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08/25/1942 Voronezh went missing. Database "Feat of the People"

We have been keeping the memory of the Great War of the 20th century and its heroes for more than 70 years. We pass it on to our children and grandchildren, trying not to lose a single fact or surname. Almost every family was affected by this event; many fathers, brothers, husbands never returned. Today we can find information about them thanks to the painstaking work of military archives staff and volunteers who devote their free time to searching for soldiers’ graves. How to do this, how to find a WWII participant by last name, information about his awards, military ranks, place of death? We could not ignore such an important topic, we hope that we can help those who are looking and want to find.

Losses in the Great Patriotic War

It is still unknown exactly how many people left us during this great human tragedy. After all, the counting did not begin immediately; only in 1980, with the advent of glasnost in the USSR, historians, politicians, and archive staff were able to begin official work. Until this time, scattered data that were beneficial at that time were received.

  • After celebrating Victory Day in 1945, J.V. Stalin said that we had buried 7 million Soviet citizens. He spoke, in his opinion, about everyone, both about those who died during the battle and about those who were taken prisoner by the German occupiers. But he missed a lot, did not say about the rear employees who stood at the machine from morning until night, falling dead from exhaustion. I forgot about the sentenced saboteurs, traitors to the motherland, ordinary residents and siege survivors of Leningrad who died in small villages; missing persons. Unfortunately, they can be listed for a long time.
  • Later L.I. Brezhnev provided different information, he reported 20 million dead.

Today, thanks to the decoding of secret documents and search work, the numbers are becoming real. Thus, you can see the following picture:

  • Combat losses received directly at the front during battles amount to about 8,860,400 people.
  • Non-combat losses (from illnesses, wounds, accidents) - 6,885,100 people.

However, these figures do not yet correspond to complete reality. War, and even this kind of war, is not only the destruction of the enemy at the cost of one’s own life. These are broken families - unborn children. This is a huge loss of the male population, thanks to which it will not soon be possible to restore the balance necessary for good demography.

These are diseases, hunger in the post-war years and death from it. This is rebuilding the country again, again in many ways, at the cost of people’s lives. All of them also need to be taken into account when doing calculations. All of them are victims of terrible human vanity, whose name is war.

How to find a participant in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 by last name?

No better memory stars of victory than the desire of the future generation to know. The desire to save information for others, to avoid such repetition. How to find a WWII participant by last name, where to find possible information about grandfathers and great-grandfathers, fathers who took part in battles, knowing their last name? Especially for this purpose, there are now electronic repositories that everyone can access.

  1. - here contains official data containing reports of units about losses, funerals, trophy cards, as well as information about rank, status (died, was killed or disappeared, where), scanned documents.
  2. is a unique resource containing information about home front workers. The very ones without whom we would not have heard the important word “Victory”. Thanks to this site, many have already been able to find or help find lost people.

The work of these resources is not only to search for great people, but also to collect information about them. If you have any, please report it to the administrators of these sites. In this way, we will do a great common cause - we will preserve memory and history.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense: search by last name of WWII participants

Another one is the main, central, largest project - The documents preserved there are mostly isolated and remained intact due to the fact that they were taken to the Orenburg region.

Over the years of work, CA staff have created an excellent reference apparatus showing the contents of archival accumulations and funds. Now its goal is to provide people with access to possible documents through electronic computing technology. Thus, a website has been launched where you can try to find a military man who participated in the Second World War, knowing his last name. How to do it?

  • On the left side of the screen, find the “memory of the people” tab.
  • Indicate his full name.
  • The program will give you the available information: date of birth, awards, scanned documents. Everything that is in the files for a given person.
  • You can set a filter on the right, selecting only the sources you want. But it's better to choose everything.
  • On this site it is possible to look at military operations on a map and the path of the unit in which the hero served.

This is a unique project in its essence. There is no longer such a volume of data collected and digitized from all existing and available sources: card indexes, electronic memory books, medical battalion documents and command directories. In truth, as long as such programs and the people who provide them exist, the memory of the people will be eternal.

If you don't find it there the right person, do not despair, there are other sources, they may not be as large-scale, but this does not make them less informative. Who knows in which folder the information you need might be lying around.

Participants of the Second World War: search by last name, archive and awards

Where else can you look? There are more narrowly focused repositories, for example:

  1. As we said, those who were captured also became victims of this terrible war. Their fate may be displayed on foreign websites like this one. Here in the database there is everything about Russian prisoners of war and the burials of Soviet citizens. You only need to know the last name, you can look at the lists of captured people. The Documentation Research Center is located in the city of Dresden, and it was he who organized this site to help people from all over the world. You can not only search the site, but also send a request through it.
  2. Rosarkhiv is an agency that is an executive authority that keeps records of all government documents. Here you can make a request either online or by phone. A sample electronic appeal is available on the website in the “appeals” section, left column on the page. Some services here are provided for a fee; a list of them can be found in the “archive activities” section. With this in mind, be sure to ask whether you will need to pay for your request.
  3. - military directory navy about the destinies and great deeds of our sailors. In the “orders and applications” section there is an email address for processing documents left for storage after 1941. By contacting the archive staff, you can get any information and find out the cost of such a service; most likely it is free.

WWII awards: search by last name

To search for awards and feats, an open portal has been organized, dedicated specifically to this Information is published here about 6 million cases of awards, as well as 500,000 unawarded medals and orders that never reached the recipient. Knowing the name of your hero, you can find a lot of new things about his fate. The posted scanned documents of orders and award sheets, data from registration files, will complement your existing knowledge.

Who else can I contact for information about awards?

  • On the website of the Central Election Commission of the Ministry of Defense, in the section “Awards are looking for their heroes”, a list of awarded soldiers who did not receive them was published. Additional names can be obtained by phone.
  • - encyclopedia of the Red Army. It published some lists of conferring higher officer ranks, special ranks. The information may not be as extensive, but existing sources should not be neglected.
  • is a project created with the aim of popularizing the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland.

A lot of useful information, which sometimes is not found anywhere, can be found on the forums of the above sites. Here people share valuable experiences and tell their own stories that can help you too. There are many enthusiasts who are ready to help everyone in one way or another. They create their own archives, conduct their own research, and can also be found only on forums. Don't shy away from this type of search.

