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Can a man drink when planning a pregnancy? Proper preparation of men for conception. Planning pregnancy for a man. What changes need to happen in your lifestyle?

Almost every man believes that the process of planning a pregnancy is limited by the refusal of contraception, and if problems arise with conception, then the problem is with the woman. Nevertheless, the statistics are inexorable - in 45% of cases, it is violations of male reproductive health that become the reason for non-pregnancy. 1
Let's figure out what preparation for conception should be like for a man?

Male fertility (the ability to conceive) is determined by the quality of sperm, which is characterized by the following indicators: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and motility, as well as the proportion of sperm with normal structure. If a man plans to become a father, then he should provide the maximum favorable conditions for sperm formation processes. It is important to remember that sperm mature within 72-75 days. Therefore, a man’s preparation for conceiving a child should begin in advance - at least 3-4 months before the planned date of conception.

To improve the quality of sperm and the viability of sperm, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations that are essentially simple, but require a responsible attitude towards your health.

A conscientious man, even during the period of pregnancy planning, should undergo a preventive medical examination together with his wife. This will help avoid many problems, save time and nerves. Remember: many diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time, so you need to check your health before complaints and problems arise. Some diseases are sexually transmitted and, after abandoning barrier contraception, can infect a woman and, subsequently, an unborn child. Other chronic diseases are dangerous because they can worsen during the period of active attempts to conceive, and their treatment requires medications that impair the quality of sperm or affect the genetic material of the future father.

That is why a mandatory stage of preparation for conception for men is examination for the presence of hidden infections, including sexually transmitted infections (candidiasis, chlamydia, gardnerella, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, papilloma virus). The mandatory program also includes a blood test for syphilis, AIDS and hepatitis C.

It is not necessary, but it is advisable to take a spermogram. This detailed analysis will allow you to assess the quality of sperm. Before donating sperm, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days. A few weeks before the test, you should give up alcohol, coffee and caffeine-containing drinks. It is also recommended not to smoke or to reduce the intake of nicotine into the body as much as possible.

Maintain temperature conditions

Preparing a man to conceive a child includes maintaining a certain temperature regime. This is due to the fact that for sperm to fully mature, the temperature in the testicles must be several degrees lower than the body temperature as a whole. Even a single visit to the sauna leads to a decrease in sperm motility and ejaculate quantity. , 2, 3

Also, addiction to hot baths and the use of heated car seats can cause overheating of the scrotum. By the way, the flu can also worsen sperm counts if it is accompanied by a temperature of 38-39°C.

Give up alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol and nicotine have an extremely negative effect on sperm quality. Men who drink alcohol experience pronounced changes in the ejaculate: the number of immobile sperm increases and the proportion of sperm with a pathological structure increases.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow and swelling. The permeability of the walls of blood vessels is impaired, including in the genital organs, and atrophic and destructive changes develop in the prostate gland. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the testicles decrease in size, destruction and exfoliation of the spermatogenic epithelium in the seminiferous tubules occurs, 4 and the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate inexorably decreases.

Smoking leads to degenerative changes in the germinal epithelium of the testicles. Under the influence of nicotine, the blood supply to the genital organs deteriorates, and the muscle tone of the gonads and vas deferens decreases.

Therefore, if preparing the body for conception is on the agenda, then you will have to give up alcohol and cigarettes at least for a while.

Be careful with medications!

Some medications seriously affect the formation and development of sperm. These are tetracycline antibiotics, aminoglycoside groups, some sulfonamides, steroid hormones, androgens, antifungals, antidepressants, corticosteroids, cytostatics, and some analgesics. Therefore, if the expectant father has health problems for which he is prescribed these medications, then it is better to postpone conception. After complete recovery, several months must pass for sperm quality to be restored. And, of course, when preparing for conception, it is unacceptable to take medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

Avoid stress

A man's preparation before conception should include a psychological aspect. Remember that worries about problems at work or even a banal family quarrel can lead to a deterioration in spermatogenesis. The fact is that in situations of stress, the adrenal glands produce corticoid hormones, which are very similar to sex hormones in structure, but unlike the latter, they have a strong antiandrogenic effect.

Eat right and take vitamins

Fertility also depends on nutrition.

The future father should reduce the consumption of fast food, processed foods, smoked foods, and products containing preservatives, dyes, and flavors. The diet should contain enough fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, sea ​​fish, whole grain products. Research confirms that sperm quality in men who eat a diet based on plant foods and fish is significantly higher than in those who prefer meat and processed foods. 5, 6

It is equally important to ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Unfortunately, the content of micronutrients in most food products that are available to residents of megacities is negligible. Therefore, preparation for conception for men involves taking additional vitamin complexes. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in spermatogenesis because they participate in the regulation of metabolism.

For expectant fathers, the vitamin preparation Speroton (Spematon) may be recommended. It contains a number of micronutrients that are especially important for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system in preparation for conception. Speroton (Spematon) contains vitamin E, folic acid (vitamin B9), amino acid L-carnitine, zinc and selenium.

