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Game genres: classification, the most complete list. Classification of computer games Computer games genres

Computer and video games can be classified according to two criteria: genre and number of players.

Classification of games by genre

A clear classification is difficult due to the fact that it is sometimes difficult to attribute a game to any specific genre. The game can be either a mixture of existing genres or not belong to any of them. Despite this, during the development of computer games the following classification emerged:

b 3D Shooter (3D shooters, “adventure games”)

The name comes from the concept of 3D - 3 dimensions (three dimensions) and shooter (English “shooter”). The basic principle is to depict virtual space and objects through a game program executed on a computer. In this case, the player can influence the virtual gaming environment. Used to refer to all types of computer games containing combat elements in virtual three-dimensional space. Basically, the “first-person shooter” technique is used - in this case, the image on the computer monitor screen imitates the view from the player’s eyes. From the point of view of the organization of the game, Singleplayer and Multiplayer differ - playing alone against the computer and playing with other players.

Examples: Doom, Quake, Counter-strike, Half-life, Unreal, Tomb Raider.

b Arcade

Games in which the player has to act quickly, relying primarily on his reflexes and reactions. Arcades are characterized by a developed bonus system: scoring points, gradually unlocking game elements, etc. The term “arcade” in relation to computer games originated in the days of slot machines that were installed in shopping arcades. The games on them were easy to learn (to attract more players). Subsequently, these games migrated to game consoles and are still the main genre on them.

b Arcade Racing

Arcade racing is characterized by easy, remote-from-reality controls.

Examples: Trackmania series, Go for ride.

b Classic Arcade

The essence of classic arcade games is quite difficult to explain. Usually the main goal is to complete the level in the shortest period of time or collect all the bonuses in the level. This also includes a variety of arkanoids and pinballs.

Examples: Pacman, Digger, Battle City.

b Fighting

In brawls, two characters fight in an arena using a variety of punches, throws, and combinations. Characterized by a large number of characters (fighters) and strikes (sometimes more than a hundred for each character). The genre is not very popular on PC due to its focus on cooperative play, and it is quite problematic to play with two people at the same time on a keyboard. However, it is well developed on game consoles. Some games in this genre even hold world championships.

Examples: Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, Tekken.

b Platformer

The concept of platformers came from game consoles. This is where this genre is most popular. The main task of the player is to overcome obstacles (pits, spikes, enemies, etc.) by jumping. Often you have to jump on “sticks” (so-called platforms) placed abstractly in the air, hence the name of the genre.

Examples: Mario, Aladdin.


In scrollers, the screen continuously moves in one direction, and the player is asked to destroy the appearing enemies and collect the bonuses that appear. Based on the direction of movement, vertical and horizontal scrollers are distinguished. The genre was very popular in the mid-90s, but now scrollers are practically not produced.

Examples: Jets"n"Guns, AirStrike, DemonStar, KaiJin.

b Virtual Shooting

It first originated in slot machines and later moved to many gaming platforms, including PC. The gameplay consists of shooting unexpectedly appearing enemies, but unlike action games, we cannot control the player’s movement or the camera; throughout the game we are driving along “rails”. In this regard, sometimes they make video shooting galleries, i.e. The entire game is filmed on a video camera, with different versions of video clips inserted in certain places. Examples: Mad Dog McGee, House of the Dead series.

b Simulation

Simulation game. Using a computer, the control of any complex technical system (for example: a combat fighter, a car, etc.) is simulated as completely as possible.

Examples: Need for Speed ​​series, Descent III, Aviator

b Economic simulations

Economic simulations present various economic processes and interactions of various quantities.

Examples: Sims, Civilization.

b Strategy

A game that requires the development of a strategy, for example, to win a military operation.

The player controls not just one character, but an entire department, enterprise, or even a universe. There are:

· turn-based or turn-based strategy games (Turn-Based Strategy, TBS). Players take turns making moves, and each player is given unlimited or limited (depending on the type and complexity of the game) time for his move.

· strategy games in real time (Real Time Strategy, RTS). All players perform their actions simultaneously, and the passage of time is not interrupted.

