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Dream interpretation what does it mean when you dream about your ex-boyfriend. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend who you broke up with - reasons. Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, specialist in predictions regarding the expected future

Dreaming about your ex may not be a nightmare, but waking up from it is usually unpleasant. And this is not without reason - there really is something to think about. According to sleep specialist and dream author Laurie Levenberg, such a dream does not necessarily reflect what is happening between you, but rather what is happening in your soul.

Want to know more about the meanings of dreams about your ex and how they relate to what's going on in your life right now? Check out a dozen explanations from a sleep science maven:

1. If you dreamed about the object of your first love

This could be someone who was in your life 10 or even 20 years ago, but still appears in your dreams. “You dream about first love not because you miss the person you were in love with,” Levenberg explains. - And to remind you of the wonderful accompanying feelings: excitement, excitement, butterflies in the stomach, the desire to always be together. The object of your first love projects these feelings in the psyche, and therefore will dream when, for example, your current relationship has lost its former passion, or when you have been alone for too long. This is how the subconscious mind reminds you that it is capable of feeling and gently nudges you to find someone who can help you return those emotions or do something to recharge your existing relationship.”

2. If you see in a dream someone you recently broke up with

 This means that the subconscious is trying to help you survive what happened. Think about what kind of aftertaste from the experience of the novel pushes you forward, hinting that the past is worth leaving behind. “What was your breakup like? - Lori prompts leading questions. -Are you glad it's all over, or would you like to get back together? What are your thoughts about this? With hope? Anger? Guilt? Having understood the reasons, it will be easier for you to free yourself from obsessive memories - even if this means meeting with your ex for a serious conversation.”

3. If you dreamed that he was apologizing or persuading you to get back together

 “I often hear that those who have gone through a breakup dream of their ex declaring his love, begging him to forgive and get back together,” Levenberg writes in his book Dream On It. - Sometimes it looks so realistic that you wake up with the thought: “But this is really possible!” He really wants me back." Unfortunately, the truth is that it is not he who wants this, but you. It’s you who persistently dream about it, embarrassed to admit to yourself that you can’t cancel the mental runs of the “How could it be” scenario. And this, nevertheless, is the only true path to “recovery.”

4. If your ex rejects you in your dream

 Although this dream is a sad one, it has a positive effect. Having heard from him: “I’m leaving,” while you passionately want him to stay, know that the subconscious is again trying to bring you back to reality. Interpret this dream as a conversation with yourself: what your ex says, you must say to yourself - firmly and decisively.

5. If you dreamed that you had sex with your ex

 “When you wake up, it’s worth admitting whether there really is a certain part of you (yes, perhaps that same one) that wants to get your ex back if he appears on the horizon,” advises Laurie. “If so, we need to find a way to curb these impulses as quickly as possible, since they are followed by an obsession with complete reunification.” If you separated quite a long time ago and established the understanding that the past cannot be returned, but in a dream you find yourself in the same bed again, this is generally good sign: You have come to terms with what happened. Your romance is over, the showdown is also over, you no longer reproach yourself, but accept what you experienced as part of your past, gaining experience in return. In other words, you have matured to a healthy attitude towards what happened. True, there is a high probability that you have not yet forgiven your ex, since he visits your dreams. Well, this is the final stage - and we need to work on it.

6. If you saw in a dream something that annoyed you about your ex

 “The subconscious mind stores everything and forgets nothing,” Levenberg insists. “If the new boyfriend is somewhat similar to the ex, whose not very positive habits caused the separation, the subconscious will find a way to pay attention to the existing problem.” Perhaps your ex smoked, and your current partner does not smoke, but likes to drink or has some other bad habit. How did you feel when you woke up? Irritation? Annoyance? Then this is definitely a warning.

7. If in a dream he broke up with you again

 First you need to find out how long ago the breakup occurred. If this happened weeks or months ago, the dream suggests that you are still experiencing trauma that is difficult to heal by replaying what happened over and over again. But if it was a long time ago and you still see your ex leaving you in your dreams, you need to ask yourself what is going on in your life right now that is causing such visions. Maybe you were denied a new position? Or did you not receive the expected praise for the work you did? Why are you feeling rejected or abandoned right now?

8. If you dreamed that your ex is in danger and you are trying to save him

 “This may be because the relationship taught you a valuable lesson that you should consider for the future,” explains the expert. “Something from the past should be ‘saved’ because it’s good for you.” For example, your experience has helped you become stronger and more confident, and your subconscious mind encourages you to use these qualities.

