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What can you make a wish for a friend? What wish can you make for a guy? Hobby options

Young people play various games and make vulgar wishes to each other as punishment for losing. To have a fun and unforgettable time, you need to know which vulgar wishes to make for a guy and which for a girl. If a girl likes a boy, then in this way you can get closer to your object of adoration and find emotional contact with the guy. For representatives of the opposite sex, this is a great chance to show their wit and win the girl’s affection.

List of vulgar wishes for girls:

  • Wear a bra over your regular clothes and walk down the street like that.
  • Ask a stranger for several condoms, if he says that he doesn’t have them, tearfully beg him to buy contraceptives at the nearest pharmacy.
  • Erotic movements or sexy dance in crowded places.
  • Jog to the nearest store in just your underwear.
  • Put the girl in an erotic pose and ask her to say some phrase in German.
  • Put on a nurse's costume and give the guy artificial respiration.
  • Tell a vulgar poem to a stranger.
  • Give a compliment on the topic of sexuality to a passing man.
  • It is very passionate and erotic to eat a banana while making languid sounds.
  • Go out onto the balcony or into the yard when people are passing by and show your breasts.
  • A man sits on a chair and places a piece of paper on his lap. The girl must break it without hands, sitting on the guy’s lap.
  • Search with passion. The guy needs to hide bills of different denominations all over his body, and the loser must find all the money.
  • Wet a T-shirt or T-shirt and put it on your naked body.
  • Cover the guy's belly with whipped cream and lick it off.
  • Take an erotic selfie and put it on your VKontakte avatar.
  • Put a hickey on a guy's neck.
  • Take off your panties and put on a tight dress. Walk like this all day.
  • Suck a big lollipop, making erotic movements with your head.
  • Get a relaxing massage while wearing only your underwear.
  • French kiss your girlfriend.
  • Persuade the first guy you meet to sleep with you, and when the young man agrees, slap him in the face and refuse him in a rude manner.

Another desire: call any mobile number and have hot phone sex, introducing yourself as a mysterious stranger.

List of vulgar wishes for a boy:

  • Dance an erotic dance while wearing women's panties.
  • Go out onto the balcony and tell passersby about your sexual fantasies.
  • Walk to the store in family shorts and buy condoms there.
  • Feelings of the fifth point. Need to prepare various vegetables and fruits, place them one by one on a chair, and the guy must guess their names blindfolded, without touching the vegetables with his hands.
  • Go to the pool and swim naked.
  • Take a raw chicken egg and roll it under your trousers from one leg to the other so that the egg remains intact.
  • Wear women's stockings and pretend to be a drunk stripper.
  • Send an SMS with vulgar content to all numbers on your mobile phone.
  • Write a sign saying “I’m collecting for condoms” and collect 100 rubles from passers-by.

When choosing a desire, you need to take into account the guy’s age and moral principles, so as not to offend the young man or infringe on his dignity.

  • A wish game will help you have a fun romantic evening or entertain a bored group of friends. Depending on the situation, the fun can be made not only funny, but also a touch of vulgarity can be added to it or a little risk can be added.

    But what kind of wish should you make for a guy, and what kind of wish should you make for a girl, if your imagination fails you? When choosing entertainment, you should be guided by the sense of humor of the guests and the “heating degree” of the company.

    Options for original desires for guys

    The losing participant can be given a useful, sporting, extreme, or even obscene task. Entertainment with alcohol is not prohibited. There are many options, the main thing is that they are unusual and fun.

    Vulgar desires Vulgar desires

    Entertainment of an obscene nature is an excellent option for spending leisure time in a close, close company and for a couple in love.

    There are many options for vulgar tasks, you just need not to make a mistake in choosing and choose an idea that suits the moment:

    • The participant can perform a seductive dance on the table, use a mop instead of a pole, or perform a striptease on the street.
    • A close man should be forced to give an erotic massage without using his hands.
    • The guy he loves will appreciate the girl’s idea to role-play a situation where she will act as a nurse or teacher. But the director of an erotic game must be a man.
    • The participant must sexually describe how he wants to eat this or that product.

    When choosing vulgar entertainment, you must remember that some obscene tasks are best done only in a narrow circle.

    Funny wishes Funny wishes

    For big company The following fun activities are suitable:

    • Spin the hoop and perform a funny song.
    • Go to the store with socks over your ears.
    • Eat a lemon sprinkled with salt and smile at the same time.
    • Using facial expressions, depict 10 different emotions.
    • Say hello to strangers on the street (at least 15 people), saying a new greeting each time.

