Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Feeding cucumbers yellow leaves. Cucumbers turn yellow - causes and remedies. How to water a cucumber

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


The gardener's task is to get a good harvest. Unfortunately, when growing cucumbers, yellowing of the leaves in spots or along the edges often occurs. To solve this problem, you need to establish the cause of the phenomenon and take specific actions aimed at preserving the harvest.

How to treat cucumbers against diseases

Yellowness on the leaves is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Cucumber mosaic - the virus infects young leaves a month after planting. The carrier is aphid.
  • Fusarium is a fungal disease that leads to thinning of stems and browning of tissues. Increased soil moisture promotes the spread of infection.
  • Pythiosis is a fungus that attacks the root system. A prerequisite for its development is unbound moisture in the soil.
  • Peronosporosis - causes harm in all phases of development of garden crops, dangerous even for seedlings. A fungal disease reproduces by spores.

How to treat cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow in spots? Biological drugs that do not pose a threat to the human body help combat pathogenic bacteria. The products contain beneficial bacteria that suppress pathogenic flora. The preparations are used for processing seed material and as garden crops develop:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Planriz;
  • Pentafage C;
  • Fitosporin M;
  • Gamair;
  • Alirin B.

How to spray cucumbers against pests

Another reason for yellowing of cucumber leaves is pests that suck the juices from the plants. These include:

How to treat cucumbers to prevent leaves from turning yellow from pests:

  1. A folk remedy that helps against whiteflies is tobacco planted around the perimeter of the garden bed. The accumulation of these pests on leaves and stems can be treated with Inta-Vir, which causes paralysis in insects.
  2. Spider mites are afraid of spraying with garlic or onion infusion (200 g of peel per bucket of water).
  3. Aphids do not tolerate treatment with ash (200 g per 10 liters of water with 50 g of grated laundry soap) or Inta-Vir.

How to treat cucumbers if there is a lack of nutrition

Leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients - potassium, magnesium. Dark green veins indicate a lack of iron and manganese. With a copper deficiency, the upper part of the plants dries out. What should you spray on cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow? Plants can be treated with fertilizing:

  • Agricola for pumpkin - contains a set of useful microelements;
  • fermented liquid infusion of manure, diluted with water (proportion 1:10);
  • urea per 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water for 1 square meter;
  • ordinary ash obtained after burning wood or grass.

Zelenka and iodine for cucumbers

Folk remedies are successfully used by vegetable growers in the fight against diseases of garden crops. Zelenka for cucumbers has antiseptic properties. Copper, which is part of the drug, makes it a valuable fertilizer, especially useful on marshy soils. Iodine for cucumbers in a greenhouse, with the correct dosage, treats plants from diseases and improves the growth of vegetable crops.

How to treat cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow? Do this:

  • Add brilliant green (10 ml), whey (2 l), urea (50 g) to 10 liters of water. Treat cucumbers at the beginning of flowering and a couple more times at weekly intervals. Milk is suitable instead of whey.
  • Mix water (9 l), skim milk (1 l) and iodine (10 drops). Spraying cucumbers with iodine serum should be done so that the foliage and the soil underneath are moistened.
  • Combine whey (1 l), water (10 l), iodine (40 drops), peroxide (1 tbsp). Treat plants infected with late blight 2-3 times in the evening at intervals of 10-12 days.

Why do the leaves of a crop begin to turn yellow after planting in the ground and what needs to be done to protect the plants from gradual but certain death? What caused this? How to feed cucumbers in such cases? Every second summer resident begins to ask these questions when cucumber season arrives and all members of his family are looking forward to fresh salads and preparations.

And it’s very disappointing when expectations are not met, and the time to plant new ones has already been lost. It’s doubly offensive when you still have to go to the market to buy a bucket of green favorites. Just a bucket! Well maybe two! And to pay decent money for it, when on your own plot you could get it without any special financial investments, and even in abundance, even in excess.

Causes of yellowing leaves in cucumbers

Why the leaves turn yellow and dry on cucumbers is often not so easy to figure out. The reasons for this are very different and there are many of them, and it seems that each of them is exactly your case. So what should we do? How to warn if the leaves are just starting to turn yellow? Let's figure it out.

1. The banal death of leaves due to lack of light. There should be no cause for concern here - this is a simple physiological phenomenon. A bed of cucumbers usually resembles a lush jungle, and therefore, sunlight penetrates into the old leaves with difficulty and, as a result, the lower leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow.

2. Lack or, conversely, excess moisture. Usually it is enough to add cucumbers 2-3 times a week. But, if the summer is very hot, then daily watering is advisable. The lump of earth in the root zone should be well, but moderately moistened. Otherwise, the roots of the plants, which are already not deeply located, will begin to reach the soil surface in search of moisture. This leads to their inevitable drying out, which is a real disaster, leading to gradual yellowing of the leaves and ovaries.

Cucumbers also do not particularly welcome rainy weather and respond to excess moisture by rotting roots, focal rot of stems and, as is already clear, the result is yellow leaves again. This becomes a problem for cucumbers in open ground, but in closed ground the degree of soil moisture is easy to regulate. A good protection against drying out of the root ball is mulch from weeds, grass, and shallow loosening of the soil.

3. Fungal diseases: fusarium, pythiosis, etc.. And the cucumber leaves are turning yellow again. Only then do stains appear on them. At first, the area of ​​damage to the leaf surface is not significant, then the necrotic spots increase in size until they completely cover it all. And what is typical for diseases, these processes take place both on old leaves and young ones at the same time, that is, the plant dries out evenly.

The infected plant is unable to synthesize useful substances in the leaves and sheds its ovaries and dries out completely. Such plants do not respond to watering in any way. Why is this happening? Sharp temperature fluctuations (hot days - cold nights, cold dew in the morning, watering with cold water, especially in the late evening hours) - fungi are just around the corner.

What to do, what to spray to save plants? First of all, observe crop rotation, use the trellis method of growing cucumbers, choose disease-resistant varieties (first generation hybrids Ajax, Dolomite, Crispina, Hector, Parker, etc.), thoroughly disinfect the soil before planting the crop (thermal method, chemical method - bleach, permanganate potassium; a good effect is given by watering cucumbers in June with a solution of soda - 1 tbsp/10 liters of water, thus creating an alkaline environment unacceptable for the life of pathogenic fungi), spray the leaves both before and during the appearance of characteristic signs of the disease with biological preparations "Trichodermina". It is not dangerous to humans. Unfortunately, more drastic measures have not yet been invented against these diseases, namely, effective fungicides.

