Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to transplant a large zamioculcas. Zamioculcas: transplantation at home. What soil is suitable for the plant

Zamioculcas is a perennial, evergreen plant that is easy to care for at home. In everyday life, it received the name “dollar tree”, since, presumably, with its energy it is capable of “attracting” wealth and prosperity to its owner.

General information

According to rumors, as soon as a new piece of paper appears, a certain amount of money appears completely unexpectedly (for example, you were returned an old debt, given a bonus, received a percentage of the deposit, and much more).

But if a leaf falls, then this is a warning about material problems(for example, you should not invest money in some new business - it may burn out, or the car will break down and you need to spend money on repairs, etc.). Maybe for this reason, many people like this plant, and it can be found both in apartments and offices.

There is also an opinion that Money Tree- Crassula, serves to increase wealth in the houses where it grows.

There is another sign associated with another name for this flower - “female happiness”. When zamioculcas blooms, this indicates that the owner has found her betrothed, but flowering occurs very rarely and only if the care rules are followed.

Due to such a protracted period, many blame the plant and call it the “flower of celibacy.” Everyone believes in different options, but there is no dispute that this is a beautiful and unpretentious plant.

The flower is not very expressive. An arrow is released from the tuber, and an inflorescence begins to ripen on it, which is a white or cream-colored cob wrapped in a green “veil.”

Those who believe and follow the rules of Feng Shui should know that in order to increase savings, the flower should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room or house. If a flower was given to you, then it should be a kind person with good intentions.

Zamioculcas is a genus of plants of the araceae family, represented by a single species: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, originating from tropical Africa.

Zamioculcas care at home

For healthy growth, Zamioculcas must be planted in a well-drained and “poor” substrate, consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1), you can also add small pebbles, because in natural conditions the plant is found in rocky soils .

If you buy ready mixture, then the soil is suitable for cacti. The main thing is that oxygen flows freely to the roots and the soil dries out in time, otherwise, for example, in soils with a high humus content, water lingers at the roots for a long time, which leads to rapid rotting and the plant gradually dies.

Zamioculcas transplant at home

As for transplantation, this procedure is carried out as the rhizome grows, when the zamioculcas plant becomes crowded - it is transplanted into a more spacious pot.

When choosing containers, give preference to clay ones, since the root system is very powerful and there have been cases when the pot cracked.

Zamioculcas watering

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving plant, so it tolerates heat quite easily, just increase the humidity (frequent spraying). A temperature of 18-26°C is considered comfortable; it is better not to allow it to fall below 15°C.

It is resistant to dry periods, but it is better not to force the plant to starve, otherwise it begins to absorb its own reserves, which can lead to depletion; the leaves and trunk become thinner and turn pale.

Therefore, as long as regular watering is observed with breaks to dry the soil, Zamioculcas will be able to stock up on a sufficient amount of water. In winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum, just slightly moisten the soil so that it does not dry out.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

The plant is adapted to exist even in a dimly lit room or in the back of the room. This does not mean at all that it does not like light; on the contrary, with good lighting and, accordingly, good watering, it will grow much faster.

It is not afraid even of direct sunlight, but in this case additional moisture is necessary, since the moisture will evaporate faster.

Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

To do this, any leaf or even part of it is selected and planted in wet sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Treat the cut with a rooting accelerator (for example, Kornevin). The soil must be sterile.

Cover the top with transparent cut plastic bottle or a glass jar, to create greenhouse conditions, and place it in a warm, well-lit place. Rooting occurs within one month to six months. The process is long. You must be patient and do not forget to ventilate the plant (remove the jar) and moisten the soil, if necessary.

Zamioculcas reproduction by tuber

Only an adult plant with large tubers can be propagated in this way.

The tuber is cut so that each part has at least one growth point. It is planted in the prepared substrate, without burying the head of the tuber too much. The new plant grows very slowly.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem when caring for zamioculcas is yellowing of leaves .

There are two reasons: if old leaves turn yellow , then this is a natural process of replacement with young leaves, and if new leaves begin to turn yellow , then the cause may be constant waterlogging of the soil, which led to rotting of the roots.

