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So that the husband loves and respects his wife. The most powerful prayer for a husband to love. Conspiracy from a photo

Strong prayers and conspiracies I believe, Lord. RU Published: December 18, 2018


For a husband to love his wife, prayer and conspiracy will help.

My husband stopped paying attention to me, I feel that he has lost interest in me. My husband loved me, and lately he sometimes doesn’t come home to sleep at all. When I started a conversation on this topic, my husband said that he still loved me, he just got bored at home. We even sleep in different beds. I love him, but he doesn’t love me and his attitude really offends me. Tell me a plot to make a husband love his wife, how to melt his heart?

It is believed that family relationships consist of both spouses being together. Will they try, give in to each other, encourage themselves to love.

A plot to make a husband love his wife can help arouse the husband’s feelings and his attitude will definitely change, but in order to fulfill the plan and for the plot to work, it is necessary to follow a number of rules.

First and probably most importantly, you need to remember how the wife treated her husband at that moment when they were both overwhelmed with feelings of love, when the husband loved his wife and together they were happy. What was the stimulus for such feelings?

Second, try to devote more time to your husband, motivate yourself to please him, remember that you are one and you can influence your feelings even alone.

And third, for a husband to love his wife as before, you should (if other methods do not help) turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help.


Prayer for a husband to love.

“The Only Queen, All-Blessed Mother of God, hear me, a sinner, who has lost the love of her husband. I ask you, Queen of Heaven, put it on my husband’s heart to love me and not to deviate from God’s providence for our family. Teach us to love and honor each other, to keep family values ​​faithfully until the end of time. Amen."

Read a prayer for your husband to love, in solitude, listening to your heart.

You can prepare his favorite delicacy for your husband, which he should eat with great pleasure. And knowing your husband’s preferences, this is not at all difficult. When you cook delicious food, chant this spell.

A spell to make your husband love you.

“Beyond the seas, behind the forests, behind the high mountains, there lives a family, happy and friendly, a wife always desired. Her husband can’t get enough of her, can’t stop looking at her, can’t get enough of her. So my husband (name) would look at me, look at me, love me, follow me. Exactly!"

The power of thought, embodied in words, and phrases put together in a certain order of a prayer verse is a huge energy potential, with the help of which you can both bring a man closer and push him away, make sure that all his feelings are limited only to the reader. In family magic, the main importance is focusing on the action being performed, reporting in every spoken word and, of course, confidence in one’s own love for the person being attracted.

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      A Warning for the Wife

      Home rituals for reading prayers so that the husband loves his wife, never cheats and is endlessly passed on to her, are performed mainly by desperate women at moments when the family is on the verge of destruction. The exception is short-term rituals aimed at strengthening and maintaining normal relationships or attracting a person who evokes sympathy.

      • Rituals for long-term action are almost always a bilateral agreement with dark forces, when signing which you need to clearly understand that it will no longer be possible to cancel the feeling imposed on a person. When making an order of this kind, professional magicians always clarify to what extent the customer’s intention coincides with his capabilities, because to endure such complex and forced adoration, which remains in the subconscious of the enchanted man, is a difficult torment for both parties. Therefore, attracting a man who, by default, does not have love for a woman suffering from this, is a very dangerous and thankless action, which subsequently responds with strong negativity.

        A love spell on the love of a husband for his wife, if a man has already fallen in love with another and connects his future with her, is a clear imposition of damage, because it is impossible to do this in any other way except by undermining the husband’s energy, forcing him to return to the old relationship. Choosing this path, a woman must be ready to accept a changed, aggressive and inadequate person who will internally resist love against his will, and outwardly show signs of admiration by gritting his teeth.

        To read any plot, you must have a good ability to visualize an object. The day and hour of the ritual are always planned based on the calculation of the lunar phase and the requirements of the ritual, so there is time to prepare. To do this, you need to look at a photo of the desired man several times a day. Then, closing your eyes, mentally imagine the man in great detail.