4. Pests: whiteflies, spider mites, love to feast on the cell sap of leaves, hiding on their back side. Due to their small size, you may not immediately understand that they are to blame. You can only pay attention to them if you touch the plants and in response see a rising cloud of tiny white butterflies (whitefly), or an unexpected cobweb scattered throughout the plant (spider mite).

But these pests are greenhouse pests and can hardly be found in open ground. They multiply very quickly and if measures are not taken, total death of the cucumbers is guaranteed. Here you can only poison or use chemicals or use folk remedies. The latter, of course, are preferable, since cucumbers are a rapidly developing and yielding crop, and there is a risk of eating poisons along with cucumbers. Poisons have their own waiting period, and chemical treatment must be carried out taking into account the time limits allowed by regulations until the harvest is harvested (information should be found on the packaging). We will consider specific control measures below.

5. Lack of batteries. The leaves turn yellow along the edges and have a clear border between living and dead tissue in the form of a border - a deficiency of the elements potassium and magnesium. The dark green color of the veins against the background of pale green but living tissue is a signal of a lack of iron (chlorosis) or magnesium. A lack of copper is manifested by white tips of the leaves, the plant becomes dwarf.

Also, the cause of pale green leaves in cucumbers can be a lack of nitrogen. The situation can be easily resolved by timely application of microfertilizers (Gumat+7, Reacom-R-cucumbers, etc.) and complex preparations containing nitrogen (Agricola, Azogran). Working solutions are diluted in the required concentration according to the application register on the back of the drug package, usually 1-1.5 caps per 1/2 bucket of water.

6. Old age. But if you want to eat crunchy cucumbers for a longer time, then the plant’s life can be extended for a short time. For this, foliar fertilizing with urea (1 tsp/10 liters of water) or an infusion of rotted hay (soak it with water 1:1 and leave for two days) is well suited. Treat once every 8-10 days for a month.

How to feed cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow

What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow? There are a number of other tips and tricks

1. First of all, this is prevention. Proven treatment.
2. Maintaining crop rotation, and as a result reducing the likelihood of catching a fungus next year. The best predecessors are zucchini and pumpkin. These crops do not have common diseases or pests with cucumbers.
3. Before treatment, understand the cause of yellowing.
4. It is important to fertilize cucumbers so that they do not turn yellow:
At the beginning of the growing season, during fruiting, it is important to provide the crop with nitrogen; during growth and the formation of young shoots, it is important to add more potassium and nitrogen. So, it is necessary to feed cucumbers at different periods of growth. During flowering, use a mixture of fertilizers: urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate (1 tablespoon of each). During fruiting, three feedings with the following composition: nitroammofoska (1 tbsp. l) plus 1 tbsp. chicken droppings or mullein per 10 liters of water.
Ash mash is also an excellent feeding option. Apply once a week. A glass of ash on a bucket of water. Consumption of the finished solution per 2 m2. Ash is another additional protection against pests.

Cucumbers turn yellow for many reasons. This may be due to peronosporosis or lack of moisture. Or it may be the other way around - excess water, lack of nutrients or too cold nights. This often happens due to the activity of ticks.

Causes of yellowing

There can be many reasons, so let's look at them from simple to complex.

Cold nights

Lack of water and air humidity

Therefore, if watering is poor or uneven, the plant begins to shed its leaves to reduce water evaporation.

We correct the situation by properly watering the cucumbers. But you also need to know that excessive humidity, especially in combination with low temperatures, leads to fungal diseases. So don't overdo it!

Sometimes we just overwater our cucumbers, and this causes disease. You need to be especially careful with watering when it’s cold and damp outside.

How to determine whether watering is necessary?

Test the soil with your finger. If the soil is warm and slightly moist, you can water it. If it's cold and wet, don't. In general, this is a creative process... Especially with our unpredictable weather.

Lack of minerals

If everything is fine with watering, the plants may be lacking some microelements. Perhaps just nitrogen. You need to fertilize.

Perhaps the plant is being eaten by bacteria, sinister viruses, insects, fungi, mites or even animals.

No pollination

The ovaries may turn yellow and fall off if they are not pollinated. For example, there are no bees. Pollinate by hand.

Roughly speaking, due to improper care, plants can weaken, wither and eventually die. To strengthen your immune system, you don’t have to go to the store for stimulants. You can use improvised means.

Four ways to strengthen the immunity of cucumbers with safe folk remedies

  1. For 9 liters of water, take 1 liter of milk and add 30 drops of iodine. Season all this with 30 g of liquid soap. It must be added to make the solution sticky. Disadvantage of this method: to effectively combat yellowness with such a solution, cucumbers must be sprayed once a week.
  2. A cheaper and more realistic option is to take 1 liter of whey for 5 liters of water. Dilute the solution well and spray the foliage on both sides.
  3. Boil a glass of onion peel for five minutes, then cover with a lid and leave to steep for another 24 hours. Then strain the solution and add it to 5 liters of water. Spray the foliage on both sides with this solution, spray the soil at the same time, and water the plants at the roots with the rest. Treatments must be repeated every two weeks.
  4. A slightly different option - dissolve 300 g of sugar in 4 liters of whey and dilute everything in a bucket to 10 liters. Mix everything well and spray the plants. We hope that everyone will choose the recipe to their liking and save the cucumber harvest when it is no longer possible to spray the plants with fungicides.

To prevent cucumber leaves from turning yellow

After germination in the 3-4 leaf stage, cucumbers need to be treated with the following composition: add 30 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap and 1 liter of milk to a bucket of water. Spraying with this composition can be carried out approximately every 10 days.

In the evening, soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water, in the morning knead the bread, add a small bottle of iodine and sprinkle the cucumbers, 1 liter. liquid per bucket of water (store the rest in bottles in the basement). This solution can be treated once every two weeks and the cucumbers and tops will remain green until autumn.

How to treat cucumber diseases

2 l. whey per bucket of water and 150 grams of sugar. After these treatments, the ovary forms again on both peppers and cucumbers.

How to get rid of aphids on cucumbers

How to feed cucumbers

Adjust the watering, perhaps the cucumbers do not have enough water.

Try sprinkling with whey: 1l. serum. for 5 liters of water.