In some cases, if the process is not too advanced, the plant can still be saved; to do this, it must be pulled out of the pot, carefully shake off the soil, inspect the root system and cut off the rotten parts. Treat cut areas charcoal and spray the whole plant, for example, with Fundazol, let it dry a little and plant in new soil and pot.

Flower growers love Zamioculcas for its unpretentiousness and presentable appearance. appearance. The flower has dense, dark green, pointed leaves and attractive inflorescences. But this plant blooms very rarely and in room conditions It is difficult to achieve the appearance of a bud. Proper care and transplantation of zamioculcas helps ensure the formation of a flower. The regularity of this procedure is of great importance, as is the composition of the soil, the shape and size of the flowerpot.

Features of Dollar Tree

You can buy zamioculcas at a flower shop. It's quite easy to get a new plant from an existing one. The succulent is unpretentious and feels good both in a small room and in the office. Most often it is planted in floor containers or small containers.

The popularity of this indoor plant is associated with the belief that it brings prosperity to the home. Therefore, it is also called the dollar or money tree.

Zamioculcas is a slow-growing indoor plant. On average, with sufficient lighting and proper care, it reaches up to 1 m in height. But, like other succulents, its root system develops very actively, quickly filling the entire space of the flowerpot. The plant brought from the store is replanted after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the flower acclimatizes and gets used to the climate and watering regime.

The best time to replant a dollar tree is February or early March. It is not recommended to disturb the succulent in autumn, spring and summer. Young plants should be replanted every year. Adult zamioculcas are replanted less frequently, focusing on filling the flowerpot with roots.

Optimal soil composition for zamioculcas

At the beginning of the last century, the dollar tree was brought from East Africa. The modern name Zamioculcas Zamiifolia was given to it by the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler. IN natural environment Zamioculcas grows on poor sandy soils. This must be taken into account when preparing the substrate.

The soil for Zamioculcas is loose, with good moisture permeability. The soil should be dominated by sand with the addition of:

  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • chopped sphagnum;
  • turf.

Can be purchased in store ready substrate for cacti. Loamy soils are not suitable for Zamioculcas due to low water permeability. If moisture is retained in the soil, the roots may rot and the dollar tree will die.

When transplanting zamioculcas, you should not add the substrate left over after purchase to the soil composition, since chemicals and compounds for the development of beneficial bacteria are usually added to transport plants into the soil.

At the bottom of the flowerpot it is necessary to lay out drainage made of expanded clay or brick chips. This is done not only to ensure water permeability, but also to ensure the stability of the pot. Adult zamioculcas have heavy stems and leaves and can outweigh the container. For them, you can use a special support, which is installed in a flowerpot and holds the flower.

Requirements for the flowerpot

A properly selected pot is the key to ensuring that the dollar tree grows and develops well. Large containers are not suitable for this flower, since they have enough space for root growth and all the energy of the zamioculcas will be spent on the development of the root system, and not on the growth of green mass. But a container that is too tight will not work either. It is best to choose a low flowerpot. The size of the pot should be 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the above-ground part of the plant.

A clay or glass flowerpot will provide good air and water permeability. Plastic containers not very suitable for growing dollar trees. But they have one advantage. When transplanting an adult succulent plastic pot you can cut and easily remove the zamioculcas without damaging its root system.

How to transplant Zamioculcas

It is best to replant zamioculcas in winter, in February, when it is just beginning to prepare for active growing season. The rhizome of the plant consists of a tuber and a large number of roots growing from it. If they are damaged, the dollar tree will take a long time to acclimatize and become sick.

To properly transplant zamioculcas at home, you need to remember all the features of this plant and accurately follow all the instructions step by step:

  1. 1. Remove the dollar tree from the flowerpot using the transshipment method.
  2. 2. If it is discovered that the plant has formed young tubers, they need to be carefully separated. This is easier to do if you rinse the roots, freeing them from the substrate.
  3. 3. Inspect the rhizome and trim off rotten roots.
  4. 4. Pour expanded clay into another pot, slightly larger in size. The drainage holes at the bottom of the pot should not be too large to prevent roots from penetrating through them.
  5. 5. Place a small amount of substrate on top of the drainage.
  6. 6. Place the plant vertically in the pot and cover it with substrate until the roots are completely covered.
  7. 7. Compact the soil and mulch with pebbles, expanded clay or brick chips so that moisture evaporates more slowly.