Examples: WarCraft, StarCraft, Dune.

b Sport (sports)

As the name suggests - an imitation of some sports game, for example football.

Examples: FIFA, NBA, Tennis

b Adventure (adventure), or Quest

A narrative game in which a player-controlled hero progresses through the story and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters, and solving logic problems.

Examples: Space Quest; Myst, Mor. Utopia

b Role-Playing Games (RPG)

The correct name for this genre is Computer RPG (CRPG), as these games are traditional role-playing games adapted for the computer.

b Puzzle (puzzles, logical)

In a non-computer puzzle, the role of an arbiter enforcing compliance with the rules is played either by the player himself (solitaire) or by some mechanical device (Rubik's cube). With the advent of computers, the possibilities of puzzles have expanded, since writing a computer program is easier than designing a mechanical device. Puzzles, as a rule, do not require a reaction from the player (however, many keep track of the time spent solving them).

Examples: Minesweeper; Sokoban.

b Traditional (traditional) and board (desktop)

Computer implementation of board games, such as chess.

Examples: CGoban

b Text

A new trend in gaming culture. Most often, the genre is a text quest, the number of participants in which is not limited. Sometimes such a game can last for years.

Classification of games by number of players

b Single player

Designed for playing alone, against the computer.

b Multiplayer

Designed for play by several people (usually up to 32) local network, modem or Internet.

b Multi-user on one computer (hot seat and splitscreen)

They are rare on modern personal computers, but are often found on older PCs and consoles. Hot seat is a game of taking turns on one computer. In splitscreen mode, the screen is divided into two parts, each player plays on his part.

b Multi-user via email (PBEM)

Mainly found in turn-based strategies. The results of the move are recorded in a special file and sent to another player via email.

b Massive (MMO, Massively Multiplayer Onine)

Mass games on the Internet. The most common genres are board and role-playing games (so-called MMORPG, or Massively Multiplayer Online RPG). Among them, there are also browser games (games that do not require installation of any client), as well as online text games - the MUD genre.

Computer games are mainly classified by genre, as well as by the number of players.

Due to the fact that the criteria for a game to belong to a particular genre are not clearly defined, the classification of computer games is not sufficiently systematized and data on the genre of a particular project may vary in different sources. However, there is a consensus that game developers have reached and whether a game belongs to one of the main genres can almost always be determined unambiguously. These most popular genres combine many subgenres.

There are games with elements of several genres that can belong to each of them (for example, the Grand Theft Auto series, Space Rangers, Rome: Total War and many others). Such projects are classified either as one of the genres that is the main one in the game, or at once among all those present in the game, if they equally make up the gameplay of the project.

Shooters - in games of this type, the player, usually acting alone, must destroy enemies using bladed weapons and firearms to achieve certain goals at a given level. Usually, after achieving specified goals, the player moves to the next level. Examples of this genre are: Doom, Half-life.

First-person shooters and third-person shooters - in first-person shooters, the player seems to see the character. For example, Quake and Unreal Tournament. In third-person shooters, the player sees the character from the outside from a fixed or arbitrary point of view. A number of games implement the ability to switch - first/third person and fixed/free camera. Examples include Tomb Raider and Max Payne.

Bloody shooters - the essence of such games is to destroy hordes of enemies approaching the player in an avalanche. In this case, the player must have room to maneuver. Examples: Serious Sam, Painkiller.

Tactical shooters are a subgenre of 3D shooters. A tactical shooter can be played from either a first or third person perspective. Some shooters combine first- and third-person perspectives, allowing the player to switch between them. The main feature that distinguishes tactical shooters from others is a more realistic simulation of combat conditions.

A typical plot of a tactical shooter is the fight between police and organized crime, and special forces against terrorists. The fundamental difference from classic shooters is that the character is not alone, but acts as part of a team. A tactical shooter usually recreates the activities of squads - interaction between fighters, maneuvering and choosing the direction of attack, selection of a team and its weapons. In single-player mode, these capabilities are implemented by bots; in network mode, through the interaction of live players. Examples: Battlefield, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Star Wars: BattleFront, Delta Force, Star Wars: Republic Commando.

