Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Which grill grate is better and more practical: cast iron or stainless steel? Cast iron grill grate.

Almost every person, relaxing at the dacha in the summer or even traveling to nature on for several days, he will not miss the moment to cook vegetables or meat over the fire. And indeed, what would an outdoor holiday be without everyone’s favorite dishes, and a cast iron barbecue grill will always help in preparing them.

The summer season usually opens in May, since spring is a long-awaited time of year not only for gardeners, but also for those who cannot refuse trips to nature - remember the notorious “May Day”. There is no intense heat yet, the aromas of young blossoming leaves on the trees are in the air, and in this inspiring atmosphere there is nothing sweeter than the smell of smoldering coals and various delicacies being cooked on them.

We hope you find products with optimal performance. Of course, we will be happy to help you make a decision. We encourage you to contact us with any questions. The key to Broil King is the use of heavy duty solid cast iron grates and 9mm stainless steel grates. Double-sided cast iron grate. One side leaves food according to characteristic features. On the other side there are grooves where the juices flow when grilling. Cast iron grates generate heat and maintain temperature for a long time.

Ready-made dishes do not lose their juices and aroma. The durability and capabilities of our cast iron grates make them ideal for everyday use. Maintenance of these nets is easy and hassle-free. Ideally, they retain heat and are easy to clean. Very fast and easy to maintain. Both cast iron and steel grates have advantages.

But, in order for dreams of summer and everything connected with it to become realizable, it is necessary to have different devices for preparing culinary delights. Everyone knows that for these processes they buy or build barbecue ovens or barbecues, which cannot replace electric or gas appliances. Food cooked over coals has a completely different aroma and taste.

The choice must be tailored to the expectations of the individual client. At home we spend free nights in front of the fireplace, and in the garden - whenever the weather permits - we gather around the fire, grill or grill. In particular, the latter were very popular in last years, and social gatherings with barbecues have become almost ritualistic in many places. The grill becomes an indispensable tool not only in home gardens, but also in summer cottages and anywhere where it is difficult to prepare for a real event. This practical device is also useful during holiday trips.

Whatever model were not grill or barbecue oven, they will definitely require a grate on which raw vegetables, meat or fish are placed for frying. The choice of cast iron grates is quite wide. Why is special preference given to them, in contrast to, for example, those made of stainless steel?

Cast iron grates

Not surprising; Thanks to this, you can prepare not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. Grilling delicious food doesn't burn fat. How to light a barbecue in the garden? Place it in a place that is protected from the wind and where smoke from the grill is not directed toward other people. The barbecue should be fairly quiet, but not very windy; When the device reaches its light breeze, it swells faster and spreads more easily. If the carbon continues to burn with fire, use a fan or blower.

And let's remember that fires are not allowed to blow with our mouths, lest the sparks burn our faces. The briquette will burn 4 times longer than charcoal. If you have the opportunity to collect dry grass and small fires. Like the light, wrap it around the briquette. If it's not near the gallop, the easiest way is to use pods. Do not use butter sticks when they get into food and are poisonous.

Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. It is used not only in industry, but also in art, casting various decorative figures, architectural elements, fences, gratings, etc. from it. Exist different types cast iron, and some of them lend themselves well not only to casting, but even to forging. The material can withstand very high temperatures, which can reach up to a thousand degrees. Other positive qualities of products made from this material include the following:

When using bait, it is best to light the grill. The lining should be covered with carbon or briquettes to provide access to oxygen. Do not cover the grate - wait until the charcoal or briquette is lit and lit with ash and the middle is dirty. Grab the coals, gradually add the next one, and wait until it burns and covers the ash. Stir the spoolie to obtain a smooth layer. Bring the briquette every 30 minutes or so to maintain the temperature. The heart of the barbecue is the hearth, which consists of a fireproof bowl and grate - basically multi-level, which allows you to regulate the baking speed.