        Other conditions required for strong prayers for the love of a husband for his wife:

        • White rituals aimed at adjusting existing love or enhancing sexual desire are performed during the waxing moon. Rituals of a forced nature, when it is necessary to return a spouse against his wishes or force him to obey only his wife, are read on the 19th and 29th lunar days.
        • If there was betrayal on the part of the husband in the relationship, then before the love spell it is better for the woman to perform a ritual of cleansing herself from negativity - such a procedure will help her clear her mind and realize the need important step. Perhaps, having forgiven a man for his wrongdoing, a woman will understand that the relationship has no prospects and she needs to let the person go from her life, from her family and from her children.
        • Before removing the burden of resentment against her offending spouse, a woman needs to clean up her home, getting rid of the accumulated household garbage, dust, and insects in the house. The ritual of purifying thoughts and opening the soul to enlightenment cannot be performed in a room filled with old unnecessary memories and dead energy.
        • Strong conspiracies to save relationships in which there was no betrayal cannot be unambiguously attributed to black magic, so they are performed on the waxing moon. The readings will only work if the husband does not offer aggressive resistance to the resumption of the relationship.
        • When reading a prayer for love, a woman should be as close as possible to the natural feeling of freedom, bodily and spiritual purity. Therefore, for the ceremony, a spacious shirt made of natural fiber is selected or all clothing is removed altogether. The hair is scattered over the shoulders, all jewelry and the pectoral cross are removed. The feet must be bare, and the head must not be covered, since the woman’s body at the time of communication with the subtle world is an open energy channel.

        Various kinds of “bindings” and “dryings” are also a talisman against random connections on the side, so there is no need to carry out additional rituals to eliminate rivals after this.

        Powerful readings for strong relationships at the beginning of marriage

        This kind of “white” conspiracies are read for a healthy perspective of marital relations, for the husband to honor, respect and obey his wife, and it does not matter whether the marriage is officially registered or the union of two people took place by oral agreement. Love magic does not place emphasis on the mark in the civil status act, but the fact of a wedding in a church will several times enhance the desired result, especially if the ceremony took place recently.

        Prayer for the boundless love of a husband

        Proofreading for three candles will help a man strengthen his feelings about his beloved, gain confidence that he has already found his other half, whom he loves more than life itself, and further searches are pointless. A woman needs to prepare for the ceremony: take a new white tablecloth (cotton or linen), on which the table has not been set before, three separate candlesticks (you can use glass stacks), thick cotton or red wool thread. You will also need matches, an unvarnished wooden spoon or a kitchen spatula. The main condition is to purchase three church candles from low-melting wax.

        In the evening, a tablecloth is laid on a washed, clean table and all the attributes of the ritual action are laid out. All three candles are lit with separate matches. The woman sits down in front of the fire, picks up a wooden spoon and begins to slowly read the prayer by heart. The reader pronounces a verse, looking at the fire of one of the candles, then presses down the wick with a spoon so that the flame goes out and repeats the verse, turning to the other candle. So, in turn, all three lights are extinguished.

        The words of the rhyme (after the word “Amen” there is no need to be baptized): “Lord Almighty, I appeal to your help - become a high wall, a deep pit, blind gates, impenetrable forests, heartache, torment. Turn around in the heart of Your servant (name), close all the locks so that he (name) does not leave me. Turn the key seven times, take it with you, so that it does not open the lock, and does not stop loving me, Your servant (name). So be it! Amen".

        When the verse is recited for the third time and the third candle goes out, you need to remove the candles from the stands. Tie them tightly into a bundle with a red thread and set fire again, all three wicks from one match. Place them so that they burn completely and do not go out. Then the window is opened and kept open until the smoke has completely dissolved.

        Love spells from photographs

        When preparing to commit a conspiracy using a photograph, it is important to select a photograph no more than a year ago. The older the image, the less energy aura of a living person it carries and the more difficult it is to influence it. The greatest effect will come from working on a photograph taken in the form of a portrait so that the eyes of your loved one are clearly visible. The lowest result will be given by a slander on a fragment of a group photo, where the aura of the object is interrupted by multiple alien signals. If there is no other option, you need to try to cut out the desired piece of the photograph so that it does not contain elements of the bodies of strangers.

