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Men love to read bitch args. How to find the man of your dreams: the best advice from books. I want to be a bitch

I want to be a bitch! A guide for real women

Sherry Argov has developed 100 unique principles of female irresistibility that will help you stand firmly on your feet, believe in your absolute exclusivity and one hundred percent attractiveness, remove all the questions that have been troubling you and build your relationship with a “new” or “old” man in a completely different way, according to own rules!

Sherry Argov

I want to be a bitch!

A guide for real women

I dedicate this book to my parents


My book is a personal relationship guide for women who are “too nice.” Don't take the word "bitch" in the title too seriously. After reading my book, you will understand that you need to treat everything with humor, including the title.

This book is about something that many women think about but never talk about. Every woman is afraid of appearing too demanding or too dependent to a man. Every woman had a man in her life who persistently pursued her, but as soon as she gave in, he immediately lost interest in her. Every woman knows what it's like when all your virtues are taken for granted. These problems are familiar to any woman, married or single.

So why do men love bitches? You must understand the serious difference between the meaning of this word in everyday speech and what I mean by it. Of course, I don't advise women to become evil monsters. The bitches I'm talking about are not Joan Collins heroines or the classic office bitches who hate all their co-workers.

The women I describe are kind but strong. They have power, even if it is small. They do not give their lives into the wrong hands, they do not hunt for a man. They do not allow a man to think that he owns them one hundred percent. And they are always ready to stand up for themselves when a man crosses the line of what is permitted.

Each such woman knows what she wants, but does not compromise to get it. And for all that, she remains feminine, like a “steel magnolia” - a flower on the outside, steel on the inside. She uses femininity to her own advantage. She doesn't deceive men and plays fair. She has one quality that “good girls” lack: a sober mind. She does not indulge in romantic fantasies. A clear mind allows her to use her power if it becomes necessary.

In addition, it has the ability to withstand pressure. If " good girl“Gives, gives and gives until her reserves of strength are completely exhausted, a woman with a sober mind knows perfectly well when to pull the blanket over herself.

I spoke to hundreds of men while writing this book, and 90 percent of them laughed and agreed with the title of my book at first glance. Some men perceived this name as the main male secret, which for some reason became available to a woman. “Men need a mental challenge,” they said. And we returned to the same topic again and again.

The men I interviewed spoke differently, but the meaning of their words did not change. “Men like it when a woman retains some bitchiness and mystery,” they said. And two points became clear to me. First, men constantly used the term “mental challenge” to describe a woman who, to them, seemed to need nothing. And secondly, in their vocabulary the word “bitch” served as an analogue of “mental challenge.” And it was this characteristic that men found most attractive.

As soon as I mentioned “mental challenge” in a conversation with men, they immediately understood what quality I meant. On the other hand, when I talked to hundreds of women, almost none of them understood the meaning of this phrase. Women believed that it was about character, not demanding and dependent. And these interviews convinced me even more of the need to write this book. If something is so obvious to men, then it should not remain a secret to women.

This book is about what men don't do. They don’t say: “Listen, stop being a doormat!”, “Don’t always agree with me!”, “Don’t consider me the center of your world!” This book is necessary because here you will learn about things that men never tell their partners.

I wanted you to understand one basic point: success in love does not depend on appearance, it depends entirely on character. Facilities mass media trying to convince us otherwise. Teenage girls buy magazines and read: “Attract the attention of boys” with clothes or cosmetics. “This nail polish or lipstick will be noticed by all the men around,” the magazine convinces. And what does the girl learn? Because she must win everyone's approval.

How do magazines deal with growing up, not to mention aging?! A teenage girl becomes a twenty-year-old woman, and magazines expose her to all the horrors of aging. The meaning of all articles and advertisements is the same: “Two wrinkles and a stretch mark on the hips - and you’re already thrown out of the market. At best, they’ll buy you at a discount.” What does a woman learn? How to overcome someone's disapproval.

What is my book written about? About how you need a little irreverence to raise your self-esteem to normal levels. I'm not talking about being disrespectful to people, just what they think. Bitch is Strong woman, which derives its strength from the ability to think independently. But modern society tries with all his might to teach a woman to forget about her own interests and live someone else’s life. The bitch doesn’t want to live by other people’s standards, she has her own.

A bitch always plays by her own rules, she is confident, free and strong. And I hope that after reading my book, many women will discover these wonderful qualities in themselves.

A woman who has successful relationships with men will awaken in herself other qualities that I talk about in this book: a sense of humor and a magical aura that tells everyone around: “I am driving this train. I’ll tell you where we’re going and when to go.” Such a woman knows what needs to be done for her own interests, and she does not need anything or anyone. She is here because it is her own choice.