9. If you dreamed that he was in danger, but you didn’t even think about saving him

 Levenberg insists this is a good sign that you're moving past the painful feelings of being rejected: "The danger your ex is going through is your own psyche seeking release from the past that you're so stubbornly holding on to."

10. If you kill your ex in a dream

 This dream also makes Laurie Levenberg happy: “Take it as a sign that it’s time to do everything in your power to put an end to any resentment or disappointment that remains in your soul.” After going through a painful breakup, we often bring resentment into subsequent relationships - and this is a very toxic problem that can poison the future. But a dream where you ruthlessly deal with the object of your past love suggests that you are killing the negativity that threatens new love.

11. If you dream that your ex is killing you

 “Death in a dream symbolizes something that ends or changes,” says Levenberg. “And murder means forced loss or change.” If you dream that the hero of a romantic relationship kills you, think about how the breakup affected you personally. What exactly “killed” this relationship? Maybe your spirit was broken? Destroyed the ability to trust? Have you lost your confidence? Recognize, acknowledge, and strategize how to bring the loss back to life.

12. If in a dream you spend time with your ex's family

 “This is a very common occurrence. When an experienced smoker quits smoking, he dreams that he is still smoking, writes a somnologist. - The everyday and comfortable life to which you are accustomed has evaporated along with your ex. Over time, such dreams will fade away, and new ones will replace the old way of life and habits.”

Summarizing what has been said, the famous somnologist reminds that dreams about exes do not necessarily mean that you are still living in the grip of feelings. Heroes from past novels appear in your dreams to deliver a message that must be received right now - this is how your past shapes your present. Dreams about exes remind you: in order for current and future relationships to be strong and happy, you need to get rid of the negativity you have experienced, while not forgetting the lessons you have experienced.

One of the most complex and multifaceted dreams, especially for interpretation. On the one side ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes compensation for his love and good attitude, desire for tenderness or a subconscious desire to establish a relationship with him; on the other hand, his appearance can predict a new turn in love, even the return of the chosen one with whom you once broke up.

It is very difficult to interpret such a dream if you are dreaming about your ex. The dream book gives different meanings, however, which one is suitable for your situation will be determined not only by the interpretation, but also by your own intuition. Much depends on when you broke up, who first decided to end the relationship and why, how long and important it was.

Subconscious separation

You can say your farewell words once, turn around and leave. However, deep down in her soul, the girl begins to be drawn to old meetings, especially if the ex-boyfriend himself decided to end the relationship that was important to her. Therefore, the continuation of a relationship is often dreamed of after a breakup. As a rule, the person in love begins to miss him, the guy becomes, as before, affectionate and gentle, hugs her, kisses her, or she herself begins to drive him away, but he cannot approach her.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply considered unreacted emotions to separation. In the real world, they do not foretell changes; on the contrary, longing, pain about loss and regret begin in the morning. To distinguish such a dream from a real prediction, pay attention to the actions in the dream. If you really wanted affection and for him to kiss you and you dream about it, this is simply compensation for the desire. But if you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend being affectionate when you don’t want him to be, this is already a dream with meaning. Sometimes a girl dreams that she screams at him, quarrels with him and drives him away herself.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from time to time after a breakup, your soul misses him. Such dreams will stop happening when the feeling fades away or the young man finally disappears from your horizon. This will be an indicator that everything has passed and you have already moved to a new stage.

His suffering and regrets

Such dreams occur quite often if you broke up on your initiative and he constantly thinks about you and wants to improve the relationship. Usually a girl, if she decides to end the relationship with him without regrets, stops seeing him in her dreams. However, dreams can indicate to her cruelty and a mistake that she can make out of stupidity or inexperience, without having the experience of properly breaking up a relationship, without tears and resentment.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend if the girl herself left him, knowing that he was in love with her? This means that he has a strong hope of restoring the relationship and is trying to do this with the help of magic, appeals to pity, or simply various destructive actions. If you often dream about an ex-boyfriend who is not worthy of a relationship, such a dream always means that he is remembering you.

If in a dream he asks for forgiveness, cries, gets sick, or tries to cut his veins, such a dream means his tears, repentance and the fact that he has not come to terms with refusal. Seeing him drunk or hanged in a dream is very bad. This means that because of unhappy love, he not only suffers, but can also commit suicide. Seeing him begging among the poor and homeless means his inability to establish relationships, constant self-pity and drunkenness.