    An unusual entertainment would be to ask the losing participant to dye his hair a bright color and do so for several weeks.

    Options for original desires for girls

    The choice of desire for a girlfriend depends on the relationship between the winner and the loser. You can make an intimate wish to your beloved, offer a funny or useful task to your colleague, and surprise your girlfriend with an extreme request.

    Vulgar desires Vulgar desires

    It's fun to ask a young girl to perform obscene tasks.


    • Walk to the nearest store in lingerie or a seductive chemise.
    • Dressed in a nurse's costume, save any guest by giving him artificial respiration.
    • Tell a stranger a poem or anecdote with obscene content.
    • Ask passing men for condoms and, if they refuse, beg them to buy them at the nearest pharmacy.
    • Put on underwear over your regular clothes and walk around like that.

    You can please your beloved girl with more intimate tasks. For example, take a nude photo together or have sex in an unusual place.

    Funny wishes

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    Yes, you can make wishes above the third eye. Options for what to ask the losing girl to do for the winner/winner - for her to: Cut her hair, shave, do a manicure, do a pedicure, give a massage, scratch behind the ear... Knitted - scarf/socks/slippers/phone case, handkerchief , blanket for laptop or smartphone…. She sang a song, told a fairy tale or a terribly scary story, solved unsolvable problems, explained step by step the essence of cooking scrambled eggs... Fed you three boxes of her favorite candies Played Dota or Tanks with you for 5-6 hours During the week/month she addressed you everywhere as “Your Highness” During the week she shook hands with everyone she met During the week she walked around in any weather under Nadula’s umbrella, 100 balls each: red, blue, yellow, green (without time limit) - even for a year in the whole day / whole week in different sneakers

    What wish should you make for a girl?

    Funny forfeits for adults

    A game of forfeits will amuse any company and help make the holiday unforgettable. Choose from the proposed tasks the most interesting and suitable for your company. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray.

    Players take turns drawing forfeits at random, reading the assigned tasks aloud and demonstrating their creative and acting abilities.

    1. Show without words what you like to do in your free time
    2. Looking in the mirror and without laughing, say enthusiastically 5 times the phrase: “I look the best today!”
    3. Try to bite yourself on the elbow, saying: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite!”
    4. Pantomime a champagne bottle opening
    5. Go up to 5 other participants, shake their hands and say: “I am the king. Very nice, I am the king!”
    6. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
    7. Choose any of those present and confess your love to him in an original way
    8. Sing any song as if you are very drunk
    9. Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
    10. You are lucky - the whole company is taking the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and expresses their admiration or pays a compliment
    11. Say in a sexy voice: “Are you sad and lonely? Then call me...” Then it is no less tempting to dictate your phone number
    12. “Saddle” a chair and “jump” on it, shouting at the same time: “You can’t be late for adventure!”
    13. Invent for 7 players affectionate nicknames(for example, “cutie”, “handsome”...)
    14. Looking in the mirror, compliment yourself for a minute, without laughing.
    15. Depict any profession so that the other players can guess
    16. Be a “mirror” for a few minutes (copy the facial expressions and movements of everyone who wants to look in the “mirror”)
    17. For a minute, stroke yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions.
    18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
    19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
    20. Say the phrase: “I like to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised, languid)
    21. Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
    22. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
    23. Stand on a chair and talk about your life in five sentences
    24. Make a toast in the “Chinese” way
    25. Read any children's poem with a Caucasian accent
    26. Shout loudly 3 times “People! I love you!"
    27. Say 3 tongue twisters quickly
    28. Show guests how to eat a banana erotically
    29. Pretend to be an astrologer and predict any 2 players' futures
    30. Fall to your knees and repent of your three most significant sins
    31. Choose any two players and, together with them, depict the dance of the African tribe Mumba-Yumba
    32. Bow to five players different ways without repeating
    33. Tell everyone: “I’m sad, don’t disturb me!” and sit for 1 minute with a sad expression on your face (other players need to try to make you laugh)
    34. Draw your portrait with your eyes closed
    35. Portray a capricious lady who demands her husband to buy her a diamond ring
    36. Portray a capricious husband who is unhappy with dinner
    37. Freeze in a certain pose, depicting a sculpture. You need to stand without moving for several minutes. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
    38. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
    39. Play a journalist: approach any of the players and interview him, asking ten tricky questions
    40. Take an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, choose the surroundings
    41. Depict scales using pantomime
    42. Sing the song “Two Cheerful Geese” while blowing kisses to everyone
    43. Call someone you know and ask to be allowed to spend the night
    44. Depict famous person for other players to guess
    45. Draw a man in a dentist's chair
    46. Make a comic self-presentation: tell other players why they should be friends with you (marry you, marry you, etc.)
    47. Draw any 5 emotions on your face so that other players can guess them
    48. “Pretend” to be a stranger for 10 minutes and speak only in “gibberish” language
    49. Show with accelerated movements how a woman puts on a makeover (does makeup, tries on outfits, etc.)
    50. Depict the gait of a man walking barefoot across hot coals
    51. Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
    52. Depict a chicken that unexpectedly laid an egg
    53. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: “He who laughs last laughs best.”
    54. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”