WWII veterans: search by last name

  1. is an interesting project created by ideological people. A person who wants to find information enters data, it can be anything: full name, name of awards and date of receipt, line from a document, description of an event. This combination of words will be calculated by search engines, but not just on websites, but in old newspapers. Based on the results, you will see everything that was found. Maybe this is where you will be lucky, you will find at least a thread.
  2. It happens that we search among the dead and find among the living. After all, many returned home, but due to the circumstances of that difficult time, they changed their place of residence. To find them, use the website This is where people searching send letters asking for help in finding their fellow soldiers, random encounters during the war. The project's capabilities allow you to select a person by name and region, even if he lives abroad. If you see it on these lists or similar, you need to contact the administration and discuss this issue. Kind, attentive staff will definitely help and do everything they can. The project does not interact with government organizations and cannot provide personal information: telephone number, address. But it is quite possible to publish your search request. More than 1,000 people have already been able to find each other this way.
  3. Veterans do not abandon their own. Here on the forum you can communicate, make inquiries among the veterans themselves, perhaps they have met and have information about the person you need.

The search for the living is no less relevant than the search for dead heroes. Who else will tell us the truth about those events, about what they experienced and suffered. About how they greeted victory, the very first, the most expensive, sad and happy at the same time.

Additional sources

Regional archives were created throughout the country. Not so large, held up, often on the shoulders ordinary people, they preserved unique single records. Their addresses are on the website of the movement to perpetuate the memory of the victims. And:

  • - “Seeker”.
  • - memories, letters, archives.
  • - international biographical center.
  1. Lutkov Vasily Stepanovich, 1922, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 18 motorized rifle. br., Sergeant (squad commander), killed 02/26/1943, killed during shelling of the village of Afanasova N. Sokolnikovsky district, Kalinin region.
    Father Lutkov Stepan Stepanovich. TsAMO 58 18001 1182.
  2. Tetyuev Igor Nikolaevich 1913, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Ordzhonikidze RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Sverdlovsk, Ordzhonikidze district, 177 SD ml. lieutenant platoon commander, died while performing a combat mission on April 12, 1943, buried in the “Round” clearing, apt. 0817 southwest st. Pogostye 1 km. Oct j. dor. Mginsky district, Leningrad region, Father Tetyuev Nikolai Pavlovich lives with. Sludka, Perm-Ilyinsky district, Molotov region. TsAMO 58 18001 179.
  3. Ekimovskikh Egor Alexandrovich 1907, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, 06/23/1941, Krasnogvardeisky RVK, Leningrad region, Leningrad, Krasnogvardeisky district, VT 86 SD 252 r.p., Red Army soldier, reason for retirement from military service, 10/01/1942,
    TsAMO 58 818883 776.
  4. Maksimov Vikenty Stepanovich 1917, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Okhansky RVK, Molotov region, Okhansky district, 290 joint venture, Red Army machine gunner, missing 12.1941,
    Mother Maksimova Daria Ivanovna, Achitsky district, village. V-Taisa. TsAMO 58 18002 38.
  5. Serebrennikov Arkady Alekseevich 1911, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, 8 OSB, career lieutenant (change fighter), killed 07/15/1943, buried south of the village of Muravl, 200 m. Trosnyansky district, Oryol region. Mother Serebryannikova Elena Nikolaevna, Sverdlovsk Uralmash plant, st. Ilyich 8 apt. 39. TsAMO 1256 256347 9.
  6. Belev Georgy Grigorievich 1912, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 129 department. SBr., corporal deputy com. department, went missing on 08/09/1942.
  7. , Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovoe, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 371st rifle division, Red Army soldier, killed 08/13/1943, Smolensk. region Spas.demensk. district, village B. Natarovo. Fedeneva's mother Evdokia Osipovna. TsAMO 58 18001 645.
  8. Fedenev Ilya Zakharovich 1904, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenkovsky s/s, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 11 Gv. mechanic br. 2 mech. Bat., Red Army soldier, rifleman, missing on July 15, 1943. Fedenev's wife M.E., Achit. TsAMO 58 18001 733.
  9. Lutkov Fedor Evdokimovich 1922, village of Savino Klenovskogo SS collective farm Cheerful Plowman, 08.1942 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing 07/20/1943. Wrote mailing address 48645 to Lutkov, Savino village. TsAMO 58 977520 781.
  10. Dorokhov Ivan Matveevich 1897, village of Savino Klenovskaya SS collective farm Cheerful plowman, 1942 Achitsky RVK,. Dorokhova village Savino. 1942 missing.
  11. Fedenev Ivan Maksimovich 1904, village of Savino Klenovskaya SS collective farm Cheerful Plowman, 08.1942 Achitsky RVK,. Fedeneva village Savino. 1942 missing.
  12. Lutkov Sergey Evdokimovich 1911, village of Savino Klenovskaya SS collective farm Cheerful plowman, 1941 Achitsky RVK,. Lutkova village Savino. 1941 missing.
  13. Lutkov Ivan Trofimovich 1919, village of Savino Klenovskaya SS collective farm Cheerful plowman, 1942 Achitsky RVK,. Lutkova village Savino. 1942 missing.
  14. Ekimovskikh Nikolay Ignatievich 1909, village of Savino Klenovskaya SS collective farm Cheerful Plowman, Achitsky RVK,. Ekimovskikh village Savino. missing.
  15. Lutkov Mercury Trofimovich 1900, village of Savino Klenovskaya ss collective farm Cheerful plowman, 01/18/1942 Achitsky RVK,. Lutkova village Savino. In April 1942 he went missing.
    TsAMO 58 977520 781
  16. Ekimovskikh Petr Ignatievich 1916, village of Savino, Klenovskaya ss, Bisertsky district, collective farm Cheerful Plowman, 1941 Achitsky RVK. Ekimovskikh village Savino. missing.
  17. Nakaryakov Alexander Mikhailovich 1904, village of Nakaryakovo, Bisertsky district, collective farm Peredovik, N-Serginsky RVK 1941, disappeared in 1941. Nakaryakova Maria Alexandrovna.
  18. Levin Gennady Alexandrovich 1924, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klinovskoy s/s, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 140 sd ml. sergeant, killed 09/05/1943 on the south side of the village of Pogrebki? ?? district, Sumy region.
    Levin's mother Serafima Alexandrovna. TsAMO 58 18001 869.
  19. Krokhalev Nikolay Pavlovich 1925, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovoe, 1943 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, convicted, 12/07/1943.
    Krokhalev's wife Irina Markovna. Written communication ceased in August 1943. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  20. Kiselev Pavel Panteleevich 1908, Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1943. Written communication ceased in 1943. Lived in the r.p. before conscription. Beads.
    Kiselyov's wife Marfa Mikhailovna.
  21. Fedenev Mikhail Illarionovich 1922 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1944. Lived in Klinovskaya s/s before conscription, Fedenev’s wife Alexandra Stepanovna.
  22. Lutkov Mikhail Egorovich 1904 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1944. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s. (Father?) Lutkov Stepan Mikhailovich.
  23. Nikolaev Yakov Nikolaevich 1894 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1942. p.p. 1592. Before conscription, he lived in the Klinovskaya s/s. Nikolaev's wife Alexandra Grigorievna.
  24. Egarmin Alexander Prokopyevich 1924 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1942, Written communication ceased in 1945. Lived in Klinovskaya s/s before being drafted. Egarmin's mother Pelageya P.
  25. Kiselev Maxim M. 1896 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1942, Written communication ceased in 1943. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, Kiselyov’s wife Evdokia A.
  26. Plato B.V. 1912 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1944. Missing in February 1945. Private. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, Sazhin’s wife Maria Ef. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  27. Kopylov Efim Fedorovich 1911 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1942. pp. 3362 (crossed out). Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, wife of Kopylov Daria F.
  28. Razuvaev Maxim Efim. 1898 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1942 p.p. 306. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, wife of Razuvaev Ustinya N.
  29. Solomatov Petr Anton 1906 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1941. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, wife of Solomatov Akulina
  30. Zavyalov Pavel Vasilievich 1910 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1941. Lived in Klinovskaya s/s before conscription, wife of Zavyalov Akulina F.
  31. Krokhalev Konstantin Ivanovich 1915 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1941. Lived in Klinovskaya s/s before conscription, wife of Krokhalev Anna F.
  32. Detkov Vasily Fedor. 1912 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1941. Lived before conscription in Klinovskaya s/s, Detkov’s wife Maria Iv.
  33. Fedenev Vasily Stepan. 1913 Bisertsky district Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK 1941, Written communication ceased in 1941. Lived in Klinovskaya s/s before conscription, Fedenev’s wife Ulyana.
  34. Nekrasov Alexander Mikhailovich 1907 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klinovka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 128th infantry rifle division, killed 03/09/1944, buried 1 km north of the village of Abino, Pskov district, Len . Region Nekrasov's wife Iraida Ivanovna. TsAMO 58 18002 339.
  35. Kiselev Mikhail Nikolaevich 1925 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klinovsky s/s, village Filatovo, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 44 Guards. SD sergeant commander of a rifle squad, killed on January 14, 1945, buried on the south-eastern outskirts of Serotsky district, Warsaw Voivodeship, grave No. 10. Kiseleva's mother Vera Alekseevna from the village of Filatovo. TsAMO 58 18003 132.
  36. Kurochkin Vladimir Prokopyevich 1923 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klinsky s/s, Klinovo village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 46 department. shooter br., lieutenant com. 1st page of the company. Member of the Komsomol, killed on February 22, 1942, village of Baranovitsy, Russian district, Leningrad region. Father Kurochkin Prokopiy Moiseevich, TsAMO 33 11458 115.
  37. Dushanin Mikhail Fedorovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Morozovo, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 140th rifle division, sergeant, Komsomol, killed 03/13/1944. In mass grave No. 7 on the right bank of the Serst River, in the area of ​​the Epadni farm, ???-Velsky district, Ternopil region. Dushanin's mother Anna Ivanovna. TsAMO 58 18002 344.