  • Cast iron grill grates do not require additional coatings. Thus, there cannot be any undesirable oxidative reactions, even theoretically.
  • Cast iron barbecue grates are distinguished by their durability, as they do not burn out and withstand high temperatures and external influences. During production, cast iron is simultaneously impregnated with special vegetable oils - they are well compatible with the porous structure of the material. This treatment helps products resist corrosion when in contact with water or atmospheric moisture.
  • Such impregnation of the material promotes uniform frying of products, preventing them from burning.
  • The massiveness and thickness of the product ensures uniform heating of the entire surface.
  • Another physical property of cast iron is the absence of deformation even when exposed to particularly high temperatures. Unlike cast iron, metal gratings can warp and subsequently lose their rigidity. They begin to sag when food is placed on them.
  • Cast iron grates are available in different shapes, so they can be easily matched to any type of ready-made barbecue or built-in barbecue oven.

Other options are also produced - a grate with a ready-made tray for it, also made entirely of cast iron. To make a choice, you need to consider different types of gratings and devices, and it is better to do this in advance, since not every store can find all their varieties.

In modern models of wood burning installations, air is supplied to the stove from the bottom through a special dispenser, which is used to correct the intensity of fuel combustion. If we choose a barbecue with eaves and a high chimney, smoke will not bother us during garden feasts. On the other hand, the windshield, roof or lid can be warmed over the grille. This ensures grilling is faster and food is grilled evenly. Let's also remember that using a charcoal device is not only a pleasure to consume, but also a "dirty job" - removing unburned fuel.

Types of gratings

Convenient cast iron barbecue that can be installed anywhere garden plot, it is compact and has a neat appearance. There is enough space under the grate for a small amount of firewood, which, having turned into coals, will hold heat for a long time, heating the grate. At the bottom of the grill there is a door that regulates the flow of oxygen. If necessary, it can be completely blocked.

To avoid this, it is advisable to choose a model with a clamping blade into the ash pan at the bottom of the device. In stores you can purchase high-quality multifunctional models: stationary and portable, made from different materials and various sizes. Electric, gas, wood and briquettes are available. Modern grills are often veritable outdoor miniskirts, equipped with large ovens and useful gadgets such as convenient shelves and storage compartments, or additional racks on which utensils can be placed to slow stalls.

Another mobile type of barbecue grill, which has a lower part that can be used as a pot. A convenient grill with a handle and an eye can also be placed on a grill made of stones. Meat or fish can be cooked on such an improvised brazier, and next door you can make another fire and cook fish soup or porridge with smoke in a cast-iron pot. A good option for those who do not have a summer house, but go out into nature with their family on vacation or fishing. The manufacturer even provided a special bag for the kit. The set will not take up much space in the car, being located in the corner of the trunk, so you don’t even have to take it out and always take it with you.

The choice depends on our tastes, needs and, of course, on the contents of our wallet. The best portable grill for your vacation. Among small garden owners and holidaymakers, escapades are the most popular portable barbecues. They take up little space and are easy to carry even in the trunk. On the other hand, if we have a large garden and a wide circle of friends, we choose a much larger multifunctional grill, usually open for the entire season. In larger areas, you can also opt for a large, stationary device that looks like a fireplace.

They are easy to buy in supermarkets, but the more demanding hobbyist griller often chooses original models according to their own design. The cheapest and cheapest enamel grilles steel sheet. They are especially great on terraces and in very small gardens. After eating, they can be quickly folded and hidden in garages or storage compartments so they don't take up valuable space. Iron irons are much more durable, but they are much more expensive and a little expensive. However, they are the most valued - the high weight guarantees high stability.

This type of barbecue, consisting of three tiers, Also mobile and compact. It has a hole for air intake and coal placement. The model has two grates, and you can cook food on both. Some products can be placed on the lower cast iron grate, and others, more gentle, for example, various vegetables, which do not require intense heat and the temperature coming from the lower tier is enough for them, place them on top.

And weight is no longer a problem if we choose to move easily from place to place with a model with wheels. Cast iron grates also have another valuable advantage: they heat very evenly and stay warm for a long time. Carbon or electric grill?