        The words of the prayer must be pronounced expressively, throwing out emotional impulses on those words that serve to achieve the goal: “wanted”, “loved”, “respected”. A prayer for a husband to love his wife, said in a photo, is a strong message that will not work if the reader is careless or absent-minded. You need to recite the text by heart, without taking your eyes off the eyes of the desired object and relying on your own, sincere feeling of love.

        Proofreading a photo under a bright moon

        The spell for a growing bright moon is read closer to midnight, but not after midnight. The main source of light in the room should be the moonlight, penetrating into the room through the window onto the table where the ritual will unfold. On the table there are two church candles in separate stands, and between them a photograph of a loved one.

        When the bright moonlight falls on the photograph, you need to light both candles from one match and once, clearly say, looking into the eyes of your lover: “I call on love in the heart of (his name), I kindle a passionate flame in his soul. Go, love, into the heart of (his name) and stay there until the end of time. Let his feelings for me (his name) flare up with an indomitable fire, let all his thoughts strive for me. This is how I want it and it will be so! Amen. Amen. Amen".

        This plot is read from the first to the last day of the waxing moon, without missing a single night.

        Proofreading of bound photographs

        Red cotton thread is a common attribute of love rituals performed at home, and stitching photographs of lovers with red thread is also a powerful love spell that acts on both sides.

        For the ritual, which takes place at midnight, you will need a thick short red candle, two separate photographs depicting the reader and her lover, thread, a needle and a white blank envelope. Lighting a candle from a match, the woman recites the spell by heart: “The candle is red, flaming, burn evenly, give strength to the fire, show the way to (his name)’s heart.”

        Then the reader must take the photograph in her hands and, by candlelight, imagine how the person depicted in the photo is already nearby. It is necessary to show imagination, imagining the desired moments, drawing an algorithm for dates, meetings, and future happy relationships. Then, without banishing pleasant thoughts, you need to thread the needle, and hold the tip of the needle in the candle flame until it turns red. At the same time, you should say: “As this flame burns, so (his name) will turn (his name) to me.”

        Having turned the photographs with their front sides facing each other, use a hot needle to sew the photographs together in the corners, tying a strong knot at each corner. All the time until the photos are firmly fastened, you need to repeat the same phrase: “I don’t sew the sheets of paper, but I sew (his name) to (my name) for eternity.” At the end of the ceremony, the photographs are placed in an envelope and sealed with red candle wax. While dripping wax onto the wafer, one must say: “As long as it is sealed, no one (his name) and (his name) can be torn from each other, love cannot be separated.”

        The love spell begins to work after a week, but its effect will last only as long as the pictures are connected and the seal is not destroyed. If a relationship does not bring a woman the expected happiness, she can independently free herself and her partner simply by throwing the envelope into the fire and burning it to the ground along with the contents.

        Love spells for wine

        It is better to read prayers for a husband to love his wife more than life itself while the homemade wine is still fermenting, and then consolidate the result with a ritual. But even a bottle of store-bought wine will not disrupt the effect of the sacrament if the main condition is met: to maintain the intention of the magical binding from the husband. If the spouse realizes that rituals are being performed against him to strengthen the relationship, the power of the conspiracies will be depersonalized, and tension in the family will increase.

        They read the spell for wine under the new moon, on the day that falls on the wife’s menstrual period.

        Wine bandage and ring

        The method is very powerful if the spouses are married, but the gold ring for the ceremony must be taken completely new, the simplest one that was in the jewelry store (a wedding ring is not suitable). Immediately after purchase, the ring is wrapped in a white cotton rag, placed in the bra cup and worn near the heart for 12 days. At night, you can hang a bundle with a ring around your neck like an amulet.