  38. Zavyalov Dmitry Eliseevich 1921 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Filatovo village, 07/29/1944, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 269 SD Art. Sergeant No. Battalion 57, member of the Komsomol, died of wounds on 03/03/1945. Buried at the northern edge of the grove 1.5 km south-east. Der. Rauschbal (inaudible), East Prussia. Zavyalova's mother Anna Ermolaevna. TsAMO 58 18003 576.
  39. Detkov Ivan Vasilievich 1926 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, 11/15/1943, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 107 Guards. sd., guards private sniper, killed 04/05/1945. Buried Eastern slopes of height 366 south of the city of Mödling Austria. Detkova's mother Anna Zakharovna. TsAMO 58 18003 647.
  40. Ekimovsky Andrey Matveevich 1913 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy s/s, Kiselevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 205 infantry division, lieutenant commander of the 1st machine gun company (personal serial number 030559), member VKPb No. 9409962, killed 06/29/1944. Square 35-47-1 was buried (illegible writing). Wife of Ekimovsky A.M. TsAMO 33 11458 361.
  41. Grebnev Fedor Fedorovich 1905 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 47 department. br., Red Army signalman, candidate of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, killed on 10/07/1942 near the village. Veryasko. Buried 1 km. southwest village Veryasko. Grebnev's wife Anna Andreevna. TsAMO 58 818883 1255.
  42. Bubchikov Alexey Andreevich 1922 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Northern Fleet, UAV submarine submarine "K-2", Red Navy torpedo operator. Komsomol member ticket number 14204354. They died while performing a combat mission in the fight against the German invaders on September 18, 1942 (between September 20-29, 1942). Father Bubchikov Andrey Tarasovich. CVMA 795 24 2.
  43. Ermolaev Georgy Vasilievich 1907 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovskoy, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 382 SD Red Army mortarman, killed 11/17/1942 in the Chudovsky district of the Leningrad region, buried in the village. Breathe (m) but Chudovsky district, Leningrad region. Ermolaev's wife Maria Petrovna. TsAMO 58 818883 426.
  44. Lutkov Grigory Mikh. 1910 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovoe, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 28 department. page br. 4th unit, Red Army rifleman, killed 02/09/1942 in the village of Borisovka, Shikhovsky district, Moscow region. Lutkov's wife Claudia. TsAMO 58 818883 1294.
  45. Ekimovsky Alexander Kuzmich 1912 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovskoy, village Filatovo, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, headquarters of the 72nd SME, Red Navy private mortarman, killed 03/03/1942 on the 62nd km. road Murmansk-Titovka to the right of the road 800 m. Father Ekimovsky Kuzma Fedorovich d. Filatovo. TsAMO 58 818883 1282.
  46. Smirnov Alexander Fedorovich 1919 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovaya village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 112 department. page br., Red Army rifleman, missing 09/04/1942. Father Smirnov Fedor Egorovich, Klenovaya village. TsAMO 58 818883 1626.
  47. Vagonov Mikhail Ignatievich 1904 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovskoy, Morozovo village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 52 OSBr., Red Army rifleman, killed 04/19/1942 in the area of ​​​​the village of Byakovo, Polavsky district in Leningrad region Vagonova's wife Stepanida Dmitrievna. TsAMO 58 818883 1010.
  48. Solomatov Ivan Gavrilovich 1904 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 49 department. Br., Red Army medical instructor, killed 08/09/1942 Smolensk region. Karmanovsky district, edge forests from the west village of Sazhenki. Solomatov's wife N.L. TsAMO 58 818883 1208.
  49. Tokmantsev Alexey Sergeevich 1900 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 221 SD, sergeant com. department, killed on September 15, 1942, 2 km. southwest of the village of Sa???????, Stalingrad region. Tokmantsev's wife Elena Petrovna p. Achit. TsAMO 58 818883 2038.
  50. Eremeev Alexey Stepanovich 1908 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovsky, village Klenovoe, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 167th rifle division, Red Army rifleman, killed in battle 09/15/1942 in a grove 300 m north of Churinovka, Voronezh region Eremeev's wife An. Art. TsAMO 58 818883 1787.
  51. Otev Alexander Mikhailovich 1923 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klimovka, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 161st rifle division, Red Army soldier. Cl. No. 3, 500 m. southwest of the village of Verilovka, Berezovsky district, Voronezh region. Mass grave. Mother Taisiya Timofeevna. TsAMO 58 818883 2022.
  52. Lutkov Nikolay Maksimovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovsky, village Klenovo, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 99th rifle division, Red Army rifleman, killed 01/12/1943 Stalingrad region. (inaudible), Yablonev beam. Mother Domna Vasilievna. TsAMO 58 18001 125.
  53. Vasiliev Grigory Ivanovich 1908 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovoe, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky RVK, 9534 SP, private, died 1944, 2749 SEG. Vasilyev's wife A.M. TsAMO 58 A-83627 4904.
    Kalininsky fr. 53 SP. Bullet wound in the left thigh and left area???? bones. died of wounds 04/07/1943, TsAMO 58 18001 23.
  54. Lutkov Nikolay Petrovich 1922 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, 1941 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky RVK, 1229 joint venture, Red Army soldier, abdominal wound 03/23/1944, died of wounds 03/24/1944 452 dept. SME. Mass grave No. 12 is 1 km away. west of the village of Hotemlya, Liozno district, Vitebsk region. Mother Lutkova Tatyana Yakovlevna. TsAMO 58 A-71693 2083.
    Last duty station: 371st Infantry Division. TsAMO 58 18002 201
  55. Detkov Pavel Ivanovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Kotensky, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 219 SD, ml. Sergeant Com. department, killed 09/16/1943. Detkov's mother????? Mikhailovna. TsAMO 58 18001 902.
  56. Gusev Mikhail Ilyich 1922 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovka, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 123 OSBr., lieutenant com. battery platoon, member of the Komsomol, killed in battle 01/23/1943 north-eastern side???? No. 2 Mginsky district, Leningrad region. Father Gusev Ilya Sidorovich. TsAMO 58 18001 918.
  57. Dorokhov Ilya Andreevich 1902 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Dorokhovka village, 08/02/1941, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 171st rifle division, Red Army soldier, killed 09/29/1943. Buried S.V. 1 km. village Bragino, he could. 621 from from to the edges graves 1st in 1st row. Dorokhov's wife Maria Denisovna. TsAMO 58 18001 939.
  58. Detkov Grigory Pavlovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovsky s/s, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, headquarters 162 SD, ml. Sergeant Rifleman, killed 01/16/1944. Buried in the fraternal grave from the west. With. Tsidovo, ???? region Mother Detkova Tatyana Vasilievna. TsAMO 58 18002 301.
  59. Chernyshev Ivan Yakovlevich 1914 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovsky, Ivanovka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 19 motorized rifle. br., Red Army rifleman, killed 11/28/1942. Buried in the village of Dubrovka. Wife Tatyana Andreevna Chernysheva. TsAMO 58 18001 1346.
  60. Belev Pavel Ivanovich 1926 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Morozovo village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 357 rifle division (709 rifle regiment, 145 rifle division), Red Army rifleman, member of the Komsomol, wounded 10/11/1944, died of wounds 12.10 .1944. Beleva's mother Anna Alexandrovna. He was buried in a civil cemetery located 500 meters east of the village of Gribzhane, Preshensky district, Gorozhayskaya volost, Lithuanian SSR. TsAMO 58 18002 1254.
  61. Dorokhov Vasily Fedorovich Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klinovsky s/s, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 339 SD, corporal chemical degasser, killed 05/10/1944. Buried Crimea ASSR, mountains. Old Crimea, Central street, military cemetery. Dorokhov's wife Vera Antonovna. TsAMO 58 18002 410.
  62. Chistyakov Petr Stepanovich 1901 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovsky s/s, Kiselevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 16 UR, private machine gunner, killed in battle 03/08/1944 north. Narva, on the western bank of the Narva River, near the village. Vassa. The deceased was left in the territory occupied by the enemy after the battle. Izv. No. 277 Achitsky RVC. Wife Nadezhda Nikolaevna. TsAMO 58 18002 222.
  63. Zavyalov Nikolai Ivanovich 1920 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klinovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 6 Guards. TK, Guards. Art. sergeant motorcyclist, member of the Komsomol, missing 02/20/1945 southwest env aina s. Rotwasser. Uncle Tsibin Pavel Nikolaevich. TsAMO 58 18003 378.
