Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

The glottis is located. Glottis. On which surface of the lung is there a hilum?

The laryngeal cavity has the entrance is limited in front by the epiglottis, on the sides by the aryepiglottic folds, and behind by the arytenoid cartilages and the fold of the mucous membrane between them. The laryngeal cavity is divided into the vestibule, interventricular region and subglottic cavity.

The vestibule of the larynx extends from the entrance to the larynx to the folds of the vestibule. The folds of the vestibule are formed by the mucous membrane of the larynx, which contains mucous glands and thickened elastic fibers that form the folds of the vestibule.

Between these folds there is a fissure of the vestibule, which has an almost constant lumen.

The middle section - interventricular - is the narrowest. It extends from the folds of the vestibule above to the vocal cords below. Between the folds of the vestibule (false vocal fold) and the vocal fold on the left and right sides of the larynx are the ventricles. The right and left vocal folds limit the glottis - the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity. In the glottis, there is an intermembranous part, located between the vocal cords, and an intercartilaginous part, limited by the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. When sounds are produced, the intermembranous part narrows and forms a gap, and the intercartilaginous part forms a triangle.

The lower part of the laryngeal cavity, which passes into the trachea, is called the subglottic cavity.

The larynx has three membranes: mucous, fibrocartilaginous and connective tissue. The first is covered with multirow ciliated epithelium, except for the vocal cords. The fibrocartilaginous membrane consists of hyaline and elastic cartilage. The latter, in turn, are surrounded by dense fibrous connective tissue and act as the frame of the larynx.

When sound is produced, the glottis is closed and opens only when the air pressure in the subglottic cavity increases during exhalation. The air flowing from the lungs into the larynx vibrates the vocal cords. This produces sounds of varying heights and strengths. The muscles of the larynx, which narrow and widen the glottis, are involved in the formation of sound. In addition, sound production depends on the condition of the resonators, age, gender, and the function of the speech apparatus. The central part also takes part in sound formation. nervous system, which controls the vocal cords and laryngeal muscles. In children, the size of the larynx is smaller than in adults, the vocal cords are shorter, and the timbre of the voice is higher. The size of the larynx can change during puberty, which leads to a change in voice.

80. Trachea and bronchi: topography, structure, functions.

Trachea – unpaired organ, length 10-12 cm, width 2 cm. The lumen is constantly open, through which air enters the bronchi. In the form of a tube, it consists of 16-20 hyaline half-rings, with fibrous tissue and smooth muscle cells at the back.

Located from the 6th cervical vertebra to the 5th thoracic vertebra.

There are: cervical part ( thyroid, esophagus, carotid artery, jugular vein, vagus nerves) and thoracic part (aortic arch, brachiocephalic trunk, left brachiocephalic vein, left common carotid artery, thymus)

Functions: conducting air to the bifurcation site, cleaning, warming, humidifying the air.

At the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra, the trachea divides into 2 main bronchi (tracheal bifurcation).

The main ones are the left one 4-5 cm, the right one 2-3 cm, the right one is wider and shorter, foreign bodies more often get into it when swallowed

Lobar - in the left lung there are 2 lobes (upper, lower) in the right there are 3 lobes (upper, middle, lower) This means, respectively, 2 and 3 lobar bronchi.

Segmental - in the left lung 9-10, in the right 10-11




Terminal bronchioles – 12-18 pcs.

Respiratory bronchioles – 14-16 pcs.

Functions of the bronchi: carrying air to the alveoli and back; cleaning, disinfection, warming the air

Lungs: Topography. Structure. Functions

Lungs - paired organs located on the sides of the heart and large vessels, in the pleural sacs, are separated from each other by the mediastinum. The right lung is larger than the left (by 10%), it is shorter and wider.


Each lung has an irregularly cone-shaped shape, with a base directed towards the diaphragm and a rounded apex, which protrudes above the collarbone by 2-3 cm, in front, in the back reaching the level of the VII cervical vertebra. The lower border of the lungs runs from the place of attachment of the VI rib to the sternum and continues to the articulation of the XI rib with the XI thoracic vertebra. In the direction from front to back, it is attached: along the midclavicular line - the upper edge of the VII rib, along the anterior axillary line - the lower edge of the VII rib, along the middle axillary line - the VII rib, along the scapular line - the X rib. The left lung has a cardiac notch at the level of the 4th-5th intercostal space


On the medial surface above and behind the pericardium there are gate of the lung , in which includes: bronchi, pulmonary artery, nerves, bronchial arteries and come out: pulmonary veins, lymphatic vessels, bronchial veins.

Bundles of nerves and vessels, bronchi make up the root of the lung.