The leaves of cucumbers turn yellow - why does this happen, what to do about it, how to water and what to feed cucumbers against yellow leaves

Almost all gardeners, noticing how the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, believe that their plants are sick. However, this is not always the case. There are various reasons why cucumber leaves turn yellow. Among them are a lack of sun, an abundance of watering and dampness, a small amount of nutrients, and the eating of greenery by pests. Eventually, old foxes die and turn yellow. Naturally, there are a number of fungal diseases due to which batwa (and not only cucumbers) lose their green color. In order for the leaves of your cucumbers to turn green again and for you to have a good harvest, you must first find the reason why the tops turn yellow, and only then take treatment or feeding measures. Here you will learn how to water cucumbers and how to feed them so that they do not turn yellow.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse and in the ground - causes and plant diseases

  • Excess fertilizer

If you take care of your cucumbers, water them on time, the plant gets enough light, but they still look withered, then the reason why the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow could be...You yourself! More precisely, your excessive zeal in fertilizing. It turns out that an excess of fertilizers can also lead to yellowing of cucumber tops, as can their lack. Horse manure in excess causes changes in the leaves, and coping with such a problem can be extremely difficult: the soil is washed with plenty of water.

Fungal diseases and spider mites in cucumbers

Among the causes of yellowing of cucumber leaves are diseases such as downy mildew and spider mites. It is easy to detect downy mildew: first, individual yellow oily spots appear on the tops, constantly growing and sometimes occupying the surface of the entire leaf. A field of this leaf dies and falls away, threatening the harvest. To prevent fungal infection, still young greens are treated with special solutions. Available in gardening stores. Small spider mites (0.3-0.4 mm) also cause yellowing and death of cucumber tops. If you don’t fight the pest, then in a week or two it will eat all the seedlings. There are also chemicals against mites, but they are harmful to other plants and humans. The best way to control the pest is to quickly harvest and eliminate all infected yellow leaves.

The cause of yellowing of cucumber tops may be the lack of microelements in the soil, in particular, a small amount of iron. In this case, special fertilizer is used. The most convenient fertilizer for gardeners is not root feeding, applied directly to the leaves. Using a spray bottle, spray the cucumber leaves with a solution dissolved in water. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times with breaks for a week - 10 days, and the leaves of your cucumbers will turn green again.

Lack of enough sun and too much moisture for cucumbers

Of course, the lack of sun can also lead to yellowing of the leaves, but this depends only on the vagaries of nature. If excess watering causes changes in the color of the tops, immediately reduce watering.

As mentioned above, first determine the reason why your cucumber seedlings have changed color, and only then deal with its consequences using the methods shown in the videos and pictures. Of course, a good gardener always worries in advance about possible problems with plants. To do this, the tops are processed at the very beginning of their growth. A couple of leaves have appeared on the seedlings: it’s time to process the plants. To do this you will need very few available tools. Prepare a bucket, iodine, laundry soap and milk. The proportions of the prepared solution for treating leaves are as follows: a bucket of water, a liter of milk, 30 drops of iodine and 20 g of soap. Pour the prepared mixture into bottles with a spray nozzle and treat your cucumbers every 10 days. Another interesting, safe and affordable recipe for those who don’t know what to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow is bread soaked in water and iodine added to the pulp. You will find the complete recipe for this composition for processing leaves and other original recipes with video tips.

How to water cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow?

Considering the previous tips recommending what to water cucumbers with so that the tops do not turn yellow, note something else for yourself. How you water is important. There should not be too much water, otherwise the yellowness will be caused by your excessive zeal with watering. Air temperature also affects the growth of cucumbers and the color of the leaves. Already at +10, their growth stops, so the water for irrigation should be no cooler than +20C. It is necessary to water cucumbers correctly, based on the calculation of 5-6 liters of water with fertilizing per 1 square meter: plants love moisture. During fruiting, the volume of watering needs to be doubled, not as before (once a week), but once every 2-3 days. Lack of moisture not only causes the leaves to turn yellow, but also makes the fruits themselves bitter.

How to feed cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow?

If you don’t know how to feed cucumbers if their tops turn yellow, refer to our tips above, and also buy special fertilizers for seedlings in the store. When feeding cucumbers yourself, first prepare the bed by fertilizing it with humus. Constantly loosen the soil before planting. An original, cheap and affordable fertilizer for cucumbers is ordinary yeast mash. Once a week, water the cucumbers with mash from a watering can, and their leaves will stop turning yellow, and the cucumbers will be juicy, sweet and crunchy. You can also purchase good ready-made preparations for feeding cucumbers and against yellowing of leaves - “Plumen” and “Ovary”.

We hope that after reading the tips and watching the video recommendations, you now know why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, what to do about it, and how to water and feed the plants.



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How to water cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow?

Reasons for leaves drying on cucumbers
Lack of light, due to which the lower leaves die. Typically, cucumbers grow with a lot of shade from the top leaves, so the old lower layers begin to lack light. You shouldn’t be upset about this; you need to periodically remove dead leaves.

Fungal diseases. Most often, fusarium, pythiosis and other fungal diseases are the cause of yellow leaves on cucumbers. First, rusty spots appear on the tops, then the leaves become completely covered in spots, dry out, and fall off. Moreover, in the case of fusarium, the lashes become lethargic, like a rag, and do not respond to watering. If thirty-degree heat has given way to cold rains and lower night temperatures, hold on: fungi will not keep you waiting.

Pests. Whiteflies or spider mites suck out all the juices from cucumber leaves, as a result the leaves turn yellow and die. In this case, the recommendations are obvious: a good pest is a dead pest. You will have to either spray the garden bed with “poison” or resort to folk remedies.

Violation of the temperature regime of soil and air. The optimal air temperature for growing parthenocarpic varieties before fruiting is considered to be +22..+24° in clear weather, +20…+22° in cloudy weather and +17°…+18° at night. When the plants begin to enter the fruiting phase, these indicators should increase to approximately +23...+26°, +21°...+23° and +18°...+20°, respectively. In turn, for the cultivation of bee-pollinated varieties, the presented temperature indicators increase by approximately 1-3° for both phases.

The most comfortable soil temperature for growing this crop is considered to be +22°…+24°. The critical point is considered to be the interval +13...+15° - if the soil cools to this temperature, the tender ovaries of the cucumbers will turn yellow and fall off

Here we should talk about why cucumber ovaries dry out and fall off in film greenhouses. Most often, this occurs as a result of overheating of the plantings and sudden temperature changes that occur due to the fact that the polyethylene coating perfectly transmits heat, as a result of which the interior of the greenhouse can heat up to 40° (and higher) in hot weather. At night, the film coating releases heat, which leads to strong cooling of the air inside the building, and this inevitably leads to the fall of the ovaries.

Excessive number of ovaries and unpollinated inflorescences. The most commonly grown cucumber varieties are capable of producing an average of 25 fruits during their life. Exceeding this number can cause yellowing of the embryos, since there are not enough substances necessary for full growth. This problem can be avoided by timely removal of excess shoots so that new embryos do not interfere with the growth of already formed ones.

