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Cold kefir soup tarator. How to cook Bulgarian cold tarator soup according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Original dish for weight loss

While vacationing in Bulgaria, I tried one very tasty dish in a cafe. I liked it so much that I asked the chef for the recipe. This dish is Bulgarian okroshka tarator, extremely tasty and refreshing, especially in the summer heat. As it turns out, it’s very easy to prepare, just about 5 minutes. Another solid advantage of this dish is that you don't need to boil anything for it. Tarator is prepared from a minimum of ingredients. It is also perfect for those who are on a diet, as it contains very few calories. I recommend you a recipe for a delicious and very healthy Bulgarian cold soup.

Kitchen appliances and supplies: bowl, grater, mortar, spoon, board, knife.


How to choose the right products

Tarator base– sour milk, called “kiselo mlyako” by the Bulgarians. Dozens of its varieties are sold in Bulgaria. It is quite thick and has a uniform consistency. You can use yogurt, low-fat kefir and plain yogurt as a base.

The most useful, of course, will be yogurt or kefir, prepared at home with your own hands from milk and sourdough. When purchasing fermented milk products in a store, choose those that have a minimum shelf life.

Step-by-step preparation


Although tarator is called a soup, it is not served as a first course. In Bulgaria, liquid tarator is poured into glasses and served with main courses - grilled kebabs, meat, cutlets. In this case, it can also be served with ice cubes, sprinkled with herbs and chopped nuts.

Recipe video

After watching this video, you can quickly and easily prepare Bulgarian tarator with a minimum of effort.

  • In this dish you can add 1-2 tablespoons olive oil. It will make the tarator even healthier and tastier.
  • If you are using non-acidic yogurt, add a little lemon juice to the soup.
  • Can be used as a seasoning for tarator dry dill mixture, granulated garlic, pepper and salt.
  • You can add chopped lettuce to the soup and even completely replace cucumbers with them.

The classic Tarator comes from Bulgaria and is prepared on the basis of Bulgarian yogurt - a product with a long history, which is obtained through natural fermentation. Of course, you can’t buy this kind of yogurt in our stores, so we’ll replace it with kefir.

Tarator soup is reminiscent of Tzatziki, a sauce of Mediterranean cuisine, in taste and composition. “Relatives” of this soup also include okroshka with kefir and Albanian curdled milk with herbs.

In modern cooking, there are a great many variants of Tarator, but the main ingredients are always the same: fermented milk base, cucumbers, garlic, herbs and nuts.

I suggest preparing Tarator soup with kefir with the addition of fresh spicy herbs and pine nuts.

Let's prepare the products. We take the amount of greens to taste, I took a whole bunch of arugula (this is a little more than 100 grams), and several sprigs of cilantro, parsley and dill. The number of cucumbers depends on their size and the desired consistency of the soup; I have two rather long cucumbers. There is a lot of garlic in this dish, so if you are not a fan of garlic taste, you can add less. Let’s taste the kefir right away - if it’s too sour, then you’ll need less lemon juice.

First of all, let's prepare a fragrant kefir base. Place half of the arugula and greens in a blender bowl, tearing them with your hands. Finely chop the second half with a knife and set aside for now. Add two cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, and half of the pine nuts here (to the blender).

Add kefir and olive oil. Beat everything at high speed with a blender until smooth. Let's taste it, add lemon juice, and if necessary, additional salt and pepper, beat again. The base is ready.

Peel the cucumbers, first cutting off several thin slices for decoration. Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater.

Chop the remaining nuts and garlic clove with a knife, lightly rubbing them with the flat side of the blade on a cutting board so that some of the nuts and garlic turn into a paste. To simplify the grinding process, add just a little salt, it will act as an abrasive.

Place the cucumbers in a suitable bowl, pour in the kefir base, add a mixture of nuts and garlic, and the remaining chopped herbs. Let's mix everything. The tarator is ready, but you need to put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so that the soup cools and infuses.

Pour the infused soup into portioned plates or tureens and serve, garnished with cucumber slices, herbs and a few drops of olive oil.

Tarator soup with kefir is very popular in hot weather. It simultaneously refreshes and satisfies hunger without leaving a feeling of heaviness. In addition, to prepare it you don’t have to turn on the stove, which is important on hot summer days.

Bon appetit!

Anyone who has ever visited Bulgaria has probably tried the famous cold tarator soup - the recipe for its preparation is so simple that even a child can prepare the dish. In addition to its simplicity, the Bulgarian tarator has another advantage - it is great for weight loss.

Each Balkan country has its own version of a similar dish. For example, cold soup sasik is very popular in Turkey. In Greece, tzatziki sauce is widely known. What all these seemingly different national dishes have in common is that they are made from the same ingredients. Despite the similarity of the dishes, they are all served differently. For example, Bulgarian cold soup is served not only in a tureen, but also in a tall glass.

The tarator becomes especially popular with the onset of hot days. Everyone forgets about their favorite hot soups, and even falls into disgrace. It's time to replace your evening meal with a large portion of cold soup and lose 2-3 extra pounds. I will tell you a recipe for tarator, which is ideal for weight loss.

In an authentic soup recipe, ayran or sour milk diluted with water is used as a base. Cucumbers are finely chopped or grated. Chopped walnuts are added to the soup at the cook's request. To remake the tarator recipe for weight loss, you need to exclude butter and nuts from the ingredients, or leave one or the other, if desired.

Cold tarator soup recipe


  • 0.5 l ayran or tan
  • 0.3 l low-fat fermented milk product, such as kefir or sourdough
  • 2 fresh cucumbers (you can use either or both)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 tbsp. l.olive oil
  • several sprigs of dill.