        At the end of the 12th day in the evening or closer to midnight, with a burning candle, you need to fill a glass with wine, throw a ring into it and say with feeling: “The servant of God (his name), will be mine forever! Let his heart belong to me alone! " Then the wine is poured into a bottle, tightly closed with a lid, and the empty glass with a ring is put away in a secluded place for three days. During these three days, at dawn, noon and evening dawn, a bottle of wine and a glass are removed from their hiding place and placed in front of a mirror. Looking in this mirror, the reader lets down her hair and slowly combs her curls from top to bottom with a wooden comb and intones: “My dear friend (his name), you will become as close to me as this comb is to my hair.”

        After the midday reading, the woman measures out 12 drops of wine and takes them herself, and adds the other 12 drops to her husband’s food and drink throughout the day. At the end of the three-day ritual, the ring and the bottle with the remaining wine are tied in a white cloth and hidden forever in a secret place.

        Magic effects on old clothes

        For rituals on the personal wearables of the beloved, you need to find a worn and unwashed item of his clothing with minor damage, a hole or an unraveling seam. A woman also needs to choose something in a similar condition from her belongings. Usually, with the help of rituals with worn clothes, they try to return the cheater to the family, making sure that he constantly misses the lost relationship. However, there are also rituals aimed at correcting intrafamily sexual discord.

        To awaken male passion

        Early in the morning, standing barefoot on the ground facing the sunrise, the reader tightly ties her and her husband's things in a knot and sets them on fire. While the clothes are burning, words are spoken aimed at returning the dormant passion in the relationship: “Fire-maiden, kindled a flame in the servant of God (his name), in his loins, in his heart, in his blood. Unite him (name) with me (your name) in unquenchable fiery passion, so that we will not be separated forever and ever. Amen".

        The ashes must be carefully collected and scattered at the intersection in four directions.

        To return the husband to the family

        This ritual requires obtaining a very dirty or unwashed item of a man who left the family that was once abandoned as unnecessary. At dawn, it is best to wash this item manually in the open air in the yard using a bar of soap in a basin. Then, in a separate container, changing the water three times, rinse the clothes, and pour the water after the first two rinses onto the ground. On the third water, while the washed item is still wet in it, read the words: “Water is holy, save the slave (his name) from the homewrecker, the eyes of the dashing, bad word. So that his body (name) becomes younger, and only cares about me (his name). Holy Angels, go after the slave (his name), and bring him back to the house. Amen"

        The item is taken out of the water and, without squeezing, hung on a rope. After the third rinse, water is poured under the growing plant, tree or bush.

        Whatever goal is set for higher powers (strengthening male love, returning to the family or a love spell), it is impossible for rituals to achieve the desired result to be haphazardly layered on top of each other. In order for one well-executed request to the Universe to take effect, it takes about 7-14 days, and it is not advisable to fill this period with new requirements, thereby delaying the decision on the first request.

        None of the above ritual actions are suitable for taking someone else’s husband away from the family. These goals fall entirely within the realm of black magic and require a different approach.

Happy newlyweds love each other and do not always think about the future. There are many temptations in the world. So that your husband does not want another woman, does not take a mistress, you need to become the most desirable. It may not just be about the other woman. Often, over the years, the novelty of marriage wears off, and the husband ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. Stormy nights end, passion goes away, sex becomes less and less. In order for a husband to want his wife, and even regularly, it is necessary to make a village conspiracy. It will awaken passion and return your relationship to its former degree.

Sexual relationships play an important role in family life and help build harmonious relationships. Therefore, many use a conspiracy to make the husband want his wife.

Village conspiracies for sex

In the villages, ancient conspiracies are not forgotten. They are actively used and passed on from generation to generation. While ignorant women gnaw at their elbows because their husbands walk to the left, those who know make a simple conspiracy. After him, your man, husband, boyfriend will be yours only.
But the main condition is that you must also be a faithful wife from now on.

It's easy to apply because you don't need anything special. This is white magic, everyday and simple. Any woman can thus throw thoughts about others out of her lover’s head.