Vitamin E increases the viability of germ cells, increases their concentration and mobility.
Folic acid (vitamin B9) affects ejaculate volume and sperm morphology. Taking folic acid helps reduce the number of morphologically defective germ cells and reduces the risk of gene abnormalities in the fetus.
Zinc is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are involved in the sexual and reproductive functions of men, since they control sperm production. Zinc deficiency leads to inhibition of spermatogenesis, decreased concentration and motility of germ cells.

Selenium is an active antioxidant and is essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Selenium increases sperm concentration and motility. Selenium deficiency is one of the causes of male infertility, as it leads to deterioration in sperm quality and decreased libido. Scientists have found that selenium is part of proteins that prevent the rapid destruction of sperm. 7

The amino acid L-carnitine is not a vitamin, but is also necessary for spermatogenesis. L-carnitine increases sperm concentration, stimulates their maturation and increases motility, and helps reduce the number of defective cells in the ejaculate. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to obtain from food the amount of L-carnitine that will have a noticeable effect on spermatogenesis, so its additional intake is recommended for all expectant fathers to improve sperm quality and increase the likelihood of conception.

Speroton (Spematon) is specifically designed to normalize the functioning of the male reproductive system, improve sperm quality and prepare a man before conception.

Speroton (Spematon) does not contain hormones, but its components help normalize the secretion of hormones that are necessary for the successful implementation of reproductive function.

Taking Speroton (Spematon) should start 3 months before the expected conception. The drug should be taken after meals. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in approximately 200-250 ml (1 glass) of water at room temperature.
Remember: responsibility for the health of the unborn child lies equally with both parents. Therefore, it is extremely important for future parents to do everything in their power to prepare the body for conception. This will help significantly increase the chances of a speedy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Materials used in the article:

  1. Mikhalevich S.I., Mikhalevich K.I., Andreeva N.L. Male infertility // Healthcare. 2004. No. 8. pp. 29–30.
  2. Austin, J.W., E.W. Hupp, and R.L. Murphree. 1961. Effect of scrotal insulation on seeds of Hereford bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 20:307.
  3. Gerona, G.R. and J.D. Sikes. 1970. Effects of elevated scrotum temperature on spermatogenesis and semen characteristics. J. Dairy Sci. 53:659.
  4. Paukov V.S., Erokhin Yu.A. Endocrine glands during drunkenness and alcoholism // Archives of Pathology. 2001. No. 3. pp. 21–26.
  5. Food intake and its relationship with semen quality: a case-control study. Mendiola J, Torres-Cantero AM, Moreno-Grau JM, Ten J, Roca M, Moreno-Grau S, Bernabeu R. - Fertility and sterility. 2009 Mar;91(3):812-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.01.020. Epub 2008 Mar 7.
  6. Processed meat intake is unfavorably and fish intake favorably associated with semen quality indicators among men attending a fertility clinic. Afeiche MC, Gaskins AJ, Williams PL, Toth TL, Wright DL, Tanrikut C, Hauser R, Chavarro JE. — The Journal of nutrition. 2014 Jul;144(7):1091-8. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.190173. Epub 2014 May 21.
  7. Scott R., MacPherson A., Yates R.W. et al. The effect of oral selenium supplementation on human sperm motility // Br J Urol. - 1998. - No. 82. - R. 76-80

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Modern couples approach the issue of future offspring quite thoughtfully, preferring to plan conception in advance. Pregnancy planning for men and expectant mothers involves a number of activities to help them successfully conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Where do you start planning?

Proper pregnancy planning begins with both parents being fully prepared for the birth of the child. Spouses should understand that planning maximizes the chances of having a completely healthy and strong baby. This important step, proving that you are really ready to be parents, because you care about the baby’s health in advance. An important point is where to start planning. First of all, you need to contact a gynecologist or reproductive specialist. Who, after an appropriate conversation, will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures. In the process of pregnancy planning, examination of future parents plays the most important role, because it ensures the birth of healthy offspring. But before you start planning, you need to understand for yourself whether you are ready to be parents.

What to pay attention to

An expectant mother should look deep into herself and determine why you want a baby. Many people complain about their age, some of their friends already have children or their mother asks for grandchildren, while others want to save the family by keeping their spouse as a child or want to avoid loneliness in this way. Perhaps you are successfully climbing the career ladder, so at this stage you will not be able to combine motherhood with a career. This is something you absolutely need to know, so these questions need to be considered in advance. If the desire for a child is due to tender feelings between spouses, then go for it, you are really ready to raise a baby.

Interesting! Although it is stupid to give birth for fear of missing out, this factor often becomes the determining factor in the decision to become a mother. After the 35th birthday, a woman’s reproductive functions are gradually suppressed. If you plan to give birth to several children, then you need to start conceiving the first one after 25 years.

Also, both partners need to pay special attention to the place of their work, or more precisely, in what conditions you work, whether you are often exposed to radiation from devices or use toxic chemicals. Why is it important? It’s just that in the first 9 weeks after conception, the main laying of the fetal organs occurs, and due to risky professional conditions, the child may develop congenital anomalies. In addition, mommy needs to avoid stressful situations that can lead to unpleasant consequences for pregnancy and the baby.