    Desire games help you have fun with friends in a cafe or at home. These could be competitions, card tournaments, sports. The main condition is that the loser fulfills the will of the winner. We will tell you in our article what kind of wish you can make to a guy if he lost in an argument or playing cards.

    The wish list for a guy can be very diverse from sports, strength tasks to incredible, almost impossible orders from his beloved, but do not lose your sense of proportion during the game.

    You cannot ask a boy to fulfill such harsh requests:

    • Humiliating: undress in front of everyone, kiss or hug an unpleasant person, clean the toilet, and others.
    • Offensive: dressing in women's clothing, serving the entire group at a party.
    • Dangerous to life and health: drink a lot of alcohol, walk on a windowsill, jump from a height.

    Come up with tasks that will make the company laugh and help you get closer to a nice guy, rather than angering or offending him.

    In addition, you need to take into account the age of the party participants: use vulgar questions or requests in groups where all boys and girls are at least 16+.


    It is normal to touch upon sensitive topics to fulfill desires in a friendly company. Vulgarities lift the spirits of all participants in the game and help to establish love relationship, if you like the boy, but the girl doesn’t have the courage to approach him. We offer you 20 examples of vulgar wishes for guys:

    1. Dance with elements of striptease.
    2. Passionately eat a fruit or vegetable.
    3. Tell in detail what you felt during your first sex.
    4. Go out into the street in shorts and ask the first girl you meet to make love.
    5. Send a dirty message to your ex or current partner.
    6. Give an erotic compliment to all the girls sitting next to you.
    7. Come up with and tell a vulgar joke.
    8. Make a video about the lack of sex, ask girls for help, and upload it online.
    9. Roll the raw egg inside the trousers over both legs so that it does not break.
    10. Think of any number. You will need to take off so many items of clothing.
    11. Use your skin on your butt to guess which fruit is lying on the chair, deliciously describing the sensations.
    12. By behavior during the evening, cause a feeling of jealousy in the friend with whom you came to meet friends.
    13. Swim without clothes in a river or pool. At this time, you can sing a song about animals and fish.
    14. Strip down to your underpants and go to the pharmacy to buy condoms.
    15. Talk about your erotic fantasies.
    16. The guy holds a banana between his legs. And his girlfriend is trying to eat fruit without her hands.
    17. The loser is blindfolded. The girls sit on a sofa or bench, one of them puts candy in a secluded place on the body. The boy must find dessert without hands, feeling the girls with his lips, face, and nose.
    18. Find out who is in front of you. You can't touch your face or hair. The guy should feel the girls' butts.
    19. Get into a doggy position, arch sexually and shout any erotic phrase: “Yes! More! Want you!".
    20. It’s funny to pretend to be a tranny; you can wear women’s clothes and put on makeup. Be sure to hit on other guys.

    On a note! In order not to come up with vulgar wishes for a guy for a long time, make coupons in advance with a ready-made text of tasks. Draw cards at random from a hat or fabric bag.


    You can make cool and funny wishes for boys in the company of students and schoolchildren, or at a birthday party with the participation of adults. Be sure to accompany funny tasks with instructions so that the loser doesn’t mess around.

