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How does ejaculation occur in men? Seminal fluid: composition, color, functions and normal quantity How to obtain human semen

Together with spermatozoa, this secretion turns into sperm.

Production and main function of seminal fluid

The main function of seminal fluid is to create and protect millions of sperm, which must ultimately achieve their main goal - to survive in the vagina and reach the egg. As a result, we can say that seminal fluid is the carrier secretion of the sperm itself, which is produced as it passes through from the testicles to the penis. After mixing, both substances form ejaculatory fluid, which is released through the opening in the penis.

To protect and protect sperm from the acidic environment of the urethra, immediately before ejaculation, an additional amount of secretion is released from the Cooper's gland. The thing is that in a man, sperm is released and urinated through one channel, and in order to protect the sperm from certain death, a small amount of neutralizing secretion is produced.

Composition of seminal fluid

Spermoplasma, which is part of the sperm itself, has a unique composition. It includes a huge number of specific chemical compounds, found in much smaller quantities in other tissues human body. The complex composition of seminal fluid is a set of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and enzymes, as well as hormones and other equally essential substances.

If we consider sperm plasma in more detail, then its main component is, of course, water. It is also necessary to have simple polysaccharides, which supply sperm with energy during their long journey to the egg, and alkali, which neutralizes the acidity of the vagina and urethra. Seminal fluid also consists of hormone-like substances that lead to contraction fallopian tubes and uterus and help sperm reach their goal faster. As a mandatory supplement, the seminal plasma contains cholesterol, zinc, and vitamin C.

Sperm plasma color

The color of seminal fluid can normally vary from milky white to rich cream. In simple words, the sperm of a healthy man should be pearly, but sometimes its shades do not match the required standards. For example, regardless of the intensity of sexual activity, sperm may turn out to be transparent, which is often the first sign of male infertility. If the sperm plasma turns pink, it means that it contains an admixture of blood, which may be a sign of inflammation of the urethra or prostate. With any infectious disease of the scrotum or seminal vesicles, the semen may appear dirty yellow or even greenish. Brown sperm requires special attention, which usually becomes so due to the admixture of old blood. Most often, this color of “male” fluid may indicate the development of very serious pathologies and diseases.

In any case, if the color of the liquid is far from pearly, you should immediately contact an advising specialist for advice.

Normal amount of ejaculatory fluid

On average, a healthy man should produce 3 to 5 ml of seminal plasma during ejaculation. Moreover, if for some period ejaculation did not occur, then after such “stagnation” the seminal fluid should be produced in accelerated quantities. Also, an increase in the volume of “male juice” can be influenced by long-term foreplay, which stimulates the body’s readiness for some time. By the way, despite the fact that the seminal fluid contains sugar, the ejaculate itself cannot be called high-calorie. Each load of sperm produced during orgasm contains no more than 25 calories.

Sperm production disorders

In some cases, a man's sperm may be produced in smaller quantities or disappear altogether. A number of factors lead to such a violation, which are worth talking about in more detail. A complete absence of seminal fluid can be caused by weight gain, hormonal imbalances in the body, fever and sexually transmitted diseases. This outcome is a very serious sign of malfunction of the male reproductive system, so it is best to discuss this symptom with your doctor as soon as possible.

As a result, in order to feel like a full-fledged man in every sense of the word, it is important to monitor any changes in the body. Seminal fluid will always be normal if the correct lifestyle, contraception and timely examination by a related specialist come first.

A visual image of an erotic nature, tactile stimulation are factors that contribute to a man receiving aesthetic and physical pleasure. All these components contribute to the arousal of the penis. If the process of arousal is maintained during intimacy, masturbation, then at the end male ejaculation or ejaculation occurs. How does ejaculation occur? We will talk further about the norms and deviations associated with ejaculation.

Ejaculation - what is it?

Normal ejaculation in men is the process of ejaculation from the penis during intimacy. Seminal plasma is released from the urethra, which looks like a liquid. This is a natural process of completing sexual intercourse, which is commonly called ejaculation, or ejaculation. Why ejaculation occurs in men and how, we’ll talk further.

The process of ejaculation in men

Ejaculation is a rather complex process. How does ejaculation occur? In several stages, namely:

  • sperm are released from the epididymis;
  • male cells enter the prostatic urethra (due to the contraction of smooth muscles, which ensure the movement of semen);
  • the secretion produced by the seminal vesicles, prostate and bulbourethral glands together with the male seed is combined.