Everything seems to be simple. A woman wants to give birth to a baby, all she has to do is not take precautions - and everything will work out. What if the body is not prepared at all? Therefore, the first thing to start with and what to do is to get examined. It is the procedures of a comprehensive examination when planning a pregnancy that are of primary importance, since a correct assessment of the health of the future parents determines how the pregnancy will proceed and how strong the child will be born.

The first specialist to begin the examination will be a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a gynecological examination, collect anamnesis, take a smear, and refer you to other diagnostic procedures. The main task of a diagnostic examination prior to pregnancy planning is to eliminate possible chronic pathologies and intraorganic infections present in the parents.

Tests for infectious diseases

One of the first laboratory tests that a mother needs to undergo when planning a pregnancy is an analysis for infectious diseases such as cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma and rubella. These infectious processes can occur covertly without disturbing the woman, but after conception occurs, they will direct their aggression towards the fetus. Moreover, it is important not only the presence of these infections at the moment, but also their presence in the patient’s history, who will be vulnerable to these infections during pregnancy. Rubella, toxoplasma and cytomegalovirus are considered the most dangerous for the fetus, therefore, if you have already had rubella as a child, then you will not have to worry about this infection during pregnancy. Sometimes, to eliminate doubts, it is recommended to do an antibody test to find out whether there is immunity to a given disease.

Toxoplasmosis - we most often catch a similar infection from cats, and only 15-20% of women suffer it before conception occurs. Therefore, during pregnancy, most mothers are at risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. If there are no antibodies to toxoplasmosis, then the woman will have to give up contact with pets for the entire pregnancy, be more careful in heat treatment of meat, and be sure to thoroughly wash vegetables, a variety of fruits, and hands before eating.

Attention! The herpes virus is always present in our body, and no treatment can completely remove it. He sleeps until the immune status is at the proper level, but as soon as the immunity weakens, which usually happens in the first months of pregnancy, the virus is activated. Therefore, analysis is necessary to fully assess the risk of infection during pregnancy.

Infection with cytomegalovirus infection can lead to intrauterine fetal damage and various abnormalities. Transmission of infection occurs through airborne droplets. If, before planning a pregnancy, cytomegalovirus components are detected in the patient’s blood, then it is necessary to undergo appropriate therapy even before conception occurs. If the patient experiences discomfort such as discharge, burning and itching, then it is necessary to undergo testing for sexually transmitted infections such as ureaplasma or gardnerellosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis. If any of these infections are detected, appropriate antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Blood group research

Also, preparing for pregnancy and planning it requires serious consideration. It is necessary to do tests for Rh, blood group, and also determine antibodies for the Rh factor. If the wife is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative, then there is nothing to worry about. If the picture is the other way around, i.e. the wife is Rh negative, and the husband is Rh positive, then there is a high risk that conception will cause an Rh conflict. In the future, such a condition is fraught with the occurrence of immune complications in the fetus.

Also, a conflict may arise between the blood groups of the fetus and mother. The following options are considered especially dangerous: for a woman, group 1, for a man - any other; for a woman 2, for a man - 3 or 4; in a woman it is 3, in a man it is 2 or 4. With such a blood picture, a blood test for group antigen antibodies is recommended, even if a second pregnancy is planned.

Other studies

In addition to the above, when planning a baby, it is important to go through other laboratory research such as tests for sugar and blood clotting, for HIV and syphilis, urine tests and blood biochemistry. If the spouses are over 35, or have had cases of hereditary pathologies in their family, then it would not be a bad idea to start the examination with a consultation with a geneticist.

Ultrasound diagnostics

An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is usually performed on a woman in the first half of the menstrual cycle. By undergoing such a diagnosis, a woman will be able to find out about the presence of pathologies that interfere with normal conception. Sometimes a timely analysis or diagnostic study can identify diseases that require a surgical approach to treatment, for example, uterine polyps, ovarian tumors or cysts, as well as myomatous processes in the uterus. Ultrasound diagnostics also helps to exclude pathological processes in the structures of the reproductive system, guaranteeing a calm gestation and a successful birth.

Hormonal status

When preparing for planning, a study of the patient’s hormonal background deserves special attention. It is especially necessary to assess hormonal levels at various stages of the cycle. The full functioning of female and male reproductive functions is ensured by hormones, or, more precisely, by the correct functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary structure. If a malfunction occurs in one of the organs of the system, then the entire functionality of the reproductive system is disrupted, reducing the likelihood of conception.

Planning a second pregnancy also requires studying your hormonal status. If the hormonal balance is disturbed, then patients experience manifestations such as increased body hair, obesity, acne, pregnancies, unsuccessful pregnancies resulting in miscarriage, etc. The specialist will individually determine the list of hormones, the concentration of which must be determined, because the case of each patient is individual.

Clinical examination

Which doctors should you see when planning? After a gynecological consultation, a mandatory program for every mother is a visit to specialized specialists such as a dentist, ENT specialist, therapist, etc.