    1. Eat the soup with a spoon, wearing boxing gloves on your hands.
    2. Depict at least 10 emotions using facial expressions.
    3. Sing a well-known song with water in your mouth.
    4. Go out into the street and say hello to everyone you meet, compliment the girls.
    5. Say 10 nice words to all party participants.
    6. Communicate for 10-20 minutes only with gestures. At this time, you need to ask the guy questions, ask him to do something that requires speech. You cannot use SMS correspondence with a boy on social networks.
    7. Do 20 push-ups or pull-ups every 30 minutes all evening.
    8. Do a querque dance on the table.
    9. Take a selfie with passers-by and start uploading this album to your VK, OK, FB profile.
    10. Listen to funny jokes, watch funny clips and not laugh.
    11. Collect 100 rubles on the street by asking passers-by for a gift for a girl.
    12. Go to your neighbors in the stairwell and ask for a roll of toilet paper. Be sure to tell them that you ran out of napkins at the most inopportune moment.
    13. Wear stiletto heels all evening.
    14. Buy cakes for everyone and treat everyone by unwrapping candies or feeding the cake with a spoon.
    15. Read a thick book for your next meeting and tell its contents.
    16. Come up with a new topic for an argument or a game for the company.
    17. Depict live music.
    18. Invite a stranger on a romantic date. To do this, you need to go out and meet some beauty.
    19. Add emoticons to the photo in VK for all party participants.
    20. Advertise an unusual thing in a funny voice.

    You can arouse a feeling of interest and general attention to the loser of the argument with the help of original desires. A group of friends will be curious to see how the guy completes the following tasks:

    1. Put a saucepan on your head and dance like Michael Jackson.
    2. Call your favorite girl “my lady” all evening.
    3. Give a massage to 3 girls.
    4. Get an autograph from a random passerby.
    5. Put on makeup like a free-spirited woman and walk around the yard.
    6. Put a selfie with a funny face on your avatar.
    7. Lie on your back, place a coin on your stomach. The girl lies on top and tries to push the money off the guy.
    8. Prepare dinner for the next company meeting.
    9. Take your loved one on an unusual date.
    10. Eat lemon without sugar, and smile at the same time.
    11. Come up with an original joke and show it to your friends so everyone laughs.
    12. Sit through the entire next round of the game with an egg in your mouth.
    13. Choose any secret story from your life and tell everyone.
    14. Put socks on your ears and go shopping.
    15. Argue with your ex via correspondence online that he will marry first.
    16. This desire from a girl to her beloved guy looks cute: to confess his love in several languages.
    17. Perform difficult sanas from the list of professional yogis.
    18. Eat and drink like an animal, on all fours.
    19. Put on a cat mask and respond to every call with a meow.
    20. Go out into the street and ask a passerby in English: “how to get to London?”


    It’s not difficult to come up with a sports wish for a guy if he lost in an argument. For example, take into account the following tasks with physical activity:

    1. Run 1-3 km. Take measurements using an app or a pedometer on your phone.
    2. Jump 50-100 times.
    3. Move around the apartment in a bag all evening.
    4. Get into an uncomfortable position and freeze for a couple of minutes. For example, upside down, with arms raised.
    5. Sit down 20-30 times.
    6. Do push-ups with the girl or child sitting on their back.
    7. Spin the hoop for 5-10 minutes.
    8. Jump rope to see who can do it longer.
    9. Perform several acrobatic tricks at speed: take a birch tree pose, do a somersault over your head, hit the ball in the basket.
    10. Compete with others in the long jump.
    11. Participate in a race wearing fins.
    12. Reaching for objects with your mouth while your hands and feet are tied.
    13. Hit the ball a certain number of times.
    14. Play improvised sumo.
    15. Hit the target with raw eggs.


    Fun in an adult company is rarely complete without strong drinks. Use alcohol to make wishes for a guy:

    1. Drink a cocktail of your own making, feel what it consists of and guess the composition.
    2. Drink a large amount of alcoholic beverage in one gulp. A glass of 100-200 ml will be enough.
    3. Be able to knock back vodka with pepper.
    4. Drink the contents of the glass without your hands.
    5. Drink a glass of whiskey with a teaspoon.
    6. Pour alcohol into the caps and place them on the stairs. The loser moves on all fours until all the lids are empty.
    7. Prepare delicious cocktails for all girls.
    8. Go to the store for another bottle of wine.
    9. Snack on a drink with a product that is completely unsuitable for this.
    10. Drink beer and hula hoop at the same time.
    11. Loop the alcohol out of the saucer.
    12. Drink cocktails in an awkward position: with your leg thrown over your head, standing upside down.

    This is just a small wish list for a guy who has lost at cards or an argument. It can easily be supplemented using imagination and ingenuity.

