Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

What hair clips do not harm your hair? What harms hair the most? Tonic is harmful to hair just like permanent dye.

It is known that 9 out of 10 women, when letting down their hair, automatically put the loose elastic band on their wrist and may not take it off for quite a long time. It turned out that such an ordinary gesture is fraught with quite serious danger. The friction of the rubber band creates microcracks and scratches on the skin (it is no coincidence that it leaves a red mark), into which particles of hair cosmetics and, in general, any infection can get caught. This is exactly what happened last year to Kentucky resident Audrey Kopp. An American woman discovered a small lump on her hand, which she initially mistook for a spider bite. A few days later, the lump rapidly increased in size. At the hospital, after Audrey's tests, they confirmed that the cause of severe inflammation was three types of bacteria living on shiny hair ties and getting into tiny incisions on her wrist. To solve the problem, Kopp even needed surgery, and now she urges everyone not to repeat her mistakes.

#2. Too tight

Owners of long hair simply cannot imagine their life without a ponytail. It’s rare that this hairstyle doesn’t suit anyone. Besides - what could be simpler and faster? Tight styling saves appearance, if the hair is not the first freshness, it makes playing sports more comfortable and instantly helps out when you don’t want to do anything with your head. Even if the temptation is too great, you still shouldn’t make a strong ponytail often. The elastic pulls the hair tightly, making it brittle, porous and split. First of all, this warning applies to women with colored hair, whose strands are already quite fragile. Another problem is that experiments with tight hairstyles negatively affect blood circulation in the follicle area, which means the hair does not receive an important part of the nutrients, looks dull and begins to fall out with a vengeance. In medicine, there is even a special term for this phenomenon - traumatic alopecia. This is a special type of baldness due to, among other things, hair curling. Final knockout: How many of you haven't been tempted from time to time to sharply pull a twisted elastic band from your ponytail, instead of carefully untangling it? We all know the result very well - along with it, a whole bunch of hair often remains in our hands. Don’t rush to part with your favorite ponytail: use soft hair ties or fashionable “springs” that do not harm the structure of the strands and do not leave unpleasant creases.

#3. Best before date

During use, we greatly stretch the elastic band, from which it begins to burst quite quickly, while visually remaining absolutely intact. In fact, over time, small cracks and tears appear in the elastic band, which can become one of the reasons for the appearance of split ends. Therefore, it is better to change the rubber band more often and make sure that it remains absolutely smooth.

#4. Sleepy kingdom

A beauty trick known to many women - if you tie slightly damp hair in a tight bun at night, then the next morning you will get light, large curls that will be the envy of all your colleagues. Alas, beauty requires sacrifice. If you use this trick often, you can seriously damage your hair. When you move your head in your sleep, your hair rubs against the pillow and, due to the elastic band, clings to the fabric of the pillowcase. This leads to severe brittleness. To protect yourself from such excesses, choose wider elastic bands, as well as silk underwear sets, which significantly soften friction.

Have you ever wondered: how much shampoo to apply? How often should you wash your hair? Will the products harm your hair? We asked a trichologist about all this, who dispelled some myths and told us how to properly care for your hair.

dermato-cosmetologist, trainer and leading specialist in hardware rejuvenation techniques, chief physician of the aesthetic medicine clinic L’art de la vie

Don't let your hair get dirty

The head should be washed as the skin becomes dirty. As confirmed by studies conducted by trichologists and dermatologists in different countries, the scalp and hair suffer much more from impurities that accumulate at the base of the hair and are not removed from the head in time. Sebaceous secretions, dust, dirt create a breeding ground for the development of bacteria, do not allow the skin to breathe, hair roots do not receive enough nutrients - all this disrupts the normal functioning of the scalp and slows down hair growth.

Don't be afraid of shampoos

Shampoos that indicate that they are allowed to be used every day are the most neutral, delicate, hypoallergenic and have a non-aggressive composition. Accordingly, they can really be used daily.


Maintain washing frequency

The frequency of hair washing should be selected individually, taking into account hair type and water quality. If you have an oily hair type, then during a break of 3-4 days, abundant sebaceous secretions will accumulate, which can lead to minor inflammation.