Fighting is a genre of computer games that simulate hand-to-hand combat of a small number of characters within a limited space called an arena. Fighting games are similar to beat 'em up games, but there are differences between them. As an example, we can name such games as: Mortal Combat, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive.

Beat 'em Up is a type of fighting game that stands out as a separate genre, in which the action takes place outside the arena, and the player often fights with many opponents at the same time. Examples: Oni, Enter the Matrix, Path of Neo.

Slasher or Chopper is a special type of fighting game, very similar to beat 'em up, but specializing in melee weapons. Examples of this genre: Blade of darkness, Enclave.

Arcades are games in which the player has to act quickly, relying primarily on his reflexes and reactions. Arcades are characterized by a developed system of bonuses: scoring, gradually unlocking game elements, etc.

The term “arcade” in relation to computer games originated in the days of slot machines that were installed in shopping arcades. The games on them were easy to learn (to attract more players).

Subsequently, these games migrated to game consoles and are still the main genre on them. Examples: Pacman, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Burgertime.

Stealth action games in which the idea is not to fight with most of the opponents encountered, but to avoid possible contact with them in every possible way, while simultaneously completing assigned tasks. Stealth elements (for example, the ability to peek around a corner while leaning against a wall) are often found in games of various genres. Examples: Assassin's Creed, Thief, Metal Gear Solid, Tom Clancy's Splinter, Cell, Hitman, Manhunt.

Technical simulations - with the help of a computer, the physical behavior and control of any complex technical system (for example, a combat fighter, a car, etc.) is simulated as completely as possible. If arcade games seek to entertain the player through various impossible phenomena, stunts and plot thrills, then main criterion quality of simulators - completeness and realism of modeling its object (car, aircraft, etc.). Examples of such game programs are: Live for Speed, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane.

Arcade simulations are a simplified version of technical simulators, often with alternative physics. The fundamental difference from arcades is the presence of a simplified, but still physical model. Most often, simulators of star fighters and cars are made with similar physics. Examples: X-Wing, TIE-Fighter, Wing Commander, Need for Speed.

Sports simulators - as the name suggests - are simulations of any sports game; the most widespread are simulations of football, hockey, basketball, tennis and golf. Examples: Championship Manager, Arch Rivals, Madden NFL.

A strategy game is a game that requires the development of a strategy, for example, to win a military operation. The player controls not just one character, but an entire department, enterprise, or even a universe. There are turn-based or turn-based strategy games (Turn-Based Strategy, TBS), where players take turns making moves, and each player is given unlimited or limited (depending on the type and complexity of the game) time for his turn, and real-time strategy games (Real Time Strategy (RTS), in which all players perform their actions simultaneously, and the passage of time is not interrupted.

Real-time strategies - in these strategies, players perform their actions simultaneously. They appeared somewhat later than turn-based ones; the first game of this genre to become famous was Dune II (1992). Such games are: Warcraftr, StarCraftr, Command and Conquerr.

Turn-based strategy games are games in which players take turns taking turns. Dividing the gameplay into turns disconnects it from real life and deprives the game of dynamism, as a result of which these games are not as popular as real-time strategy games. Examples: Sid Meier's Civilizationr, the Heroes of Might and Magicr, Advance Wars.

Wargames are strategies in which there is no economy. These are usually turn-based games in which the player controls a squad or army during battle. Examples: Master of Orionr, Galactic Civilizations.

Global strategies are the most complex strategies in which the player controls the state. In his hands are not only war and the economy, but also scientific progress, the development of new lands and complex diplomacy. Most global strategies are turn-based. In some of them, along with the global map, there are local ones where tactical battles take place. Examples of such games are: Civilization.

Adventure, adventure or quest - a narrative game in which a player-controlled hero advances through the story and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters and solving logical problems. As an example: Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Syberia.