    What wish can you make for a girl? All the subtleties of choosing desires. Interesting wishes for an argument with a guy

    What wish can you make for a girl who lost a bet?

    In general, the desire in a dispute is specified immediately, as they say, Let's bet on....., then the specified desires follow, which can be completely different in relation to the disputing people entering into an oral agreement.

    And so the essence of what is happening loses all meaning, since you can make a wish for anything, from a banal click, to paying for a tourist ticket to an orbital space station... Well, make a wish for her, for example, to radically change her hairstyle, and creatively, and maybe it will be beneficial, so how changing your image is sometimes beneficial for a person!

    For example, this one, I just love short haircuts on girls...!

    I would like to answer very vulgarly.

    If this girl is free from obligations to another man, then ask her to fulfill this desire: for you to give her cunnilingus.

    If she refuses, which is likely; then you laugh it off, say that you decided so for the sake of humor, and your desire will be for her to smile more often!

    If you don’t have a girlfriend/wife, then you can make fairly frank wishes, but not beyond what is permitted. For example, a two-hour massage.

    Dancing in the middle of the street to music can also be a serious test for a modest girl. In addition, you can make some adjustments to her appearance, for example, make a wish to wear black lipstick and black nail polish for a week. You can also ask the girl to cut her hair the way you want or dye her hair.

    Also, if it’s warm, you can ask to go outside in skis.

    Tell your most shameful secret.

    Kiss/hug a random passerby.

    Turn to people in a crowded elevator and say: You’re probably wondering why I gathered you here?

    Dance around the handrail on the bus.

    Walk around for one day in shoes that are put on incorrectly on your left and right feet.

    You can try to make a wish to walk around the city with a pillow in your hands, from point A to point B.

    I remember that before someone made such a wish, the girl fulfilled it, but she was red with shame, especially when unfamiliar guys laughed.

    You can wish for a girl to bake you a grand cake: big, tasty, beautiful.

    Or you can ask her to come up with and organize some interesting surprise for you.

    Or wish for a girl to do something that she simply wouldn’t agree to do, but you would like it.

    Of course, first of all, when making a wish, you need to focus on your relationship with the girl. Maybe she’s your girlfriend, just an acquaintance or friend, or maybe it’s your first time in the same company.

    So, if a girl is simply attractive to you or she is your girlfriend, you can make a kiss, or make a wish to cook dinner or lunch for you.

    You can also wish for the girl to iron your clothes or wash them.

    You can wish for a massage, or you can wish for her to wear some bright makeup or something. dressed smartly or, on the contrary, put on a long skirt and scarf and walked like that for several hours.

    Or make a wish for her to buy you something inexpensive - beer or some kind of drink.

    You can tell her to cut her hair

    Yes, you can make wishes above the third eye.

    Options for what to wish the losing girl to do for the winner so that she can do it to him:

    Got my hair cut, shaved, manicured, pedicured, massaged, scratched behind the ear

    I knitted a scarf/socks/slippers/phone case, handkerchief, blanket for a laptop or smartphone.

    She sang a song, told a fairy tale or a terribly scary story, solved unsolvable problems, and explained step by step the essence of cooking scrambled eggs.

    I fed you three boxes of my favorite candies.

    Played Dota or Tanks with you for 5-6 hours

    Over the course of a week/month, Your Highness addressed you everywhere

    For a week, she should shake hands with everyone she meets.

    For a week, in any weather, I walked under an umbrella

    Inflated 100 balloons: red, blue, yellow, green (without time limit) at least for a year

    I spent the entire day/week wearing different sneakers.

    It all depends on who this girl is for you. If a friend, a friend, and you know that she will not be offended by you, and you laugh together at the fulfillment of this wish, then you can wish for anything. If you are afraid of offending a person, or this is a very vulnerable person, then you need to be careful with your desires, otherwise the relationship between you may deteriorate for a long time.

    For example, you can make a wish: wear a wig with colored hair all day at the institute, paint your nails some unusually bright or dark color, go to the store covered with a blanket, ask to take a photo with a stranger on the street (take a selfie), walk around with a painted mole all week lip, walk around with bright lipstick all week. It all depends on the situation and the dispute itself.

    It depends on what kind of girl you are and how you treat her and what argument she lost. I don’t think that a girl would be red with shame if she walked with a pillow from point A to point B, but if a girl covered herself with only one blanket, this would be a number.

    What's the toughest wish you've ever granted after losing a bet?