It is known that flowering plants need pollination to begin bearing fruit. The main role in this natural process is played by bees. If the inflorescences remain unpollinated, then they begin to turn yellow and will not bear fruit, and the inflorescence will turn yellow and fall off. There are several ways to avoid the problem:

Provide access for bees;
Plant self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers;
Underfed. Cucumbers are experiencing a shortage of mineral fertilizers. So, with a lack of nitrogen, the vines become thin, the foliage becomes lighter, and then turns yellow and falls off. A yellow and then brown stripe along the edges of the leaves indicates potassium starvation. Yellow spots on the leaf blade indicate a lack of calcium. The appearance of a yellow edging on the old lower leaves of cucumbers indicates a magnesium deficiency. And if young leaves turn yellow, it may be a lack of copper. Dark green veins on cucumber leaves with yellow spots are characteristic signs of iron deficiency. The tips of the leaves turn yellow if the plants need zinc.

Beginning gardeners who do not yet know how to carry out such a “chemical analysis” by eye can feed the plants with a complex mineral fertilizer with microelements. Only by strictly observing the proportions prescribed by the manufacturer! Overfeeding is no less dangerous for plants.

Mixtures and solutions against yellowing on cucumbers
Bordeaux mixture. To treat cucumber plants in the fruiting phase, a one or two percent solution of Bordeaux mixture is usually used. Let's look at the entire preparation process using the example of the most popular one percent solution.

Lubricate the cucumber stem 10 cm from the ground with iodine or brilliant green, diluted in a ratio of 1:2 (one part iodine - two parts water). This technique is especially helpful for cucumbers growing vertically. The death of the fungi that causes the disease occurs after two treatments.

How to water cucumbers to prevent leaves from turning yellow

Every gardener dreams of having a rich and high-quality harvest of cucumbers. And when yellow leaves appear on them, this can have a detrimental effect on the yield. Before starting treatment, you need to understand what caused the development of this pathological process.

Causes of yellow leaves

If you find yellow leaves on cucumbers in your garden, this may indicate the following problems:

    Lack of lighting, as a result of which the leaves begin to turn yellow and the lower ones begin to die. This phenomenon can be considered normal if there is lush vegetation in the garden bed. To solve the problem, you just have to remove the dead parts.

Sunshine for cucumbers

In the video, how to water cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow:

Effective fertilizing to eliminate the problem

So that such a problem as yellowed leaves does not take you by surprise, you should take care of prevention in advance. This will be the main method of dealing with the problem.

It is also worth learning more about how to treat tomatoes and cucumbers with trichopolum.

But what methods exist for tying cucumbers in open ground, and how to do it correctly, are indicated here.

It is also worth learning more about whether it is possible to plant squash next to cucumbers: //

But is it possible to feed cucumbers with urea, and how to do it correctly, is indicated here.

You may also find it useful to learn how to use celandine against aphids on cucumbers.

On the video - fertilizing for cucumbers:


To prevent yellowing of cucumber leaves, you should use the following effective fertilizers:

  1. Weed crops, and best of all, nettles should be poured into 10 liters of water and left for 7 days. Dilute the resulting product with water and use it to water the plant.
  2. As soon as 3-4 leaves form on the bushes, it is necessary to spray the plant every 10 days with a product obtained from 1 liter of milk, 30 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap. Dilute the resulting solution in 10 liters of water.
  3. In order for the tops to remain green until the end of the season, it is necessary to use a mixture obtained from 10 liters of water and 20 ml of iodine as top dressing. Before fertilizing, combine 1 liter of solution with 10 liters of water. The remaining composition can be stored in jars with lids. Feeding should be done 2 times a month.
  4. In early summer it is worth feeding using a soda solution. For 10 liters of water there are 20 g of soda. This treatment has a detrimental effect on some crop diseases.
  5. To prolong fruiting, it is worth applying fertilizing with urea and humus. Also treat the plant with an infusion of rotted hay. Fill it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

You may also find it useful to learn how to get rid of black aphids on cucumbers.

On the video - applying fertilizers for cucumbers:

Irrigation products

To prevent the formation of yellow leaves, you can use the following proven safe home remedies:

    Take 10 liters of water, place a loaf of bread. Leave it overnight to obtain a solution of uniform consistency. Then in the morning add 20 ml of iodine there. The resulting solution can be used for irrigation, only before diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The remaining product should be placed in glass jars, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator. Cucumbers are treated with this composition once every 2 weeks. If everything is done correctly and regularly, then until autumn the plants will be green and the harvest will be high.

The video shows the correct watering of cucumbers:

Cucumber leaves can turn yellow for a variety of reasons. This includes both improper care and low immunity of the plant itself. If the leaves turn yellow, they urgently need to be removed. But you can prevent the development of such a problem if you carry out a number of preventive procedures in time using folk remedies for feeding and watering vegetable bushes.

When and what to feed cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow

Any plant responds to timely feeding with a rich harvest. Cucumbers are no exception. Why, how, when and what to feed cucumbers with? Answering these questions and putting them into practice will delight you with a good harvest of cucumbers.

Why do cucumbers need to be fertilized?

To get the expected volume of cucumber harvest, they need to be fed in a timely manner, especially if they grow in poor soil. Cucumber is a crop characterized by an increased rate of growth and fruit ripening. The same cannot be said about its root system - it is quite weak. The price to pay for mistakes in the process of growing cucumbers is quite high, and it consists in the loss of not only the quantity, but also the quality of the fruit. To achieve constantly abundant fruiting, it is necessary to provide the cucumber with three main minerals: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

A cucumber needs three minerals for full development: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Video: root and foliar feeding of cucumbers

How to feed cucumbers according to all the rules

During the summer season, with normal soil, a cucumber requires no more than 4 fertilizing, which can be mineral and organic, and according to the method of application - root and foliar. Each gardener decides for himself which method to choose, but there is a single formula for alternating them, which is recommended for everyone to follow. Root feeding is especially important during hot summers, when the root system of the plant is well developed and needs additional microelements. They must be added to moist soil (after heavy rain or heavy watering).

Foliar feeding should be used if the summer is cool and cloudy. Under such conditions, it is difficult for the roots to cope with the absorption of nutrition, so treating the leaves with fertilizer from a spray bottle is an excellent solution. Foliar feeding is carried out in small doses on a cloudy day or evening. The most important thing is to spray the solution in tiny drops over the entire surface of the leaves. The longer the fertilizer remains on the leaves, the more nutrients the plant absorbs.

Foliar feeding is needed if the summer is cool and cloudy

If the leaves of a cucumber turn yellow

If the leaves of a cucumber begin to turn yellow, you need to figure out the problem before going to the store for life-saving medicine. Each case requires an individual approach.