To host a delicious garden party, a barbecue is not enough, you also need to smoke. Most models available on the market are made from wood or briquettes. When purchasing carbon, you should pay attention to its size; Larger pieces are easier to spread and take longer to burn. When deciding on briquettes, you should remember that they are easy to use and light quickly, but produce less of an aroma cylinder.

This separate grille is purchased for a ready-made barbecue grill, for example one made of bricks (“dry method”) or natural stones. The product is quite large in size, so the grate area allows you to lay out a large number of products on it. So, you can place meat on one side and vegetables on the other, and at the same time get the main dish and a side dish for it.

To shoot, you also need to float: liquid or solid. Holding carbon is enough to ignite it. First, the chest should be well dissolved, then put in a few pieces of charcoal and wait a while before the fire. Only then will we top up the fuel to required quantity. When the pieces are covered with a gray coating, they are made from the same layer on the hearth and laid over the grate. Also new electric loops that do not change the taste of the dishes. They can also be used to clean the grate.

You can also choose an electric or gas grill. The food is delicious, and the appliances don't even allow grilling, even on the balcony. Deciding to buy a large bag of carbon. In order for the grill to be safe, the grill must be placed on a stable and stable surface - preferably a hardened floor. It is also necessary to establish the most frequent wind direction and place the device in a place where smoke is avoided on the terrace or in the windows of the house. During frying, it is also difficult to do without special pliers or skewers used to transport food.

The convenience of this option also lies in the fact that you don’t need to think about how to remove the grate from the grill; comfortable handles allow you to lift a fairly heavy product and not be afraid of injuring your hands.

The balcony version of the barbecue stove is neat and elegant. You can use it to fry shish kebab on skewers, pieces of meat, fish, and vegetables. Despite its compact size, the grill has a chamber for coals, a hole for oxygen supply, two grills for frying and a place for skewers. This device can be easily packed and taken with you to nature or the countryside. For those who like things to be not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive appearance, this grill is exactly what you need.

A reliable set not only makes work easier, but also protects against burns. It is also worth remembering aluminum foil and wrapping fish or meat in it. In the meantime, they won't be too dry while baking, they will be delicious and juicy. Some designs are so powerful that they allow you to roast the entire bird without having to rotate like hot ovens.

According to them, a piece of grilled meat provides more harmful substances than cigarettes

The holiday season is all about grilling. Fried foods are usually eaten two or three times a month. Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology looked at the barbecue customs of Poles. We mainly grill on charcoal. The grill begins to release toxic substances already during its firing. Before placing meat or vegetables on it, the device already emits 4 carcinogens. Some people even spend 20 minutes burning a charcoal barbecue. Once placed on the grill the food is even worse. What's more, when roasting meat over a fire, it drips fat, which releases additional toxins that can cause cancer, especially colon cancer.

Another one

functional model, having which, it is not at all necessary to build a massive building that takes up space on the site. A convenient option that has wooden handles and allows you to safely remove the upper part of the mobile stove from the fire. To carry the barbecue from place to place, the same handles are provided on the lower part. Since the top part with the grate can be removed, you can put a cauldron on the fire and cook, for example, pilaf. The cast iron grate has a fairly fine mesh that allows you to place small pieces of raw food on it. It is also convenient that the structure has legs and will stand firmly even on a dirt surface.

The most dangerous part of the grill is smoke from melted fat. What scientists don’t say we will grill,” he adds. Preparing wood or charcoal and a good piece of meat, shooting from the fire, controlling the cooking until the final overall food in the open air. These are some of the great pleasures of summer. Preparing food and sharing it with your loved ones is one of the oldest human habits. It unites generations and represents a moment of relaxation spent in the lap of nature.

Grilling is a bit of a ritual, and as such it goes through several repetitive steps. The first choice is always to select and purchase the right grill for your needs. Even if you have a small balcony or terrace, you can give your guests a great outdoor cooking experience. This technique is suitable for baking not only meat, fish, vegetables, but also fruits, so you can even prepare dessert on the grill. Plus, roasting and grilling are healthy ways to eat—as long as you follow a few rules.