  • A dental examination involves mandatory treatment of carious teeth and elimination of gum problems. And during pregnancy, the mother will have to take care of sufficient calcium intake in order to preserve all her teeth. After all, during pregnancy they literally begin to crumble.
  • When the results of urine and blood tests are received, you need to go with them to a therapist, who will draw conclusions about your general health and, if necessary, prescribe therapy.
  • It is also important to see an ophthalmologist, because women who have serious problems with vision, during natural childbirth the condition of the eyes can only worsen, up to loss of vision.
  • It is also important to undergo an ENT examination. Such a consultation will help identify chronic pathologies of the ENT organs, which may worsen during pregnancy due to a decrease in immune defense. It is unacceptable for a pregnant woman to suffer pathologies such as influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, because against their background nervous system disorders of the fetus can develop.

Sometimes medical examination includes examination of other specialists such as a geneticist, endocrinologist, etc.

Preparing for pregnancy

After all the examinations and medical reports, you can proceed directly to preparation. About 2 months before fertilization, both spouses must stop taking any medications unless prescribed by a doctor. Smoking and drinking alcohol are also prohibited. Avoid overheating in saunas/baths or a hot bath, take vitamins and folic acid.

Preparation stages

Planning pregnancy for men and expectant mothers is a very responsible matter. Usually by this time the spouses have already separated from their parental families and ceased to resist adult life and responsibility. It is at this time that the decision to have a child usually becomes ripe. In general, the planning process consists of several stages: healing the spouses and preparing their bodies for responsible work, and, of course, conception itself.

Health improvement

The recovery stage involves all the procedures and actions that the examination includes. A timely analysis allows you to avoid problems with the baby’s health. If problems with the thyroid gland are discovered that prevent pregnancy, you may need to consult an endocrinologist. If there are any deviations in the genetic sphere, children with hereditary anomalies were born in the family, the mother is over 35 years old, or the marriage is consanguineous, then consultation with a geneticist is extremely important. The specialist will give a prognosis for the birth of a baby with disabilities, assess the likely risks, etc.

In addition to the tests described, a woman is recommended to undergo a fluorographic examination, a smear for oncocytology, an ECG and an immunological examination. If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to a nephrologist, allergist, neurologist, urologist or surgeon and other specialists.

Preparing the maternal body

Carrying a baby is a responsible job for a mother, so her body must prepare for this process in advance. To do this, you need to balance your diet, take vitamins and give up unhealthy habits. You need to eat more vegetable dishes, lean meat and fiber. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, walk more, and be in the fresh air.


Among the tips when planning a pregnancy, the recommendations of specialists are especially useful, recommending that you persist in conceiving on days 13-16 of the cycle; before that, you should wait with intimacy. It is necessary to avoid douching, as it can change the vaginal environment towards increased acidity, which is detrimental to sperm. The process of intimacy should be pleasant for spouses, and not resemble mechanical movements and fulfillment of obligations. The chances of successful conception increase if the partner lies on her back with a pillow placed under her pelvis for some time after intimacy.

Planning for Dad

Planning pregnancy for men should also be mandatory. The future father will have to reconsider his lifestyle, give up alcohol and smoking, give up going to the bathhouse, etc. Like his wife, the father planning to become a father soon should spend more time outdoors and walk. The spouse needs to avoid physically strenuous work and undergo some medical consultations. The procedure for examining a man when planning a pregnancy begins with a visit to a therapist and taking traditional tests for sexually transmitted infections. Like his wife, it is advisable for a man to take vitamins and healthy foods before conceiving. Although love is still considered the main condition. Walk more together, show care, spend evenings together, then soon you will safely become happy parents.

To create a large and strong family, married couples try to plan a pregnancy. This is an indicator of responsibility and preparedness for independent adult life. In order to give birth to a healthy baby, future parents must provide optimally comfortable conditions for conception. Spouses need to normalize their diet, give up all bad habits, be examined for diseases and infections, and take courses of vitamin complexes. What vitamins before conception? This is exactly what the article will discuss.

Why do men need to take vitamins?

Despite the fact that the future father will not carry and give birth to a child, the health of the baby also depends on his physical condition, therefore, while planning a pregnancy, he must take body-supporting vitamins for men to conceive a child.

With age and due to negative consequences life situations The ability of the male body to successfully fertilize is reduced. In such cases, the urgent issue is the use of additional auxiliary drugs. To plan a successful pregnancy to conceive a child, their vital activity and proper functioning of the internal organs and reproductive system are supported.

Pregnancy is usually planned in advance, and therefore it is recommended to start taking vitamin preparations 3 months or six months before conception. In order for attempts to get pregnant to be successful, the male body must not have a lack of vitamin and mineral components.