Apply shampoo correctly

The amount of shampoo depends fundamentally on the length of the hair. It is not recommended to pour the product directly onto the head. Firstly, it will be difficult to control its quantity; secondly, an overly concentrated product will reach a limited area. Therefore, you first need to foam the shampoo in your palms, and only then distribute it through your hair.

The correct algorithm for washing your hair

Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb your hair to thoroughly wash it. You need to wash your hair from ear to ear, along the so-called conditional lines, and then move to the back of the head. Movements should be massaging and made with the pads of the fingers, but in no case with nails, so as not to scratch the skin. It is recommended to massage while washing your hair; it is beneficial for the hair roots.

How much shampoo to apply

It all depends on the frequency of washing and the product used. If you have to wash your hair every day, then double soaping is not necessary. For those who wash their hair 2 times a week, it is better to apply shampoo twice. The second time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of shampoo by half.

Water temperature

Many people make a grave mistake and wash their hair with too hot water, which leaches the hair and activates the sebaceous glands. Optimal temperature water for washing hair is 40−50 degrees. It is this temperature regime that promotes good dissolution of sebum, easy removal of dirt, and also improves blood circulation.

Finish washing your hair with cold water

It is advisable to complete the washing procedure with a cool or cold shower, which stimulates blood supply to the scalp and makes the hair shiny.

Mask after washing your hair

The frequency of using masks depends on the condition of the hair, the desired effect, as well as the composition of the nutrient. If your hair is severely damaged and needs extra care, apply the mask every other day. After 8-10 sessions, the result will be clearly visible, and you will be able to use this cosmetic product much less often.
If you plan to apply a mask to your hair for preventive purposes, do it no more than 1-2 times a week. This frequency is considered optimal.

Don't forget the balm

The balm is applied to the hair after washing with shampoo. The balm not only stabilizes the pH level of the hair, but also gives it shine and makes it silkier, since it contains easily reflective elements. The balm also smoothes the outer layer, or cuticle, of the hair, which opens when alkali comes into contact with it - that is, hard water, shampoo, dye or permanent solution.

The balm CAN be applied along the entire length of the hair (some believe that it is needed only for the ends), including the roots, but do not rub it into the scalp. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. When applied to the scalp, there is a possibility that the balm will weigh down the hair and deprive it of root volume.

What to do when you've already washed your hair

Depending on your hair type, it may be necessary to use hair oil or protective spray.

Following the instructions on the label, apply a drop of oil to dry or damp hair, depending on how your hair reacts to the oil. Use a very small amount of oil so that your hair does not look greasy or wet.

You need to know that the effect of essential oils on damaged hair is more effective when it is wet. Therefore, if you usually use oil on dry hair, wet it with water and then apply the oil to achieve the desired effect.

Always use thermal protection

As for the protective spray, it must be used if the hair needs constant styling with a hairdryer or other devices. Hair is vulnerable to heat, as it consists of a solid protein, keratin. When exposed to temperatures, the smoothed scales of the cuticle (the upper protective layer of the hair) rise, opening the cortex. The keratin softens and the water evaporates. When hot styling, especially on damp hair, the moisture evaporates and the grease is broken down. Hair breaks, becomes dull and brittle.

It is important to note that thermal protective sprays usually contain natural proteins, vitamins E and B5, as well as extracts medicinal plants. Thanks to these components, the hair is not only neutralized from thermal effects, but also acquires additional volume, which makes the hairstyle even more impressive.

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Beauty consists of many things. But, perhaps, well-groomed and healthy hair occupies one of the leading positions in this ranking.

We are in website We tried to figure out what mistakes stand in the way of any woman’s dream.

Mistake No. 1. Wrong choice of shampoo

When caring for your hair, it is very important to choose the right shampoo for your hair. Hair type plays a major role when buying shampoo, otherwise the wrong product can only worsen the situation.

Mistake No. 2. Washing your hair too often/rarely

The frequency of hair washing should be selected individually, taking into account hair type and water quality. If you have oily hair, it is more advisable to wash your hair once every 1-2 days.

