquaintances whom I willingly meet.
3. I am a talkative person.
4. I feel at ease with strangers.
5. I would be unpleasant if the possibility of communication disappeared for a long time.
6. When I need to know something, I prefer to ask rather than delve into books.
7. I manage to liven up boring company.
8. I speak quickly.
9. When I am away from people for a long time, I really want to talk to someone.
1-12 points. Introvert. Focused on oneself, it is difficult to make contact. Such a person is focused mainly on his own feelings, is reserved, and prefers a book to communication.
13-24 points. Ambavert. He is characterized by calm, even relationships with people, and responsibility for his actions.
25-36 points. Extrovert. Talkative, sociable optimist, loves tricky questions, sharp jokes, unrestrained, cannot control his emotions.
The rhythm of mental work varies from person to person.
Lovers of the morning hours - “larks” wake up early and are most active in the first half of the day. There are also “night owls” - people do not notice the clock at all and act according to circumstances. Using the attached test, you can find out whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”.
1. Is it difficult for you to get up early in the morning?
a) Yes, almost always 3;
b) sometimes 2;
c) rarely 1;
d) very rarely 0.
2. What time would you prefer to go to bed?
a) After 1 am 3;
b) With 23.30 to 1 am 2;
c) after 22 hours 1;
d) until 22 o'clock 0.
3. You recently woke up. Which breakfast do you prefer?
a) Dense 3;
b) less dense 2;
c) boiled egg or sandwich 1;
d) enough tea or coffee 0.
4. Remember your recent interactions. When do they usually occur?
a) In the morning 1;
b) in the afternoon 0.
5. What is easier for you to give up?
a) From morning tea or coffee 1;
b) from evening tea 0.
6. Is it easy for you to change your eating habits?
a) Very easy 3;
b) really easy 2;
c) difficult 1;
d) I don’t change 0.
7. In the morning important things await you, as soon as you go to bed earlier than usual
a) More than 2 hours 3;
b) for 1-2 hours 2;
c) less than 1 1;
d) as usual 0.
8. How accurate is your internal clock? Note the time, and when you think a minute has passed, look at your watch.
a) You were in a hurry 0;
b) were late 2.
Summarize: if in total you scored from 0 to 7 points, you are a “honeypot”; from 8 to 13 - arrhythmic; from 14 to 20 - “owl”.
With the help of the proposed test you can test your nerves.
1. Do you slam doors when leaving your apartment?
2. Do things placed in the room irritate you, do you touch things when walking around the room?
3. Do you lose your temper in an argument?
4. Do you interrupt your interlocutor?
5. When talking, do you wave your arms?
6. Can’t hold a sheet of paper with your fingertips without it shaking?
7. Do you sometimes talk to yourself?
8. Do you get offended over trifles?
9. How long does it take you to fall asleep in the evening?
If you have 9 “yes”. Your nervous tension has crossed all boundaries and you urgently need to take care of your health. 7 “yes” - there is a tendency to “live on nerves”, which, obviously, will not lead to good.
If among your answers there are only 3 “yes” or less, then you can consider your nerves to be in order.
“Do you have willpower?”
The proposed 15 questions can be answered “yes”, “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “happens”, “no”.
1. Are you able to complete the work you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away and then return to it again?
2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant to you?
3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at work or at home, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at it with maximum objectivity?
4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome all culinary temptations?
5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?
6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?
7. Do you respond to emails quickly?
8. If you are afraid of an upcoming plane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, can you easily overcome this feeling and not change your intention at the last moment?
9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?
10. Will you keep a promise made in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble, in other words, are you a man of your word?
11. Do you hesitate to travel to an unfamiliar city if necessary?
12. Do you strictly adhere to the daily routine: time to wake up, eat, clean and other things?
13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?
14. The most interesting TV show-
cha will not force you to postpone urgent and important work. Is it so?
15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words of the opposite side may seem to you?
For the answer “yes” - 2 points, “I don’t know”, “happens” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points.
0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You do what is easier and more interesting. You take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles.
13-21 points. Your willpower is average. When you encounter an obstacle, you take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, use it. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will.
22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. I can rely on you - you won’t let me down. You are not afraid of new assignments or things that frighten others.

The proposed textbook was written by a team of employees of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov as a guide for students to master the general methods of data collection used in psychology: the observation method, the survey method, the conversation method, the measurement method, the test method and the experimental method. These methods, in accordance with their name, are widely used by all psychologists, regardless of their specialty or specialization, to solve basic professional problems: conducting research, psychodiagnostic examinations, providing psychological assistance to people. In scientific research, these methods are used to empirically substantiate the theoretical explanations proposed by scientists, in psychodiagnostic examinations - to empirically substantiate conclusions about certain psychological characteristics of individuals or groups, when providing psychological assistance - to empirically substantiate interventions carried out by a psychologist in people's lives and to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions. For students of higher educational institutions studying in all specialties and specializations of psychology, in the discipline “General Psychological Practicum”. Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

The work belongs to the genre Educational literature. It was published in 2017 by Peter Publishing House. The book is part of the series "Textbook for universities. Third generation standard (Peter)". On our website you can download the book “General Psychological Workshop” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

How to treat yourself and people [Another edition] Kozlov Nikolai Ivanovich

Psychological workshop

Psychological workshop

"Hard Life parents of Lena Sidorova"

I most like to give the tasks of the workshop “The Difficult Life of Lena Sidorova’s Parents” to teenagers and young people. It’s easy to resent your elders until you step into their shoes yourself. And here this is what is proposed - to become parents and try your hand: the children will strain you, and you will carry out the educational process.