Vitamins and minerals needed when planning pregnancy

Vitamin support for both the female and male body contributes to the rapid fertilization of the egg. In the period before conceiving a child, a man needs to consume important vitamins and minerals:

  1. The most important element is folic acid (vitamin B9), which must be taken daily. Most of all, it can be consumed with dark greens (spinach or lettuce), asparagus, citrus fruits, peas, lentils, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, nuts, beets, celery, carrots, pumpkin.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is also required for consumption; it can be found in meat, liver, eggs, milk, butter and vegetable oil, and cereal products.
  3. With dill, apples, wild garlic, strawberries, strawberries, and kiwi, you can consume the largest amount of vitamin C.
  4. Zinc is found in pumpkin and watermelon seeds, products with added cocoa, and lean meats, especially beef.
  5. Selenium will enter the body through consumption of seafood, cereals, legumes and nuts.

They help prepare the male body for the upcoming conception of a child and are prescribed in case of their deficiency in the body.

Vitamin complexes for men

Having determined for yourself the right diet, which helps you obtain the necessary vitamins through foods, you should supplement it with multivitamin preparations. designed for successful conception of a child and protection of the male body from possible infections. They must be taken in courses over certain periods. In pharmacies you can buy vitamins for men for conceiving a child at an affordable price. You can read the title below. But remember, before using any medications, you should consult your doctor.

Vitamins for men for conceiving a child:

  1. "Alphabet" for men promotes endurance, potency and strengthens the immune system. In addition to 22 vitamins and minerals, the composition also includes Siberian ginseng.
  2. "Duovit" (for men) is a multivitamin preparation that especially helps with constant stress and bad mood.
  3. "Vitrum Prenatal" helps maintain the health of parents.
  4. "Oligovit" promotes normal hormonal processes in a man's body.
  5. "Centrum" - vitamins that ensure the production of hormones.
  6. "Folacin" contains folic acid, which affects successful conception and prevents the development of defects.
  7. "SpermaPlant" has a positive effect on the reproductive system in men.
  8. contains those elements that are necessary for conception - vitamin E, B9, B11, zinc and selenium. The drug improves the production of male hormones and increases fertility.
  9. "Spermstrong" consists of zinc, selenium, manganese, arginine, astragalus extract, vitamins C, E, B5, B6, B11. This is a drug to improve a man’s performance, as well as to strengthen the immune system and treat infertility.
  10. "Orthomol Fertis Plus" is very helpful in restoring male fertility. It contains vitamins B6, B9, B12, C, E, zinc, copper, selenium, Q10, omega-3, carotenoids.

Vitamins for men for conception: reviews

Most men note that after taking vitamin complexes their health improves significantly. In addition to restoring vigor and health, the spermogram also changes in a positive direction. There are much more sperm, and their motility and activity increase significantly.

All this leads to the fact that pregnancy occurs much faster, and children are born healthy and strong.

But it is worth noting that these vitamin-mineral complexes do not neutralize alcohol and nicotine. Therefore, you will have to abandon them so as not to harm the unborn child.

Vitamins "Velmen"

The "Velmen" vitamin complex for men is filled with mineral and plant substances that enrich the body, which is subject to frequent and heavy stress, with useful elements.

In case of malfunction nervous system, the body must receive vitamins in large quantities. An excellent way to resist bad ecology, stay calm in stressful situations, and increase immunity is to take Wellman vitamins for men.

Impact on the male body

Vitamins "Velmen", the price of which is affordable for everyone, have a very rich content of active substances, including: vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc, manganese, iodine, magnesium, chromium, selenium. In addition to the fact that this complex affects the activation of mental and physical work, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal, digestive systems and strengthens the entire body, it also contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that a man should consume to conceive a child.

As a result of research, scientists have found that sperm count may decrease if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Those who take Wellmen vitamins containing the microelement zinc retain their ability to reproduce longer.

"Velman": instructions

Vitamin complex "Velmen" is contraindicated when taking other medications. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur. For example, if you also drink ascorbic acid while using Wellmen, there is a risk of experiencing hypercalcemia, laxatives affect the inability to absorb vitamins A, D, E, hormonal contraceptives increase the amount of retinol, ascorbic acid in the blood and reduce the percentage of folic acid and zinc ions.

How to take a vitamin complex?

Vitamin remedy "Velmen" should be taken 1 tablet every day during or after meals with plenty of water. The package is enough for one course of 20-30 days. If it was not possible to achieve the desired result at one time, then after 1-3 months you can take a second course.

In very rare cases there may be side effects, for example, allergies, itching, rash, redness, hypervitaminosis, diarrhea, anemia. In this case, it is recommended to temporarily stop taking the drug.

Vitamins "Velmen" are sold in any pharmacy, in a package of 30 capsules. What is the cost of Wellman vitamins? The price ranges from 562 rub. up to 700 rub.

When thinking about having a child, future parents should pay special attention to the condition of their body. To give birth to a healthy baby, it is important that a man, just like a woman, takes his health seriously and contributes to its improvement.

In addition to support and participation in conceiving a future child, modern world planning pregnancy for men is becoming the norm. If earlier it was customary to blame the woman for such troubles as infertility and fetal malformations, now the point of view has changed. Of course, the health of the female body plays a leading role, but no less important is the quality of the male genetic material, which unborn child receives from father.

Planning pregnancy on the part of a man is a serious task, including diagnosis and treatment of existing diseases, giving up bad habits, healthy image life, taking multivitamins and much more. This is important, since the development and future of the child depends no less on the father.