If you've been together for a long time, understandable satiety sets in. The fire of passion can be rekindled. Your spouse will look at you with different eyes. It is very important that your husband does not know anything about the ritual. You will need some of his personal items and underwear. Be sure to try this method if you have been married for a long time. The conspiracy works quickly. This is a special sexual love spell that helps if you are married or just in a relationship. A man stops noticing others, and looks with desire only at his wife.

Sad marriage statistics

Already after 2-3 years of marriage, interest in the wife begins to fade. Nature created men so fickle. He begins to literally look for a partner for his friend. Some are stopped by spiritual intimacy with their wife, others are simply lazy. And someone goes “to the left”. Women put a lot of effort into maintaining their spouse's attraction. Sports, cosmetologist, cosmetics, sexy lingerie. But even this can soon become boring. A conspiracy will come to your aid. Sexual attractions - a special section love magic. This method can instill in your spouse a passionate desire for you for a long time. Happy couples meet. They live in perfect harmony for many years. What is their secret? Everyone has their own, and many have a sexual attachment.

Simple home love spell

For this plot you will need to prepare your favorite meat dish husband As much delicious spicy meat as possible. It is he who you will persuade so that your husband only wants you. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach—you don’t need to teach your wife that.

It is important to consider:

Buy good fresh meat at the market. You can't bargain;
During the conspiracy, the woman must be naked;
This ritual is performed on the full moon on Friday.

They talk about raw meat. You need to apply it to your bare chest and say the spell three times:

“Under the gravestone is Domovin, and there is an old devil. I will not fear the devil, I will not bend in bow before him. I will stand straight, glowing with righteous heat. So my husband is not afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Lock".

Prepare the meat according to your choice. This evening, make sure your husband or boyfriend eats as much of this meat as possible. It cannot be left for another time—everything left uneaten will have to be thrown away.

Speak the marriage bed

To prevent your husband from lying in bed with his mistress, you need to talk to your marriage bed. If you have good reason to think that a rival has appeared, quickly do everything necessary. This method works quickly. So that the husband does not want other women and forgets the homewrecker forever, this method is ideal.
Undress, lie on the bed, spread your arms to the sides. Clap your hands on the bed three times, say:

“So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry out, and the hands only reach out to the servant of God (name).”

Now the visit to your mistress is closed for your husband. He can only make love with you. To make everything work out, cast a spell in bed on Wednesday evening for the waxing Moon. Do not wash this linen that you have been lying on for as long as possible. To ensure that your spouse still wants you after many years, repeat the ritual periodically. Practitioners recommend doing this every year.

Drying on underwear

This drying should be done on your husband's underwear. You will need his underpants, which he will wear that day. Panties must be black. You will need a church candle.

To perform the ceremony you need to consider:

Day: Monday, Wednesday or Friday;
Moon phase: Waxing;
Time: Early morning, sunrise.

You can’t do drying if you are currently on your period! While your husband is sleeping, take his underpants and go to the window. IN left hand take the LIT CANDLE. Say three times:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman’s interior. In the middle of that water there stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, but rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it also warm up the waist vein of the Servant of God (name), and lift my white body. Words - turnkey, padlocked."

Cross yourself, kiss the candle and extinguish it. Return the underwear to your husband, make sure he wears exactly these panties. For strong practitioners, the effect occurs very quickly - in the evening. If you are just starting magical practices, then you will have to wait 2-5 days. Your husband will suddenly begin to show very strong sexual desire for you. If he had contacts with other women, then very soon they will stop. He simply cannot be with another woman in bed. Some people begin to have an aversion to their mistress, others have problems with erections.

Your husband will be yours only in life and in bed. It's possible and very simple. Absolutely any woman at any age can make this conspiracy. If the guy starts looking to the left, urgent action needs to be taken. Nobody wants to share the man they love. A simple village plot will help you regain your passion and desire. Sex will be simply amazing. Be sure to try this method and forget about all your rivals.