If you have time. Parents often have to implement quick response measures instead of education, so that the deadline for a possible catastrophe is at least pushed back...

So, you are parents, you have a 16-year-old daughter, Lena. I am sure that your daughter is developed, smart, studies well and plays music. You have a good relationship with her, she trusts you a lot, and suddenly (such a conversation happened somehow) she trusted... It turns out that your daughter... Below are several options:

Lena loves one guy, dates him and engages in petting (overt caresses) with him.

She is afraid of guys and considers them rude, but she makes love with her friend with great pleasure. Mutual tender caresses bring each other to orgasm, plus they are just good friends.

She loves one guy, dates him and has sex with him.

She meets and has sex with a guy, although she doesn’t love him. He’s handsome, she’s pleased and interested, but there’s no talk of love or marriage.

Plays strip cards with the guys. When everyone undresses, dancing without clothes begins. But, according to an unspoken agreement, there is no transition to sex.

He meets with several guys (who sometimes have a free apartment) and lives a sexual life with them.

He and his friends meet with several guys and practice group sex.

Together with his friends, he earns money (already quite good) through prostitution. True, she doesn’t sleep with everyone, but selectively: who has good money and who she likes. There are already regular customers. So that you don’t immediately die of horror, I’m making your life easier: at the same time, it turns out that she knows how to protect herself (both from pregnancy and AIDS), does it competently, and in general she likes this kind of life...

Is it really easier now?

The worst thing is that you can’t get anywhere now: you’ve already read the problem, you won’t get it out of your head now, so you’ll have to study with your daughter. Just like in life. So, dear parents, regardless of your age, do you have problems with these circumstances in your daughter’s life (for each of the options)? What makes you sad and what makes you happy? Do you consider this normal (all the more welcome) or do you consider it unacceptable and would like to ban it? Why?

On this I would ask you to dwell in more detail: really, WHY? Do you have any arguments to consider something undesirable, unacceptable and worthy of prohibition? Your argumentation system must be convincing - not only for you, but also for your daughter. Emotions, indignation, crying or a belt (as well as other means of forceful pressure) are not considered arguments.

If you decide about an option that it is not only upsetting and undesirable, but also unacceptable, what means of influencing your daughter would you consider acceptable and effective?

Remember: methods of persuasion, influence by personal example...

And also what measures to prevent undesirable situations of this kind would you consider reasonable (if you were raising your daughter again)?

I remembered something: one fool can ask so many questions that a hundred wise men will not find answers to them. But this is not about you, sorry.

Thank you. I hope you are satisfied with your answers. If, in addition to yours, you are interested in someone else’s thoughts, I can offer you mine.

Warning: interdepartmental commission under the Ministry of Education Russian Federation I did not consider these reflections at my meetings and did not approve them as completely correct.

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Workshop Wish Scanner. You will need paper and pen, a phone and the desire to do something pleasant and useful for yourself. Starting right now and for the next two days, every hour, write down what you want. This applies to the entire time you are awake. Woke up -

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Workshop You want something small right now (a cup of tea, a subscription to the pool, a trip to the cinema). Now let the world know about it in all the ways available to you (Internet, phone calls, personal contacts with people) and see what comes of it .Change-marathon.For special

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Workshop Even if you didn’t immediately understand the first part of this book, but you know at least one Achiever, then try spending at least one day with him! Observe - and keep an eye on it. Be more attentive to people. Especially those who succeed a lot. How are they

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Workshop Remember your acquaintances, Achievers, and try to figure out which of them is closer to which type. And what is more familiar to you. Remember those cases when you were lucky, and determine what type of luck you had - this will make it easier to determine your type

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Practice No. 1 Try to exchange your business cards for something else, not another business card. By the way, you can send a layout of your business card to us by email. As with any security, the content of the business card is very important. To do this, you must know what you can give to people, what makes you interesting,

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Workshop No. 3 Print out the vepe for yourself and start with your friends. Make some kind of vape storage from which they will be easy to get and use. Ilya, for example, has an aquarium for this. Until now, we have been talking about Achievement in general and “tasty” ways

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Workshop No. 2 If you go from work every day along a given route, take a different one! Seven times in a row using a new route, without fail. Just think, there's a construction site there! Is there a dog there? Well, okay, because a dog is a man’s friend if you treat it with respect and not

From the author's book

Psychological workshop: production situations This task is aimed at assessing four types of leader orientation in the management process, namely: D - orientation to the interests of the business; P - orientation to relationships with people, the psychological climate in the team; O