First of all, a man must be mentally prepared for the conception and birth of a baby. If there is no doubt about this, then where should a man start planning a pregnancy?

  • giving up alcohol and nicotine;
  • adequate sleep, moderate physical activity and lack of stress;
  • normalization of body weight, elimination of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • limiting the impact of vibration and high temperatures on the body;
  • refusal of synthetic clothing that restricts movement;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • avoiding contact with toxic substances, sources of microwaves and ionizing radiation;
  • prevention of colds, infections and injuries.

What tests need to be taken?

Examination of men when planning pregnancy should begin in the urologist’s office. The specialist will conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient, give directions for the necessary tests, and, if necessary, refer for consultation to other specialists. Having received a detailed picture of the examination, the doctor will tell you what a man should take when planning a pregnancy and what further tactics should be taken.

A standard comprehensive examination includes the following tests for a man when planning pregnancy:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood. The results of these studies will show whether there are any abnormalities in the body that can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.
  2. Determination of blood group and Rh factor. If a man knows these data, then it is pointless to determine them again. A man's blood type does not play a role in the conception and pregnancy of his wife, but the Rh factor can have an impact on its course. For this reason, it is important to find out the compatibility of the Rh factor of a married couple.
  3. TORCH infections. The study is aimed at identifying infectious factors such as rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia and toxoplasmosis. These infections negatively affect the processes of conception and pregnancy; they can be present in the body of both spouses, so they are included in the mandatory tests for a man planning a pregnancy. Detection of any of the listed infections is a good reason to postpone conception and undergo the necessary course of treatment.
  4. Sexual infections. Perhaps the most common pathology in the intimate area, causing inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system of men and women. All this can cause complications during pregnancy, and most importantly, interfere with a healthy conception. If tests when planning pregnancy for men show the presence of sexually transmitted infections, they must be eliminated and only then can conception be planned.
  5. Spermogram. This study allows us to evaluate the structure, composition, motility and number of sperm in a man’s semen. Before taking tests when planning a pregnancy for a spermogram, a man needs to give up bad habits, serious physical activity and taking any medicines.
  6. Compatibility of partners. In medical practice, there is incompatibility between individual men and women with each other, as a result of which a woman cannot become pregnant from her partner or she experiences constant spontaneous pregnancy. This diagnosis is not a death sentence; the doctor will tell you what compatibility tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man and a woman and, based on this, will try to help the spouses.
  7. Fluorography.
  8. Hormones. A man’s hormonal background, namely the testosterone content in his body, plays a major role in pregnancy planning.
  9. Prostate secretion. Tests to examine prostate secretions for men planning pregnancy are not prescribed in all cases, but only when problems with this organ are identified during an examination by a urologist.
  10. ECG. Many men these days suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, an electrocardiogram will be useful when planning pregnancy.

Knowing what tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man, we must not forget about visiting other specialists. Typically, their circle includes a therapist, endocrinologist, geneticist and psychologist.

When visiting a therapist, the man’s general health is determined. After an examination and history collection, the specialist can recommend what tests a man should take when planning a pregnancy in order to fully determine whether treatment is necessary and how certain pathologies can affect the conception and pregnancy of a partner.

An endocrinologist diagnoses abnormalities in work thyroid gland and provides appropriate treatment. Diseases of the endocrine system often lead to suppression of sexual function. Therefore, if they are detected, treatment should be mandatory.

A geneticist determines the existing risk of developing pathologies on the part of the unborn child. This occurs in the presence of harmful factors affecting the body of both spouses, existing genetic diseases transmitted from generation to generation, etc. There is no need to hide facts of serious illnesses in blood relatives from the doctor, for fear of a negative reaction from the partner. This is important for making a prognosis for the birth of a healthy child in the family.

A man needs a psychologist to determine his readiness for conscious parenthood no less than tests when planning a pregnancy. Many people, before drastic changes in life, are frightened by the unknown and tormented by doubts, and the birth of a child is no exception. Also, the help of a psychologist is necessary if conflict situations often arise between spouses and there is misunderstanding.


For normal fetal development, you need to know not only what tests a man should take when planning a pregnancy, but also include the following vitamins in your diet:

  1. : suppresses the number of sperm with chromosomal pathologies.
  2. Vitamin C: improves the functioning of the gonads, increasing sperm synthesis and having a beneficial effect on sperm.
  3. B vitamins: improve metabolism, take part in the synthesis of DNA and sex hormones, increase sperm motility.
  4. : improves the composition of sperm, increases the resistance of sperm to negative factors, activates their motility.
  5. Selenium: promotes sperm renewal, protects cells from free radicals, neutralizes and removes heavy metal salts.
  6. Zinc: improves testosterone synthesis.

Alcohol and smoking

Doctors say that any amount of alcohol consumed by a man 3 months before conception can harm the unborn child. A healthy, non-drinking man on average has 25% abnormal sperm, but despite this number, the defective cells are less likely to take part in conception.