    I was 12 years old. Then she was at the Leonard-Mayfield summer camp. A bunch of kids were playing Truth or Dare. My friend and I decided to join. We didn’t know many people back then, so we mostly chose action. At first there was all sorts of stuff like eating grass, catching a mosquito with your mouth, etc. And now everyone is already fired up, and it’s our turn. Next to the place where we played there was a church that also housed a concert hall. All the instruments are in place, piano, violin, organ... And so they asked me to play something there. Not only is it scary, but the country is different, you never know. But so be it, a couple of other people agreed to go with me, as witnesses, and to take a look at this concert. Since the last service is at 21, we have lights out and roll call at 21:30, we decided to climb out through the windows at 22 and gather in this church. And so they counted us all, and the lights were turned off. I was lucky: the windows looked onto the roof, and it was even easier to jump over to the neighboring building. And so, at about ten in the evening, we are all standing in a dark empty church, with me is also my friend, and the Spanish guy who made the wish. I play the violin myself, but the stringed instruments were put away in the back room, and I didn’t want to go into it. I quietly approach the organ. The Spaniard stood at the windows to see the entrance, and my friend simply sat down on the bench in front of the altar. I sit down on a stool in front of the instrument. I didn’t know how to play at all, and my hands were shaking a little with fear. Without hesitation, I hit the keys as hard as I could. I won’t say that we were all deaf from my playing, but the volume certainly made our ears a little blocked. And then the sound fades, these two look at me, I look at them, and then we hear a police whistle. Without thinking too much, I hit the keys again, standing up, and we fly out of the church. Since there are cameras everywhere around the camp, we climb onto the roof. I still remember how we spent an hour there watching the guards running circles around the building with flashlights.

    P.S. The next morning, in the director's office, we were shown a black and white video of me hammering away at the organ, and my two listeners jumping into the windows of a three-hundred-year-old church.

    P.p.s. Next year, bars were hung on the windows: D

    Young people have fun in different ways, inventing more and more new fun. A very interesting game is when teenagers make various tasks and wishes for each other, trying to come up with something unusual and original.


    The actual question of what kind of wish can be made for a guy may be at the moment when a couple meets, and the man wants to please his girlfriend on a holiday, giving her the opportunity to make any of her wishes. What can a girl come up with in such a situation? One thing is clear: you should not test your boyfriend and wish him something impossible. If you want to receive some special gift, you should correctly calculate the guy’s material resources so as not to confuse him.

    But the most interesting may be the reasoning about what kind of wish you can make to a guy on a bet when he has lost. Here you need to use your imagination and not limit its flight.

    About love

    When choosing what kind of wish you can make for a guy, it is worth considering an option that concerns the sphere of relationships with a young man. If a couple is dating, you can ask the guy for a foot massage, a dance in a thong (very interesting), or an erotic massage. You can ask your man to fulfill some erotic fantasy. It all depends on how close the couple is and whether they can afford such close contact.


    If the couple is not dating yet, and the girl likes the young man who lost the argument, you can ask him to go to the cinema, to the skating rink, or to eat ice cream together. Theoretically, this will not be a date, but already in an hour of such time together you can get close enough, learn something new about each other and, perhaps, even start a relationship.


    What wish can you make for a guy if he is just a friend? There can also be a lot of options here. You can make him take a swim in the local fountain, shout something stupid throughout the street, order him to build a huge snowman out of snow or a mermaid out of sand. You can also test his creative talents and ask him to sing a song out loud or dance some unusual dance. Another option is to paint the guy’s toenails with multi-colored polish and force him not to wash it off for a couple of days; you can also give the young man makeup and ask him to walk down the street like that.

    Couple relationship

    If the couple has been dating for some time, there are also options for what kind of wish you can make for the guy. You can ask him to spend the whole weekend together, without getting out of bed, watching movies and eating popcorn, you can drag him into the cinema to watch your favorite romantic melodrama and make him sit through everything until the end. And if a young man who has a stable financial income loses, you can beg him for a romantic weekend trip, dinner in a good restaurant or a hot air balloon flight. There are still a huge number of ideas regarding what kind of wishes you can make, you just need to turn on your imagination and figure out what you really want to get from the losing young man.

    I wonder what you can bet on with a guy?

    The girl who has argued with a guy at least once in her life has most likely already noted that this activity is extremely interesting and exciting. Besides, who would be against throwing yourself headlong into an adventure that may not be entirely significant? In general, if your relationship lacks some spark and variety, you can use this method. Of course, in such a situation the question arises about what you can bet on with a guy. We will try to give an answer to it.