The bitches that men love so much have all these qualities. They live on the edge. It is this facet that men find so irresistible. The main thing is that such women do not need to look for such qualities somewhere outside. They are always present in their own nature.

NOTE: Descriptions of actual life situations given in my book, names and surnames have been changed at the request of the participants

Do you want to interest him and keep him? Stop pleasing, become a bitch!
The Eksmo publishing house is publishing a book by a New York expert on family relationships, the author of several world bestsellers and 50 American magazines, Sherry Argov. Having studied the relationships of many couples and talked with hundreds of men, Sherry examines typical situations in relationships and shows how a woman’s reaction affects them further development.
The author believes that women should understand how much men value the excitement of hunting and competition. Competition is the most important thing for them. Men love racing cars, enjoy sports and hunting. They enjoy fixing things, figuring things out, and pursuing things. The game of cat and mouse that drives women crazy only excites men. This is the main difference between the sexes. For a woman, the main task is to maintain strong and preferably legalized relationships. This is the destination. For a man, the main part of family relationships is the path to the destination.
Sherry Argov has developed 100 principles that allow a woman to constantly maintain a man's interest. Telesem selected the main ones.

20 Secrets that will keep him in good shape

1 The women for whom men climb walls are not necessarily special. Often they simply don’t care about these men.
2 If you start showing your dependence, it turns a man off. But if there is something he can't get, a man goes crazy until he gets it.
3 A man always treats you exactly the same way you treat yourself.
4 Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then a man will think the same about you.
5 The bitch demonstrates that she is not afraid to be left without a man.
6 When a woman does not give in to advances right away, when she is unavailable, a man wants to conquer her.
7 If you tell a man that you won't rush into a relationship, he will make every effort to get you to change your mind.
8 If you start to overprotect a man, he will look for escape routes to protect his freedom.
9 When a woman demands too much from a man, he avoids commitment. Let him give you what he is willing to give without coercion. And look what he is.
10 A bitch always leaves enough space for a man so that he is not afraid of ending up in a cage. And then... he goes out of his way to lure her into the cage.
11 Always let a man understand that he is free and free in his actions. Then he will relax and lower his defenses.
12 He needs to know that you are with him by choice, and not because of need.
13 As soon as a woman begins to compete with another woman, she puts herself down.
14 Let a man think he has everything under control. He will automatically start doing what you want because he wants to be a king for you.
15 Sometimes a man doesn’t call deliberately to see your reaction.
16 The bitch always bets self-respect above everything else.
17 Set conditions and don’t lose yourself! Then you will let the man know who you are: a doormat or the girl of his dreams.
18 Before sex, a man cannot think soberly, but a woman remains clear-headed.
19 Every man wants sex and does not think about starting a relationship. Take your time! By not giving what you want, you become his girlfriend, and he won’t even have time to realize it.
20 If a man has to wait until a woman agrees to go to bed with him, he will perceive her as a real beauty and will appreciate her.

By the way!

93% of men admitted that they begin to appreciate a woman more when she:
rarely calls herself and doesn’t always pick up
refuses a date if it is scheduled at the last minute
doesn't lose his head after sex
has her own hobbies and does not neglect them for the sake of a man
controls emotions without showing your affection for him
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Photo Russian Look/Age fotostock

1. Everything that a person hunts for in his life inevitably escapes.

2. The women for whom men climb walls are not necessarily anything special. Very often they simply don’t care about these men.

3. A man perceives a woman as a mental challenge only if he is not sure that she belongs to him one hundred percent.

4. Sometimes a man does not call deliberately to see your reaction.

5. If you start showing your addiction, it turns a man off. But if there is something he can't get, a man will go crazy until he gets it.

6. A man always treats you exactly the same way you treat yourself.

7. Consider yourself a gift from fate, and then a man will believe it.

8. The most important difference between a good woman and a bitch is fear. The bitch demonstrates in every possible way that she is not afraid to be left without a man.

9. If there is a choice between dignity and maintaining a relationship, a bitch will always put her own dignity above everything else.

10. When a woman does not give in to courtship right away, when she is inaccessible and rebellious, a man wants to conquer her even more.

11. The inability to achieve something close gives rise to a desire that must be satisfied.

12. A man has a great sense of which woman he can turn to with requests at the last minute.

13. Your conditions indicate whether you have the choice and ability to maintain your own identity. You immediately make it clear who you really are: a doormat or the girl of his dreams.