Lung lobes

Right has 3 parts (top, middle, bottom). They are separated by horizontal and oblique slits. Left has 2 lobes (upper and lower lobes), separated by an oblique fissure.

Inside the cracks, interlobular surfaces are distinguished. Shares are divided into segments. Each lung has 10 segments. There may be an additional segment on the right.

Bronchial segment – this is a section of the lung, including a segmental bronchus, a segmental artery, a segmental vein with all branches separated from each other by a connective tissue membrane.

Bronchial tree - This is the branching of the bronchi inside the lung.

The main bronchus, which enters the gates of the lung, is divided into lobar, then into segmental, then into middle, then into small, small in turn into terminal bronchioles, then into respiratory alveoli. They are covered - prismatic cubic epithelium.

Pulmonary acinus – The structural and functional unit of the lung is a system of alveoli entwined with capillaries in which gas exchange takes place between blood and air. The number of alveoli is 300-500 million.

Wall structure

· Flat single-layer epithelium. Covered with surfactant, which prevents the alveoli from collapsing.

· Blood capillaries.

· The muscle layer consists of circular - non-striated muscle fibers located inside the cartilage.


1. The main function is gas exchange (enriching the blood with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from it)

2. Secretory - excretory.

3. Participation in metabolism (water, lipid and salt with the regulation of chlorine balance), which is important in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.

4. Protecting the body from harmful components of inhaled air.

5. Metabolism of biologically active substances.

6. Mechanical air purification (air filtration in the nasal cavity).

7. The action of cellular (phagocytosis) and humoral (lysozyme, interferon, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins) nonspecific protection factors.

Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary.

See what “VOICE GLITCH” is in other dictionaries:

    CRITCH, and, pl. and, she, w. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (rima glottidis, PNA, BNA, JNA; rima vocalis) a horizontal fissure in the middle part of the larynx, bounded by two vocal folds and (in the posterior section) the medial surfaces of the arytenoid cartilages ... Large medical dictionary

    GLOTTIS- a horizontal slit across the larynx in the shape of an isosceles triangle with its apex anterior, bounded on both sides by the true vocal folds... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book

    See glottìde... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

    GLOTTIS- An opening between the vocal folds or cords... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    See vestibular fissure... Large medical dictionary

    Noun, g., used. often Morphology: (no) what? cracks, what? cracks, (see) what? gap, what? crevice, what about? about cracks and in cracks; pl. What? cracks, (no) what? cracks, what? cracks, (see) what? cracks, what? cracks, about what? about cracks and cracks 1. In wooden... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    CRANK, cracks, many. cracks, cracks, women. Narrow longitudinal well, through crack. “Lights began to glow in the windows of the houses and in the cracks of the shutters of the dugouts.” L. Tolstoy. A gap in the floor. It blows from all the cracks. Look through the door crack. || Narrow cavity (anat.). Voice... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CRITCH, and, pl. and, to her, wives. 1. Narrow longitudinal hole, borehole. Shield in the floor. Lookout (in the tank). 2. Shelter from fragments (2 values) in the form of a trench. Take shelter in the shield. Glottis (special) narrow space between the vocal folds... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    gap- and, sentence; about the crack/li, in the crack/and in the crack/li; pl. sche/li, e/y; and. see also lye, slot 1) a) A narrow oblong hole, well. A gap in the floor. Blows into all the cracks... Dictionary of many expressions

Cavity of the larynx, cavitas laryngis, opens with a hole - entrance to the larynx, aditus laryngis. It is limited anteriorly by the free edge of the epiglottis, posteriorly by the apices of the arytenoid cartilages along with the fold of the mucous membrane between them, plica interarytenoidea, on the sides - folds of the mucous membrane stretched between the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages - plicae aryepiglotticae. On the sides of the latter lie pear-shaped recesses of the pharyngeal wall, recessus piriformes.

The cavity of the larynx itself is shaped like an hourglass: in the middle section it is narrowed, widened upward and downward. The upper expanded section of the laryngeal cavity is called vestibule of the larynx, vestibulum laryngis. The vestibule extends from the entrance to the larynx to a paired fold of the mucous membrane located on the side wall of the cavity and called plica vestibularis; embedded in the thickness of the latter lig. vestibulare. The walls of the vestibule are: in front - the dorsal surface of the epiglottis, in the back - the upper parts of the arytenoid cartilages and plica interarytenoide a, on the sides - a paired elastic membrane, stretching from plica vestibularis to plica aryepiglottica and called membrana fibroelastica laryngis.