Tarator diet soup calorie content per 100 g - 30 kcal
proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 1.54/ 0.8/ 2.9

Preparations of Bulgarian tarator

  1. It is advisable to peel and cut the cucumbers. Grind the garlic using a garlic press, finely chop the dill with a knife. Add salt and grind the ingredients a little so that the cucumbers release their juice.
  2. Ayran, kefir and, if desired, olive oil are added to the mashed mixture of cucumbers and herbs. Everything is thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator.
  3. It is advisable to let the soup steep for 30–40 minutes so that the taste becomes more balanced.

According to the recipe, you can add chopped walnuts to the tarator, but then the calorie content of the dish will increase. Bulgarian soup for weight loss is ready.

During the diet, you can use cold suptarator both in the main meal and as a snack. Although The dish is low in calories and perfectly satisfies hunger.

In the summer heat, you don’t want to stand at the stove over a pot of boiling soup. And I don’t really feel like eating hot food. So let's master cold soup recipes. Every nation has its own summer, refreshing and cooling soup. , Belarusian kholodnik, Russian okroshka, and, of course, Bulgarian tarator!

Every Bulgarian cafe or canteen serves this simple but very tasty cold soup. Sometimes - in a plate, as it should be for the first course, and sometimes - in a glass to wash down the second course. Imagine how refreshing this light summer soup is. We will prepare it today.

A real tarator, refreshing and healthy, is prepared with sour milk. It was from this product, called “kiselo mlyako” in the homeland of cold soup, that the Bulgarian stick was isolated at the beginning of the last century. Lactobacillus bulgaricus - this is what this “beneficial microbe” is called in Latin - is responsible for the fermentation of milk and for the correct balance of microflora in our body.

The properties of the Bulgarian stick were known long before it was “officially” discovered. Even during the time of Louis XIV, Bulgarian sour milk was brought to France for the king. And modern researchers believe that among the Bulgarians there are many centenarians precisely because they often eat tarator with sour milk.

Tarator is popular not only in Bulgaria and Macedonia, but also in Turkey and Albania, and in Greece this dish is known as tzatziki and is served as a sauce - the recipe is almost the same, only the Greeks also add lemon and mint. Let us also join the tasty and healthy tradition of cooling off in the summer heat not with beer, but with kefir soup.

You can make curdled milk for soup from milk and special starter cultures - now they are easy to purchase, for example, in pharmacies or supermarkets, dairy stores. Yogurt is also suitable for tarator (by the way, in Turkish this word also means “sour milk”) - just not sweet, with additives and preservatives, but “live”. You can also take fermented milk products such as kefir, narine, simbivit.

Ingredients for cold soup "Tator"

For 2 servings:

  • 2 medium cucumbers;
  • 400 ml kefir, curdled milk or yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (olive or sunflower);
  • A bunch of dill;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt to taste (about half a teaspoon);
  • Ground black pepper (optional);
  • Walnuts.

If the sour milk is too thick, add water to the tarator. You can dilute 2.5% fat kefir, but a product with 1% fat content is quite liquid in itself.

Sometimes lettuce leaves are added to the soup instead of cucumbers. Some cooks add radishes - this option is also tasty and brighter, although this is no longer a classic tarator.

Method for preparing cold Tarator soup

Cool the kefir and water. Let's wash the cucumbers and greens.

Peel the nuts and grind them in a blender or roll them with a rolling pin on a board. Leave a few nut kernels for decoration.

Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater, and grate the garlic on a fine grater, or put it through a press. There is a recipe option where the cucumbers should not be grated, but finely chopped. But a tarator with grated cucumbers is more authentic and easier to eat (that is, drink).

Combine cucumbers, chopped dill and garlic, add salt and pepper and let stand for 10 minutes.

Pour the mixture with kefir, add vegetable oil, mix. If necessary, dilute the soup with water to the desired consistency.

Vinegar, which is used in some tarator recipes, is needed only if the soup is seasoned only with water - for sourness. If the base is a fermented milk product, there is no need for additional acidification.

Decorate a plate of cold soup with sprigs of herbs and pieces of nuts and serve.

Bon appetit!

The hobby is becoming more and more popular healthy eating. And those who think that this is boring are very mistaken. In fact, there are many delicious and healthy recipes. Today, for hot days, we bring to your attention the Bulgarian cold soup tarator. This soup is especially good in summer time and is relevant for those who watch their figure and for lovers of savory dishes.

Traditional tarator with low-fat kefir

The most popular summer soup in Bulgaria is known far beyond its borders. In part, it is somewhat reminiscent of our okroshka, but it is much easier to prepare and low in calories. Connoisseurs of the Bulgarian language can watch the classic tarator on YouTube, and for the rest, we present the basic recipe for this dish with step-by-step photographs.


  1. Kefir – 400 ml
  2. Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  3. Dill - 1 bunch
  4. Garlic - 2-3 cloves pcs.
  5. Salt - to taste

Cooking method - refrigeration

Cuisine - Bulgarian

Preparation time - 8-10 minutes

Cooking time - 35 minutes

Number of servings - 2

How to cook tarator: step-by-step recipe

Prepare the food by rinsing the cucumbers and dill in running water. Peel the garlic cloves.

Advice. To rid foods of nitrates, it is best to soak cucumber and dill in cold water for 20 minutes.

Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater or finely chop it into cubes.

Advice. If the cucumber is old or thick-skinned, it should be peeled and removed from the skin and large seeds before grating.

Finely chop the dill, first cutting off its tough stems.