First of all, you need to establish the cause of the yellowing of the leaves.

Yellow leaves are the first sign that the plant is missing something.. Several reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves on cucumbers:

  • If the lowest leaves turn yellow, this indicates a lack of light. Perhaps the plants are planted too densely and need to be thinned out.
  • If the leaves not only turn yellow, but also curl, then the reason lies in uneven watering. For example, excess or lack of moisture. In hot summers without rain, cucumbers need to be watered every day. If you take a handful of soil from a depth of 10 cm, you can easily determine whether your cucumbers receive enough moisture: a lump does not form after squeezing in the palm of your hand - there is not enough moisture; holds tightly and does not fall apart - the cucumbers are too flooded.
  • If yellow spots appear pointwise and spread throughout the plant, it means that it is infected with a fungal disease. In this case, foliar feeding from the following solution helps a lot: for 1 liter of milk, take 20 grams of laundry soap and 30 drops of iodine. It is necessary to spray daily in the evening until 3 healthy leaves appear, and then every 10 days. Or use a fungicide that suppresses fungal flora on the plant.
  • Another reason for yellowing leaves is pests. Spider mites or whiteflies suck all the juices out of the leaves. The leaves gradually turn yellow and die, therefore, the plant does not receive enough nutrition. Controlling whiteflies or spider mites is difficult and may take a week or more. For spraying it is necessary to use insecticides. The garden store usually has a large selection of insecticides. It is better to buy several at once, since both the spider mite and the whitefly quickly get used to one drug, so they need to be alternated every 2 days.

First fertilizing in open ground or in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Cucumbers that grow in a polycarbonate greenhouse are perfectly protected from the wind. They receive enough sunlight, but watering times must not be skipped, otherwise drought will lead to plant disease, depletion and loss of yield.

Cucumbers in the garden do well in sunny weather, but very poorly in heavy rain and strong winds. Plants begin to get sick and disappear. To prevent this from happening, you need to mulch the ground with straw or old sawdust. Heavy rains wash away nutrients from the soil that cucumbers have not had time to absorb. But you can’t overdo it with fertilizing either. Feeding schemes are the same for both ground and greenhouse cucumbers. However, if you overfeed a ground cucumber, complaining about heavy rains that have washed away microelements from the soil, then the plant will simply “burn out.” At temperatures of +12 °C and below, foliar feeding by spraying leaves will be the most effective. In the greenhouse, the first feeding is carried out when the second or third true leaf appears on the vine. In 10 liters of water (not lower than 20 °C) dilute:

  • 20 grams of potassium sulphide or 15 grams of potassium chloride;
  • 25 grams of double superphosphate;
  • 15 grams of ammonium nitrate.

The resulting fertilizer is enough to water 10–15 plants.

After at least two weeks, a second feeding is carried out. At this stage, mass flowering appears on the plants, and the first ovaries are visible. During this period, organic fertilizers from bird droppings, mullein or horse manure become optimal. Dilute 0.5 liters of organic matter in a bucket of water, add 1 tablespoon of Nitrophoska. Mix well. The finished fertilizer can be used already in this form, but, as practice has shown, the following additives to it significantly improve the result:

  • 0.5 grams of boric acid;
  • 50 grams of potassium sulphide or 1 glass of wood ash;
  • 0.3 grams of manganese sulfate.

Plants are watered at the rate of 3 liters of the prepared solution. per 1 m 2.

The third feeding is carried out 20–25 days after the second, and now it is better to choose only organic fertilizers (herbal infusion or chicken/cow manure), since the fruits are actively growing on the vines. If there are no signs of pests or fungal diseases, the fourth feeding is also carried out every 3 weeks with organic fertilizers.

For cucumbers planted in open ground, the same types of fertilizers are used as for greenhouse cucumbers. Two weeks after planting, the first feeding is given. At this time, any complex nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are suitable.

The second feeding is carried out with the appearance of the first flowers on the plant. At this stage of growth, it is advisable to feed cucumbers with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur. Plants must be watered with Nitrophoska solution (one tablespoon diluted in 10 liters of water).

Organic fertilizers: mullein, bird droppings, manure diluted in water, herbal infusion - all this will have a good effect on the growth of cucumbers in any growing season. A week after the second feeding, 0.5 liters of mullein are diluted in a bucket of water, adding one teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

The third feeding is carried out when a lot of fruits are set on the plant. This is done in order to prolong the growth period of cucumber vines and stimulate the appearance of new ovaries on them. Here it is enough to feed the cucumbers once a week with organic fertilizers. But if the plant has slowed down in development, then special growth stimulants should be used.

Video: good organic fertilizer from chicken manure

How to feed cucumbers during flowering and fruiting

During the flowering period, cucumbers require mandatory feeding. At this time, the plant consumes a large amount of microelements from the soil, and it needs to be helped to “withstand” abundant flowering and the beginning of fruit formation - this is what determines the volume and quality of the harvest. A complex of fertilizers for the second feeding is suitable for this. Some gardeners use foliar feeding a week after fertilizing the soil, spraying the leaves with boric acid (1/4 tablespoon), which is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The fruiting phase is the most consuming phase in terms of consumption of nutrients from the soil. To avoid disruption of the formation of a large harvest and to replenish the reserves of microelements in the soil, with the appearance of the first fruit, cucumbers must be gradually fed with a Nitrophoska solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), and after a week - with a mullein solution with the addition of one tablespoon of potassium sulfate, alternating every other week it with a natural growth stimulator - herbal infusion.

Organic fertilizers for better growth of cucumbers

It has the best effect on the growth of greenhouse and ground cucumbers. alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers. The cultivation of bird droppings, horse manure and mullein was discussed above. However, there is another type of very effective organic fertilizer and natural growth stimulator - herbal infusion (fermented grass). It is prepared very simply: pour 2/3 of any herb into a barrel and fill it to the top with water. The infusion should stand in the sun for several days. To speed up the fermentation process, add rye bread and a jar of old jam. Then make 10 cm furrows near the plants and pour the nutrient mixture into them instead of watering. The grass remaining in the barrel must be spread under the bushes, since it contains many nutrients for the cucumber. With this infusion, cucumbers “grow by leaps and bounds.”

Why you shouldn’t feed cucumbers in late summer and autumn

Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop that is planted in a greenhouse or open ground when the threat of frost passes - at the end of spring. All stages of fertilizing in the spring-summer period are described above. Cucumbers planted in the spring, in the fall, with shortening daylight hours and the onset of cool nights, greatly slow down their growth. In addition, the plant has exhausted almost all resources for flowering and fruiting, and at the end of August - September it forms its last fruits, but much more slowly than in warm times.