14. If you start to overprotect a man, he becomes defensive and looks for escape routes to protect his freedom.

15. When a woman demands too much from a man, he avoids commitment with all his might. Let him give you what he is willing to give freely and without coercion. And then see what it really is.

16. A bitch always leaves enough space for a man so that he is not afraid of ending up in a cage. And then... he goes out of his way to lure her into the cage.

17. If you tell a man that you are absolutely not going to rush into a relationship headfirst, he will make every effort to get you to change your mind.

18. Always let a man understand that he is free and free in his actions. And then he will relax and remove his defenses.

19. Most of all, a man pays attention to whether a woman is too emotionally dependent on him.

20. He should feel that you are with him by choice, and not out of necessity. Only then will he perceive you as an equal partner.

21. If a man has to wait until a woman agrees to go to bed with him, he will not only perceive her as a real beauty, but will also have time to appreciate her.

22. Sex and “spark” are not the same thing.

23. Before sex, a man is unable to think soberly, but a woman remains clear-headed. After sex everything becomes the other way around. The man gains a clear mind, and the woman loses her head.

25. A man intuitively senses when sexuality is based on self-confidence and when on dependence. He knows when a woman uses sex to get a man attached to her.

26. Bad habits form much faster than good ones because good ones require conscious effort. Anticipation drives these efforts.

27. If you pull the sexual plug at the last minute, a man will consider you a liar and a deceiver.

28. If he makes you worry, make worry your guide.

29. A real man in his dreams he sees a woman who truly loves sex.

30. As soon as a woman begins to compete with another woman, she puts herself down.

31. When that “spark” appears in a relationship, there is only one key left to the lock.

32. Let a man think that he has everything under control. He will automatically start doing what you want because he always dreams of being a “king” in your eyes.

33. By tenderizing the male ego with soft paws, you will not allow a man to even try to use his power for aggressive purposes.

34. If you look tender and feminine, a man will awaken the desire to protect and protect you. When a woman behaves aggressively, the instinct of competition awakens in a man.

35. If a man treats a woman like a doormat, he will let her pay for dinner on the very first date. And she will never become the girl of his dreams for him!

36. The appearance of power is for the public, but real power is visible only in personal relationships. And only real power is important, not visible power.

37. If you let a man feel like a man, he will want to protect you, he will want to give you the whole world.

38. When a woman demonstrates that she can do literally anything, she has to do everything.

39. A man does not react to words. He only reacts when you refuse to communicate with him.

40. Don't talk about "relationships" too long or too often. You will eliminate the element of novelty and mystery, and a man will quickly get bored with this.

42. When you are always happy, and a man feels that he is always free and can leave of his own free will, he understands that he is very lucky.

43. If you allow a man to ruin your plans, you create a void in your life. To fill it, you begin to expect and demand more and more from your partner.

44. Most women are desperate to get from a man what they should give to themselves.

45. A woman seems more confident to a man when he fails to force her to abandon her own interests, because they are no less important to her than he is.

46. ​​As soon as a woman begins to strive to satisfy all the criteria presented to her by a man, she immediately lowers the standard of the relationship.

47. By demonstrating to a man that he is your everything, you thereby jump through the hoop every time, like a trained poodle.

48. Try not to get caught up in the quicksand. If you lose control of your own life, your relationship is doomed.

49. Complete submission and dependence often have a negative impact on the development of relationships. The man sees an opportunity to have his cake and eat it too. But as soon as you stay out of his reach, he will begin to try his best to please you.

50. A good girl sacrifices too much, making the main goal of her life to satisfy a man’s needs, and not her own.

51. If you jump into the ring at the first request, your relationship with a man is unlikely to be successful. Show character, and relationships will become much easier and will not require the slightest effort on your part.

52. When you nag a man, he stops hearing you. But when you speak with your actions, he pays attention to you.

53. When a man takes a woman for granted, he constantly wants to make sure that she is still with him.

54. When routine becomes predictable, a man is more likely to love you the way he once loved his mother - and the chances of him taking you for granted will increase significantly.

55. A negative attitude is also an attitude. It allows a man to feel that you are in his power - exactly where he wants you to be.

56. By treating a man simply as a friend, you force him to play according to your terms. He wants a romantic relationship, but he needs to remain the pursuer.

57. A short distance combined with self-control will make a man worry about losing you.

58. A man takes a woman for granted when he is interested in her, but does not have the slightest desire or incentive to change the usual course of things.

59. When you nag a man, you turn into a problem for him, and he tries to disconnect from you. But when you don't nag, he has to solve his problems.

60. If you shift men's responsibilities to someone else and openly admire this person's abilities, the man will immediately want to do them himself.

