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Microwave 40 cm length. Microwaves of small sizes: advantages of miniature devices. What to check when purchasing.

The kitchen is most often a small room, but housewives want to place the maximum amount of household appliances on its territory. This is due to the fact that devices greatly facilitate the process of cooking, and some of them are even indispensable, for example, microwaves.

Very often, appliances are chosen for a ready-made kitchen, so the parameters of their housings are of great importance. This is especially true for built-in microwaves, where the dimensions depend on the shelf on which it should stand.

This new technology can tell when food is cooked enough by measuring the steam in the oven. You don't need to set a timer. The microwave automatically turns off, ensuring that food is not overcooked or undercooked. Most manufacturers are adding automatic sensors to their models, if they weren't already there.

Smallest microwave oven for USB

Our microwave just stopped working one day. Three years later we still haven't replaced it. Switching to a microwave was difficult, but it's one of those things that turns out to be much easier than you imagine. Not being able to afford a new one immediately made us realize how easy heating food still was without a microwave.

What size microwave is best?

If you have a large family or you like to bake whole foods, make buns, or cook using a grill, then you need to choose among large microwave ovens. Their width will be more than 50 cm, depth - from 40 cm, and volume - 28-40 liters. They most often include such additional functions as: grill, convection, steam treatment. They can even be equipped with multi-level grates for simultaneous heating of several plates. Such models can be found from Sharp, Bosch, Samsung, Hansa, Moulinex, Panasonic, Electrolux.

We also noticed other benefits. We had extra counter space and the food was heated more evenly without any hot spots. Additionally, pre-packaged microwave foods have become limited and as a result we have greatly improved our product selection. If you're thinking about going microwave-free, we have best tips on how to reheat food without it. Can't imagine your life without a microwave oven? Here's how to survive if you ever have to replace a broken one!

Reheat most food the same way it was prepared.

One rule of thumb is to reheat your food the same way you originally reheated it. For example, soups and savory dishes can remain in their original pots. Baked foods, roast chicken, vegetables and casseroles also reheat well in the oven. If you're concerned about food drying out in the oven, try covering with foil or portioning leftovers in foil packs.

Most often, medium-sized microwaves are purchased: height - 34 cm, depth - 35 cm and width - up to 50 cm. They are intended for a small family (3-4 people) for heating ready-made food and for preparing simple dishes. They can be found at any manufacturer of household appliances.

Microwaves are suitable for a tiny kitchen small size. These include models whose width does not exceed 44 cm and depth - 30-40 cm. The internal volume of such microwave ovens ranges from 8 liters to 20 liters, and the diameter of the rotating disk is 24-26 cm. This is quite enough for bachelors or small family. The only disadvantage of such models is instability when closing the door. You have to hold them with your hand from the back. These include: Bosch 75M451, LG MS-1744W, Gorenje MO17DE, Fagor Spoutnik.

Cook with a little liquid to prevent burning

Reheating soups, stews and savory one-pot dishes is very easy, but not so much for things like fried rice or stirrers that are prone to sticking. Don't be afraid to add liquid. Add a few tablespoons at a time, simmer and stir frequently.

Steamed foods that tend to be sticky, such as rice and pasta

Steaming is amazing effective method bring those cold, dry remains back to life. Just remember to lift it up using the ring from the jar lid.

A microwave oven called “mini” is the most common microwave oven and differs from its counterparts in only a few basic parameters: dimensions, power and energy consumption. Most often, small microwaves are chosen in cases where it is necessary to fit the device into a small kitchen space. Let's take a closer look at what this type of kitchen appliance is.

Turn over leftovers to create a new dish

This works well for vegetables, rice, quinoa and plain pasta. Use and reheat leftover ingredients in new recipes. Leftover brown rice or quinoa can be used in fried rice, stir-fried, or even added to soup. Leftover roast or chicken would be perfect in soup, sandwiches, or stir-fried with vegetables.