  64. Belyaev Nikolay Ivanovich . Identity card DN 000001 No. 24841, 1922 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klinovoe, 1941, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 11 Guards. storm. Av. div., ml. lieutenant pilot 175 GSHASK SSP, member of the Komsomol, killed 04/16/1945 shot down over the target of IA pr-ka, in the Alt-Malish area. Belyaeva's mother Anna Petrovna. Uzbek ASSR, Fergana region. Morgellon city, Mikoyan street, garden No. 3. TsAMO 33 11458 762.
    175 Guards SHAP 11th Guards. SHAD. Shot down by enemy aircraft. Ext. Ser. DN. No. 24841. TsAMO 33 11458 657.
  65. Sharypov Ivan Fedorovich 1907 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovsky s/s, Shigaya village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Red Army soldier, missing 12.1941. Sharypov's wife Anna Stepanovna Afanasyevsky crossing. TsAMO 58 18004 419.
  66. Kiselev Matvey Matveevich 1908 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovsky s/s, village of Klenovets, 04.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Red Army soldier, missing 01.1942. Last letter from the road from Leningrad. Kiseleva Elizaveta Matveevna. TsAMO 58 18004 892.
  67. Family Maruko Volkovich 1901 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klinovo, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 397th rifle division, Red Army rifleman, killed 10/05/1942 Velikoye Selo, Leningrad region. Wife Finkel E.A. TsAMO 58 818883 1504.
  68. Solomatov Nikolay Evstafievich 1906 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Maple collective farm "Common Labor", 06.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district. He was called up together with Nikolai Grigorievich Bulatov, born in 1906. 63rd SP of the Leningrad Front, in August 1941, as part of his company, he was surrounded and did not return. Missing. Date of departure 01.1942. I didn’t write letters from the front. Lutkov's wife Maria Stepanovna. TsAMO 58 977525 122.
  69. Lutkov Sergey Ivanovich 1910 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy s/s, Kiselevka village, collective farm "Red October", 05/23/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing 12/1941. Wrote on July 10, 1941 to Lutkova’s wife Evdokia Alekseevna. Lutkova's mother Fyokla Fedorovna. Written communication ceased in August 1941. TsAMO 58 977522 169.
  70. Fedenev Sergey Stepanovich 1923 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, worked before conscription in the Afanasyevskaya MTS, 03/14/1942 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, went missing no earlier than __.06.1942. I wrote in July 1942 from near the city of Tula, but there was no return address. Written communication ceased in June 1942. Brother Fedenev Ilya Stepanovich. TsAMO 58 977527 23
  71. Smirnov Stepan Dmitrievich 1914 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village of Klenovaya, 07/18/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing 12/1943. Smirnova's mother Pelageya Yakovlevna, Degtyarsk village No. 1, barracks 34-31 (place of residence in 1957). TsAMO 58 977531 6.
  72. Zaviyalov Grigory Mikhailovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, st. Klenovaya, 10/20/1942 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district,
    Private, missing 02.1943. Mother Zaviyalova Avdotya Gerasimovna Krasnoufimsky district, Verkhnyaya Sarana settlement. Written communication ceased in 1942. TsAMO 58 977529 79.
  73. Krokhalov Mikhail Petrovich 1903 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovsky, Klenovaya village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Red Army soldier, killed 12/13/1941. In a mass grave in the village of Voronino, Klin district. Krokhaleva Maria Semyonovna. TsAMO 58 818883 14.
  74. Nyutin Mikhail Vasilievich 1925 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Otevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 277 ShAD 943 ShAP, ml. sergeant air gunner (probably flew with pilot Zuev, Zuev died), Komsomol, died on 08/27/1943 while performing a combat mission in the Kr. Selo region, shot down by enemy anti-aircraft artillery. Father Nyutin Vasily Aksenovich from Otevka. News No. 408 dated August 30, 1943 was sent to the Achitsky RVC. TsAMO 20247 2 2.
  75. Sazhin Ivan Andreevich 1921 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 100 tank. br., art. sergeant gun commander, killed 01/12/1945 eastern vicinity of the village. count Strzalkow, Poland. Mother Sazhina Matryona Evdokimovna. TsAMO 58 18003 312.
  76. Redkov Egor Ignatovich 1906 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Maple, 09/01/1941, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 82 rifle division, ml. Sergeant Rifleman, killed 02/17/1945 in the village of Berwalde Pomirania. Redkov's wife Evdokia Konstantinovna. TsAMO 58 18003 469.
  77. Zavyalov Stepan Eliseevich 1925 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klimovsky s/s, village. Filatovo, 11.1943, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 1 Guards. tank. Corps, Red Army mortar gunner, Komsomol, killed on January 17, 1945 in the village of Krolevo, Plonsky district, Warsaw Voivodeship. Zavyalova's mother Anna Ermolaevna. TsAMO 58 18003 117.
  78. Grebnev Fedor Fedorovich Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovsky village, village. Klenovoe, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 42 SD, st. Sergeant Com. dept. VKPb, killed 06/23/1944 300 m. north. Borodenki village, Mogilev region. Grebnev's wife Anna Gavrilovna. TsAMO 58 18002 617.
  79. Krakhalev Grigory Ivanovich 1901 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, post office box 76/26, missing. 12.1941. Krakhalev's wife V.V. d. Otevka. TsAMO 58 18002 514.
  80. Fedenev Ivan Mikhailovich 1925 , Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 202 SKD, ml. Sergeant Com. department, missing 02/13/1944 village of Komarovka Lysnisky Kievskaya district region Mother Daria Danilovna village Klenovaya. TsAMO 58 18002 626.
  81. Smakheev Mikhail Nikolaevich 1909 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 252nd infantry division, Red Army rifleman, missing 12/11/1941. Wife of Sm(t)akheyeva Anastasia Mikhailovna village. Savino. TsAMO 58 818883 468.
  82. Kozlov Dmitry Mikhailovich 1914 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 62 department. rank br., Red Army private, killed 03/02/1942. In a mass grave under the village. Nagivo, Staro-Russk. district, Leningrad region. Kozlov's wife Maria Vasilievna village. Savina. TsAMO 58 818883 1278.
  83. Zavyalov Dmitry Ivanovich 1918 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klinovsky, Otevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 133 department. page br., Red Army rifleman, Komsomol, died of wounds on August 10, 1942. To the cemetery in the forest, 1.5 km. east of the village of Berezki, Polovsky district, Leningrad region. Zavyalov's wife Anna Prokopyevna. TsAMO 58 818883 1579.
  84. Dorokhov Mikhail Petrovich 1921 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 13 Gv. OLSD 42 Guards. SP, guardsman gunner, went missing on 05/15/1942 in a grove 2 km away. north s. Nelo????. Kharkov region Mother Dorokhova Maria Timofeevna village Klenovaya. TsAMO 58 818883 1121.
  85. Makarov Evgeniy Fokeevich 1902 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 348th infantry division, Red Army rifleman, killed 04/25/1942. Buried in the village of Polibino, Rzhevsky district, Kalinin region. Makarov's wife Evdokia Terentyevna p. Klenovo. TsAMO 58 818883 1131.
  86. Otev Georgy Abramovich 1913 , Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 373rd infantry division, Red Army soldier of the command section, killed 01/01/1942 in the village of Opalevo, Kalinin region. Buried in the village of Opalevo. Otev's wife Varvara Dmitrievna p. Maple. TsAMO 58 818883 1366.
  87. Kiselev Fedor Vladimirovich 1910 , Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 373rd infantry division, Red Army soldier, private, killed 01/01/1942 in the village of Opalevo, Kalinin region. Buried in the village of Opalevo. Kiselyov's wife Tat. Vasil. With. Maple. TsAMO 58 818883 1366.
  88. Chistyakov Sergey Ivanovich 1907 , Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 373rd infantry division, Red Army soldier, private, killed 01/01/1942 in the village of Opalevo, Kalinin region. Buried in the village of Opalevo. Chistyakov's wife M.T. Krasny Yar village TsAMO 58 818883 1366.
  89. Dedkov Timofey Petrovich 1909 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 373rd infantry division, Red Army soldier, private, killed 01/01/1942 in the village of Opalevo, Kalinin region. Buried in the village of Opalevo. Dedkova's wife Ulyana Nikolaevna s. Maple. TsAMO 58 818883 1366.
  90. Yakimovskikh Vasily Ilyich 1914 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 373rd infantry division, Red Army soldier, private, killed 12/27/1941 in the village of Vysokoe, Kalinin region. Buried in the village of Vysokoe. Yakimovsky's wife Alexandra Andreevna, Krasny Yar village. TsAMO 58 818883 1366.
  91. Chestyakov Ivan Leontievich 1908 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 40 Gv. SD, Guards Red Army soldier deputy com-ra department 116 guards regiment, killed 11/29/1942 Frolov farmstead, Rostov region. Chestyakova Anna Ivanovna Klenovskaya ss. TsAMO 58 818883 1895.