The love between a man and a woman is incredibly strong. At the same time, an attitude towards your partner develops in which your half becomes much more important than yourself, and the whole world as a whole. It’s not just emotions that change, the very perception of the surrounding reality changes. Through love, people learn a lot of new things, realize life in different colors

Ceremony in a country house or dacha

If you have a summer house or Vacation home, this ritual will be very effective. To conduct it, always take a large needle into nature. Procedure:
Wait until your husband relieves himself under the tree.
As you approach the dark area, draw a needle around it (in a clockwise direction).
Do the second circle in the opposite direction.
Insert the needle into the center of the wet circle.
Read the plot - (any one you want)

A conspiracy to make a husband want his wife every night

If you have been looking for a long time for what to do to make your husband want a wife, this plot will be perfect. But remember: the needle must be inserted with the eye down (after magical actions, the needle is not removed from the ground). Say the spell text three times:

“My beloved girlfriends, let your husband turn to you with a golden ring, and to me (the name is called) with his hard end.”

To make your husband want his wife every day, irrepressibly read a strong magical spell at his bedside. A moment will come when you will no longer experience a lack of outpouring.

We will now begin to act in three directions at once.
If he has a mistress, we will drive him away.
We will strengthen male weakness with a magical spell.
We harmonize relationships with the elements of a white love spell.

IN Orthodox Church buy nine candles. Not seven, as usual, and not thirteen.
Bypassing religious bows and conversations, go back.
When leaving the Church, turn around and silently say these charming lines.
I don’t ask God for anything, I cast a spell on male strength. Amen!
When your spouse is fast asleep, preferably after midnight, first retire to a locked room.

Light the purchased candles.

Start reading the second magical plot.

“I drive away mistresses, quarrelsome people, lonely and wretched people from my husband. So that they didn’t want him, they were crazy about other men. Truly! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

When all the candles are completely extinguished, thoroughly wash away their stubs in the toilet room.

Standing at the head of the bed, whisper the third magical spell. 9 times in a row.

“Oh, husband, ordained by fate, become forever in love in my image. If you stumbled, married out of convenience, let the feeling in your soul begin to play, the craving for me grows. Every day obsessively pester, kiss and caress passionately. You will experience unearthly pleasure, bliss and unexpected calm. You will be enchanted, you will take possession of me again, you will never dare to change me. Whoever caused discord and weakness will go away, weeping bitterly among the graves. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

All three conspiracies are guaranteed to fulfill their program.

Read them for a week in a row.

The result will not come immediately. But you will be surprised by the daily male attention. He will want you despite the love spells and machinations of spiteful critics.

How do sex spells work?

A sex spell awakens passion and sexual attraction towards you in the object of your interest. The ritual affects his attitude, desires associated with you and the sexual activity of the one you like in general.

As mentioned above, even strong conspiracy sex cannot be compared to a love spell. The effect of these conspiracies lies only in the physical side of the relationship; they will not affect feelings and other aspects of a person’s life.

Who needs sex spells? For those who want to have sexual intercourse with a specific person. Thanks to magic, you will be able to have short-term relationships based solely on physical attraction. Such spells also help those who have been married for a long time, if the couple’s sex life has become insipid and desire has dried up. A sex spell will not bring your husband back from your homewrecker and will not help you win your wife away from your lover. But the most common reason Cheating is a lack of sex in a marriage. Therefore, sometimes such conspiracies for a strong marriage can help. In addition, they help get rid of physiological and psychological problems associated with sex.

Conspiracies of this kind work very quickly. Literally a few hours after performing the ritual, its object may experience sexual attraction to you. They do not last long - the maximum period is about a year, and the minimum is a few days or even hours. At the same time, the quality of intimacy, as a rule, turns out to be excellent, regardless of your experience or the experience of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such conspiracies. It does not suppress the will of a person, which distinguishes them from love spells. But this does not free you from the consequences that may occur without conspiracies. If you are going to seduce a person who is not in a relationship, and you yourself are not married, of course there will be none.