It is possible that he is psychologically broken, mentally ill and drinks and does other destructive things. Sometimes such a dream means a girl’s regret about breaking up with him, but the inability to build with him serious relationship. But in rare cases, higher powers call you to return to the relationship, since this person truly loves you and over time will be able to do a lot for personal happiness.

Why do you dream of an ex-boyfriend who stalks you, doesn’t let you meet a new person and is constantly jealous? This dream means that his feelings have not cooled down and he will interfere with your personal life.

What does it mean if he constantly stalks you with a knife or threatens or blackmails you? This dream means revenge for an insult or spreading defamatory rumors about you in retaliation. The dream book calls for caution and the fact that you will have to quarrel with him and try to completely break off relations with him, so as not to harm yourself.

When sleep matters

Usually in such dreams the ex-boyfriend appears unexpectedly and in an unusual form. Sometimes such coincidences can turn out to be very striking and surprising, sometimes even frightening. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend when you have already stopped remembering him? The dream book writes that such a dream always reminds of the past and almost always predicts news from or about it.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend being drunk, when he has never taken a drop in his mouth in his life? Such a dream often means that he feels bad at the moment and asks for forgiveness mentally, but is afraid to say so. Sometimes such a dream means suffering for him because of a cold and selfish girl whom he cannot achieve. Usually the dream book interprets an ex-boyfriend simply as a symbol of the past, which will remind itself again. Remember what was connected with him when you met this person.

Why does my ex-boyfriend dream about another girl or his fiancee in a wedding dress? Subconsciously, you are ready to accept his choice and are keenly interested in who is now his chosen one. Pay attention to her appearance, as it shows what kind of girl he really wants. Sometimes such dreams come about the news that he is getting married or dating another person.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream as affectionate as before, hugging him and kissing him? There are several interpretations of what exactly this means. In the first case, such dreams mean that your personal life will not go well, and you will remember your ex and begin to strive to improve your relationship with him.

Whether this will be possible or not depends on the plot of the dream. Another version of the dream book about what an ex-boyfriend or even a husband dreams about is related to the fact that very soon you will learn about his loneliness and vulnerability in feelings. He will suffer or start drinking.

What does it mean if you constantly dream about your ex-boyfriend in the same situation? Most often, this is an encrypted message that requires execution.

Or a requirement of fate in which you will be together again, although not immediately. What does it mean to hear the same words from him in a dream? Please note what they mean. They sometimes contain a call to literal action. What is said must be done. In the end, the result can already be controlled. After the fulfillment of fate is completed, he will stop constantly appearing in dreams.

Why do you dream about your ex instead of your current fiance or even husband? Very often this means disappointment in your chosen one or a reunion with a past love. Seeing him instead of your fiancé means that you will be together again or your chosen one will be like him.

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A former young man... how much these words contain: joyful moments, memories of the time spent together, showdowns, jealousy, quarrels, resentments. Time has passed, the pain has subsided, you already have a different life, perhaps a different relationship and you are happy with everything, but you can’t erase the memory, and now the ex-man you broke up with appears to you in your dreams.

Why do you have such dreams? Or are these just echoes of memory? Although it is possible that such dreams carry very significant information from the depths of your subconscious.

When you see your ex-man in a dream, it does not mean that you miss this person. Perhaps such dreams talk about events or situations in your real life, and assume that you are facing the same emotions or feelings with someone else during the current period. These feelings may be positive, or they may relate to pain and neglect. Dreams that involve your ex-lover are, for starters, seen as a warning about similar issues and situations in your current relationship. You may be dealing with the same doubts or behaviors that you've dealt with in past relationships. Perhaps you are in a situation that disgusts you and you are looking for a way out. But your subconscious, through a dream, gives you a hint on how not to step on the same rake a second time.

Seeing your ex in a dream among the crowd (glimpsingly)

Seeing your ex-man in a dream means that you may still be offended, even if you yourself are the initiator of the disagreement. It is very difficult to suddenly turn off any emotions or thoughts about another person. The dream could also mean that there is psychic energy coming from your ex-boyfriend to suggest that he regrets what happened in your relationship. Additionally, a dream about your ex-friend indicates that you are also experiencing remorse. It's just human nature. Sometimes such dreams are explained by the fact that someone else's energy is subconsciously focused on you. Perhaps your ex-friend continues to talk about you, remember you. You could feel this energy through the dream state.