  92. Kiselev Makar Maksimovich 1897 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovskoye, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 164th infantry division, Red Army rifleman, missing 03/02/1943. Wife Evdokia Alexandrovna. TsAMO 58 18001 26.
  93. Gudkov Semyon Stepanovich 1918 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 03/05/1941, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 251st rifle division, Red Army soldier, killed 02/24/1944 at 100 m north. village Istrub??, Good??? district, Vitebsk region. Sister Gudkova Natalya Stepanovna p. Klenovskoe. TsAMO 58 18002 161.
  94. Dedkov Pavel Ivanovich 1924 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, s/s Klenovskoy, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 219 SD, ml. Sergeant Com. department, killed 09/16/1943 in the village of Kholm, Dukhovshchinsky district, Smolensk region. Mother Dedkova L. Mikhailovna. TsAMO 58 18001 902.
  95. Kiselev Arkady Ivanovich 1916 Filatovo, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village Klenovskaya,
    Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 39 Arm., art. lieutenant, deputy battalion commander, died 08/14/1943 in the village of Podvyazye, Vertkinsk. ss, Prechistinsk district. Smolensk region Kiselev’s wife Anna Egorovna TsAMO 58 18001 907
  96. Chistyakov Nikolay Ivanovich 1920 Krasny Yar. Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 93 Gv. SD, Red Army rifleman, Komsomol, missing 07/12/1943.???? Kursk region TsAMO 58 18001 935.
  97. Sapegin Sergey Semenovich 1926 Sverdlovsk region, Achita district, Kiselevka village, 1944, Achita RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achita district, headquarters of the 306th infantry division, Red Army rifleman, Komsomol, killed 09.22.1944 200 m. northwest of the village of Konezhe, Boldinsky district, Latvian SSR. Father Sapegin S.S. TsAMO 58 18002 971.
  98. Khromykh Ivan Matveevich 1923, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy s/s, 1942, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 267 rifle division, guards. Sergeant Com. tel. dept. signalman, Komsomol, killed 08/20/1944 Latvian SSR, village. Berzukro?? in the school yard, which is 4 km south. m-z Bickets.
    Uncle Khromykh Alexander Stepanovich. TsAMO 58 18002 829.
  99. Sharipov Vasily Alexandrovich 1926, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Kiselevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 235 SD, corporal shooter, Komsomol, killed 10/05/1944 Lithuanian SSR, Shauliai district, Kur volost??? Pokurshenst village From the highway 15 meters. Sharipova's mother Anna Vasilievna. TsAMO 58 18002 1252.
  100. Salamatov Mikhail Petrovich 1926 Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klinovskoye, 12/19/1943, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 191st rifle division, Red Army rifleman, Komsomol, killed 11/22/1944. He was buried 800 meters east of the village of Shauli, Ezera volost, Latvian SSR. Salamatova's mother Ekaterina Filippovna. TsAMO 58 18002 135 7.
  101. Stakheev Akhenal Pavlovich, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Savino village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, military unit 32172, Red Army rifleman, killed 11/28/1943 north-west. village Zakharovka, Aleksandrovsky district, Kirovograd region.
    Eltsov's mother S.P. V-Kisinsky ss village Savino.
    TsAMO 58 18002 800.
  102. Yaroslavtsev Ivan Ivanovich 1910,Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Osinovka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 60 Arm. 59 dept. ISBr., art. Sergeant of the command department, candidate. VKPb, went missing on November 25, 1943 while fighting out of encirclement in the city of Korosten. Yaroslavtsev's wife Vasilisa Andreevna. TsAMO 58 18002 127.
  103. Salamatov Vasily Mikhailovich 1918, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 359 SD, sergeant sapper, All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, killed 03/26/1944. All Skalatsk. district Ternopil region
    Sister Salomatova Anna Mikhailovna d. Savino. TsAMO 58 18002 445.
  104. Fedenev Ivan Evgenievich 1925, Klenovskaya ss. Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, .1943, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 1 VD Guards. div., Red Army soldier, killed in battle on October 18, 1943 with Mishurin. Horn. Dnepropetrovsk region. Mother Evgenia Ivanovna. TsAMO 58 18001 1044.
  105. Yakimovsky Alexander Grigorievich 1925, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Filatovo village, 1943, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, headquarters of the 18th Guards. SD, Guards Private shooter, Komsomol, killed 08/03/1944 southwest encirclement. village Gavrilovshi?? In the Varinsky district of the Lithuanian SSR.
    Mother Anastasia Grirorievna. TsAMO 58 18002 688
  106. Krokhalev Grigory Grigorievich 1925, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 47 fur. br., private rifleman, killed 11/01/1944 Latvian SSR Embutsk vol. village Lydzibas.
    Mother Krokhaleva Varvara Vlasevna. TsAMO 58 18002 1367.
  107. Gastyukhin Mikhail Ivanovich 1902, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, st. Klyuchevaya, 10/22/1941, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 149 SD, Red Army orderly, killed 04/05/1944, in grave No. 60, 500 meters east of the village of Dytkovtse, Brodsky district, Lvov region.
    Wife Anastasia Andreevna. TsAMO 58 18002 237.
  108. Grebnev Ivan Fedorovich 1906, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 59 Arm. 124th joint venture, Red Army private, wounded on March 18, 1944, died of wounds on April 4, 1944. Grebnev's wife Lukeria Stepanovna. TsAMO 58 18002 253.
  109. Otev Konstantin Vasilievich 1922, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 71 Gv. SD, military technician 2nd rank, died of wounds on March 19, 1942 in the village of Konishchevo, Votinsky district, Leningrad region, 80 meters from the hut, to the right of the road leading to the village. Cornflowers. Wife Lyubov Savelyevna. TsAMO 58 18003 383.
  110. Ekimovsky Mikhail Nikitovich 1904, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 24 Guards. SD, sergeant of the command department, killed 05/12/1942 Leningrad region.
    TsAMO 58 818883 236.
  111. Belev Georgy Grigorievich 1912, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Klenovaya, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 129 department. SBR., corporal deputy commander. department, went missing on 08/09/1942.
    Belev's wife Elena Fedorovna. TsAMO 58 818883 1473.
  112. Skulkin Pyotr Vasilievich 1911, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Krasny Yar, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 25 Guards. SD, art. sergeant, killed 08/09/1942, 1st Storozhevoye village, Davydovsky district, Voronezh region, in the grave 100 m north-west of the 1st Storozhevoye village, Davydovsky district, Voronezh region.
    Skulkin's wife Claudia Ilyinichna Klenovskoy ss, village of Krasny Yar. TsAMO 58 18001 726.
  113. Smolin Mikhail Ivanovich 1909, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 12 Guards. SD, sergeant of the command department, killed 02/12/1943, buried in a mass grave, ravine 600 m. Proletarsky village, Bolkhov district, Oryol region.
    Smolin's wife Elena Mikhailovna from Klenovaya. TsAMO 58 18001 857.
  114. Fedeneev Ilya Zakharovich 1904, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy s/s, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 11 Gv. mechanic br., Red Army rifleman 2nd metro battalion, missing 07/15/1943.
    Fedenev's wife M.E. TsAMO 58 18001 733.
  115. Sazhin Dmitry Andreevich 1905, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 1 scooter-motorcycle brigade, Red Army rifleman, killed on November 28, 1942 in the village of Krapotovo, Sytevsky district, Smolensk region.
    Sazhin's wife Stepanida Egorovna Klenovskaya ss. TsAMO 58 18001 1112.
  116. Fedenev Pavel Vlasovich 1920, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Kisilevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 15 Gv. mechanic br., gv. Private machine gunner, Komsomol, killed 09/06/1943 Chemer???, Zaporozhye region.
    Fedeneva Anna Sergeevna. TsAMO 58 18001 1128.
  117. Fedenev Ivan Nikiforovich, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenevsky s/s, Kiselevka village, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, 205 SD, st. Commander gun sergeant 4th battalion, killed 06/30/1943 on the Louhi-Kestenga highway at 37 km. Fedenev's wife Maria Filippovna. TsAMO 58 18002 1186.
  118. Lutkov Sergey Ivanovich 1910, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy s/s, Kiselevka village, collective farm "Red October", 05/23/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing 12/1941. Wrote to Lutkova’s wife Evdokia Alekseevna on July 10, 1941. Lutkova's mother Fyokla Fedorovna. Written communication ceased in August 1941. TsAMO 58 977522.