The most complex structure is the middle, narrowed, section of the larynx cavity - actually vocal apparatus, glottis. It is delimited from the upper and lower sections by two pairs of folds of the mucous membrane located on the lateral walls of the larynx. The upper fold is the already mentioned steam room plica vestibularis. The free edges of the folds limit the unpaired, rather wide fissure of the vestibule, rima vestibuli. Bottom fold, vocal, plica vocalis, protrudes into the cavity larger than the upper one and contains vocal cord, lig.vocale, And vocal muscle, m. vocalis. The depression between the plica vestibularis and plica vocalis is called ventricle of the larynx, ventriculus laryngis.

Between both plicae vocals a sagittally located glottis, rima glottidis. This gap is the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity. It distinguishes the anterior large section, located between the ligaments themselves and called intermembranous part, pars intermembranacea, and the rear smaller one, located between vocal processes, processus vocalis, arytenoid cartilages - intercartilaginous part, pars intercartilaginea.

Lower extended department of the larynx, cavitas infraglottica, gradually narrows downwards and passes into the trachea.

In a living person, during laryngoscopy (examination of the larynx using a laryngeal mirror), you can see the shape of the glottis and its changes. When the act phonation (sound formation) pars intermembranacea appears in the form of a narrow slit, pars intercartilaginea has the outline of a small triangle; with quiet breathing pars intermembranacea The glottis expands and the entire glottis takes the shape of a triangle, the base of which is located between the arytenoid cartilages. The mucous membrane of the larynx looks smooth and has a uniform pink color, without local changes in relief and mobility. In the area of ​​the vocal cords it has a pink color, in the area of ​​lig. vestibulare - reddish.

Sound formation occurs during exhalation.

The reason for the formation of voice is the vibration of the vocal cords, which do not vibrate passively under the influence of air current, but due to a close relationship with mm. vocales, which contract actively under the influence of rhythmic impulses coming along the nerves from the centers of the brain with a sound frequency. The sound generated by the vocal cords, in addition to the main tone, contains a number of overtones. Nevertheless, this “connective” sound is still completely different from the sounds of a living voice: the voice acquires its natural human timbre only thanks to a system of resonators. Since nature is a very economical builder, the role of resonators is performed by the various air cavities of the respiratory tract surrounding the vocal cords. The most important resonators are the pharynx and oral cavity.
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  • - a fold of the mucous membrane of the larynx, protruding into its cavity, containing the vocal cord and vocal muscle...

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  • - a horizontal fissure in the middle part of the larynx, bounded by two vocal folds and the medial surfaces of the arytenoid cartilages...

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Gap- cracks, plural cracks, cracks, g. Narrow longitudinal well, through crack. Lights began to glow in the windows of the houses and in the cracks of the shutters of the dugouts. L. Tolstoy. in the floor. It blows from all the cracks. Look........
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Gap— -and, prev. about the cracks, in the cracks and in the cracks; pl. cracks, -ey; and.
1. A narrow oblong hole, a well. Shield in the floor. It blows into all the cracks. View in fence Caulk the cracks in........
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Bochdaleka Shchel- (V. A. Bochdaiek) see Lumbar-costal triangle.
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Superior orbital fissure- see superior orbital fissure.
Large medical dictionary

Hyomandibular fissure— (recessus hyomandibularis) a depression between the mandibular and sublingual visceral arches of the embryo; V further development differentiates into the wall of the tympanic cavity and the auditory tube.
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Glazerova Gap- (fissura Glaseri; J. N. Glaser, 1629-1675, Swiss anatomist) see Petrotympanic fissure.
Large medical dictionary

Eye Slit- see eyelid gap.
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Large medical dictionary

Orbital fissure inferior- (fissura orbitalis inferior, PNA, BNA; fissura orbitalis sphenomaxillaris, JNA; synonym: inferior orbital fissure) a slit-like space bounded by the large wing of the sphenoid bone and the upper jaw, connecting........
Large medical dictionary

Vocal fold- (plica vocalis, PNA, BNA, JNA) a fold of the mucous membrane of the larynx, protruding into its cavity, containing the vocal cord and vocal muscle.
Large medical dictionary

Glottis- (rima glottidis, PNA, BNA, JNA; rima vocalis) a horizontal fissure in the middle part of the larynx, bounded by two vocal folds and (in the posterior section) the medial surfaces of the arytenoid cartilages.
Large medical dictionary

Glottis False- see vestibular fissure.
Large medical dictionary

Glottis— , tube less than 25 mm in length; located between the vocal folds in the lower part of the pharynx, passes into the TRACHEA. When the vocal cords vibrate, their size changes.
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Gill Slit- (fissura branchialis) through invagination of the ectoderm connecting the gill groove with the pharyngeal pouch; in humans Zh. participates, for example, in the formation of the external ear, auditory (Eustachian) tube.
Large medical dictionary

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Large medical dictionary

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Larrea Gap- (D. J. Larrey) see Sternocostal triangle.
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