Intimacy with an ex-man

If you dreamed of having a sexual relationship with your ex-boyfriend, it means that your current sexual relationship is devoid of brightness and zest. The dream indicates your dissatisfaction and the situation requires you to solve this problem with your current partner.

Quarrel with assault

If in a dream you got into a fight with your ex-boyfriend, this indicates problems with your current partner: groundless jealousy, your partner’s desire to dominate you, constant control. You need to understand yourself and understand whether you need such a relationship. Perhaps you showed impatience and haste in committing yourself to a new relationship without getting to know the person better. It is worth looking at your behavior, because you can also be the cause and initiator of a dysfunctional union. In this case, the dream is a sign for you to reconsider and analyze conflicts with your previous partner, find moments where you made mistakes, and change your behavior pattern in the present.

Ex-boyfriend's aggressive behavior

A dream where your ex-man behaves rudely with you, makes a scandal, perhaps is drunk, once again emphasizes the reasonableness of your separation. Sometimes, feelings of guilt and deceptive longing for a former lover prevent you from soberly assessing your previous relationship. But a lot of things in your partner could irritate and repel you, so after such a dream you can safely cast aside any doubts and be confident in the correct outcome of your previous relationship.

Wedding with a partner from the past

If in a dream you tie the knot with your ex-boyfriend, it means that there remains an invisible connection between you, there is some incompleteness of your union and there is a glimmer of hope in you to return the past. By engaging in self-deception, you are ready to convince yourself that you can enter the same river not just once, but whenever you want. You are ready to take risks, and no one is your advisor, but the dream warns that the next wrong step will cost you very much.

Gift from an ex-man

If in a dream your ex-lover gave you a gift, sent you flowers, a message, or brought you a little joy - do not delude yourself, since such a plot warns of infidelity and betrayal in your current relationship. Also, colleagues at work can organize a boycott of you or, even worse, a conspiracy.

Former man in a pleasant/nondescript appearance

If you dream of a former friend who is beautiful and joyful, such a dream promises you the implementation of your goals and success. Through fruitful ideas and projects you will become famous person in certain circles and create an excellent reputation for yourself.

If you dreamed that your ex-man was unkempt and ugly, beware of betrayal from a loved one, whose treacherous act will negatively affect your personal life and professional career. Be vigilant with new acquaintances and in unfamiliar places.

Your loved one from whom you broke up a long time ago

A dream where you saw a former lover with whom you broke up a long time ago promises an unexpected meeting and renewal of relationships. Old feelings will return, all grievances and disappointments will fade into the background, awareness of lost time will come and the new union will be legitimized by marriage.

Ex-man with another girl

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend in the company of another girl, it means that the woman (rival) is to blame for the breakup of your relationship. The plot of such a dream advises not to retreat and fight for happiness.

He's lonely in his sleep

When you dream of an ex-boyfriend whose personal life is not going well after breaking up with you, it means his heart is still occupied with you. He is suffering and wants to get you back, but uncertainty and fear of new pain prevent him from taking the first step. Such a dream indicates that the relationship can be saved if you take the initiative.

Dream about a changeable relationship with a partner from the past

If in a dream a girl constantly breaks up and makes peace with her ex-boyfriend, it means that in real life, relationships with men will only cause her suffering: jealousy, constant quarrels, rough treatment. You should be more selective and get to know a person from all sides before entering into a relationship. It’s better not to have any relationships at all than to let men into your life who are used to only taking, but not offering anything in return.

Dream about breaking up with an ex-man

A dream where you quarrel with your ex-boyfriend and eventually break up indicates your affected pride, especially if it was the guy who expressed a desire to break off the relationship. In your dream, you play out moments and situations in which you want to be right and convince yourself that you are still a worthy companion for this man. Some dream books offer a different interpretation of this dream, according to which you can step on your pride and make an attempt to return the lost person. And for this you don’t need to come up with huge scenarios, just call, write or predict a meeting.

Kissing your ex

If you dreamed of kissing your ex-boyfriend, perhaps your feelings have not subsided yet; mutual attraction and craving on a spiritual level still live in the hearts of both. It will not be surprising if after such a dream you encounter this person or hear about him. But also be prepared for the fact that the news may not please you.

If you remember your dreams, you may notice that from time to time the most unexpected characters appear in them. This often includes an ex-boyfriend. It happens that you have long since established a new happy relationship, and you don’t remember that person at all. Then why do you dream about him, and what does this portend?