A properly transplanted dollar tree quickly takes root, grows well and pleases its owners with healthy foliage.

Plant care

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is considered unpretentious plant, when growing it you need to follow some rules.

Caring for a dollar tree involves proper watering, maintaining temperature conditions and sufficient lighting, and applying fertilizers.


Zamioculcas is one of the few indoor plants that do not suffer from heating appliances, which greatly dry out the air in winter. It can easily grow in low humidity conditions, because its homeland is Africa. But if you spray the plant from time to time with a spray bottle, it will feel even better. Every week you need to clean the leaves of the dollar tree from dust. This is done with a cotton swab or sponge soaked in water.

In summer, zamioculcas needs frequent, but not too abundant watering. The water should be settled and at room temperature. The need to water the succulent is indicated by a 1-2 cm dry surface of the soil. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, allowing the substrate to dry to half the depth of the pot.

Lighting and temperature

Lots of light is another important condition when growing a dollar tree. If the flower is on the floor, then this should be a place next to the windows on the south side. On window sills it is better to install the plant on the western or eastern side.

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving flower. At low temperatures it begins to hurt, the leaves turn yellow and the plant dies. The optimal temperature for it is +20 degrees in summer and +16 in winter. In summer, the plant is taken out to the balcony, terrace, or garden, which has a beneficial effect on its growth and decorative qualities.


Like many succulents, Zamioculcas is able to accumulate moisture, but uses up nutrients very quickly. Therefore, in spring and summer, when the plant is in a state of active vegetation, it is necessary to apply fertilizing. Substrates for cacti, which are sold in stores, are well suited for this. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage indicated on the packaging. Excessive amounts of fertilizer can kill the plant. Fertilizing is applied once a month.

Flower growers love the dollar tree for its unpretentiousness. Even a beginner can cope with growing this succulent, and if all the rules are followed, according to popular belief, the plant will not only delight you with its decorative look, but will also bring prosperity and prosperity to the house.

Unlike many flower plants, is absolutely not demanding in terms of maintenance, for example, it requires replanting very rarely; in addition, it is not demanding in terms of other conditions, such as watering, fertilizing, and so on. The combination of unpretentiousness with spectacular decorative properties is the main advantage of zamioculcas.

Everyone is already used to the fact that they are beautiful tropical plants They require special care, they are capricious to their living conditions and need constant attention. But all this is not about Zamioculcas.

Its second name, which it received in household use, is. This tree is native to tropical regions of Africa. The plant has tubers with a root system, from which leaves extend directly. What many people think of as branches are actually complex, feathery leaves that are covered with a waxy coating.

All components of the flower are adapted to survive in drought conditions. Leaves and roots accumulate moisture, which nourishes it in dry conditions. The plant sometimes blooms, but this happens rarely, even at home, where the climate and watering are optimal for it.

When to replant zamioculcas

Although the plant is unpretentious, in some cases it still requires replanting.

  1. At home, where all conditions for the plant have been created, Zamioculcas does not need to be replanted often. This is usually done every 3-4 years. At the same time, the substrate in the pot is renewed, and if necessary, a larger pot is selected.
  2. A Zamioculcas transplant will also be required. But don’t rush, but let the plant adapt to new conditions. To do this, it is left for a couple of weeks in a store pot, and only then transplanted.
  3. Overmoistening of the soil. In this case, the cause is poor care; zamioculcas does not like abundant watering, but some, due to inexperience or carelessness, overwater the plant. If the earthen ball does not dry out for a long time, the roots may begin to rot. Then it is necessary to replant the plant in new soil.

If the right conditions contents are observed, then there will be no need to replant Zamioculcas ahead of schedule and it can be well maintained for several years without replanting.

How to replant a plant

Zamioculcas transplantation is carried out in the most favorable time of the year, this is considered April. The first time after transplanting a flower it will not grow, this is normal. Zamioculcas gets used to the new soil and explores it.