Get a toaster oven instead of a new microwave

If you're thinking about investing in a new appliance, it should be a toaster oven. Ideal for small meals such as leftovers and cooking in hot summer weather. You'll also save time by not trying to preheat a large oven. such as casseroles, lasagna and pizza, reheat well in the toaster oven.

The operating principle of small-sized microwave ovens is no different. This is the release of microwaves and their injection using a fan located in a special section (next to the food chamber). As the name suggests, in mini microwave ovens the emphasis is placed precisely on the size of the device while preserving the basic functionality as much as possible. So, this type of device is usually divided into into two types:

Use your oven broiler for a quick blast

Whether it's chicken fingers, pieces of bread or various vegetables The broiler is a quick and effective way to rehash some of your favorite foods. Just watch the burner!

Consider Investing in a Portable Potty

This could be the perfect solution for all your work lunches. Evenly heated home-cooked food ready for dinner? We're not trying this yet, but something like this has been highly recommended by our members.

Small microwave oven

Microwaves work by heating the water molecules inside food to cook from the inside out. This ends up being faster and more efficient than an oven, which must heat up before the food can be cooked outside. It is the microwaves that will probably be best known. These microwaves are best for simple tasks such as heating and reheating food or defrosting frozen food.

The remaining differences will, one way or another, fall into one of these two types. Solo microwave ovens are cheaper, easier to maintain and less likely to break down due to their simple technological equipment. The version with a more advanced filling is suitable for wider use, but is much more expensive. In addition, its functionality is not always practical due to a number of design limitations.

What sizes are there?

Slightly more sophisticated than the microwave option, these appliances also come with a grill. You still have the same features as a standard microwave, but with the added benefit of grilling your food. They usually come with metal racks that allow you to position your food as close to the grill as possible.

As well as being microwave and grillable, it also uses a convection oven, allowing you to cook larger meals such as a Sunday roast faster and more thoroughly. The kitchen space of a miniature microwave oven has a maximum of 17 liters and the economical size makes these small microwave models suitable for every small kitchen. Microwaves are now standard equipment in every kitchen. They are more useful and their uses are as varied as the choice of model.

How to choose

So, having figured out what a small microwave is, let’s take a closer look at the features of choosing this type of device. What should you pay attention to first when purchasing this device?

  1. It is necessary to clearly determine what type A mini-microwave is what you need: a solo microwave oven or a full-fledged device with additional functions. In many ways, future purchases will depend on this.
  2. You need to understand that due to limited dimensions you will have to come to terms with certain design features. For example, the “defrosting” function in such devices may require a little more time, therefore, when choosing a mini microwave, you should consider this option as an additional option rather than a primary one.
  3. Very important point, which in no case should be discounted, is devices. The principle is simple: the more, the better, but due to its small dimensions, you will have to pay more for such an increase in productivity. If you don’t mind paying extra for compact dimensions, then you should choose a powerful device, this will save you time spent on cooking.
  4. Chamber volume for products. As mentioned above, the smallest microwave oven has a volume of just over 8 liters. This is only enough to warm up a mug of coffee or brew a small bag of instant soup. If you plan to use the device only for preparing (heating) drinks, then 8.5 liters will be enough. If you plan to cook dishes in the microwave (even the simplest ones), then the volume of the food chamber should be much larger, 10-15 liters. However, the larger the volume, the larger the fan compartment will be; accordingly, the size of the entire device will increase, and this will reduce the overall advantages to almost a minimum. It is important to remember the appropriateness and balance of convenience and functionality.
  5. Power cord length. The smaller it is, the better. A mini microwave with a long cord will take up more space; moreover, due to insufficient weight, it may not fit tightly to the surface of the table (or shelf) on which it will stand. The shorter the cord, the better. If necessary, you can always use an extension cord.

What else to look for when choosing

A mini microwave oven is easy to use, but has a number of features, without knowing which you can greatly spoil the joy of your purchase. When purchasing a device, pay special attention on the tightness of the door to the body. Due to the small size, the doors of some models may not close tightly enough; it would be better if this is clarified before purchase, so as not to have to return the faulty device.