    Arguing is a great way to get the guy you like interested and intrigued. If this is your friend, then you will have something to remember and something to laugh at. In any case, what to argue for depends on who you relate to that person. The most interesting moment in a bet is, of course, the reward. The better and more pleasant this bonus is, the more interesting the process.

    So let's look at the first option: what you can bet on with the guy you're dating.

    Now let's move on to the second option: what can you bet on with the guy you like. The most important thing is to choose the subject of the dispute correctly. If it is successful, it will bring you closer, otherwise you can completely ruin the relationship. There are people who can’t stand all kinds of bets and other fun of this kind, so first of all, try to find out if it happened that your boyfriend argued with his friends and they quarreled. If the answer is affirmative, then you should think again, but if not, you can start implementing the idea. Options:

    Well, the last thing: what to argue with a friend. In this case (especially if your friend is a very good one), you don’t have to limit yourself at all, except perhaps by laws, both criminal and physics (you shouldn’t force the loser to fly). Make him do something difficult, and if he fails, make him a fine, which could be another wish. By the way, one fairly popular argument is to tell a person that he cannot eat a chocolate bar in 100 steps. You can make a wish for your partner to dress in an original way and ask a passerby for something appropriate or, conversely, something completely inappropriate in style. As an option: he must buy the nth quantity of something and distribute it to passers-by within a certain time; if that fails, let him wear slippers (shoe covers) to work or take a walk in the park.

    Now you know what you can argue with a guy, and the most important thing is not to forget that both arguers should enjoy the argument, and not just the one who wins.

    What wish can you make for a girl? All the subtleties of choosing desires::

    Every game becomes more interesting if you warm it up special rules, for example, desire. Agree, it is much more pleasant to play in an atmosphere of excitement and fun. Especially when your opponent is a girl who with all her heart wants to defeat you. At such moments, the mind begins to calculate moves much more effectively, repeating over and over again: “You will not lose!”

    And here's the happy ending, you won. But the trouble is, you don’t know what kind of wish you can make to a girl... But she is waiting, and mistakes are unacceptable here, because who knows who this girl will become for you in the future.

    Based on the number of rounds

    So what kind of wish can you make for a girl? Well, let's start with the fact that a lot depends on how many rounds are still ahead. After all, if this is a game of cards, matches or charades, then most likely this is not the last desire. Therefore, you should not rush to come up with an overly cunning plan.

    In such cases, you need to relax and take things step by step. Desires should be simple and funny - this will lift the mood well, but will not tire the players too much.

    What wish can you make for a girl in this case? Here are some examples of simple and fun tasks:

    • You can make a wish for the image of a famous hero (Pocahontas, Batman, etc.), and the girl must show it. Believe me, such an action will definitely make her smile, but at the same time it will not greatly hurt her pride.
    • You can also make her put socks on her ears (clean ones, of course), and let her sit like that until the end of the next round.
    • As an option, you can consider outdoor tasks. For example, go up to the first person you meet and say something stupid. But such tasks are more suitable for playing in a large group, since taking turns running towards passers-by quickly gets boring.

    Large-scale and long-term desires

    But what kind of wish can you make to a girl if she only has one? You can’t get burned here, because who knows, maybe there won’t be a second chance. That's why you should first decide who she is for you.

    Let’s say, if she’s just a friend, then you don’t have to be modest and think of something out of the ordinary. For example, become a slave for the whole day, and then force her to do all the dirty work: clean the house, do the laundry, cook. Overall, it all depends on how seriously she takes her promise to fulfill your desire.

    You can also come up with a funny task that will amuse you greatly. For example, put skis on her in the summer and take her out into the yard. Or paint your face with black stripes, give you a broom and set the task of standing guard near the entrance for 10-15 minutes.

    What wish can you make to your beloved girl?

    The situation is completely different when you need to make a wish to the girl who has captured your heart. Indeed, in this case, you need to show your all in order to get the maximum benefit, but at the same time not spoil the relationship. Especially if they are just starting to get started between you.

    So what can you come up with?

    Firstly, you should use desires that can show the true nature of the chosen one. Let's say you take a fruit (any one will do) and force her to confess her love to him. But it’s not easy to say, “I love you, banana,” and to do it with all sensuality and eloquence.