Firstly, you may dream about your ex-boyfriend because you remembered him on a subconscious level. It is often said that a dream signals feelings that have not completely faded away. But feelings can be completely different. You may associate your ex-boyfriend with some shortcomings, for example, indecisiveness in serious matters, which is why you broke up. When you notice similar behavior in yourself, but are unable to admit it to yourself in reality, the subconscious takes over.

When you dream that you are cheating on your current man with your ex, it is most likely just a projection of your fear of cheating. In reality, you are trying to remain faithful. Just try to think about cheating as little as possible and fill your life with new experiences: go somewhere with your current boyfriend, arrange a wedding, etc. Then you will have new, happy topics for thought and your ex-boyfriend will leave your dreams.

A pleasant romantic relationship with your ex-boyfriend may also mean that you would like to restore this relationship with him. Or the separation did not go very smoothly, you feel guilty for something. Try to sit down and sort out your thoughts and feelings towards this person. Maybe we should call him, make peace and at least remain friends?

According to esotericists, a dream can be inspired not only by our own thoughts, but also by the thoughts of other people. If your ex-boyfriend really wants to get you back, dreams about him signal that he thinks about it almost constantly. And maybe he’s even trying to implement some of his ideas in this regard.

The average person can rarely read the thoughts of others in a dream, but you had a fairly strong emotional and physical connection with your ex ( loving people can guess each other's thoughts even in reality). If you do not want to renew your relationship with a guy and see him in your dreams, make special talismans to protect your dreams, for example, a dream catcher.

Now about what dream books say when you dream about your ex-boyfriend. It's not a good sign if you dream about a dead guy. This portends danger, unless he saves you in a dream.

When a guy leaves somewhere in a dream and says goodbye to you, this indicates that the relationship with this person is ending happily. You are unlikely to ever experience romantic feelings for each other again, and you may not even see each other in reality again.

Sometimes he asks for some of your personal belongings, such as food or a watch. This suggests that the feelings, on the contrary, have not faded away. You should see this person again.

And if a guy gives you something in a dream, especially if it is red, you need to be wary of betrayal on the part of your current lover.

It is personal relationships that have the greatest impact on a person’s life. And even if they seem to be left far behind, the subconscious mind does not stop turning to them again and again.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend, there can be a variety of explanations for this. However, it is necessary to know them. Such dreams do not come in vain, they always mean something.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend: interpretation from dream books

Any dream book contains several options for what an ex-boyfriend may dream of. In different works the interpretation may be different and here you need to be careful.

After all, each collection points to the nuances inherent in the individual case described, and only the complete coincidence of all features can give an accurate interpretation of the dream.

It is advisable not to talk about your dreams, since, in some cases, this can damage the girl’s reputation or her personal life.

Women's dream book

The women's dream book describes a case when in real life a girl broke up with her boyfriend a long time ago, but she often dreams about him. What could this dream mean?

It may very well be that the girl was in a hurry to break up. In fact, her feelings are still alive, she yearns for her past relationship.

If there has been betrayal, perhaps the dream is the result of a strong resentment that has accumulated during this time and is in no hurry to go away.

Feelings for this person are still alive and to get complete peace you need to solve the problem of separation, let go of the guy you like, or try to renew the relationship.

In some cases, this may be a signal that it’s time to make your personal life richer, brighter, and look for new acquaintances and affections.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream book of the old seer assures that a dream can be the result of a complex range of feelings that a girl’s past relationship left behind.

The heaviness in her soul, the longing for the past, the incompleteness of the situation push the girl to relive the past again. It probably makes sense to talk about the desire to return your love.

If in a dream a guy and a girl communicate well, there is a state of joy, the soul is light and comfortable - a new acquaintance is planned ahead, which will be the beginning love relationship, or even a successful marriage.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

The smartest person and subtle psychologist comprehended all the subtleties of human relationships and the peculiarities of the work of the subconscious that depend on them. Therefore, according to his dream book, an ex-boyfriend in a dream means a quarrel.

She will be provoked by the girl’s story about her dream. Same thing, it’s quite logical. After all, it will become clear how often she remembers her ex-man, how important her past relationships were.

This looks so much like hidden, possible betrayal. At a minimum, you should not talk about such a dream not only to the current man, but also to those around you, in order to avoid publicity.

Sometimes the plot of a dream becomes intimate games with an old boyfriend. Most likely, today's relationships cannot meet all needs, whether physical or psychological.