These magical techniques also have disadvantages. If a person experiences strong antipathy or hatred towards you, sexual desire on his part may not be achieved. A conspiracy to have sex with a girl can have a much weaker effect than one that would be used against a man. Women are more often bound by moral principles and personal considerations than men. In addition, magic only makes you feel attraction, but does not always free a woman from her reluctance to take the first step towards rapprochement.

You probably expect that they will recommend you a miracle cure, such as perfume with pheromones.

Then, I want to say that you yourself don’t know what you want. If the husband always “wants”, excuse the expression he will *ra*et. And if not, he will run to the left.

In fact, you probably don’t need more than 3, at most 5 times a week.

And for such cases there are some secrets.

You need to get your figure in order.
Rest passively more often. Lie down on the sofa, watch TV, eat well (do not overeat).
Perhaps your husband is having difficulties at work, which means he needs to be provided with unshakable peace at home (imagine that you are a mistress who is trying to win a man by all means).
Suggest experimenting.
Sometimes take the initiative into your own hands.
Talk to him about desires and fantasies.
Give the man a piece of juicy meat.
I think it’s not worth mentioning the beautiful underwear that you put on in order to take it off))) Be neat. Keep your home clean.
Change your bed linen more often (I'm not talking about cleanliness). Get several different sets, for example, one in lush green colors, another in yellow tones, and some other one that is radically different from what you have now.
Try scenting your home sometimes. And not with the help of ordinary sprays or aroma crystals. Try liquid food flavorings or liquid cosmetic fragrances (available at soap stores) a couple of drops on a napkin or on a rug in the hallway or bathroom.

Most fairy tales telling about the romantic relationships of heroes end with the phrase: “They got married and lived happily ever after.” But love does not end with marriage, but, on the contrary, it begins new chapter relationships between a man and a woman, the end of which is not always happy. Long-term cohabitation and everyday life dull feelings and reduce the intensity of passions raging in the first years of acquaintance. How to revive your former passion? How to do this for a husband to want a wife even after many years of marriage? Here are some simple recipes.

1. Distribute household chores among all family members.

What does this have to do with arousing desire in your own husband? Yes, the most direct. Often a woman who works, raises children, cooks, cleans - and does all this on her own - by the evening she looks more like a driven horse with the only desire to sleep.

Wives who have taken on all the responsibilities around the house usually meet their husbands with an exhausted look, in the first robe that comes to hand, with disheveled hair and makeup smeared on his face, or without it at all. What kind of desire on the part of a man can we talk about here? If you entrust some of the household chores to your husband and children, if their age allows, then you have more time for yourself. For a husband to want a wife, the wife must look good and greet him from work in a good mood.

2. Try to change your image.

If you have not changed your chosen hair color for 10 years and always cut your hair the same way, then it’s time to think about changes in your image. Men love variety. So try experimenting with your image. You can change not only your hair color and styling, but even some part of your wardrobe.

For example, do you prefer to Everyday life jeans and simple T-shirts. Buy yourself a few beautiful dresses - and you yourself will be surprised at the effect they will have on your spouse. For a husband to want his wife, he must be constantly surprised.

3. Stop nagging your husband.

If your spouse hears phrases from you more often than words of love: “You’ve scattered your things all over the place again,” “Why do you earn so little?”, “When are you going to take out the trash?”, then it’s unlikely that he will develop feelings for you. Try to remind your loved one more often how good he is to you. Practice shows that it is the praise of positive qualities that encourages a person to do good deeds. But constant criticism, on the contrary, causes a desire to do evil. For a husband to want a wife, the wife must talk about her love, and not about garbage, a small salary, scattered things, and so on.

4. Call or text your husband whenever you feel like it.

Believe me, your spouse will be very pleased to receive a nice SMS from you in the middle of a working day. If you want to ignite passion in his heart, add a few phrases of erotic content to your message. If you know that your husband is free at the moment and can pay attention to you, call him and say a few pleasant phrases. After this, in most cases, the man will simply rush home, and, as soon as he crosses the threshold, he will attack his wife. For a husband to want his wife even at work, minding his own business, he should hint at a pleasant romantic evening.