    Secondly, you can encourage her to answer any three questions honestly. In this case, you will need to think carefully about their content. For example, what type of guys she likes, the main qualities of a man, her favorite things, and so on.

    Third, use creative thinking. Let your wishes be unusual and extraordinary. For example, ask her to imagine her dream world and have her describe everything that should be in it. If you are there, it means she definitely cares about you.

    What kind of vulgar wishes can you make for a girl?

    So, the game is nearing the end, the last wish remains, and, as always, there are only vulgarities in my head. Such is the nature of men, and, in fact, women too. What wish can you make to a losing girl? And not just a desire, but something with the flavor of strawberries and chocolate?

    Well, you can make such a wish, but there are several nuances that you must remember.

    1. Type of relationship. You should not persuade a girl to dance a striptease if you are not her boyfriend. There is a high probability that the desire will be rejected and the relationship will deteriorate.
    2. Also, you should not put too much pressure, even if the agreement obliges you to fulfill your desire immediately after the game. After all, such tasks for some people can be a test that requires some kind of moral preparation.
    3. Be original and don't repeat yourself. After all, if one kiss on the neck looks funny, then a series of three may seem at least strange.

    What wish can you make for a guy? - Advices4lady

    Games to make wishes come true have remained the most favorite among young people for a huge amount of time. Even our grandmothers with smiling eyes can tell us what they wished for potential suitors in their time. In order for the game to be interesting, it is necessary to think through in advance the instructions that can be made, so that it does not turn out that the guy you like starts crowing instead of giving a kiss. Naturally, not every guy at a party will want to be kissed by a girl, but there are many other interesting desires that will even help create new couples among friends.

    The guy bet his wish - what should he make?

    Girls who have certain plans for the guy agree to play according to their wishes. Women will rarely communicate with those who do not attract them, much less participate in provocative games. Therefore, you need to make a wish in order to subsequently receive some benefit from it. But there are also cases when such a game helps to take revenge on someone. There can be a lot of options, and it is better to consider the most typical situations.

    1. What should you wish for if you like a guy and would like to establish close communication with him?

    Ask him to write you a letter, at least one page long. This trick will help you learn a lot, both about the guy himself and about his attitude towards you. And even if he does not show any hint of a subsequent romantic relationship in his text, this moment will remain in the memory for a long time. You can save a pleasant letter and then show it to your children and grandchildren, who also come to play such games;

    Ask him to take you on a date. Perhaps from this moment a relationship can begin, even a friendly one. But to get rid of the feeling of uncertainty, such a wish will definitely help.

    Demand a kiss. This is a bold wish and it is made by girls who can’t bear to feel the taste of the desired lips. If there is alcohol at a party, then provocative desires can flow like a river, but girls better control themselves, because they will spoil about themselves good opinion very easy.

    Ask to give you a gift, but not just a thing, but from the heart. Oddly enough, this desire does not carry anything provocative and is a great way to check how this or that guy treats you.

    2. What can you wish for the guy who is for you? best friend?

    You can make a wish for the future. Perhaps you will soon need his help, and he will not be able to refuse if you need to carry heavy things or take you to the station;

    If you like his friend, then ask him to find out about his attitude towards you or demand a threesome date;

    If you are a free girl, and your best friend has a lot of cute friends, ask him to introduce you to some of them;

    You can make a funny wish, eat a lemon, confess your love to someone, run naked down the street, and much more “weakly”;

    You can ask to surprise you. At this moment you can have a good laugh, because who else but your best friend knows everything about you.

    3. What should you wish for the guy your friend likes?

    Ask him to take a walk together;

    If your girlfriend is also playing the game, then ask him to kiss her or go on a date.

    In any case, you will either help them become a couple, or dot the i’s.

    4. What to wish for a person who is completely indifferent to you or has just recently joined your company?

    To get to know him better, ask him to write interesting story About Me:

    Ask him to give him a surprise or a gift;

    Make a wish for something “weak” or mocking if the person is completely unpleasant.

    Although the game of desire is quite provocative, it helps to become more sincere and courageous. Girls who hang out with guys may have secret feelings for some of them, and such games become an excellent opportunity to find out about their own crushes and those of others. But it’s better not to make humiliating wishes, because it’s quite easy to offend a person. If you don’t like a person as a guy, then it’s better to wish him something neutral or humorous that will amuse the whole company. And also, when playing on desires, remember about the feelings of others; you should not force them to kiss a person who already has a partner.