Mistake No. 3. Incorrect application of shampoo

Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb your hair. The amount of shampoo depends fundamentally on the length of the hair. You should not overuse the amount of shampoo. Determine your norm experimentally.

When applying shampoo, you must first lather the shampoo in your palms and then apply it to the roots of your hair. Movements should be massaging and made with the pads of the fingers, but in no case with nails, so as not to scratch the skin. It is recommended to massage while washing your hair; it is beneficial for the hair roots.

Mistake No. 4. Forgetting to moisturize and nourish your hair

Hair loses moisture very quickly, so you need to use a conditioner and hair mask that suits your hair type. The balm is applied to the hair after the shampoo is washed off, or simultaneously with the shampoo. The balm should be applied along the entire length of the hair, but not rubbed into the scalp. As for masks, it is important to know when to stop and use them maximum once a week.

Mistake #5: Incorrect water temperature

Many people make a grave mistake and wash their hair with too hot water, which leaches the hair and activates the sebaceous glands. Ideally, your hair should be washed with warm or lukewarm water. It is this temperature regime that promotes good dissolution of sebum, easy removal of dirt, and also improves blood circulation.

It is advisable to complete the washing procedure with a cool or cold shower, which stimulates blood circulation at the roots of the hair and makes the hair shiny.

Mistake #6: Drying your hair with a towel

After washing your hair, carefully blot it with a towel from roots to ends. You should not use a towel turban to dry your hair - you can damage the hair follicle. If you want your hair to dry quickly, it is better to use a simple cotton T-shirt in the same way.

Mistake No. 7. Frequent and aggressive scratching

If you make this mistake, your hair may become brittle or stretched. After washing your hair, do not comb your hair immediately. Wet strands need to be dried a little and carefully separated with your fingers. After this, you can use a wide-tooth comb. Otherwise, the hair may become brittle or stretch.

You should comb your hair starting from the ends, gradually moving higher to the roots.

Mistake No. 8. Frequent use of styling products

Hair dryers, straightening irons and other similar devices evaporate liquid from the hair and, as a result, become brittle and dry. If your hair requires constant use of these devices, apply a heat-protective spray to your hair along the entire length of your hair. Evaporating during the styling process, it will protect hair from dryness and brittleness.

Mistake #9: Using a hairdryer incorrectly

To begin with, wet hair should be blotted with a towel. Then, when drying your hair with a hairdryer, we use a guide nozzle - it must be placed at an acute angle to the hair and dried in the direction from the roots to the ends. This drying method helps to “close” the scales.

At the beginning of the process, when the hair is still damp, we can turn the hair dryer to the maximum temperature to speed up the process, but as we dry, we must gradually lower the temperature so as not to dry out the hair. To do this, you should choose a hair dryer with several modes. Finish drying with cold air.

Mistake No. 10. Poor nutrition

An unbalanced diet and improper diet lead to the fact that the body cannot replenish its reserves of vitamins and minerals, which are simply necessary for the beauty and health of hair. Protein foods of animal origin are necessary for our hair.

Zinc also plays an important role for hair. To replenish it, include eggs, seafood, kohlrabi, oatmeal, avocado, and prunes in your menu. Also don't forget about the need for iron and calcium. They are found in legumes, fish, poultry, liver, wheat, buckwheat, and nuts.

Mistake No. 11. We don’t take care of our health.

Sometimes hair loss or a sharp deterioration in hair condition may indicate the presence of any diseases (problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalances, stress, diabetes). The fact is that hair is the last thing to receive nutrition, so problems with it are a clear reason to contact a trichologist.

You know how it happens: girls with curls always want straight hair, and brunettes always dream of dyeing their hair blonde, or vice versa. If a styler or straightener can always help solve the first problem, then in the second case, hair coloring is simply inevitable. We decided to find out everything about coloring from the leading stylist of Londa Professional Russia Andrey Varivoda.