Text quests - initially, due to the low prevalence of graphic display devices and lack of resources (memory and processor power), all quests were text. Later this genre was called a text quest. The difference from graphic quests is that the player interacts with the game world via the command line and information about the world is displayed in the form of texts and drawings from printed characters. Text quests do not necessarily lack a graphical component - this is clearly expressed in the later text quests of the Superhero league of Hoboken. Also, Colossal Cave Adventure, Wampus Hunt, Zork were text-based.

Puzzles - in addition to collecting objects and using them, these games solve various puzzles, interned to one degree or another in the plot, and the main emphasis is on solving puzzles. Usually it may be necessary to assemble various, often absurd, both in appearance and functionality, mechanisms. The most popular representatives of the genre are Myst, Neverhood.

The most popular quest genre today is action adventure. Mainly based on the player's reactions and reflexes, but there are also elements of classic quests - objects and interaction with the environment. Well-known representatives are the games of the Legend of Zelda and Resident Evil series.

Role-playing games - the main character (heroes) and other characters and enemies (usually to a lesser extent) have a number of parameters (skills, characteristics, skills) that determine their strength and abilities. Typically, the main characteristic of characters and enemies is level, which determines the overall strength of the character and determines the available skills and items of equipment. All these parameters must be improved by killing other characters and enemies, completing tasks and using these same skills.

There is a well-developed and extensive world, a strong storyline, branched dialogues with different answer options, and many different characters with their own goals and personalities. A large number of different items: equipment, potions, artifacts, etc. Examples: Deus Ex, Hexen 2.

Fighting is a genre of computer games that simulate hand-to-hand combat of a small number of characters within a limited space called an arena.

Puzzles, logic puzzles, puzzles - in a non-computer puzzle, the role of an arbiter monitoring compliance with the rules is played either by the player himself (solitaire) or by some mechanical device (Rubik's cube). With the advent of computers, the possibilities of puzzles have expanded, since writing a computer program is easier than designing a mechanical device.

Puzzles, as a rule, do not require a reaction from the player (however, many keep track of the time spent solving them). Examples: Minesweeper, Sokoban.

Traditional - implementation of board games such as chess, cards, checkers, monopoly.

Text-based - implementation of games such as associations, question-answer, question-question.

Games in pseudographics are a type of text games in which there is a graphic picture in the form of a mosaic, built from ASCII characters.

There is also a classification based on the number of players:

  • · single;
  • · multi-user;
  • · multi-user on one computer;
  • · multiplayer offline games;
  • · multi-user online.

SLG Remix is ​​an adventure game developed by 1812 Productions (PC Port) for the PC platform. The style of the game, unfortunately, is not defined, but the following features can be highlighted: violence, meat, casual game, indie, trading cards. You will have access to such game modes as “single player”.

SLG Remix is ​​distributed worldwide on a one-time purchase basis by publisher 1812 Productions. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 06/01/2016. You cannot download SLG Remix for free, including via torrent, since the game is distributed according to a one-time purchase model.

MMO13 has not yet rated SLG Remix. The game is distributed on the Steam store, whose users have not yet left reviews.

The official description of the game reads:

“SLG Remix is ​​an alternate kinetic version of the brand new 16-bit horror visual novel/adventure Mega Drive game Sacred Line Genesis. A surreal, twisted kinetic novel tribute to obscure visual novel / adventure games of 90s.”

- a fun and exciting activity. Moreover, now the gaming industry is making huge leaps closer to cinema, and games are becoming more and more exciting and realistic. Some people who call themselves gamers (from the English game - game) are able to sit for hours, trying to correctly lay the bricks in Tetris, spend days exploring different fairy-tale spaces, wander through castles full of ghosts for weeks, build cities on unknown planets for months, for years fire from all types of weapons...

There are games that are played by entire teams - on a local network or on some server on the Internet. Members of a fanatical group may be from the same institute or bank, or from different countries of the world, which, however, does not prevent them from playing Quake or Counter Strike together and fully communicating in their own way.

Each computer game, like a film, has its own genre. It is impossible to replay every game in the world, so I will only talk about the main types of computer games.