Soil for the plant

It is better to select soil with the optimal amount of humus, since the plant will grow in it for several years; soils poor in humus will not be suitable. You can make your own soil mixture. To do this, take garden and forest soil in equal proportions, you can add a little humus and sand.


A prerequisite must be the presence of drainage in the pot. These materials are designed to drain excess water and improve aeration. They fill about a quarter of the pot. Gravel, expanded clay and vermiculite are suitable as drainage materials. The latter has excellent properties not only to absorb moisture, but also to return it to the roots at the right time.


After preparing all the materials, you can begin transplanting. First, the plant is carefully removed from the pot. In some cases, you can lightly tap on its walls so that the soil ball moves away. After removing the plant, the roots are shaken off the ground.

Inspecting and pruning damaged roots

The roots, cleared of soil, are inspected and if rotten roots are found, which have a bad odor and are soft to the touch, they are removed.

Pour drainage into it, add a little soil mixture on top and place the plant in it. Then sprinkle the remaining free space in the pot with soil. Zamioculcas should be replanted to the same depth as in the previous pot. After transplantation, the plant does not require care for some time; it is simply left alone and put away in partial shade.

During transplantation, you must use rubber gloves, as the plant has poisonous sap. Therefore, you need to work with it with caution. And when keeping it at home, keep it away from children and animals.

Zamioculcas is replanted while it is young; old plants are not touched so as not to disturb and cause the death of the flower.

Reproduction during transplantation

At the same time, you can get new copies in several ways.

  1. When replanting, you can divide the plant and propagate it at home in this way. This method is called cuttings. The separated parts are taken with the buds, which are placed in damp sand or a mixture of sand, perlite and peat for rooting. In this case, it is better to cover them with glass caps or jars. The shoots need to be carefully looked after, since rooting lasts about two months, and this increases the likelihood of them rotting. Be sure to place the plants in a warm and bright place.
  2. Reproduction by leaf blades. This method takes longer; the first leaves of a new plant may appear only after a year, given that the necessary conditions are carefully observed. The leaves are planted in a soil mixture that is pre-sterilized in the oven. Place the seedlings under a greenhouse and place them in a warm place.

Rules for caring for a plant after transplantation

After transplantation, the zamioculcas is left alone for a while, it must take root in the new soil and adapt. Then normal care is resumed.


Zamioculcas belongs to the category of plants that are better underwatered than overwatered. It likes moderate watering in spring and summer, and needs even less watering in winter. It is important to ensure that the earthen ball dries out completely between waterings. In enclosed spaces, moisture evaporates more slowly, excess water has nowhere to go from the pot, so waterlogging can cause disease.


Zamioculcas can grow well in a fairly wide temperature range. He will feel comfortable both at +15 degrees and at +24. The main thing is that there are no sudden temperature changes.


Proper care of the plant includes enriching the soil with fertilizers. They are introduced during the growing season, from spring to autumn. IN winter time Zamioculcas is at rest, so it does not require any special care or feeding at home.

At home, Zamioculcas does not require special care; the plant thrives in the proposed average conditions. room temperatures, does not require frequent watering and at the same time has a very beautiful appearance.

Proper transplantation of yucca at home Dollar tree transplant at home

Zamioculcas is native to Africa. A popular plant in indoor floriculture, it attracts the eye with its dark green, meter-long, compound-pinnate leaves. Belongs to the Araceae family and is considered an unpretentious succulent. How Zamioculcas is transplanted will be discussed in this article.

Zamioculcas grows slowly, like many succulents. Young plants are replanted annually in summer or spring. It is especially important to do this immediately after purchase in order to replace the soil with a more suitable one and check the root system of the plant.

For transplantation you need to prepare a new one flower pot and soil.

Pot selection and size

For zamioculcas, select a pot size slightly larger than the one in which it is currently growing. It is better not to use planting containers that are too large; it is easy to fill them with roots and they will begin to rot.

In a flower pot that is much larger than the size of the root system, the plant will grow roots for a long time, and its leaves will stop growing.

Zamioculcas has a powerful root system; it is desirable that the pot be tall, stable, made of plastic or ceramic. If there are no holes in the bottom of the new plastic pot, they must be made.