61. When you nag a man, he feels your weakness.

62. A man considers an emotional woman too accessible.

63. Just as a familiar routine breeds boredom, somewhat aloof behavior often earns respect from a man.

64. He forgets what he liked about you... until you remind him.

65. Many women talk a lot simply out of nervousness. Men often mistake this behavior for insecurity and dependence.

66. If you talk to a man about feelings, he perceives this conversation as work. And when he stays with a woman, he doesn’t want to work, but to relax.

67. By forcing a man to constantly talk about feelings, you become dependent in his eyes, and then he loses respect for you. And when a man loses respect for a woman, he pays even less attention to her feelings.

68. At the beginning of a relationship, you should only pay attention to how often a man communicates with you, since he can hide his emotions for quite a long time.

69. A man treats a woman in the same way as he treats other men. He plays the tough guy because he doesn't want to appear weak or desperate.

70. For men, the element of surprise in and out of the bedroom is very important. Surprises excite men.

71. Don't repeat the same things in the bedroom day after day. Diversify your sexual menu so that your relationship does not turn into a predictable routine for you.

72. Most men do not respect women who are too obedient.

73. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and express your own opinion. This will not only help you gain a man's respect, but sometimes it can also turn him on.

74. Men often automatically assume that a bitchy woman is much more creative and relaxed in bed, while a good girl is modest and boring.

75. When a man falls in love, he gets out of his usual rut and doesn’t even notice it. For this woman he is ready to do something that he would never do for anyone.

76. He will never respect you as a person if you are not able to stand on your own two feet financially.

77. You must show that you will not tolerate disrespect. And then the man will treat you with respect.

78. You must remain the mistress of your own life - with or without a man. He should never feel like you are completely at his mercy.

79. When a man treats a woman like a little girl or sister whom he is obliged to take care of, his passion weakens. He doesn't want to make love to his sister.

80. The ability to choose your lifestyle and be treated by other people is what gives you strength and power.

81. In relationships of any kind, the same situation arises. When someone does not contribute anything to the common pot, such a person begins to be treated without respect.

82. Financial dependence is no different from emotional dependence: in both cases, the man is sure that you are in his complete power.

83. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot win the respect of a man with her appearance alone. The appearance is attractive, but only female independence turns a man on.

84. If a man is very concerned that you do not sit on his neck, it means that he is not too passionate about you and your relationship does not mean anything to him.

85. People demonstrate self-respect only by their ability to independently cope with their own problems.

86. The more independent you are from a man, the more interested he is in you.

87. If you make your desire to get something too obvious, some people may be tempted to constantly dangle a carrot in your face.

88. When changing your usual routine, you should not be there when a man expects it. The man does not respond to the words. He only reacts to the lack of contact.

89. Never reward bad behavior.

90. A man will never respect a woman who bends over backwards just to please him.

91. If a man doesn’t give you an exact time, don’t agree to a date.

92. In order for a man not to get fed up, you must not let him understand that you have already solved this problem for yourself. By changing your “availability mode”, varying your predictable routine, you will constantly keep a man on his toes and remain a mental challenge for him.

93. When you start laughing, you begin to heal.

94. You can achieve much more with humor than with a straight face.

95. A man feels that he has won and conquered a woman when she is ready to eat from his hands. And at this moment he begins to get bored.

96. The tension that arises in a relationship with a bitchy woman makes men feel slightly insecure. The man feels a little insecure because it is impossible to reach such a woman.

97. A woman who agrees to everything, who gives much more than she receives, gives a man the impression that she believes in him more than in herself. Men regard this behavior as a sign of weakness, not kindness.

98. Be independent and do not pay attention to those who try to somehow limit your freedom.

99. For real strong people do not explain why they want respect for themselves. They simply do not associate with those who do not treat them with due respect.

100. Your most attractive personal quality is personal dignity.

1. Don’t feed your man “before”! Most men are primitive, not far from the “simplest” and deeply
subconsciously, in them, to a much greater extent than in women, the following traits predominate: - laziness, feelings of hunger, sex,
entertainment (work, sports, politics, etc. this is also, to some extent, a game for them, but sex, to some extent, is work!).
Laziness plus satiety can easily overcome all other “responsibilities”.
A satiated man may well try to “work” half-heartedly, or even by feigning tenderness, hug you and
fall asleep on your chest.