Alcohol consumption additionally damages some healthy sperm and at the same time equalizes the strength of diseased and healthy cells. That is, conception in this case will resemble a game of roulette: either the baby will be born healthy, or he will have some abnormalities, or a miscarriage will occur. Quitting alcohol during pregnancy planning will help avoid this.

Smoking is no less dangerous than alcohol. Tobacco toxins damage a man's reproductive cells to the same extent, increasing the chances of miscarriage or the birth of a sick child. The spermatogenesis of a drinking and smoking man is seriously impaired. The desire to give birth to a healthy child should motivate a man to give up addictions.

Proper nutrition and lifestyle

When planning a pregnancy, nutrition for men should be complete - the better the nutrition, the better the quality of the sperm. A man should exclude spicy, fried, canned, smoked and instant foods from his diet.

A balanced diet should consist of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. Sprouted wheat grains, nuts, seeds, liver, caviar, oysters, milk and cheese improve sperm quality and increase testosterone synthesis in the body.

In addition to nutrition and questions about what tests to take when planning a pregnancy for a man, you need to carefully consider what lifestyle he follows. At this time, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, spend active leisure time and moderate physical activity. You need to be as careful as possible when taking various medications and dietary supplements.

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Contrary to popular belief, a man’s role in conceiving a child does not end only with pleasant activity in bed and material support afterwards. Planning a safe and successful pregnancy is a joint process that requires the participation of both members of the couple who want to become parents of a healthy baby.

This article will talk about what pregnancy planning for men involves, as well as how to carry it out correctly.

Which doctor should a man consult when planning a pregnancy?

It should be said right away that not everyone knows where to start for a man who wants to become a father and how to properly plan the course of his actions when planning conception. First of all, a person is recommended to seek an initial examination from doctors, namely the following specialists:

  1. Therapist. This doctor will conduct a general examination of the man, ask him about his complaints, measure his blood pressure and temperature. It is the therapist who will draw up a general clinical picture of the person’s health condition and prescribe traditional tests. Moreover, such a doctor must be informed about the presence of chronic pathologies in a man.
  2. Urologist. This doctor specializes in the functions and general condition of the male reproductive system. He must prescribe a number of mandatory diagnostic tests to the person, as well as conduct an initial examination of the person’s genital organs.
  3. Venereologist. Before planning a pregnancy, a man must visit this doctor and be tested for all sexually transmitted diseases. It is strictly forbidden to begin the process of preparing for conception without a visit to a venereologist, because both parents must be completely healthy so as not to pass on their infectious diseases to the baby.
  4. Nutritionist. Such a doctor is not mandatory for men to visit when planning a pregnancy, but it is still advisable to consult him, because a nutritionist will be able to give professional advice By proper nutrition men for general strengthening of the body and improving sperm quality.

Moreover, often excess weight become a significant problem before conceiving a child, so a nutritionist can help you get rid of problematic kilograms and bring your weight back to normal.

  1. Geneticist. It is advisable for all men who want to have a healthy child to undergo examination by this specialist. This especially applies to those people who suffer from allergic reactions, neurological pathologies and other diseases that are likely to be transmitted along the genetic line (from father to child or through paternal DNA from close blood relatives).

Important! Examination of a man, as well as general preparation for the purpose of conceiving a child, should begin at least three months before the upcoming fertilization. This is exactly how long it takes for sperm to completely renew itself and for the body to cleanse itself. If the couple does not take the necessary preparation measures, then the risk of improper conception and subsequent illnesses in the child increases significantly.

What tests should a man undergo when planning a pregnancy?

Immediately before conceiving a child, you need to make sure that none of the future parents is a carrier of infections that can be sexually transmitted. At the same time, it is important to know that hidden forms of diseases can easily occur in a man’s body, which for many years may not manifest themselves at all, so the person will not even realize that he is sick.

If a man suffers from untreated infections, this can lead to a protracted inflammatory process and impediment to conception. The situation is even more dangerous with those diseases that can be transmitted from father to mother and child.

Important! Due to the fact that some antibiotics and other drugs can worsen the activity of sperm, you need to plan conception no earlier than three months (preferably six months) after taking them.

It is mandatory for a man to undergo tests when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the first thing you should do is check for sexually transmitted infections, since they can lead to defects or death of the fetus while still in the womb.

The list of necessary studies includes checking for the following diseases:

  1. Hepatitis. It is especially important to get tested for hepatitis D, C and B, as they are by far the most common and easily transmitted.
  2. HIV test.
  3. Examination of semen and blood for ureaplasma, chlamydia lesions and candidiasis. It is also important to get tested for viral papillomas (HPV).
  4. To protect the fetus, you need to be tested for infections that are dangerous to the child. These include herpes, rubella and toxoplasmosis. It is strictly forbidden to start planning conception during any of these infections, because otherwise, the probability of miscarriage is as high as possible.
  5. Traditional DNA diagnostics and antibody testing.
  6. Blood test to identify group and Rh factor. At the same time, if the opposite Rh factor of the blood is detected, then the woman has a high probability of an immunological conflict. In this condition, a pregnant woman will have to constantly undergo tests to monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire period of bearing a child.
  7. Spermogram analysis will allow you to assess the ability of sperm to conceive a child, as well as check it for a number of important indicators. With the help of this study, you can identify the problem in time and, if necessary, eliminate it with the help of properly selected treatment.
  8. A complete blood count will report the level of platelets, hemoglobin and leukocytes in the body. This, in turn, will indicate the general state of a person’s health, as well as the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, exhaustion, dehydration, etc.
  9. General biochemical advanced analysis. It will help assess the functioning of internal organs, as well as metabolism in the body. If the test result is poor, this may indicate poor or incomplete functioning of the internal organs, as well as a general lack of vitamins.
  10. General urine analysis. This study will help detect acute or chronic pathologies of the kidneys or genitourinary system, which can occur in a person in a latent form. If the urine test is poor, the man is recommended to undergo additional tests for infections.