1. Games type "hit and run" or "shoot everything that moves"- favorite games of younger schoolchildren and some adults. There are many variations - from the simplest and most unpretentious, like Aladdin or Shrek, to the most sophisticated, with three-dimensional 3D graphics, high detail and realism. There are games with simple shooting (pistol, machine gun), and there are with fantastic (blasters, plasma rifles), there are with martial arts (fights, such as Mortal Combat), etc. In all these games, reaction speed is important; you have to constantly hit not only enemies, but also the keyboard, which sometimes ends badly for them (the keys). It is better to use a joystick or even a game console instead of a computer.

Regular games of this type are called arcades, and three-dimensional games are called 3D-Action. Instead of the frivolous word shooter, gamers use the word shooter, which is incomprehensible to the uninitiated, and therefore cooler. However, it means exactly the same thing - a shooter. Shooting games are divided according to one more principle: who is in them? main character. If you are the hero and you see the game world through the eyes of your character, then this is called FPS (first person shooter). In front of you all the time are the hands of this character, squeezing a machine gun, and you contemplate enemies and monsters through the sight slot. That’s why their faces are so brutal! Third person games are called TPS (third person shooter). Here the main character is shown to you from the outside. The most famous and beloved shooting games in the world are Doom, Half-Life, Call of Duty, etc.

2. Games – simulators (simulators): various kinds of racing, war and space games. Usually in them the player seems to be sitting in the cockpit of an airplane or car with screens, levers and buttons. Of course, driving in such cars and flying in such planes is easier than in real ones. But you can feel the taste.

Most of all there are car racing games (The Need For Speed, Test Drive); there are also airplane simulators (Microsoft Flight Simulator, Red Jets); there are even spaceships and robots (Mechwarrior, Wing Commander). In simulators, quick reactions are also important, since driving and flying take place at high speed, and combat is generally a matter for the nimble. But don’t confuse arcade racing and flights with simulators, since simulators are more difficult to play, and the gameplay is more realistic (the physics in such simulators is as close to reality as possible, so if you’re a little gape, the car will skid and so on).

3. Sports simulators(NBA, FIFA, NHL) – simulation of sports competitions in football, basketball, golf, etc. True, programmers have not yet been very successful in controlling such a complex object as a person playing football. And using a mouse for this is not very convenient. Therefore, it is easier to play such games with a joystick.

4. B strategic games (strategies) you build cities, countries and even entire planets, managing their development, building houses and roads, conducting electricity, taxing residents, concluding alliances and declaring wars. The essence of the gameplay is the extraction of certain important resources - energy, territories, water, money, wood, food, gold, etc. In such games, you yourself do not participate in the activities of the territories or planets under your control. Others are working, and you are their leader and think tank - king, president, general, supreme magician. From the point of view of the rules for making moves, strategies are divided into step-by-step (TBS - turn based strategy), where moves are made strictly in turn, as in chess, and real-time strategies (RTS - real time strategy), where each player makes a move when considers it necessary.

The most famous strategies: Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Command & Conquer. However, there is also a type of strategy in which you yourself run and shoot a little. That is, it is partly a shooter, partly a strategy game. gamers call it FPS (first person strategy). For example, it could be a simulator of combat robots, in which you are not only the commander-in-chief, but also a fighter. The most famous games of this type are Urban Assault, Battlezone.

5. If in such a fantasy world you are not the supreme ruler or even a general, but an ordinary participant - a warrior, a magician, a space trader, then this is already called role playing game.

And if, besides you and the computer, another thousand (or one hundred thousand) people play the same game on some Internet server, then such games are already called multiplayer role-playing games: MUG or MMORPG. In a role-playing game, it is very important not only what kind of character you play (what abilities he has, whether he is strong or, conversely, smart, a warrior or a sorcerer), but also what weapons and armor you choose for him. Each type of weapon and armor has its own tactical and technical data, its own destructive power, degree of protection and durability. As the game progresses, your character gains points. Upon reaching a certain magical number of points, he acquires the next degree of power and skill: he becomes stronger, faster, and can carry more things and accessories. Some of the most famous and popular RPGs are Diablo, Fallout, Lineage, etc.