The standard versions, however, are already sized accordingly because pizza can be prepared upon request. A fundamentally well thought out principle can be a problem in some kitchens. The problem arises, for example, when a microwave oven is required, but the kitchen does not provide space for one. For such cases, a miniature microwave oven was developed. Small devices are characterized mainly by their compact size, since a large number of such devices have no more than 17 liters of capacity.

Thanks to its reduced volume and significantly smaller body, the mini microwave also fits into the smallest kitchen. The lightweight design also offers some advantages, as the relatively light weight means the mini can be easily installed under a hanger. This saves space and makes the space available for other uses.

As a rule, in addition to the protective screen, the doors of mini microwave ovens use plastic from the most modern components that provide a sufficient level of protection. In budget solutions, the quality of plastic can be significantly lower. However, all devices entering the market undergo appropriate certification, therefore, when purchasing a device, the buyer has the right to count on the required minimum. The only problem is that the door is not properly sealed.

Smaller design - same features

Despite its narrower design, the miniature microwave oven is in no way inferior to its “genre art”. All the main features are also available with the small version. Cooking times and watts can be set as desired for a standard microwave oven. Depending on the individual wishes of the buyer, mini-microwaves can be purchased, which can be equipped with additional functions, defrosting and grilling. This is solely due to the requirements of the future user and the price.

If the device has more than just a warm-up function, you should try all the features in the first days of use to make sure they work.

Even if the “defrost” function does not cope with its task the first time, you should not immediately take the device back to the store. In the case of mini microwaves, simply setting a higher temperature can help. However, you should not expect any culinary delights from a compact microwave oven; nevertheless, its main function remains quick heating of food.

Types of small microwave ovens

What this means for the buyer, in the opposite case, is that you don't have to give up performance and features with lesser options. Another positive aspect of a mini microwave oven is the price. Because good device You can already buy it for less than 60 euros. However, the price of a smaller unit is not necessarily lower than the price of a larger unit. Potential buyers are encouraged to compare prices. In addition, it should not be hidden that minimized devices in the area of ​​​​application capabilities can also reach their limits.

A compact microwave oven can please its owner for a long time without causing any trouble, but in some cases there are problems with the control unit.

This is due to the fact that, due to saving space, many spare parts fit together quite tightly, which can lead to a short circuit or simply burnout of individual elements (due to the ingress of food or moisture during operation). Of course, in this case it starts the whole block works poorly. This feature, although not often, makes itself felt in mini microwave ovens. As a rule, such breakdowns occur during the warranty period, while the device can still be returned under the factory warranty.

Limited food size also limits food size. Buyers who have set the limit financially can also, unfortunately, often do without popular optional features such as bake, grill and defrost. Technology enthusiasts can also look forward to this because now there is a completely different version of the mini microwave oven. For example, For example, in the office, just plug in your computer and warm up a cup of coffee that has become cold in the hustle and bustle. However, these microwaves tend to be more fun gadgets because the capacity is no larger than a cup of coffee.

In the first time after purchase, you should be more attentive to the device and pay attention to all the features of its operation. If there are any doubts about its serviceability, it is best to contact the service center or telephone hotline manufacturer.

Health aspects are also ignored

As far as health is concerned, microwave food is not the best choice. Through microwave rays, vitamins and nutrients are completely killed and only fats and carbohydrates remain. Generally, prepared foods and heating additives no longer contain traces of healthy nutrients.

Buy mini microwaves with and without grill

Microwaves have changed so much over time that relatively small and compact devices can now perform the same functions as large, heavy equipment. For this reason, below are two mini microwaves - one with grill function and one without grill function.


You could say they're small microwaves- This is a kind of trend for compact kitchens. They are comfortable, take up very little space and look aesthetically pleasing and modern. Having knowledge about some of the features of the device and, you can be sure that the device will last a long time and will not cause any trouble.