5. Hug, kiss, talk about love.

According to psychologists, a person, even for a good mood, needs 5 hugs from his beloved or loved one a day. But in order for a husband to want his wife, he needs to be hugged even more often, and kissed, and whispered tender words in his ear. Be sure to praise your man like good lover. It is very important for your spouse to know that he satisfies you like a man.

6. Classics of the genre - lace lingerie and candlelight dinner.

In any women's magazine you will find exactly this advice to seduce a man. But this method really works. Buy yourself new lingerie, of course, it should be as sexy as possible. But before you show it to your husband, prepare a romantic dinner, light the candles, open a bottle of wine. There is so little romance in our everyday life, and a man also wants to break out of the shackles of everyday life and spend a pleasant evening with you, which will end in an equally pleasant night.

7. Aphrodisiacs.

If we are talking about food, then it is worth remembering that there are products that can

significantly increase sexual desire in men. These are, first of all, seafood, nuts, some vegetables and fruits. For a husband to want his wife after a delicious dinner, he should be more careful with alcohol. A small dose of alcohol can liberate, relieve tension and open up hidden reserves. But if you overdo it, sexual desire will fade away, and it will be replaced by drowsiness and weakness.

8. Massage.

What man wouldn’t be pleased after a hard day at work to have his beloved wife give him a massage? Start with relaxing movements. Erotic lingerie, aromatic oils, candles and light finger movements in the erogenous zones of your spouse will help add a sexy note. You can use more than just your hands for a massage; try tickling your loved one with a feather or running a silk scarf over the body.

You can awaken your husband’s desire, even if your marriage has been going on for many years. Show your imagination and you will succeed. But the most important thing is love, which must be demonstrated to your spouse every day.

Every woman dreams of complete mutual understanding in the family. But it often happens that after many years of marriage, a woman understands that her husband’s feelings are cooling and the relationship becomes routine. Therefore, it is quite natural that many women want to resort to magical means and return their husband’s former love.

Magic influences

But you should not rush into this, since a strong conspiracy to attract your husband’s love has an impact on the energy field of your loved one and can lead to unpredictable results. You need to try to surround your spouse with tenderness and attention and try to let him know how dear he is to you. In most cases, if a woman reconsiders her behavior and attitude towards her husband, sincere tender feelings can be restored very quickly.

But if, despite the efforts made, the husband’s love cannot be awakened, then you can use a conspiracy to make the husband love his wife. Before any magical ritual of this kind, you should visit the temple several times, pray for family well-being and light candles for the saints.

To the waxing moon

One of the most effective rituals is considered to be one that involves reading a special conspiracy during the waxing moon.

His words are:

“Just as everyone living looks in the mirror, I want you, my husband (name of spouse), to look at me! Just as soap is washed off quickly and without leaving a trace, I want you, my husband (spouse’s name), to quickly become inflamed with love for me. My shirt is light now, so I wish that your feelings, my husband (name of spouse), for me become bright.”

The ritual involves performing actions in the following sequence:
  • You need to take your husband’s unwashed, light-colored shirt;
  • Set fire to her collar;
  • Read the plot;
  • The shirt should be extinguished as soon as the collar burns;
  • Hide the shirt, but don’t throw it away.

For cold love

When there is a feeling that your husband’s love has cooled, you can awaken it with another conspiracy. Magic words must be pronounced on the first Thursday of any month over any food or drink that will subsequently need to be served to the husband.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“In a dark, dark forest thicket, in a very black mansion, there is a large linden table-throne. There is a branch in that table that dries and dries, but at the same time it is always tightly adjacent to the table-throne. I wish that you are my only and beloved husband (husband’s name) so that your wife will dry up for me ( given name) Yes, tightly, very tightly, eternally and forever adjacent to my body. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

A spell for your husband’s love should only be used if you are sure that your own feelings have not cooled down. Otherwise, it is better to try to talk openly with your spouse and either start building a joint relationship again, or let each other go. After all living together without mutual love it can soon turn into hell.