6. There is another type of role-playing game where you play not as one character, but as a small team, which you compose yourself. The interaction and mutual assistance of team members is of great importance here. Their individual qualities must complement those of others so that the team can defeat enemies in a wide variety of situations. The main thing in such games is tactics. Among the games of this type are Final Fantasy, Disciples, Fallout Tactics, etc. In general, strategy and RPG games are quite complex. They are played by people who like to work not so much with their hands as with their heads. There are few younger schoolchildren among them, but there are plenty of students and quite adults.

7. Adventure Games- usually these are clever, beautiful games - fairy tales, horror stories, adventures, and fantasy. These games have one thing in common: you often do not know the goal of the game and the means by which it should be achieved. You wander through a world full of strange or quite ordinary objects, whose purpose is unknown to you, and try to understand what's what. For this they are called adventure games, as well as quests (quest - search).

Here everything is done without haste, you are given time to think, walk around again and figure out everything. You don’t need to shoot at anyone (as a rule), you don’t need to kick anyone (almost never). They tell you something at the beginning of the game, or they may not say anything. You click on objects and they begin to explain something to you about themselves; conduct dialogues with strangers and companions of your wanderings, trying to catch the hidden clue contained in their words; go through some doors, take possession of some objects that you don’t know when and for what purpose will be useful... Quests are loved by adults, calm people who don’t like haste and fuss. They say that girls also like these types of games more. The most famous quests are Alone in the Dark, King's Quest, etc.

8. Board and logic games and puzzles preferred by those for whom gaming is not the main activity in life, occasionally interspersed with study, work, marriage and thoughtfully drinking another can of Pepsi, but just a short and easy rest in the office - a way to spend a few minutes until the boss returns and makes you type again your idiotic letters. Games of this type: various solitaire games, checkers, chess, poker and others.

I have listed all the main genres of games, but nothing prevents developers from combining elements from different types(strategy with RPG elements, etc.). It is worth noting that most of the games are of Western origin. In Russia, game creation is developing slowly and clumsily (many people say that they don’t have enough money to create a game; in my opinion, they don’t have enough brains!). The lack of desire and high competition of Western games discourages any interest in creating games in Russia. Another thing is in Ukraine - this is where such masterpieces as STALKER, Collapse, etc. are created. However, do not think that there are no creative and purposeful people in Russia... Here are a few games (popular and truly interesting) from Russian developers: Space Rangers, Truckers, Blitzkrieg, Corsairs, It's Hard to Be a God and others.

You'll never be able to beat all the games, but finding a game that's right for you shouldn't be difficult. Sites such as or will help you find a suitable game. But please don't get too carried away! No matter how interesting and exciting a computer game is, real life will always give you 100 points ahead. These points are much more valuable than game points! :)

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These include shooters, fighting games, arcades.

In 3D shooters, the player most often acts alone. He wanders around locations, collecting bladed weapons, firearms and energy weapons, hitting opponents that appear in his path. Usually, in order to pass a level, you need to complete a number of assigned tasks. The character's enemies can be monsters, aliens, mutants (as in Doom, Half-Life, Duke Nukem 3D) or bandits (Max Payne).

Depending on the legend of the game, the player’s arsenal can include: modern views flamethrowers, rifles, pistols, and all kinds of futuristic blasters. Weapons can be knives, baseball bats, sabers, daggers, crossbows, shotguns, machine guns, Molotov cocktails. It is not uncommon for firearms to have optical sights. In 3D shooter games, the player can fight the enemy hand-to-hand by kicking and .

3D shooters can be from the first person (the player sees the location through the “eyes” of the character) and from the third person (the player sees the character from any side, for example, from the back, or can move the “camera” away and see the character as a whole. In a number of games you can switch to first or third person with hotkeys. Shooters are also divided into bloody (you need to destroy a large number of virtual enemies that are approaching the character in groups) and tactical (the character acts as part of a group of heroes). Examples of bloody shooters are Will Rock, Left 4 Dead , examples of tactical ones are Counter-Strike, Arma, Batllefield.