Consequently, seminal fluid is formed. This is the first phase of a man's ejaculation.

The second phase is characterized by rhythmic muscle contractions during ejaculation. This is the beginning of orgasm. It is sometimes distinguished by the brightness of the sensations experienced.

How does ejaculation occur in men? The process of ejaculation occurs with every sexual intercourse. After the release of seminal fluid, the male sexual organ loses its hardness. During ejaculation, a man experiences an orgasm (voluptuous sensations), which are externally manifested by convulsive shuddering of the body.

As soon as the bulbospongiosus muscle (responsible for the release of sperm) contracts for the first time, the ejaculation process cannot be stopped. The sperm is pushed down the urethra (this is the channel through which ejaculation occurs) until it finds its way out of the narrow vas deferens.

The seed may simply protrude from the head of the penis, or it may “shoot” some distance. It all depends on the structural features of the male body and the specific situation.

The ejaculate comes out of the head of the penis in portions. At first, the sperm comes out weakly. In the middle of the process, the release is at its peak and later subsides. After ejaculation, the man completely relaxes and the semen is not released again.

The prostate secretion passes through the urethra first to lubricate the inner surface of the canal and provide favorable conditions for sperm movement.

How does ejaculation occur if there are blood impurities and dark spots that look like grains? ground coffee. This condition occurs when capillaries rupture. Usually occurs due to too violent ejaculation. If the reason for the appearance of bloody impurities lies in damage to blood vessels, then the blood in the semen will be one-time. However, if a man observes such a process repeatedly, then this is an alarming “bell” that cannot be ignored. Perhaps the body develops chronic urethral catarrh, prostatitis, malignant tumor prostate or bladder.

Sensations during ejaculation

During sex, ejaculation and after it, certain changes occur in the male body. Not only the genital organ undergoes changes, but also all processes. The body is adjusted to ensure that ejaculation is successful and the man enjoys it.

We found out how ejaculation occurs. Here are the changes that take place in a man’s body:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • a large influx of blood begins to flow to the genital organ, due to which it increases in size, and the head of the penis becomes not so hard, but turns purple and also increases;
  • the opening of the urethra is moistened due to the secretion of the Cooper glands;
  • the volume of the testicles and scrotum increases;
  • pulse and breathing rate increase;
  • the muscles of the penis tense so much that any touch can cause a convulsive state;
  • thinking ability and control over consciousness are blocked during ejaculation.

Some men sneeze during ejaculation due to the fact that blood rushes to the nasal mucosa, among other things.

The process of male ejaculation is painless and brings pleasant, passionately sweet sensations.

The brightness of the sensations of orgasm is affected by changing positions in sex.

Normal ejaculation

How long does it take for ejaculation to occur? On average, these moments last about a minute.

The volume of sperm ejaculated also varies from man to man. They play here important role: the situation and structural features of the male body.

The average norm is 1.5-7 ml. The shade of sperm is also different for everyone. It can be either a whitish color or a light yellow uniform shade, with or without inclusions.

Successful ejaculation in men must meet three criteria:

  • bring pleasure and be accompanied by orgasm. Satisfaction should be not only physical, but also emotional;
  • the amount of sperm at the end of sexual intercourse should be from 1 ml to 10 ml. Scientists have proven that sperm volume is influenced by many factors. The more sperm is released during ejaculation, the more intense the sensation a man experiences. At 18-20 years old, the amount of sperm ejected reaches 10 ml. But in men who have crossed the fifty-year mark, the amount of sperm released is less.
  • The sperm quality must meet “quality standards.” In order to find out the quality of his sperm, a man must undergo a spermogram. This is a detailed special analysis of the characteristics of the seed. In a special laboratory, the number of sperm in the ejaculate, their viability and even morphology are determined. Such an analysis is recommended, in particular, for those men who plan to have children in the near future.

The quality of sperm is affected by the following indicators, namely:

  • sperm motility and quantity;
  • testosterone level in the blood;
  • duration of abstinence from sexual intercourse;
  • age of the man;
  • food quality.

If the normal indicators coincide with the individual indicators of a man, it means that he is completely healthy sexually. A man is fit to successfully impregnate his woman in order to continue the family line.

The seminal fluid that is released during the first sexual intercourse is considered the most reproductive. It has sufficient volume, sperm motility and viscosity. If a couple is planning to become pregnant, many doctors recommend having sex once every three days. In this case, take into account the days when a woman’s egg matures. You can chart your basal temperature.