1. Truth: Dyeing is a chemical process.

Before dyeing your hair, as a rule, the dye is first mixed with an oxidizing emulsion. Then the mixture is applied to the hair. As a result of the mixture getting on the hair, it swells under the influence of a chemical reaction. The ammonia contained in the dye combines with hydrogen peroxide and a reaction occurs, releasing heat and releasing an oxygen atom, which lightens (oxidizes) the natural pigment, revealing (forms) the artificial pigment.


2. Truth: Coloring ruins your hair.

Any impact harms the hair, but there is no escape from it. Not only coloring spoils the hair structure, but also the environment, ultra-violet rays, hot styling using a hair dryer, iron, etc. Dyes, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the structure of the hair shaft, and, consequently, its physicochemical characteristics. Therefore, it is more prudent to carry out the staining procedure correctly, observing all technologies. Those girls who are trying to become blondes on their own are especially at risk. Transforming into a “bright diva” is a doubly important moment. In fact, it is better to leave it to a professional.

3. False: It’s impossible to turn from a hot brunette to a blonde.

If you are a burning brunette or a red-haired diva with natural hair color, you will not have any particular difficulties in becoming a blonde. Of course, this process will involve lightening the hair and we are not talking about the brightest possible result. But if your hair is colored black or bright copper, the lightening process may take place in several stages. The most important thing is to consult with a professional who will evaluate the “quality” of your hair and choose a more suitable lightening option. But, still, it’s better to be a bright brunette or a red-haired fox than to have “cotton candy” on your head.


4. Truth: Ombre is the most harmless type of coloring

The innovative technique of coloring ombre curls, which came to us from Hollywood stars, from red carpets and fashion catwalks, has now gained popularity among women. A soft, smooth transition of color from one tone to another or outstanding color contrast will achieve a natural effect. It is believed that this dyeing method is the most gentle, since the hair roots do not need to be dyed.

5. Truth: You shouldn't dye your hair very often.

You can dye your hair no more than once a month, otherwise you can damage its structure. If you want to maintain your hair color in perfect condition, you should not dye it completely, but only the regrown roots.

6. False: Everyone can wear makeup.

Coloring has a number of contraindications. For example, it is strictly not recommended for pregnant girls to dye their hair, since substances that penetrate the scalp through the hair can cause a number of serious diseases and negatively affect the development of the fetus. Also, you should not dye your hair after using henna or basma. Otherwise, an approximate version of your future shade: orange-green, which is formed as a result of a reaction between chemical and plant components. Also, you should not wear makeup if your scalp is damaged. Well, it’s worth taking into account individual intolerance to substances included in the paint.


7. Truth: There is paint without ammonia

Today there is an alternative to permanent permanent dyes that contain ammonia. These are semi-permanent tinting dyes and direct dyes (tinting gels, balms, tonics, etc.). These dyes, as a rule, have a gentler effect on the hair, enveloping it with a protective film during the dyeing process. Their durability is of course inferior to permanent dye, but still, it depends on how often you wash your hair and what hair care products you use. And, in addition, the absence of ammonia in such dyes prevents them from dyeing hair lighter. Conclusion: if you want to dye your hair tone-on-tone or darker, give preference to semi-permanent and direct dyes, but if it’s lighter, you can’t do without a permanent dye.

8. Truth: You need to think carefully before deciding to dye

If you dream of being a bright blonde, a sizzling brunette or a flaming red-haired lady, think carefully. Perhaps these are just your fleeting fantasies. You understand that the dye won’t wash off from your curls so easily. Once you have made a decision, take action. And it’s better if you turn to a professional Russian stylist who will “bring you beauty.”

Hair- this is an adornment that nature gave us, but, unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex do not appreciate this gift and forget about proper care. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly the length of your hair is, because care is needed in any case. There are girls and women who believe that if they have short hair, then they do not need to use masks and balms at all. Regular styling, use of hair dryers and straighteners cause hair to lose shine and elasticity. It also happens that yesterday you had beautiful, well-groomed hair, but today its structure has changed, causing damage and dryness. The reason for this may be poor care. There are certain hair care rules that absolutely everyone should adhere to, regardless of hair color or type.