2. Don't hold back. If you get an orgasm, the man MUST see and know it. A man always
will choose a woman who violently gets an orgasm from him, and not an ideal in appearance, but frigid top model.
It’s better to get three orgasms with one erection than vice versa. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of satisfied ambition
a man who realizes that he is able to bring a woman to orgasm.
3. Plan duration and intensity. The peak of a man’s orgasm is very steep, it comes very quickly and just as quickly
a period of braking begins. On the contrary, a woman has a longer period of arousal and an equally long, gentle
descent, and even multiple orgasms are possible. Probably, the best option there will be arousal and orgasm
Women FIRST, and if you have an orgasm in front of him, you can rest assured that the man will already be prepared.
4. Does he want oral sex? They all want it... there is nowhere to go, but balance your position, offer him
provide you with the same services. But please note that women usually learn faster what to do and how to do it, and with
men often have to tinker, they don’t always understand what and how to do for you to have pleasure.
Usually they try to try everything on themselves and act similarly, sometimes you have to tinker around until you tame it... But
it's worth it! Do not neglect the opportunity to ask him exactly how he likes it, and directly show him where and how he should like it.
5. Does he want anal sex? Well... your man is the most ordinary and belongs to the 80% of men who would like this.
But according to statistics, 70% of men who try anal sex experience
deep disappointment, and subsequently lose obsessive interest in it. If you have a deep disgust for
anal sex, and tolerate it only because of your partner, invite the man to try it anally too (with a vibrator or
If he refuses, you get the moral right to refuse him next time, and if he agrees, he will at least
know how you feel, and if he doesn’t like it, it’s likely that he will moderate his ardor. Remember that only literate
anal sex can bring a lot of pleasure to both partners.
The main rule is NOT TO HURRY!
6. Does he want to play some kind of sexual games? Does he share his fantasies with you? Congratulations! You received a lot from a man
a rare and expensive gift - trust and frankness. This is a huge luck, men are quite hidden and conservative
creatures react very painfully to ridicule and at the slightest hint of misunderstanding - they withdraw into themselves, for a long time and
seriously. TAKE CARE OF A man's TRUST if he has opened up to you like the apple of his eye! Sometimes even just words along with
fantasize with him, and he will feel your understanding and support.
7. Does he want you to pretend to be a whore, does he want to rape you? One of the most common fantasies of men.
The origins lie in a subconscious feeling of superiority over a woman, and uncertainty about this in the current reality.
Absolutely do not take the offer of such a game seriously as an insult, it has nothing to do with true feelings
your man does not have this desire. People are prone to everything forbidden. As a rule, it is the intelligent ones who
educated and cultured men enjoy such games; it seems to balance their inner world with
dominant universal human values. Feel like an actress! Feel free to say in this game
obscene and rude expressions, if he wants it, and the man who loves you will be wildly delighted, these are the “spices” of which
he misses the bland life. Similarly, it has been noted that often men in everyday life perform responsible
work, with a lot of psychological stress, they are looking for an opportunity to play “victim”, “performer”, “slave”, etc. That is, they are looking for
unloading with the opposite sign.
8. Warm it up! You can’t imagine how exciting it is for men, the knowledge that you are going to visit, and for example,
no panties today... or today you are walking around at work with a vibrator inserted (if you are walking, of course), Only HE knows about
this, and no one else! Such exclusivity makes them drool and not only... Their imagination will fill them with everything else...
Try it, and he will call you at work ten times to find out how you are doing, what you are thinking about, and what are your plans for the evening... Some
men are really interested in a woman’s inner world, they try to get her to talk, especially about sexual topics...
don’t refuse him this, let him talk about sex with you better than on the side...
9. Men love with their eyes... show him everything, when he wants, how he wants, on purpose and supposedly by accident... Keep him on
this leash. He wants to take a photo of you. Well... But together!
Sometimes it’s enough for them to hang around with a camera or a camera without film around you, the main thing is that you tell him frankly
posed! It is important for him to see, he wants to see it, he is interested in the process itself, and not the result.
As a child... well... we allow children a lot. Men love to watch women masturbate, use
vibrators, etc. And the popularity among men of the spectacle of lesbian caresses generally requires a separate in-depth study.
10. You caught him masturbating... Join him and he is yours body and soul. Don't miss the opportunity quickly
satisfy a man if he asks, even if you don’t have time to get pleasure yourself, or you’re on your period, or you’re afraid
ruin your hair, makeup, be late... Fortunately, a man, as a rule, can be satisfied very quickly manually or
orally. In the hallway, in the entrance, in the car, etc. Men consider this kind of sex very extreme. Then you warm him up
you can persuade him to do anything and resolve any issues with him... Use it.
Apply at least eight out of ten tips, and the average man is yours, as long as you want it...