How does ejaculation occur in men during the pre-ejaculation period? This process precedes ejaculation. It is expressed in the secretion of a special fluid that is released by the bulbourethral glands.

Pre-semen is produced before sexual intercourse. It protects the penis from the vaginal genital environment of the partner. Discharge is a natural lubricant that prepares urethra to ejaculation.

The eruption of semen is accompanied by orgasm and occurs at the end of intimacy.

Signs of ejaculation disorders

Violation of the ejaculation process is a pathology that is associated with the problem of the functionality of the male reproductive system.

Both prolonged and too rapid ejaculation are considered a violation.

Why it happens You should know that accelerated ejaculation is usually divided into two categories: early and premature.

Prolonged sex does not always end with ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation

Doctors divide premature ejaculation into all categories: absolute and relative.

Absolute premature ejaculation is characterized by the release of seminal fluid immediately after a man inserts the penis into the vagina. Sometimes it happens even before this moment.

Relative premature ejaculation is one in which a man does not bring his partner to orgasm. Why does premature ejaculation occur? The main reason is long-term abstinence. This occurs due to the partner’s lack of experience or due to strong sexual overstimulation.


Prolonged intimacy is not always good. In this case, it is generally accepted that the man has impaired sensitivity or weakened erectile function. In this state, the seed is not emitted or is ejected weakly. Such sex gives a man painful sensations in the groin area and severe discomfort. In this case, the man cannot experience orgasm for a long time. In almost all cases, supplementation in the form of oral or manual stimulation will be required.

Why doesn't ejaculation occur? It may be necessary to talk about inflammation of the male reproductive system. Let's consider the factors that provoke erectile dysfunction:

  • disruption of regulatory functions of the brain;
  • diabetes any shape;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • psychogenic factors;
  • urethritis;
  • colliculitis;
  • previous surgery on the pelvic organs;
  • fracture of the hip bone;
  • spinal injury, spinal cord injury;
  • excessively frequent masturbation;
  • when taking antidepressants;
  • alcohol abuse.

Pathology can occur against a background of stress, fear of failure when using the method of interrupted sexual intercourse.

One-time delayed ejaculation is a sign of dry friction with an insufficiently moistened vagina.

Slow ejaculation often occurs in men over 35. This is due to the fact that age-related changes occur in the body. There is no need to panic. The main thing is to visit a doctor in time and find out the cause of the deviation.

If a man notices disturbances in the process of ejaculation, he needs to urgently consult a doctor.

Why does rapid ejaculation occur?

Normally, ejaculation occurs 5-15 minutes after the start of sex. It may take 20-40 minutes for a man to reach orgasm. If the last numbers coincide with the first sexual intercourse, then this is already a violation.

If men ejaculate quickly, there is a physiological explanation for this. Premature ejaculation is caused by the head of a man's penis being too sensitive. This reason is considered quite common. Pathology can be expressed in two forms: acquired (phimosis, balanoposthitis) and congenital.

The duration of ejaculation increases when having sex with a condom and when using artificial lubricant.

Circumcision is used as a treatment for rapid ejaculation. This method of treatment is considered the most effective. During circumcision, the foreskin is removed, which increases the duration of sex by 2-3 times.

Perhaps the reason for rapid ejaculation lies in the following pathological diseases:

  • chronic vesiculitis - the seminal vesicles become inflamed. Ejaculation occurs quickly, even before sex. Drinking alcohol before intimacy aggravates the situation;
  • damage to the functionality of internal organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • alcohol and other toxins.

Doctors identify symptoms of rapid ejaculation that were caused by psychological factors:

  • irregular sex life;
  • first sexual experience;
  • thoughts on an abstract topic;
  • alcohol abuse.

If the reason for rapid ejaculation lies in psychological factor, then you can turn to a sex therapist or psychologist for help.

Ejaculation during sleep

Ejaculation during sleep most often occurs in adolescents. This process is commonly called wet dreams. Typically, wet dreams begin to occur in boys at the age of 12. During this period, puberty occurs.

Wet dreams occur due to overcrowded seminal vesicles and irritation of nerve endings. The impulse enters the brain. During wet dreams, teenagers may have erotic dreams. As a result, ejaculation occurs and orgasm occurs.

Emission is a normal physiological process.

If ejaculation in men occurs frequently and is accompanied by painful sensations, this indicates that a pathological process is developing in the body.