Preparing a flower for transplantation

After purchasing the plant, replanting is needed after 2 or 3 weeks. Having brought zamioculcas from the store, it is sprayed with any insecticide and fungicide to prevent diseases and pests or watered at the root with systemic preparations. There is no need to overfill the plant with water.

After the “quarantine”, they begin transplantation, choosing a favorable day for this.

What soil is suitable for the plant

The soil for replanting should be neutral acidity (pH 6 - 7), well drained, mixed with small stones or sand.

A universal primer from a store with perlite will do. You can use a special soil mixture for cacti and succulents. To independently prepare planting soil, take peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal parts. Add pieces of charcoal.

Leaf cuttings can be planted in coconut substrate or vermiculite for rooting. The soil should be convenient for watering and fertilizing and breathable. Planting in vermiculite or coconut substrate will insure the plant from many diseases and harmful insects.

Step-by-step guide on how to transplant Zamioculcas

To begin with, prepare workplace– cover the table with oilcloth and place everything you need next to it.

All manipulations are carried out with rubber gloves - zamioculcas juice is poisonous and causes irritation if it comes into contact with the skin.

Transplanting zamioculcas at home, step-by-step instructions:

  1. Expanded clay drainage is poured onto the bottom of the pot (at 1/4 of the height) and sprinkled with prepared soil.
  2. The plant is taken out of the old pot by grasping the base of the leaves with your hand. It is advisable to moisten the soil the day before to make it easier to remove the overgrown roots. If this cannot be done painlessly, the pot is cut.
  3. All soil is carefully removed from the roots. If the zamioculcas is large, with a powerful root system, you don’t need to shake off the soil too much, so as not to injure the plant.
  4. Healthy roots are treated with a growth stimulator (for example, zircon).
  5. Rotten roots are cut off, washed, and treated with a fungicide.
  6. Place the plant in a new pot, trying to place it in the center.
  7. The tubers are not deeply buried, only lightly sprinkled with earth.
  8. The voids in the pot are filled with fresh substrate and compacted a little.
  9. After transplantation, zamioculcas is not watered.

The first watering is done after 2 days if the plant is healthy, if the roots are sick - after 7 days.

When is a dollar tree transplant needed?

In addition to the mandatory transfer of purchased zamioculcas to fresh soil, a distinction is made between regular and emergency transplantation.

An adult plant can be replanted once every 2 or 4 years, as the pot fills with roots. The more often you do this, the faster it will grow. Therefore, young zamioculcas are recommended to be replanted annually.

It is necessary to move the plant into a fresh substrate if the root begins to rot. Such a misfortune happens with indoor zamioculcas, which the owners “fell in love with” by watering it too often. An emergency transplant can save a flower from imminent death. Determining the onset of the disease is not always easy - dense, green leaves may not even change color when the roots begin to rot. You should be alerted by stunted growth and an unpleasant odor from the soil in the flower pot.

During an emergency transplant, all rotted roots are cut off with sharp scissors to healthy tissue and treated with a fungicide.

Care after transplant

After replanting the plant, it is placed in a permanent place. It does not require bright sunlight and grows well in artificial light. Therefore, you can place the pot not on the windowsill, but in the back of the room, on the floor. It is necessary to turn it from time to time in different directions towards the light source so that the leaves grow evenly and do not droop.

Zamioculcas is undemanding when it comes to watering and can easily tolerate drying out of the soil in the pot. A plant weakened by root rot begins to be watered a week after transplantation, a healthy one - on the third day.

  • You need to spray Zamioculcas with water to remove dust by covering the soil with oilcloth. To make the leaves shine, it is better to wipe them with a damp sponge. If the plant is planted in a moisture-intensive substrate with expanded clay, it is watered rarely, about once a month.
  • Zamioculcas is fed with fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants no more than once a month.
  • The air temperature in summer should be 18 – 24°C; the plant does not like extreme heat.
  • In winter, place the flower pot closer to the window, where there is more light, you can move it to a heated veranda, with an air temperature of at least 12°C, water sparingly, once every 5 - 6 weeks.