Video - factory barbecue stoves with cast iron grates

To choose the right cast iron grate model, try to think through all the moments in which it may be useful to you. Having looked at the proposed options, perhaps many will abandon the massive construction of stoves and will be able to make do with ready-made barbecues. They will cause less hassle, as they can be installed in any place convenient for you.

As if all this wasn't enough, there's still a delicious aspect to it! Dishes prepared in this way have a wonderful summer aroma. So don't wait, choose the perfect grill for you today. It's nothing but a steel bowl mounted on low legs. This allows you to safely ignite in the garden and, if necessary, serve as a grill. Simply place the wire rack over the bowl. Regardless of the type of grill you choose, the most important thing to do is good materials- stainless steel, some manufacturers offer durable porcelain enamel steel or chrome steel.

We always look forward to the warm season. Summer means sun, sea, fresh air and, of course, going out of town for picnics with family and friends. It is very important to prepare thoroughly for these events. For a pleasant pastime, it is important not only to choose the most good place for relaxation, purchase the necessary products and collect fun company. You also need to remember about all the accompanying items, which include the grill and grill grate. After all, a real picnic is unthinkable without barbecue grilled over a fire, and products prepared in this way acquire an attractive smell - with smoke, retaining all the juiciness and without directly contacting the fire. The information presented in this article will help you choose the right item, without which it is unthinkable to bake any camp goodies - a grill grate. Decide on the type of this device depending on what you are going to cook.

Cast iron grates and aluminum railings, handles and handles are ideal. This grill is a convenient and compact, but portable device where you can cook not only sausages, but also meat, hamburgers or delicious pizzas. This equipment is convenient and suitable for large bivouacs. Simplicity and high mobility are the main features of this type of grating. They are built on a rectangular base and have a fairly shallow hearth and grate. Make sure the grate is adjustable - this will make cooking easier.

The shelf underneath is a convenient place to store plates, spices and cutlery. Gas grills are divided into two types: natural gas and propane-butane cylinder. The former require access to the gas system. They work well in outdoor garden kitchens, which are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The second can serve as a portable grill, successfully used in a tent camp. The action is similar to a carbon grill. Experts recommend that gas flames not heat the grate directly.

Grill grate: main types

First of all, it is worth noting that the grill grate can be either an integral part of the whole device or act as a separate item. Nowadays there is a wide range of products on sale that you can use to bake meat or fish at home. But, unfortunately, the food cooked in them will not have the specific camp smell of smoke. Grates are also present in many barbecues with replaceable parts. Another type of this device is small detachable devices consisting of two mesh parts. The conveniently attached handle allows you to hold the grill while working, turning it over to ensure even cooking of food. Secondly, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the material from which the device is made. These products can be cast iron or consist of various alloys. The latter include stainless steel grates. Let us list the properties and advantages of each of the two above.

Cast iron grill grate: Main characteristics

This type of grating is produced as one-piece or consists of a solid rod. The high thermal conductivity of cast iron allows the product to heat evenly over the entire surface, which ensures high quality ready dish. This material also does not change its shape, which cannot be said about thin lattices made of various alloys. The only drawback of a cast iron device that does not have a special coating is the risk of rust appearing on its surface. Therefore, after use, be sure to wash the grill and then lubricate it with any vegetable oil. This will also help prevent food from burning. Before using it for the first time, heat the greased grate thoroughly over a fire.

Stainless steel grill grate: properties

This high-quality material has the main advantage over cast iron - lightness. Therefore, stainless steel gratings are more widely used. They can be either removable parts of the barbecue or independent folding devices. The latter are very convenient for frying vegetables, fish and other small pieces of food. When choosing, you should buy grates that guarantee high-quality cooking.

Which grill grate? better?

Your choice will largely depend on the type of dishes, the size of the products and the planned result. Are you going out into nature and organizing a big picnic? Opt for a grill with cast iron grates. Want to quickly fry fish while fishing? Then the most suitable option for you is a folding device made of lightweight stainless steel. In any case, the result will be wonderful - aromatic, rosy food with a hint of smoke!