The fighting game genre involves a series of fights between two or more opponents. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Guilty Gear X are popular in this genre.

In games made in the arcade genre, you have to think quickly and act quickly. The gameplay is quite simple, but the difficulty is in obtaining all kinds of bonuses, without which it is impossible to gain access to some elements of the game.

Simulators (managers)

Simulation-type games allow the player to control one or another process, the basis of which is taken from real life. Technical simulators allow you to take control of a car or combat aircraft, solving various problems. Examples of technical simulators are F1 2011, IL-2 Sturmovik, War Thunder, Railworks, Ship Simulator. In arcade simulators, physics is usually simplified, but is still present (unlike arcade games themselves). Examples of games: Need for Speed, Wing Commander, X-Wing. In sports simulators, any game is simulated as completely as possible. The most popular are simulators of football, bowling, billiards, and golf. Sports managers are placed in a separate category, where the player is asked to manage an athlete or a team, with the main goal not to win this or that match, but to build competent management of the infrastructure.

Economic simulators (they often contain elements of strategy) include games about entrepreneurship. The player must manage the enterprise, making a profit from it. Popular games in this genre: Virtonomics, Monopoly, Capitalism. Economic simulators also include a game system for managing a city (SimCity), a state on an island (Tropico), and a farm (SimFarm).


Strategies are games that require the development of a specific algorithm of actions to achieve a particular goal. The player controls the world, enterprise or any department. According to the gameplay scheme, such games are divided into:

Real-time strategies, where players make moves simultaneously, collect resources, strengthen their bases, hire soldiers: Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires;
- turn-based strategies where you need to take turns making moves: Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic, Disclipes;
- card strategies, which are computer versions of popular card games: Spectromancer, Magic the Garthering.

Based on the scale of gameplay, strategies are divided into:

Wargames where the player is asked to create an army and defeat the enemy: Panzer General, Steel Panthers, MechCommander;
- global strategies in which the player is given the opportunity to manage the economy and foreign policy states, as well as develop scientific progress, diplomacy, explore new lands: Master of Orion, Hearts of Iron, Empire: Total War and others;
- God simulators allow the player to control the development of a small town, turning it into a metropolis, paying attention not only to the construction of buildings, but also to maintaining the optimal state of society: Spore, Black&White, From Dust.


During the adventure game, the player interacts with other characters and solves logic problems. Such games are divided into:

Text adventure games (text quests), where the player had to give instructions through the command line: “Wampus Hunt”, Zork and others;
- graphic adventure games (graphic quests), where a graphical interface appeared and the ability to control the game using a computer mouse: “Larry in a Leisure Suit”, Syberia, Space Quest;
- action adventure game in which the player’s success depends on the speed of his reaction: Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil;
- visual novels involve displaying text blocks and static pictures on the screen, and the player is asked to choose one or another answer depending on the proposed situation.

Music games

In such games, the gameplay is based on music. A subtype of music games are rhythm games, where the player has to correctly press buttons shown on the screen that appear in time with the music.

Role-playing games

IN role playing games The personal characteristics of the character (health, proficiency in a profession, magic) and equipment play an important role. Characteristics can be increased by destroying other characters or mobs. As a rule, in role-playing games there is enough large-scale world, the plot is carefully thought out. Examples of such games are Mass Effect, Diablo, Fallout, and Technomagic.

Logic games

In logic games, the player's reaction does not affect the course of the game in any way. It is important to correctly solve this or that task within the allotted time. Very popular logic games (puzzles) such as Minesweeper, Sokoban, Portal.

Board games

This type is a computer adaptation of traditional board games: Monopoly, checkers, cards, chess.

Text games

Text games require virtually no computer resources. Their story began a long time ago, but such games still find fans. The player is asked to choose one of the proposed action options. A type of text games are games in pseudographics, that is, a mosaic built from a set of characters.