Caring for Zamioculcas is simple; if you follow the correct watering regime, you don’t have to worry about its health. It is important to replant the dollar tree immediately after purchase and select a suitable flower pot and soil.

This indoor plant better known as the dollar tree. This name was given to this succulent by adherents of Feng Shui traditions. In addition, the plant shares the title of flower of female happiness. It is quite unpretentious, which, along with its decorative qualities and the mystical properties attributed to rumor, makes the Zamioculcas flower very popular. Caring for him is not at all difficult, since he is accustomed to the difficulties in his natural habitat. In order for Zamioculcas to please its owners for as long as possible, it is enough to follow several rules for caring for this plant, replanting it and propagating it.

Transfer rules

For the Zamioculcas flower, replanting is necessary as the rhizome fills the pot. When it becomes noticeable that there is not enough room for the roots, you need to replant the plant, choosing a pot a little larger than the previous one. If the plant is young, it must be replanted annually in summer or spring, and if it is mature, a little less often, once every few years. When transplanting zamioculcas, you need to remember some of the features of this plant.

    How to transplant Zamioculcas correctly?
  • 1 Suitable pot
    If you plant a plant in a plastic pot, the pressure of the growing rhizome can simply break the container. Therefore, the best choice for Zamioculcas is a clay pot.
  • 2 Correct soil
    For Zamioculcas, it is necessary to provide conditions as close as possible to natural ones. The soil should be sandy-stony and well-drained, containing expanded clay, perlite, pebbles and sand. Through such soil, oxygen freely flows to the roots. From the soils presented in the retail chain, you need to choose one intended for succulents and cacti. If you take a universal one, you need to add expanded clay or perlite, as well as sand.
  • 2 Not too deep
    Tubers do not need to be completely immersed in the ground when transplanting. They should be slightly visible.

Breeding rules

If you need to get a new zamioculcas plant, propagation is carried out using any part of it, for example, a section of rhizome or leaf. It is very difficult to find seeds in our latitudes, so all that remains is vegetative method increasing the population of dollar trees at home. This process is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. Depending on what part of the plant is used, propagation has a number of features.

  • 1 Division
    The easiest way is to divide an adult zamioculcas into several plants. To do this, it is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided, dried a little, and each part is placed in a separate pot. When dividing a tuber, you need to take into account that each part of it, from which a new flower is supposed to grow, must have a growth point.
  • 2 Usage compound sheet
    The branch with the bud needs to be dried and planted in a pot, deepening the bud to the level of the base of the leaf.
  • 3 Growing from one leaf
    With this method of vegetative propagation of zamioculcas, you will have to wait the longest for the result. The leaf needs to be dried for several days, and then planted in light soil containing sand. In this case, it needs to be deepened into the soil by one third of its length, watered and covered with a jar. Tubers will appear very soon, and new leaves can be seen in about six months. The leaf can be placed in water to begin with, but in this case, subsequent rooting will be more difficult.

Important! Owners of Zamioculcas should remember its characteristics and needs.

  • 1 Diseases
    Zamioculcas is not a very painful plant, but still sometimes it suffers from mealybugs, scale insects, aphids or spider mite.
  • 2 Proper hydration
    The dollar tree does not like excessive watering; it can even go without water for some time. It's better to forget to water it than to do it too zealously. If you overdo it with watering, the substrate will become waterlogged. As a result, Zamioculcas turns yellow. But you need to remember that yellowing is natural for old leaves. They gradually die off. But if young leaves turn yellow, then the reason is most likely rotting of the rhizome due to waterlogging. To save the plant, you need to remove it from the pot, separate the rotten roots, dry it, sprinkle it with coal and plant it in new soil.
  • 3 More light
    Zamioculcas grows best in conditions where it receives bright sunlight.
  • 4 Fertilizers and fertilizing
    You need to be careful when using fertilizers. As the Zamioculcas plant does not like an abundance of chemicals, it can be fed no more than once a month during the growing season. When the flower is dormant, which happens in winter, there is no need to fertilize it at all.
  • 5 I
    In order not to suffer from the effects of toxic substances contained in the plant, when transplanting or propagating it, you need to work in compliance with safety precautions. The use of gloves is mandatory.