Lack of ejaculation is a deviation from the norm at any age of a man. This process is associated with a functional disorder of the reproductive system and is called “anejaculation.”

Lack of ejaculation is divided into the following types:

  • primary - orgasm occurs, but the seed does not come out;
  • secondary - ejaculation is achieved only through masturbation;
  • complete - a complex pathology that includes several forms.

Forms of complete anejaculation:

  • aspermatism - impaired ejaculation, lack of orgasm;
  • retrograde ejaculation - orgasm weakens, and semen is released into the bladder;
  • disruption of the flow of seminal fluid into the urethra. Sperm is retained in the vas deferens. During this process there is an orgasm, but a very weak one.

Most often, complete anejaculation occurs in men if they have a congenital defect of the genitourinary system. In other words, there is no vas deferens. In this case, ejaculation occurs inside the genitourinary system. This is considered a pathology. The result is the development of inflammatory diseases.

If a man notices ejaculation disorders in himself, then he needs to seek qualified medical help from an andrologist or urologist.

How to deal with premature ejaculation and weak erection?

Treatment will be required to get rid of rapid ejaculation. It is necessary to establish the cause, after which the attending physician selects best option treatment:

  • drug therapy;
  • microsurgical correction of ejaculation;
  • physiotherapeutic method of treatment.

Effective drugs for rapid ejaculation: Sealex, Lidocaine, Viagra, Levitra, Cialis. These drugs increase potency and increase the duration of sex.

You should not self-medicate. Because you can only make the condition worse.

Rapid ejaculation is a common problem that needs to be treated. A psychologist, urologist, sex therapist - they will expertly help you cope with the problem once and for all.

Purely theoretically, the only function of sperm is to fertilize an egg. However, in practice it turns out that male seed is a universal and useful material. It softens the skin and is used in cooking. Even spies used it as invisible ink during the war. By the way, for girls, sperm is the best antidepressant. And after that they don’t want to swallow.
Skin softening

Semen contains an anitoxidant called spermine, which can reduce wrinkles, smooth skin and treat acne. The Norwegian company Bioforskning synthesized spermine and included it in a face cream that you can buy for $250. Or simply use the original product as such a cream - completely free.


Nature's Harvest contains 61 pages of recipes using sperm. This book suggests using human seed as an ingredient for preparing various dishes. It is argued that the taste of sperm is no less complex and multifaceted than, for example, the taste of wine or good cheese, but this product is undeservedly ignored by culinary specialists. You can correct this injustice if you are not afraid of experiments and new taste sensations.


The artist Martin von Ostrowski is known for his love of natural materials, for example, his most famous picture- portrait of Hitler - written with the author's excrement. In 2008, Ostrowski presented paintings painted with his own sperm at his exhibition at the Gay Museum in Berlin. Each painting, the artist said, required at least 40 ejaculations, which, given the size of the exhibit, suggests Ostrovski ejaculated for the sake of art at least 1,000 times.

Invisible ink

During World War I, British Intelligence (MI6) discovered that sperm worked well as an invisible ink. In June 1915, Walter Kirk, deputy chief of military intelligence in France, wrote in his diary that "Sperm is very effective: studies have shown that the usual methods of detecting invisible ink, including iodine vapor, do not work against it." Moreover, the fearless scouts always had the material for the letters with them.

Antidepressant for women

Although the idea of ​​the potential positive effects of semen on women's psyche is controversial, a 2002 study found that women who were directly exposed to semen were less likely to suffer from depression. Semen contains more than 50 different chemical compounds, including hormones, neurotransmitters and endorphins, which are quite capable of beneficial effects on mood. Semen contains cortisol (increases affection), estrone (uplifts mood), prolactin (a natural antidepressant), oxytocin (also elevates mood), melatonin (a natural sleep aid) and even serotonin (the most famous natural antidepressant).

Archival storage of information

Sperm can be used as a hard drive because it contains DNA. A team of scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities has developed a technique for archiving information in human DNA. 1.5 mg of DNA contains 1 petabyte (1024 terabytes) of information, which can be packaged in three dimensions. Cum is the best place to store your porn collection!

Questions regarding the usefulness of sperm never cease to trouble women's minds. Of course, we are not talking about conception. How exactly does ejaculate affect the female body if, for example, it is taken orally? How about applying it to the skin? There are many stories and myths proclaiming both the usefulness and harmfulness of sperm.