It's so hard to find in the daily bustle time for self care, because family and work take a lot of strength and energy. In a hurry, you incorrectly apply shampoo to your hair, forget about using masks and conditioners and consuming healthy products. If you don't want to make common hair care mistakes, then check out the following list and start appreciating and loving your body.

What can lead to poor hair health? Common mistakes in .
1. Incorrect combing of strands. Few women think about how to properly use a comb in their daily hair care. Under no circumstances should you start combing from the roots, as this will damage the ends. Start with gentle comb movements at the ends and work your way down to the roots. Do not make sudden movements or tear tangled strands. It is better to choose a comb made of natural wood to minimize the risk of damage to your hair.

2. Sunbathing without a hat. The sun's rays have a destructive effect on your hair, because due to the high temperature, moisture and fats evaporate. Thus, the hair loses its natural protective film and become vulnerable. Take a cotton bandana with a stylish print to the beach or solarium. Tie the headdress on your head so that all your hair is under the fabric. If this headdress does not suit your style, then buy a hat, cap or scarf. You can play up your swimsuit to advantage by choosing a stylish sports cap under it or, on the contrary, a classic hat with a wide brim.

3. Mechanical effect on wet hair. Never comb wet hair immediately after washing your hair. This is the most common mistake in hair care. Immediately after washing their hair, many women and girls immediately begin to actively comb their strands and dry them with a hairdryer. This is absolutely not possible. Let your hair dry naturally, and only then use cool air drying.

4. Regular use of hair styling products. Many girls and women do this every morning to look attractive and stylish throughout the day. To do this, you need foam or varnish, but try to prefer styling with a hairdryer. The brushing technique will help lift the strands of your hair: use a round comb to lift your hair up, and direct the air stream first to the roots and then to the main length of the hair. With this method, you will eliminate the need to apply tons of hair styling products every day. In fact, gels, mousses and varnishes weigh down the hair and do not allow it to breathe fully. The shine and elasticity of your strands disappears.

5. Washing your hair with hot water. Cosmetologists and hairdressers emphasize that for daily hair washing you need to use water at room temperature, because this will help maintain healthy hair. Hot water negatively affects the hair structure and destroys its natural water balance. Of course, using hot water will perfectly wash your hair of dirt, but it will also make it dry and brittle. Give preference to soft boiled water, slightly heated over a fire. Hot tap water can leave residue on your strands, so be careful about this.

6. Incorrect use of shampoo. Relatively recently, experts in the world of beauty and health discovered a new method of washing hair. The majority of the fair sex are accustomed to applying shampoo to the entire length of their hair, actively foaming the product with their hands and rinsing with running water. But, as it turned out, this technique is very harmful to the main length of the hair and ends. The shampoo will effectively remove dust and oil from your hair, but will additionally dry it out. In order to effectively cleanse only the hair roots, apply shampoo to your palms, rub it thoroughly with your hands and apply to the scalp. The foam that will flow down during rinsing is enough to lightly clean the ends and main length of your hair.

7. Drying wet hair with a towel. While your hair is wet, it is very susceptible to mechanical stress. Actively drying your hair with a towel leads to brittleness and dryness. The hair cuticle has not yet closed and active rubbing movements injure it. After washing your hair, wrap your hair in a towel and walk around for 20 minutes so that most of the moisture is absorbed into the fabric. Next, remove the towel and dry your hair naturally or using the cold setting of your hair dryer.

8. Backcombing, tight hairstyles, regular use of curling irons. All these techniques have a destructive effect on your hair. In order to create the perfect volume at the roots, you need to carefully comb your hair in the opposite direction. Because of this, the hair structure suffers because you lift the scales and make the hair vulnerable. Refuse this styling and give preference, again, to simple brushing. If you like to wear a ponytail hairstyle, then be sure to choose a hair tie without metal parts and do not pull it too tight. Elastic bands cause kinks in your hair. Styling with a curling iron involves working with temperatures, which leads to dry hair and loss of its natural shine. Give preference to care products for curly hair or with a straightening effect.

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