In this case, fertilizing becomes ineffective. The best solution would be to collect the remaining fruits in order to prepare the greenhouse or bed for the future harvest next year by sowing the ground with green manure: Pancake Day radish, mustard, buckwheat and others. This stage should not be neglected. The key to a good harvest is timely prepared soil in the fall, and for this it must “rest” and be saturated with microelements obtained from other green manure plants.

How to feed cucumbers with yeast

There is another, fairly new type of feeding for plants, including cucumbers, - feeding with yeast. This method has just begun to spread among gardeners, but it has already shown excellent results in high yields of cucumbers.

The secret is simple: yeast is very rich in microelements, which have a positive effect on plant nutrition. A universal fertilizer recipe: dissolve 100 grams of yeast in a bucket of water and let it brew for 1 day. Cucumbers should be watered with this mixture only at the root.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast helps to increase the weight of the fruit and the total number of ovaries, reduce the number of barren flowers and reduce the hollowness of the fruit several times. Dried rye bread is used instead of yeast or together with it. It acts like a starter, but to begin the fermentation process, yeast must be added.

Watering cucumbers with yeast fertilizer is carried out in two stages:

  • The first time fertilizing with yeast is given after planting the seedlings in the ground or after the appearance of the first two true leaves, if the cucumbers were planted as seeds. First, you need to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers as with the mandatory first fertilizing described above, and a few days later - yeast fertilizing.
  • The plants are watered with yeast a second time a few days after the second mandatory fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers.

Subsequent fertilizing is carried out with each scheduled watering. The water is simply replaced with a yeast solution. For greater mineralization, fertilizers use a herbal base of weeds, which are kneaded and allowed to brew on the yeast for a day.

The most effective recipe for cucumbers is:

  • 500 grams of bread crumb or 200 grams of crackers;
  • 500 grams of green grass;
  • 500 grams of pressed yeast.

Pour warm water into a 10-liter bucket, add all the ingredients, knead them thoroughly and mix. Let it brew in a warm place for two days.

Video: yeast feeding recipe

Cucumbers are a southern crop that requires not only a certain microclimate, but also timely fertilizing to facilitate a good harvest. There are no differences between fertilizing in a greenhouse and open ground. If cucumbers receive nutrients on time, then an excellent quality harvest can be harvested right up to the first frost.

When cucumber leaves, luxurious and green just yesterday, suddenly began to turn yellow, urgent measures need to be taken to save the plant. This is a symptom of a serious illness, so it cannot be ignored. Let's consider what caused the unwanted changes in the green color of the cucumber leaves and how to deal with it.

The main causes of yellowing leaves

There are several reasons for yellowing of cucumber leaves, which can be determined by taking into account the place where the plants are grown (open ground, greenhouse, greenhouse), the shape and location of necrosis spots on the leaf plate. The most common reason is non-compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques or errors in plant care. Sometimes yellowness on the leaf blades indicates an acute lack of nutrients or the development of infectious diseases.

Improper watering

Cucumbers love water very much; a lack of moisture causes dehydration of the plants and the first signal that the root zone is drying out may be yellowing of the leaves.

Watering should be regular (ideally every evening) and in sufficient quantity.

It’s easy to check whether your cucumbers have enough moisture: if the soil of the bed is wet at a depth of more than 15 cm, everything is in order and there is enough moisture.

Important!Too much water for a cucumber is also not always good, especially in cold weather. Overmoistening in this case can cause rotting of the roots and fruit ovaries. If the air temperature drops below 10° C, watering the beds should be temporarily suspended.

Fertilizer errors

Rapid growth of above-ground and underground parts can deplete plants and cause nutrient deficiency. This deficiency causes yellowing on the leaves. During the growth process, cucumbers need to be fed several times with fertilizers that contain sufficient amounts of nitrogen and other useful substances.

Low temperatures

Cucumbers are tropical plants and require a humid and very warm climate. For their successful cultivation, full compliance with the optimal temperature regime is necessary. It is known that cucumber ovaries gain weight only at night, and if the air temperature drops below 10°C, fruit growth stops and the leaves turn yellow. This is a normal reaction of a tropical plant to low temperatures.


Thermal burns occur after watering cucumbers in hot weather and look like red or yellow-brown spots. Drops of water remaining on the leaves when the sun's rays hit them act as an air lens, which causes burns. That is why it is recommended to water cucumbers only in the evening (after 16 hours) and always at the root.

Pests and diseases

Diseased plants often have wilted or yellowed foliage - the cause of this is fungal and viral diseases. The most common disease among pumpkin crops, which includes cucumbers, is fusarium.

The roots can be damaged by insect pests, or by the vigorous activity of moles, mice or shrews. Also, the roots of the plant can be damaged during weed control (weeding, loosening). Disruption of the normal development of the root system can cause yellow leaves to appear.

Did you know? The great commander and at the same time the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte loved and appreciated cucumbers. Being on campaigns for a long time, he felt a shortage of these vegetables, and therefore they promised a huge reward (equal to approximately 250,000 modern dollars) to the person who would offer an effective way to keep cucumbers fresh during the winter. History is silent whether anyone received this award.

What to do and what to feed: let’s look at it in more detail

Before you begin to take measures to save yellowing cucumber vines, you need to carefully understand the reasons.

Yellowing and curling

Curled and yellowed cucumber leaves are an alarming sign that indicates problems in growing:

  • Lack of nutrients. If, during a visual inspection of the beds, it was noticed that the leaf plates have lost their brightness and their edges began to curl down, perhaps the plants do not have enough nitrogen fertilizers. If it is clear that the leaf has grown in length, but has not gained any width, the plantings need complex feeding.
  • The scourge of cucumbers is powdery mildew. Typically, pumpkin and melon crops are susceptible to this disease in late June - early July. A diseased cucumber plant has yellow and curled leaf blades. To prevent this, or to cure already diseased plantings, treatments are carried out with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (one percent) or other chemicals. If the plantings are located in a greenhouse or greenhouse, regular ventilation and drafts are necessary.

  • Insect pests. If the leaves lose their brightness, turn yellow and curl into a tube, it is possible that harmful insects have settled on the cucumbers. Turn the leaf blade over and inspect it. Most likely, it will be covered with small aphids or spider mites. You can fight this scourge using chemicals (insecticides or acaricides). It is necessary to spray the affected plants with special preparations, and after 10-12 days repeat the treatment to consolidate the result.
  • Viral diseases. If agricultural cultivation techniques are followed (temperature conditions, fertilizing, treatment against diseases and pests), but deformed or yellowed leaves still appear on cucumber plantings, this indicates that the disease is viral in nature. Such a plant must be immediately removed from the garden bed, taken outside the garden and destroyed by fire. These measures will prevent the viral disease from spreading to all plantings.
  • Sunburn or lack of heat. Yellowing cucumber leaves often signal non-compliance with the temperature conditions for growing the crop. Low night or day temperatures, or contact of plant leaves with the cold walls of the greenhouse lead to curling of the leaves. This feature must be taken into account when planting young plants in greenhouses or greenhouses, and not plant them too close to the walls of the temporary shelter.