Important! If any sexually transmitted infection is detected in a man, treatment must be carried out on both partners, because this is the only way to completely get rid of the disease. Moreover, during this therapy, unprotected sex is prohibited.

To further assess a man’s general health, the following studies may be prescribed:

  1. Fluorography.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Blood test for sugar levels.
  4. Blood test for thyroid condition.

Essential vitamins

You need to start taking vitamins for men and women 3-4 months before the upcoming conception, so that the body can be saturated with all the beneficial substances and fertilization occurs successfully.

Before taking these substances, you need to remember that the dosage of vitamins for men is slightly different from the standard dose for women, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking such substances.

The following vitamins are identified that a man needs most during the period of planning a child:

  1. Vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the normal development of the nervous system, eyes, bones and heart of the fetus, and also plays a significant role in the development of the child even in the embryonic stage. Most of this vitamin is found in milk, carrots, nuts and eggs.
  2. B vitamins help saturate the blood with oxygen and have a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s nervous system. This substance is found in nuts, bananas, eggs, liver and meat.
  3. Vitamin E is very useful for men, as it has a pronounced protective effect. When planning a child, a person should consume at least 10 IU of the vitamin per day. It is found most often in cereals, butter, liver and milk.
  4. Iodine. It is needed for the production of hormones responsible for reproductive function. The daily dose of iodine is 200 mg. This substance is found in fish, seaweed and seafood.
  5. Selzinc or selenium improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Its daily dosage is 100 mcg. Selenium is found in seafood, mushrooms, bran and yolks.
  6. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, normalizes transmission genetic information and helps in testosterone synthesis. Its daily dosage is 1500 mg. Rich in vitamin C are rose hips, citrus fruits, dill, cabbage and black currants.
  7. Folic acid facilitates conception and promotes the production of healthy sperm. It is found in sardines, herring and flaxseed oil.

It should be noted that not always a man can get all the necessary nutrients from his diet. It is for this reason that expectant fathers are often prescribed special vitamin complexes that contain all the necessary substances. The best drugs this group are Vitrum, Duovit, Complivit and Alphabet.

Nutritional Features

  1. Greenery.
  2. Freshly squeezed homemade juices.
  3. Various porridges.
  4. Seafood and mushrooms.
  5. Vegetables.
  6. Fruits.
  7. Boiled meat and eggs.
  8. Liver.
  9. Dried fruits.
  10. Fish.

The following products are not recommended for consumption:

  1. Alcohol in any form and quantity, especially beer, vodka and cognac.
  2. Sweets (cakes, pastries, candies).
  3. Baking and all flour products.
  4. Sweet carbonated drinks.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Chips and crackers.
  7. Fast food.
  8. Canned vegetables.

It is also very important not to overeat and follow a certain diet.

Bad habits

If a man wants his child to be healthy and not have any defects, then he should give up bad habits at least six months before the upcoming conception. This is especially true for smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially taking any drugs.

Moreover, the use of analgesics, antidepressants, antibiotics and other medications greatly interfere with normal fertilization. For this reason, it is better to stop taking such drugs in advance, so as not to harm the unborn child.

In order for conception to be successful and lead to the birth of a healthy baby, a man is recommended to adhere to the following advice from a doctor:

  1. Spend more time outdoors. You can also practice active sports, which will have a good effect on the quality of sperm. For example, it is useful to jog, swim or ride a bike. It is important that outdoor exercise is regular.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the men's underwear used. When planning a pregnancy, a person needs to avoid wearing too warm panties and trousers. They must be of high quality (preferably made of cotton). Also, the underwear should not squeeze anywhere or be too parky. The same applies to today’s ultra-fashionable skinny jeans, which urologists strongly advise men not to wear.
  3. You should not visit baths or saunas.
  4. Stress and anxiety should be avoided, since chronic nervous tension directly affects the quality of sperm and can cause problems with potency.
  5. In order for a man to fully recover and sperm to again acquire “working functions,” sexologists and reproductive system specialists advise having sex for fertilization no more than once every three days. This is the only way the fertilization process will be of the highest quality.

Moreover, it would not be amiss to discuss the upcoming period of pregnancy and its features with a woman who is ready to bear a child from a man. A couple can also turn to an experienced psychologist for advice and recommendations before the birth of a child.