Not all of them are true, but there are also rational grains in such stories. If you rely on the opinion of scientists, the benefits of ingested sperm are small, so you should not regard male ejaculate as a vital substance or a source of additional vitamins. However, there are still positive and useful aspects. If we consider the internal vaginal environment, then the entry of sperm into it activates the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms. At the same time, the protective properties of the body increase, preventing the penetration of microbes into it.

The positive properties of sperm include:

  • stimulation of ovulation in the body;
  • cleansing the uterus of remaining traces of menstruation.

If we consider the properties of ejaculate that can cause trouble to the female body, we should mention allergies. The percentage of women suffering from an allergic reaction when sperm enters the body is small, only 5%. In addition, in most cases there are no special problems, although the discomfort is not very pleasant. Scientists disagree about which component of the liquid is an allergen for women. This can be either sperm or seminal fluid. Symptoms may include rashes accompanied by itching; in extremely rare cases, allergic shock is possible. No matter how serious the manifestations of allergies, in such cases it is necessary to consult an allergist. A condom can be used as a warning.

Sperm as a hormone of happiness

Denying seminal fluid as a source of useful substances, scientists, however, have scientifically proven its benefits. In cases where future mom wants to conceive a child, unprotected intercourse allows the body to develop a habit of the DNA contained in the sperm. As a result, when trying to get pregnant, there will be no rejection of the foreign substance.

Male ejaculate can also act as a happiness hormone. Most women feel great after sex, and it's not just about the orgasm. In addition to seminal fluid, estrogen, prolactin and testosterone enter the body of women. Taken together, these substances have a beneficial effect on women’s mood. For this reason, and this fact has been proven, among women who use condoms during sexual intercourse, there are much more of those who are prone to aggression and depressive swings.

Composition of seminal fluid

What substances does sperm contain? If we consider a substance from the point of view

nutritional properties, 5 ml seed include:

  • fat in the amount of 6 mg;
  • C-vitamin (its amount corresponds to the amount of vitamin in 1 orange);
  • vitamin B12;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • protein compounds.

In terms of caloric content, this amount of substances corresponds to 6-7 calories. As scientists would put it, sperm is a product mixture secreted by a man’s body during ejaculation. The production of seminal fluid involves the epididymis, testicles, Cooper's glands, seminal vesicles, urethra and prostate gland. Considering the composition and ratio of parts, you can see that sperm is:

  • 65% seminal vesicles;
  • 5% “live”;
  • 30% prostate fluid.

Male semen is a sticky viscous mixture, opaque in appearance, with the smell of raw chestnut. The taste of sperm largely depends on a man’s diet.

Should I swallow sperm?

Many couples engage in oral sex, but women wonder how

deal with the ejaculate. Many men like it when their partner swallows semen, so they diligently look for reasons that taking liquid inside has beneficial effects:

  • sperm contains a lot of protein, therefore, it is beneficial;
  • it contains useful and important substances and vitamins;
  • the skin becomes fresher.

One can argue with any of these arguments, but, undoubtedly, like blood, semen is capable of containing infections and viruses living in the male body. And if the partner is infected with the same AIDS or hepatitis, women who swallow this sperm are unlikely to have at least one chance to remain healthy.

Sperm as food and its effect on skin and weight

There are a lot of rumors regarding the properties of sperm. Some are real, some clean water fiction. In particular, they say that ejaculate regularly applied to the skin is a kind of recipe for youth and beauty. However, ongoing studies have not confirmed this fact. Apparently, information of this kind stems from the composition of the seminal fluid. Vitamins B12 and C contained in ejaculate can actually stimulate collagen in women's skin.

There is also an opinion that semen taken orally is useful as a substance that promotes weight loss. There is no clear answer here. Ejaculate is a kind of alkaline environment. Any such liquid promotes the breakdown of fats. However, the alkali in the male fluid is so small that for a visible effect it is necessary to swallow an incredible amount. But women can be consoled by the fact that it is really possible to lose weight from frequent sex. A 30-minute sexual encounter is undoubtedly beneficial with a loss of about 200 calories.

Another fairly common rumor is that male semen is so nutritious that it can be used instead of food. Analyzing the composition of sperm in detail, you can see that it is rich:

  • sodium;
  • protein;
  • cholesterol;
  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • calcium and vitamins.

One serving of the seed contains 15 to 30 calories. For a person, the daily caloric intake ranges from 1500 to 2000 calories. In this case, women’s need for such food will be equal to an incredible amount. Therefore, it is very doubtful that sperm will become an item on the daily lunch menu.