  • Dry air. As mentioned above, cucumber loves moist and warm air. If there is not enough moisture in the air and the plant experiences “water starvation,” then to reduce the leaf surface from which moisture will evaporate, the wide leaf plate will be rolled into a tube. This problem can be easily eliminated by abundant watering.

Did you know? The ancient Roman emperor Tiberius was the initiator and founder of the greenhouse industry. Based on his desires and needs, his subjects invented and built glassed-in rooms where cucumbers were grown for the emperor during the cold season.

Yellowing of lower leaves

Usually this trouble happens with leaves located close to the ground, since when unfavorable conditions for growth arise, the plant directs all the nutrients to the upper part, where the growth point and fruit ovaries are located. Therefore, the appearance of yellowing lower leaves is not always caused by a disease. Sometimes this is a natural process of vegetation - the leaves turn yellow and soon fall off when the plant tries to get rid of excess leaf mass (ballast).
The reasons for this phenomenon:

Important!Infected leaf blades must be torn off, taken outside the greenhouse or bed and destroyed by fire. This will stop the spread of the disease throughout the entire area of ​​the greenhouse or cucumber beds. It must be remembered that fungal diseases develop very quickly.- if urgent measures are not taken, then within two to three days the fungal spores can destroy the entire cucumber plantation.

Yellowing around the edges

When a gardener notices that the edges of a cucumber’s leaf are beginning to turn yellow, he needs to understand the reasons and urgently take measures to save the vegetable plantation.

  • Fungal diseases. This form of leaf necrosis is characteristic of powdery mildew disease that begins on cucumbers. The combination of rainy cold weather and yellowing of the edges of the leaves requires urgent treatment of cucumbers with Bordeaux mixture (one percent solution). You should not make the solution of Bordeaux mixture more saturated, as this threatens the plants with death (it can be burned).
  • Lack of moisture in the air and soil. These reasons can also cause cucumbers to develop yellowness and shriveled edges on the leaves.
  • Lack of mineral nutrition, possibly potassium. If the edge of the cucumber leaves becomes lighter in relation to the center of the leaf, this edge indicates the urgent need of the plant for fertilizing, preferably complex.

Yellowing of ovaries and leaves

A sharp difference between heat and a decrease in temperature (usually together with rain) provokes the appearance of fungal diseases on vegetable crops. In this case, you need to immediately treat the cucumber plantings with chemicals (Quadris, Topaz, Tiovit Jet) or biological preparations.

Absolutely harmless but effective infusions for processing cucumber lashes: whey with sugar for sticking (take 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of whey), garlic water (100 g of ground garlic per 2 liters of water, mix and leave to infuse for 24 hours) .

If yellowness appears not only in the lower part of the plant, but also affects the upper leaf plates, it is time to save the plant. By ignoring these signals, the gardener may be left without a harvest.

Did you know? Cucumber has firmly entered into the culinary traditions of mankind since the time of Mesopotamian civilization - more than four and a half thousand years ago. The first to start growing cucumbers as a cultivated plant were the people of India.

Reasons for this:
  • Lack of lighting- very often for this reason the leaves and cucumber ovaries turn yellow. The fact that there is not enough light for the lower part of the plant is not so critical, but if the upper, fruit-bearing part of the plant lacks sunlight, you need to quickly look for a way out. If the crop is grown in greenhouse conditions, then, if necessary, you need to wash the contaminated walls and ceiling of the greenhouse. If the problem is constant cloudy weather, the plantings need to be artificially illuminated using phytolamps (from 4 to 12 hours a day).
  • Cold air and soil. Low temperatures contribute to the yellowing and death of cucumber ovaries and leaves. When growing in greenhouses, the situation can be corrected by increasing the air temperature using a heating system to the desired temperature. If there is warm air in the greenhouse, then the soil temperature rises accordingly.
  • Lack of mineral nutrition. Watering not only gives plants the necessary moisture, but also washes minerals (nitrogen, potassium) from the soil. Therefore, they must be applied at the root of plants several times per season. This problem can be solved by applying complex mineral supplements.


The best air temperature for growing cucumbers

Before fruiting begins:

  • in sunny weather - from 22 to 24°C;
  • in the absence of sunlight - from 20 to 22°C;
  • at night - from 17 to 18°C.
After the formation of cucumber ovaries:
  • in the daytime, in sunny weather - from 23 to 26°C;
  • in cloudy weather - from 21 to 23°C;
  • at night - from 18 to 20°C.

Yellowing spots

If yellow spots begin to appear on the green leaf plate, it is most likely that the cucumbers are affected by one of the fungal diseases.

In addition, another possible reason for the appearance of such spots on the leaves is sunburn. A burn occurs in the presence of scorching sun and drops of water on cucumber leaves. Under no circumstances should you water cucumbers at noon, during the hottest time of the day. Make it a rule to supply moisture to cucumber plantings in the evening.

Did you know? The longest cucumber in the world was grown by English gardener Alf Cobb. The length of the unusual cucumber reached 91 cm 7 mm. The record cucumber was presented by the gardener who grew it at an agricultural exhibition in the city of Bath, which is located in the southwest of England.

Features of caring for cucumbers with yellowed leaves

Let's consider the reasons for the yellowing of cucumber leaves on plants planted in open ground. The reasons may vary. In order for the cucumber vines and leaves to be powerful and healthy, it is advisable to adhere to the correct agricultural practices in growing the crop.

In the open ground

In a greenhouse or on a balcony

It is non-compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques (temperature conditions, fertilizing, moisture supply, treatments against diseases and pests) that causes plant diseases in the greenhouse. The very first signal that plants are feeling unwell may be yellowing of the leaves.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse

To restore health to cucumbers, you need to adhere to the following growing rules:

Did you know? The small Ukrainian city of Nizhyn has been famous for its delicious cucumbers for hundreds of years. The variety of cucumbers grown there is called “Nezhinsky”. On the station square of this city there is a monument to the Nizhyn cucumber.