If the plot has a completely everyday theme, you may soon have to prepare for a wedding, or the girl may be awaiting a marriage proposal.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend

Miller’s old dream book assures: a kiss with a former boyfriend tells you that soon in real life you will be very surprised and the reason for this will be quite joyful. A surprise awaits, sometimes so significant that it can change the direction of life energies.

However, it is advisable to limit yourself to a kiss. Full sexual intercourse is a symbol of an old conflict that remains unexhausted and will soon remind itself.

This happens if a girl told herself that the relationship is closed, however, she feels completely different emotions. The accumulation of negative emotions begins to break through into the subconscious and, over time, seeks a way out in real life.

Seeing your ex's death in a dream

In this case, there are several options.

  • If you saw your ex-boyfriend alive in a dream, although in reality he had already died a long time ago, you should not rush to get upset. In fact, this option has positive consequences, especially if there is help from the deceased.
  • When an ex is healthy, but turns out to be dead in a dream, most likely trouble awaits ahead, and the dream only thus warns of future problems. This is especially clearly manifested in dreams from Wednesday to Thursday.
  • In the dream I had to kill the guy. Oddly enough, this speaks of great luck, which can soon change your life. Any undertakings at this time begin to argue.
  • Calm observation of death speaks of a rejection of the past. Now you can calmly start a new relationship and enjoy life.
  • As for the person himself, if he is alive, the forecasts are positive. Most likely, the dream suggests that he will live happily ever after.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend whom you still love?

Not always after an official breakup comes a real one. The connection persists for some, sometimes long, time, preventing both parties from calmly continuing their path in life.

The mirror image of this process is dreams. Their interpretation is varied.

Much depends on the circumstances under which previously lovers meet again in the dream world:

  • a wedding between them means big problems, and not necessarily in your personal life;
  • an uninvited arrival tells about the remaining tender feelings for the girl, about what the man thinks about you;
  • a repeat of the breakup, oddly enough, prepares for a new meeting, or even an invitation to a date;
  • getting married to someone else means that jealousy still lives in the heart and it interferes with attempts to move on;
  • hugs on the night from Thursday to Friday - to victory over ill-wishers;
  • if you had to be happy for a man, soon a significant offense will be forgiven, but the dream books do not indicate what kind. In any case, it is worth moving away from the past as much as possible and starting life not from scratch, but taking into account the experience gained. Then everything will work out for the best.

Reconciliation with an ex in a dream

The psychology of family life and relationships studies the process of separation. Everything that happens in reality, you can see reflected in a dream, however, in a different form.

Reconciliation plays different roles in the subconscious. Most often, it may indicate the end of a relationship, however, there are nuances.

Therefore, it is worth knowing that:

  • In a dream, one gets along well with a former loved one only if the process of separation has actually been completed and the past has been completely let go. Often after sleep, new, successful relationships appear.
  • If you have to listen to swearing, this guy still has something to say and will soon have to choose with whom he really wants to connect his life. A fight means conflict situations with a new young man.
  • Reconciliation after a quarrel with an ex-man - problems in a new relationship that is currently developing. Most likely, something in the new lover is frankly unsatisfactory; he loses in comparison with the past.

Often a breakup is preceded by cheating with another girl. In this case, you will have to stop the desire to be with him again. Unfortunately, the dream says that this will not lead to anything good and it’s time to think about a new connection.

If reconciliation does not happen, in a dream the man moves away and this happens from Monday to Tuesday, there is a fear of losing loved ones.

How to get rid of dreams about a guy

With an ex-boyfriend, dreaming is not the most pleasant time at night. In the morning this is reflected in fatigue and irritability.

To avoid such a problem, you should do a few simple things recommended by both psychologists and esotericists:

  • completely remove from sight all things connecting with a common past life, or better yet, give them away or throw them away;
  • carefully consider whether there are any unresolved issues or problems with the guy and try to solve them;
  • agree with yourself that this part of the past in the present time has no influence;
  • try to make new friends, ideally, fall in love with a good person to the envy of your friends.

Then changes will soon occur and no parts of your past life will disturb you at night.

It’s worth telling yourself: I dreamed about a guy I liked, but I won’t let him into my life anymore. Let him remain in the past, but I will live here and now.

This formula sets you up for success and cleanses not only your consciousness, but also your subconscious. Dreams will become calm, and reality will become joyful, full of optimistic expectations and open roads.