  119. Kopylov Fedor Filippovich 1912, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy village, Morozovo collective farm "Volna", 05/10/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing 10/1941. Wrote to his wife Fedosya Alexandrovna Kopylova on July 15, 1941. Written communication ceased on July 15, 1941. TsAMO 58 977522 172.
  120. Belev Mikhail Tarasovich 1910, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, Klenovskoy village, Morozovo collective farm "Volna", 07/06/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing __.02.1942. Corresponded with Fyodor Grigorievich Nakaryakov (deceased). Wrote to his wife Anna Alexandrovna Beleva on October 21, 1941. Written communication ceased on October 22, 1941. TsAMO 58 977522 172.
  121. Nogovitsyn Vasily Tim. 1911 Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, 1943 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, settlement 92580 Ya-S, private, missing __.02.1944. Nogovitsyn's wife Al. Eph. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  122. Smirnov Vasily Fed. 1911, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, PP 1858 1343 SP, Private, missing __.12.1942. Written communication ceased in July 1942. Smirnov's wife Eliz. Onion. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  123. Kopylov Mikhail Grig.1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, PP 1440 1227 joint venture, private, killed 12/29/1941. Kopylova's wife Natalya Ivanovna. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  124. Romanov Stepan Pavel. 1903, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, p.s. 97 475 joint venture, private, missing __.03.1942. Romanov's wife Olga. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  125. Kopylov Fedor Iv. 1912, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.12.1941. Kopylov's wife Eliz. Ivan. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  126. Nemakov Anton Yak. 1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1942 Aramilsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Aramilsky district, private, missing __.03.1943.
    Nemakov's wife Nad. Iv. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  127. Lytash Andrey Vlad. 1918, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1939 Novo-Basansky RVK, Ukrainian SSR, Chernigov region, Novo-Basansky district, PPS 431, private, missing __.04.1942. Wife Lytash Alexandra Mikhailovna. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  128. Zhdanov Alexey Iv.1916, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, post 613, private, missing __.04.1942. Zhdanov's wife Anna Vasilievna. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  129. Egarmin Nikolay Semyonovich 1901,Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, settlement 364/695, missing __.03.1943. Egarmin's wife Maria Mikh. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  130. Egarmin Ivan Nikolaevich 1922, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1940 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.04.1942. Last place of service: Lviv. Egarmin's mother Maria Mikh. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  131. Nyutin Tikhon Aksent.1909,
    Nyutin's wife Klavdia Mikhailovna. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  132. Koshelev Ivan Erofeevich 1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Sverdlovsk OVK, Sverdlovsk region, private, missing __.05.1942. Koshelev's wife Anna Af. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  133. Lutkov Stepan Roman.1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.05.1942.
    Lutkov's wife Agafya Andr. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  134. Fedenev Grigory Vlas. 1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.05.1942. Fedenev's wife Mar. Con. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  135. Fedenev Ivan Vlasovich 1902, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1942 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.03.1943. Fedenev's wife Maria Grieg. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  136. Fedenev Ivan Mikheevich 1908, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.04.1942. Wife Natalya Ivanovna. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  137. Kiselev Fedor Titovich 1905, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.04.1942.
    Kiselyov's wife Alexandra Is. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  138. Kopylov Nikolay Ivanovich 1909, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.04.1942.
    Kopylov's wife Pavel Al. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  139. Chernyshev Ivan Ivan.1923, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1942 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.03.1944. Chernyshev's wife Daria Lar. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  140. Solomatov Arsenty Trof.1919, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.03.1942. Solomatov's wife Irina Ant. TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  141. Romanov Ivan Nikol.1922, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, settlement 68487, private, missing__.02.1945. Written communication ceased in 1944. Father Romanov Nikolai Gr.
    TsAMO 58 18004 558.
  142. Fedenev Sergey Step. 1923,Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.__.1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, private, missing __.03.1943. Father Fedenev Stepan Mikhailovich.
    TsAMO 58 18004 558
  143. Chuharev Anton Fedorovich 1908,Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Maple collective farm "Common Labor", 09/26/1943 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing __.10.1943. TsAMO 58 977523 111.
  144. Zavyalov Miron Alexandrovich 1925,Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Maple, 01/06/1943 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, ml. Sergeant, missing __.07.1944. There was a letter from the road dated April 17, 1944. There was a letter from the chief of staff of PP 20160 that he was wounded and sent to the hospital. Written communication ceased in July 1944.
    Father Zavyalov Alexander Andreevich. TsAMO 58 977530 60.
  145. Dorokhov Gleb Nikolaevich 1922, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, __.10.1941 Leninsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Sverdlovsk, Leninsky district, before being drafted into the army, he worked at the Sverdlovsk bakery as an electric welder. Completed a 6-month course for platoon commanders. PP 31690 1 Gv. fur. br., Gv. ml. Lieutenant, missing __.12.1943. Written communication ceased in November 1943 (salary 900 rubles).
    Mother Dorokhova Maria Filimonovna (salary for the loss of her son? 600 rubles per month) Klenovaya village, Naberezhnaya st. 35. TsAMO 33 871438 41.
  146. Fedenev Dmitry Semenovich 1924, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, Klenovsky s/s, village. Klenovaya, before being drafted lived on the Kontuganovo patrol of the Talitsky ss, before being drafted he worked in the village of Kontuganovo as a repair worker, __.__.1941 Nizhne-Serginsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Nizhne-Serginsky district, serviceman of the 67th Okrug, killed 08/10/1942. Wrote to Evdokia Semenovna Fedeneva’s aunt in 1942. Grandfather Fedenev Joseph Prokopyevich. TsAMO 58 977523 181.
  147. Tokmantsev Andrey Alexandrovich 1918, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, Klenovsky s/s, village. Klenovaya, 05/01/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, before conscription he worked in the village of Olkhovka of Zuevsky ss Bisertsky district teacher primary school, went missing on __.07.1941. Tokmantseva's mother Solomiya Ignatievna. Written communication ceased in July 1941. TsAMO 58 977523 237.
  148. Salamatov Nikolay Evstafievich 1906, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, village. Klenovaya, 07/05/1941 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, conscripted with Nikolai Grigorievich Bulatov (he was wounded in the first battle), 63 infantry. regiment Leningrad Front, as part of a company he was surrounded and went missing on __.08.1941. Lutkov's wife Maria Stepanovna. TsAMO 58 977524 201.
  149. Kiselev Alexey Sergeevich 1920, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, Klenovsky s/s, Klenovaya village, __.10.1940 Achitsky RVK, Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, missing __.08.1943. Wrote on June 23, 1943 to Father Sergei Matveevich Kiselev. Kiseleva's mother Evdokia Leontyevna. Written communication ceased in June 1943. TsAMO 58 977523 386.
  150. Kiselev Philipp Pavlovich 1910, Sverdlovsk region, Bisertsky district, Klenovsky s/s, village. Klenovaya, 08/22/1941 Revdinsky GVK, Sverdlovsk region, Revda, lived in Revda before conscription, worked at the Revdinsky hardware and metallurgical plant as a carpenter, wrote in October 1941 from near Moscow to Selyanina’s wife Klavdia Mikhailovna, went missing on __.12.1941 . Valentina Filippovna Kiseleva is looking for her. TsAMO 58 977523 273.
  151. Egarmin Ivan Semenovich was born in 1891., Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Kiselevka; Russian; collective farm named after Kalinin, manager of a pig farm. Resided: Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district, village. Maple.
    Arrested August 6, 1937
    Sentenced: September 16, 1937
    Sentence: 10 years in labor camp