If the cucumber leaves of plants planted in pots begin to turn yellow, you should determine the cause and act accordingly:

You can buy a ready-made mixture of inorganic fertilizers, or you can “invent” it yourself. Mix 10 g of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium salt in 10 liters of water and use this solution for root feeding of container cucumbers. Handle this type of fertilizer carefully, as the solution, if it gets on the cucumber leaves, can burn them.

Preventing yellowing

To prevent disease in the cucumber plantation, you must adhere to several rules:

  • maintain the recommended distance (20-25 cm) between plants when planting in a permanent place;
  • provide good lighting;
  • adhere to the optimal temperature regime (avoid heat stroke or hypothermia);
  • do not turn the garden bed into a swamp, but also do not keep the plants on dry rations;
  • when growing in greenhouses, ventilate the room and create drafts;
  • timely treat plantings against diseases and harmful insects;
  • regularly carry out complex and mineral fertilizing;
  • saturate the soil with oxygen by loosening;
  • tie up plants, preventing cucumber vines from coming into contact with the soil;
  • regulate fruit load;
  • harvest on time.

Did you know? Only less than 5% of the total mass of a cucumber is comprised of useful substances and minerals, while the remaining 95% of the vegetable mass is water.

In order to prevent yellowing of cucumber leaves, you can treat the cucumber plantation with biologically active solutions that are harmless to human health. Here are some recipes:

Recipe No. 1

Soap and milk solution- Pour a liter of milk into an empty ten-liter bucket, add 20 g of grated laundry soap and 30 drops of iodine. Fill the bucket to the top with lukewarm, clean water.
Stir the contents of the container until the laundry soap is completely dissolved in the water. This product can be used to treat cucumber plantations one leaf at a time every ten days. You can start using this remedy as soon as the cucumber throws out two pairs of real (not cotyledon) leaves!

Recipe No. 2

Brown bread and iodine- one loaf of black bread is filled with 10 liters of water for several hours. After the bread has swollen, knead it in water with your hands and add the contents of one bottle of iodine to the mixture. The resulting concentrate is used only in a diluted state. To treat plants, take one liter of concentrated solution and mix it with 10 liters of clean water. This solution should be used to treat cucumbers one leaf at a time every 14 days. Store the remaining solution in a dark and cool place.

Video: Bread dressing with iodine for cucumbers

Recipe No. 3

Onion peel- to prepare the infusion you need a 0.7 liter jar of husks. This amount of onion peel is poured into ten liters of water, the mixture is brought to a boil, covered with a lid and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, the cooled and strained concentrated solution is ready for use. For spraying, the concentrate is diluted; for every 2.5 liters of concentrate, 10 liters of clean water are taken. The solution is sprayed onto the cucumber leaves. This remedy can be used every week. Was this article helpful?

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14 once already

Even gardeners with extensive experience in growing plants can have cucumbers turn yellow. Why cucumbers turn yellow and what to do in such cases - find out below.

We wrote about the benefits of cucumbers and the harm they can cause to the body in.

Growing cucumber seedlings is a troublesome task. Any deterioration in conditions leads to yellowing of the leaves. Chlorosis begins after the appearance of the second true leaf. Cotyledons rarely turn yellow.

In any case, yellowing of the leaves of seedlings is not the norm and indicates that the plant was not provided with optimal conditions.


At an early stage of development, cucumber plants may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • lack of light;
  • the small volume of the glass, due to which the roots are strongly intertwined and the leaves do not receive nutrition;
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • diseases – powdery mildew, root rot, fusarium, downy mildew;
  • pests – , ;
  • low temperature - at temperatures below 17°C, the roots are not able to absorb nutrients from the soil;
  • seedlings get sick after transplanting to a permanent place.

What to do

When the seedlings turn yellow, you need to return the emerald color to the leaves of the cucumber seedlings. To do this, you should adjust the growing conditions: move the pots to a bright and warm place, make sure that the substrate does not dry out, but is not excessively wet, feed with complex fertilizer for seedlings - Kemira, Ideal, Agricola. It would be useful to spray young plants with a means to enhance immunity, for example, Epin.

When diseases and pests are detected, the same preparations are used as for cucumbers in a greenhouse, but in lower concentrations. A solution of laundry soap or Fitoverm will help against aphids and spider mites, and Topaz will help against fungal diseases.

Cucumber ovaries turn yellow

Modern hybrids form several ovaries at once in the leaf axils, but not every vegetable grower can preserve all the cucumbers that have set.


The problem is caused by:

  • too dense planting;
  • lack of formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • untimely harvesting of fruits;
  • lack of pollinator;
  • improper care - lack of light, heat, moisture;
  • lack of nutrition.

In addition, any plant produces more ovaries than it can feed, so yellowing and drying of some of the crop is normal.

What to do

To keep more ovaries on the plant, you need:

  • ensure that the required distance between neighboring plants is maintained - indicated on the bag of seeds;
  • when grown in a vertical culture, pluck out the stepsons from the axils of the lower three leaves for better lighting of the plants;
  • feed the cucumbers not only with manure, but also with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • promptly remove fruits that have reached the size declared by the manufacturer as optimal;
  • plant varieties with male flowers in addition to bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids;
  • make sure that the soil is always loose and slightly moist;
  • When it gets cold, spray the plants with Epin or Zircon.

What to do

The leaves located in the depths of the bed turn yellow from lack of light. This shouldn't be a concern. You need to wait until the yellowed plates are completely dry, and then cut them off with a knife.

The cause of chlorosis is a lack or excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, it is enough to adjust the water regime. Cucumbers love water, so you need to make sure that the soil in the garden bed is slightly moist.

The most common cause of yellowing of cucumber leaves in open ground is aphids. Fitoverm is used against sucking pests. To prevent the appearance of aphids, the cucumber bed is kept under a non-woven covering material, opening only for collecting fruits and watering.

Downy mildew or peronosporosis is easier to prevent than to treat. Be sure to tear off all suspicious leaves that have begun to turn yellow and become stained, and burn them or take them away from the cucumber plantings. Spray the plants themselves with Trichodermin infused in water.

If the leaves turn yellow, droop and the plant loses turgor, then this indicates root rot. Experience shows that it is useless to treat such a plant - it needs to be uprooted and thrown away.

The disease is caused by waterlogging of the soil in cold weather. In such conditions, bacteria quickly multiply, causing root rot. To prevent root rot in rainy weather and when it gets cold, Trichodermin is added to the soil.

With the spread of greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate, it is rare that a gardener denies himself the pleasure of growing greenhouse cucumbers. However, even with extensive experience in growing pumpkins in open ground, cucumbers in a greenhouse may not work out.


In closed buildings there is a special microclimate and there is no change of soil. These circumstances can lead to an outbreak of diseases, the first sign of which is yellowing of the leaves.