You tell me: “Why look?

Those who were killed here have long disappeared,

Those who could have been waiting for them have also left,

And all of them have long been forgotten..."

From the song of the search engines

Almost every family in our country has relatives who went missing during the Great Patriotic War. Some scattered information is kept in the family, some still have photographs. But when you see the name of a loved one in a report from the Memorial base, for example, for some reason you more clearly imagine a train under fire, trenches... And it seems that if you find out at least something else, your soldier will not be so lonely in his unknown grave. And you hope that the soldiers who have not returned will not be left without prayers.

About where and how to look for information about the burial place of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, “Foma” was told by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Belov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for Regional History of the Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education, Vice-President of the International Charitable Foundation “ Battle of Stalingrad».


Most quick way find your relative who died in the Great Patriotic War - this is a generalized Memorial database, database Central Archives Ministry of Defense (TsAMO):

For this:

1. We go to the website of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where the most complete electronic database in our country of those killed in the Second World War is located:

2. Fill in the columns “Last name”, “First name”, “Patronymic name”, “Year of birth” of your deceased relative:

3. Ideally, we get a result of several lines with more or less complete information and continue to study the materials towards specifying the exact location of the burial.

4. In the surname or first name, or patronymic, we change the letters, selecting them in such a way as if they were written by an illiterate person or the original document is poorly readable and there are alternative reading options. And you may come across additional documents from the archive's database.

At this stage of the search, to begin with, a last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, preferably a title is enough. If he is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, then, of course, it will be more difficult. You have to be persistent to make sure that this is exactly the person you need, you will need details - full name of wife, mother, name of the village, city where he was called up, place of birth (in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in the pre-war years - approx. ed.).

It is worth paying special attention to the fourth point. There are some really stupid spelling mistakes in the database. My great-grandfather's name was Andrei Kirillovich. I wrote “Kirillovich” like a normal person with two letters, and then I thought that not everyone knows how to spell Kirillovich...

Kirillovich typed with one “l” and immediately found the burial place. Also Filippovich - maybe Filippovich, and with one “p”, and so on. It is also better to try to change the letters in the surname and first name in case they were written by an illiterate person or the original document is difficult to read. Such moments must be taken into account.

Ideally, the result of your search should be a document about the burial place of a relative and information in which military unit (army, division or regiment) he fought.

If there is no information, one can hope that the search teams that are looking for and burying the remains of soldiers will find something. If the search engines managed to find someone, they contact the military registration and enlistment office and look for relatives themselves.

But you can continue the search on your own. In this case, it is necessary to collect the maximum possible amount of information in order to begin a qualitatively new stage of the search.

What can help us with this?


Have the letters survived?

The most important thing in letters is the number of the field postal station (FPS) on the stamp of the envelope. You can use it to determine the number of a division, regiment, etc.

A powerful resource: a lot of documents on military topics, memoirs, collections. If you know the division number and the battle area, then you can at least general outline find description.

Database "Feat of the People"

TsAMO project.

This is a database where there is information about soldiers awarded medals. The database is not complete yet, not all documents have been scanned yet.

This resource has several hospital databases. Dial the hospital number, press Enter and see which division it served.

And there are many more reference books on types of troops, shoulder straps, and weapons.

But the most valuable thing is on forum

If you register on it, you can get advice from completely unfamiliar historians, specialists, anyone who is interested in searching, and military registration and enlistment office employees.

To register, at the top of this site (see the lower right corner in the picture above), you need to click the “Registration” button. Next you need to fill out the registration form.

Then create a topic (it’s better to name it briefly, for example, “No. rifle division. I'm looking for a relative." After this, your request will be able to be read by anyone who visits this site. Do not doubt! There will be enough such strangers and caring people. Everyone will help you with the information they have. Some will answer, advise, consult, others will recommend sites, scan the documents you need, excerpts from books, etc.

Other resources

There are many more resources that publish interviews with veterans and biographies. But it is worth considering that these sources, as a rule, do not represent historical value either for the researcher or for those who want to use this material in their search.